NAA Flawless Fall Skin Guide 2015 · Here are 5 ways to optimize your fall skin nutrition from the...


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Flawless Fall Skin Guide

The natural rhythm and change of season signifies a shift in behavior and habits, as the hot and humid summer months give way for the fresh and crisp fall. The smell

of salty air is replaced by comforting pumpkin, clove, and cinnamon--and before you know it, jackets and boots replace sandals and flip flops. The same shift of change is

necessary for your diet, skincare routine, and mindset as well.

Fall Skin Nutrition

Fall: it’s a time to return to your routine and work toward new goals— one of which can be achieving

your best skin ever this season. We believe that the most effective skincare routines include a hefty

dose of daily beauty nutrition for your complexion. Fortunately, the fall season provides plenty of in-

spiration for warming, satisfying foods that deliver the nutrients your skin needs to repair, balance,

and glow in the months ahead. So, what are you eating to feed your skin this season?

!© 2 0 1 5 T h e N u t r i t i o n a l A e s t h e t i c s A l l i a n c e , L L C . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .

Here are 5 ways to optimize your fall skin nutrition from the inside out:

1. Support healing and cell turnover. Fall is an ideal time to renew your commitment to

skin nourishment with a healthy seasonal diet. If your skin was exposed to any of summer’s

harsh elements like sun, salt, sand, and heat, you may want to increase your intake of beta

carotene-rich orange and red foods like squash, pumpkin, carrots, and sweet potatoes;

which help heal and rebalance the skin.

2. Reduce sugar cravings that can sabotage your skin. As soon as summer ends, the

season of fall celebrations—many of them food-focused, with plenty of sweets on hand—is

about to begin. To offset sugar cravings, keep blood sugar steady by including adequate pro-

tein and fats in your meal. Be sure to eat lots of root vegetables like beets, sweet potatoes

and carrots, which appease your sweet tooth with their own natural sweetness. Remember

that sugar speeds up skin aging and promotes acne, so it’s important to cut back on sweets

to combat fine lines, wrinkles and blemishes.

3. Take advantage of the fall harvest for antioxidant power. Fresh foods are inherent-

ly more nutrient-dense than packaged, processed, or fast foods. The fall harvest delivers an

abundance of just-picked produce brimming with nutrients that your skin needs for optimal

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health. Highly skin-nourishing fall foods include a wide selection of squash like butternut,

acorn, and kabocha; pumpkin and its seeds, apples, sweet potatoes, and fresh cranberries.

These seasonal, vitamin-packed treasures not only benefit the skin, but also boost immunity

and help fight off those school and office fall colds.

4. Eat for fall detoxification. We often think of spring as the body’s true season of detox,

but fall is also a natural time to eat for detoxification and cooling after the hot summer.

When our weather is temperate--neither hot nor cold--it’s an ideal time for the body to rest

and reset. To support internal detoxification, simplify your diet for a time by increasing

your intake of fiber-rich foods, and consuming organic produce like a variety of greens and

naturally detoxifying fall apples.

Try this delicious Fall Detox Salad recipe!

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Skin-Smart Ingredients for Fall Skincare

Whether you’re getting (or giving) a facial at the spa or at home, fall is a great time to pamper the skin

with seasonal topical ingredients. It’s still important to use sunscreen appropriately, especially in the

earlier days of fall when the weather’s still warm--however, in the fall the angle of the sun is less di-

rect in the United States than in the summer between May and August. Early to mid-fall might offer a

bit of respite from sun caution in the northern parts of the United States (above the 37th latitude line),

but later in the season many areas of the country do get snow, which can reflect 85 to 90% of the sun’s

UV rays onto the skin. Though our skin is more covered with clothing and hats, it’s still important to

protect the face and any other uncovered skin. In the fall, those living south of the 37th latitude line

should follow the same sun protection guidelines as during the summer.

Even with sunscreen use, the skin works very hard in the summer to protect itself from damaging UV

rays, in addition to environmental factors such as high chlorine exposure and direct skin exposure to

outdoor air pollutants. In the fall, nature helps the skin recover naturally by providing an abundance

of antioxidant rich plants which help to reduce inflammation and neutralize free radical damage.

These seasonal ingredients also contain enzymes which help to gently encourage healthy cell turnover.

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Look for these 4 fall ingredients in your skincare products:

1. Pumpkin: While the flesh of pumpkins, as well as other seasonal squashes in the cucur-

bitae family, contains sugars and enzymes which are great for gentle exfoliation, it’s the

seeds that contain the real gold--an amino acid called cucurbitin as well as Vitamins A, C,

and E, essential fatty acids, and skin-nourishing minerals like selenium and zinc. Pump-

kin seed oil is a wonderful carrier oil to use in natural skincare formulations, and some

professional anti-aging formulations contain cucurbitin peptides.

2. Cranberry: Cranberry seed oil has gotten a lot of press lately both as a firming skin in-

gredient, and as a carrier oil because of it’s easily absorbed into the skin due to its even

ratio of Omegas 3, 6, and 9. Cranberry seed oil also contains a unique antioxidant profile

of phytosterols, phospholipids, tocotrienols, and tocopherols which make it a great anti-

inflammatory and skin-healing ingredient. Cranberry extract is also commonly used

both for its gentle enzymatic activity, and because of its antibacterial effects.

3. Chrysanthemum: Chrysanthemum flowers are beneficial to the skin both as an herbal

infusion (tea) or as an extract. This beautiful fall flower is naturally soothing and anti-

inflammatory; and is also naturally cooling which helps to dissipate any leftover heat in

the skin from the hot summer (or summer-like weather in early fall). Chrysanthemum

extract is high in both phenolic compounds and flavanoids which have shown anti-ag-

ing, antioxidant, and cell-protective benefits. Keep in mind that chrysanthemum might

cause skin irritation, photosensitivity, or allergic reactions in some people.

4. Pomegranate: The fruit, peel, and oil pressed from the seeds of pomegranates all have

topical skin benefits. Extracts made from the peel and fruit are commonly seen in skin-

care products, as well as pomegranate seed oil. In addition to similar antioxidant bene-

fits as other berry extracts and seed oils, pomegranate has shown specific benefits in re-

search: it helps protect the natural degradation of collagen proteins in the skin, and also

stimulates the fibroblast cells to generate healthy new collagen and elastin. Pome-

granate also is excellent for inflamed or wounded skin, as it has strong healing and re-

generative properties.

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Try this nourishing seasonal skincare recipe at home or in the spa:

Fall Spa Treatments for Inner and Outer Wellness’s pumpkin season! Take advantage of the abundance that autumn has to offer with

fun, seasonal treatments. Look for delicious menu services with caramel, apples, sugar, cranberries,

cinnamon, cider, clove, honey, and of course, pumpkins which can all be whipped into body wraps, pol-

ishes, foot treatments, and massages, just to name a few. If you’ve never experienced the sweet,

creamy, and voluptuous smell of pumpkin flesh on your face, make that priority #1 and run to your

favorite spa for a luscious pumpkin facial. As fall emerges, and the nights get longer, think about how

you will prepare for the Autumn Equinox. This is the time to go within, seek balance, create stability in

yourself, and prepare for expansion and growth. Look for a nourishing harvest massage or a healing

facial with crystals and gemstones to bring you peace and tranquility as the winter months draw near.

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When seeking a treatment, keep these 5 goals in mind to help you align with the rhythm of a new season:

1. Exfoliate: The fall is an excellent excuse to get yourself into the spa for a day-long

pamper fest. Indulge in a full body brown sugar scrub and foot treatment followed by an

invigorating massage with a regenerative seed oil body polish, like cranberry or pome-

granate. The days of sun and surf, chlorine exposure, and multiple sunscreen applica-

tions are sure to have caused buildup on your face too. A Pumpkin Facial will do the

trick--fruit enzymes and alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), can dissolve dead skin accumula-

tion without stripping your natural lipid barrier and increase cell turnover. Enzymes are

gentle powerhouses that also brighten lingering sun spots, and smooth the texture of

your skin.

2. Hydrate: Hydrating actually replenishes moisture or water to skin cells, so avoid sudsy,

soapy cleansers and oil stripping scrubs with harsh surfactants. Instead, add a light-

weight cleansing oil to your daily routine. Oils like jojoba, sunflower, grapeseed, saf-© 2 0 1 5 N u t r i t i o n a l A e s t h e t i c s A l l i a n c e . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d F l a w l e s s Fa l l S k i n G u i d e



flower or olive will thoroughly clean makeup and dirt without stripping your lipid barri-

er or clog pores, and will keep your skin supple, plump, and soft. Seek out hydrating fa-

cials that contain aloe and hyaluronic acid, and remember to hydrate from the inside as

well, so of course--drink plenty of water!

3. Moisturize: As humidity levels drastically shift, you may notice tightness and flakiness

becoming more apparent, especially when cooler temps arise. If you have exceptionally

dry skin it’s especially beneficial to incorporate a cleansing oil, a creamy cleanser, and to

seal in hydration with a rich, emollient moisturizer. Consider a restorative serum oil

with nutrients that help correct imbalances in the skin. Your skin will thank you.

4. Color shift: Notice how the colors of fall make their way into our wardrobe and makeup

choices? One way to create a fresh and vibrant on-trend fall look is with an experienced

makeup artist. Seek out an eco spa or salon that uses organic makeup brands for a fresh

new experience toward ‘greening’ your beauty products.

5. Soul Adjustment: Reflecting on the change of seasons may inspire you to move toward

transformation. During this time of the year, you may want to experiment with a

Chakra Balancing or Reiki treatment with aromatherapy that can help you let go of en-

ergies that are blocking you from progress. Perhaps it’s letting go of a toxic relationship,

job, or habit that is weighing you down. Whatever calls you, remember to tune inward

and listen.

Flawless Fall Inspiration and Implementation Tips

True nourishment is never a one-size-fits-all prescription for your grocery list, your beauty bag, or

your calendar. Yet, the possibilities for nourishment abound, swirling around like the fall leaves. Take

some time to reflect on what you most desire, and commit to building nourishing habits into your rou-

tine this fall that make you feel flawless—inside and out.

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Below are 5 tips for how to customize your self-care according to your unique soul’s desire:

1. Consider your concept of fall. Does fall signal the end of fun and a return to the daily grind?

Or the birth of a shiny new academic year, full of new school clothes, promise, and possibility? If

your fall thoughts are bleak, depressing or dull, then we encourage you to choose new

ones! Diligently monitor your thoughts. Chances are that what you believe most about

how fall will unfold will be what comes to pass. Take a moment to decide what you

would most like to feel more of this fall. Make a short list of desired emotions and de-

scriptives that make a flawless fall moment come alive for you and engage all of your

senses. Are you more drawn to crisp invigoration and tart apples or does cozy calm and

crackling fire sound like more your style? There’s no standard prescription here, just use

your own preferences and inclinations as a guide.

2. Schedule the season to maximize fun. How can you fully connect with fall in ways that are

in line with your thoughts? Put some dates on your calendar that honor your commitment © 2 0 1 5 N u t r i t i o n a l A e s t h e t i c s A l l i a n c e . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d F l a w l e s s Fa l l S k i n G u i d e



to a fun fall, however you uniquely define it. If you feel warm and fuzzy about an after-

noon with your loved ones picking apples and sipping cider, Google ‘orchards’ in your

zip code today and get it on your calendar! How about a sisters or girlfriends trip to the

spa for fall facials, followed by sweater shopping while sipping pumpkin lattes? Does this

year call for a pumpkin carving contest with the neighbors? How about a day spent hik-

ing and a night spent telling stories while roasting marshmallows? Act now and get

these activities on the calendar! You don’t want to wind up caught standing in a snow

drift wishing you had taken a moment to admire the changing leaves.

3. Savor and simplify to minimize stress. Are you embarrassed to admit how excited you are

for the kids to return to school? As the days become shorter, do find that your lists of stressors and

to-dos get longer? You might not be able to shift any real work tasks or worry off your

plate, but if you savor the fall moment available ‘right now’ and keep things simple, you

might ward off overwhelm. So, take your morning break to the park bench and watch

the leaves fall, sip some squash soup at lunch, stir your afternoon tea with a cinnamon

stick and roast some skin-friendly fall veggies for dinner. No time? Put some antioxidant

rich sweet potatoes on low in the crock pot before work and they’ll be ready when you

get home. Practice saying ‘no’ to activities or requests that don’t fit your vision of a fabu-

lous fall. Say ‘yes’ to yourself more.

4. Don’t let fall habits sabotage your skin. Do you get so caught up in the new fall TV lineup

that you lose hours of sleep? Have you been falling asleep on the couch with a face full of makeup

trying to squeeze in one more chapter by lamplight? Commit to self-care and build fall rou-

tines that are more about your needs and less about dishes, laundry, and homework.

Start by concentrating on two practices that have a huge impact on your flawless skin--

wash your face and get more sleep. Repeat.

5. Shop a little inspiration. Does your daily skincare routine feel more ‘chore’ than ‘pamper’?

Does typical fall table fare strike you as dull? Money might not buy happiness, but a little

dose of targeted retail therapy might be just what the doctor ordered. If the school sup-

ply aisle makes you swoon, buy that big pack of felt tip markers to make bill-paying a

little less humdrum. Who doesn’t need some pumpkin shaped post-it notes? That cool

bento lunch box you’ve had your eye on might inspire you to pack a nutritious lunch. A

new glass water bottle (which just happens to perfectly match your new fall jacket or © 2 0 1 5 N u t r i t i o n a l A e s t h e t i c s A l l i a n c e . A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d F l a w l e s s Fa l l S k i n G u i d e



purse) is sure to help your quest to stay hydrated. A pretty glass bottle to put your Au-

tumn Antioxidant Oil Serum in and a colorful pile of soft face cloths might give your

skincare resolve a boost.

Fall is a time to breathe and refresh--because you know what’s coming in just a cou-ple short months! Take this opportunity to build positive new habits, re-commit to nutrition and a healthy skincare regimen, kick sugar cravings, and plan ahead for

success before the holiday madness begins.

*Image credits: 1. Canva. 2014. Some rights reserved. 2. Star5112 4. Amie Fedora 6. Carodean Road Designs 7.


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