Monday. Today’s Agenda: 1.Warm-up 2.Create harmful profiles in groups 3.Present them to the class...


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Warm-up1. A person who is needy and dependant A. The abuser

2. A person who is not reliable B. The people pleaser

3. A person who is possessive, jealous, and domineering C. The clinger

4. A person who is emotionally unavailable D. The enabler

5. A person who constantly seeks the approval of others E. The fixer

6. A person who is abusive F. The promise breaker

7. A person who supports the harmful behavior of others G. The center

8. A person who does not tell the truth H. The distancer

9. A person who tried to fix other peoples problems I. The controller

10. A person who is self-centered J . The liar

Welcome to Comprehensive Health

Today’s Agenda:

1. Warm-up2. Create harmful profiles in

groups3. Present them to the class

MonAugust 24, 2015

Assignments Due:

What are the 10 harmful profiles?


I will create and present a fictional profile.

Essential Question:

1. Unit 3 test - Friday



Brainstorm:WITHOUT using your notes, see how many (out of 10) factors that can increase your odds of success in marriage you can remember from last Friday.

Welcome to Comprehensive Health

Today’s Agenda:

1. Warm-up

TueAugust 25, 2014

Assignments Due:



I will.

Essential Question:

1. Unit 3 test - Friday


Warm-upDirections: Make a T-chart on your paper. Title the left side “Conversation Keepers” and the right side “Conversation Killers”. Place each of the following behaviors in the correct column.

Being positive Making eye contact

Complaining Being encouraging

Talking about other people Interrupting someone

Showing interest in what someone is saying Asking questions

Talking only about yourself Appearing disinterested in what someone is saying

Changing the topic Listening carefully

Considering other ideas Being a know-it-all

Responding to others Avoiding eye contact

Get out your Lesson

13/15/17 Vocab and

keep it on your desk

Welcome to Comprehensive Health

Today’s Agenda:

1. Warm-up2. Pass back graded papers3. Update binder order4. Update Unit 3 Tracking sheet5. Unit 3 Crossword puzzle6. Socratic seminar

Wed/ThuAugust 16/27, 2015

Assignments Due:

What are the effects of social media on your mental and social health?

Objective:I will participate in a Socratic seminar about social media.

Essential Question:

1. Unit 3 Crossword puzzle DUE FRIDAY

2. Unit 3 test - FRIDAY

Learning Activity B: Marriage Interview◦4 = 18-20◦3 = 16-17◦2 = 14-15◦1 = 12-13◦0 = 11

Update Unit 3 Tracking Sheet

You have exactly 15 minutes If you do not finish in class, it is homework It is due FRIDAY If/ when you finish in class, turn the

crossword puzzle AND your Vocab worksheets into the class basket

Crossword Puzzle

Highlight or underline important information

Circle key wordsWrite questions, comments, or ideas in the margins

Article annotation

Level 1Right in the text Defining Describing Identifying Listing Naming Observing Reciting Scanning

Level 2Read between the lines Analyzing Comparing Contrasting Grouping Inferring Sequencing Synthesizing

Level 3Beyond the text Applying a

principle Evaluating Hypothesizing Imagining Judging Predicting Speculating


1. Speak so that all can hear you.2. Listen closely.3. Speak without raising hands. 4. Refer to the text.5. Talk to each other, not just to the leader (no side conversations)

Socratic seminar rules

6. Ask for clarification. Don’t stayconfused.7. Invite and allow others to speak.8. Consider all viewpoints and ideas.9. Know that you are responsiblefor the quality of the seminar.

Socratic seminar rules

10. Address one another respectfully11. Monitor “air time”12. Use sensitivity to take turns and not interrupt others13. Be courageous in presenting your own thoughts and reasoning, but be flexible and willing to change your mind in the face of new and compelling evidence

Socratic seminar rules


Warm-upConflict Affection Work Ethic Perfectionism Codependence Enmeshment Curfew Dating Rejection Respect Interdependence Intimacy

1. Having high regard for something or someone is __________. 2. ____________ is having the feeling of being unwanted or unwelcome. 3. A condition in which a person becomes obsessed with the needs of another person

and no longer recognizes his or her own needs. 4. A disagreement between two or more people is a ___________. 5. _______________ is a deep and meaningful kind of sharing between two people. 6. _____________ is fond feelings a person has toward another person. 7. An attitude of discipline, motivation, and commitment toward tasks is called

_____________. 8. A condition in which two people depend on each other, yet each has a separate

identity is ______________________. 9. ______________ is a problem in which a person neglects themselves and instead

wants to “fix” someone else. 10. The fixed time when a person is supposed to be home is a ___________.

Welcome to Comprehensive Health

Today’s Agenda:

1. Warm-up2. 5 minutes study time3. Trade and Grade crossword

puzzle4. Unit 3 test5. Unit 4 Pre-test 6. End of the Week Review

FriAugust 28, 2015

Assignments Due:

What have I learned about healthful and dysfunctional relationships?


I will assess my knowledge of healthful and dysfunctional relationships.

Essential Question:

1. Unit 3 Crossword Puzzle and Unit 3 Vocab packet DUE

2. Unit 3 test - Friday

End of the Week ReviewTurn into the basket on your way out!
