natural vent


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  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    About Natural Ventilation NewsThis Newsletter is produced by the

    CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group Man-

    agement Committee to inform mem-

    bers and potential members of the

    work being undertaken by the Group

    to benefit the discipline of natural

    ventilation within CIBSE. The manage-

    ment committee wish to encourage

    contact with all interested partners.

    Communication can be directed to the

    Group at CIBSE Headquarters or to

    individual Management Committeemembers.

    EditorialThis edition has been designed,

    edited, and compiled by

    Dr Benjamin Jones.

    Tel.: 01494 897749


    The Building AdVent Project

    by Professor Maria Kolokotroni

    Brunel UniversityB u i l d i n g A d V e n t( was a pro-gramme to identify technologies, ap-propriate to different climate zones,which can minimise ventilation energyconsumption. Its full title is Building

    Advanced Ventilation Technologicalexamples to demonstrate materialised

    energy savings for acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort in dif-ferent European climatic regions. Itwas supported by the European Com-mission under the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme and was coordi-nated by Buro Happold Engineers (UK)working in partnership with a number of European institutions.

    Building AdVent had as its main objective to

    support a reduction in the energy required to

    deliver ventilation effectively in non-domestic

    buildings by capturing good ventilation practice

    and disseminating it widely. The main output isbased upon a number of case-studies of existing

    buildings, incorporating a range of technolo-

    gies, which have demonstrated energy savings

    while ensuring a satisfactory internal environ-

    ment. The buildings are spread throughout the

    various climates of Europe. The project was

    completed at the end of 2009 with the produc-

    tion of 18 case study brochures and supporting

    teaching material.

    The buildings were chosen to cover the 3 cli-

    matic regions, (i) Southern European climates

    with a hot cooling season, (ii) North and Central

    European climates with cold heating season,

    and (iii) Central and maritime European cli-

    mates. Most of the case studies are office build-

    ings but there is also one paper storage build-

    ing, one museum and some educational build-

    ings. All selected buildings demonstrate meas-

    ured and verified energy and environmental


    Case study buildings were constructed between

    2000 and 2005 and are characterised by high

    architectural quality, low energy consumption,

    good indoor air quality and satisfactory thermal

    comfort levels. Each building presents an inter-

    esting, low energy and innovative ventilation

    technology with high replication potential. The

    ventilation strategies include: natural ventilation

    techniques, systems that control the rate of venti-

    lation in response to variation of a type of activi-

    this issueThe Building AdVent ProjectP.1P.1P.1P.1

    Where is the Evidence?P.2P.2P.2P.2

    Natural Sounds and Natural VentilationP.3P.3P.3P.3

    What is the Ventilation Rate in Houses?P.4P.4P.4P.4

    Thermal Comfort PredictionP.5P.5P.5P.5

    Designing Intelligent SchoolsP.6P.6P.6P.6

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNewsTHE NEWSLETTER

    OF THE



    D e c e m b e r2 0 1 0

    I S S U E


    The Chartered Institute of BuildingServices Engineers222 Balham High RoadLondon SW12 9BSTel.: 020 8675 5211Fax: 020 8675

    ty and/or pollutant concentration, systems that

    use heat recovery to recover the thermal energy

    from exhaust air, supply of air using the buried

    ducting, and radiant heating and cooling. Three

    buildings from the UK were included: (a) City

    Academy in Bristol, (b) The Academy of St.

    Francis of Assisi in Liverpool, (c) Frederick

    Lanchester Library in Coventry and (d) Red Kite

    House Office Building in Wallingford.

    The lecture slides produced include an introduc-

    tion to energy efficient ventilation and conclude

    with a discussion of the replication potential of

    the various strategies. All 18 buildings are pro-

    filed independently to give lecturers the freedom

    to pick and choose the buildings they wish to

    focus on. All slides are available in Danish,

    Finnish, Greek and Portuguese versions; also

    available from the website.

    Aras Chill Dara building, Ireland

    Poikkilaakso School, Finland

    The Delfi Museum, Greece

  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    by Dr. Benjamin Jones

    Monodraught Ltd.

    V alue for money has never been moreimportant. Those who design and man-ufacture natural ventilation productsknow that they must do exactly whatthey say on the tin, be built to last, andprovide maximum bang for buck.Manufacturers also know that theymust provide evidence for their claims.

    However, it isnt difficult to knock-up a natural

    ventilation device and state that it has exactly

    the same build quality and performance as

    those produced by established manufacturers.

    But using such a system would be like buying

    supermarket value brandy and being

    disappointed when it doesnt taste like the Extra

    Old Cognac (an average of 20 years in the

    barrel) ones taste buds have adapted to. Heres

    why: the difference between the two is extensive

    research and professional expertise developed

    over time. No two natural ventilation systems

    are the same; the area and geometry of the

    opening, louvres, grills, aerodynamic spoilers,

    and diffuser types will all greatly affect

    performance. Natural ventilation systems are,

    dynamically, very complicated indeed and so an

    understanding of the pressure distribution

    around each opening, the flow direction and

    type through each duct, and the pressure losses

    through the system have to be quantified and

    understood before their performance can be

    determined. Preferably, this is determined using

    wind tunnel analysis and quantified using CFD,

    analytic models, and in-situ measurement. Only

    then can this information be used to correctly

    size-up natural ventilation openings for a

    particular application.

    However, an analysis of the fluid dynamics con-

    stitutes only part of the portfolio of information

    required to design and implement a successful

    natural ventilation strategy. A control strategy

    must also be derived to deliver enough ventila-

    tion at appropriate times to ensure the thermal

    comfort, health, and well-being of occupants.

    The strategy can be checked using dynamic

    thermal simulation software to confirm that

    internal conditions are comfortable and that a

    building wont overheat. However, only the

    in-situ measurement of ventilation and indoor

    air quality parameters over time shows how

    successful a strategy is in practice. Furthermore,

    in-situ intervention tests can be used to

    determine the effects of particular parts of a

    control strategy.

    This type of research can be done in-house, but

    greater kudos is gained by outsourcing it to a

    University. Good scientists are always keen to

    share the findings of their research in

    conference proceedings and peer reviewed

    journals, such as the International Journal of

    Ventilation, and so those companies who are

    most sure of their expertise allow this.

    It could be perceived that research (especially of

    post installation performance) could lead to

    public relations pitfalls, but in practice it shows

    that a manufacturer has acknowledged

    problems and learned valuable lessons. For

    example, research by Brunel University of a

    WINDCATCHER natural ventilation system

    shows, on balance, that it is capable of

    ventilating a school classroom in accordance

    with UK government requirements, but also that

    a ventilation strategy can be improved by the

    effective control of temperature and carbon

    dioxide. These are lessons that are really worth

    learning and sharing.

    Consultants who specify natural ventilation

    systems have to ensure that a building meets

    legislative and environmental standards, such as

    BREEAM requirements. As part of this client

    responsibility, consultants must insist thatcontractors obtain evidence of peer reviewed

    research and key design parameters from the

    manufacturers of natural ventilation systems

    because the responsibility for its performance

    will, ultimately, lie with them.

    There are no substitutes for extensive research

    and professional expertise developed over time,

    or for XO Cognac, and although these can cost

    a little more, they are certainly value for money.


    Jones, BM. 2010. Quantifying the

    Performance of Natural Ventilation

    Windcatchers . Eng.D. thesis, Brunel University.

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural Ventilation News

    December 2010December 2010December 2010December 2010

    Where is the Evidence?

    The CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group

    The CIBSE Natural Ventilation

    Group is a large, international

    group, that was founded in 1994.

    The committee comprise some 40members serving a wider member-

    ship of 5400.

    Group Aims

    The aims of the group are: to ensure natural ventilation is

    properly considered at thedesign stage equally withmechanical ventilation or air conditioning;

    to disseminate knowledge viaseminars and publications;

    to recommend researchprojects;

    to be at the forefront of knowledge about the lowenergy, environmental andeconomic performance of natural ventilation;

    to work with consultants,contractors, manufacturersand researchers in pursuingthese aims.

    Links To access the Natural Ventilation

    Group click on the link below or cut

    and poste it into your b rowser:

    Committee Officers

    Professor Derek ClementsProfessor Derek ClementsProfessor Derek ClementsProfessor Derek Clements----CroomeCroomeCroomeCroome

    Reading University (Chairperson)

    Dr. Malcolm CookDr. Malcolm CookDr. Malcolm CookDr. Malcolm Cook

    Loughborough University (Secretary)

    Figure 1: Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) software is one useful tool available to researchers of natural

    ventilation systems. However, it should not be the only tool employed, but should be one of a number of research methodologies.

  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    by Richard Cowell

    Consultant to Arup

    A fter decades of controlling noise frommechanical ventilation, our defensivestance against unwanted sound could

    easily continue as, now, more andmore naturally ventilated buildings areplanned. The obvious attack is fromexternal noise most often road, rail,air traffic noise, or prolonged construc-tion noise. We reach for attenuated,labyrinthine air inlets, adopting unhelp-ful pressure drops, keeping out noise,trying to keep under specified noiselimits and meet poor regulation. Wehave a long history of tackling acousticissues defensively.

    Without mechanical ventilation, we hear moreincoming sound and try to defend ourselves

    against that. This means higher partition sound

    insulation and crosstalk control. Acoustic de-

    signers struggle, knocking down hurdles, help-

    ing naturally ventilated solutions to fly. Creative

    ideas can bring success, but, perhaps we have

    a better way for building services

    engineers and acousticians to ap-

    proach this.

    In nature, the sounds associated

    with air movement are interesting.They are highly variable. They in-

    form us about our surroundings;

    for example, the wind in the trees,

    danger from high wind speeds. At

    modest and reasonably steady wind

    speeds, the spectrum of sound

    generated by air encountering; for

    example, trees, hedges, crops and

    a wide variety of other obstacles is

    pleasing to most of us, see Figure

    1. The spectra are similar to those

    we knew from some induction units

    and regenerated air noise in me-

    chanical systems. Waterfalls and

    distant shorelines tend to generate similarly

    pleasing sound spectra. It seems that nature has

    indoctrinated our taste for good ambient sound.

    This Months Q&A Technology Tips

    These tend to be sounds we like, rather than

    sound from which we need to defend ourselves.

    Indoors, we like to maintain some aural aware-

    ness of what is going on outside, but will close

    openings if air movement or sound levels get

    too invasive. We move very quickly to defensive

    behavior in our designs.

    Lets challenge acoustic criteria afresh. In par-

    ticular, consider:

    With favorable sound spectra, there is wide

    acceptance of higher background sound

    levels. A well shaped NR40 is more ac-

    ceptable than a poor NR35.

    Building occupants tend to allow higher

    sound levels when they can open windows

    or, in other ways, control natural ventila-

    tion. Some variation in background sound is

    preferred - we may need more occupant

    mobility for this.

    In the future, much quieter electric/hydrogen

    cars incorporate different sounds to warn of

    their arrival. These and road surface noise will

    tend to emphasise high frequencies (easier to

    screen or attenuate). With a favorable sound

    spectrum, in the future, we may be able to relax

    our protective stance.Designing to hold sound pressure levels below

    an NR curve is inappropriate, out-of-date, and

    an obstacle to creative design of natural ventila-

    tion systems. This doesnt mean that anything

    goes. Good aural communication suffers with

    too much background sound, even with good

    spectral shape. Pleasure in natural sounding

    environments diminishes if we need to hear

    something specific. Sound generated by the

    wind was not always helpful to the

    hunter gatherer.

    We should target good sound spec-

    tra, let the background sound vary,

    encourage mobility of building oc-

    cupants, keep aural awareness of

    enough external sound here is

    scope for more creativity in building

    design for natural ventilation, or

    mixed mode systems.

    Defensive acoustic design feeds on

    lack of appreciation of different de-

    sign disciplines. Acoustic difficulties

    are feared by architects and building

    services engineers. Opportunities are

    spotted less often. Acousticians with

    insufficient appreciation of architec-tural and services difficulties can all

    too easily dig in heels to protect a workable

    outcome. If we all pull back a step and re- think

    some of the fundamentals, collaborating more

    effectively, we have more scope to use natural

    ventilation successfully.

    Richard Cowell is a Consultant to Arup and a

    Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics. A representa-

    tive for the Institute of Acoustics (IOA) has been

    kindly welcomed to attend meetings of the CIB-SE Natural Ventilation Group (for which many

    thanks). We are keen to explore the mutual

    learning across our disciplines, with better de-

    sign in mind. The CIBSE meeting on Natural

    Ventilation in the Urban Environment, at the

    RIBA on December 3rd will include papers from

    acousticians, and will, we hope, be attended by

    a multi-disciplinary audience. We hope that

    CIBSE members will also contribute to future

    IOA meetings.

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural Ventilation News December 2010December 2010December 2010December 2010

    Natural Sounds and Natural Ventilation

    Figure 1: Generic preferred sound spectrum/natural sounds(such as wind, water, or a distant seashore)

    Wind in Trees on Shoreline (Image courtesy of Phil Thebault at )

    Waterfall (Image courtesy of Tom Curtis )

  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    by John Palmer

    A Regional Director of Building

    Engineering at AECOM, based in the

    Birmingham office, and CIBSE Schools

    Design Group Chair.

    How well do we understand the venti-lation of our houses? This is an easyquestion to ask and, if you are runningcomputer models, the answer is that weunderstand it reasonably well. Theresearch effort that has gone intosuccessive revisions of Part F (inEngland and Wales) of the BuildingRegulations is significant and thefindings wide ranging. From simplesingle-zone to multi-zone ventilationand indoor air quality models,

    including pollution emissions, theresults give a clear indication of whatventilation provisions we should maketo provide good indoor air quality.However, even th i s l eve l o f understanding raises a number of un-answered questions, and one of thosequestions is particularly difficult to an-swer What is the actual ventilationrate in practice?

    A recent study for the Department for Commu-

    nities and Local Government, established to

    compare short-term monitoring methods, has

    provided the opportunity to use three methods

    to estimate or measure the ventilation in a re-

    cent low-energy and airtight house. The design

    intent was an air permeability of less than

    3 m/hm: The air permeability of a building is

    defined as the leakage rate at 50 Pa per square

    metre of the building envelope including walls,

    roofs and the total ground floor area. If one

    assumes the empirical estimate of infiltration

    rate being 1/20 th of the air change rate at

    50 Pa this equates to an approximate infiltration

    rate of 0.15 ach. (For a house, the air changerate and air permeability have similar values.)


    The following measurements were made over a

    short period of time in the early spring of 2009:

    Airtightness by fan pressurisation and de-


    Infiltration by carbon dioxide (CO 2) decay;

    Long-term measurement using passive

    perfluorocarbon tracer gas sampling (PFT).

    Fan Pressurisation Permeability Tests

    Fan pressurisation tests were made under a

    number of ventilation conditions including thenormal occupied pattern (as lived in), the

    conditions required for a Part L permeability test

    (TM1 test procedure) and all trickle vents open.

    Using the final permeability value, for the as

    lived in condition, of 7.26 m 3/(h.m) @ 50 Pa,

    the infiltration rate would be estimated at 0.36

    ach when using the 1/20 th method of


    Short-Term Test Carbon Dioxide

    Dosing and Decay Test

    Carbon dioxide (CO 2) was used as the tracer

    gas and was released in all rooms of the house

    to achieve a uniform distribution of the gas in

    the entire dwelling; fans were used to keep the

    air well mixed during this period. Photograph a)

    shows the CO 2 being released in the living

    room and photograph b) shows an additional

    large fan (part of the equipment required for the

    blower door / air permeability test), which was

    used to aid mixing. Two CO 2 analysers were

    used to record the decay of the gas. Under the

    test conditions, the results of the CO 2 decay test

    indicated an infiltration rate of 0.34 ach.

    Long-Term Infiltration Test

    PTF Dosing and Sampling

    A third and final test using perfluorocarbon

    tracer gas sampling (PFT) was carried out by

    placing gas emitters in a variety of places in the

    dwelling, together with sample tubes to adsorb

    the gas. The great advantage of this techniqueover any short-term test is that the building has

    the time to experience a variety of weather con-

    ditions through the testing period. Therefore, the

    results are more likely to be representative of

    the long term infiltration rates. The quantity

    calculated from the measurements is the mean

    age of air, whose reciprocal is the air flow rate

    in air changes per hour. In this case the test

    period was one week and the results of this test

    gave a mean age of air of 2.46 h, which is

    equivalent to an average infiltration rate of 0.41



    It would be dangerous to draw a firm conclu-

    sion from this single study, but it does show how

    hard it is to be sure of the actual ventilation rate

    of a dwelling. If one assumes the actual ventila-

    tion rate is that recorded by the PFT method,

    then this showed an infiltration rate ~20%

    greater than the ventilation rate measured with

    the CO 2 decay test, and ~14% greater than the

    ventilation rate estimated from the blower door

    test using the 1/20th

    rule of thumb.

    Ventilation in dwellings is a complex issue and

    these discrepancies could have a real impact on

    the expected indoor air quality or energy use of

    houses. This is likely to be increasingly so as we

    aim for zero-carbon dwellings.


    Thanks are due to to Jez Wingfield of LMU, Ian

    Mawditt of Building Sciences for the PTF

    measurements and Willy Pane of AECOM for

    the analysis.

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural Ventilation News December 2010December 2010December 2010December 2010

    What is the Ventilation Rate in Houses?

    (a) CO 2 Dosing in the Living Room (b) Large Fan in the Lobby to Aid Mixing

  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    by Dr. Malcolm Cook 1, Dr. TongYang 1, and Dr. Paul Cropper 2

    1. Department of Civil and Building

    Engineering, Loughborough University

    2. Institute of Energy and Sustainable

    Development, De Montfort University

    Natural ventilation is now frequentlyused in modern buildings either as thesole means of ventilation or as part of a mixed-mode strategy. It not only of-fers potential energy savings but canalso lead to greater occupant satisfac-tion resulting from higher indoor air quality and increased adaptive control.Occupants in such buildings often re-mark on the airiness or freshness of their environment. But what designtools do we have at our disposal for predicting comfort parameters in suchspaces?

    Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is often

    used to determine the likely performance of a

    natural ventilation design and to refine im-

    portant parameters such as ventilation opening

    sizes and positions. In these simulations, the

    detail with which occupants are represented

    varies considerably, both in terms of geomet-

    rical form and conditions imposed at the sur-

    face of the occupant. Some cases use simple

    shaped blocks of constant temperature, others

    specify a constant heat flux based on an as-

    sumption of the surrounding air conditions.

    Some models pay little or no attention to the

    radiation exchange with the environment or

    make assumptions that lead to over-sizing of

    heating systems or show up natural ventilation

    to be far less feasible than it otherwise might be.

    In some cases, CFD models are used to derive

    empirically-based thermal comfort parameters

    such as predicted mean vote (PMV) and predict-

    ed percentage dissatisfied (PPD) of occupants.

    Work currently underway by researchers at

    Loughborough and De Montfort universities

    uses a computational manikin of human ther-

    moregulation and thermal comfort (the IESD-

    Fiala model [1]) embedded within the solution

    cycle of a CFD program to provide a fully cou-

    pled model capable of predicting the influence

    of temperature and velocity fields on human

    thermal comfort and the effect of human metab-

    olism and sweat excretion on the surroundings.

    This provides the opportunity to model more

    realistic human geometries (and the boundary

    layer flows and heat transfer associated with

    this) as well as the convection, radiation and

    moisture transfer between the body and thesurrounding environment.

    The coupled simulation system begins by setting

    an initial guess for the flow field in the CFD

    model. In response to this, surface temperatures

    and perspiration rates are calculated for each of

    59 body parts by the IESD-Fiala model and are

    passed to the CFD model to be used as bound-

    ary conditions. Once the CFD solution has

    achieved a sufficient degree of stability, or con-

    vergence, information about the local environ-

    ment close to the body surface is extracted andpassed to the IESD-Fiala model, which deter-

    mines the bodys response to these new condi-

    tions. Updated surface temperatures and perspi-

    ration rates are then returned to the CFD model

    and the CFD solution process resumed. This

    data exchange is repeated until the coupled

    system achieves a sufficient degree of overall


    This two-way data transfer is thought to be par-

    ticularly important when modelling naturally

    ventilated spaces where air velocities are low,

    because the effect that a human body has on

    the local environment is potentially more signifi-

    cant than in other environments where velocitiesare often higher.

    Figures 1 and 2 show the coupled system in use

    to simulate natural ventilation in a school class-

    room. The model comprises open windows with

    cross ventilation to a stack driven purely by

    buoyancy forces generated by the room occu-

    pants. The detailed image is taken from a simu-

    lation which was used to investigate the differ-

    ences exhibited by the new coupled system

    alongside a more traditional, simplified shape

    model of a human with a constant heat flux.

    Although still in progress, the work demon-

    strates how a coupled model approach can

    lead to a more accurate prediction of the con-

    vective-radiative split at the human body surface

    to generate a more buoyant plume and ulti-

    mately a greater ventilation rate in buoyancy-

    driven natural ventilation. The coupled system

    also predicts dynamic thermal sensation using

    one of the worlds most respected and widely

    validated cybernetic models of human heat

    transfer and thermoregulation.

    The full article can be found in the September

    2010 edition of the CIBSE Journal. Further de-

    tails about the coupling procedure can be

    found in the Journal of Building Performance

    Simulation, pp. 233-243, Volume 3, Number

    3, 2010.


    [1] Fiala D. Dynamic Simulation of Human

    Heat Transfer and Thermal Comfort. PhD

    Thesis, De Montfort University, 1998.

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural Ventilation News December 2010December 2010December 2010December 2010

    Thermal Comfort Prediction Using Coupled Modelling

    Figure 1: Air temperature predictions in a naturally ventilated classroom with ambient temperature of 21C. In this case, the predicted dynamic thermal sensation for the manikin was 0.73 (slightly cool)

    with a natural ventilation flow rate of 14 litres/sec/person.

    Figure 2: Temperature distributions around the IESD-Fiala model compares with simplified shapes for occu-pants showing the differences in surface temperature and buoyant plume structures.

  • 8/7/2019 natural vent


    by Prof. D Clements-Croome,

    Dr. D Mumovic, Dr. S MacMillian,

    and Dr. Z Samad

    Buildings can enhance teaching andlearning by high quality design and

    management. The physical environ-ment affects the not only the body butthe mind in terms of concentration.Unfortunately the environment in manyschools is tiring for pupils and teachers.This article summarises the findings of research into the design and manage-ment processes and proposes a seriesof actions which can increase the likeli-hood of attaining school architecturewhich is fresh and pleasant for pupilsand teachers.

    Barriers exist between consultants and

    contractors. The traditional janitor caretaker is

    now the site manager but has this ensured that

    the facilities management really takes place in

    practice? There is a demand to lower energy

    consumption but this cannot be done at the

    expense of quality environments for the learning

    process to take place in. Evidence based

    research and practice is used here to give

    recommendations for designing and managing

    intelligent schools which are responsive to user


    Two recent research studies show that the

    guidelines provided in Building Bulletin (BB) 98

    (Briefing Framework for Secondary School

    Projects) are regularly seen to constitute the

    minimum accepted standards for a school facili-

    ty that, in their opinion, were often used as

    criteria for assessing costs. In contrast, there are

    contractors and consultants who, rather

    pragmatically, believe in the importance of

    prioritising the aspects that are most important

    to the individual school. However, their priorities

    regarding contextual fit and their views on thepotential impact of the school on the individual

    and the wider community differ from those of

    architects. They also considered the money

    allocated to building a school facility is not


    Numerous attributes of design quality are

    considered to be quite subjective and are given

    varying importance by different stakeholders.

    This is particularly apparent for attributes such

    as aesthetically pleasing and contextual fit.

    Different views and expectations concerning theschool environment clearly exist. Omnipresent

    was the expressed need to view the design

    quality of a school as incorporating more than

    just the building. But so too was the difficulty of

    giving sufficient allowance to the commercial

    context in any judgement of quality of the

    design. Thus, it is not surprising that practition-

    ers frequently emphasise the challenges they

    face in attempting to operationalise notions of

    design quality. Whilst there is common

    acceptance of the complexity of designing a

    school, agreement regarding the importance of


    the different components of the school system

    and how to prioritise between them is still to be

    achieved. The multiple purposes of educational

    facilities and the conflicting views of design

    quality combine to make finding a balance

    between fitness for purpose, cost

    effectiveness and buildability of the facility a

    very difficult task indeed. Ultimately, the now

    scrapped Building Schools for the Future (BSF)

    programme presented an unprecedented

    opportunity for institutional change.

    However a research study by University College

    London shows that many new BSF schools are

    failing to achieve the expected targets related to

    both energy consumption and indoor air


    This evidence was supported by a BSRIA

    commentary in May 2009 concerning Energy

    Performance Certificates in which it was stated

    that, by the end of 2008, only 43 out of 92

    schools had performed in asset rating efficiency

    bands A-C ( ).

    a. post-occupancy performance of five low

    energy schools in the UK shows that four of

    the schools evaluated had higher carbon

    emissions than the median UK school

    building. It was found that the increase in

    the use of IT, as well as more stringent

    internal air quality standards, is r esponsible

    for the high energy consumption. The less

    obvious reasons include inadequate

    training to operate building management

    systems and failure to understand the effect

    of occupant behaviour on energy use in

    schools. Note that all five school buildings

    were completed in the period from 2001 to

    2005, and were characterised by

    comparable gross floor areas and similar design criteria. This study advocates the

    continuing use of post occupancy

    evaluation to ensure that a rapid feedback

    loops enable designers to understand

    better the real design requirements for

    school buildings.

    b. a number of newly built BSF schools with

    different ventilation strategies has been

    monitored thoroughly across a range of

    environmental conditions and this has

    revealed a number of conclusionsregarding school design and build quality.

    The studies showed that complex

    interaction between thermal comfort,

    ventilation and acoustics when providing

    good classroom design presents

    considerable problems for designers.

    Overall, it would seem that the basic

    requirement of 1500 ppm of carbon

    dioxide is achieved as a consequence of

    the window areas being just sufficient to

    provide the required level of fresh air with

    low and intermittent occupancies. To meet

    the higher supply rate of 8 l/s per person

    the window installations frequently provide

    inadequate openable area. Furthermore, it

    has been concluded that the ventilation

    provision may be inadequate to remove

    excess heat without causing discomfort

    from draughts. Note that all studied

    schools were built between 2004 and

    2006 and were in compliance with the

    Building Bulletin 93 (Acoustic Design of

    Schools) that significantly revised the stand-

    ard for acoustic performance.

    It seems that multiple purposes of educational

    facilities and the conflicting views of design

    quality combine to make finding a balance

    between fitness for purpose, cost

    effectiveness and buildability of the facility a

    very difficult task indeed.

    Other studies by the University of Reading show

    that CO 2 affects pupils concentration levels

    and the need for fresh air is just as important as

    temperature requirements.

    The BSF programme had a Minimum Design

    Standard. The procurement period was 75

    weeks. CABE assessors made a review of initial

    design bids in weeks 2330 and further

    reviews until the end of the procurement period.

    This gave time for the design to evolve and

    hopefully ensures enough thinking time.

    The review was based on 10 quality criteria. The

    assessors could include designer architects and

    engineers; local authority professionals;

    members of partnership for schools; and educa-

    tionalists. It is not clear that this solved the prob-

    lems which can occur at the later stages of con-

    struction, commissioning and facilities manage-

    ment. We have to ensure that all the team of clients, consultants, contractors and others all

    have the same mission and values if we want to

    attain the aspirations described here.


    Part of this work was financed by EPSRC.

    Paulina Cardellino, Roine Leiringer and others

    have also researched the Reading University

    findings presented in this article.

    About the Authors

    Emeritus Professor Derek Clements-Croome isDirectory of the Intelligent Buildings Research

    Group at the University of Reading and Chair of

    the CIBSE Natural Ventilation Group.

    Dr Dejan Mumovic is a Lecturer in Environmental

    Design and Engineering at the Bartlett School of

    Graduate Studies, University of London, and is the

    Secretary of the CIBSE Schools Design Group.

    Dr Sebastian MacMillan is an affiliated Lecturer of

    the Department of Architecture, University of Cam-


    Dr Zulkiflee Bin Abdul Samad is a Senior Lecturer

    in the Faculty of the Built Environment at the Uni-

    versity of Malaya, Malaysia.

    Natural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural VentilationNatural Ventilation News December 2010December 2010December 2010December 2010

    Designing Intelligent Schools
