BC Muslim School 1 Message from the Principal BC MUSLIM SCHOOL NEWSLETTER www.bcmuslimschool.ca 604-270-2511 Inside this Issue: Message from the Principal Staff List Important Information about School Fees Islamic Corner Sick Student and Traffic Safety Dismissal Procedure New registration School Mail Distribution Earthquake comfort kit Terry Fox Run Nutrition Calendar/Parent-Teacher Hand- book Meet the Teachers Night Picture Day Accountant’s Message School Nurse School Milk Program School Uniform News from Pre-School Message from PAC Volunteer Needed Dates to Remember September 2014 Please remember to phone the school office before 8:45 a.m. whenever your child is absent. Please mention your child’s name, grade and the reason of his/ PERSEVERANCE—COMMITMENT—KNOWLEDGE—EXCELLENCE If you have a change of address and phone number please inform the secretary. Dear Parents, Assalamu Alaikum, Insha Allah, everyone had a great Eid and Summer Holiday. Welcome back to a brand new school year. To our new parents and students, welcome and thank you for choosing our school. I would like to thank the BCMA Board of Education once again for ap- pointing me as the BCMS Acting Principal for the next two months while Br. Ibrahim is on an extended leave of absence. Insha Allah, I will work very hard to ensure that the start of the school year is a smooth process for all staff and students. As the arrival of Fall is just around the corner, all students should have the appropriate rain gear for the outdoors. Please ensure that your child comes to school with a waterproof jacket to help keep them dry and warm on rainy days. There are six new additions to our BCMS staff, Sr. Hanami Shirai (KGB) Sr. Perihan Sucu (3A) Sr. Shannon Watson (3B) Sr. Judith Chang (4B) Sr. Arjee Janda (5A) Sr. Krystal Ng (6/7) Welcome to BC Muslim School! Wassalam, Shuaib Yunush Acting Principal, BC Muslim School

September BC MUSLIM SCHOOL 2014 NEWSLETTER - … 2014.pdf · Assalamu Alaikum, Insha Allah ... If you would like to meet the teacher to discuss you child’s progress, ... BC Muslim

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Page 1: September BC MUSLIM SCHOOL 2014 NEWSLETTER - … 2014.pdf · Assalamu Alaikum, Insha Allah ... If you would like to meet the teacher to discuss you child’s progress, ... BC Muslim

BC Muslim School 1

Message from the Principal


NEWSLETTER www.bcmuslimschool.ca


Inside this Issue:

Message from the Principal

Staff List

Important Information about

School Fees

Islamic Corner

Sick Student and Traffic Safety

Dismissal Procedure

New registration

School Mail Distribution

Earthquake comfort kit

Terry Fox Run


Calendar/Parent-Teacher Hand-


Meet the Teachers Night

Picture Day

Accountant’s Message

School Nurse

School Milk Program

School Uniform

News from Pre-School

Message from PAC

Volunteer Needed

Dates to Remember



Please remember to phone

the school office

before 8:45 a.m.

whenever your

child is absent. Please

mention your child’s name,

grade and the reason of his/


If you have a change of

address and phone

number please inform

the secretary.

Dear Parents, Assalamu Alaikum, Insha Allah, everyone had a great Eid and Summer Holiday. Welcome back to a brand new school year. To our new parents and students, welcome and thank you for choosing our school. I would like to thank the BCMA Board of Education once again for ap-pointing me as the BCMS Acting Principal for the next two months while Br. Ibrahim is on an extended leave of absence. Insha Allah, I will work very hard to ensure that the start of the school year is a smooth process for all staff and students. As the arrival of Fall is just around the corner, all students should have the appropriate rain gear for the outdoors. Please ensure that your child comes to school with a waterproof jacket to help keep them dry and warm on rainy days. There are six new additions to our BCMS staff, Sr. Hanami Shirai (KGB) Sr. Perihan Sucu (3A) Sr. Shannon Watson (3B) Sr. Judith Chang (4B) Sr. Arjee Janda (5A) Sr. Krystal Ng (6/7) Welcome to BC Muslim School! Wassalam, Shuaib Yunush Acting Principal, BC Muslim School

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BC Muslim School 2


Email: [email protected]


Kindergarten A Aisha Syed Kindergarten B Hanami Shirai

Grade 1A Courtney Attle Grade 1B Maryam Bawa

Grade 2A Samantha Lim Grade 2B Juliette Abtahi

Grade 3A Perihan Sucu (TOC) Grade 3B Shannon Watson

Grade 4A Barbara Klassen Grade 4B Judith Chang

Grade 5A Arjinder Janda(TOC) Grade 5B Sonia Jagpal

Grade 6A Shahira Ismail Grade 6/7 Krystal Ng

Computers Adem Hamzagic Resource / ESL / Remedial Mary Chan


Gr. KB, 1A, 4B, 6A Rania Tantawy (Core Dept. Coordinator)

Gr. 2A, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6A Bushra Obed

Gr. Ka, 1B, 2B, 5A, 5B Hanan Elkeliny

Gr. 3A, 4A, 5B, 7A El Moustafa Aboussena


Senior Administrative Secretary: Chantal Guillemette Accountant: Hassan Al-Khatab

Secretary: Dalia Haque Librarian: Asmae Attou

Teacher Assistant: Roqia Mohammed

Custodian & Bus Coordinator: Abdul Rahiman


#5 Br. Tharma #6 Br. Hassan #9 Br. Ahmed #12 Br. Abdul Rahiman

Staff List 2014-2015

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BC Muslim School 3

Important information about School Fees:

A special announcement, that the 3% discount offer on school fees (paid in full) has been

extended to the end of October 2014. If the entire cost of the school fees is paid (with

cheque or cash) by October 31st, 2014, a 3% discount will be deducted from the total

cost. If the entire cost of the school fees is paid by credit card, the 3% surcharge will be

waved. N.B. The 3% surcharge (credit card processing fee) is applicable to any amount paid by

credit card except payment for the entire cost of the school fees, (in a single transaction).



The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “I and the one who sponsors

an orphan will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and

mid-dle finger, holding them apart. Al-Bukhari, 5304.

Orphan’s Fund

They ask you, (O Muhammad), what they shall spend. Say: that which you spend for good (must go) to

parents and near kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer. And whatsoever good you do,

Indeed! Allah is Aware of it. (Al-Baqarah 2:215)

The BCMS Core department will be leading an initiative to collect donations for the Islamic Relief

Orphan Sponsorship Program. This organization has been working with orphans since 1986 and has

support systems in over 30 countries around the world.

Please regularly donate to this program as it will continue throughout the school year. May Allah

reward all of you for donating and give you barakah! (Ameen)

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BC Muslim School 4

Sick Student

If your child needs to take medicine while at school, please make sure you fill out the Medical Consent

Form at the office. We cannot dispense any medication without this form. We also request that the medi-

cine stays in the office for safety reasons; as some medicines might need refrigeration. Parents please note

that if your child’s having the flu, chicken pox or any other illness that can be spread easily to any other

child, please keep them home for healthy and safety reasons. Thank you for your understanding.

If your child falls sick during the day, you will be asked to pick them up immediately. If your child comes

to school and is observed to have a cold or a cough, you will also be asked to pick them up immediately.

Traffic Safety

We are constantly looking at better ways to manage traffic around the school at student arrival & dismis-

sal times. The most important guiding principle is of course, safety of all. If you drive your children to

school daily, please remember these few important points:

Always park your car in front of the Masjid and walk with children to & from the school gate.

Always give priority for school bus to drive round the front of the school 8:00am –8:15am and

3:25pm –3:40pm.

Once the school buses pull out of the front area, then parents can drive slowly through the round-

about for their children.

Be patient- never pass a school bus or another vehicle either on the left or right as children can be

passing by at any time.

Please remind your children to use the pedestrian walkways to approach school gates. It is always

important to check for any approaching traffic before crossing.

Dismissal Procedure—Change Requests

Any changes in daily routine tend to upset/confuse students, especially the young ones. If you need to

change your child’s dismissal arrangement for the day, the office should be informed by 2:00 p.m. so that

the message can be relayed to the child, the teacher and bus driver. If a request comes to the office after

2:00 p.m. we may not be able to relay the message. In such cases, parents will be advised to seek other al-


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BC Muslim School 5

New registration:

New Registration for the 2014-2015 academic year is open for all grades except grade 1 and grade 6/7.

The assessments for new registrants are on going. Parents who have applied will be given a call to

schedule a date and a time for the assessment.

If you have children you would like to register please apply as soon as possible so that we can organize

the assessment. The registration forms and fee information are available online, at our website: http://

www.bcmuslimschool.ca, and at the school office.

If you would like to drop in and pick up the registration form please come to the school office between

8:00am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday. If you have any questions, please call the school office at (604)-


New-Registration 2014-2015

School Mail Distribution

This newsletter is being distributed both as a hard copy and through email delivery. Check

to see if you receive this newsletter at your email address that you registered with the

school. If you didn’t, then please go to the school website (www.bcmuslimschool.ca) and

click on the “subscribe to our newsletter” link located on the right side of the webpage. All

future newsletters will be delivered only through (email) electronic format. If you don’t

have access to a computer, please call the school office @ 604-270-2511, in order to con-

tinue receiving a hard copy.

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BC Muslim School 6

Earthquake Comfort Kit

As many of you know, we are living in an earthquake zone. The experts advise that our area is

due for another major earthquake and the best precaution is to be prepared, and at the BC Mus-

lim School we would like to think we are. To ease the anxiety of children during an emergency, it

is recommended that you provide a small comfort kit.

The more kids (and grown-ups) understand the truth about earthquakes the less anxiety they

may have. You and your family can cope best by preparing for disaster or emergency before it

happens. Make sure your kids are aware that they may be separated from you for awhile, but you

will come and get them when it is safe.

During the month of September, we will be sending notices to either update your child’s earth-

quake comfort kit (returning students) or purchase some components of the comfort kit (new stu-

dents). Please try to meet the deadline for purchasing/updating the comfort kits.

Terry Fox Run

BCMS will host the annual Terry Fox Run on September 24th. The purpose of this day is to raise

funds for cancer research. Cancer is a disease that affects many people in different ways. The Ter-

ry Fox Foundation is responsible for supporting close to $20 million in discovery based research

each year in Canada. Please look for a notice detailing how to donate coming later this month.


Parents are requested to send their children to school each day with nutritious food for both a re-

cess snack and lunch. Foods such as meats, vegetables, fruit, and bread provide health and ener-

gy that leads to increased academic performance. Foods such as candy, gum, pop, and any other

items containing large amounts of sugar may affect behavior adversely. Studies show that stu-

dents who have sufficient nutrition in their diets per-form better at school. Ensure that your chil-

dren pack water bottles while at school. The brain operates optimally when hydrated. Drinking

water throughout the day significantly enhances student performance. It is recommended that

students bring their food and drinks in clean reusable containers.

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BC Muslim School 7

Calendar / Parent Handbook

These are posted on our website. Parents are welcome to request a hard copy if they don’t have

access to a computer/Internet.

Meet the Teachers’ Night

Drop in to meet teachers informally on September 18th, from 4:30 p.m. — 6:30 p.m. I will be in

my office and will be glad to talk to any parent. Please drop by with any question or suggestion.

A reminder that this event is to meet your child’s teacher and learn about the curriculum for the

year. If you would like to meet the teacher to discuss you child’s progress, please set up an ap-

pointment by calling the school office for another day.

Picture Day

Picture Day will be held on Monday September 29, 2014. If you do not want your child to have

his/her picture taken, please write a note and give it to your child’s homeroom teacher.

Accountant’s Message

To enquire about your school fees and accounts information please contact Br. Hassan at 604-270

-2511 or email at [email protected].

School Nurse

The school nurse for the BC Muslim School is Kelly McNabb. The school will host immunization

clinics (KG & Grade 6) and hearing/vision screening provided by Vancouver Coastal Health.

Kelly McNabb can be contacted at 604-233-3160.

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BC Muslim School 8

News from Pre-School—Sprouts of Iman

Assalamu Alaikum

Dear parents,

We are excited to announce that we have received the license for Group Child Care last week .Our

hours of operation will be 7:45 a.m to 5:30 p.m . We offer competitive monthly fees compared to

other Richmond Child Care Centers. Sprouts of Iman teachers are waiting for your child to come

to learn, explore, investigate, discover and socialize. The Sprouts of Iman Islamic based curriculum

frame works carefully designed around your child’s interests, following the latest research into

child growth and development. Please visit our center and enroll your child.


Fatima Tuz Zohura


School Milk Program

BCMS is promoting healthy eating and a healthier lifestyle with our students.

Milk is an essential nutrient for children. As such BCMS will begin the milk program for our students

in October. The order forms will be sent home later this month.

Information about School Uniforms

By the end of September, all students must wear their full uniforms. Dark blue pants

and white shirt for boys; dark blue pants and tunic, with white shirt and hijab (pinless)

for girls. All students should wear sweaters with the BC Muslim School logo. White Hi-

jab’s are available at School for $10.00

For Uniform Please contact


1050 Boundary Road

Burnaby, BC

V5K 4T3

Tel: 604-205-7560

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BC Muslim School 9

Asalamalaikum Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the new school year! I hope you all had a fantastic summer and are happy to

back to a school routine!

May Allah SWT guide our children to success and give us the strength to support them

each step of the way, InshAllah.

I would like to invite you all to a open Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Introduction

Meeting on Tuesday September 23, 2014 at 2:30pm in front of the main school building.

The focus of this meeting is to quickly introduce parents; update contact information and

recognize the goals of PAC this year. From this point we will be able to build, coordinate

and implement strategies that will bring our students together and help them with their

success. InshAllah. If you have any further question please contact myself Shazmin Zahir at

778.881.9070 or via email [email protected] I hope to meet many of you on Tues-


Welcome Message from PAC

Volunteers Needed

There is always a need for volunteers. As the school

year started, we have lots of volunteering opportuni-

ties. If you would like to volunteer for any school events

please contact Sr. Shazmin (PAC) at 778-881-9070 or via

Email : [email protected].

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BC Muslim School 10

Dates to Remember

Sep 17 Grade 5 Hot Lunch

Sep 18 Meet the Teacher’s Night (4:30pm—6:30pm)

Sep 24 Terry Fox Run

Sep 25 Assembly @ 10:50am

Sep 26 Fire Drill and Discussion @ 9:30am

Sep 29 Photo Day

Oct 06—07 Eid-Ul-Adha (School Closed)

Oct 08 Eid-Ul-Adha Celebration (in School)

Oct 09 Grade 2 Hot Lunch

Oct 09 Milk program Begins (Term 1)

Oct 23 PAC Hot Lunch


Shuaib Yunush Acting Principal