Mondrien, geometry in class



we found strigth lines in Mondrien, and we loved it!

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"Because beauty is essential to life "

Because we love art, color and math we made a travel trougth art…

We made new colors

Visit great masters…

And choose Mondrien, for his strait lines, primary colors, and simplicity.

“Mondrien was a painter “– Maria

We painted a lot of paintings that are in museams - Matilde R.

"With vertical straight lines, black lines with square ... rectangle .. blue .. black ... white ... “– Gui

Com linhas horizontais – Sebastião

I loved to do my Mondrien – Inês

Strigth lines are those who always goes straight. They can have many sizes. New people are straight lines. Old people are curved lines. The babies are oval. - Gonçalo B.

Mondrien open the way to Geometry

And we made our own Mondrien…



Plaing with geometric games…

In the computer…

We love Mondrien!

St. Benedict KindergartenOeiras - Portugal
