Monday, Feb. 21, 2011 e-Mirror



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C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .

Volume 93, Number 61Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

BBBBeeeeaaaarrrrssss hhhhaaaannnngggg oooonnnn ffffoooorrrr rrrrooooaaaadddd wwwwiiiinnnn


UpcomingIn Wednesday’sissue of TheMirror, readabout a publicrelations class’communitybuilding event.

Crafting for conducting researchThe College ofNatural Health andSciences host ascrapbookng eventto raise funds.PAGE 5

SportsWomen’s hoops makes comeback

UNC scores 51points in the secondhalf of the team’scome--from-behindvictory over Hornets.PAGE 6

OnlineWeek dedicated to body image

Look in The MirLook in The MirrrororPPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666





Sammy Adams, a rapper from Boston, addresses the crowd at the spring concert Saturday in Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion.



@ w w w . u n c m i r r o r . c o m

51 | 38

44 | 20

48 | 21

43 | 17

Both on- and off-campus groups willhost events promot-ing health and well-ness. Read


With the first month ofclasses in the past and tem-peratures finally rising, theneed to let loose and havefun on campus has becomemore prevalent. TheUniversity Program Councilanticipated this emergenceof seasonal behavior with itsannual spring concert.

Saturday, Butler-HancockSports Pavilion was met witha throng of students eagerlyawaiting the start of theevent, which featured head-liners Sammy Adams andShwayze.

“I had never heard ofeither artist before,” saidChristian Romero-Perry, ajunior double major incommunication and philos-

ophy. “I was invited by afriend and thought it wouldbe a fun time.”

Students may recognizeShwayze, stage name for rap-per Aaron Smith and hispartner Cisco Adler, for thehit “Corona and Lime” ortheir recently released mini-album titled “The W’s.”

This laidback duo wonthe hearts of many in 2008with their relaxed take onhip-hop that brings to mindall the key components of asummer night — the beach,a breeze and a couple ofbeers. Their ride to fame wasdocumented with the help ofMTV on the reality series“Buzzin’.”

Sammy Adams didn’thave the advantage of a well-known name on his side, butthat didn’t stop him fromkicking off the show with ahyped-up performance thathad the crowd moving.

Adams cites popularculture as his biggest influ-ence and inspiration.

“I pay attention totrends, popular music andwhat’s ‘in’ with differentcrowds,” Adams said.

This absorption of popmusic is apparent in Adams’musical style, which is a directreflection of his merging dub-step with a deeply rooted hip-hop influence. Electro beatsand tight rap verses had thecrowd going wild just in timefor Shwayze to take the stage.

Shwayze is known for adynamic live persona, andSaturday night’s performancewas no exception.

Adler and Smith ownedthe stage and surroundingbleachers that served as theirarena for the night. The duodelivered their lines with thekind of ease that can onlycome from experience.

“The reaction of the crowdjust takes you,” Adler said.

Feeding from the energy of

the crowd, Shwayze even wentas far as letting a fan sing alongonstage.

It was clear from theabundant head banging, fistpumping and crowd surfingthat most people were inhigh spirits.

There were, however, a fewdrawbacks.

Just like at any concert,pushing and shoving ranrampant and more thanone fight broke out due torising tensions.

Iris Fernandez, a freshman

history major, explained theproblem.

“I think the worst part wasthe overcrowding in the cen-ter,” Fernandez said. “Maybenext time, they can set up thestage area in a different way sothat it’s not as crowded.”

Ultimately, the spring con-cert turned out to be what stu-dents said they were lookingfor: a night to remember.

“Overall I think that’s whatmade it most enjoyable, seeingthe students have a good timeand enjoying the event,”Romero-Perry said.

News2 The Mirror Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

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Students spring to program’s annual concert


Arron “Shwayze” Adams, left, and Cisco perform “Buzzin’” to a crowd on Saturdayin Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion. The hip-hop duo performed with Boston rapperSammy Adams, who performed dubstep and electro-style pieces.

Hip-hop groups Shwayze, Sammy Adams headline event

“Overall, I thinkthat’s what made itenjoyable, seeing

the students have agood time and

enjoying the event.—— CChhrriissttiiaann RRoommeerroo--PPeerrrryy,, aa jjuunniioorr ccoommmmuu--nniiccaattiioonn aanndd pphhiilloossoo--pphhyy mmaajjoorr

Quote of the dayAs a man, I’ve been representative of the val-ues I hold dear. And the values I hold dearare carryovers from the lives of my parents.

— Sidney Poitier


NewsMonday, Feb. 21, 2011 The Mirror 3

Editor: Eric Heinz4 The Mirror Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

Mirror StaffKURT HINKLE | General Manager

khinkle@uncmirror.comERIC HEINZ |





ERIC HIGGINS | AdvertisingManager

ads@uncmirror.comRYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production


MMiissssiioonn SSttaatteemmeennttThe Mirror’s mission is to educate,

inform and entertain the students,staff and faculty of the UNC communi-ty, and to educate the staff on the busi-ness of journalism in a college-newspa-per environment.

AAbboouutt uussThe Mirror is published every

Monday, Wednesday and Friday duringthe academic year by the Student MediaCorp. It is printed by the GreeleyTribune. The first copy is free; additionalcopies are 50 cents each and must be pur-chased from The Mirror office.

CCoonnttaacctt UUssFront Desk

970-392-9270General Manager




Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Parker Cotton, Eric Heinz, Melanie Vasquez, Benjamin Welch and Ruby White. Let us know what you think. E-mailus at

Where are the motivated sup-posed to turn when their aspira-tions and ideas are met withstonewalled unwillingness and alack of enthusiasm? As circum-stance would have it, progress isoften met with hurdles of uncon-trollable obstacles, and its path isladen with sinkholes of indiffer-ence.

During these times, it is easy tosuccumb to the initial boiling emo-tions brought on by impatience and afailure to communicate. It is notuncommon to lose focus of the taskat hand, worrying only about howsomeone won’t care about something

as much as he or she should. Thisunwillingness to understand some-one else’s point of view can stir angerin a highly motivated person, whichcan cripple projects, relationshipsand sometimes even more.

Things aren’t always what theyseem. To quote the late actor TonyCurtis, “Service to others is the rentwe pay for our time on this planet.”

Beating the chest, stomping feetand going on a verbal scourge-likewarpath only exacerbates situations.Projecting negative reactions tothings that can be fixed may evenfuel the apathy of the person whodoesn’t want to participate, making

he or she think, “Why would anyonewant to work with this person? Let’smake their life a living hell,instead.” And then everythingcomes crashing down.

The only way to get aroundthese situations is to remain awareof what is trying to be accom-plished. It never helps to berateanyone on the grounds that thingsaren’t going the way they should.Instead, keeping a low temper,finding out what exactly is happen-ing and what can be dons will inthe long run help achieve thingsmuch easier.

Life is going to continue to throw

curveballs, and as college students, itis a right to make mistakes and learnfrom them — that is an integral partof the academy — and marginalerrors muts be forgiven. Those whodo not wish to take the extra stepand challenge themselves are wel-come to revel in their own untendedgardens, but it does not mean thoseindividuals who seek to define the“higher” in higher education areabove common courtesy. Thinktwice, check the tone and life will bemuch simpler.

Otherwise it’s a quick trip tobeing at the butt-end of 1,000 reallybad jokes from your peers.

This week’s poll question: Do youthink the government should pullall funding for public broadcasting?

Cast your vote at

Apathetic individuals feed off frustration of others

Gov. JohnHickenlooperannounced his pro-

posals for the 2011-2012 statebudget this week. Hickenlooperproposed cutting $375 millionfrom public schools this year.

Colorado is already ranked48th in the nation for K-12spending. This is unacceptable.A cut of that magnitude woulddirectly affect class size andschools’ performance, as well asseverely weaken arts programs,which are unfortunately the firstto go when the money’s gone. Itwould pain me to see any execu-

tive of our state support such apreposterous plan. But withHickenlooper, it’s even moreheartbreaking.

His decision sharply contrastshis attitude during the campaignfor governor — he was the edu-cation candidate. On his websitehe wrote, “We must continue ourinvestment in building a 21st-century-education system inColorado. Without a strong edu-cation system, job creation andeconomic development cannotbe sustained.” Apparently, whathe meant is we must expect ourteachers to provide a quality edu-cation without support from thestate. In addition to the publiceducation cuts, Hickenlooperproposes slashing $36 millionfrom higher education.

Rather than caving to conser-vative pressure, Hickenlooper

must increase revenue to beatback a $1 billion shortfall. Yes,this means raising taxes, butonly on the very wealthiest ofthe state, some of whom are thegovernor’s buddies. Due to thestate’s damaging TABOR, thiscan’t be done without approvalof voters. So at the moment, it’sunrealistic.

But Hickenlooper hasn’t evensuggested a tax raise, insistingthat the people of the state willnot want to see taxes go up inthe current economic drought.His Democratic cohorts aren’tgoing to be happy with him.They’re right to challenge him,as well. If legislators allow educa-tion to take a backseat, they willlook careless, not shrewd.

Hickenlooper himself admit-ted, “The choices we are mak-ing today will hurt.” Perhaps it

is time to make choices out ofpower and control, not fear. Irespect the state’s effort to bal-ance the budget. It’s the cruxof Hickenlooper’s job. But tak-ing away from Colorado’s kidsrather than Colorado’s high-income taxpayers is a rottenplan, a sort of reverse RobinHood. And a rotten plan willcause a stench in the state’seconomy.

Past Hickenlooper had hisheart in the right place, but wasunprepared for the challengesfacing present Hickenlooper.Let’s hope the future version canstand up for education and bethe fearless leader we voted forin November.

—Mark Maxwell is a junior the-ater arts major and a weekly colum-nist for The Mirror.

Gov. Hickenlooper makes surgical mistake with budget cuts






Last week’s poll question: Do you know anyone who hasbeen affected by the politicalprotests in Egypt?

This poll is nonscientific.





The UNC College ofNatural and HealthSciences hosted its thirdannual scrapbookingfundraiser Saturday toraise money for under-graduate and graduate stu-dents’ research proposals.

“We try to raise $2,500 asemester and $5,000 ayear,” said BeckieCroissant, administrativeaide to the NHS dean.“The most a student canask for is $400.”

Sandy Pope, the admin-istrative specialist, said thefunds go into an endow-ment for the students.

This year, Croissant andPope said they hope tobreak their goal of the pasttwo years.

“For the first two years,we’ve been able to raise$1,400 a year,” Croissantsaid. “We’re hoping tobreak that goal.”

Croissant and Popedecided to have thefundraiser be about scrap-

booking because they bothenjoy it as a hobby.

“Scrapbooking is some-thing that we’ve done thatwe thought we could pulloff,” Pope said. “So wetook the idea to the dean,and she said to go for it.”

The two got most of theideas for how to host ascrapbooking party, fromothers.

The successes of the lasttwo years have propelledthe fundraiser to help outmore students each year tofund their proposals.

“People continue tocome back,” Croissantsaid. “The first time weheld the fundraiser, wewere expecting 20 people.We already have peoplesigned up for the followingyear.”

This year, enthusiastslined up to enter theevent.

“We have a waiting list,and a group of 19 coming,”Pope said. “People fromprevious years bring morepeople. This is our way ofbeing able to contribute tothe fund. We really believein it and wanted to helpout in some way.”

Unlike some Universityof Northern Coloradoevents, the fundraiser washosted on a Saturday toallow busy people toattend.

“Most of these peoplehave full time jobs, so theywouldn’t be able to cometo the event if it were heldon a weekday,” Croissantsaid. “Most of them stay ata hotel Friday andSaturday.”

Students who partici-pated in the event said

they were excited abouthaving an opportunity tohelp out fellow studentssimply by sitting and social-izing.

“This is a really awe-some opportunity to helpout the same program I’minvolved in,” said DaniFlynn, a senior biologymajor. “I also went to thefundraiser last year, and itwas fun. My mom, who isalso a vendor for the event,and I have been scrap-booking for years.”

Next year’s scrapbook-ing fundraiser will be con-ducted Feb. 18, 2012. Formore information,

NewsMonday, Feb. 21, 2011 The Mirror 5





The Mirror is accepting applications for Editor-in-Chief andAdvertising Manager positions for the Fall of 2011. Applicants must take a minimum of 12 credit hours.

Please contact Mirror GM Kurt Hinkle at or (970) 392-9286

to schedule an interview.




Sudoku rules:Fill all emptysquares so thenumbers 1 to 9appear once ineach row, col-umn and 3x3box. Some num-bers are provid-ed to give you ahead start.

College receives funds by chronicling memories


Rhonda Cook, right, works on putting photos in a book with her daughter, KatCook, a sophomore pre-nursing major, Saturday at the NHS Scrapbooking SocialFundraiser in the University Center Ballrooms.

“People from previ-

ous years bringmore people. this

is our way ofbeing able to con-

tribute to thefund. We reallybelieve in it andwanted to help

out in some way.—— SSaannddyy PPooppee,,NNHHSS aaddmmiinniissttrraattiivveessppeecciiaalliisstt

See solution to puzzle on page 7

Editor: Parker Cotton6 The Mirror Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

Men’s basketball busts conference bracketSTAFF REPORT

The UNC men’s basket-ball team held on to defeatNew Mexico State, 82-80,Saturday, in a non-confer-ence road win that will addto the team’s resume as theregular season winds down.

Playing in ESPN’sBracketBuster series, theUniversity of NorthernColorado (15-10, 10-3 BigSky) had to fight to thevery last second of thegame to seal the win.

With UNC leading, 81-80, UNC senior forwardTaylor Montgomery took acharge with four secondsremaining in the game togive the ball back to theBears. UNC senior forwardChris Kaba took the ensu-ing inbounds pass and wasfouled, which took one sec-ond off the clock. Kabamissed the first free throw

and made the second toput the Bears up twobefore the Aggies took atimeout to draw up a play.

NMSU junior forwardTroy Gillenwater was ableto get a decent look on a 3-pointer, but the shot hit offthe side of the backboardas time expired, givingUNC its first win of the sea-son when allowing anopponent to score 80 ormore points.

Gillenwater’s last shotwas representative of howthe second half of thegame went. Gillenwaterhad averaged 20.3 pointsper game but was held to13, one of which came afterhalftime.

UNC senior guardDevon Beitzel carried theload for the Bears with 28points, which led all scor-ers.

Coming off a gameagainst Montana on Feb.12 in which only two UNC

starters recorded pointsand the team as a wholeshot 23 percent, UNCrebounded with four of thefive starters scoring in dou-ble figures against NMSU(14-13, 8-4 WAC).

Kaba and fellow seniorforward Neal Kingmannotched 15 points eachand Montgomery added11.

The only starter not torecord points was sopho-more guard Elliott Lloyd,who made up for his lack ofpoints with a personalgame-high eight assists.

Kingman scored theteam’s first eight points asUNC jumped to an early11-point lead. NMSU tooktwo brief 1-point leads, butthe Bears answered eachtime and went into inter-mission leading by nine.

A layup fromMontgomery put UNC up54-43 early in the secondhalf, but the Aggies slowly

crept back into the game.NMSU got within one sev-eral times but was neverable to take the lead. Thelast occurrence came aftera NMSU free throw tomake it 81-80. Neitherteam scored before Kaba’sfree throw sealed the victo-ry with three seconds left.

The win boosted UNC’sRPI rating to 120, which isonly seven points behindMontana, which lost toLong Beach State Saturday.Should UNC and Montanaboth win their remainingconference games, RPI rat-ing will be the tiebreaker todetermine which teamhosts the conference tour-nament.

The Bears face non-conference foe NorthDakota (13-12, 5-3 GreatWest Conference) at 7:05p.m. tonight at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilionbefore returning to confer-ence play.


UNC sophomore guard Elliott Lloyd attempts a dunkin practice earlier this season. Lloyd was held score-less, but had eight assists in the win over NMSU.

Bears rally in second half to beat HornetsSTAFF REPORT

The UNC women’s bas-ketball team shot 43 per-cent after halftime and

scored5 1pointsin ac o m e -b a c kv i c t o -ry, 78-

65, over Sacramento State,Saturday in Sacramento,Calif.

The Hornets (3-22, 0-12) were up eight after a 3-

pointer from senior guardTika Koshiyama-Diaz with40 seconds gone by in thesecond half. UNC (15-11,10-3) got points from fourplayers in UNC’s ensuing12-1 run that gave theBears a 3-point lead with16:02 remaining in thegame.

Sacramento Stateanswered with a 3-pointerto tie it, but UNC sopho-more forward LaurenOosdyke got a layup onthe next possession to putUNC on top for good.

The Bears built theirlead to seven points beforeSacramento State fought

back to within two points.UNC countered, and theHornets never got closerthan two points the rest ofthe way as the Bears keptknocking down shots andfree throws en route toamassing a 16-point lead,the largest of the game,with 1:45 remaining.

Oosdyke led the Bearswith 17 points to go withnine rebounds and fourassists, and Strangerecorded her fourth dou-ble-double of the seasonwith 16 points and 10rebounds to go with fivesteals.

Freshman forward Kim

Lockridge and sophomoreguard Victoria Timm bothcame off the bench to pro-vide somescoring, fin-ishing with13 and 12p o i n t s ,respectively.

UNC sen-ior guardC o u r t n e yStoermer fin-ished withnine pointsand is nowjust one 3-pointer shyof tying theschool’s record for most 3-

pointers made in a career of173.

Junior forward KaishaBrown scored eightpoints in addition torecording sixrebounds and acareer-high sevenassists.

The Hornets gotout to an early lead inthe game and gaveUNC a fight for theentire first half. TheBears took a 1-pointlead with 14:12remaining in the firsthalf, but SacramentoState senior guard

Jasmine Cannady hit a 3-

pointer to put the Hornetson top for the rest of thehalf.

With the win, UNC holdsa half-game lead overMontana State and Montanain the Big Sky and has threeregular season games remain-ing, the first of which comesat 6:35 p.m. Saturday, againstNorthern Arizona inFlagstaff, Ariz.

Women’s Basketball

D’shara Strange recorded her fourthdouble-double ofthe season againstthe Hornets.

Next Game:Northern Arizona

6:35 p.m.Saturday

Flagstaff, Ariz.


The UNC Pre-HealthProfessionals Club volun-teered with Habitat forHumanity Saturday to helpthe Greeley community andstudents who are looking tobe a part of health services inthe future.

“We like to do as many vol-unteering opportunities aspossible; that’s why we’reworking with Habitat forHumanity,” said DeidreShutte, treasurer of thePHPC. “We also work with theWeld County Food Bank.”

The PHPC is an organiza-tion that intends to help peo-ple around the community,and its students benefit from

the experience they acquireon such jobs.

Both PHPC and Habitathave stated a commitment tohelping those in the commu-nity lead better lives.

“Most of the people whoare benefited from Habitatfor Humanity live in homesthat aren’t up to code orthere is overcrowding,” saidChrystal Weigum, presidentof the PHPC. “So theirhealth is at risk.”

The club has been work-ing with Habitat forHumanity for the past coupleof years.

“We help them buildhomes once or twicethroughout the year,”Shutte said.

The pre-health studentsworked on two homes thisweekend. Usually, they onlywork on one. Twelve clubmembers attended the serviceevent, as well as volunteering

multicultural greek members.“We give our members the

unique opportunity to servetheir community,” Weigumsaid. “I love getting to knowthe new homeowner and see-ing their face when they gettheir new home. It’s reallygreat to help people out.”

According to the PHPCwebsite, the group’s purposeis to “promote the pursuit ofprofessionals in the field ofhealth by educating our peersabout the processes involvedin gaining entrance to profes-sional schools offering thesedegrees while providingmembers with opportunitiesto be exposed to these profes-sions in a way which allowsthem to make well-informed,sound decisions.”

Their mission is to “pro-vide their members with theinformation and materials to

be successful in their attemptsto gain entrance to anyaccredited professional insti-tution/university offeringhealth-related, post-baccalau-reate degrees.”

Members of the club saidthey hope to help out more

people in the future by con-tinuing their partnership withHabitat for Humanity.

‘This really is an estab-lished event,” Weigum said. “Ihope the future boards con-tinue it. It’s a great way toimpact our community.”

Monday, Feb. 21, 2011 The Mirror 7

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The Mirror is looking forconfident, reliable and per-sonable UNC students towork on its advertising salesand marketing team. Thead sales and marketing stu-dents will also work closelywith The Mirror’s advertis-ing design team in buildingads for their clients. All adsales and marketing salariesare based on commission.For more information,please call MirrorAdvertising Manager EricHiggins at (970) 392-9323or e-mail him


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Health club students construct houses in volunteer, community effort


A Pre-Health Professional Club member knocks down awall in a volunteer job with Habitat for Humanity. Clubmembers said they hope to keep working with Habitat.

Sudoku from page 5


During a game, UNC sen-ior center BrittanyFernandez is all business onthe court for the women’sbasketball team. Off thecourt, it’s a much differentstory.

Junior guard KaishaBrown said she sees the dif-ference very clearly.

“On the court, she’s seri-ous,” Brown said. “You don’twant to mess with Brittany onthe court, but off the court,she’s the one cracking all thejokes and we’re all having ablast together.”

All jokes aside, Universityof Northern Colorado headcoach Jaime White saidFernandez is one of UNC’smost powerful weapons,both offensively and defen-sively.

“I really believe Brittany isone of the best posts in thisconference, when she playshard,” White said. “She’sstrong enough, she’s athletic,she can run the floor, she canliterally score over orthrough anyone.”

White said Fernandez’sdefensive efforts on the courtare a major reason why theteam has already put up themost wins, 10, in the Big Skysince the school’s move tothe conference in the 2005-06 season.

Fernandez broke theschool’s Division I record forblocks in a season by record-ing one block in the team’sloss to Montana on Feb. 12.Senior guard CourtneyStoermer set the record of 26last season, but the recordnow stands at 28.

“Just the physical, defen-

sive presence,” White said.“She has the ability to get fiverebounds in one minute, sorebounding is a huge key.”

Fernandez, a sociologymajorf r o mKansasC i t y ,M o . ,creditsh e rmoth-er form o t i -vatingher top l a ybasket-b a l l .

Fernandez also ran track inhigh school and said she had adifficult time choosingbetween track and basketball.The decision, she said, camedown to her and a close trackteammate’s differing choicesof a junior college.

“It was a hard decision,choosing track over basket-ball,” Fernandez said. “Thereason I picked basketballwas because initially I wasgoing to sign to run track,but I didn’t sign with the(junior college) that I wasgoing to go to, and my team-mate was getting recruited byanother school.”

The choice, she said, waseasy after that.

“The coach wanted me,too, so I was like, ‘I guess I’mnot running track any-more,’” Fernandez said.

After graduation,Fernandez said she intendsto return home to her nativeKansas City to pursue acareer in criminal justicecounseling. Although notimmediately after gradua-tion, she also plans on

attending graduate school toget her master’s degree.

“With my degree, I’m notgoing to go straight to gradschool,” Fernandez said. “Iwant to get my master’s inthe area of criminal justice.”

The UNC women’s bas-ketball team will try to sendFernandez and the rest ofthe Bears’ seniors out on ahigh note, chasing their first-ever Big Sky Conference title.

Even with the defensiveskill, Brown said the team willdefinitely miss Fernandez’soff-court humor, whichhelped bring them togetheras a team.

“She brings a vital roleto this team and just keep-ing us all together andjust cracking jokes andgiving ever yone hardtimes over ever y littlething,” Brown said ofFernandez. “We’ll missBrittany a lot.”

Sports8 The Mirror Monday, Feb. 21, 2011

Senior’s defense earnsname in record book

Brittany Fernandezholds the school’sDivision I recordfor most blocks ina season with 28.