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Dora Angelaki and Bill Paloski


Source of Acquisition NASA Jolmson Space Center

The terrestrial gravitational field serves as an important orientation reference for human perception and movement, being continually monitored by sensory receptors in the skin, muscles, joints, and vestibular otolith organs. Cues from these graviceptors are used by the brain to estimate spatial orientation and to control balance and movement. Changes in these cues associated with the tonic changes in gravity (gravito-inertial force),during the launch and entry phases of space flight missions result in altered perceptions, degraded motor control performance, and in some cases, " motion" sickness during, and for a period of time after, the g-transitions. In response to these transitions, however, physiological and behavioral response mechanisms are triggered to compensate for altered graviceptor cues and/or to adapt to the new sensory environment.

Basic research in the neurophysiology discipline is focused on understanding the characteristic features of and the underlying mechanisms for the normal human response to tonic changes in the gravito-inertial force environment. These studies address fundamental questions regarding the role of graviceptors in orientation and movement in the terrestrial environment, as well as the capacity, specificity, and modes for neural plasticity in the sensory-motor and perceptual systems of the brain . At the 2001 workshop basic research studies were presented addressing: neuroanatomical responses to altered gravity environments, the neural mechanisms for resolving the ambiguity between tilting and translational stimuli in otolith organ sensory input, interactions between the vestibular system and the autonom ic nervous system , the roles of haptic and visual cues in spatial orientation, mechanisms for training environment-appropriate sensorimotor responses triggered by environment-specific context cues, and studies of sensori-motor control of posture and locomotion in the terrestrial environment with and without recent exposure to space flight.

Building on these basic research studies are more applied studies focused on the development of countermeasures to the untoward neurophysiological responses to space flight. At the 2001 workshop, applied research studies were presented addressing issues related to the use of rotational artificial gravity (centripetal acceleration) as a multi­system (bone, muscle, cardiovascular, and, perhaps, neurovestibular) countermeasure. Also presented was a clinical study reporting on a new rating system for clinical evaluation of postflight functional neurological status.

The neurophysiology group met first on Wednesday evening in a two-hour session moderated by Chuck Oman, Jon Clark, Tom Marshburn , and Jason Richards . The focus of this session was a discussion of the experiences of US astronauts participating in the Phase I (Mir Station) long-duration flight program. A draft manuscript on the subject authored by the moderators was distributed to all participants, and some novel video footage from the Mir station as well as the ISS was presented. The main platform session, which is summarized in the next section, lasted throughout most of the day on Thursday. The session was very busy, with little time for questions following each presentation , and insufficient scheduled break time. Nevertheless, the session was well attended and achieved its primary goal of presenting the scope and depth of the entire NASA-NSBRl neurophysiology research program to all of its participants.


Neuroanatomical Studies

Ross, MD and J Varelas. Synaptic Ribbon Plasticity in Utricular and Saccular Maculae: New Clues to Functions?

Ross and Varelas presented cellular of vestibular plasticity during space flight. They reported that utricular and saccular maculae differ completely in their responses to weightlessness . Their results confirmed previous findings of increased numbers of synapses in Type II hair cells of the utricular maculae, with Type I cells showing lesser increases. [n the saccular maculae, however, they found that synapses in Type II cells remain relatively stable throughout flight and postflight, while Type I cells fluctuate .

Holstein, GR and GP Martinelli. The Effect o/Spaceflight on the Ultrastructure of Adult Rat Cerebellar Cor/ex.

Holstein and Martinelli-also presented cellular evidence of vestibular plasticity during space fli ght. They reported that changes observed in the ultrastructure of Purkinje cells from the ad ult rat cerebellar cortex harvested 24 hrs after shuttle launch suggest that space flight induces excitotoxic responses in Purkinje cells.

King, WM, W Zhou, and B Tang. Responses of Eye Movement Related Vestibular Neurons to Linear Acceleration (poster).

King et al. reported that specific classes of neurons were identified in the brainstem of awake behaving monkeys that selectively process and transform otolith sensory inflow into an occulomotor command for gaze stabilization during translation . These central vestibular neurons, characterized by their discharge pattern and anatomical connections, transmit oto lith signals that are modulated by gaze. They point out that unlike semicircular canal reflexes, eye movements produced by otolith-ocular reflexes depend on gaze direction and are inherently disjunctive.

Fermin, CD, RF Garry, YP Chen, and D Zimmer. Effect of Microgravity on Afferent Innervation.

Fermin et al. reported that some members of S I 00 Calcium Binding Proreins (CBP) family are expressed in vestibular afferents of chicken at I g, and that the mRNA of certain mammalian CBP S I 00 isoforms share distribution characteristics with chicken isoforms. They further reported that the expression pattern changes following mechanical injury of vestibular afferents and suggested that gene expression and protein distribution of S I 00 CBP may be affected by altered gravity.

Otolith Ambiguity Studies

Zupan, L, DM Merfeld, and K King. The Influence of Visual Rotational Cues on Human Orientation and Eye Movements (poster).

Zupan et al. investigated how the central nervous system separates the otolithic measurement of grav ito-inertia l force into estimates of gravity and linear acceleration. They measured eye movements and subjective roll in human subjects during and after roll optokinetic stimu lation about the subject's naso-occipital axis . They reported that, in addition to a torsional optokinetic after-nystagmus observed for all orientations, a hori zonta l after-nystagmus was observed to the right following clockwise stimulation and to the left fo llow ing counterc lockwise stimulation . They suggest that these observations are in agreement with the GfF reso lution hypothesis that suggests that subjective tilt illusion will induce a non-zero estimate of interaurallinear acce leration, and therefore a horizonta l translational VOR even in the absence of "true" linear ·acceleration.

Wei, M, HH Zhou, and DE Angelaki. Visually-Induced Adaptation of the Translational Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex.

Wei et al. reported on an experiment addressing the issue of visually-induced learning in the reso lution of grav ito­inertial forces. Preliminary results during cross-axis adaptation of the translational vestibulo-ocular reflex in primates suggest that learning effects in the resolution of grav ito-inertia l forces are limited and probably more complex than originally thought.

Merfeld, D. Influenc~ of Sensory Integration on the Neural Processing ofGravito-lnertiai Cues (poster) .

Merfeld reported on plans for a future flight project (currently in definition phase) to investigate certain neural processes of sensory integration adapt when astronauts experience weightlessness. The specific processes to be studied are those underlying the use of rotational cues to interpret ambiguous gravito-inertial cues via internal models.

Vestiblo-Autonomic Studies Schlegel, IT. TE Brown, SJ Wood, EW Benavides, RL Bondar, F Stein, P Moradshahi, DL Harm, JM Fritsch-Yelle, and PA Low. Orthostatic Intolerance and Autonomic Cardiovascular Changes after Parabolic Flig~t.

Schlegel et al. reported that syndromes of orthostatic intolerance resembling those occurring after space fli ght were induced by a brief (2 hr.) parabolic flight. The mechanisms differed between vomiters and non-vomiters, and . vomiting was associated with increases in R-R interval variabi li ty and carotid-cardiac baroreflex responsiveness, suggesting that the emetic reflex transiently increases resting fluctuations in efferent vagal-cardiac nerve traffic.

Moore, ST. G Clement, A Diedrich, J Biaggioni, H Kaufman, T Raphan, and B Cohen. Inflight Centrifugation as a Countermeasure for Deconditioning of Otolith-Based Reflexes (poster) .

Moore et a l. reported on plans for a future flight study to confmn results from the Neurolab miss ion suggesting that in-fl ight centripetal acce lerations may protect subjects from postfli ght orthostatic intolerance.

Kaufmann, HC, I Biaggioni, B Cohen, A Diedrich, M Gizzi, R Clark, F Costa, and D Saadia. Vestibular Influences on Autonomic Cardiovascular Control.

Kaufman et al. reported that forward acceleration in the naso-occipital axis (as sensed by the otolith s) increases sympathetic efferent activi ty in the peroneal nerve.

Spatial Orientation Studies


Cohen, B, G Clement, ST Moore, and T Raphan. Perception of Tilt (Somatogravic Illusion) in Response to Sustained Linear Acceleration During Space Flight.

Cohen et al. reported results from the Neurolab mission suggesting that the somatogravic illusion induced by centrifugation is maintained in space. They found that the illusion of tilt increased as flight continued and depended on the magnitude of linear acceleration, suggesting that astronauts continue to assign the gravito-inertial acceleration as the spatial upright after adaptation to altered gravity.

Parker, DE, HBL Duh, JO Phillips, and TA Furness. Self-Motion System Frequency Response: Implications for Cybersickness.

Parker et al. examined the frequency response of the visual self-motion system and found a motion frequency where the summed response of the visual and inertial self-motion systems was maximized. Their data support the hypothesis that conflicting visual and inertial motion cues at this "cross-over" frequency would be more likely to elicit s ickness than conflicting cues at a higher frequency .

Oman, CM, IP Howard, T Smith, AC Beall, A Natapojf, JE Zacher, and HL Jenkin. STS-90 Neurolab Experiments on the Role of Visual Cues in Microgravity Spatial Orientation

Oman et al. reported using a Virtual Environment to record the subjective vertical in 4 astronauts during flig ht. They found that astronauts became more dependent on dynam ic visual cues, and some also on static visual cues. He also reported that the subjective vertical is labile and can influence figure recognition and shading interpretation.

Oman, CM, IP Howard, WL Shebilske, and JS Taube. Visual Orientation in Unfamiliar Gravito-Inertial Environments.

Om an et a l. a lso described results of a collaborative NSBRl research project on human visual orientation cues in humans and animals. They reported that performance of humans in 3D spatial memory experiments correlates with ability to mentally rotate 20 and 3D objects, and improves with training. They also reported that parabolic fli ght studies of rat head direction cells show that cells continue to respond in O-G, and occasionally show changes in preferred direction that correspond to visual reorientation illusion onset in humans.

DiZio, P and JR Lackner. The Role ofGravitoinertial Force Background, Spatial Orientation and Contact Cues in Perturbations of Reaching Movements by Coriolis Forces.

OiZio and Lackner reported that rapid adaptation to rotating artificial gravity environments is possible. They also reported that the motor effects of the rate of adaptation to Coriolis force perturbations are equivalent in 2g, Ig, and Og force backgrounds, but disorientation and motion sickness elicited by head movements during body rotation are less severe in low force backgrounds . Finally they reported that non-supportive contact with the environment during voluntary movement is a critical orientation cue driving adaptation .

DiZio, P and JR Lackner. Somatosensory Suppression of Re-Entry Disturbances (poster).

OiZio and Lackner also reported on plans for a future fli ght study to assess the role of non-supportive contact with the environment (haptic inputs) during voluntary movement in spatial orientation and adaptation to altered gravito­inertial environments.

Context-Specific Adaptation Studies

Shelhamer, M, J Goldberg, LB Minor, WH Paloski, LR Young, and DS Zee. Context-Specific Adaptation of Gravity­Dependent Vestibular Reflex Responses (NSBRl Neurovestibular Project I).

Shelhamer et al. reported that during parabolic flight the magnitude of gravito-inertial force can be used as a context cue for switching between adapted saccade states. They found evidence for retention of this adaptation after 8 . months. They also reported that the gain of the translational L VOR can be made context-specific, using head tilt as a context cue and that saccadic eye movements can be adapted in a context-specific manner, using a number of different context cues. For interaural translations, they found head roll to be a more effective context cue than head pitch. Finally they reported that sensorimotor adaptation to head movements during short-radius centrifugation (23 rpm , I g at the feet) can be induced and retained for at least a week.

Cohen, HS, JJ Bloomberg, C Roller, and AP Mulavara. Varied Practice and Response Generalization as the Basis f or Sensorimotor Countermeasures (poster) .

Cohen et al. presented preliminary data demonstrating that variable context adaptation may result in more rapid adaptive responses to novel environments through response genera li zation . They also described a future ISS study being planned to deve lop ..?el~sorimotor training regimens that promote adaptive generalization of locomotor function as a means of facilitatin g the adapt ive transition between gravitational environments.

Paloski, WH, SJ Wood, GD Kaufman, FO Black, and MF Reschke. Spatial Reorientation and SensOfy-Motor Balance C~ntrol in Altered Gravity.


Paloski et al. described a future flight study that will examine the frag ility of the postural readaptation response by challenging crewmembers during postflight recovery with unusual z-axis acceleration created using a short rad ius centrifuge.

Posture and Locomotion Studies Peterka, RJ Characterization o/Sensory Integration and Control Strategies that Regulate Human Postural Control in Changing Conditions.

Peterka reported that the human balance control system re lies predominantly on proprioceptive cues during quiet stance, but becomes increasingly reliant on graviceptor (vest ibular) cues when balance is perturbed. He a lso showed that loss of vestibular function profoundly alters and limits a subject' s ability to utilize his/her remaining visual and proprioceptive cues, suggesting that reinterpretation of vestibular cues following space flight might be expected to ­produce simi lar deficits.

Bloomberg, JJ, AP Mulavara, C Miller, PV McDonald, CS Layne, J Houser, H Cohen, and IB Kozlovskaya. Locomotion After Long-Duration Space Flight: Adaptive Modulation 0/ a Full-Body Head and Gaze Stabilization System.

Bloomberg et a l. reported that after space fli ght, as tronauts show reductions in dynamic visual acuity during locomotion. These data, a long with supporting ground-based studies, revea l the ex istence of a full-body, gaze stab ili zation system that exploits the multiple degrees of freedom available during locomotion to he lp maintain c lear vision during body movement.

Layne, CS, A P Mulavara, P V McDonald, CJ Pruett, and JJ Bloomberg. Maintaining Neuromuscular Contraction Using Somatosensory Input During Long Duration Spaceflight.

Layne et al. reported that application of pressure to the feet of free-float ing astronauts enhanced the stereotypical lower limb neuromuscular activation associated with rapid arm movements. This suggests that the plantar sensory inputs can be used to enhance motor unit activation and may theref ore be used as a countermeasure to inflight muscle degradation. .

Wall, C and L Oddsson. Recovery Trajectories to Perturbations During Locomotion.

Wall and Oddsson described a novel method to study perturbations of ga it during steady locomotion by giv ing small (5- 10 cm) disturbances to one foot during the support phase while recording the response with optical trackers. Preliminary results demonstrated a vestibular dependence by showing that normal subjects recover from the perturbat ions in 3-4 steps, while a pilot Labyrinthine Deficient subject required a much longer recovery time.

Artificial Gravity Precursor Studies Kau/man, GD, FO Black, CC Gianna, WH Paloski, and SJ Wood. Otolith and Vertical Canal Contributions to Dynamic Postural Control.

Kaufman et al. reported that 90-minute hypergravity ( l .4g) stimulus (roll plane centripetal acce lerat ion) induces postural and subjective vertical changes in normal and some vestibular deficient subj ects .

Black, FO, SJ Wood, CC Gianna, and WH Paloski. Developing Future Countermeasures/or the Detrimental Effects o/Space Flight: Role o/Otolith Systems & Resolution o/Tilt/Translation (poster).

Black et al. described a new study that will establish the extent to which otolith-mediated tilt and translation responses can be adapted at di fferent stimulus frequencies , and then examine whether subjects can 'dual adapt' to a ltered sensory env ironments using the orientation of gravity to provide context.

Hecht, Hand LR Young. Neurovestibular Aspects 0/ Artifical Gravity (poster).

Hecht and Young described a new multicenter study investigating whether head and body movements during high rate artificial gravity are tolerable and how such artificial grav ity can be implemented most efficiently. The study will also investigate methods to minimize the undesirable side-effects of neurovestibular adaptation associated with intermittent artific ia l gravity.

Clinical Studies

Clark, JB and JU Meir. Use 0/ Neurologic Function Rating Scale Following Space Shuttle Flights (poster) .

Clark and Meir reported that a Neurological Function Rating Scale has been designed for cl inical assessment of neurological dysfunction associated with space fli ght. Over 100 crewmembers have now been rated on landing day, and the most severe defic its observed were in gait station and occulomotor disturbances .


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IMPLICATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH The critical path research plan defines the following five risks (in order of importance) for neuro-vestibular discipline:

I . Disorientation and inability to perform landing, egress, or other physical tasks, especia lly during/after g-Ievel changes.

2 . Impa ired neuromuscular coordination and/or strength. 3. Impaired cognitive and/or physical performance due to motion sickness symptoms or treatments, especially

during/after g- Ievel changes 4. Vestibular contribution to card ioregulatory dysfunction . 5. Possible chronic impairment of_orientation or balance function due to micrograv ity or radiation.

The current NASA-NSBRI research program addresses each of these risks to some degree, and of the 24 critical questions posed beneath these risks, the current program addresses 21. Thus, the current program appears to have reasonable breadth .

The neuroanatom ica l results from the peripheral vestibular and cerebellar reg ions presented at the workshop are extremely important, providing limited anatomica l evidence for the long-noted behavioral adaptive responses. Further work should be supported both in tracking the anatomical changes that occur as a function of space night and in correlating the observed anatom ica l changes to concomitant behavioral changes.

The vestibulo-autonomic studies presented at the workshop just scratch the surface of the field. Nevertheless, they demonstrate that the vestibular system may exert important influences on both the cardioregulatory system and the motor control system. Further work should be supported in both areas, preferably by cross-discip linary teams.

The context-specific adaptation studies and related artificial gravity precursor studies are providing important background evidence, in humans, supporting the development of intermittent, rotational artific ial gravity as a multi­system countermeasure. NASA-NSBRl should begin funding multi-disciplinary gro ups to develop and test specific artific ial gravity protoco ls in g round-based studies, and, concomitantly, should begin developing the hardware and infrastructure required for night testing of an artificial gravity countermeasure.
