

MUSIC IN BULGARIA. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Thracian legend tells us about the mythical singer Orfei, who fascinated the Gods with his music. Bulgarian musicians and singers live up to this tradition. Bulgarian music has more international success than its neighbours. One of the reasons is the breakout international success of Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, a woman's choir that has topped world music charts across Europe and even further abroad.

Instruments Used in Bulgarian music: Bulgarian music uses a wide

range of instruments. Many folk instruments are variants of traditional Turkish instruments such as the "Saz". More modern style instruments are often used in the more modern dance music that was an offshoot of traditional village music.

Bulgarian bands use instruments that commonly include: gaida, gadulka, tupan, kaval, tambura and tarabuka.

tambura gadulka


kaval tarabukatupan

The new professional musicians of traditional Bulgarian instruments soon reached new heights of innovation, expanding the capacities of the gaida gadulka and kaval.The accordion, the clarinet, the saxophone, the drums, the electric bass and the electric guitar are modern instruments. Some of them are used in Bulgarian Wedding music .

The most distinctive feature of Balkan folk dance music is its complex rhythms (compared to Western music), which are built using combinations of groups of 2 ("quick") and 3 ("slow") beats. All of the basic folk dances use a distinct combination of these rhythmic "units". Some examples are lesnoto, "the slow one”, kopanitsa , rachenitsa , paidushko , dunavsko, "pravo horo“, etc.

Traditional costume

Dance performances:Dance performances:

In In 1965, the Ministry 1965, the Ministry of Culture founded of Culture founded the Koprivshtitsa the Koprivshtitsa National Music National Music Festival, which has Festival, which has become an important become an important event, held once event, held once every five years, every five years, showcasing showcasing Bulgarian music, Bulgarian music, singing and dance. singing and dance. The last festival was The last festival was in August of 2005. in August of 2005.

Nowadays young people are interested in modern dancing, rock’ n’ roll, ballet, break dancing, etc.

Break dancing is not very popular in Bulgaria, but young people like doing it. It is a street dance style that evolved as part of the hip hop movement. Some youths do it for fun, but others are professional dancers. For example,“Electric Force B-Boy Cru” are the first Bulgarians on the world break dance scene. Last year they won the Balkan qualifications for the world finals in Germany.

Folk music revolved around Folk music revolved around holidays like Christmas, New holidays like Christmas, New Year's Day, midsummer, and the Year's Day, midsummer, and the Feast of St. LazarusFeast of St. Lazarus. . Music was Music was also a part of more personal also a part of more personal celebrations such as weddings. celebrations such as weddings. Singing has always been a Singing has always been a tradition for both men and tradition for both men and women. Songs were often sung women. Songs were often sung by women at work parties such by women at work parties such as the sedenka (often attended as the sedenka (often attended by young men and women in by young men and women in search of partners to court), search of partners to court), betrothal ceremonies, and just betrothal ceremonies, and just for funfor fun..


One of the most famous Bulgarian folk singers is Valya One of the most famous Bulgarian folk singers is Valya Balkanska. She has performed more than 300 songs and is Balkanska. She has performed more than 300 songs and is famous all over the world. In fact, the most famous song of famous all over the world. In fact, the most famous song of hers is “Izlel e Delio haidutin”. In 1972 this record was hers is “Izlel e Delio haidutin”. In 1972 this record was included in The Golden disk of music from the Earth and included in The Golden disk of music from the Earth and was sent into the space in 1977 with the stations of was sent into the space in 1977 with the stations of “Voyaguer” 1 and 2.“Voyaguer” 1 and 2.

Other popular music styles in Bulgaria are rock ,metal, rap, pop and pop-folk. Famous pop and rock groups are BTR , Ostava, Hipodil, Signal ,FSB , etc.

Famous pop singers are Jordanka Famous pop singers are Jordanka Hristova, Lili Ivanova, Mariana Hristova, Lili Ivanova, Mariana Popova, Maria Ilieva and many Popova, Maria Ilieva and many others.others.

Interesting fact is that in 1999 Interesting fact is that in 1999 LLiliili Ivanova received the highest Ivanova received the highest level Order level Order Stara PlaninaStara Planina, by the , by the president of Republic Bulgaria president of Republic Bulgaria Petar Stoyanov, for her enormous Petar Stoyanov, for her enormous achievements in Bulgarian Pop achievements in Bulgarian Pop MusicMusic. She was also . She was also nominated nominated as one of the most famous as one of the most famous women for the 20th century by women for the 20th century by the the International Association of International Association of the Womenthe Women. .

Music in Bulgaria is growing more and more popular. Today there are some music shows like “Music Idol”, which are searching for new talents in Bulgaria. However, only the best singers succeed…



