Native Americans of NY Mrs. Johnson wonders how much you know


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Native Americans of NY

Mrs. Johnson wonders how much you know...

•What do you call a scientist who studies artifacts to learn about the past?

An archeologist

• What do you call the group of people who meet to talk about and solve problems for the confederacy?


•What is the period before written history called?


•How did people first come to North America?

By crossing a land bridge

•What are objects made by people of long ago called?


•Hunters and gatherers moved from place to place to find this.


•Growing their own food meant people could do what?

Stay in one place

•The history, beliefs and customs that a group of people share is their what?


•A clan is a group of families who have a common what?


•What is the true meaning of the word “Iroquois”?


• What does Hodenosaune

e mean?

People of the Longhouse

•Storytelling was important to the Iroquois because it taught about what?

Ancestors, land and animals

•What is one difference between the Iroquois and the Algonquin?


•What are the 4 rights given by the Iroquois Confederacy?

Freedom of speech, to give own views, food, clothing and shelter and worship

•What is the head of each clan called?

Clan Mother

•What are the members of the grand council called?


• What are the names of the 5 groups which make up the Iroquois Confederacy?

Cayuga, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca

• Who was the tribe that joined the Iroquois Confederacy 150 years later?


• What did the Iroquois form to protect themselves from outside groups?

The Iroquois Confederacy

•What are the 3 sister crops?

Corn, beans and squash

•Eastern Woodland tribes lived in the area east of this river.

The Mississippi River

•What is the tall wooden fence surrounding the village called?


•Before the Europeans came to America, the Indians were a...

Stone age people

•What did the Indians trade beaver skins for?

Metal tools, cookery and guns

•What does “Stone age people” mean?

They only used stone for tools because that’s all they had.

•Why were canoes the easiest means for travel?

They held a lot and were light enough to portage.

•What does portage mean?

To carry from waterway to waterway.

•What jobs did Iroquois men perform?

They hunted, fished and traded.

•What jobs did women perform?

Planting and gathering

•What did the tribes of the Northeast use for clothes?


•What did the Indians use for fertilizer in their corn?


• Who was the Onondagen leader who helped Deganawida form the Iroquois Confederacy?


• Who was the group that believed its members had power to heal very sick people?

False face society