Morty Sklarin, 6:40 PM Tuesday€¦ · 2019-06-21  · Morty Sklarin ה'ע Daf Yomi After 8:00...


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Rabbi Yisroel Edelman: Tel: (o) 954-571-3904 (h) 954-725-1494 Rabbi Dr. Martin Schloss, President: Cell: 646-644-2657


Shacharis 7:00 AM Goldberg-Beker Bais Medrash

8:00 AM Freilick Sanctuary

Morty Sklarin ע'ה Daf Yomi After 8:00 AM Minyan in Library

Mincha 6:40 PM Freilick Sanctuary

PARSHA Beha’aloscha בהעלותך

Pirkei Avos Ch 2 June 21, 2019

Young Israel of Deerfield Beach Newsletter

The Fran & Simon Laufer Building

202 Century Boulevard, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

Morty Sklarin, ע'ה Daf Yomi Program: After 8:00 AM Minyan

Torah - STONE: Pg. 774 HERTZ: Pg. 605 Haftorah - STONE: Pg. 1182 HERTZ: Pg. 620

18 Sivan 5779

Tel: 954-571-3904 Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Email:

Rabbi’s Message

This week’s Parsha is Behalosecha records an

assortment of incidents that occurred with Bnai Yisrael in the desert, many of which are not

complimentary. But in the opening verses of the parsha we are presented with the tools by which to deal with

life’s challenges – the Menorah. When Moshe had difficulty hammering out the Menorah, Hashem instructed him to throw

the mass of gold into the fire and miraculously the menorah was formed. When we have issues in our lives, we must try our

best to deal with them but ultimately with Emunah we throw our problems to Hashem. In due course, we find light,

inspiration and success.

The sefer Divrei Noam provides a remarkable insight into the menorah representing the

Torah, the source of divine light in the world. This is alluded to in the menorah’s design,

which is detailed in Shemos 25. The menorah had 7 branches, 11 knobs, 9 flowers and 22

goblets, and was 17 handbreadths in height. These numbers represent the five books of the Torah: the first verse in the

book of Bereshis has 7 words, the first verse of Shemos has 11 words, the first verse of Vayikra has 9 words, the first verse of

Bamidbar has 17 words, and the first verse of Devarim—22 words! May we find Hashem’s light in everything!

Sunday - Friday 7:45 AM - 8:00 AM Daily Shiur: Mishna Yomis (2/day) - Masechet Masechet Sanhedrim Rabbi Bennett M Rackman

Monday – Thursday Chumash & Meforshim (45 minutes before Mincha – 5:55 PM) Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Einhorn

Tuesday 9:45 AM R’ Mordechai Berkowitz Tanya Shiur for Men & Women

11:00 AM - Women’s Talmud Class - Rabbi Edelman

Wednesday: 11:00 AM - Women’s Parsha Class - Rabbi Edelman Thursday 10:00 AM R’ Mordechai Berkowitz Tanya Shiur for Men &


11:00 AM Hebrew Ulpan Class -- Dan Waldman

Dedicate a day of learning for any occasion by sponsoring a Daf. $18 per

dedication. To sponsor, call YIDB Office.

Thanks to Daf Yomi Sponsors: Rachel & Motti Eisenberger on the Yahrzeit of his father, Shlomo ben Avraham Alter Yoseph, A’H; Malkie Fendrich on the Yahrzeit of her mother, Yehudis bas Simcha , A’H; Phyllis Horowitz on the Yahrzeit of her husband, Abba Zev ben Moshe Mishel , A’H; Arthur Rosenthal on the Yahrzeits of his parents, Zissel bas Moshe and Saul ben Yaakov and his in-laws, Sara Shaindel bas Shlomo & Yehoshua ben Yehuda, A’H, and other family members who were murdered in the Holocaust; Phyllis & Gil Rubin on the Yahrzeit of her mother, Chaya Shaindel bas Nasanel, A’H; Feigi & Phil Ten on the Yahrzeit of his father, Avraham Moshe Shimcha ben Yehuda David, A’H; Miriam & Abe Tous on the Yahrzeit of his father, Chaim Zorach ben Dovid, A’H.



Gabboim: Motti Eisenberger, Benjamin Kaplan, Srulie Rosner,

Steven Schoenfeld, Yechiel Simon, Phil Ten and Zev Weinstein.

New Member(s) – Please introduce yourself to the Gabboim! Upcoming Yahrzeit – Please remind the Gabboim a few days before to avoid oversights and verify eligibility for an Aliyah and/or Amud.


Call the Shul after 1:00 PM Friday for status of the Eruv.

Mincha 6:40 PM

Candle Lighting 7:05 PM After Plag 6:49 PM

Shacharis 8:45 AM

Freilick Sanctuary

Latest Shema 9:55 AM

Morty Sklarin ע'ה Daf Yomi 5:50 PM Rabbi Yisroel Edelman

Pirkei Avos Ch 2 6:50 PM Rabbi Yisroel Edelman

Mincha 7:50 PM Freilick Sanctuary

Ladies’ Tehillim Group 7:50 PM Library

Maariv/Shabbos Ends 8:56 PM


ברוכים הבאים

YIDB would like to warmly welcome all newcomers, visitors and guests who are joining us for Shabbos. If Rabbi Yisroel Edelman or President Rabbi Dr. Martin Schloss are

unable to greet you personally, please come and introduce yourself.

They would like to meet you!

In light of recent events, it has been decided to keep the front door locked after daily 8:00 AM Shacharis.

• Please be extra cautious and take a moment to make sure the front door of the shul remains closed and locked upon entering and leaving the shul at all other times.

• If you must use the door stopper, after you have completed your task, please remember to close the door and make sure it

is locked.

These measures are for everyone’s safety!

Seudah Shlishis Sponsored by:

Arlene & Marty Wolf on the Yahrzeits of her mother, Pesah Leah bas Shlomo and his mother, Sara bas Mordechai, A’H.

Thanks to Tikun Sponsors

Feigi & Phil Ten on the Yahrzeit of his father, Avraham Moshe Simcha ben Yehuda David, A’H.


Helene Braver (Regents Park (561) 862-8076) Eva Horowitz (Regents Park (954) 481-5934)

Norman Mintz (in Lakewood, (732) 364-2696 calls welcome) Lou Rapp (Regents Park, visits welcome) Abe and Goldie Zucker (954) 471-1704)

Only family members and/or the Rabbi can add or remove

names from the Refuah Shleima list.



Dear YIDB Member

This is to let you know that our Bikur Cholim program is up and ready to assist you in various ways. If you should need our help, the following contacts will be ready to assist. For Visitation (Visiting people confined to their homes or medical


Phone: Rebetzin Gutel Edelman at

954.725.1494 or

Caroline Schloss at 347.277.1916 For Transportation (For medical needs only when unable to

transport themselves.)

Phone: Larry Levine at 917.412.8670 or

Celia Rapp at 646.458.1624 For Food Acquisition (For people who are unable to prepare meals

for themselves.)

Phone: Ruth Berger at 516.642.1631 or

Dottie Gross at 954.290.3400

The contacts above will get you going on the track that you will

need for proper attention to you, your family and/or your


RHODA & JACK NEUSTADTER CHEVRA KADISHA If you should, unfortunately suffer a loss; please call

Sylvia and Michael Teplitsky (516) 659-2715

Harriet and Howard Drandoff (917) 754-3751

Donations to the Chevra Kadisha are greatly appreciated.

Judy & Jimmy Hassan on the engagement of their granddaughter, Batsheva Klotz to Aaron Good; Naomi & Murray Redisch on the birth of a great-grandson, Eitan Simcha Schulgasser; Rochelle & Moishe Rosenblum on the birth of a great-granddaughter, Gabriella Emunah and on the marriage of their granddaughter, Elisheva Rosenblum to Avi Krokotsky; Elaine & Stanley Scheidlinger on the marriage of their granddaughter, Sara Scheidlinger to Ethan Katz; Edith Selig on the marriage of her granddaughter, Dahlya Selig to Nissan Bloom.

On behalf of the extended family of Rabbi Samuel Bramson, z”l, I wish to say thank you to Rabbi Edelman and to all of our friends and neighbors at Young Israel of Deerfield Beach. Throughout Sam’s most recent illness, your friendship and your words of encouragement were appreciated. And now, after Sam’s petira and his kevura in Eretz Yisrael, your visits and messages remain a source of great comfort and nechama to us throughout this difficult time. May we continue to share in each other’s smachot for many, many years to come.

Tzivia Bramson and Family

The Congregation Extends Their Condolences To: Itzkowits Family on the loss of their mother, Estelle Itzkowits, A’H .

Chesed Book Club in Conjunction with YIDB Sisterhood

Will continue in August Time: 1:00 pm at YIDB Date: Tuesday August 20th Book: The Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance

Until then happy reading

Violet, Toby, Paula, Bina and Carole

Don’t miss our summer Koffee Klotch Program which will be held on the following dates:

Monday July 8, 2019 Monday July 22, 2019

Monday August 5, 2019 Monday August 19, 2019 We look forward to welcoming you!

Donation of new items would be appreciated!

Jonathan Zughaft grandson of Naomi and Mel Brody (2nd on the right) and three of his comrades in the IDF paratrooper corps. Thanks to the women of YIDB who were busy knitting these hats. We have sent over 100 this year.

For yarn & instructions contact Naomi Redisch (954) 234-1247

Children’s Equiment Service (formerly Gemach) - The following items will be available for your guests:

Car Seats or Regular Stroller $4.00/day Pack & Play or Porta Crib $3.00/day High Chair or Booster Seat $3.00/day Car Booster or Umbrella Stroller $2.00/day Minimum Contribution YIDB Member $15.00 Non-Member $25.00 Maximum Contribution YIDB Member $50.00 Non-Member $65.00

PAYABLE UPON PICK UP TO YIDB SISTERHOOD To reserve your items contact Eli Okun (954) 420-1070

HELP SUPPORT YIDB! Grove Supermarket Gift Certificates are

now available for purchase!


For further details, please call Srulie Rosner (718) 494-9121

Available daily after 8 AM Shacharis or before Mincha

Please pay your Yizkor pledges asap
