Mottram Evangelical Church ‘..nothing is impossible with ... · PDF filewrong with...


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Mottram Evangelical Church ‘..nothing is impossible with God’. Luke 1:37

September 2010

Hattersley Community Church ‘..walk in the light as he is the light,..’ 1 John 1:7



I believe that we in the West have been deceived into thinking that our luxuries are needs. We therefore take too much at the expense of others who are truly in need and to

the closeness of our walk with God. We seem to have lost the idea of looking forward to

times of celebration and feasting and expect that everyday should be full of luxury. Let me give you an example:

It is estimated that 1 in 3 people on our planet are affected by a lack of water (World

Health Organisation). In the UK we’ve had the privilege of running water in our houses for well over 100 years (The Public Health Act of 1875 required all new residential construction

to include running water). Yet today many of us have convinced ourselves that water from the tap is not good enough to drink. Some won’t even drink bottled water preferring bottles

of Coca-cola (some won’t even drink Coca-Cola as they prefer Pepsi!). There’s nothing wrong with drinking Coke or Pepsi but do we need to spend so much on it when over 2

billion people lack enough clean water?

Maybe it’s time to simplify our lifestyle. Maybe it’s time to cut back so we can get out of debt. Maybe it’s time to give more to the poor and needy in our churches, our

communities, our world. Maybe it’s time to have more money to give to world mission. Maybe it’s time to strip away the false hope of possessions so that we can experience more

of the life that we have received in Jesus. After all Jesus challenges us that we cannot serve

both God and money (Matt. 6:24). Maybe it’s time to fully heed Jesus’ call to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow him (Luke 9:23).

Hattersley Community Church has recently followed Mottram’s example and joined the

Evangelical Alliance. Simplify is an initiative by the Alliance ( to challenge Christians to simplify their lifestyle for a month so they can give more

away. The challenge is to live on £5 a day after your have paid all your housing costs and bills.

Why don’t you take up the challenge in September and be encouraged as your small

sacrifices make a big impact in God’s purposes around the world! Who knows it may change your attitude to money forever.

Be blessed as you walk more closely to Jesus!, Jim

Mottram Evangelical Church and

Hattersley Community Church

are interdependent churches

who seek to be evangelical in their understanding and

charismatic in their experience. Together we live to glorify God, serve his church and reach his


Insight is the monthly

newsletter, prepared by Margaret and Stephen Winfield

and published in print and on-line by Mottram Evangelical

Church, Stalybridge Road, Mottram, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14

6NF. Tel. 01457 764113. Articles for inclusion should be

submitted before the deadline indicated on the ’diary dates’

page. Contributions can be deposited in the church office,

sent to 4, Hall Drive, Mottram, or

by e-mail to stephen_winfield

We do ask that contributors submit their name for inclusion

with submissions, as personal contributions are accepted on

the understanding that they are not necessarily the opinions of

the Editors or the Church Elders.

Church Child Protection

Policy All church children’s and young

people’s work is carried out by personnel who have undergone

CRB disclosures and in accordance with the Church’s

Child Protection Policy. To view this policy please call Jim on

01457 764113.’

I wonder if you’ve ever felt trapped when it comes to money. On the one side is all the talk of a global financial crisis and the seemingly daily flow of ideas from George

Osborne to reduce your disposable income. On the other side we see the suffering and obvious need of those around

the world. Who can ignore the devastating floods in Pakistan

that have claimed 1,600 lives and have affected 14 million people? What should we as Christians do? We don’t want to

get into debt (and if we are in debt we certainly want to get out of it!) but we also hear God’s continual cry to look after

the poor. How can we tighten our belts without tightening our fists!?! I’ve been recently challenged by preaching through a series

on the book of Proverbs in the Bible. I’ve looked at various issues such as work, sexuality, speech, etc., but the one that

struck me the most was money. The following verse gives us much wisdom from God about money:

Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.

Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD ?'

Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonour the name of my God.

Proverbs 30:8-10

The expressed desire is that God would provide for our needs

and only our needs. To have too much can distance us from God; to have too little can cause us to act wrongfully. The problem is not that God hasn’t provided enough for the world but rather that some in the world have

taken more than their fair share. The root problem is greed.

mon Gareth Lloyd-Jones Jim Solomon Gareth Lloyd-Jones Jim Solomon Gareth Ll d-Jones Jim Solomon Gareth Lloyd-Jones Jim Solomon Gareth Lloyd-Jones Jim S

Is it time Is it time Is it time to simplify?to simplify?to simplify?

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"O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise and clever, and for revealing it to the childlike" Mat 11:25

• Thank God for all He has done this summer - for all

those who responded to Jesus's love at Frinton, Soul

Survivor and Kidz Klub, as well as the Keswick

Convention and all the other Christian Summer activities. Praise God for building His church over the

summer, and pray for all the new Chrsitians that they will grow, and not fall away. Thank God that there are

so many outreaches for the church. • Pray for all those who are starting new school/college/

university/new careers this month: that they will stand and be counted as part of Jesus's family. Pray for the

families in our church, that we will be the parents God desires (not the world) and that children will love and

respect their parents - despite what the world may say

is cool. • Continue to pray for all those needing employment and

those in uncertain jobs: pray that we will all keep our eyes on Jesus and His will for us - in paid or unpaid

work, and in how we use our time: in all things to put Him first, knowing that no time in Him is wasted.

• Pray for our new government, that the Big Society idea

will also help build God's Kingdom as well as our communities. Pray for wisdom for them in our finances

and laws, that God's ethics will be upheld. • Pray for "Lifecentre Hattersley" as this charity takes full

local ownership of the Eden team from the Message.

Please pray that communications are good and that the whole of HCC will be able to grasp the vision of the

Lifecentre charity in Hattersley. • Pray for those who are frail, depressed or ill, that the

Holy Spirit will comfort, revive and heal them. He is

able. Ruth Chorley

For Prayer The Message Then one of the angel-

seraphs flew to me. He held a

live coal that he had taken

with tongs from the altar. He

touched my mouth with the

coal and said,

“Look. This coal has touched

your lips. Gone your guilt,

your sins wiped out.”

And then I heard the voice of

the Master:

“Whom shall I send?

Who will go for us?”

I spoke up, “I’ll go. Send


Isaiah 6. v.6-8

‘The Message’

Gwen Taylor

“I will often consider myself as an instrument which is of no use except in the hands of the

workman.” Jean-Baptiste De La Salle (1643-1687) Gwen Taylor

This we travelled all the way to Stafford!! Ok its not that far away, but it felt like it when people were feeling... a little under the weather! Which wasn't pleasant but we, hay-ho, we made it none the less. Soul Survivor North was different in a few ways a couple being that the main meeting all wasn't far away and we actually had space to spread out a little in the meetings! This year we also had few new young people join the Soul Survivor posse who I'm sure all enjoyed the experience. I’m gathering this from the fact that two became Christians which is awesome!! So apart from the ‘northernness’ , Soul Survivor was pretty much the same as any. Full of fun, fellowship and meeting with God. Bring on next year!! If you could pray for the two young lads that became Christians, that they'll work out how to be a Christian and that it'll continue for the rest of their lives, that would be great. Also, please pray for the other young people that met with God and are on fire for Him, to keep the flame burning!

Dave K.

Soul Survivor - Stafford 2010



You are invited to...

An Invitation To Visit Tanzania 5th to 18th May 2011

The vision is to partner in a very practical way with the church in Dodoma: sharing our faith, Jesus’ love and using our gifts and resources together

If you would like to join with Tanzania (UK) Trust and visit Dodoma and stay at Samson's home: then please pray and ask God what His will is for you.

You have to be over 21 and in good general health. 8 places are available and we

estimate it will cost around £1000 plus your own insurance. If you feel you should

come, but do not have the money, please speak to me and we will see what we can do about some joint fund raising, to enable those who God wants to go, to go…

Our God is able, in His way and in His timing and His plan.

Ruth Chorley 07854 688373

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Summer Kidz

Club Fun at

In the middle of August around 50

children from our area attended our

annual Summer Kidz Club. They had fun with Mr

Taggliatelle, Salt and Vinegar, The

Ketchups, The Sardines Band

and the rest of

the team. We enjoyed games,

crafts, drama and energetic action


Peter (mind the

beard!) joined us and reminded us

of many things

that the early Christians were

taught, which are just as important


This event could

not take place without lots and

lots of helpers.

To all who gave up their time, on behalf

of all the children who joined us,

Thank You! The Head Waiter

Course Aim To enable Course Members to develop their understanding of pastoral care

from a Christian perspective and to become more effective in relating to and caring for the people and communities around them.

Who is it for?

It is suitable for a wide range of people who have a heart for Christ-centred pastoral care as well as those who have clear pastoral responsibilities - they include those who:

• See themselves helping others informally in their daily relationships and

who desire to learn more about pastoral care generally without being part of a pastoral care team.

• may be members of a pastoral care team and who desire to learn more

about pastoral care in order to help others both informally and in more

formal planned times

• are in church leadership or who have specific church roles and who desire to develop their awareness of pastoral care in order to support those for

whom they have responsibility

• wish to help others in specific community and workplace settings and

desire to learn more about pastoral care in outreach and mission.

• desire to explore and pursue a call to pastoral care.

From the Association of Christian Counsellors

Starting Sunday 12th Sept at 7.00-9.15 pm a 10 week course (12th, 19th, 26th Sep, 10th, 24th, 31st Oct, 14th, 21st, 28th Nov, 12th Dec)

Please see Gareth for details

Pastoral Care Foundation Course

Northern Women’s Convention Saturday 9th October 9.15 am to 4.30 pm The Armitage Centre, Manchester Main Speaker Lizzie Smallwood I have recently been invited by my mother in law to this years Northern Women's Convention I have been to this several times in the past and found it to be a very valuable day on the whole. There may be other ladies who might benefit from it and given that it is held here in Manchester it a relatively simple event to travel to.

I look forward to hearing from you. Holly



Their last event at the Apollo was a sell out.

So if you want to go, click up the Message Trading web page and get your tickets in advance.

Better stil l at £5 a ticket, why not treat someone young and cool tha t you know!

Also on the web site view the pr omo video .

It’s almost a month since the final whistle blew on World Cup 2010. That whistle marked the end of a six year journey of preparation and planning as we sought to utilize the impetus of the World Cup in order to extend the influence of AIS’ ministry in South Africa. We’ve posted a few reports and photos on the website ( and there’s also a great website called that features much of what took place by various organizations during the event. I thought though I’d just summarise a few highlights for you of what AIS have particularly been involved with during the World Cup outreach: • Many of the 400 coaches who have been

through TREC courses over the past few years were involved in community outreach and clinics during the World

Cup. It was wonderful to have transferred coaching skills that have now impacted so many children’s lives. • We hosted two ladies soccer teams and a men’s touring team, and another group of American visitors. They travelled through Pretoria, Johannesburg, Soweto, Durban and Cape Town – coaching and playing as they went. • The Cycle for Hope team

arrived the day before the World Cup started. Our Cape

Town office hosted a great celebration as the team finished their mammoth cycle right through Africa (thanks to our Northern Ireland AIS office for all your support).

• We conducted soccer camps for

hundreds of children in communities across Port Elizabeth, Cape Town and Johannesburg/Pretoria.

• Our prison ministries hosted special

events hosting groups from America and the UK. Both Leeuwkop and Drakenstein prison Hope Academies received positive media attention from various countries around the world (e.g. see The Hope Academy project was also featured on the South Africa programme Hosanna.

• I was personally involved in assisting in

the distribution of a free DVD produced for Kaka featuring his life story and testimony. We mobilized churches in a few cities to distribute them at the

stadiums. • I was also able to speak at a number of

different kinds of events including a soccer tournament; orientation events for visiting groups; and at church services.

• Through our partnerships, many more tens of thousands of children were impacted through special holiday clubs, coaching clinics and other outreach initiatives. In particular our church, Eastside Community Church, partnered directly with 40 other churches to assist them with World Cup community outreach and provided holiday club material to hundreds more churches… We are still compiling the stories and reports from the diversity of activities.

• AIS also distributed hundreds of balls

(see photo of one donations received

during the world up) and soccer kits as a result of generous donations from partners around the world.

• Now, as a result of our pre-World Cup planning, AIS-SA has bases and developing bases in seven South African cities… and we’re ready to continue serving God in a post-World Cup era… bringing His hope into the world of football!

We have really appreciated your support over the years leading up to the World Cup. It was an incredible time to be in South Africa – and we believe the world was greatly impressed by the spirit and dedication of the people here. Many blessings, Tim.

Tucker News

LZ7 Single Launch at the Apollo

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Macmillan Coffee Morning

I’m arranging a walk for Saturday18th September around the Diggle area.

It’s 4 miles long and takes in the Huddersfield canal and surrounding countryside. This time though I’m starting at 16:00 and finishing at the Diggle Hotel for some food. We will meet at the car park off Sam Road in Diggle, opposite the old Co-op building.

If you like to join me and if you would like food please let me know.


On the 6th August our team of 5 intrepid adventurers set off on the 3 Peaks Challenge. The aim of the walkers was to ascend the 3 major peaks in Scotland, England and Wales in 24 Hours.

At 5.20pm (top pic) the clock started at the base of Ben Nevis and Dave, Simon, Beth and Paul sped off

up the mountain while Stephen (our driver) tried to get some rest. By 8 pm the team had reached the top

and by 10pm were back at the car.

Stephen then expertly drove through the night towards Scarfell Pike, contending with heavy rain,

fog, road works, diversions and crazed deer! This mountain took a little longer than expected with two

of the team hitting 'the wall' and really having to push through the pain barrier, but by 7 am the

summit had been completed and back at the car by 10am.

The drive to Wales wasn't simple either, the heavy

traffic was often stationary as many folk tried to leave The Lakes after their holidays, but the clock

kept ticking. Pen y Pas car park was reached by 3 pm leaving a real challenge to complete the third summit

in 24hours. Dave and Simon ran up while Beth and Paul walked as fast as they could. As the clock hit 23

hours Dave and Simon summited – challenge complete, but ran back to the car in order to hit that

by the 24hour mark. Paul and Beth made it to the top as the clock hit 23hours 55 minutes! Challenge

complete and all still alive – just!

Well done to all the team. Thanks to all who sponsored the event and to those who were walking

on Snowdon to offer encouragement. Dave K.

The 3 Peaks Challenge

Made it! Made what? Getting up and down the third part of the 3

Peaks Challenge - Snowdon. Not as quick as Simon and Dave though (we crossed on the Pyg Track as they were going up and

we were coming down). Well done lads! We also met ‘family Benstead’ and Stephen Winfield giving great support to the guys.

(Sorry Alex (Benstead) - we won’t be chasing you up the twenty odd Snowdon peaks you’re doing). Martyn and Bryan

Now for something a bit more gentle

Friday 24th September 10 am to 12 noon At Mottram Evangelical Church

Please come along and invite your friends and neighbours


Enjoy a Coffee (or tea) in good company and make a difference

to people suffering from cancer (and their families).

If you want more details or want to assist in any way, please see Margaret and Stephen




Articles for Insight—Sorry! We can’t be everywhere! If you have photos or reports on Mottram or Hattersley church events, please send them to us for

including in Insight 4 Hall Drive, Mottram, SK14 6LH 01457 764753

See the Diary Dates for the copy deadline.

Stephen & Margaret Winfield

Bits and Bobs What happens in and around our Churches, When it happens,

Where it takes place and Who to contact for more details and to volunteer.

What, Where, When and Who

Sundays (see Diary Dates for full details) 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship MEC, Stalybridge Road Gareth Lloyd-Jones. 01457 764113 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship Pinfold Primary School, Hattersley Jim Solomon 07985 029115 7.00 am HCC Prayer To 8.00 am 4 Worthington Close, Hattersley. Michael Garry 0161 368 0952 Monday to Friday 9.15 am Little Gems Pre-School to 11.45 am MEC School term Tracey Lloyd-Jones 01457 764113 or 01457 764618 Mondays and Thursdays 11.00 am Adult Adventure Group to 2.00 pm Various venues. Paul Hobbs 0161 368 7904 Mondays 5.00 pm Football Outreach (under 16’s) to 6.00 pm The Ken Ward Centre, Hattersley. Simon Davidson 07770 427313 or Dave Kendrick 07510 599676 5.30 pm The Girlee Crew To 7.00 pm MEC School Term Louise Lee 01457 762173 7.45 pm Tearfund Prayer Meeting (2nd Mon Venue varies. of Month) Shirley Brierley 01457 764700 Tuesdays 10.30 am Tuesday Café to 12.30 pm MEC School term Shirley Brierley 01457 764700 5.00 pm Lads "Just looking group" (12-16's) to 6.00 pm Meeting Point, Hattersley Simon Davidson 07770 427313 or Dave Kendrick 07510 599676 6:30 pm UTD Girls Cell (13 to 17's) to 8.00 pm MEC Rachel Bowden 07810 276016 or Rachel West 07733 202332

8.00 pm Football Outreach (over 16’s) to 9.00 pm Ken Ward Centre, Hattersley. Dave Kendrick 07510 599676

8.00 pm Pregnancy Centre Prayer bi-monthly MEC as announced Marie Platt 0161 368 0371 Wednesdays 9.30 am HCC Prayer to 11.00 am 4 Worthington Close, Hattersley. Sylvia Garry 0161 368 0952 6.00 pm MEC/HCC Lads Cell (13 to 17’s) to 7.30 pm MEC Simon Davidson 07770 427313 or Dave Kendrick 07510 599676 8.00 pm Small Groups to 10.00 pm Various locations. HCC Jim Solomon 07985 029115, MEC Gareth Lloyd-Jones 01457 764113 or 01457 764618 8.00 pm HCC Worship Group MEC Steve Percy 07966 382965 Thursdays 9.30 am HCC Women’s Group to 11.00 am 2 Albany Way, Hattersley. Gemma Solomon 0161 366 9022 10.00 am MEC Womans Prayer & Bible Grp. to 12 noon The Fewsters House School term Alison Fewster 01457 762676 5.15 pm Kidz Klub (Primary school age) to 6.30 pm Meeting Point, Hattersley. School term Michelle Depass 0161 368 4565 6.30 pm Kids 4 Christ (Junior school age) to 8.00 pm MEC School term Jim Towell 0161 330 9058. 8.00 pm MEC Worship Group MEC Alan Kendrick 01457 853747 Fridays 4.00 pm Youth Adventure Club Meet at Hattersley Precint Simon Davidson 07770 427313 or Paul Hobbs 0161 368 7904 7.30 pm Young People’s Group to 9.30 pm MEC (Secondary Age) School term YPG Team 01457 764113 (Church)

A How To Guide! Just a little reminder about updating your Church

Directory details. The directory is kept up to date by Deleen our administrator. She should be the first person

to contact regarding any changes. If you request it, the details can be circulated to all via this page, but please be aware that it is available for everyone in the world to

view via the internet.

Jo and Andy Fisher have

moved to 107 Huddersfield


Stalybridge. SK15 3DW

I am a supporter of Premier Christian Radio and

they recently wrote to me regarding legal action they are taking against the Government.

They had requested permission to air an advert

seeking information from Christians regarding

their perceived marginalisation in our country. The Radio Advertising Clearance Centre has refused this and Premier Christian Radio are requesting a judicial


I urge you to pray about this situation and to declare your support for this action.

Either see me for a declaration of support form, or register your support on-line

at Dot Peake

I just wanted to let you know that our website for Tanzania (UK) Trust is now up and running. I still

have some translations to do and some

adaptations, which we are doing as a team, but it is great that God has opened this door for us! So if you would like

to visit our site it is: God is great! Ruth

K4C will re-start after the summer break on Thursday 9th September. Kids 4 Christ is for junior school aged children from age 8 until the end of school year 6.

9 9

September Diary Dates Wed 1st UTD 8.00 pm United Prayer Meeting at MEC Sun 5th MEC 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship

HCC 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship UTD 7.00 pm Prayer Action Broadbottom at the

Magdelene Centre

Sun 12th MEC 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship and Lord’s


HCC 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worshipand Lord’s Supper

MEC 7.00 pm Pastoral Care Foundation Course Week 1

(details on page 9)

Sun 19th October Insight Deadline MEC 10.30 am Mottram Morning Worship HCC 10.30 am Hattersley Morning Worship

MEC 7.00 pm Pastoral Care Foundation Course Week 2

Fri 24th MEC 10.00 am Macmillan Coffee Morning

Sun 26th October Insight UTD 10.30 am Lifeline United Celebration at Alder

Community High School—see page 7 MEC 7.00 pm Pastoral Care Foundation Course Week 3

MEC = Mottram Evangelical Church.

HCC = Hattersley Community Church UTD = United Meetings (at MEC unless stated)
