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The Amazing Money Attraction Formula - © Copyright 2014 by R.J. Wellington – All Rights Reserved 1

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The Amazing Money Attraction Formula - © Copyright 2014 by R.J. Wellington – All Rights Reserved 2

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The Amazing Money

Attraction Formula

How to attract ANY amount of CASH in a few weeks (or even DAYS)

By: R.J. Wellington Author & Coach

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Formerly published in a shorter version as “The Mental Alchemy report” This e-book is © Copyrighted 2014 By R. J. Wellington

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this e-book may be altered nor transmitted for resale. Downloader is authorized to use any of the information in this publication for his or her own use and distribute it FREELY as an individual book or as part of any package, as long as NO PART OF IT IS ALTERED.

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LEGAL NOTICES: While all attempts have been made to provide effective, verifiable information in this Book, neither the Author nor Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning business matters is needed, the services of a qualified professional should be sought. This Book is not a source of business, legal, or therapeutic information, and it should not be regarded as such. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered.

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Table of Contents

- Foreword 6

- Introduction 12

1 - Seven attitudes that may be keeping you BROKE! 16

2 - Why can’t I? – The root of ALL your problems 24

3 - The Mental Alchemist’s Formula 28

4 - Getting in the Flow – How to make prosperity a constant in your life 37

5 - Frequently Asked questions about the “formula” 40

6 – A life of prosperity - Where to go from here 44

7 - Final words 51

- About the Author 52

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It's God's will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. It's God's will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt.

Joel Osteen

A sustainable world means working together to create prosperity for all.

Jacqueline Novogratz

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That was the reaction I got from a good friend, and advanced student of

mine, when I told him about my intention of sharing the information, that you

now have in your hands, with the entire world, free of charge. Back then, I

released a shorter version of this e-book, called “The Mental Alchemy report”.

Being a savvy business person, and, especially, because he had

experienced great results from using the formula taught here, my friend tried to

convince me to charge anything for this e-book, “even a buck”, he said, but not to

distribute it freely.

“People do NOT value what is given for free” – was his chief argument.

And I DO agree with my friend to some extent. There are many people who just

want to get things for nothing, and make a big deal about paying a few dollars for

a book or a course, as if it was such a huge investment as purchasing a car or a

house. These people, however, are not my main target public, especially because,

in most cases, they don’t even finish reading whatever they have downloaded out

of habit, therefore, they don’t benefit from it.

However, even though I agreed with my friend, I could not allow this

notion to keep me from sharing this information with those who DO deserve,

value, and NEED this kind of information at this moment, this most critical

moment, when people in America and all over the world are going through so

many financial challenges. This moment when riches are becoming more

centralized in a “few hands”, and the middle class is shrinking quickly.

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I feel it is my duty as a Personal Transformation Coach and Metaphysical

Teacher to contribute in some way to my fellow human beings’ improvement and

awakening. And the best way to contribute is by sharing my real treasure – some

of my knowledge. The same knowledge I have used to enjoy a constant and

steady flow of prosperity.

At this point I do not know which definition applies to you;

a) The curious downloader who will not value this information anyway

(and I really don’t care about this group), or

b) The deserving, open-minded individual who will recognize the

importance of it and will have the discipline to apply the formula.

One thing I know for sure; it is that the second group is the one that will

truly take advantage of this precious information that has already helped many

people all over the world.

The only things I will ask of you in exchange for this information are:

1) Please SHARE this e-book with others to help spread a new level of



2) If you use this information wisely and experience results (actual

financial gains), consider acquiring my other products, the Mastering Your

Prosperity Codes Program, which is a follow-up to this small book and takes you

further into developing an unshakable prosperity consciousness, and my new

book, Raiders of the lost Happiness, which reveals the Master Key to happiness

and will take you into a higher level of self-realization.

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These products contain lots of valuable, and result producing, information

that has transformed lives around the globe. And I am giving you the KEY in this

free book to attract the CASH to purchase my products. Is it a fair deal?

In this small book I want to show you that, if correctly applied, knowledge

is power, and we need to empower ourselves by using all of our potential and

proving to ourselves that we CAN direct our destinies; that we are not at the

mercy of unscrupulous money gamblers, that we do not have to allow a corrupted

few to play with our financial futures, our savings, our retirement plans, etc.

And who am I to promise you that the formula taught in this book can help

you? Good question.

First of all, I want to assure you that I am NOT a “celebrity new age guru”

neither a “spiritual whatever”. I haven’t been on Oprah nor Larry King shows (as

of yet). My picture has never appeared in any popular new age or success

magazines, and I really do not care about it. To me those are not necessarily

measurements of talent or abilities, but, in most cases, the result of expensive

self-promotion and aggressive PR. That can be purchased – Talent, real life

experience, and wisdom, can’t be purchased.

For the last 25 years I have been working in the real world, helping real

people from all walks of life to TRULY change from the inside out, with realistic

and empowering theories and practical techniques that produce measurable and

observable results, not empty philosophy or “motivational junk”.

I don’t need to pursue promotion schemes because the majority of my

clients and students are naturally attracted to me. If you are in my e-mailing list

you know that I do not send e-mails every other day pushing “affiliate programs”

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or the “latest amazing success formula”.

In the last few years I have been getting noticed in the USA and all over

the world, probably for being the only “Coach” (for lack of a better term) who

can dare to charge only for results.

Yes, you read it right; no one who steps into my studio or train with me

online has to pay in advance for anything. My personal students always pay late.

IF they like what I teach and decide to come back for another session, then they

pay for the previous one. This is my way of demonstrating that I am extremely

confident about what I do. I do not think that I should pay any professional if he

or she does not do the promised job, and I apply this philosophy to my own

coaching practice. I am applying it here as well. I want you to attract the cash

BEFORE you invest on my advanced prosperity program, and for this to happen I

have to make sure this book works for you, and it will – if YOU work at it.

I also try to be a living proof of whatever I teach. I walk my talk. In the

financial aspect of my life, for example, the year 2008 has been one of the most

financially rewarding since I came to the US in 1988. And guess what? This has

been one of the worst financial years the country has ever experienced in its’


When the bad financial news started popping out all over, I decided NOT

to allow this collective propaganda programming to influence me at all. In a

period in which many IT specialists were working for peanuts, my web

development company was growing exponentially. My personal coaching

practice has also expanded in surprising ways. Is it luck? Well, I’ll leave that

judgment in your hands dear reader, especially after you read and practice the

simple philosophy and formula taught here.

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I do NOT want you to believe in anything said in this e-book, though. Just

believing or agreeing with me will NOT do it. You must “get your feet wet” and

really apply the formula shared here. I am neither after believers nor followers;

that is the job of religions and politicians. All I want to do is share something

useful with you. You don’t have to take it at face value nor use it if you don’t


And “what if it is all a bunch of crap”? What if what I promise here is not

true? Well, you have been lied to most of your life. You have been lied to by your

politicians, by your religious leaders, by your educators, and by your men of

science. So, in the worst scenario, you will just be deceived one more time if

whatever I share is hogwash. The difference here is that the “lies” I teach cannot

harm your life in any way. You won’t be any worst after reading this book; you

didn’t even have to pay a cent for it. BUT, if what this book contains is true, you

can end up much better off.

Is it worth trying my “formula”? It depends on your approach. I usually ask

people to be skeptical of anything, until they try it and experience results for

themselves. I myself am very skeptical. So you can approach what is taught here

with healthy skepticism, as long as you keep an open mind to the possibilities and

try it for yourself.

To me, the mental sciences are as precise as mathematics; if you apply the

correct formula, the results will be exact. You do not have to believe in math, or

physics for its principles to work, but you do have to know and apply the formula


The approach you should avoid as you read this book is that of cynicism.

To me cynics are those who are doubtful or contemptuous of something they

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don’t even know about, just out of bias, sarcasm and/or personal agenda. A good

example is a religious fanatic who mocks scientific theories just because they go

against his biased limiting beliefs. Another word for that is ignorance.

If you want to take this approach (cynicism), you shouldn’t even waste

your time reading this e-book. You already know it all; this “bunch of crap” will

not help you anyway. Your destiny is set; Murphy’s Law controls your life, so

why even try? God forbid, if this formula works for you, there will be no more

excuses for your failures, no more attention from others in the form of pity and

empathy. No more reason to whine. Just delete this file quickly, turn on the TV,

log into your favorite social network, and go back to your “real world”. It will be

safer for you.

If you, however, want to start finding out how deep the rabbit hole really

goes, go ahead. Test me, try my simple formula, and if you have the discipline

and dedication to make it work for you, you qualify to train with me; actually you

will be eager to continue learning from me.

Having said that, relax, and enjoy the book…

R.J. Wellington New York, summer of 2014

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It has been over 4 years since I first released a smaller version of this e-

book. Back then I didn’t know what to expect in terms of response and results.

And that did not matter, because I wasn’t really expecting anything besides

touching the hearts, and lives of the few people who would have enough

discipline to follow along with the formula suggested.

I have to confess that I was surprised when I started receiving feedback

from readers all over the world. Most people reported that they had used the

formula and been able to attract the amount of money they had settled for. A

personal client of mine from NY mentioned attracting more than $25,000.00 in a

few days. How did it happen? Her business suddenly had an “unexpected” surge.

A friend and former client from CA reported getting $20,000.00. How did it

happen? Some money that was due to her was finally paid after a long wait.

These amounts are exceptions, of course; however, many people reported

attracting anything between $100 (the suggested initial amount) and $1,000.00 in

surprising or mysterious ways.

But I have to be honest with you. A few people also sent me e-mails

mentioning that they were not able to attract any extra money. All I can tell them

is that if this formula works for one single human being, it has to work for all,

because it is based on ancient Universal Principles. In some cases it is just a

matter of more disciplined practice.

The “formula” taught here was originally published in my book “Segredos

da Alquimia Mental” (Secrets of Mental Alchemy), in the Portuguese language,

sold only in Brazil or to the Brazilian community in the US. This book was never

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meant to be published in the English language.

The book was meant to help my fellow Brazilians eliminate mental and

emotional blockages that hinder the flow of prosperity and to reprogram

themselves correctly to attract abundance. I have helped many people in my

homeland shift from a consciousness of lack to a consciousness of prosperity.

The same shift is urgent for the people in the US at this critical moment, and I

will not measure efforts to reach the largest number of people with this message.

To contribute to this shift, I’ve decided to translate this small (and

essential) piece of my book and share with my brothers and sisters in this

wonderful country that welcomed me with open arms and which I now proudly

call my second home.

As the time of this writing, many US citizens are still going through

financial challenges, and I am sure these challenges are causing some people to

lose hope and, what is worst, to enter a negative frequency. This is the worst

thing we can do. Worries, fear, incertitude, are all lower frequencies, and these

frequencies help in keeping us in a state of limitation. Do not fall for it.

It is time to recover your forgotten potential and become a master of your

destiny, instead of a slave. The financial aspect is no different from any other

aspect of your life when it comes to the principles of mental science. The

universe does not discriminate.

Many people who have read and practiced the formula taught in this book

have experienced financial growth, and, what is more important; they have

acquired the knowledge to create a constant abundance flow. In this book I will

not be giving you a fish for one day; I will be teaching you how to fish for the rest

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of your life.

My advanced Prosperity Codes program will be the “icing on the cake” to

help you to switch into a 24-hour prosperity attracting magnet, but don’t worry

about that course right now. Here you will get a Key Process that will enable you

to acquire more than enough to get that course later. I work with my clients in

phases, and, what can be better than a FREE phase to help you get going?

Do it for yourself and your loved ones. Our government cannot fix

everything for us, no matter how good intentioned they may be. WE MUST, as

individuals, work on our own growth, then, as more and more people do it, the

US will again be a nation of free and strong people.

All of us have a right to prosperity. By that I do not mean that each one of

us is destined to be a millionaire or a billionaire. Not necessarily. Your

aspirations may not be as grandiose. You may want, for example, a decent money

inflow to help pay for your current lifestyle, send your kids to college, and have

some fun on the side.

It does not matter how high your goals may be, the fact is that you DO

have a right to accomplish them. You were given the most wonderful gifts the

Universe (The Force, God, The Cosmic Mind) could ever give you; the capacity

of thinking and a powerful built-in goal-oriented mechanism. However, past

programming and the blocks created by such can and do impede us to use these

gifts in full, thus we hamper the natural flow of abundance in our lives. This is

now being reflected in the collective mind of a whole nation, and the whole


The formula that follows will allow you to start breaking free from your

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financial worries. Please share this report with as many people as you can. Once

we reach a critical mass, we will be unstoppable. Be a part of the re-awakening of

this great nation, of the planet. We can help a lot by sharing freeing information

to those who have the “eyes to see”.

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1 - Seven attitudes that may be keeping you BROKE!

First things first; YOU ARE the creator of your personal reality. If you do

not realize, or accept, this truth, you will be stuck and will not go much further

into developing the correct state of consciousness necessary to manifest

prosperity in your life.

Until a while ago, those who were brave enough to make this statement

(YOU ARE the creator of your personal reality) were called Mystics,

Metaphysicists, Mental Scientists, or simply “crazy people”. Nowadays there are

many Quantum Physicists saying the exact same thing in different ways.

Therefore I don’t have to convince you. Just do your own research.

I’ll not go deep into Metaphysical Theories here; this is not the purpose of

this book. If you want you can learn it from me later. All that I want you to keep

in mind at this point is that this small book is based on the TRUE ancient

Metaphysical science that has been passed on from generation to generation, in

different ways, all over the world. I am lucky and blessed to be part of a lineage

of true Masters that have even risked their lives at some point to pass on the

Hermetic Philosophy that gave birth to Kabballah and other modern mystical


In this chapter I’ll share a few factors, originating from consciousness,

which can be keeping you in a lower vibration. A vibration that is NOT

compatible with prosperity.

Just open any newspaper or browse through any financial news website.

There has been a lot of talk about inflation, depression and recession lately.

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Amidst so much negativity there are only two ways to really “shield” yourself

from the dire news that are flooding the media left and right; one is to move to a

remote cave in the Himalayas. The second (and easier) option is: to transform

your current “prosperity vibration”. If you had a positive prosperity vibration

your financial life would reflect that.

How do you know if you’re vibrating at a positive or negative frequency

regarding money and prosperity? That’s EASY, just look at your current financial

situation. How does it look like? Our external reality is nothing but a mirror of

our inner landscape.

Throughout the years, I was able to track the SEVEN most common

characteristics and habits possessed by those who suffer from financial “dramas”,

attitudes that perpetuate a negative financial reality. Take a look below and see if

any of those apply to you at this moment. Be honest with yourself, because your

success depends on it.

Attitude 1- The lack consciousness

This is the classic attitude of the pessimistic individual. Those people who

always focus their attention on the “empty half of the glass”. Their subconscious

minds have been conditioned to detect only that which is lacking, thus they block

out or filter everything else that opposes such lacking beliefs.

It’s no wonder why these individuals are broke; they keep on looking for,

and paying attention to, what is missing in their lives, instead of being grateful for

what they have. They focus solely on what is lacking, what is wrong and “unfair”,

and the worst thing is that they verbalize it through constant complaint.

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Are you a chronic complainer? If so, you will NOT be prosperous. Please

change your attitude RIGHT NOW and start being grateful for what you have, no

matter how little it is.

Attitude 2- Low self-worth/esteem

This is a modern syndrome that affects more people than you can imagine.

Our educational and social systems are not very good at “producing”

strong and confident individuals on a massive scale. We are usually measuring

ourselves by those unrealistic standards created by the media and Hollywood. No

wonder why many can’t think they are good enough, or cute enough, or fit


But the truth is: You receive according to your sense of self-worth. Your

FINANCIAL life reflects your attitude towards yourself first of all. Reflect about

that, please.

What do you think you’re worth; one thousand dollars a month, or ten

Million Dollars a year? You can decide that. True! YOU are the one who decides.

And please don’t come with the classical excuses such as: I don’t have

enough education, talent, knowledge, contacts, etc. These things are NOT a

guarantee of prosperity. You must have heard of people who came from the worst

conditions (rags to riches) and went on to become millionaires or even

billionaires, without ever stepping into a college, or even a high school program.

The past is NOT a defining factor for your future, unless, of course, you allow it

to be.

Self-worth is much more important than anything else you can think about

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when it comes to creating prosperity. What is your VALUE? I’ll tell you straight

forward: YOU are priceless; a unique human being with ideas, thoughts and

potentials of your own. Nobody can put a price target on you and tell you how

much you’re worth. So, drop the limiting beliefs and give yourself a value.

Attitude 3- Resentment towards the “filthy” rich

Words have power – the power to move others, the power to change your

destiny, and the power to reprogram your subconscious mind. We must be VERY

careful with the terms we use. In this case, I want to call your attention to the

expression “filthy rich”, used by many people unconsciously.

What does the word “filthy” reminds you off, dear reader? Who in heavens

created this expression? I do not know, but one thing I can deduct; whoever

created that expression had a negative view of the rich and prosperous.

What about you? Do you resent the super wealthy people in any way? Do

you think the world is unfair and that these people are bad? What are your

common thoughts and comments about them? Remember that we can’t be rich if

we have an unconscious repulsion or resentment towards wealth.

Why, you cannot attract prosperity if you associate it with negative

feelings. Therefore, resenting the rich will only hinder your progress. Just let

them be who they are. If they acquired their wealth through legal and ethical

means, you should admire then. If, on the other hand, they acquired wealth

through illegal means and by exploiting others, let them have their punishment, it

will surely come at some point in their lives.

BUT, whatever you do, don’t place yourself on the other side; don’t get

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into the “us against them” consciousness. If you wish to be amongst the “one

percent”, you cannot repulse them. EMBRACE wealth, LOVE prosperity


It is a SIN to live in the lack mentality and resent prosperity. By doing that

you are denying you Divine Inheritance.

Attitude 4- The belief that there’s never enough

It may not be your case particularly, but many good people DO believe that

there’s not enough for everyone in this world. They actually think that the rich are

taking something away from everybody else. They criticize and judge the so-

called “elite” and love to blame them for all the problems of this world.

Come on! Let’s wake up and take responsibility for our own destinies.

There are infinite number of ideas to be materialized, infinite inventions and

discoveries to be made, and enough prosperity to feed and clothe the world

thousands of times over. If you stop blaming and do your part, that is; if you

CONTRIBUTE to this world, you will help create more value and wealth to all of


There are infinite numbers of parallel realities. Those are the “Many

Mansions” described in the Bible. Choose a reality in which wealth and

prosperity IS available for all and you will live in that reality.

There IS more than enough for everyone.

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Attitude 5- The “hard work” mentality

This is a classical one that I hear most of the times. As good old daddy

used to say:

“Junior, you have to work your ass off to provide for your kiddies, buy a

house and guarantee your future. No hard work, no money, no money, no


Hard work is an honorable thing for sure. But I’d rather follow the path of

“smart work”.

What do you think about the statement above? Some will think: “This guy

is lazy”, “he wants to earn easy money”, “there’s no easy road”, etc.

Well, you are free to think as you want and I don’t really care about what

or how you think at this point. I am just asking you to go inside and check this

aspect of your life.

Do you think that those who work easy and make a whole lot more money

than you are somehow cheating? If you do, you have resentment towards them,

and guess what; you will never become one of them.

Attitude 6- The “parental imitation” syndrome

Our primary models in life are our parents. We learn how to walk, talk and

express ourselves by observing them and other adults around us. Now, one thing

that many do not know is that we also learn how to perceive and deal with money

from them!

What was your parents’ relationship to money and finances? Did they

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criticize the rich? Did they argue about money in front of you? Did they live in a

state of lack or a state of prosperity?

You may be imitating them to this day. It is NOT your fault though, but

just the way you were “taught”.

Attitude 7- The “I’m holier than thou” syndrome (or money is not


And to conclude we have another classic attitude, one that I have heard

over and over again, form BROKE people; the concept that money is NOT

“spiritual” (whatever spiritual means to you).

People with this syndrome perceive having plenty of abundance as some

kind of sin, or a violation of “spiritual laws”. But guess what? They are very glad

to accept donations and hand-outs. They even open “non-profit” organizations

(which are VERY profitable by the way). BUT, what keeps their church or

temple alive and kicking? You guessed it…M.O.N.E.Y. (forgive me God).

In reality most of these people have one characteristic; HYPOCRISY.

There’s nothing good or bad about money or about having PLENTY of it.

MONEY is NEUTRAL, what we do with it is what counts.

So, if you’re still hallucinating on the idea that the “poor and humble” will

have a first class ticket to heaven, WAKE UP…you’re not in Sunday school

anymore… GOD is the richest guy in the UNIVERSE! And He wants to share

some of that with you, His Child…

PLEASE do a serious reality check and see if you have any of the

characteristics above…your financial future depends on clearing these attitudes.

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2 - Why can’t I? – The root of ALL your problems

I still remember, as if it were today, that beautiful summer evening when

Robin came into my studio for a private coaching session, radiating an unusual

level of excitement. Her energy was vibrating so high that it could power a

nuclear plant. I could feel that from a mile away.

When asked the reason for all that excitement, she replied: “We can’t hide

anything from you, right? Well, I put the Mental Alchemy Formula to use and I

got it!”

That statement was not surprising to me, I’ve heard that many times before.

And, since I suggest my students to “attract” a certain amount, I naturally asked

her: “So, have you attracted the $100.00?” To my surprise she said: “No, I’ve

attracted $50.000.00!”

WOW! That was my first reaction – “You broke the record girl!” Yeah, she

has broken the record. Others have reported attracting anywhere from $500.00 to

$20.000.00 in a matter of weeks, or at most a couple of months after using the

same formula you have in your hands right now. Nowadays, I’m not even

surprised anymore by these types of testimonials.

However, I also receive reports of people who haven’t attracted a single

dime by using my formula, no matter how much they have “tried”, according to

their own definition of “trying”. Quite a few of you who download this will

repeat the same self-sabotaging pattern of browsing through this book quickly,

trying the process a couple of times, then forgetting about it and concluding that

I’m another lunatic sharing garbage.

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And, believe it or not, some people even get mad at me, call me names, and

say that all I teach is a bunch of crap. Well, I am not even selling this valuable

book. I am giving it away! And if one person can produce a result, anybody else

should be able to reproduce it, right? After all, I’m not teaching brain surgery or

asking anyone to do the “impossible”. The Mental Alchemy Formula is actually a

very simple process that even a 7 years old child can do (the son of a client of

mine actually used it to attract a new bike).

These experiences make me think. And one of these days, while pondering

on that subject, that is, why some people are able to attract it so easily while

others sink deeper into disappointment, one common thread in all “poor me”

complaints called my attention.

This common thread is the classic question: “why can’t I?”

We have been taught by many teachers that powerful questions invite

powerful answers. The opposite is also true; negative questions invite negative

answers. And, besides that, by asking “why can’t I?” you’re actually lowering

your vibration and sinking deeper into the problem frame of mind.

It seems that every single body out there is enjoying life and having a blast

with the Law of Attraction, while you’re living in an endless loop of trials and

frustrations, an unending episode of the Twilight Zone, right? WRONG! You are

still using the LOA silly! However, you are using what I call the LORA (Law of

Reverse Attraction).

Yep! It surely works both ways – you either get that which you want or

that which you do NOT want, it all depends on your vibrational levels. AND,

while you keep on asking “why can’t I?” you’re focusing on, actually affirming:

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“I CAN’T”. Is that clear enough?

Probably, as you “try” to use my formula, you will remember all your past

unsuccessful trials, all your previous frustrations. Maybe you approach this

teaching with the fear of being disappointed one more time. You may feel that

you’re not as good or as “spiritual” as those who get it. I don’t know your specific

drama, but one thing I know; you MUST get rid of this limiting attitude.

“Whether you think you can or can’t, you are usually right”. Henry Ford

And why can’t you? Give me a good reason for that. When I ask this

question to my students, they may, at first, come up with a few excuses, but

eventually they reach a point where they realize that all these excuses are illusory,

especially when it comes to applying the Mental Alchemy Formula. What is

keeping you from actually DOING IT?

Get rid of the idea that YOU may have a problem or a blockage; that YOU

are unable to use this teaching, that YOU are cursed or whatever.

I tell you what your first “problem” is; it is BELIEVING that you have a

problem in the first place. This tip alone will save you thousands of dollars on

therapy or expensive live seminars. Your BELIEFS, turned into convictions, filter

your reality and create your experience, whether good or bad. And believing that

you have a problem keeps you trapped in that ugly reality.

“But, don’t we have to be realistic? I DO have a financial problem…duh.”

For most people the concept of being realistic really means to be a pessimist. You

can choose to perceive reality in a myriad of different ways; you can perceive

yourself as a poor thing that never gets a break in life, or you can (and I strongly

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advise you to) choose to perceive yourself as someone who is facing a temporary

challenge that needs to be resolved. The first choice puts you in the position of a

victim, the second puts you in the position of a participator. And when you adopt

the second attitude, guess what? You will ask powerful questions. Instead of

asking: “Why can’t I?” you will ask: “HOW can I?” That is the beginning of true

and lasting change.

So, the bottom line is, the major reason why people do not experience

results with the Mental Alchemy Formula, or any self-help teachings for that

matter, is because they are focusing on the “I can’t” conviction and asking the

wrong question over and over.

As I always say: STOP being a victim and become a participator. You will

have much more fun in life.

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(Translated in part and updated from the book “Segredos da Alquimia Mental”)

In this treatise I’ll teach my readers and students how to materialize/attract

any amount of money desired in a few days or weeks. I usually suggest that they

start with a small amount ($100) and then increase it gradually, until they reach a

point of having enough confidence to create a constant flow of abundance.

Some of my personal coaching clients achieve their results in a few days,

some may take weeks, but usually, depending on the amount desired, results

should come within at most 2 months – if it takes longer for you, you may not be

using the formula correctly.

Keep in mind that results will depend solely on your correct application of

the formula that follows – But I WARN YOU to start small, especially if you

have been experiencing financial difficulties – you must get your “engines

running” at low speed before trying to fly.

I want for you to increase your “vessel” gradually, calmly, without strain or

stress. It does no good to aim for a million dollars if you can’t even attract one

hundred. Start small and train your subconscious mind to accept more and more.

It is possible, it is doable, and YOU can do it. Just follow the steps below to the


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And what does that mean?

We must vibrate in the SAME frequency, or in synchronicity with that

which we want to attract/experience in our lives.

Sometimes (usually most of the times) as I talk to people about financial issues, I hear statements such as:

“I have lived in limitation all my life”

“Money seems to escape from my hands”

“I have no conditions... I can’t”

“I don’t have the right… (Knowledge, opportunities, talents, etc.)”

“Poor me”… etc, etc. ad nauseum

The bad news is; if you keep focusing on the statements above, these mental

and emotional frequencies are perpetuating your situation! I’ll be very clear and

to the point here as I am with all my private students: STOP THE LAMENTING! STOP THE COMPLAINING! STOP AFFIRMING


Is that clear enough? I hope so. If lamentation and complaining worked, I’d

be doing that 24 hours a day. But it doesn’t. You must change your core

frequency, and you do that by changing your affirmations and beliefs.

I am not here to comfort anybody; I have no intention of validating your

misery and feeling empathy for it. I am here to “kick your butts into next Friday”

and wake you up to your true potential. I want to EMPOWER you to finally put

in practice the theories of all the books, movies, and “Secrets” you may have

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been exposed to throughout the years.

Some people say that I am arrogant or too tough, but my clients do not

complain about the radical results they produce in their lives. To me what matter

are RESULTS, theories and philosophies do not fill anybody’s wallet or stomach,


We will start then by FOREVER ELIMINATING the “poor me” or “I’ve

never had the means or opportunities” frequencies, and entering a frequency of

PERSONAL POWER. This POWER frequency is nothing more than our original

state, as beings created in the image and likeness of our creator and having

dominion over all things on earth.

Are you exercising this dominion, or are you complaining over

circumstances? That is the greatest difference between winners and losers.

To me your past doesn’t matter either. Only museums profit from the past.

You are living TODAY, NOW, and this is your point of power. The past is gone.

The way in which you think and feel TODAY is what will define your future, not

what has happened in the past. Unless, of course, you keep on focusing on

whatever happened in the past and using it as an excuse for your current


The choice is always yours, so stop the blaming game. Forgive dad, mom,

the government, the “secret societies”, the “reptilians” or whoever you blame for

your current circumstances and get a grip!

Start observing yourself during the day, especially when you think about

your financial condition, or when you buy something. What first comes to your

mind when you think about your financial condition or go out shopping? Is it

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worries, doubts? The “I can’t afford it” or “It is too expensive” voice? If these

come to mind it means that you’re in a NEGATIVE frequency. So let’s start

reversing this condition immediately...

Copy and/or print the text below and READ IT CONSTANTLY! Tape it to

your bathroom mirror, to your refrigerator’s door, to your bedside, have it on

your office’s desk, in your wallet, etc. Do whatever it takes, but for God’s sake,

IMMERSE yourself in this powerful text: The Cosmic Contract

“I (Write your name in the blank space) DESERVE ALL The good and abundance I can dream of, for me and my loved ones.

I am, at this moment and FOREVER, eliminating any residue of fear, doubt,

unbelief, self-pity and scarcity from my life.

I proclaim and ORDER that you, my powerful subconscious mind, which has the

power of a thousand atomic bombs, bring me ALL the riches and abundances that

are mine by right and divine inheritance. YOU KNOW where they are and where they will come from, and from now on,

you are in direct contact with the Universal Cosmic Force to bring me ALL that I

want and DESERVE as a child of the Universe! And so it is, now and forever.”

By immersing yourself in this text through daily reading, you will be finally

exerting your dominion and the power of FREE-WILL (the FIRST law of the

Universe) over your life and circumstances.

Most people approach the Universe from a position of begging. Never do

this; never engage in imploring from your Universe (YOU-niverse). The orders

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MUST pass through the subconscious mind and you MUST ORDER it to bring

exactly what you want.

The Universe is neutral, and it will give to you whatever was ordered

through the subconscious, be it a cent or a million dollars. YOU set the size. The

subconscious mind IS your SERVER, your personal genie, but it needs a

STRONG and DECISIVE master to follow! STEP 2- Create a motive or a goal

Why do you wish to materialize a certain amount of money? If you have a

clear motive, it will be easier. Is it to buy an important book, to take your wife to

dinner on her birthday, to invest on a course that will improve your life, or to buy

yourself a gift?

Be CLEAR and write it down following the example below: I wish to materialize $100 to:

(Remember that we are starting with only $100 to get your engines moving – you

will eventually increase that amount to whatever you want) STEP 3 – Set a deadline

If you wish to materialize the money to take your partner to a restaurant on

his/her birthday, for example, MARK that date on a calendar.

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Write something as shown below: “I’ll take Anna to dinner at __________________________restaurant, on” __________/_______/2014.

If you wish to take a specific course, or invest on a program, write:

“I’ll purchase “__________________” by or before , 2014”. Set a deadline of a few days or weeks, but try not exceeding 1 month. We want it quickly, right?

STEP 4 - Give Thanks for the money

Every single day, upon awakening, and sometimes during the day, say: “Thank you, Universe (God, Cosmic Force), for the $100 that are on the way.”

Feel the truth of this affirmation, as if a person that you trust had promised

to give the money to you, and you’re just waiting for the date to receive it. After

love, gratitude is the most powerful frequency in the universe. It can attract the

things that you want as much as complaining can attract the things that you don’t

want! STEP 5 – WRITE the following affirmation EVERY SINGLE DAY

I, , easily, quickly, and effortlessly materialize $_________________.

(Your name in the first blank space and the amount in the last)

It is EXTREMELY important to WRITE your short affirmations.

Here it suffices to say that by doing so you will be programming your mind

through different senses. Write the affirmation 20 times a day until you reach

the goal. Then increase it as you wish.

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STEP 6 – Before sleeping, visualize yourself using the money.

What have you written on STEPS 2 and 3? Just close your eyes and SEE

and FEEL yourself doing what you wish with the money.

The visualization does NOT have to be long. 3 to 5 minutes, with the right

intensity and without distractions will be enough. Quality here is more important

than quantity. STEP 7 – FEEL the state of your wish materialized.

As one of my Masters, Neville Goddard, used to say, “Feeling is the secret”.

How would you FEEL right now if you already had the desired amount in

your hands or wallet? Live in this feeling of tranquility, the feeling of HAVING,

not of WANTING. By doing this you will be stepping into the frequency

of your desire realized and creating synchronicity – the true secret of creation.

If you wish the money to buy yourself a gift, visit the store, see the item you

wish to buy, try it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, etc. If you wish the money to

participate in a course or purchase any program online, see and FEEL yourself

seating in the audience, or enjoying the program, always conscious that the item

already belongs to you, and that you’re just waiting for the payment from the

Universe to complete the purchase. STEP 8 – Be on the lookout for opportunities.

As you start following the previous 7 steps in this formula, the Universe will

move heavens and earth to bring you that which was ordered. Opportunities will

pop up everywhere. Wait and see. Your task is to be attentive to these


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A client of mine, for example, four days after starting this practice, was

driving to work when he saw an older man in distress. The man was having

problems with his car’s engine, and my client stopped and asked if he could be of

any help.

Since my client was familiar with auto engines, he was able to solve the

problem in a few minutes. The man then took a $100 bill out of his wallet and

gave it to my client, saying: “Thank you very much, you saved me. I have to be in

a very important corporate meeting in half an hour and I’d be lost if it were not

for your kindness.”

Another client, who apparently had not materialized the money after a

month, called me and asked: “What am I doing wrong?” Then I questioned him:

“Are you sure that there was no unexpected income or gain last month?” He

thought for a while then answered: “Hum, I don’t think so; the only thing that

happened out of the usual is that I was looking for a new TV set to buy. I saw an

ad for a store nearby and left home with the cash. When I arrived at the store, I

noticed that the TV set I wanted was on sale. The price had dropped $130.00 for

that special sale weekend.”

After listening to him patiently, my answer was: “Well, if to you this does

not represent a GAIN of $130.00, what is it then? Money unexpectedly saved is

money earned, right?” He agreed with me and was grateful for the explanation.

Later on he attracted even more.

BE ON THE LOOKOUT. For some, the extra money may come as a gift or

bonus from the boss, a payment for a debt someone owned you for months, an

extra unexpected gig, etc. We have no way to know, and we DON’T need to

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know. Your job has been done; now let the Universe do its part.

Do NOT place limitations on the Universe; do not focus on only one

possibility. Be attentive every day to the gains and unexpected possibilities. I

heard testimonials of people finding money on the beach, wining on a scrap game,

or receiving an unexpected inheritance.

Whenever you reach that state of TRUE synchronicity, heavens and earth

will move to bring you your desire, and anything can and WILL happen. This is

the promise of the Ancient Masters, the TRUE keepers of The Secret.

After materializing the amount suggested in this formula ($100), increase

the amount gradually. Aim for $250.00, then $500.00, $1,000.00, and so on. This

formula works for any amount you can conceive as possible. Again, the decision

is in your hands and mind.

The limit is dictated solely by how high you can dream and your degree of trust in the Universal Power.

This formula is simple, and can be followed by anyone. Please READ all

the steps one more time and implement one-by-one. This book is not intended to

explain WHY this formula works, and you don’t have to know it.

Knowing the how-to is enough by now. If you want to delve deeper into the

field of Personal Empowerment, check the resources pages for some

recommended suggestions, but the 7 steps in this report will suffice to help you

accomplish your short-term financial gains.

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4 - Getting in the Flow – How to make prosperity a constant in your life

Life is like a game. That’s my philosophy, that’s what I have learned from

my Masters. It is ALL a huge illusion “created” by ourselves to help us regain

our power and acquire self-knowledge. YOU are here to discover and unleash

your power, we all are.

I am proud to be a true Meta-physicist. I have been studying the secrets of

consciousness, manifestation and attraction for most of my existence. I have

dedicated more than 25 years, up to this point, to learn about universal laws and

the science of life. And the more I learn, the more I realize how life can be easy

and flow harmonious if we just navigate through the right frequencies.

To be prosperous, we must live in a state of prosperity, no matter what the

senses may tell us now, no matter how our “reality” looks like at this point. If

you keep on reproducing the frequency of lack, you will be in a never ending

loop, and never experience true prosperity.

If you are like the average New Thought and self-help reader, you may be

wondering if what I share in this small book works, or if it is just a hook to sell

you more expensive programs. You may have been disappointed before and

distrust this philosophy. That’s because nobody may have been as clear as I am

trying to be. You either embrace the path of conscious creation or you don’t.

There’s no “in between”.

Dare to do it NOW, challenge me! Forget about the reflection (3

dimensional world) for a few days and focus on the source, which is your pure,

unadulterated consciousness. ASK for what you want and use the formula taught

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in this book. Your world is yourself expressed out.

To be in a constant flow of prosperity, you must first of all eliminate all

ideas of lack from your consciousness. Start seeing the riches all around you.

Declare that your Father OWNS everything in this universe. Be grateful every

day of your life. It IS just a matter of being in a specific state of consciousness –

the consciousness of prosperity. Those who have made through the “portal of

illusion” can attest to that.

I have much more to teach you and I trust that those who are ready to learn

TRUE Metaphysics will desire to follow up with me. This little book teaches you

how to attract a specific amount of money so you can decide to invest in my full

prosperity program that will teach you how go even deeper and further. The

LINK to my program is at the bottom of every page of this book and at the

resources section.

I am doing something unique, that is; showing you how to FIRST attract the

money to invest in my paid program, which costs less than a trip to the movies

for two. But I WANT you to materialize the money, so you will have trust in my

method, a method which was passed down from generation to generation, a

method that will give you total control over your reality.

If you have success with the formula taught here you will naturally desire to

learn more from me. And I can GUARANTEE you that you will NEVER pay a

cent for my programs or eventually coaching, because you will produce the

money to pay for it by using my formula. Test me and see!

I am a living example of what I teach. When I came to the US I was literally

a “nobody”, unknown, limited, poor. I had to do all types of jobs left to

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immigrants. Today I am counseling and coaching high level clients, some of

them millionaires, from all over the world. I am invited to the homes of

millionaires, I have direct contact with some very famous celebrities, and my e-

books and programs have been downloaded and purchased by people all over the

planet. I am relatively famous worldwide and increasing my prosperity daily by

helping others find happiness and prosperity – I ALWAYS work on a win-win

basis as I am doing with you now. I don’t say that to brag, but to point that YOU

can do it as well. WAKE UP!

What have I done to reach this position? I ASSUMED that I WAS what I

wanted to BE! That is the Law, which was taught to my Brazilian Metaphysical

Master, who comes from the same lineage as Neville Goddard and Rev. Joseph

Murphy, students of Abdullah, the great Cabbalist and Ethiopian Jew.

I have done it, I am doing it, and you can do it as well. I’ll be glad to help

you all the way to the top. There are no limits. Now, as you read these pages, you

may have a dream, you may desire to be a famous actor, singer, writer, painter,

entrepreneur, or whatever you fancy. That’s WHY you were attracted to this

book in the first place. You are one of the FEW among seven billion people who

have access to this type of knowledge. You are being given the clues and one of

the many keys. If you wish to learn the Master Key, you can acquire my book,

“Raiders of the Lost Happiness”, which costs less than $20 and can open the

doors to success and accomplishments never dreamed about.

All I hope is that this small book touches your heart and mind, and that you

continue your journey towards mastery, either with me or another true

Metaphysical Master. Welcome to the world of magic and wonder…

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5 - Frequently Asked questions about the “formula”

In this chapter I’ll answer some of the most common questions I have been

asked by my readers and students about the formula throughout the years. Please

read these answers before e-mailing me. I may not be able to answer all questions

sent to me personally, and the ones below basically encompass all common doubts

the readers may have.

Q: How long should it take for me to accomplish results?

A: The time it takes to achieve results, that is, attracting the desired amount of

money requested, depends on the reader’s dedication and persistence with the

formula. There’s not a precise minimal or maximum time frame, and my readers

have reported attracting the amount in as little as 5 days or as long as 3 months.

I am pretty sure that most of those who don’t experience any results are the ones

who just “try” the formula for a few days, out of curiosity, and give up, thinking

that it is not working, because they did not have the patience and persistence to go

on for a few more days or weeks.

To get any accomplishment in our lives we must be persistent, and this fact applies

to the formula as well. Therefore, I can only guarantee that if you give up in a few

days, you will NEVER attract anything, not with my formula, or with any other

method whatsoever.

Q: What if I don’t have a clear goal for the money I wish to receive?

A: Make up one! We all should have goals; it is just a matter of deciding on

something we want, such as a new pair of sneakers, a dinner at a specific

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restaurant, giving someone a gift, etc. For the formula to work at its best, it is

advisable that you have a goal; this gives a direction to your sub-conscious mind, a

clear objective.

You can also have the goal of acquiring my advanced prosperity program (see

resources section). Many people who downloaded the first version of this free book

did it with the intention to purchase my “Mastering Your Prosperity Codes”

program. The majority of them accomplished it. Some have become my personal

coaching students and have been doing very well financially.

Q: What if I miss one step (example: not writing the affirmation every day)?

A: If I were to give you a recipe for a cake, I would expect you to use the right

ingredients, in the right order, and bake it for a set amount of time. See the formula

as a recipe. ALL ingredients must be included.

If for some reason you skip writing the affirmations for a day or two, you will not

be doomed to failure and eternal damnation, though. The formula is more flexible

than a cake recipe, however, don’t try reinventing the wheel, nor neglect any step. I

have tested this same formula with thousands of people all over the world, and the

most successful are those who follow it to the letter.

Q: Can I start with a larger amount, as for example $5,000.00?

A: I cannot tell you not to. It’s up to you. But, based on my experience with clients,

those who have strong financial blocks should start with an amount that is

comfortable to their sub-conscious minds and increase it gradually as their

“prosperity muscles” get stronger.

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If you start with an amount that is beyond your current comfort zone you will

certainly fail. Don’t be greedy, don’t hurry. Once you get it, you will be able to

increase the amount gradually and consistently.

Q: How much should I ask for after I manifest the first amount desired?

A: I advise you to increase the amounts gradually. Don’t jump from $100 to

$1,000. Increase it to $200, then $300, etc. If you do this consistently, at some

point you can go for ten or twenty thousand dollars, as some of my clients did.

Q: I haven’t attracted the amount desired, but I got a good discount/won a prize.

Does that mean that the formula worked?

A: You be the judge. To me, getting a discount or receiving a gift that you wanted

in the approximate amount you were aiming for IS a gain. Quite a few of my

readers had that result, and later on they went on to attract it in the form of cash.

Remember that any gain is a gain. It is better than a loss, correct?

Q: I have been using the formula successfully for a while, but lately, it does not

seem to be working. What may the problem be?

A: It may be that you have increased the amount to an unrealistic level, based on

your financial muscles. It may be that you thought that earning the money you

aimed for after using the formula was “too good to be true” or just a

“coincidence”. I have no way to know all the reasons.

Have you changed anything or tried to reinvent the wheel? Don’t do that, stick to

the formula as it is and play with different amounts after you have attracted the

initial desired amount.

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Q: The formula did not work for me at all; what am I doing wrong?

A: If you know how to read and can follow instructions, there’s not much that can

go “wrong” with the formula.

Have you given up too early? Have you neglected any step? Have you been

anxious about the possibility of the formula NOT working for you? Each case is

individual and I honestly cannot cover all the possibilities here. I can only tell you

that persistence is the key. Whichever formula works for one person should work

for all.

If it does not work for you, ever, you may have VERY strong and deep-seated

financial blocks; in this case you should look for personal help from me or other

Coach, acquire my advanced program, or simply delete this e-book from your

computer. The choice is on your hands, I do not force anybody to do anything, I

did the best I could making this book available to you free of charge.

But again, be persistent. Don’t give up after just a few days. In most cases this is

the cause of failure.

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6 – A life of prosperity - Where to go from here

At this point, as you finish this book, you may be wondering: “is this book

going work for me?” “Is this guy for real?” “Did I truly find something that

delivers what it promises?” That’s absolutely fine; you have the right to question,

even to doubt.

You may have spent countless amounts of dollars in self-help books, audio

programs and even live workshops and seminars, and ended up frustrated. So, feel

free to question, hey, you haven’t paid a dime for this book, a book that can be the

MOST helpful and effective you have ever read.

Please question, please DOUBT what I say, don’t take anything here at face

value. Just move your butts and use the formula. The ONLY person who can

answer your questions is yourself! The only person who can make the formula

work is yourself, I will not do it for you; I have already spent time writing this

book, just to give it to you on a golden plate.

If you are among those who achieve results with the formula (and you can

be if you want to), I suggest you to keep on moving on the path of self-knowledge,

personal mastery and power over your circumstances.

There are many people to guide you through this path, including myself.

And, since I am giving you something of true value, I would like to ask you to take

into consideration donating me $1,000.00 for this book.

I AM JOKING, SILLY! I can see some readers almost jumping out of their

chairs when they read the paragraph above. I can almost hear some saying

internally: “I KNEW he was a scam!” “This is absurd!” Yes sir, don’t feel bad if

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you were one of those. I don’t.

Actually, all that I ask of you is considering taking a look at my products

(they cost waaaaay less than a thousand dollars). BUT, before you go back to

thinking that I am an opportunist scammer because I am asking you to consider

acquiring my book or audio program, I want to throw a challenge on you: I want

you to ATTRACT the money to invest in my products by using my formula.

This way you will be paying with money I have helped you to create, money

earned with the formula that can bring you MUCH more, whenever you want. Isn’t

that the BEST deal you ever had? Isn’t that the boldest and most audacious offer

someone has ever presented to you?

Sure, some will still call me a name, that’s human nature. “Give men all they

want (even for free) and they will still think it is not enough.” And I really,

honestly, don’t care about the opportunists who call ME an opportunist; I don’t

give a damn about the scammers and free-loaders who call ME a scammer. They

are just seeing a reflection of what THEY ARE in the world. It must be a misery to

live with the belief that “everybody out there” is trying to take advantage or to fool

you. God have mercy of their soul. They will NEVER get anything out of life

because they are in a frequency of lack and fear.

Who I really care about are those who are open-minded and can see the

signs; those who trust me by using the formula with all their heart and soul; those

who believe that there are good and honest people sincerely desiring to help them

(Yes! Even in the self-help/personal development field).

If you like what you got from this book, I don’t have to sell anything else. I

can promise that all my materials are in the same level of quality and effectiveness

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The Advanced Prosperity Formula Unleashed! Grab it NOW at:

as this little book I gave you, with much more valuable and some exclusive

information that will help you climb to higher levels.

Therefore, if you wish to learn more, to grow and harness your full potential,

here is what I suggest you grab once you have attracted your first amount of money

(jump to the next page).

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Raiders of the Lost Happiness

This book will give you a Map and will take you on an amazing Journey of Self-realization.

It will teach you the Master Key, the TRUE secret that has been called “The biggest Power in the Universe” by philosophers, thinkers, Masters and Religious Icons.

Is it possible to be truly happy? Can you raise your vibration and acquire Mastery over your life without spending years studying or secluding yourself in a remote monastery?

Find out for yourself…a thousand words are not a substitute for personal experience, and in this book you will have the tools that will capacitate you to experience firsthand what the Masters have taught us for Millennia.

This book will answer the question asked me by many people throughout the years:

“Is there a formula for happiness?”


• Realize why you may have been sabotaging your life up to this point.

• Become aware of the “game of life” and enhance your ability to “play it to win”.

• Understand an essential habit, indispensable for you to accomplish all your goals.

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The Advanced Prosperity Formula Unleashed! Grab it NOW at:

• Use the greatest gift you were born with, and is readily available, in order to always move in the right direction.

• Use your mind correctly to tap into your Super-conscious and open the doors to full awareness, without having to spend years meditating or visualizing.

• Use the greatest power in the universe to miraculously renovate your life in weeks (with examples of how our students have done it).

• Step out of your Comfort Zone and harness the courage to go where the average don’t dare to go.

• Eliminate the word “failure” from your life once and for all, opening the doors to amazing growth and learning.

• Put all these principles together to create a road map to any and everything you wish to accomplish.


More Information HERE

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The Advanced Prosperity Formula Unleashed! Grab it NOW at:

The Prosperity Matrix Program

The Mental Alchemist Boot camp

Are some people destined to be poor and others to be wealthy?

The answer may SHOCK you.

Why do you think you may be failing to enter and STAY in a constant flow of abundance to provide the best of life for yourself and your loved ones? • Is it lack of specialized knowledge? • Is it lack of formal education (a college degree)? • Is it lack of the "right contacts"? • Is it lack of the best marketing/publicity strategies? NO...we have seen people without ANY of the above reaching high levels of financial freedom. What do they have that you DON'T? ... DISCOVER it in your first FREE level of training!

What if you KNEW a PRECISE method to help you enter the right frequency and materialize all the prosperity you

need... over and over again? STOP WONDERING...

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The Advanced Prosperity Formula Unleashed! Grab it NOW at:

In this program you will learn:

• The metaphysics of money, and how to MASTER IT

• The Alchemist's (Elite) concept of prosperity

• How to increase your capacity to receive

• The most important requirement to enter the PROSPERITY FLOW

• The Mental Alchemy Formula that people all over the world are using to attract higher and higher amounts daily

• The first obstacle to a healthy financial flow and how to SHATTER IT!

• How you are modelling your parents’ money patterns, and how to FREE yourself from it once and for all

• The deepest prosperity belief analysis you will ever do

• How to clean up ANY and ALL negative "prosperity frequencies" at an emotional level (ONLY using the mind will NOT take you far...)

• The POWERFUL questions that have the POWER to make you RICH

• How to contact your FUTURE rich self (a trip into parallel universes!)

• The essential steps to achieve business success and UNLIMITED prosperity (it applies to ANY business model)

• The MOST POWERFUL ways to reprogram your mental prosperity codes

• The TWO habits that may be keeping you BROKE – and how to eliminate them

• How to borrow the energy frequency and inner states of billionaires (REALLY!!!)


More information HERE

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The Advanced Prosperity Formula Unleashed! Grab it NOW at:

7 – Final words

There you are! You have made it to the end of this book, congratulations!

Many people don’t reach even half of a book. Needless to say, they also don’t take

the time, nor have the discipline, to practice anything taught. They usually want

“instant miracles”, and such a thing does not happen. Therefore, they jump from

book to book, from course to course, in search of the miracle words which will turn

them into lottery winners or “enlightened masters” overnight.

What I’m sharing here is priceless for those who have the courage,

discipline and open mind to try it, and it can dramatically change your financial

life, regardless of recessions, depressions, or market conditions.

This formula is worth more than many books and movies put together. In

exchange, I want to ask for your testimonial, and I also will ask for you to share

this book with as many people as possible. Do not be greedy. There’s enough

abundance in the Universe for everyone. Share and you will be given even more!

Feel free to contact me at any time. I am a REAL person. I write about what

I KNOW and have proven true in my life. Please send me your testimonials of gain

from using this formula.

May the Force be with you!

R.J. Wellington

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About the Author

“A good teacher should not be measured by the words he says or the promises he makes, but by the RESULTS he produces!” R.J. Wellington

R.J. Wellington was born in Brazil and moved to the U.S. in 1989 at the age of 19. He is a Personal Transformation Coach who charges ONLY for results, not promises, an author, REIKI Master and Energy Therapies Practitioner. He currently lives in New York, with his wife and two cats.

Training and Certifications:

-Graduated in Parapsychology and Mental Sciences – Institute of Psycho-biophysics – Brazil (Accredited by Rio de Janeiro’s Board of Education) -Certified in Radionics and Advanced Homeopathy – AGEACAC & American Association of Natural Medicine – USA -Board Certified Advanced Master Clinical Hypnotherapist – Hypnosis International Board of Registration – USA -Certified Hypnosis Teacher – The Hypnodyne Foundation – USA -Certified Past-Life Regression Specialist – The Hypnodyne Foundation – USA -Bachelor Degree in Metaphysical Science – University of Metaphysics – USA -Meridian Therapy & Energy Psychology Practitioner – Various – USA -REIKI MASTER and Vibrational Therapies Practitioner – Various – USA -Chi Kung Practitioner – Chinese National Chi Kung Institute – USA -Developer of the “Transformation Dynamics System” -Certified Emotrance Practitioner – U.K. -Certified NLP Practitioner – USA -Certified Fitness Coach – USA

Author of: Raiders of the Lost Happiness (English) Good Vibes, Bad Vibes (English) Breath Your Limitations Away (English) Segredos da Alquimia mental (Portuguese) O Efeito Gastão (Portuguese)
