National Pecspective May 23, 2010



National Pecspective May 23, 2010

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Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 Edition 91 Vol. 2 - Week 40


See story on page 14

Is Perdomo Out!?Barrow takes over National Security

Princess Petroleum ‘Deals in’ Treaty Energy

On its Oil Lease Concession to become ‘Belize Treaty Energy Corporation’

News coming out from Houston indicates that Princess Petroleum Limited (“Princess”) entered into a 50\50 Joint Venture Agreement on the 22nd of April 2010, with Treaty Energy Corporation, which describes itself as a growth-oriented energy company in the oil and gas industries. It’s headquarters being

in Houston, Texas.Princess Petroleum Limited is headed by Managing Director, Mr. M Hamdi Karagozoglu, it’s a registered company in Belize that is now engaged in the business of exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas which is part of the wider Princess Group International, that is engaged in the development of Hotels,

Casinos, and other Real Estate ventures throughout South America, the Caribbean, and Europe. In July of 2008, Prime Minister Dean Barrow posed with one of the leading honchos of ‘Princess Group International’ who presented

Young ACP Elodio ‘Jaguar’ Aragon rolls out “Operation Jaguar” in pre-dawn military style this past Monday. Aragon

who is the anointed choice of the UDP government to be the next Commissioner of Police is the son of former UDP

Education Minister Elodio Aragon Sr.

Two weeks ago, on May 11th; Prime Minister Dean Barrow and his UDP Cabinet fi nally woke up to the reality

of violence and crime of which the people of Belize have been subjected to by criminals. They sheepishly

accepted that crime in Belize among everything else, has reached “crisis proportions” and that there is no confi dence whatsoever in the Police Department.

The Cabinet agreed that the Government must take remedial action to address both aspects of the problem; emphasizing to reorganize the police Department as a priority, and to punish rogue behavior. So now, does this mean that they were ignoring the atrocities committed by

Continued on page 5

Continued on page 4

Belize City, Thursday, May 20, 2010

“It’s an actual conference area to facilitate business c o n v e r s a t i o n or business e n v i r o n m e n t . Everything in the essence of what it is for business people where ever from to come and discuss business. They have the option to sit in a lounging area which there is absolute no cost to sit, we just ask to patronize the business.

They can patronize the business in 3 different forms, whether it’s for

coffee, whether it’s for desert bar or hard drinks, any type of hard drinks. But the main focus is to actually rent the conference rooms and business rooms.” - Karim Berges, owner #48 Baymen Avenue“A business center is wonderful. We don’t want any after-hour drinking, we

See story on page 14

BAYMEN AVENUE BROUHAHAUDP scraping for the scraps

(L)Karim Berges; Founder of UDP’s ACB (M) Wilmot Simmons; Chairman Belize District Liquor Licensing Board (R) Hon Carlos Perdodo; Impotent

on Crime but hard on liquor licensingContinued on page 3

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 2

appearance before he is sacked from Cabinet therefore he wants no more temptation near his house.

What should not be overlooked is the claim by Berges that he has direct contact with all Cabinet members. We have not located an individual that is willing to place their head on the block to deny that Berges is

not a shady character. So it is safe to say that a shady character in direct contact with Cabinet makes everyone wonder.

It is rumored that Karim Berges once had the keys to the Lands Department and it is a fact that the Minister of Natural Resources is his bosom buddy. With a review of all the corrupt charges levied at Cabinet, it is safe to say that the UDP Cabinet is the ‘Most Corrupt Cabinet’ (MCC) ever. From here onwards we will only refer to the UDP Cabinet as MCC. Once you are doing any transaction with Karim Berges it is safe to say that such a transaction is not an “above board” transaction, so now that Berges has publicly admitted he is tight with all Ministers there should be red fl ags all around. But it seems that the UDP Ministers are realizing that Creamy is a sinking ship, and now he is being treated as a leper. None of the Ministers in Cabinet want anything more to do with him. They have gotten enough from him already; they don’t need no more. That is why they supported Carlos Perdomo’s petition to revoke the liquor license for his so-called bar.

The UDP shouldn’t forget that Creamy Berges is notorious for jumping ships (changing party) if he can’t have his way. He was once a PUP who switched because he wanted the PUP/DFC to overlook major loan default on mortgaged properties that belonged to his relatives. He has threatened that if he is not allowed to get his own way he will jump on

the PUP bandwagon. He has made it clear that the UDP presently needs help and that he is the only one that can help. However, if the UDP does not get his help then the PUP will win the next general election.

This must be a scary threat to a UDP party that has such a large majority. Creamy’s threats may have the Prime Minister shaking in his boots? Is this so or not?

It is said that money is the root of all evil, but in truth it is the “love of money” that is evil. This has been evident in everything the United Democratic Party government does under the leadership of Dean Oliver Barrow. The rampant corruption exhibited under his leadership is so humongous that it makes Madoff appear as a saint.

The UDP crowd is such a bunch of thieves, one that is so driven by greed that now that they have exhausted all their hustling from the PUP cronies who were facilitating them, they have now turned their attacks on themselves.

During the newscasts this week, an alleged shoplifter claimed he is a UDP insider and that he is a major contributor to the Belizean society. This shady individual, however, was blocked from getting a liquor license in a residential area. The residents of Baymen Avenue should be applauded for their stand against this criminal element of the United Democratic Party. They along with their area representative have stood fi rm against the cartel faction of the UDP.

The Baymen Avenue residents headed by the daughter of Carlos Perdomo and the Speaker of the House’s mother, Soli Arguelles, launched an attack against Karim “Creamy” Berges, who was once the UDP’s National Campaign Manager. The residents are objecting to the establishment of a bar and/or gambling joint at #48 Baymen Avenue that is to be opened shortly. Berges claims that he has established a meeting room at #48 Baymen Avenue. Many believe that the establishment is a façade, and that it’s simply a gambling room that will cater to his friends and colleagues from Cabinet, who he claims he has on speed dial, and who can be facilitated when they are doing their million dollars deals.

While we have no kind words for Carlos Perdomo, we are confi dent that he is trying to provide a sober

No one takes Creamy seriously, they see him as a two-bit hustler who has used his affi liation with UDP insiders such Lois Young Barrow, Jeremy Spooner, Lascelle Arnold, etc. to legitimize his connection with the corrupt UDP decision makers. The Association of Concerned Belizeans (ACB) has proven to be a group

of gold diggers that are having a feeding frenzy at the government’s trough while poor Belizeans are left to suffer.

Clearly UDPs such as Creamy and even his close buddy Wilmott Simmons, Chairman of the Belize District Liquor License Board, believe UDP’s should stick together no matter what. This is the same UDP government that was elected on a platform of transparency and accountability that now has its prominent

members claiming that UDP’s should not fi ght but collude to the detriment of the Belizean people.

The MCC are traitors to Belize along with all their cronies such as Mr. Creamy , and should not be allowed to further erode this fragile economy. Those with ears let them hear.

25 Nanche St. Belmopan


With a review of all the corrupt charges levied at Cabinet, it is safe to say that the UDP Cabinet is the ‘Most

Corrupt Cabinet’ (MCC) ever.


Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 3

Continued from page 1

don’t want any problems with parking. “- Sylvia Perdomo, community activist

At press time today, the roiling dispute between the residents of Baymen Avenue Belize City and the Cabinet of the Government of Belize on the one hand, and former UDP National Campaign Manager Karim “Creamy” Berges and Belize District Liquor Licensing Board on the other, remains at an impasse with neither side having blinked or budged.At the heart of the dispute is Belize’s faltering economy, an entrenched culture of corruption and disrespect for the rights of citizens by the party in government.The news broke on Monday of this week that despite a petition signed by one hundred opposing area residents, the Liquor Licensing Board had granted Berges a license to sell drinks at some type of business and social club he was opening at #48 Baymen Avenue. The residents’ objections were straightforward and simple – they did not want anyone selling liquor in their neighborhood. In fact they also wanted the liquor licenses of two other already-operating businesses, in this case two Chinese grocery stores, revoked and denied.In a remarkable sequence one day last week, Berges had received a letter from the Board around 2:00 p.m. saying that he been granted the license and then another

letter just half an hour later from the Ministry of Local Government, saying it had been revoked the license following an appeal by the area representative Carlos Perdomo, who lives just six houses down from the establishment.The revocation was apparently a Cabinet decision and provoked this on-camera outburst on Monday from Berges:“I have access to all members in Cabinet and Area Reps. I can put a personal phone call to any of them. I should be able to. I am the former national campaign manager. I am the founder of ACB and I have a track record to show that I am a part of society and I contribute to my society even as a board member when I was a part of Rotary Club. The Cabinet is to serve the country, how did we get there? I was denied my opportunity to make my argument. And not because I am national campaign manager, but I worked for it. “The following day Berges produced a petition in support of his project signed by 30 residents, including city councilor Roger Espejo who does not live in the immediate area.It seems that it is on the strength of this petition that the Belize City Council, which actually controls and manages the Liquor Licensing Board, granted 48 Baymen its license. In a letter copied to both sides the Board’s chairman said that they disagreed that the business is likely to become a nuisance and found that the

objections were not sufficient grounds to deny the license.We also learned that late last week, in that same extraordinary exchange of letters, the attorney for the Belize District Liquor Licensing Board, Darrell Bradley had written back to the Minister of Local Government calling the license reversal “serious” and that it was “illegal and unlawful because it violated every rule of natural justice and due process.” In that letter the Board asked the Minister to withdraw his decision and threatened that if he did not, the board would take the Government to court.On Tuesday Board Chairman Wilmot Simmons appeared on camera and reiterated the threat saying that they had been advised by their lawyer, and that they felt that they had been disrespected.He revealed that they had given the Ministry a deadline of just the weekend to withdraw their letter of revocation and because that had not been met, their “attorney has proceeded from there.”Berges for his part has retained attorney Mike Peyrefitte who will also be taking the ministry to court to seek redress for what they believe has been a violation of his rights. Channel Seven news reported yesterday that a Cabinet crime subcommittee met and had planned to discuss the actions of the Belize District Liquor Licensing Board. The station also reported ominously that “at least two ranking

ministers have expressed their extreme displeasure with the actions of the Belize District Liquor Licensing Board. One minister told us that if he had his way, the entire board would be moved.”The meeting apparently did not result in a decision to sack the Board since reportedly the actions of the liquor licensing board were not discussed at the meeting therefore, according to Seven: “… the fate of the board hangs in the political balance.”On an odd note, the station posited that the Board was not the only ones twisting in unfavourable political winds. They pointedly noted that “WAVE Radio’s “Fus Thing Da Mawnin” Show - whose hosts came out decidedly in favour of 48 Baymen Avenue yesterday morning, was not on the air at all today. Outspoken co-host Joe Bradley had suggested that those spearheading the opposition to 48 Baymen should, quote, “Go live on the moon.” Joe Bradley is also the father of Darrell Bradley, a member of the liquor licensing board and the one who wrote the letter to the ministry as the board’s legal counsel suggesting that it would take them to court.” Joe and his fellow co-host Alfonso Noble’s fate may be hanging in the balance but not just because of that particular outburst. Apparently the pair and their show was suspended this week to facilitate a full-fledged investigation into several charges that they may have been taking money from businesses to avoid on-air attacks, or for facilitation (door-opening) services, or for the sale of privilege information.

Baymen avenue Brouhaha

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 4

Continued from page 1

“Reason is man’s only proper judge of values and his only proper guide to action” – Ayn Rand

Belizeans remain dismayed and shocked at the seemingly

endless and escalating state of crime in our country. Many remember the simpler times when we could walk the streets, feel safe in our homes and hang out with friends without care or concern. Those days are long gone for somewhere along the line, something went terribly wrong.

While for the most part, many Belizeans seem to have become almost apathetic to the senseless killings and serious incidents of crime affecting our nation, every so often, a sensational incident arouses the dander of the public. The recent slaying of well known basketball star and teacher Aubrey Lopez was one such incident. Normally, when we get news about shootings involving certain individuals, those known to be associated with certain lifestyles or companions, we would for the most part, shake our heads and move on. When these incidents involve however, those known to us as outwardly decent and law-abiding folks, it stops us in our tracks and forces us to pay attention. What it does is conjure a feeling of anxiety and vulnerability. It drives home the reality that one does not necessarily have to go looking for “It” anymore but that “it” now comes looking for us and can fi nd almost anyone at almost any given time.

Usually, when things get to this point, we see politicians jumping over each other in efforts to seem to be doing something. What we get for the most part, are precipitate actions and knee jerk reactions that usually only last as long as the media coverage of the particular incidents themselves.

Recently, we saw Zenaida Moya, of all people, calling a crime summit and doing what my colleague Nuri Muhammed

referred to as another “Columbus discovery of America”. In other words, saying a whole lot of things that have been said over and over before. Now Prime Minister Barrow has launched his “operation jaguar” and

really, haven’t we seen this before! Over thirty years ago, Rhaburn composed a song to describe a similar exercise when the infamous ‘Mr. Tom” commanded his “operation thunder.” Look for detention cells to get packed with weed smokers and profi led suspects. It is a brawn instead of brain operation that will solve very little and cost very much in terms of fi nance and human resources. Really, can’t these people be a wee bit more original at times?

Moya’s plan, which she supposedly brought back from Bogota, (and don’t we all feel a little better now about her spending so much of our tax money on her fi rst class globe-trotting escapades?), calls for an “all hands on deck” approach. Did you really have to go halfway around the world to come up with that one? The plan calls for very unoriginal concepts like citizen participation, church involvement and business funded initiatives. Committees and sub-committees have been formed to have meetings, eat lunch and do fact-fi ndings on a bunch of already found facts. Honestly folks, who expects anything to really come of this?

The enigma of crime is nothing new and has proven a “perfect nonplus and baffl e to all human understanding” since the early days of civilization. Sages through the ages have contemplated the causes and effects and have searched diligently for answers. Greek philosopher Socrates, I believe, comes closest to identifying the true root cause of not only crime but wrongdoing on a whole. Socrates felt that all wrong was done out of ignorance. He goes on with a long defi nition of what he considers to be ignorance but in the end, felt that those, who do what we consider to be wrong,

do so from a premise of justifi cation.

For the seven years that I worked with the Police Department, I preached daily on the call-in talk shows about the very things that Zenaida Moya is now proposing. I believe that for us to make a difference and effect real change then we must begin in the home and eventually bring the entire community into the effort. Most importantly though, we must begin to condemn crime for the scourge that it is and tear away the veneer of glamour that our media houses have associated with crime and criminals.

For years I had daily arguments with Mose Hyde in trying to show him where they were going wrong. In purporting to be the voice of the poor, they felt that they needed also to be a voice for criminals and wrongdoers. They equated crime with poverty and obviously have diffi culty in separating the two. Consider this! The district of Toledo has the highest poverty rate but yet the lowest rate of crime; does that not tell you something? There are also many poor folks who live humbly within their means and would not steal a dime.

A couple of years ago, Mose Hyde began

spouting a phrase, “ghetto bwoy have to eat.” In more than a couple of shootings since then, the assailants were quoted as having uttered the very same phrase; wonder where they got that from? The truth of the matter is that while everyone indeed deserves a right to live, few of these criminals will use the proceeds from their assaults to buy food, pay rent or take care of their children. Drugs yes! Bling, for sure! Boops, indeed! But providing food for table? Not hardly! Unfortunately, because of the portrayal and protection from the media, these miscreants feel justifi ed in doing what they do.

The crux of the matter is that regardless of what the authorities do, until society on a whole begins to condemn crime instead of justifying and excusing it away and until the media stops protecting and glorifying criminals, we will continue to lose this fi ght. Until the criminals understand that what they are doing is wrong by any yardstick, they will continue to rationalize and feel justifi ed in their actions. Let us debunk this aura of glamour surrounding crime and destroy any romantic notions associated therewith. We owe it to ourselves, our nation and our children.

Now Prime Minister Barrow has launched his “operation jaguar” and really, haven’t we seen this before! Over thirty years ago, Rhaburn composed

a song to describe a similar exercise when the infamous ‘Mr. Tom” commanded his “operation

thunder.” Look for detention cells to get packed with weed smokers and profiled suspects.


who presented Barrow’s UDP Government with half a million dollars to quiet them down. Shortly after, Princess Petroleum received one of 17 concessions from the government of Belize to explore for oil and natural gas. The question is: Are there any other kick-backs under the table that Belizeans don’t know about? Why is Princess allowed to renegotiate an oil exploration concession issued to them with another oil drilling company? Was Prime Minister Dean Barrow bribed openly with $ 500,000 to see things ‘Princess way’? It seems that Princess Petroleum Limited was just a shell (a middle-man type broker type company), that got the lease concession for a little or nothing (as a payback) so that they in turn could have turned a profi t with another oil exploration company for a profi t on a 50/50 joint venture agreement to work off their lease. Treaty Energy Corporation is engaged in the acquisition, development and production of oil and natural gas. They are in the business of acquiring and developing oil and gas leases which have “proven but yet undeveloped reserves” at the time of acquisition. These properties are not strategic to large exploration-oriented oil and gas companies. This strategy allows Treaty to develop and produce oil and natural gas with tremendously decreased risk, cost and time involved in traditional exploration. After coming to an agreement Princess Petroleum’s Managing

Director M Hamdi Karagozoglu and Treaty Energy Corporations, President Andrew Reid, formed this new venture that will be known or is already registered as the Belize Treaty Energy Corporation.This new joint venture will enable the newly established Belize Treaty Energy Corporation the right to explore for oil and gas on a total of 2,000,000 acres which they claim are onshore and offshore oil and gas properties of Belize that are owned by its parent organization ‘The Princess Group International’. The concession consists of 1,800,000 acres of off shore exploration, and 200,000 acres of onshore exploration. Treaty Energy said they have completed, as part of its due diligence, a satellite survey of the entire concession. Satellite imaging coupled with specifi c scientifi c technology and experienced engineering analysis can identify areas containing hydrocarbon deposits. Based on initial fi ndings, Treaty is targeting a 10,000 acre area in the south central part of Belize to place its fi rst well. This fi rst site is located off the southern highway which provides quick access to ports in Punta Gorda and Belize City. Treaty further stated that they have engaged the services of a highly respected geoscientist to analyze all data currently available and guide Treaty Energy to the area with the highest likelihood of achieving a high producing oil-well. This geoscientist was supposed to be in Belize from as early as May 2010, to do soil samples and other studies needed in order to

Princess Petroleum ‘Deals in’ Treaty Energy

Continued on page 5

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 5


Pretends to care about Black Southside Belizeans

Willfully ignores Barrow & UDP’s Corrupt Practices

Deceives Belizeans into think-ing (His)tory is Belize’s History.


Continued from page 4

rogue police elements previously? They foretold that they will be rolling out their ‘umpteenth strategy’ come June 2nd 2010. What was not revealed (from that point of coming out of denial) was that Prime Minister Dean Barrow, has taken on (at least on a temporary basis), the overall responsibilities for the Ministry of National Security. Anonymous sources tell the NP that Perdomo will be removed as Minister of National Security at a Cabinet reshuffle slated for next month. It is believed that the incompetence of Minister Perdomo and his failure to successfully control the police department with an iron fist has coupled with the absence of a strategy to curb violent crime which is the

principal reason why we are in a state of anarchy today. This means that if twiddled D is out, twiddled Dum ‘Crispin Jefferies will be right behind. Barrow has wasted no time in bringing out his blue eye boy ‘ACP Elodio Aragon’ to the forefront since Aragon is Barrow’s anointed choice to be the next Commissioner of Police. As a strategy to give Aragon the edge over the two other aspirants, ACP Leal who heads Special Branch and ACP Segura; Barrow carbon-copied the concept of a similar BDF/Police operation used by Barrow in 1996 when he (Barrow) was the then incompetent Minister of police. This recycled Operation is now dubbed ‘Jaguar’ and Aragon is in command. Within the next two weeks, ACP

select the first well site. Andrew Reid, President and CEO of Treaty Energy Corporation, told energy media they were all excited with the progress they have made on the Belize concession and his corporation intends to start drilling its first well no later than July 1, 2010. BNE started exploration in 2005 and as of May 2009 it is producing an average of 5000 barrels of high grade crude oil per day (API 40.8 Sulphur 0.89%) out of ten wells that they have drilled. Other groups are starting to come to Belize, according to Treaty,

to explore the offshore area so much so that Treaty believes that it will produce huge wells that could produce thousands of barrels per day based on information supplied to Treaty by the satellite surveys. Most of the offshore areas in Treaty’s concession are in shallow waters and many locations showing hydrocarbon deposits have small land formations which would make it very economical to drill in terms of offshore drilling costs according to Treaty. Treaty will begin to analyze the offshore concession towards the end

of this year of 2010; using satellite and other methods to help in the selection of optimal locations for well sites. According to Treaty, most of the offshore areas of the concession are shallow water and many locations have small land formations which would make it very economical in terms of the offshore drilling activities. No mention of any contingency plan in place to deal with unforeseen circumstances, emergency backup for potential oil spill everything is concentrated on the expectation of the huge profits to be raked in (casino style) by the

prospective oil bonanza. Andrew Reid, President and COO of Treaty Energy, commented, “It is difficult to put into words how pleased we are that Treaty Energy has entered into this joint venture with Princess Petroleum. We believe that this business opportunity has put our company on the launch pad to major growth as a significant player in the oil and gas industry.” Mr. Reid added, “In putting this joint venture together, we had the distinct pleasure of working with the key people at Princess Petroleum, including Mr. M. Hamdi Karagozoglu, Managing Director of Princess. With his leadership and cooperation in this business relationship, we look forward to a very successful oil and

‘Aragon’ will have to demonstrate and prove his overall operational and Administrative command skills, a mixture of feistiness and intelligence to drastically bring down the everyday violent crimes that has plagued and paralysed the economic activity in the old capital. In order to earn the respect from the public opinion; before he is named Commissioner of Police, he must meet those requirements. Whispers in the corridors of the Belmopan Police Headquarters indicate that the other two young lions, ACP Miguel Segura and ACP Noel Leal who are equally well schooled abroad on all levels of police say they are expecting fair play and they must be taken into consideration before the next police commissioner is named.As Prime Minister, Dean Barrow is responsible for the state of affairs of his government and has put the entire nation at peril because of his gross negligence and incompetence. During the last two years he has concentrated his efforts framing and blaming his

predecessor Said Musa; trying and spending much needed financial resources to jail him and other members of the previous government while wilfully ignoring his duties that has placed us in a failed state. Crime and violence must be contained, but that will only happen when the other contributing factors are taken into consideration and addressed properly. The entire Police Department needs to be completely overhauled, proper police procedures must be followed and serious investigations must be carried out and precisely documented, video and audio recordings must be presented un-edited to the Courts in order to get the kind of convictions that will keep criminals in jail. The strike one, strike two and strike three judicial discretion must be applied and penalized repeat offenders with strict, decisive, and mandatory jail terms. Conviction rates depend principally on the honest investigations of the police and there should be no short-cuts!

Princess Petroleum ‘Deals in’ Treaty Energy

Continued from page 1

Is Perdomo Out!?

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 6

(A couple of columns back I inadvertently sent out my notes for the following essay, unedited. Normally I would brainstorm random ideas before I write an essay, in this case my notes were sent out and not the completed thought. I can’t blame the computer, as my son reminds me, with the computer, its, “idiot in and idiot out”, so I have to blame myself for pushing the wrong button. Anyways, here goes.) It is estimated by the respected pollster and social analysis, Myrtle Palacio, that the Belizean electorate is beginning to look like 20% PUP, 20% UDP, and as much as 60% of the electorate are uncommitted, called swing voters, who have no party affiliations but feel passionate about what is happening in Belize and want to show their concern through their vote. Gradually the nature of politics is changing in Belize, and prospective leaders need to get the sense.Another signal of this change is the results coming from the current village council elections and the pivotal role being played by non-partisan, independent slates, and chairmen. The last Belize City municipal elections also showed the importance of personality over political affiliation where many non-UDPs voted for Mayor Zenida Moya-Flowers, because she was a woman, and because, like Sarah Palin, she had crafted an attractive political persona, separate from her party. In fact, at the time of the election she was at odd with her party. Thus the old paradigm of assuming that voters will vote party is becoming a thing of the past. Candidates must go after the ordinary voter and not only party supporters. Party support will remain essential, but wooing the uncommitted is the way to go. It is also with these dissatisfied swing voters that Amandala sees its strength. Their journalistic skill at riding the wave of dissatisfaction among the populace has given them an edge to appear neutral, despite the fact that Amandala, because of some “arrangement’, was partly responsible for getting the last three governments (PUP and UDP), elected. Now the Amandala obviously sees the handwriting on the wall and knows that “change gon come” in 2013, the question is, will it be, as Rhenae rightly asked, a “government by default” or will we see a new paradigm of governance in this country? The conventional wisdom says that governments in the Caribbean are voted out, rather than voted in; which means the Opposition, PUP could become the next government not because it comes up with something fundamentally new, but as a result of people being fed up with the UDP. But what can we do to ensure that there is a paradigm shift in governance in 2013? People are fed up with the twiddle dee and twiddle dum of politics as usual; when you see both parties in action it’s sometimes hard to tell the difference. Sure the propaganda war continues and both parties continue to expose the defects of the other; but on the ground, have things really changed? Travel into the Jane Usher Boulevard extension and tell me if you see anything different than what existed in 98; to Collet and Lake I, then to Mesop and Pickstock

and Majestic Alley. Tell me if you see a tangible difference…in fact, its worst, today. This is not because governments have not expended revenue to address the myriad of problems in these areas; houses have been built and streets have been paved but the social conditions remain deplorable. This is a job that is just too big for any one government to do by itself. Therefore we need to return to the involvement of community residents in the improvement of their communities and government becomes the great Enabler. The need to devise measureswhich seek to promote economic activityand job creation. It must nevertheless beappreciatedthatgovernmenthasrelativelylittleroomtomanoeuvreinthisrespect(seeChapter2).Governmentstraditionallyhavelimitedscopetodirectlypromoteforeignordomesticinvestmentleadingtoacceleratedeconomicgrowthandemploymentcreation– otherwise the problem would not existhaving been ‘solved’ by governmentselsewhere.(Draft Final Report, CountryPovertyAssessment,Dec.2009) While I don’t believe we will be ready in 2013 for a “next” party, or “proportional representation”, it is clear that we are evolving politically beyond the confines of democracy as defined by the two major parties since independence. Change is coming, but it does not necessarily take a “next” party to achieve development; development will also come from a commitment on the part of those who govern us to do so with the widest possible input of talent and an infusion of participation from the people. This is not socialism; this is being smart when you have limited recourses and a small population. We need to go back and reexamine some of what worked in the past and re-frame it according to current circumstances and begin to implement it once again. We should not be ashamed to pick up where we left off 70 years ago, if it worked then, it could work now. The government of the future has to get reconnected with the “do for self” and “aided self help” ideas that we started with in the early nationalist movement directed at grassroot Belizeans 60 years ago. A future

government must create an enabling environment that encourages people to become increasing productive and independent at the grassroots level. Our system as it now stands leaves the poor vulnerable while the rich has all kinds of “facilities” to help them make it through these difficult economic times. While there are institutions like the Chamber and the Business Bureau, to lobby for support to cushion the business sector during these recessionary times there are no such mechanisms to help the poor do the same, therefore, as the Chamber suggests, Belize is becoming a “welfare state” where we are rewarding people for non-productive activities rather than setting up the structures that allow people to access credit and technical know-how and markets to stimulate productive activities. We would do good to go back and look at those old approaches that gave this nation its start to economic self sufficiency such as the Credit Union and Co-operative Movement started by the Jesuits over 70 years ago. We don’t need to go back with nostalgia to reminisces about the ‘ole days’ but we need to look strategically at what use to work and look at ways to reframe these old ideas into tangible work plans to meet today’s challenges. In a book entitled: A History of the Catholic Church in Belize, by Richard Buhler, S.J., in 1976, the author writes, “Fr. Henry Sutti S.J., was one of the founding fathers of the co-operative movement in Belize.” Dr. Buhler goes on to quote Fr. Sutti as saying, ”…In an effort on the part of the missionaries to elevate the economic status and living conditions of their people by the

use of modern economic techniques; such as credit unions, consumers’ and producers’ cooperatives. Its chief objectives were to lift people up, “help them to help themselves.” In this way it differed from the manner of helping the destitute by simply giving them a dole in food and clothing. Wherever people are not helpless, yet in poor economic circumstances, ways and means can be found for them to use to improve those conditions. Already in other countries these remedies were being initiated with some success”. We know from history that the Credit Union and the Co-operative movements were initiatives that came out of the “the Christian Social Movement” and made significant impact on the social and economic conditions of the poor in this country over the last 60 years. Notice that their approach was not to create dependency but to dignify the individual, “wherever people are not helpless…”. As a religious community they came up with ideas to address the appalling economic conditions of the people of Belize in the 1940s. What a lesson for religious leaders today who seem to be at a lost as to what to do to make a real difference so they rely on “Days of Prayer” to alter the moral, social and economic conditions that beset Belize instead of adapting the example of those religious pioneers who followed the words of ancient scripture which says: God help those who help themselves. “Tovaryingdegrees,theresponsesreinforcethepovertyrelatedissuesfromthepreceding table. Thegreatest importanceis clearly given to economic issues, highprices, low wages, lack of employmentopportunities,agriculturalandlandissues,all of which directly impact householdlivelihoods: 35% of all mentions relatedto theseaspectsand theywerementionedin between a third and a half of all thesurveys.The‘primacy’ofeconomicissuesalso came out strongly from the VillageSurveyswithover70%ofreasonsforthechangeinthecircumstancesofthevillagebeing related to lackof jobs,highprices,andlackofdemandforproduce”..(DraftFinalReport,CountryPovertyAssessment,Dec.2009) I started this essay making references to the changing nature of the political climate in Belize and the need for prospective leaders to examine their approach to traditional politics. But I also wanted to highlight the fact that people are looking for something different than the same ole same old. I wanted to bring attention to the fact that if the PUP expects to become the next government in 2013 that it needs to give attention to the call of the ordinary Belizean for inclusion in their process and the need for innovative approaches to tackling the socio-economic problems that beset the poor “but not helpless” Belizeans. (Comments welcomed at


Thus the old paradigm of assuming that voters will vote party is becoming a thing of the past. Candidates must go after the

ordinary voter and not only party supporters. Party support will remain essential, but

wooing the uncommitted is the way to go.

by: Nuri Muhammad

Visit ournew website

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 7

NEWS FROM Latin america & regional

MEXICO CITY – Authorities said Monday there is no evidence any armed group is behind the disappearance of a former presidential candidate, and Mexico’ most active guerrilla group said it does not know what happened to him.Diego Fernandez de Cevallos, a leading fi gure in President Felipe Calderon’s governing party, was reported missing over the weekend after his abandoned vehicle was found near his ranch with traces of blood found on a pair of scissors.Since then, authorities say no one has contacted them or the politician’s family. Suspicion has focused on the possibility it was a kidnapping for ransom, an attack by drug cartels or an assault by political or personal rivals.In a statement posted Monday on a website that has historically carried

its communiques, the leftist People’s Revolutionary Army, or EPR, said it shared the pain of Fernandez de Cevallos’ family because its own activists have been kidnapped.“We do not know if his disappearance is for political motives, his inter-

party disputes, or because of the social breakdown of this neoliberal government,” the EPR statement read. “The disappearance ... is regrettable, whatever its reason or motive, it is a painful event for the family, a pain we are familiar with.”The statement did not explicitly say the rebels played no role in his disappearance.Mexico’s leftist rebel groups claimed responsibility for kidnapping business and political fi gures in the 1990s. The EPR is best known for the 2007 bombings of oil pipelines, attacks that the group said were aimed at making the government hand over two rebels who had disappeared.In a statement read to local media by one of Fernandez de Cevallos’s associates, his family appeared to follow the interpretation that he may

have been kidnapped for ransom.“The family calls on those people who are holding D i e g o Fernandez de Cevallos to communicate with them, in order to n e g o t i a t e his release,” a c c o r d i n g

to the statement read by lawyer and former attorney general Antonio Lozano Gracia.In a statement Monday, the Attorney General’s Offi ce said no one had contacted the family or authorities, adding there were no indications

an armed group was behind his disappearance.Fernandez de Cevallos, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 1994 on the ticket of Calderon’s conservative National Action Party, disappeared at his ranch in the central state of Queretaro.The bearded, cigar-chomping politician known as “El Jefe Diego” — “Diego the Boss” — is an elder statesman for National Action.He also is known for his brash, confrontational statements as he brushed off accusations of using his political ties to advance his practice as an attorney for some of Mexico’s richest businesses. He represented

companies that often won lucrative lawsuits against the government event as he served in Congress.The disappearance comes amid a wave of drug violence that has killed more than 22,700 people since Calderon launched a crackdown against organized crime in December 2006. Drug traffi ckers are increasingly attacking political and government leaders in retaliation.Last week, gunmen burst into the farm supplies business of mayoral candidate Jose Guajardo Varela and killed him and his son, after he ignored warnings to drop out of the race in Valle Hermoso, 30 miles (50 kilometers) south of Brownsville, Texas.

Mexican rebels disown ex-candidate


Diego Fernandez de Ceballos seen with cigar in hand

His rural Hacienda from where he disappeared

The Jamaican government has agreed to extradite an alleged drug lord in a political scandal that has led to calls for the prime minister’s resignation. Prime Minister Bruce Golding made that clear in an address to the nation on Monday night. He had denied for months that he had sanctioned an American law fi rm to lobby against Christopher “Dudus” Coke being sent for trial in the US. Mr Coke is regarded by Washington as one of the world’s most wanted drug kingpins.His gang, the Shower Posse, is said to be responsible for more than 1400 murders in the US.It’s also said to be in control of West Kingston, Prime Minister Golding’s constituency.In his address to the nation, Mr Golding apologised for failing to acknowledge his governing JLP’s efforts to

lobby against the extradition request. Coke’s lawyer, Tom Tavares-Finson, said he had not seen any paperwork and did not know why the U.S. was interested in his client. He claimed that Coke had no connections with the United States and was also not sure if his client would turn himself in voluntarily.According to reports, Coke is the alleged leader of the “Shower Posse” gang. He is charged in the U.S. Southern District of New York with conspiracy to distribute cocaine and marijuana and conspiracy to illegally

traffi c in fi rearms. Coke faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted. Under the Extradition Treaty, accused persons

do not have to sell illicit drugs in the United States to be convicted in that country Christopher Coke is not only politically well-connected to the governing party in Jamaica, the JLP (Jamaica Labour Party), he is also the recognized leader of his community of Tivoli Gardens in downtown Kingston. His infl uence stretches across the entire island of Jamaica and overseas to the U.S. and England. His extradition to the U.S. would likely have huge ramifi cations among his followers and his community.

Jamaica’s “Dudus Coke”

to be extradited

the group said were aimed at making Christopher Dudus Coke

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 8


They say the panel will also examine industry practices and the government’s role in the disaster. The news comes as a top coast guard offi cial warned the leaking oil may reach the southern Florida coastline. Separately, the oil giant BP says it plans to start pumping large amounts of mud into the damaged oil well in an effort to close it altogether. Oil has been spewing into the Gulf since BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on 20 April. BP said on Monday it was managing to funnel the equivalent of 1,000 barrels a day of oil from the well to a tanker ship with the use of a mile-long tube. That would amount to a fi fth of the estimated daily spill of 5,000 barrels - an estimate made by the coast guard and BP. ResignationMr Obama would establish a presidential commission by executive

order, White House offi cials were quoted by news agencies as saying. The offi cials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the commission would be similar to panels created to investigate the space shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 and the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in 1979. Greenpeace’s Paul Horsman says oil seems to be washing up in LouisianaIt would also study oil industry practices, rig safety, regulation and governmental oversight, including the functions of the Minerals Management Service (MMS) - the agency responsible for regulating offshore oil drilling. Meanwhile, senior MMS offi cial Chris Oynes said on Monday that he would step down at the end of this month. Mr Oynes has been accused of becoming too close to the industry his agency monitors, the BBC’s Madeleine Morris in Washington reports. However, there has been no offi cial

comment on the reasons for Mr Oynes’ resignation. ‘Loop current’Also on Monday, Rear Adm Peter Neffenger told the US Senate that the oil spill may reach Florida’s coastline. Any oil that does wash up is likely to be in the form of tarballs which are a “little easier to manage”, the top coast guard offi cial said in a testimony at the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Rear Adm Neffenger also said that the government was closely watching whether the oil would be swept up into the “loop current” that moves around Florida. “Currently it shows to be somewhere in the neighbourhood of 40-50 miles (65km-80km) from the southern edge

of the spill,” he said. “We are watching that carefully and as a result of that we are preparing for potential impact on the southern Florida coast and impacts around the southern Florida coast.” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano also appeared at Monday’s hearing, the fi rst time senators were able to question offi cials about the response to the 20 April disaster. She said the government was monitoring the loop current very closely and were treating it as if it were a coastline. “In other words... if we were to see that the oil really was

beginning to move toward the loop current we would begin doing some things in the way of dispersant and booming... as if the loop current itself were a piece of the coast,” she said. Senator Joseph Lieberman, who chairs the committee, said at the hearing that the government should not allow any new deep water wells to get permits or be drilled until the industry could prove it can prevent another failure of drilling equipment in deep waters or contain oil spills more effectively. Plume questionsBP’s America president, Lamar McKay, returned to the Senate for the hearing, having already faced questions along with other oil industry executives last week.

Scientists said on Sunday they had found vast underwater plumes of oil, one 10 miles (16km) long and a mile wide, lending weight to the fears of those who believe the actual spill could be many times greater than the estimate of 5,000 barrels daily. But Mr McKay told senators: “I think we ought to be cautious in terms of defi ning what plumes are out there and how they’re behaving.” The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration cast doubt on the plume reports, saying no defi nitive conclusions had been reached because the fi ndings were unverifi ed. But, in a joint statement, Ms Napolitano and Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said the latest technique was “not a solution to the problem and it is not yet clear how successful it may be”. BP also said on Monday it had received 15,000 claims for compensation, and had already paid out on 2,500 claims. Experts warn that BP’s total liability for the spill could run into billions of dollars.

US President ‘Barack Obama’ to set upoil spill panel

US President Barack Obama will set up a commission to investigate the oil spill in the

Gulf of Mexico, offi cials say.

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 9

by Rhenae NunezBelize City, Tues; May 18th, 2010Francis Figueroa 27 had finished work at Royal Wholesale on Vernon Street on Friday night and had gone home but returned to his workplace where he met his demise. According to reports Figueroa had a long standing beef with Alexander “Big Tug” Myers, 26, over Figueroa’s faith as a Seventh Day Adventist. Figueroa allegedly once told “Big Tug” that he needed to turn to God. The admonition apparently annoyed “Big Tug” and it lead to many confrontations between the two especially when “Big Tug” was inebriated. On Friday night things came to a head around 7:30 p.m. in front Royal Wholesale. Figueroa had finished work for the week and had collected his salary and gone home but returned to pay a co-worker ten dollars that he

owed him. On his way out Figueroa got into a physical confrontation with two men, Alexander “Big Tug” Myers being one of them. Witnesses say that Figueroa was attacked in the middle of the street and

Man Stabbed down for hiS faith

was able to fight off “Big Tug” Myers. Figueroa had “Big Tug” in a headlock when four men drove up and joined in and proceeded to stab Figueroa. Apparently seven men participated in the attack on Figueroa.

Figueroa managed to escape and ran into Royal Wholesale’s compound where he met his employer, Mrs. Yolanda Schakron who asked him what was wrong. The profusely bleeding Figueroa said that he was

fine and then made his way up the stairs of the building. A nephew of Schakron noticed that Figueroa was in trouble and rushed him to the KHMH where he died about twenty minutes later. Alexander “Big Tug” Myers who purportedly was on the run since Friday was picked up on Tuesday at his home on Cedar Street in Belize

City. He was later charged for Murder. Myers was accused for the shooting

death of Figueroa’s uncle, Leopold “Poly” Audinett which occurred on Sunday June 8th, 2003. Myers got off after serving one year on remand. The case was dismissed due to lack of evidence.

Royal Wholesale on Vernon Street where Francis Figueroa

worked and was mortally wounded.

Francis Figueroa Alexander “Big Tug” Myers

By Rhenae NunezBelize City; Thurday, May 20, 2010The National Perspective has obtained a copy of a memorandum signed by Dr. Francis Gary Longsworth , CEO Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority, in which he instructs the “Stores Department to immediately begin controlled dispensing of ISOVUE Contrast to the Radiology Department for use in the CT Scans with Contrast.” The memo dated April 30th 2010 was sent to Dr. Bernard Bulwer; Director

of Medical Services, Dr. Ramon Silva; Radiologist, Mrs. Elisa Nah; Supplies Manager, Dr. Giovanni Solarzano; Quality Assurance Physician and all Radiology Technicians. A source within the KHMH told the National Perspective that Longsworth lied since nowhere in the Commission’s report did it allude to his instructions as being “incumbent upon the KHMH Administration to utilize the remaining stock of ISOVUE Contrast in order to avoid wasteful expenditure.” What the

Hard Pay Star of the Week!

report explicitly said - as is captioned above, that Longsworth should “make good a portion of the $16,000.00.”Our source tells us that none of the radiologists are using (or want to use) the Isovue, and it remains sitting in the Stores Department. Prime Minister Dean Barrow has not reacted to the report since it was delivered to him weeks ago. Barrow promised during his general elections campaign that he would act upon the slightest whiff of corruption, but since this stench emanates from the KHMH

and the stars in this, (yet another in a series of nasty UDP scandals), are his people Barrow has simply ignored this glaring abuse of the peoples’ resources. His Minister of Health has been mute and missing since this scandal broke. Certainly the must-be-moribund Association of (Citizens) Concerned (about Barrow) Belizeans has not paused in their guzzling at the trough to raise their heads much less even a peep of protest.

Dr. Francis Gary Longsworth

“The KHMH stands to loose (sic) $16,000.00 as can be seen at pages 31 to 32 above. The Management of the hospital failed to return the contrast solution Isovue to Miami after discovering that it was the wrong one. The Commission noted that this omission took place at the height of the controversy between BMDU on one side, and Management and the Board of K.H.M.H.A. on the other side. As stated earlier, the Commission opined that Dr. Longsworth, CEO was responsible for not causing the return of the Isovue to the suppliers and that he should make good a portion of $16,000.00 to the K.H.M.H.”

Commission of Inquiry Report – KHMH April 22, 2010

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 10

~Public Views and Opinions~

Mark Espat –The New PUP Leader?By: Lisa AlverezFirst, I must say that as an ardent reader of the National Perspective which, at times, comes off as very provocative and staunchly supportive of the Opposition People’s United Party, I find myself being dragged into what I believe is a healthy discussion concerning the ‘’Special’’ PUP Leadership Convention to be held later this year.Like Gordon Smith, Jeremy Robinson and Rhenae Nunez (all of whom I consider very vicious), I, too, believe a Convention must be called as early as possible by the leadership of the PUP as the Convention is afforded to us by our Party’s Constitution to exercise our unassailable right in selecting the leaders of our choice. It is called true democracy; it has nothing to do with the undermining of the present leadership of the PUP.Where I differ with the three vicious aforementioned writers, however, is that I do not support the return of Said Musa. Unlike Smith, Robinson, and Nunez, I will refrain from getting personal; however, I believe the era of Said Musa has come to an end and it is time for him to ride off into the sunset. This is a new dawn for the PUP, be it ‘’Old Guard’’ or ‘’New Guard’’. The time has come for young, fresh and vibrant leadership.At the Leadership Convention in 2008 in Belmopan, I voted for John Briceño as a delegate from the Albert Division. Two years after that election, I must admit I’m extremely disappointed with Briceno’s lack of leadership, commitment and his inability to inspire the rank and file of the PUP. Simply put, John Briceño’s leadership has not cut it. It is my humble opinion that Briceño and his leadership have failed big time and the PUP cannot go into the 2012 and 2013 Municipal and General Elections respectively with Briceño as Leader. This is in no way being personal; it is a fact. Just look at the result of the ongoing Village Council Elections where many villages did not even produce a PUP slate. I was told that it was a deliberate and strategic plan not to contest the Elections where the PUP wasn’t organized and that this plan was on the on the advice of the National Campaign Manager, who, like Briceño, has failed miserably in his capacity. As far as I’m concerned, Briceño’s Executive is totally ineffective, especially the National Communications Director. I’ve also observed that the Belize Youth Movement (BYM) appears to operate in the North only.I strongly believe the next leader of the PUP should be a leader that is compassionate and possesses

the capability to bring about meaningful and lasting change with a comprehensive plan for the Party’s success. I believe that leader should be the Hon. Mark Espat. Now, I know there will be some in the PUP that will question my motive for sharing my personal opinion in the National Perspective. Some might even take it as a personal attack against John Briceño. To those individuals, I say, the PUP’s dirty laundry has long been aired in the public by all sides of the fence. So, why not discuss it in the National Perspective which is biased towards none? If what I share is taken personal, then that only serves to highlight one of the weaknesses that has retarded the current PUP leadership.Lately, several names have been thrown out as alternatives to the leadership of John Briceño but I maintain that Mark Espat presents the best and only option for the PUP. Truth be told, if Mark Espat and his delegates, along with those of Lake Independence, did not throw their support behind John Briceño at the Leadership Convention, Briceño would not be Leader of the PUP today. Briceño is well aware of this fact and that is why it came as no surprise to anyone when Johnny swiftly named Mark Espat and Cordel Hyde as two of his three Deputy Leaders, the other being Dan Silva. Certainly, no one must be more disappointed in John Briceño than the man who supported him at the eleventh hour – Mark Espat.John Briceño is no Mark Espat and Mark Espat is no John Briceno. ‘’Mano a mano’’, John Briceño is no match for Mark Espat and this has been proven time and time again. While Briceño merely occupies the seat of Party Leader, Mark Espat is, without question, the man who has been at the forefront of every major development that has taken place over the past two years. Whether it was the shameful revelation of the systematic rape of our oil resource by BNE or the displacement of our brothers and sisters in earthquake ravaged Haiti, Mark has always had to rise to the occasion. As for the latter, everyone will recall that Briceño’s call for the UDP Government to consider the granting of refugee status to some of our Haitian brothers and sisters was prompted by Mark and Cordel’s letter to the Prime Minister. I would even dare to say that Briceño, in his folly, could have and would have never conceived of such a noble gesture.When one would expect that the Party Leader would be visible in the media discussing the numerous issues affecting the daily lives of Belizeans and taking Barrow and the UDP Government to task, that person has been Mark Espat. Seeing Mark so eloquently discuss the prevailing issues of the day only helps to convince me,

Continued on page 19

By Rhenae NunezBelize City; Mon. May 17th, 2010 If the laws of Belize were being enforced and they worked, seventeen year old Anthony Lord would be alive today. The teenager met a violent death end at the northern foot of the historic Old Belize City Swing Bridge in downtown Belize City around 12:30 on Friday morning.Police say that Lord was on his way home from Birds’ Isle with a group of friends. On their way they stopped a cab and asked for a ride to their Pickstock Street address. The cab driver refused them and a member of the group stoned the car. The cab driver enraged by the attack exited his car with a machete in hand and set chase at the group who took off running. Lord who apparently has an impediment

after he was shot about a year ago did not bother to run because he didn’t throw anything. It is believed that the cab driver caught up with Anthony Lord and inflicted the fatal wounds. He was later found bleeding profusely at the foot of the bridge. He was taken to the KHMH where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Police are looking for the cab driver who they say has gone missing since the vicious attack on the minor. Anthony Lord lives in Hattieville but was in the City staying with his sister and his girlfriend, also a minor at the Pickstock Street address. The story all around is a tragedy. During recent forums to address Belize City’s violent crime crisis, there have been calls for a curfew. Had that curfew been in place Lord would have been alive today.

Seventeen Year old almost Decapitated

at Bridge Foot

CONTACT US AT:Editor: 605-4508

25 Nanche Street, Belmopan

Anthony Lord

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 11


B i g respect to Wendy Castillo and her team in Hattieville. Wendy topped the polls with 323 votes! Chew on that new PUP. My point confi rmed – you do not chase away your supporters and denigrate the issues of concern to the masses and punish dissent – you will lose. Special dedication to Drunk and Disorderly! The leadership issue that we have kept alive here at National Perspective has taken on a life of its own. PUPs are realizing that the party is faced with a dilemma that warrants critical thinking

on and vested effort in addressing. I have been privy to a number of meetings by PUPs who are gathering to discuss a number of issues particularly that of

leadership and on a grander scale, where

the party wants to go, and how relevant is the PUP to the changing times and the changing mindset of the electorate. It is a healthy start toward restoring the spirit of the party that has been daggered by ineptitude. The feedbacks that I have been getting from these meetings are good ones. I have cited a number of shortcomings of John Briceno’s leadership, and by that I don’t only mean Briceno himself but the people that he has chosen to surround himself with, who have not been able to spark

the spirit of the party. John Briceno’s executive committee does not represent the best and the brightest minds in the party, or the most committed and well-intentioned hearts. That in and of itself, however, while problematic, is not THE problem. THE problem is his klatch of personal advisors who operate out of his “Leader of the Opposition” offi ce, and who run the party’s affairs from there. The fi rst result of this division has been the

woeful neglect of the Independence Hall

Secretariat.Anyone who has been to Independence Hall to try and get PUP business done knows what I am talking about – there is nothing there except two largely unmotivated staffers and no resources. It is as though somebody evicted the spirit of the party from its ancestral home and now every word spoken there rings out loud in the sound of silence, but rings hallow.If that wasn’t bad enough John Briceno’s “kitchen cabinet” of advisors not only can’t

cook, but don’t seem to know how good food taste. The results of the village council elections on his own home turf in Orange Walk speaks volumes – they

Johnny - You dah di Problem…GO!

~Public Views and Opinions~

Choices we need to make

The world changed one summer’s day in 1858 when in a fi eld in Pennsylvania USA, the world’s fi rst specially constructed deep well rig struck oil. The trickle of oil from the Earth, long extracted by humans in small amounts, became a torrent. Relatively easy to fi nd, extract, process, store and transport - and above all cheap - liquid oil quickly became our most important energy source to cook, heat, cool and transport things. From plastics to supermarkets, and from globalised industry supply chains to the layout of our towns and cities, almost every aspect of human life has been radically altered over the past 150 years by oil. Although cheap and plentiful oil has given many people choices and freedoms that never existed before, our addiction has been costly, measured in increased air and water pollution, rampant land use change, overharvesting of our seas, increasing greenhouse gas emissions and consequent climate change, acid rain and urban sprawl. After 150 years, and with the Gulf of Mexico being the latest place where a major oil spill threatens nature and people in predictable and unpredictable ways, it is time to look again at the technologies and risks involved in getting the oil to which our societies are addicted. Driving technologyThe days of easy access to oil are over. Humans are inventing ever more

ingenious ways to fi nd and extract more diffi cult to access oil reserves in more extreme and generally more ecologically pristine regions. But getting oil from places such as the Arctic or deep under the ocean is not only technically diffi cult; it increases the risk of environmental damage, as we’re currently seeing in the Gulf of

Mexico. Oil extraction technology has improved a great deal over recent years, driven in part by the need to get it from these more diffi cult places. There have also been big improvements in operational procedures and standards, not least regarding the health and safety of oil workers. But technology and operational

procedures to minimise the risk of environmental damage, and to cope with and clean up after environmental

catastrophes, do not appear to have kept pace with extraction technology. Oil is still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. BP is spending millions of

dollars a day to contain the oil with booms, using chemicals to disperse

and break it up, and burning some oil on the ocean surface. But understanding how, for example, these toxic chemicals become distributed in the water column and how they will affect marine life, given the scale at which they are being used, is poor. BP is deploying makeshift containment domes to channel the escaping oil from the ocean fl oor to the surface where it can be collected by vessels. Considering the high environmental and societal

risks and impacts, and huge cost of oil spills, shouldn’t this technology be more advanced? The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are warm, with well developed infrastructure and staging locations nearby. What would happen if a similar disaster happened in the cold, ice covered and remote waters of the Arctic? The higher risk of getting oil from more remote places means a higher price.Islands can be protected - but not the wider ocean’s ecology. Where oil reaches the coast, it will damage

Oil, risk AND technology

Continued on page 16

The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico should be a wake-up call to governments and energy companies, argues William Jackson, raising deep questions about our addiction to oil. Compensation may be paid for immediate damages - but

what about the wider environmental harm?

Continued on page 17

B i g

Alfonso’s truck parked in front of Vibes last Friday

Joe Bradley and Alfonso Noble making their way

in to see their girl.

The meeting; Sharole Saldivar was fi red for talking to the wrong people. Ironically she was at Vibes when the visit occurred. What a tangled web.

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 12

by Rhenae NunezBelize City, Tues. May 18, 2010The name “Jamil Betancourt” has been fl oating around for some time as the man who squeezed the trigger of the gun that killed Belize City businessman, Jason Coombs at his place of business, Pre-Con Limited on Central American Boulevard on November 11th 2009. Jamil Betancourt, 27, was captured

and taken into custody on Saturday, May 15th. According to Orange Walk police, Betancourt is a person of interest after he was linked to the car that was used in the cold blooded assassination. The car, a gold colored Toyota Corolla, drove on to the compound where Coombs was working and someone opened fi re and then the car drove out. Reports back then was that the car was

stolen and that Betancourt was seen getting out of the car about an hour after Coombs was murdered. The National Perspective contacted Commissioner of Police Crispin Jefferies on Tuesday afternoon after receiving word that Betancourt had been released from police custody earlier that day. Compol Jefferies could not verify the information but said that the forty-eight hour detention

period had expired and that may be the reason why Betancourt may have been released. It is unclear how long police have had Betancourt on their list of persons of interest for the murder. Initially six persons were detained in connection but were later released due to lack of evidence. It was later confi rmed on Tuesday that Betancourt was indeed released and no charges were levied.Betancourt was hiding in plain view at a house in the San Lorenzo area of Orange Walk Town. The house where he was found is described as a “safe house” and police say that they are investigating to see who was providing for his needs while he was in “hiding”. One neighbor described him as a nice neighbor who helped with chores and was always courteous. As far as neighbors knew, Betancourt only received one female visitor described as his girlfriend. With the investigation having now hit a snag, there is no indication that there will be any closure to the Coombs murder which has attracted international attention after Coombs’ mother, Valerie Coombs, publicized her son’s case on ABC and NBC affi liated

t e l e v i s i o n stations in South Florida. The publicity blasted the Belize Police Department for not doing much to fi nd the killer or killers and bring them to justice. The news of Betancourt’s arrest raised excitement in the streets of Belize City since there is widespread speculation that Coombs’ murder is linked to the Chris Galvez murder which occurred on December 22nd of last year. No one has been arrested for that murder after police conducted an extensive investigation which they say cleared the name of a police offi cer who was implicated for the murder. Coombs’ case continues to be a perplexing one since he was not known to have had any enemies and rather was known as a hard working family man.

Jason Coombs

jason coombs’ alleged killercaptured then release

Jamil Betancourt

By: Rhenae NunezBelize City; Tues. May 18th, 2010A medical doctor had certifi ed Glenford Grant, 25, as being of sound mind and fi t to stand trial when he was taken before Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday to be arraigned on a charge of Murder against his eighty year old father, Clifton Grant. Glenford Grant is accused of beating his elderly father to unconsciousness on the afternoon of Friday May 14th.The horrible attack on the senior Clifton Grant happened while he was seated at his home on Oleander Street when his son came into the house from the streets and demanded that his father give him a shilling (twenty-fi ve cents) to buy a cigarette. When his father told him that he didn’t have it, Glenford threw a tantrum and began beating his father, kicking and punching him until he was unconscious.

His twelve year old niece who was in another room heard and saw the commotion and ran to get help from the neighbors who then called the police and an ambulance. When the neighbors arrived at the house they found Glenford seated in the living room drinking a cup of tea. Clifton Grant was rushed to the KHMH where he later died around 1:30 on Saturday afternoon.Although a doctor has declared Glenford Grant as being of sound mind the reason for his outburst last week, it has many thinking different. One sister told the media that the senior Grant had him spoiled and Glenford was used to having his way and that may have precipitated the deadly attack on his father. Glenford served time in jail for a similar offense and was recently released from prison in January of this year after serving two years for beating up his sister. Because of the nature of the crime, no bail was offered to him on his arraignment on Tuesday and once again he was remanded until his next reappearance in court on July fi rst 2010.

Son Beats Elderly Dad to death for a Shilling

Glenford Grant

Clifton Grant

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 13



There are many organs enshrined in the Constitution of the Queen’s Loyal Opposition the People’s United Party; one of the most important is known as the Order of Distinguished Service (ODS). Members of the ODS are considered the wisdom and experience of the PUP. Its members are for life and cannot any longer hold elected office for the PUP. It has been traditional that when the leadership of the party is in need of sound advice or requires a clear understanding or direction, which also includes disputes that the leadership finds difficulty in solving, it is the ODS that is consulted to make the proper , sound and appropriate clarification to resolve whatever difficulty the party faces.

The ODS has always traditionally served as the most sage advisory authority within the PUP set up by the rank and file. However, for the last two years during this direction-challenged leadership with Johnny Briceño as head that has allowed the party to go further into splinters because of his inability to bring meaningful unity to all, we have not seen or heard from the ODS. In fact the last public hearing from the ODS was when charges and counter charges were being leveled against other member of the ODS during the PUP leadership contest in 2008. Article11:5 of PUP Constitution quote “The function of the Order of Distinguished Services (ODS) shall be advisory in nature and shall be limitless in scope and for the purposes of exercising its functions, shall have direct access to the party leader through its chairperson”.My essay this week is solely about the functions of the ODS considering the crucial time that our PUP is traversing especially when considering that its elected members in the national executive and in the National Assembly seem to live a weekly life of vicious and malicious attacks against each others. The new PUP leadership would want Belizeans especially the PUP rank and file members to believe that it is the Old Guard of the PUP that is hindering them from moving the party forward, wantonly ignoring the truth regarding the disunity openly displayed among the principal factions and Johnny’s National Executive Members, especially between factions led by “Racist” Narda Garcia, National Communication Director, the Party’s Chairwoman, Carolyn Trench

Sandiford, and the Party Treasurer, Julius Espat. The power struggle is so obvious and it is troubling, especially the ongoing saga between “Racist” Narda and Trench Sandiford that has now spilled out in the public, via e-mail.

The PUP constitution clearly defines the role and duties of the Chairman of the Party so when “Racist” Narda attempts to belittle Trench Sandiford in her response to a sad situation at Vibes radio, it must be with the consent of the Party Leader. In an e-mail, “Racist” Narda wrote “I would appreciate that before you go off on a tangent and put on record, what you only

know by gossip, that you would take out that same time to call and find out from me what is the status of the situation… In the meantime, as Director of Communications and the person directly responsible of Vibes and the Belize Times, I will make the necessary arrangements for a temporary hold over. Respectfully, please go take care of the Secretariat as that is your jurisdiction”. Yes readers this is from “Racist Narda to Trench Sandiford. She concluded “I believe the Board made a decision that individual members not interfere in the day to day operations of Vibes. I would appreciate that this is done. Chairman, with due respect, you have no authority to authorize anyone to assume anything at Vibes”. Don’t you think she had the blessing of John Briceño?

The Chairman Trench Sandiford was again embarrassed when she tried to called an executive meeting but “Racist” Narda disagreed and used the ongoing village council elections as an excused prompting Trench Sandiford to respond: “As a National Executive, we must be able to multitask and multiprogram, after all, it is a quality which will be demanded of us when

we become the government”. In a direct show of support to “Racist” Narda, the maximum leader Briceño himself intervened writing; “I have been bombarded by many of you questioning the urgency of holding a meeting this month. All our members from outside Belize City have expressed that they are unable to attend this meeting because they are busy preparing for the village council elections and several from Belize City have also indicated they are also unable to attend” He tried to patronize the Chairman continuing “While I understand the Chairman is doing her best in meeting her requirements to

hold monthly NE meetings which are very important, there are times that we may need to forego meetings because of what is confronting us”. Briceño concluded “Therefore, as Party Leader I am postponing this meeting until June when our VC elections are over”.

The bitter exchange continued when Briceño’s secretary, the “Defrocked Diplomat”, sent out a notice of intended activities after what he claimed is a consensus (Among whom?) for several activities including a press conference for the leader and deputies in reference to crime. Well the Chairman of the Party replied to the Defrocked Diplomat enquiring: “Are we not in the middle of village council elections”.

While the ODS is presently represented on the PUP National Executive by its chairman Hon. Belizario Carballo, a distinguished gentleman from the Corozal District, it is not known when this body meets and what comes out of their meeting. The ODS sometimes comes off like a “Fraternal Order” (in Secrecy). The problem that the PUP is experiencing as I mentioned above must be known to Señor Carballo because he is a frequent visitor to

Johnny’s “Happy Tail” headquarters on Barracks Road and of Trench Sandiford’s Independence Hall Queen Street headquarters. However, what is important is that we the grass roots rank and file of the PUP are not aware nor are we informed of what the ODS is doing about the situation. Gordon Smith’s critics will be quick to reply saying that the ODS was practically dormant if not dead under the last leadership of Said Musa and I must agree with them. The evidence of their absence is the reason why Mark Espat and Cordel “the Shadow” Hyde are still a members of the PUP. But is it in the best interest of the Party for the ODS to continue to be

dormant considering the loss of direction by this leadership?

I am certain that the ODS is also aware that the National Convention is due and the thousands of rank and file members of the party (the voting element) are clamoring for a date to be set. As we await for the convention date to be set, attacks have already started flying from forces within and outside the PUP. In fact let me quote from an outside force Señor Carballo, a force that is in collusion with the full support of deputy leader Mark Espat. “When

Mr. Espat decides his position in the Briceño-Musa spat which will break out after the present village council election, then that is the position which this newspaper (Amandala) will endorse”. Those are the expressed written words of Evan X Hyde, the publisher and owner of the Amandala newspaper in reference to the ongoing debacle between the principal factions for the PUP leadership. When reading the Amandala for the last three weeks Señor Carballo, then one would have to come to the conclusion that Mr. Espat has already decided his position in the supposed Briceño-Musa spat. Evan X Hyde and the political prostitutes behind the Zinc Fence did not need to wait for the village council elections to conclude, because the leader of the local Hezbollah Mark Espat, a current PUP deputy leader has already decided his position in the Briceño-Musa spat. He has started all the vicious attacks demonizing Said Musa and Ralph Fonseca in his father in law’s Amandala and which is now echoed by the Belize Times.

We can see clearly what Mark Espat’s intentions are. My question to you

We can see clearly what Mark Espat’s intentions are. My question to you Señor Carballo is if it is OK with the ODS for those attacks against officers and

members of the PUP to be coming from the Amandala and now the Belize Times? Is the silence of the ODS

an approval or consent of the conduct of certain leaders of the party?

Continued on page 19


Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 14

Shalini Zabaneh wins 2010 Sol Female Cross Country Cycling ClassicBelize City, May 15, 2010

Team Sagitun’s Shalini Zabaneh won the 2010 SOL Female Cross Country Cycling Classic, clocking 4:26:21 on her 71.7 mile ride from the Columbus Park in San Ignacio to the fi nish line beside the Memorial Park in Belize City to win the $2,000 1st prize from SOL Belize Ltd, a 1st place trophy from the Belize Cycling Association and the winner’s garland of roses from Florasol. She also won a trophy sponsored by Reginald Jex and a plaque from the Women’s Department in the Ministry of Human Development.Team Belize Bank/BEL’s Alicia Thompson clocked 4:23:19 aqs she rode in solo to win the $1,000 2nd prize.Three time Cross Country champ Marinette Flowers, riding unattached, clocked 4:34:17 as she led the chase group of 4 riders to win the $700 3rd prize.Team Sagitun’s Jamielee Usher, was hard on Flowers’ wheel to teake 4th place, while her twin sister, Janelle Chanona, was 5th and 2 tiem Cross country champ Gina Lovell, was 6th.Jane Usher clcokec 5:07:29 as she fi nished 7th , while Team Telemedia Swoosh’s Fiona Humes clocked 5:07:47 to take 8th place..Michelle Cano clocked 5:17:13 as she

rode in 9th, and Sheena Castillo was right behind to round out the top 10.Eleven riders began the race and Sheena Castillo had won the 1st $200 station prize offered by Safetours at the Shell gas Station in San Ignacio. Then Marinette Flowers took over the lead in Esperanza Village to win a case Monster Energy Drink offered by James Brodie& Co..Shalini challenged Flowers for the lead as they rolled past the Unitedville Community Center to win a $200 prize from Shell Xaibel.Shalini stayed on the pace as the race passed Three Sisters at a mile 60 winning points for the Queen of the Hills title and she was stillinthe lead as they climbed Mount Hope, to win another $300 prize.She won more Queen of the Hills points at the Brick Wall at Mile 54, with Alicia Thompson giving chase. Shalini broke away from the main group in Teakettle Village to win another case of Monster Energy Drink from Brodies, and never looked back. She had a few seconds to lead on the maia group passing through Camalote Village, and this gap grew to over a minute as she won more Queen of the Hills points at Mile 51 climbing the Old Man Hill, and won a $200 prize passing the Garbutt’s Texaco Service Station in Roaring Creek.

S h a l i n i won a $1,000 prize as Queen of the Hills and hers lead would grow to 3 minutes on her way to the City. Along the way she would collect close on $3,000 in station prizes, including three $200 prizes offered by Smart Speednet at the Belmopan Junction, the Belmopan Shell gas station and the Belmopan City

Council, in St. Matthews Village and La Democracia Village, at Mile 29 Belize Zoo, Rockville, Hattieville, Bradley’s farm at Mile 12 ¼, Almond Hill, Mile 9, 8 ½, the Homeland junction at Mile 7, the Mile 6 Bridge, Old Belize Museum, the Police checkpoint at mile 4, and on to ride in solo across the fi nish line.

Belize City, May 14, 2010

Lake I Boys won 78-41 over NHI in the Digicell “Balling for Life” junior basketball competition, while the San Pedro Tigersharks posted their third victory: 101-73 over the Creative Graphics Impressions at the Belize City Center on Friday, May 7.Alberto Cuellar led the lake I boys with 14 pts as they led NHI 18-7 in the fi rst quarter. NHI’s Luis Young responded

with 13pts and Dennis Brown added 10pts, but Hakeem Hassan tossed in another 14pts for the Lake I Boys to lead 36-27 at intermission.Lake I’s Ryan Theus poured in another 12pts, Michael Murillo added 10pts and Rashawn Lainfi esta and Ronald Michael scored seven points each as they romped to a 55-37 lead at the end of the third quarter.Leroy Gladden and Michael Roaches scored fi ve points each for NHI and

D i o n R o c h e s a d d e d four, but C h a r l e s N u n e z t o s s e d in eight p o i n t s for the Lake I B o y s

Lake I Boys & San Pedro Tigersharks win in Digicell basketballLake I Boys & San Pedro Tigersharks

Harris Patten

Continued on page 15

Jamielee Shalini Alicia

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 15

1st - ERIC CHANG2nd - DANIEL ECHEVERRIAOn Sunday, May 16, 2010 the other event of the tournament, the “GRACE - STRONG & WEAK DOUBLES” competition took place with 8 Doubles Team entering the “Double Elimination” competition. Top rank players were not allowed to form teams, but had to team up with lower ranked players.This being the first of its kind for the BTTA, we saw very good teams spirits. Being an annual event, we are confident that next time we will see more teams coming forward to compete. it is a good event to encourage team spirit, and to get the lower rated players to feel and become more competitiveThe results of this event were as follows:STRONG & WEAK DOUBLES EVENT1st - CARLOS C U I / D A V I D JUANG2nd. - NEL AYUSO/JOSEPH SUKHNANDAN3rd. - AMIR G R A J A L E Z /O R L A N D O GENTLE4th. - NICHOLAS M A R T I N /W I L F R E D O CHANG

Continued from page 14

and Darren Mcfadzean chipped in four to power them to the 78-41 win at the fi nal buzzer. Shafan Flowers and John Rolland scored one basket each for NHI.The Tigersharks handed Creative Graphics their second consecutive loss 101-73 in the nightcap. Ivan Jackson led the Tigersharks with 22pts as they romped to a 24-16 led in the fi rst quarter and CGI captain Harris Patten tied to keep pace with 13 pts.National team silver medalist Gene Myvett shot a game high of 28 pts ad he helped the Tigersharks to a 456-31 lead at intermission, while Andre Almendares led the CGI with 24pts.Tigersharks US import Damien Staples tossed in another 15 pts while Lester Cadle and Stretch Marcellus each added 13pts to power them to a 75-49 lead at the end of the third quarter.CGI’s Winston Augustine added 13 pts and semipro veteran Mark Bainton tossed in 11pts, but Doug Penland tossed in 6 pts to help the Tigersharks to their 101-73 win at the fi nal buzzer. Kelvin Gillett and Giovanni Lennon tossed four points each for CGI.Games were suspended on Sunday, while the entire basketball family of Belize took time out to attend Aubrey Lopez’s funeral in Belmopan. The competition resumes on Friday, May 21.

Lake I Boys & San Pedro Tigersharks win in Digicell basketball

Gene Myvett

B e l i z e City, May 16, 2010

The Belize Table Tennis Association BTTA held a national ranking tournament for under-15 cadets at the Belize Elementary School auditorium over the weekend, which Matthew Usher of Belize Elementary School won. Victor Quan of St John’s College won 2nd. Eric Chang won the consolation round, and Daniel Echeverria of Holy Redeemer took 2nd.The BTTA also held a Strong and Weak adult doubles tournament, which Carlos Cui and David Huang won. On Saturday the competition started with the GRACE - 15 UNDER SINGLES competition as 14 kids, under 15 years old, competed in a “Round Robin” fist round competition.With 4 Groups in the Round Robin, 8 players, the top 2 from each group, advances to the Final “DOUBLE ELIMINATION” round that took place on Sunday, May 16, 2010.Advancing to the Double Elimination coming out of the Round Robin round were:- Victor Quan, Brandon Usher, Rahem Pitzold, Steve Flowers, Harem Ochaeta, Jemuel White, Gian Lisbey and Matthew UsherThese 8 players competed on Sunday in a DOUBLE ELIMINATION competitionThe FINAL results were as follows:1st - MATTHEW USHER2nd - VICTOR QUAN3rd - HAREM OCHAETA4th - GIAN LISBEYIn an effort to encourage our young players, a Consolation “Double Elimination” competition was also played between the remaining 4 U-15 players from the Round Robin event.The FINAL results were as follows:

Matthew Usher wins U-15 Cadets Table

Tennis tournament – Carlos Cui & David

Huang win S&W doubles

Matthew Usher

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 16

By: Anonymous ll

ecosystems on which many people rely for livelihoods. Chord-grass marshes are vital nursery grounds for shrimp, and habitat for numerous other species. It has been estimated that 90% of seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is produced by the marshes of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Hurricane Katrina showed us how much we depend on healthy natural coastal ecosystems for shoreline protection. The bigger riskWe see pictures of damaged animals, wetlands and shorelines around the region; but the short and long term impacts on ecosystems and livelihoods will stretch well beyond Louisiana’s fishing and tourist operators. The true risks of energy choices on ecosystem services - the natural systems that support human life and livelihoods - are not being adequately factored into government policy or the balance sheets and stock prices of businesses. BP will pay to clean the water in the Gulf of Mexico, but cleaning the water and restoring ecosystem function is not the same thing.The true costs of restoration will

not be borne by BP. They will be borne through the lost opportunities, livelihoods and culture of communities dependent upon the ecosystem services that would otherwise be generated by the gulf, by the tourists who do not get to enjoy visiting the area, and by taxpayers who end up footing the bill to bring the regional economy back into health. There will be disruptions and losses to commercial, sport and subsistence shell and fin fisheries and mariculture, as well as to commercial shipping and recreational boating. Mangroves, as hatcheries and filtering systems, will be affected meaning additional water treatment costs. Hotels, restaurants and bars, rental car companies, airports, military operations, and other industrial activities will suffer, with indirect and induced regional economic effects of these losses compounding the costs. Some losses may prove to be economically or ecologically irreversible, raising the true costs of the accident substantially. Future proofWhat would it take to reduce the likelihood of such a disaster happening again? First and foremost, it is unlikely that the true cost of such an event was accounted for by BP, because many

Continued from page 11

Oil, risk and technologyof the effects on ecosystem services are only indirectly influenced by market forces. A full accounting of the value of ecosystem services from the Gulf of Mexico by either BP or its insurance companies would increase the expected cost of accidents, reduce the likelihood of risky projects being approved and increase the likelihood of adopting additional, and costly, safeguards against such accidents. The history of energy extraction has been marked by a number of disasters that have driven change: Piper Alpha, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez to name but a few. What is happening now in the Gulf of Mexico should be a wakeup call to governments, regulatory authorities and energy companies. It should spur them to provide safeguards, improve technology to minimise the potential of environmental disasters, adequately and rapidly deal with the environmental and social consequences when disasters occur - and re-examine and improve the way we factor cost into energy investment decisions. The discovery of oil changed the world - is the world paying the price?Dr William Jackson is deputy director-general of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

The abyss of darknessMay 18th 2010

Just when we thought we were turning the corner or at least moving away from irrational, asinine behaviour and the actions of Jean Buridan’s Ass in governing the country ,the prime minister once again has displayed that innate part of his soul driven by a clinical sado – masochistic compulsion to hurt the people of Belize who he hopes will then flagellate him to give him the perverted pleasure he seeks to feed his ego while he is in the temporary political limelight .How can anyone in his right mind ever conceive without public discussion and agreement in a democratic manner ,to write and implement a law like the “contempt” law? What kind of twisted, perverted, diabolical mind could combine the hideous images of Dante’s inferno with the fleeting of turpitudes of Faustian pleasures? If the “contempt” law is meant to head off Mr. Ashcroft at the kyber pass, There is a better way than to immerse the poverty stricken Belizeans into a costly no win situation; for the government is making a bonehead decision to challenge the normalcy of the international community ‘s legal understanding procedures reflectiveness, operating mechanism and judgement especially and particularly through the five permanent members of the United Nation’s security council, so let Mr. Barrow know what he has bought into and live by the aphorism “Cavent Emptor”.I am trying very hard to know and understand the raison d’être for the Belize chamber of commerce.Is it there to provide?a) Legal help to the public and businesses?b) To interpret government policies to public /businesses?c) To help in the financing international trade?I ask these questions because the Chamber aired one of its business perspective programs in which a Trinidadian trade co-ordinator and Belize trade ambassador and CEO of Minister of Foreign Affairs were explaining why Belize should trade with and through CARICOM to the European Economic Union (EEU) . No one mentioned the reason why Nations trade but went to lengths to exhort businesses to seize the opportunity to sign up for the trade with the EEU before the window narrows sign up and the margin (As the CEO Explained it) diminishes or disappears altogether. Yet no one mentioned Nations trade. They missed the point by advancing CARICOM rather advancing Belize.Nations Trade to obtain the benefits of the product and labour specialization. In other words trade with other nations when we have the comparative advantage only; when we have the greater benefit and the lesser cost, in item production and utilization, if these government people can show us empirical evidence where trading with and through CARICOM gives us this edge, then go for it. But if we are going to lose natural resource, exempt CARICOM members from custom and excise duties, support their inefficient (costly) infant industries,

join an impractical and doomed single market economy, supplant our strong Belize dollar with a weak unproven Caribbean currency, obtain or import obsolete technology from members of CARICOM, this is just plain ridiculous . These island nations cannot provide themselves with the technology they need, so how can they provide us. Again, if we need any technology, we can go directly to the Source Designers themselves. We don’t need CARICOM because we are in a better position to help ourselves “comparatively “than those island Nations are. The Chamber must make it cheap that Belize private sector will trade with all nations of the world if we have the comparative advantage. Private businesses know it is better off when government is not involved because it cheats business inefficiencies which will lead to debacles. The chamber of commerce must advocate for;1. Elimination of excessive taxes reform of the tax system.2. Creation of positive investor and business environment by elimination of terror caused by the hot violence and the political corruption and intimidation.3. Lower interest rate for loans at the various financial institutions which will encourage entrepreneurs to risk undertaking business ventures.4. Adopting the US dollar for

the use in the Belize economy. Of course there will be the idiotic fringe to reject. There will be government civil servants who will see an unexplained threat to their jobs and lively hood. But there will be much upside to this US dollar implementation, tourist will love it. Businesses will love it , our trading partners will love it ,reluctantly the government will love it since it will, defacto, provide the dollars for the balance or payment ;5. Foreign investor will love it as it will facilitate global money transfers and increase trade.6. Central bank won’t like it since it will diminish the totalitarian grip it wields over imports, and thus the quantum dynamics of business activities. You see this only of the many resources the country can rise to improve and increase the standard of living by expanding the GNP or GDP (I have to say GNP as tribute to Simon Kuznets who coined it. You have to have GNP before you settle for GDP) 7. The government to stop

enriching certain friends , relatives , and other third parties by giving them contracts for government services , for example, why should government enrich one man to construct roads, or one man to build government funded houses, or any other government expenditures( TAX dollars) on one man who believes he is hell of a businessman when in reality he is just plain scum. Consider the waste of tax dollars because of this fact over the past 60 years. What a waste, what ineffectiveness.These are some of the things that the Belize Chamber of Commerce should be advocating and not trying to serve CARICOM except to deal with that entity on a comparative advantage basis just like any other country.In closing, I draw your acute minds to the idea that Belize is paradise or the jewel and indeed it may be; but what if it is paradise lost because of the venal corrupt governments; the violence, hot and cold that pervades all society; the silent intransigence and the non-verbal truculence the banks display in treating the general public and thus stymie the general development of the country by committing type I and type II errors in making loans? Seriously, people of Belize, rethink the existence of Belize as it is.

Editor: 605-4508

25 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Belize

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 17

have lost nearly every contest. If they can’t win there – well you can figure out the rest.And if you are to judge by their response to me, the Perspective, and their other critics, it is now a case that they can’t stand the heat, and they won’t get out of the kitchen.I know Narda “Apathy” the pathetic communications lady who is mute will get me for this – but damn, you need to go! Narda runs a clandestine operation where people are subjected to her sick twisted directives. Her spineless and “balls-less” emissaries carry out her plans with efficiency. Narda and her team have done nothing but frustrate the work of those who are able to think more critically and chart a way forward for the party. But, I figured why Narda

cares very little about PUP and perhaps far less about Belize. The woman is GUATEMALAN! -with ties to the highest office in Guatemala – the plot thickens. As a former Minister of Natural Resources, I thought that it would at least dawn on Johnny that anyone born on this soil, with true Belizean blood coursing through their veins would have a natural distrust of anything Guatemalan. Why the hell does Johnny think that anyone who remotely has a whiff of Guatemalan blood can direct anything in a party that may go back to Government?! God forbid Johnny wins the next leadership contest and Heaven help us if the new PUP is elected to Government by default. It begs the question, will this sick ----- be awarded high office too? Knowing how Johnny’s

mind does not work, he will make that appointment. I shudder at the thought. This is an issue that I am paying attention to and I will continue to comment. Maybe I see Narda as more dangerous than Mark. Straight like that! We have been singing from our hearts for generations, “we nuh wah no GUATEMALA!” What part of that don’t these people understand? With the level of influence and power that Narda exercises, one should pay attention to her movements. This crowd has all but killed the “peaceful constructive Belizean revolution”. I was amused by the fight with Party Chairman, Carolyn Trench-Sandiford to keep UDP Renee Trujillo in office as manager of the Vibes Radio. I am still shaking my head. I happened to be in front of Vibes Radio last Friday between

eleven and midday when a white pickup truck bearing license plate C-35233 pulled up. I was surprised when Wave Radio’s Alfonso Noble and Joe Bradley exited the truck and assuredly walked into the Vibes compound. I thought that was BIG! They are able to do something that I cannot do! I was sure of who had the honor of their visit. Out bounced UDP Renee Trujillo to see her party colleagues. So I took out my camera and I took pictures. Trujillo jumped (that shocked me!) behind the hedge to avoid the camera but by then I had taken the pictures. All I have to say now is “I told you so!” I was at former FM 2000 when a former worker stole recordings from the station and sold it to the UDP. Narda is setting up Johnny for the same thing. The visit has caused some fall-outs I hear, because Joe and Alfonso have not been on the air much of this week. I have no idea what the visit was about but the parties involved have an M.O. that I am well familiar with. This will all play out. I also heard that someone was drunk and disorderly over the weekend, and was missing from work for two days, and when he resurfaced, the dude was incoherent – sounded totally out of the loop. Men – you guys look a mess. hahahahaaAs I said last week, Belize is on auto-pilot. No leadership from the government and no direction from the opposition. A reader corrected me and told me that if we were on auto-pilot we would at least have navigation but really we have been shoved beyond the reef with no navigational support. We deh pah we own left to the peril of high battering waves and the unforgiving elements. I like the irony; I got fired with $67.30 so they can hire a bunch of incompetents and a few UDP’s. I have gotten correspondence from concerned PUPs about the appointment of the Secretary General. That is another issue for another time which can easily be fixed by the election of a new leader. Do you know that Johnny approved the appointment much to the chagrin of his soldiers “who are in the trenches”?! Told you about friendly fire too! This whole fiasco reminds me of the Trojan horse. Johnny has his camp so infested now the poor fellow is a paranoid wreck who does not know who is on his side. I figure he will run to see Said again. If you do the math on the three factions in the PUP, the “old guard” has the greatest chunk of the support. It took Mark and Cordel’s plus Johnny’s to beat the old guard. From the looks of things Johnny is on his own and Mark is too small to win on his own. The fact is that Johnny barely “eeked” past the old guard for the win two years ago. Either way you play it –it is two against one – just like the British election. Johnny came to Belize City and brought that snobbish ghostlike Narda to disrespect us. He has an incompetent and dysfunctional executive who are losing no &@$$ in the Village Council elections. Well the handwriting is on the wall. HIM GWINE! With PUPs huddling to decide on a new leader it is only a matter of time. After the dismal showing in the Village Councils elections in his area, I figure there will be more pronounced efforts to remove Johnny. CALL THE SPECIAL CONVENTION NOW!

Continued from page 11

Johnny - You dah di Problem…GO!

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010PAGE 18

By: Dulce Silva

Tall women come in two types: models, and the rest of us. Although in the Western world, men and women have been growing taller and taller over the generations, women over 5 ft 8” are considered tall when it comes to clothing manufacturers, who apparently measure their profi ts in the extra inch or two it would take to make tall women (or plus size women) comfortable in their clothes. Tall women also run the risk of becoming terrifi cally shy, since they tend to shoot up like bamboo while the nastiest little boys in junior high are still all mouth and no brains. Being tall makes it nearly impossible for girls to disappear, which lets them in for a lot of teasing and mental torture. The lucky girls use their height to establish an athletic career, and can pound short, nasty boys into the turf, but the rest of us just suffer through it and hope to exact our revenge in college. Be Proud of Your Tall Model Like HeightThere is no way to look less tall. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. Slouching, if anything, makes women look taller, which may be why the fl appers affected a bizarre, S-shaped posture that made them look like they had belly cramps. Tall was sexy then, even with cramps. In fact, tall is sexy now, but if you were one of those tormented, willowy teens, you may not have gotten over the trauma of living in a world where it’s better to be mediocre than to stand out in any way from the crowd. If you have problems accepting that tall is sexy, note the fact that most girls can’t even consider a modeling career if they’re under 5 ft 9”.High Heels vs. Flat ShoesFashionistas tell tall gals to wear

fl ats, maybe because fashion is based on the idea that no matter what you look like, you should attempt the opposite. Flat shoes don’t add height, but they also don’t do much for your legs. If you’re going to be tall, (and, clearly you are), have fabulous legs and great posture to match. Downplay your height, and you downplay a positive attribute: play it up, and you’re operating in a whole new league: real, individual, unapologetic style. Worried About Dating a Shorter Men - Don’t Be!Here’s another radical idea. If you’re uncomfortable dating men who are shorter than you, don’t bother. You don’t owe any favors to a guy who’s probably dating you because he likes your looks: you should like his looks, and if short guys don’t appeal to you, don’t waste their time or yours. Tall men are often looking for tall women for very practical reasons: they’re easier to dance with, and they make a tall man feel like he’s out with a woman, not a doll. You have every right to date men you fi nd appealing. Dress in Clothes to Flatter Your Tall Body TypePlay up your height with tall clothes: long lines, knee-high boots (with heels), long hair. Look for bias-cut dresses, straight skirts and fi tted blouses. Don’t ever try to minimize your arms, legs, hands or neck; they are sexy features, and longer is better. Pay homage to them with opera-style gloves, sheer, sheer hose, nicely-fi led gleaming nails and ropes of pearls. I hope this has given you a different perspective: a higher perspective than most articles that purport to address the concerns of tall women and then put them in ugly shoes.

Dressing a Tall Women’s Figure in Longer Length

Clothes Sizes


By: Jeremy RobinsonDay after day, it is becoming abundantly clear that the UDP Government is unravelling and doing so at record pace, especially considering the fact that this is an administration that is just two years and three months into its fi ve-year term. Now, this should not surprise anyone as this is vintage UDP. History will prove that anytime the UDP occupies the seat of Belize’s Government, it is not long before it starts to self-destruct. As Hubert ‘’Crazy Glue’’ Elrington had so appositely declared, ‘’Dean Barrow, Manuel Esquivel, and Co. always land us on the reef’’.Now, while the UDP moves further and further along the path of self-destruction, it is almost certain that Johnny & Co. are celebrating prematurely and convincing one another that their ‘’win by default’’ theory will come to pass. Knowing the power hungry characters and egocentric personalities that make up Johnny’s supporting cast, I could just see them dreaming at night about their ‘’future positions’’ in a Johnny Briceño Administration.The biggest dreamer of them all, without a doubt, is Eamon ‘’Free Rider’’ Courtenay. As has always been the case with this ‘’Backdoor Santa’’, Courtenay knows that a Johnny Briceño Administration would mean yet another ‘’free ride’’ for him. He knows that Johnny would retain him as Senator which has always been his gateway for becoming a Minister of Cabinet/Government. At the same time, though, the bourgeoisie Courtenay is also acutely aware that there is no constituency in the country of Belize that would ever give him the opportunity to be its ‘’Representative’’. You see, Mr. ‘’Free Rider’’, while you continue to fl y fi rst-class around the world, the poor class of Belize continues to languish in the only world they will ever know - the WORLD of POVERTY. As for Narda AKA ‘’NADA’’, I believe I have found the reason why the woman continues to be incommunicado. Hell, the former disgraced CEO of the Social Security Board (SSB) must be daydreaming everyday about her return to the helm of the SSB. No doubt, Greggs is daydreaming along with his beloved wife for just as Mary and her little lamb, anywhere ‘’NADA’’ goes, Greggs is sure to go. Then, there is the ‘’People’s Reject, the PUP’s Liability’’. Judging by her weekly self-adoration in the Belize Times, I would have to believe that Madam Chairwoman is dreaming of a highly esteemed position in a Johnny Briceño Administration. She has long extolled herself as an urban planner so it would stand to reason that she may be envisioning herself as the next Minister of Works or the next Minister of Local Government.

Just imagine, if Carolyn and Narda are scratching at each other’s throats while in Opposition, how much uglier would it be were they to be a part of Government? Could someone kindly remind the Party Leader that there are many ways to skin a cat? My suggestion would be to drag both felines to ‘Happy Tails’ and to perform an ‘’extreme makeover’’ on both. And what about the a*s kisser who sits behind the Editor’s desk at the Belize Times? What could he possibly be dreaming about other than replacing the ‘’Most Interesting Man’’ in the ‘’Dos Equis’’ beer commercial? Yes Mike, everybody knows you’re ‘’staying thirsty’’. The ‘’Chemical Dependent’’ surely mouthed off a lot last week but all he succeeded at was to hold himself up as the INGRATE he is. How dare you, take aim at the very man who had approved of you being the Director of the Government Press Offi ce; a most senior and critical position. Have you not even the semblance of any SHAME? Why don’t you tell us about how you had to be relieved of that position because your subordinates at the time had just about had enough of your alcohol addiction? Why don’t you tell us about how you were replaced with none other than your good friend and fellow Belmopanese Vaughan ‘’The Agent’’ Gill? And while you’re at it, why don’t you tell us about how you acted like a spoiled brat and moved quickly to court your current Party Leader who facilitated your relocation to Orange Walk Central with all amenities included? You see, Mike, we totally understand why you would put Johnny on a pedestal. After all, when you ‘’fl ipped the bird’’ to Said Musa, it was Johnny who adopted you with loving arms. Your surrogate father would be best advised, though, that anyone who is a ‘’slave to the bottle’’ is a CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER – BEWARE Mr. Party Leader! And Mr. INGRATE, please tell us also about the large amount of mula ‘Genesis Arts’ generated during the 1998 – 2003 PUP Administration and all the General and Municipal Election Campaigns. I shall leave you with the words of Ernest Hemingway, “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut’’.Yes, Johnny & Co. are dreaming and fantasizing but while they do so, we, the thousands of rank and fi le members of the PUP continue to live a NIGHTMARE. This is no NIGHTMARE that resides on Elm Street. This is a NIGHTMARE that resides at No. 3 Queen Street. It is the NIGHTMARE of a Leader and a Party that has been rendered HELPLESS & HOPELESS. It is the NIGHTMARE of an Opposition

Continued on page 19

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 PAGE 19

Oceana’s Ocean Day competition promises prizes that will allow the winners to visit Belize’s most famous marine tourist destination.Oceana is seeking Belizean participants in its 2010 World Ocean’s Day Essay Competition under the topic “Offshore Oil Exploration and Drilling – is it good for our People and Oceans?”VP for Ocean Audrey Matura-shepherd explained that, “the topic was chosen because it is relevant to the national debate on Government’s decision to parcel out our entire marine resources and through the competition not only are participants given a forum to be part of the debate, but it also will serve as a meter of what members or our society are thinking about the situation.” This first of its kind competition is opened to three categories and a winner will be chosen from each category. The categories are: CATERGORY I – individual/General (not for those attending school and/or falling in the two other categories. Participant must be at 16 years and older)CATEGORY II - High School – (essay can be written and submitted by an individual student or a group of students - but must be submitted through the school)CATEGORY III – Tertiary Institution - (could be written and submitted by an individual student or a group of students – but must be submitted through the school)The essay may be no longer than 2,000 words (does not include footnotes and references) and must be in English. Students will be judged on the quality of the relevance of the content to the topic, knowledge and understanding of the topic, the level of research included, how informative it is, the coherence of thought, and the structure of the essay. Quotes and references must be marked throughout the essay and properly cited. Essays can be purely scientific in content or can adopt a policy related perspective such as economics and development. No previously published material will be accepted.Deadline for Submissions is Friday June 4th, 2010 and winners will be announced on June 8, 2010 at Oceana’s Ocean Day forum. Winners will be alerted a day before.

Prizes for categories are:

CATERGORY I - an all expense paid trip for the winner and 9 friends to the Blue Hole (group limit applies) – sponsored by Hugh Parkey and OceanaCATEGORY II – an all day expense paid trip for winner and 24 others (classmates/teachers) or the group plus others to a total of 25 to snorkel at Hol Chan Marine Reserve – donated by Oceana, SEAduced Tours & Elito Arceo;CATEGORY III – Dive or snorkel for the winner and three friends at Whale Shark Zone – sponsored by AVADON Divers; SEA (Southern Environmental Association) and Oceana and one night stay at Laru Beya Resort in Placencia donated by Ian McField for the winner and guests.All Prizes are valid for one year and details of usage must be worked out with the sponsors“I am so pleased and the positive response received from all our sponsors who did not hesitate in anyway to be a part of this educational project which will allow not only the winners but friends and classmates to visit these magnificent marine sites which is such a great part of our Belizean heritage”, said Matura-Shepherd. She added that these sponsors must be recognized for their valuable contribution. Submissions must be sent electronically and by hard copy and must be in Word format. Electronic submissions are to be mailed to and mailed to PO Box 1500 or dropped off at Oceana’s office at #33 Cor. Dean & Regent Streets, Belize City.Oceana reserves the right to publish and/or make available to the public the winning submissions. The essay will be judge by a panel of three with expertise in various areas including science and economics. Oceana reserves the right to determine the winner and its decisions cannot be challenged. To find out more about the competition visit: for competition guidelines or follow us on Facebook. Participants can also collect a copy of the guidelines from Oceana’s office at #33 cor. Dean & Regent Street.

*****For Further information Contact: Audrey Matura-Shepherd 610-0702

June 8 is set aside as World Ocean’s Day and it is a time to reflect and highlight the importance the oceans have to our existence.

Oceana Essay Competition for World Oceans DayPRESS RELEASE

more than ever before, that he’s the man most eminently qualified to be the next Party Leader. John Briceño, on the other hand, appears totally lost whenever he’s without a prepared script. No more evident was this than the recent Budget Debate in the House of Representatives. While Briceño was playing shopkeeper in the house arranging a shelf of canned foods, Mark, as he has done on so many occasions before, had to rescue the Party Leader from making a total a*s of himself. While Briceño relied on his prepared script, Mark, in truly extemporaneous fashion, singlehandedly took on the twenty-five members on the other side of the floor, taking apart their tax budget piece by piece. All Briceño could have done was to stare at the Honorable man to his left in awe.No more, though, should Mark Espat continue to play the role of ‘’rescuer’’ for John Briceño. There is just too much at stake for him to continue doing so. Briceño has had more than enough time to prove himself worthy of leading the PUP and that time has just about run out on him. The PUP is at a critical juncture and the way forward is not for John Briceño to lead. Barrow and the UDP continue to rule with

an iron fist and to arrogantly ignore the suffering of the masses. This is so because Barrow and the UDP are acutely aware that they face an Opposition that is almost non-existent.The ‘’Special Convention’’ needs to be called now. The PUP needs new leadership now and that leadership needs to come from the Hon. Mark Espat. Briceño’s loyalists will be quick to shun any challenge from Mark Espat but let me take this opportunity to tell them that like John Saldivar, John Briceño has neither the ‘’physical’’ nor the ‘’mental’’ agility. It is time for Mark Espat to now rescue the PUP.

Editor’s note: The National Perspective is indeed without doubt, ‘Bias towards none!!!’Our principal objective is to stimulate meaningful debate on any given issue by the ever-expanding readership of the NP.The views and opinions expressed are solely that of the author but in part; she coincide and share the growing consensus of the PUP rank and file membership as to a way forward for the PUP. Her Choice for leader may not be the choice of others but equally has a right to express her views.

Mark Espat –The New PUP Leader?Continued from page 10

Señor Carballo is if it is OK with the ODS for those attacks against officers and members of the PUP to be coming from the Amandala and now the Belize Times? Is the silence of the ODS an approval or consent of the conduct of certain leaders of the party? Do you as the chairman of the ODS Señor Carballo find any evidence to suggest that Said Musa and his faithful followers are contributing to the overall disunity of the Party or do you follow the line of the few myopic members of the executive that he is undermining the leadership of the PUP? If yes, what have the ODS done about it either way? Will racism continue to be encouraged rearing its ugly

head and hindering the true way forward of our multicolored PUP? Will we be welcoming back home Evan X Hyde to join “Narda” in her recklessness to continue attacking true contributors to the PUP who come in various ethnicities?

Despite what many believe, Gordon Smith still believes in the honesty and integrity of the ODS and believes that it is the last standing organ in the PUP Blue Machine that “Racist” Narda has not manage to tear down. You need to break your silence Señor Carballo, we need to hear from you and the ODS. We need to activate the ODS. Those that have Ears to hear! Hear.

Continued from page 13

Editor: 605-4508 | osilva_56@yahoo.com25 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Belize


DISTINGUISHED SERVICE)that poses absolutely no threat to a Government that is COLD-HEARTED & OPPRESSIVE.I maintain that the time has come for us to choose an alternative to the current leadership of the PUP. The time has come for some person or persons to champion this cause. It isn’t enough that my comrades, Rhenae, Gordon and I continue to repeat our calls for a National/Leadership Convention. It is time now for someone to step up to the plate. Like Rhenae, if when the dust settles, Johnny Briceño ‘’repeats’’ as Leader of the PUP, yours truly will respect that outcome and try my darnest to live with it. What

I refuse to live with, though, is that I, like many others, are being denied our constitutional right to choose whom we wish to LEAD us and whom we wish to FOLLOW. As in the words of the immortal Albert Einstein, ‘’The led must not be compelled. They must be able to choose their own leader’’.Someone has got to DELIVER us from this NIGHTMARE we are living. Anything else would mean that we will have to continue living this NIGHTMARE for many years to come. I swear, HELL must be better than having to live this NIGHTMARE – GOD HELP US ALL!!


Continued from page 18

By: Jeremy Robinson

Domingo, 23 de May, 2010Edición 91 Vol. 2 - Semana 40

Historia en la pagina 2

Por un tiempo el nombre de “Jamil Betancourt” ha estado como sospechoso como el maleante que ultimo a balazos al empresario Jason Coombs con un tiro a la cabeza. Coombs se encontraba en el centro de operaciones de su empresa ubicada sobre el Bulevar Centro Americano el pasado 11 de noviembre del 2009 cuando el incidente ocurrió. La policía anuncio que el supuesto asesino Jamil Betancourt de 27 años de edad fue capturado en una operación el sábado 15 de mayo en el municipio de Orange Walk. Según la policía de Orange Walk, Betancourt fue detenido en calidad de ‘persona de interés’ ya que está ligado al vehículo que fue utilizado transportando al asesino que disparo en contra de Jason Coombs. El vehiculo tipo Toyota Corolla de color oro, ingreso a las instalaciones de la empresa PRE CON LIMITED que era administrada por Coombs. Se dice

que un hombre salió del vehiculo y luego disparo el arma de fuego hiriendo con un impacto de bala a la cabeza. El sanguinario asesino a bordo de nuevo el vehiculo y escapo fuera de dichas instalaciones huyendo sobre el Bulevar. Betancourt fue visto saliendo del carro una hora después del asesinato de Coombs. Perspectiva Nacional se comunico con el Jefe de Policía, Crispin Jefferies, el martes por la tarde después de escuchar que Betancourt había sido puesto patras en libertad más temprano del mismo día. El Jefe de Policía, Crispin Jefferies, no pudo confi rmar la información pero si dijo que el periodo de 48 horas de detención ya había pasado y que eso podría ser unas de las explicaciones en el porque Betancourt ha sido puesto patras en libertad. No esta claro cuanto tiempo los investigadores de parte de la policía han tenido a Jamil Betancourt en su lista de personas

de interés por el asesinato de Coombs. Inicialmente, seis personas fueron detenidas en conexión pero igualmente todos fueron puestos en libertad después de que no se encontró ninguna evidencia. Fue luego confi rmado el martes que Betancourt fue ciertamente puesto patras en libertad y que ningún cargo fue leído contra el. Betancourt estaba escondiéndose en una casa en el área de San Lorenzo en el municipio de Orange Walk. La casa adonde el fue encontrado fue dicha ser una casa de refugio y policía aseguran que están investigando para ver quien estaba ayudándolo con sus necesidades mientras el se estaba escondiendo. Un vecino lo describió como un hombre calmado quien hacia sus tareas

de casa y que siempre fue vista como una persona amable. Todo lo que pudieron decir del señor Betancourt fue; que nomas una mujer venia a visitarlo, alguien que parecía ser su novia. Con las investigaciones ahora llegando a otra inconveniente pega, no se espera ninguna indicación que veamos el cierre de este caso que ha traído atención i n t e r n a c i o n a l después de que la madre de Jason Coombs, Valerie Coombs, publico el caso de su hijo en los canales de noticias

estadounidenses ABC y NBC en el sur de Florida. La publicidad critico al Departamento de Policías de Belice por no poder resolver el crimen y traer al asesino o asesinos a justicia. La noticia de la detención de Betancourt levanto excitación en las calles de la Cuidad de Belice ya que hay una gran especulación de que el asesinato de Jason Coombs esta conectado al asesinato de Chris Galvez que ocurrió el 22 de diciembre del 2009. Nadie ha sido arrestado por el asesinato de Chris Galvez aunque la policía realizo una amplia investigación, que ha aclarado a un policía implicado en el asesinato. Así también, el caso de Coombs todavía no ha sido resuelto ya que el caso también es una que levanta muchas dudas ya que Jason Coombs no estaba conocido como tener ningún enemigo y mejor conocido como un hombre de familia trabajador.

Jason Coombs

supuesto asesino capturado luego puesto

en libertad

Jamil Betancourt

PAGINA 2 Domingo, 23 de May, 2010

Ciudad Belice; Martes Mayo 18, 2010

Un examen médico ha certificado

que Glenford Grant de 25 años de edad esta mentalmente estable para enfrentar el cargo de asesinato en contra su padre biológico. Grant hijo fue enjuiciado el pasado martes en la Corte de Magistratura en donde se le dicto la acusación de asesinato de su progenitor de 80 años de edad. Glenford Grant es acusado de darle una golpiza brutal a su padre, Clifton Grant, hasta dejarlo inconsciente. Esto ocurrió la tarde del viernes 14 de mayo. El joven llego a la casa desde la calle mientras que su papa se encontraba sentado en su sofá dentro de su casa ubicada sobre la calle Oleander. El joven entro y pidió que se le diera .25 centavos y cuando su papa le dijo que no tenia, el mal hijo se lanzo sobre el

repartiendo una cruel golpiza que termino con su vida. Su sobrina de 12 años de edad

Padre Anciano Muere de una golpiza a mano de su hijo

Glenford Grant

que estaba en la otra recamara de la misma casa escucho el ruido y cuando salió ella vio lo que estaba pasando; eso es cuando ella salió afuera de la casa hacia la calle para conseguir ayuda de los vecinos que llamaron a la policía y luego una ambulancia. Cuando los vecinos llegaron a la casa, ellos encontraron al descarado hijo tomando te pero su padre inconsciente. Clifton Grant fue llevado hacia el hospital Karl Heusner adonde el pobre anciano murió el siguiente día a eso de las 1:30 de la tarde del sábado. Aunque el doctor declaro que Glenford Grant esta cuerdo de mente por sus acciones cometidas, ahora hay un total diferente pensamiento. Una hermana conto a la prensa que Glenford estaba acostumbrado a conseguir que todo trabaje de su manera y que asiera como su padre lo creció. Glenford había servido en prisión por una ofensa

similar. El acababa de salir de prisión este enero después de servir dos años por una acusación similar de golpear a su hermana. Por la naturaleza del crimen, el no puede salir bajo fianza y el será mantenido en prisión preventiva hasta su próxima cita ante la corte que es el

primero de Julio del 2010.

Clifton Grant

Ciudad Belice; Martes May 18o, 2010Francis Figueroa de 27 años de edad fue mortalmente apuñalado con cuchillo por hablar de su religión. Francis Figueroa trabajaba en la distribuidora de licores Royal Wholesale en la calle Vernon y el viernes por la noche regreso allí en donde tristemente fue arrebatado de su vida. Según a reportes; el motivo de su asesinato fue de una altercación que el señor Figueroa había tenido con Alexander Myers de 26 años (conocido en el barrio como “big thug”). Figueroa que era un adventista parece que una ves le dijo a Myers que el necesitaba ir a la iglesia. Eso parece que molesto a Myers y le dio motivo aun mas que el se encontraba borracho en el tiempo del incidente; para confrontar a Figueroa y así matarlo. Todo empezó el viernes por la noche a eso de las 7:30 en frente

de la tienda Royal Wholesale. Figueroa aparentemente nomas había salido recientemente de trabajar y había colectado su pago y reporto ir a su casa pero regreso para pagar una deuda de $10 dólares con un compañero de trabajo: una deuda que le costo su vida. En su rumbo patras a su casa, Figueroa apenas había salido hacia la calle cuando empezó una pelea entre el y dos hombres; Alexander Myers siendo unos de los agresores. Testigos dicen que Figueroa fue atacado en media calle y se estaba defendiendo contra el señor

Hombre muere ApuñAlAdo por su fe

Myers de manera bien. Eso es cuando 4 mas hombres llegaron a la ayuda del agresor y empezaron a apuñalar al señor Figueroa. Según a testigos, aparentemente 7 individuos participaron en el ataque contra Figueroa. Figueroa sin embargo pudo escapar y corrió patras adentro adonde el trabajaba adonde encontró a su jefa, la señora Yolanda Schakron, que le pregunto que si algo estaba malo. Aunque el estaba sangrando mucho, Figueroa dijo que esta bien y continuo a tratar de llegar al segundo piso del edificio. Un

sobrino de la señora Schakron noto que Figueroa estaba grandemente herido y así es que Figueroa fue llevado hacia el hospital Karl Heusner adonde tristemente falleció 20 minutos después. Alexander Myers estaba en la fuga de policías desde que ocurrió

el incidente el viernes hasta que fue encontrado

en su casa el martes en la calle Cedar en la misma Cuidad de Belice. Fue luego acusado de Asesinato. Lo sorprendente es que Myers fue acusado por balacear y matar a unos de los tíos de Figueroa, por nombre Leopold Audinett, que ocurrió un domingo 8 de junio del año 2003. Sin embargo Myers escapo de esa acusación y nomas sirvió un año en prisión preventiva. Su caso fue despedido por falta de evidencia. Ahora veremos si el se podrá escapar ahora de esta segunda acusación que indica que el es un asesino.

Royal Wholesale sobre la calle Vernon donde trabajaba Francis Figueroa y donde fue

herido mortalmente

Francis Figueroa Alexander “Big Tug” Myers

PAGINA 3Domingo, 23 de May, 2010


Parte de la droga incautada por la Policía Nacional la semana pasada, que iba en un buque de bandera chipriota. MANAGUA Los cárteles mexicanos manejan las operaciones de narcotráfi co en la región centroamericana desde que la droga sale de Colombia hasta que llega a los Estados Unidos, según confi rmaron las autoridades nicaragüenses. “El dominio, compra, traslado y almacenamiento de la droga en el norte es de los mexicanos”, dijo a periodistas el jefe de la Fuerza Naval de Nicaragua, capitán de navío Róger González Díaz. “La mayor incidencia, ya el mercado por decirlo así, desde que sale de Colombia hasta que llega al norte (Estados Unidos), lo están manejando los mexicanos, (el cártel) La Familia, fundamentalmente”, afi rmó. Recordó que además este año, dentro de los esfuerzos del combate al narcotráfi co, desmantelaron al oeste del país un narcolaboratorio que tenía una capacidad de producir unos 70 kilos de anfetaminas. La Policía descartó que los narcotrafi cantes hayan sacado anfetaminas hacia otros países debido a que éstos estaban en el proceso de producción.En el lugar se capturó a un mexicano y dos guatemaltecos que aparentemente manejaban el laboratorio.

LUCHA ES RECONOCIDA Por su parte la vocera de la Policía Nacional, comisionada Vilma

Reyes, sostuvo que los esfuerzos de Nicaragua están siendo reconocidos a nivel internacional.“Nicaragua, en la región centroamericana, es la que tiene las medidas más efi caces en el descubrimiento de este tipo de laboratorios”, afi rmó.“Golpes fuertes se les ha dado a estos intentos”, agregó y dijo que en dos importantes casos denominados operación Yucapuca, sobre el cártel del Golfo, y otro en el municipio de Achuapa, al oeste del país, fueron capturados mexicanos.“Ellos (los mexicanos) están desplazándose obviamente y en Nicaragua el sistema de descubrimiento está efi caz”, sostuvo.Las autoridades nicaragüenses señalaron que en lo que va del año han incautado más de dos toneladas de cocaína. La captura más reciente se produjo la semana pasada cuando allanaron un buque en Puerto Corinto, departamento de Chinandega, con 24 tripulantes (posteriormente liberados) que zarpó del Puerto Buenaventura en Colombia con rumbo al Puerto Quetzal de Guatemala.El buque transportaba más de una tonelada de cocaína que supuestamente sería desembarcada en Guatemala, informaron las autoridades. En 2008 capturaron 6.5 toneladas de cocaína y en 2009 fueron 7.2 toneladas de la droga.

Cártel La Familia domina paso de

droga por Nicaragua

Entre otros grupos mexicanos, confi rma jefe militar

BID excluye peligro de contagio griego en

América LatinaEl presidente del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el colombiano Luis Alberto Moreno, no sólo excluyó el martes que en América Latina se pudiera producir una crisis como la que vive Grecia sino que la economía latinoamericana crezca más del 4% este año. América Latina es una de las regiones del mundo que está en mejores condiciones para enfrentar la crisis económica internacional, dijo Moreno en una conferencia de prensa, en la Cumbre Unión Europea-América Latina y el Caribe, que se celebra en España hasta el miércoles. Agregó que el crecimiento de la economía latinoamericana va a superar este año seguramente el 4%. A raíz de este crecimiento, dijo, en la Cumbre se había destacado que los mercados latinoamericanos ofrecían oportunidades hacia Europa, tomando en cuenta que aún somos grandes

importadores de manufacturas. A su juicio, América Latina ha sabido tomado medidas económicas rápidas cuando ha debido enfrentar las crisis, que no se producen ya desde hace cinco años. En los últimos 25 años se produjeron 30 crisis fi nancieras en América Latina, ninguna de las cuales costó menos de 10 puntos del Producto Interno Bruto, manifestó.

Teherán Irán, en un acuerdo con Turquía y Brasil, aceptó ayer un canje en el extranjero de parte de su uranio levemente enriquecido a cambio de combustible potenciado, pero Estados Unidos respondió que esa propuesta no detendrá su intención de endurecer las sanciones contra Teherán.El anuncio del acuerdo tiene lugar en momentos en que las potencias occidentales buscan que la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) adopte sanciones reforzadas contra Irán, país sospechoso, a pesar de sus desmentidos, de querer fabricar la bomba atómica, para lo cual estaría enriqueciendo más su uranio.Este acuerdo, fruto de una mediación brasileña y turca, fue fi rmado por los ministros de Relaciones Exteriores de los tres países, en presencia de los presidentes de Irán, Mahmud Ahmadineyad; de Brasil, Luiz Inácio

Lula da Silva, y del primer ministro turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.Este proyecto prevé fundamentalmente el envío a Turquía por Irán de mil 200 kilos de su uranio débilmente enriquecido (3.5 por ciento), donde será cambiado en el plazo máximo de un año contra 120 kilos de combustible enriquecido a 20 por ciento, necesario para

el reactor de investigación nuclear de Teherán —con fi nes pacífi cos—, dijo el portavoz de la Cancillería iraní, Ramin Mehmanparast.Pero Irán, que ahora dejó la pelota en el campo de los occidentales y de Rusia, se mostró determinado a seguir con su programa de enriquecimiento de uranio, una actividad por la que fue sancionado tres veces por el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU.En febrero último, Irán anunció la producción de uranio enriquecido a 20 por ciento, lo que aceleró la movilización del Grupo de los Seis (EE. UU., China, Francia, Reino Unido, Rusia, Alemania) para hacer adoptar nuevas sanciones.A pesar del escepticismo de las potencias, Brasil y Turquía creen que el diálogo, la diplomacia y la negociación siguen siendo la única vía para resolver la crisis nuclear iraní.

Irán acepta canje de uranio enriquecido

PAGINA 4 Domingo, 23 de May, 2010

Editor: 605-4508 | osilva_56@yahoo.com25 Nanche Street, Belmopan, Belize



Aries 21 Marzo-19 AbrilEl tránsito de Venus por tu signo es excelente para aumentar tus recursos perso-nales. Refleja una etapa favorable para conquistar nuevos objetivos, tanto de tipo personal como sentimental. Ahora tienes más seguridad a la hora de actuar. Tus relaciones te pueden abrir nuevas perspectivas. Es una buena etapa para todo lo relacionado con la capacidad de materializar tus propias ideas en materia de amor. Indica una doble sesión de vitalidad. Revela un periodo de buena suerte, de colocar las cosas en su sitio, de tener que vivir experiencias que te reporten felicidad. Tauro 20 Abril-20 MayoEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa doce indica que vives un momento de gran actividad cre-ativa. Refleja la posibilidad de que le dediques más tiempo a la introspección. Tus experien-cias sentimentales del pasado van a ser objeto de revisión y quizá te aporten datos que te aclaren muchas dudas. Desde el punto de vista de la salud es el momento de decir adiós a un ciclo y entrar en un proceso nuevo de transformación que se puede materializar un poco más adelante.

Gémini 21 Mayo-21 JunioVenus transitando por tu casa once indica un incremento en todo lo relacionado con tus actividades sociales y con tu sentido lúdico de la vida. Refleja que vas a vivir una etapa de mucho trato con la gente, de tener nuevas experiencias y a la vez de aprender gracias a esos contactos. Vas a tener una mayor capacidad comunicativa, lo que te hará sentir te mejor y te dará más éxito con los demás.Vas a mezclar la amistad en todo tipo de actividades, desde las comerciales hasta las románticas.

Leo 23 Julio-22 AgostoEl t ránsi to de Venus por tu casa nueve marca un per iodo donde ad-quieres nuevos enfoques respecto a lo que t ienes que hacer con tu v ida. D iversas opc iones de func ionamiento aparecen para ampl iar tus hor izontes. Indica una etapa donde es necesar io sal i r y ver e l mundo. Es un t ránsi to excelente para aumentar tus objet ivos personales a t ravés de los v ia jes. Ref le ja una fase expansiva donde se amplía la inf luenc ia de tus ideas.

Virgo 23 Agosto-22 SeptiembreEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa ocho indica un periodo para profundizar en tus asuntos más importantes y reflexionar en cuanto a tus excesos y tus carencias. Igualmente deberías hacer un balance o repaso de lo que ha sido tu vida, tanto emocional como material en los últimos meses. Te aconseja que cuides tus emo-ciones y administres tu energía de forma adecuada, sin ningún tipo de derroche. Ahora puedes crear un ambiente muy placentero a tu alrededor disfrutando de tus relaciones más cercanas.

Libra 23 Septiembre-22 OctubreVenus transitando por tu casa siete indica que va a ver mucho movimiento en torno a tu pareja, a tus socios, a tus compromisos adquiridos en forma de contrato, o a todo lo que tenga que ver con tus relaciones con lo demás. Tu energía a la hora de llevar a cabo tus proyectos personales se va a potenciar. Refleja cambios positivos en la forma de entender tus relaciones. Igualmente es un tránsito idóneo para aportar nuevas propuestas, tanto sentimentales. Escorpio 23 Octubre-21 NoviembreEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa seis te abre nuevas vías para lograr tus objetivos laborales. Tu propio trabajo te puede aportar experiencias muy inte-resantes. La suerte está contigo pero olvídate de mantener una actitud pasiva o de esperar a que las cosas te lleguen sin esfuerzo. Vas a tener que ser más dinámico. Indica relaciones armoniosas y más actividad social relacionada con el trabajo. Quizá sea el momento oportuno para proyectarte.

Sagitario 22 Noviemre-21 DiciembreVenus transitando por tu casa cinco indica un periodo de grandes expec-tativas y avances, tanto en el terreno personal como en el del amor. Vives una racha llena de ilusiones. Revela un aumento de tu conf ianza personal, especialmente en lo referente a tu vida amorosa, pero también en tus actividades creativas. Los desafíos sentimentales que vivas durante las próximas semanas darán sus frutos. Indica que cualquier actividad social que tengas te puede abrir una excelente racha para el amor.

Capricornio 22 Diciembre-19 EneroEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa cuatro indica que puedes tener oportunidades para involucrarte en actividades comerciales relacionadas con inmuebles o propiedades. Refleja que empieza una etapa positiva en asuntos de hogar, vivienda y familia, e igualmente influye en tu ámbito emocional más íntimo. Quizá tengas que hacer un camino de más responsabilidad personal, aunque en cualquier caso vives un momento maravilloso para lograr un crecimiento interno.

Acuario 20 Enero-18 FebreroEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa tres indica que puedes vivir una expansión consid-erable en tu vida social. Puedes hacer más viajes cortos que habitualmente cono-ciendo a diferentes personas. Indica que tu mente se reactiva. Refleja que durante varias semanas puedes expresarte de un modo más claro y concreto. Es probable que durante esta época tomes decisiones importantes o formules nuevas estrate-gias y planes para el futuro. Aprovecha este periodo para llevar hacia adelante cu-alquier proyecto personal.

Piscis 19 Febrero-20 MarzoEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa dos indica una etapa donde se consolidan tus pretensiones financieras. Vives un momento favorable para sacar tus mejores cu-alidades en el ámbito profesional. Indica cambios en todo lo relacionado con la economía. Revela una etapa fecunda para tener ideas originales que adquieran valor con el paso del tiempo. Quizá sea ahora cuando puedas desarrollar nuevos proyectos y planteamientos que te permitan avanzar económicamente

Cáncer 22 Junio-22 JulioEl tránsito de Venus por tu casa diez refleja que una nueva filosofía de vida toma cuerpo en tus esquemas profesionales provocando cambios en tu vida exterior. Con seguridad las circunstancias cambian para que puedas dem-ostrar la capacidad que tienes de hacer las cosas con éxito y autonomía. Llega un periodo muy constructivo para tus intereses. Indica nuevas opor-tunidades para progresar en tus metas profesionales, e igualmente es po-sible que recibas ayudas ya sea de forma directa o indirecta.



Belmopan, 12 de mayo de 2010.- El Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (CONALEP) de México y el Ministerio de Educación de Belice han anunciado la convocatoria para las becas para el año académico 2010-2011 destinadas a beliceños que deseen estudiar a nivel de profesional técnico en México. El CONALEP ofrece más de 40 diferentes carreras de técnico profesional en 7 áreas de estudio en diversos planteles del territorio mexicano. En el sector industrial, existen carreras en las áreas Eléctrica e Industrial, Mantenimiento e Instalación, Procesos de Producción y Transformación Física, Procesos de Producción y Transformación Química-Biológica y Tecnología de la Información. Mientras tanto, en el sector de servicios, se ofrecen diversas carreras en el área de Turismo y de Salud.Los aspirantes deberán cumplir con los requisitos mínimos solicitados por el CONALEP. Además, deberán tener una edad mínima de 17 años; residir en Belice, ya sea nacional o naturalizado; presentar una copia del acta de nacimiento; original del certifi cado de buena salud emitido por un hospital público; presentar 2 (dos) fotografías tamaño pasaporte; contar con conocimientos de nivel intermedio de español; presentar el original de la solicitud del CONALEP llenada completamente; copias de los certifi cados académicos de nivel de bachillerato; y fi rmar un acuerdo con el Gobierno de Belice. Todos los documentos personales y académicos deberán ser certifi cados por los ministerios correspondientes.Los interesados deberán presentar su solicitud al Ministerio de Educación, ante el Director de Educación Terciaria y Post Secundaria, antes del 28 de mayo de 2010. Los solicitantes serán entrevistados por una delegación de representantes del CONALEP el 10 y 11 de junio de 2010 en Belice. Asimismo, los entrevistados tendrán que someterse a un examen general de conocimientos en las mismas fechas. Los cursos en el CONALEP iniciarán el 9 de agosto de 2010.Cualquier persona interesada, deberá obtener una Solicitud de Beca del CONALEP en cualquier Centro de Educación Distrital a lo largo de Belice o en el Ministerio de Educación en Belmopán (West Block, Third Floor, Room 10). También podrán obtener la solicitud y recibir información personalizada en el Instituto de México en Belice, esquina de Newtown Barracks and Wilson Street, Ciudad de Belice. Llame al 223-1408 ó escriba al

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