My First Tell All


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My First Tell AllBy Shanon Lynn Patrick Quinn

1. The Benewah County Sheriffs Office accepted payment for all but $50 of Jayson Quinn’s speeding/no insurance ticket, and then turned the full amount over to collections.

2. The Benewah County Sheriffs Office garnished the full amount of the same ticket from Jayson Quinn’s wages, mailed a paid in full notice, and then suspended his driver’s license for nonpayment.

3. The Benewah County Sheriffs office accepted a THIRD payment in full for the said ticket then refused to lift the license suspension, stating that it was for unpaid tickets in Washington State. Washington State testified otherwise. The suspension was lifted after I insisted upon watching the court clerk fax license suspension paperwork.

4. After the third payment in full of the ticket, the Benewah County Sheriff issued orders to all deputies to arrest Jayson Quinn and impound his truck for driving on suspended license.

5. The Benewah County Sheriffs office has done this to THREE other people who I know personally.

6. The ‘cocaine’ found in front of the Korner Club was powdered sugar, contrary to the press release. I know the 16 year old boy who placed it there.

7. The Benewah County Sheriffs Office will not arrest a known drug dealer because he was injured in a logging accident. (Being stoned at work can cause logging accidents.)

8. The Benewah County Sheriffs Office stated that there had been multiple complaints about my pet chicken, Puff. They refused me my constitutional right of public record and would not let me view copies of the complaints. A check done by a city police officer revealed that there were no complaints made.

MY OPINIONSThose in charge at the Benewah County Sheriffs office are either imbeciles or

criminals. Lying is conduct unbecoming of an officerMisappropriation of funds is an issue that should concern all residents of

