More of our Incredible Journeys


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More of our Incredible Journeys

Y3/4 Summer Term 2021

If you have not seen the other work we have already done on this topic of Incredible Journeys, don’t forget to look at the

previous slides from Y3/4.

We wrote our own quest stories, after reading the

books ‘Journey’ and ‘Quest’ by Aaron Becker.


We loved drawing the maps to help give the hero and heroine help on their quest to save the kingdom.

In Maths, Year 3s have been finding angles in real life objects and thinking of ways to remember the names of some 2D shapes.


Year 3 also enjoyed a team game to see how much water they could transport using sponges. They measured the water in their starting and finishing boxes and calculated the volume of water lost on the way!

Y4 enjoyed their work on Capacity!

Year 4 also collected data

from our trip to Filey and created

some graphs.

We have been investigating evaporation.

We filled two cups of water and left one in the sun and

one in the dark and measured the water levels

over time.

There were some interesting conclusions!


We enjoyed a glorious walk on Fulford Ings to look at our beautiful environment. We wanted to try to find what the air quality is like here and we did this by observing the types and colours of lichen on local trees.

This half term’s topic was Picnics.

We learnt lots of delicious food vocab and used actions to remember the words for

our favourite place to have a picnic!


We finished the year with a super sunny Spanish picnic!

We used only Spanish to ask politely for the different

foods not forgetting to say por favor and gracias!

We loved making our 3Dmodels of the incredible

journey the Nepalese children went on each day

to get to school!



ComputingIn Computing we made our own Podcasts and also had some in depth discussions about e safety.Here are some of our slides from our e safety presentations.

We have been exploring the

question, “What can we learn from religions about

deciding what is right and wrong?”


One of our favourite activities was a conscience alley. One person listened to the for and against views of everyone else as they walked down an alleyway of children. At the end, they decided which argument was most persuasive.

R.H.E.This term we have been thinking

about Coping with Change.There have been a lot of changes in our lives to cope with this year. We have discussed the different

ways we have dealt with these and also how we need to adapt to

changes in our bodies too.We loved meeting our new

teachers and thinking about the exciting changes ahead of us next


The Gardening Club gave each class some potatoes to chit and plant for a potato growing competition.It was very exciting when we harvested our potatoes this week and then cooked and ate them with butter and chives (also grown in the school garden).

Lots of children have helped with weeding and watering in the school garden this term and it has been a lovely, relaxing place to be.

Gardening Club

Look at how many amazing potatoes we grew in just

one bag!

I think our favourite day of the term was the day we went to Filey!

We hope you have enjoyed going on our Incredible Journey with

Year 3/4. Good luck to our children who will be heading off on their own incredible journeys

in September in their new classes!

Enjoy your summer holidays x
