Ne w s l e t t e r - · PDF fileand Islamic studies teacher. Dr Ahmed brings with him a vast...


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N e w s l e t t e r

Issue Nº 5 | September | 2017

In This Issue

P.1 Principal’s Message

P.2 Class Updates

P.5 Excursions

P.8 From the Front Office & Accounts Team

Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh Dear Parents, Guardians, caregivers and friends of IQRA.

We have reached the end of another school terms of 2017. Alhamdullilah.

During the term, we have welcomed two new staff members as follows:1. Dr Ahmed Ragheb who has been

employed as our Arabic, Quran and Islamic studies teacher. Dr Ahmed brings with him a vast amount of Arabic knowledge and experience as an Arabic teacher.

Dr Ahmed has settled in very quickly at IQRA and is currently leading our Friday Jumu-ah prayer with the assistance of Mr Zamri. We wish Dr Ahmed well and we sincerely hope that he will enjoy his time at IQRA.

We also want to thank Mr Zamri for performing the Friday prayer before Dr Ahmed has joined us.

2. Mrs Sahra Mohamed joined us during the term as a Reception teacher and brings with her many years of experience teaching

at different primary schools in Australia and overseas. We wish Mrs Sahra well and we sincerely hope she enjoys her time with us at IQRA.

Two weeks ago, we had a staff social barbeque and it was quite an enjoyable experience to have met the staff and their families and to benchmark with all our colleagues and office staff over various issues which affect the school.

The NAPLAN results were released last month. Copies of the NAPLAN results were forwarded to the parents whose children completed the NAPLAN test. We invite parents to meet with the respective teachers to discuss the NAPLAN results.

During the term, our self-defence classes have started and the students find this experience stimulating, enjoyable and it appears as if the enthusiasm overflows into the classrooms.

On behalf of the school Management and staff, I want to thank Brother Ayyub for introducing the self-defence classes to IQRA.

(Continued on page 2)

UpcomiNg Dates

29 September

End of Term 31 OctoberDaylight Saving Starts16 OctoberStart of Term 413-19 NovemberNational Recycling Week15 DecemberEnd of Term 4

term Dates

Term 3: 24 Jul - 29 Sep

Term 4: 16 Oct - 15 Dec

From the priNcipal

(From the Principal - continued from page 1)

During the fourth term we endeavour to introduce a fruit and vegetable garden which will be spearheaded by Mrs Zulekha Naby. We request the IQRA community to assist Mrs Naby with this ambitious project.

We plan to have sports day during November 2017 and further information will be provided once final arrangements have been made for a suitable venue.

We also plan to start swimming classes during term 4 and we are currently looking at different venue options which accommodate our specific needs.

Assemblies will no longer be held on Friday mornings but will move to Monday mornings as from term 4.

Furthermore, we kindly request parents to help us with the behaviour of students on the buses. If students fail to follow the instructions of the bus drivers, such students not only endanger their own lives but also the lives of everyone on the bus as well as all other road users. Bus drivers will no longer accept such students on the buses and parents will have to bring such kids to school themselves and obviously collect their kids after school. Finally, progress to start with year 8 classes next year is in an advanced stage and we are currently taking provisional enrolments for years 8 to 10. We wish you all well for the school holidays and we look forward to make our contribution to the development of the educational needs of our students’ next term insha Allah. Jazakallah Khair.

Shaheem DoutieActing Head of School

class/teacher UpDatesMrs Naby’s ReceptioN a classAssalaam ualaikum (WRWB) Dear Parents/families,

As we approach the end of Term 3, we make Shukr to Allah (SWT) for all the knowledge we have gained; as well as all the progress we made this term. In Maths we focused on counting to 30 and back, number and shape patterns, grouping/subitising, addition, subtrac-tion and money. In Science we learned about different materials and the kinds of materials existing in the structure of our school.

We made boomerangs as part of our history topic when we studied Aboriginal culture. It was our very first attempt at dot painting! For our Health topic on growing bodies, we were so excited to have our heights measured and then compared it to the

heights of our class friends. The students are getting really good at story writing where they write a short story from memory.

In Design/Technology we studied animal habitats and the highlight of the term was a trip to Hahndorf Animal Farm. We were all so excited and we enjoyed our drive there. It was so scenic. The animal farm was fabulous; the children loved every minute of being there. They experienced milking a cow, feeding all the different kinds of animals which included emu’s, os-triches, donkeys, deer’s, llamas, turkeys, geese, ducks, chickens, reptiles and more. We even saw the python! A huge thank you to all the parent volunteers; without you our trip would not have been possible!

Some students are still bringing in Nutella sandwich-es. A little reminder to all parents, kindly do not pack Nutella or peanut butter sandwiches because of our no nut policy to protect our students with allergies. Ensure that your children are wearing black shoes to school according to our uniform policy. Students, keep up your reading practice at home. Have a good rest, enjoy the holidays and see you in Term 4, Insha Allah.

WassalaamZulekha Naby

Mrs MohaMed's ReceptioN b classDear Parents/Guardians,

Assalamu Alaikum

My name Sahra Mohamed. I recently joined Iqra Col-lege’s teaching team to take on the role of teaching the recently separated reception class (Reception B). I have a Master’s degree in teaching (Early Childhood) from the University of South Australia along with Bachelor’s degree in Library and Information Manage-ment as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.

I have worked with number of early learning centres in South Australia (for 8 years) to support and help them with their learning programs to suit the learning and developmental needs of all children.

I‘m very excited to be working at Iqra College and I’m looking forward to getting to know all families, students and the whole school community.


Over the past few weeks in Reception B, in English we continued to focus on Jolly Phonics by learning let-ter sounds and formations, blending and identifying word sounds. We also practiced forming and writing simple sentences.

In Mathematics we continued to learn how to count numbers 1 to 30, sorting shapes and patterns, num-ber recognitions and solving addition problems. In Science we focused on what objects are made of in exploring properties of materials used to make ob-jects around school environment.

Our other learning area included learning our family tree, exploring our body parts, and practising our so-cial skills. We also created our class rules in our class meeting. Children have been enjoying participating in the Martial Arts activities on every Tuesday as part of their Physical Education.

They also enjoyed their excursion trip to Hahndorf Farm Barn. This was to conclude our topic on animal habitat that the children started to create for Design and Technology when they were in Mrs Naby’s class. In our class the children also designed an animal farm and shelter. On this trip children have learnt different facts about farm animals. For instance, how to milk cows, what sort of food farm animals eat, how they are sheltered etcetera.

Best Regards,Sahra Mohamed

Mrs hiNa's year 3 classAssalamu Alykum,

It is fantastic time for those in year 1.

As the students are learning new words everyday, they are getting better at reading. This has opened up a whole new world for them. They have been writing some well-meaning recounts and narratives. For numeracy, the class is constantly working to hone its skills on addition and subtraction. The students seemed particularly interested when learning about money and can be seen more judicious in their spending at the canteen.

We have learnt about the significance of the past in history and how people in different cultures have their own unique celebrations. The students have enjoyed learning about seasons in Geography and what causes them. Our creations in art lessons are adorning the walls of the classroom.

It is an earnest request from my parent community to ensure that not only should the children have a relaxing holiday, but one where they have the opportunity to continue their progress. Please ensure that children complete their holiday homework.

Thanks for your continued efforts and dedication towards your child's learning. It is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,Mrs. Hina Matloob

Mrs ayoubi’s year 3 classAssalamu Alaikum Dear Families,

Our class has been very busy in the last few weeks engaging in many hands-on-learning activities. In Maths, we explored ‘Mass’ and compared the weights of various objects in our environment. We used items such as lemons, pencils, blocks, books, and other available things to measure their weights with a kitchen scale and a balance scale. The children worked creatively in teams to come up with ways to balance the scale using different objects.

In Arts, we have been exploring different techniques to create various types of artworks that demonstrate creative thinking. Some of the projects that we have completed included the abstract ‘Monet’ style inspired paintings, Aboriginal dot paintings, and symmetrical butterflies paintings as part of our symmetry maths unit.

Other hands-on-learning experiences involved creating bookmarks, which was an extension to our symmetry maths unit, and part of our book week activities. It was great to see the children enjoy learning and working collaboratively, and hearing positive feedback that summarises their enjoyment with phrases such as “This is FUN”, and “Can we do that again soon?”.

Well done for another successful term and I hope that you have a great spring break together!

WassalaamMouna El Ayoubi


Mr hafNer’s year 4 classTerm three has come to an end and we are wondering where the time has gone! This term has brought us festival performances, Eid celebrations and Literacy Week. Students' have been participating in a number of classroom literacy and numeracy activities and are eager to display their hard work for all interested. Our class work is regularly displayed in the primary hallway and bulletin boards throughout the corridor.

Literacy Week 2017s theme was Escape to Everywhere. Year four students designed their own bookmarks in the ICT room using a program called Canva. In addition our class also designed their own book jackets and wrote a book review of their favourite book from the classroom library, to be displayed as recommendations for others to read.

In numeracy, students' have been learning about representing and interpreting data. They have enjoyed surveying their classmates to collect information. After collecting enough information they have been practising graphing that information in a variety of ways. We have learned how to create column graphs, line graphs and picture graphs to represent information for various purposes.

Reflection of our work over the term is always a focus and this term is no exception. As we look back over our work this term, students' are asked to describe one thing they've learned and write it on the whiteboard. In turn, I also write one thing I have learned about them. Students' really enjoy this activity and silliness is encouraged. We are looking forward to what activities term four will bring. Stay tuned.

Mr. Stephen Hafner

Mr ZaMri’s year 5 classAssalamulaikum

Alhamdulillah, we have completed Term 3. The students have put in a lot of effort throughout the term.

The Year 5s have completed and shared their Information Report. For their research, the students learned to navigate the internet to filter relevant information for their Information Report. There were a variety of topics that were researched on, from types of animals to treehouses. It was definitely an enriching experience for us all, especially the presentation by the students, where they gained valuable experience speaking to a group of people.

For Health, we worked on team building. We played a variety of games where students had to work collaboratively as a team. Students learned how to effectively used their different strengths, being an interdependent team member instead of an

individual, to achieve a common objective. As the term progressed, they were given opportunities to show their leadership skills. They also had to learn how to communicate positively with one another.

It has been an exciting term. I hope all students will have a good break, recharging their energy, and getting ready for Term 4 soon. And don’t forget to do your revision during the break.


Mr Zamri

Mr byrNe’s year 6/7 classAssallamu Alaikum,

This term in the year 6/7 class we investigated Algebra, Money and Measurement in Maths with a focus on patterns and equations. We looked at Length and Area. In English, we looked at poetry, specifically Similes, Metaphors, Alliteration and Limericks. We also revised persuasive writing. What makes a good poem and what audience it is for? What is a hook line and how important is it?

In Art, we looked at still life drawing, Painting and Aboriginal Art. In Science, the year 6/7’s investigated Matter and Mixtures. We will try to understand our world from the tiniest atom up to the Earth.

In Health, we have been studying the importance of physical activity and fitness. We will also look at the importance of team games and being a good winner and loser. In History, we looked at World War 2 and how it formed our modern society today. The impact wars have on the countries involved and the those surrounding.

This term we also started our Self-defence classes under the instruction of Brother Ayoub. The students are enjoying learning new skills and increasing their fitness.

We celebrated the EID Festival at Rymil Park and our students performed admirably, thank you for your continued support. It has been a wonderful term of hard work and learning and we look forward to seeing you next term.

Kind Regards, Grant Byrne.



dr ahMed’s arabic/Qur’aN/islaMic Values classDear Parents,AssalamuAlykum Wrt, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Ahmed Ragheb and I am your child’s Arabic and Islamic teacher. I earned my degree in Islamic Sciences, Master and PHD in Arabic Language in Cairo University. I have 16 years of extensive experiences in teaching Arabic and Islamic studies in International School in Egypt and taught in International Islamic University in Malaysia. I have also written and published books and articles on Arabic for non-native speakers. I am delighted to be working at Iqra College. During the first few weeks of teaching, it has been a pleasure to be able to spend an adequate amount of time learning about all my students. Every student has unique talents, experiences and personality to share as well as different interests and learning styles. My goal for our classroom is to be a community of learners based on mutual respect for individual differences and working together to make the rest of the year a successful and rewarding experience. This September month in Arabic, students learned the following:Reception – Year 2Arabic letters and phonetic sounds, single words, short sentences relating to pictures, objects and actions, long and short vowels, letter join to make words, nursery rhymes and numbers.Year 3- 4Arabic sounds and intonation, communication and conversation, grammatical form and structures such as verbs, pronouns, singular/plural, prepositions to provide simple sentences and short texts on people, actions and events and feeling, and memorize Nashyeed.Year 5-7Arabic sounds, make connections with spoken and written texts, pronunciation, intonation when communicating and interacting, writing conventions, grammatical structures, adjectives and adverbs, share and elaborate ideas and information and express opinions

In Islamic studies, students learned about Values of Islam and the following: Reception- Year 2Memorize Al-Fatihah and other short Surah, the meaning Shahadatul Tawheed, how to pray and make wudhu’ and about Allah, our creatorYear 3-5Memorize from juz’ Amma, translate the meaning of Quranic words and 5 Pillars of IslamYear 5-7Memorize from juz’ Amma and Tabarak, Signs of Judgement day, Prophets and 6 Pillars of Iman Warm Regards,Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ragheb

we waNt YoUr FeeDback!If you have any feedback or suggestions for the school, please send us an email to the following address:

Alternatively, you can fill out a ‘Feedback Form’ from the front office and place it in the ‘Feedback and Suggestions’ slot in the front office.

excUrsioN to moNarto Zoo

On Thursday 28 September 2017, Mrs McShane's year 2's and Mrs Ayoubi's year 3's ventured to Monarto Zoo.

excUrsioN to hahNDorF Farm barNOn Tuesday 26 September, our two Reception classes went on an excursion to visit the Hahndorf Farm Barn.

There they were able to experience holding, touching and feeding baby farm animals, while also learning about life on the farm.


selF DeFeNce & FitNess programIQRA College now runs weekly self defence and fitness classes for students in all year levels.

A big thank you to brother Ayyub for volunteering his time to take these classes.


From the FroNt oFFiceschool hats

New school hats have arrived and will be distributed in week 1 of term 4. Please make sure you label it with your child's name in case it gets lost.

IQRA College encourages students to be Sun Smart and wearing of the school hat is compulsory during Terms 1 & 4.

holiday leaVeIf you are planning to go on holiday during Term 4, please notify your child's teacher via a written note.We encourage all families to book their holidays after 15th December so students do not miss out on any learning activities.

daylight saViNgs tiMetable chaNgesDue to the arrival of daylight savings in October, the timetable will change to accommodate the later Dhuhr prayer time. The timetable will now be as follows:


Assembly and Home Room 8:30 am to 8:45

Period 1 8:45 to 9:30

Period 2 9:30 to 10:15

Recess 10:15 to 10:35

Period 3 10:40 to 11:25

Period 4 11:25 to 12:10

Lunch 12:10 to 12:45

Period 5 12:50 to 1:35

Prayer 1:35 to 2:00

Period 6 2:05 to 2:55

Period 7 2:55 to 3:35

Period 8 3:35 to 4:05

Dismissal 4:05 pm

caNteeN accepts cash payMeNts oNlyPlease be advised that from Term 4, the school canteen will only accept cash payments.

Credit payments will no longer be accepted. Payments for orders must be made on the day.

We WaNt your feedback!If you have any feedback or suggestions for the school, please send us an email to the following address:

Alternatively, you can fill out a ‘Feedback Form’ from the front office and place it in the ‘Feedback and Suggestions’ slot in the front office.

From the accoUNts teamAsalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.

Alhamdulillah we have come to the end of Term 3 and along these 3 terms we have seen our school grow both in student numbers and school facilities. By the grace of Allah SWT now we have grown to run a fully functional ICT room for students to keep up to the technological advances, an Art room where our students can let their creativity flourish and weekly self-defence classes to maintain fitness and agility.

I would like to thank you for allowing us to expand in such a short time as it wouldn’t have been possible without your support. Iqra College appreciates all parents who have duly paid the fees on time to enable us to invest in our students and we would encourage those parents with outstanding fees to fulfil their obligations as promptly as possible. It is through your support that we can look to grow our resources and improve our student experiences.

I look forward to a Term 4 filled with more creative and fun activities for our students and staff as they continue this lifelong journey of education and ask for your full support in helping us achieve our goals of creating an excitable and inclusive environment for effective pedagogical deliverance.

Jazaak Allahu Khairan.

Address: 5 Majors Rd, O’Halloran Hill, SA 5158 | Phone: (08) 8298 2550 Email: | Website:
