According to the British philosopher, Alan Wilson Watts, the only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. Alright, let’s get to it then. No matter how desperately you try, you just can’t stop or prevent some things from happening; Terror attacks, India losing cricket matches on abroad tours, Himesh Reshammi- ya songs, or sudden changes in your respective, perfect lives. On the outside, we’re all in for the New Year resolutions, or ‘an escape from the monotonous, clockwork lives of ours’, but deep down we all resent changes. Facebook introduced the ‘timeline’ feature, we resented that. Shahrukh Khan started doing masala flicks, we resented that. After you get a hold of the subjects finally after 4 months, the semester changes and you’re just left there staring into abyss. But these don’t really ac- count for the ‘real’ changes that we face. The up close and personal ones. One day you’re in your home, your head in your mom’s lap, lis- tening to how useless her child is, just hoping that everything stays like this forever, the next day your college ends and you’re pushed into another world of ruthless corporates, choking deadlines and never- ending projects. The friends you once thought were ‘mates for life’ are just strangers whom you pretend not to notice when they pass you by. The ol’ cartoons, which were once your whole life, now don’t even re- ceive a second glance as you skip right through their channels to go to MTV. Change is inevitable. There’s no way getting past the transfor- mation, whether gradual or sudden, however badly you want your life to stay the same. So then why will anyone, in his or her right mind, say what Mr. Watts did? Because I was kidding! Change is awesome. Yes, you’re right, an interesting case of the contradiction theory. You resented the ‘timeline’ feature at first, but now if you ask yourself about what was before that, you may need a moment or two. You may hate the corporate world at first, but after the first month, when you come home and greet your smiling mother with your first pay-check, you experience heaven on earth. And over the years, you don’t actually lose friends. You just lose people masquerading as friends, and you’re better for it. And trust me, being a guy, I know that even when you’re watching MTV on your television sets, a folder named ‘Dragon Balls Z – All Episodes’ is present on your PCs, and that’s what I call the best of both worlds! So now we understand what ‘the plunging, the moving and the dancing’ was all about. Mr. Watts, in one sentence, concluded the en- tirety of how to live your life, because life, my friend, is all about changes. Changes ranging from a kid from the slums wearing new shades on Diwali, to a girl raised by her parents like a princess, going to a stranger family after her marriage. There’s no getting past them. Life is not always fair, but it is what you make of it. So in future, when life presents you with a change, that you know will mess up that serene, composed and perfect world of yours, just stay positive, buckle up and say – “Bring it on!” -Belal Ahmad Siddiqui Editor-in-Chief Volume III, Issue III Change is Inevitable. Or is it? SAE-ZHCET participated in Formula Student India-2015 and the team has won the award “MOST POPULAR FORMULA CAR” of the event. The formula car designed by them got the maximum number of votes in an online poll conducted on Facebook by JK Tyre Motorsport. The title award was sponsored by JK Tyres. The car was also reviewed and appreciated by the internationally recognised Formula Student Germany Judges. The Formula Car designed and fabricated by the team also se- cured 19th rank overall in the competition out of 80 FSAE International teams. Powered By THEME : CHANGE Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw

The Mirror _ Feb Edition

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Page 1: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

According to the British philosopher, Alan Wilson Watts, the only way

to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join

the dance. Alright, let’s get to it then. No matter how desperately you

try, you just can’t stop or prevent some things from happening; Terror

attacks, India losing cricket matches on abroad tours, Himesh Reshammi-

ya songs, or sudden changes in your respective, perfect lives. On the

outside, we’re all in for the New Year resolutions, or ‘an escape from

the monotonous, clockwork lives of ours’, but deep down we all resent

changes. Facebook introduced the ‘timeline’ feature, we resented that.

Shahrukh Khan started doing masala flicks, we resented that. After you

get a hold of the subjects finally after 4 months, the semester changes

and you’re just left there staring into abyss. But these don’t really ac-

count for the ‘real’ changes that we face. The up close and personal


One day you’re in your home, your head in your mom’s lap, lis-

tening to how useless her child is, just hoping that everything stays like

this forever, the next day your college ends and you’re pushed into

another world of ruthless corporates, choking deadlines and never-

ending projects. The friends you once thought were ‘mates for life’ are

just strangers whom you pretend not to notice when they pass you by.

The ol’ cartoons, which were once your whole life, now don’t even re-

ceive a second glance as you skip right through their channels to go to

MTV. Change is inevitable. There’s no way getting past the transfor-

mation, whether gradual or sudden, however badly you want your life

to stay the same. So then why will anyone, in his or her

right mind, say what Mr. Watts did?

Because I was kidding! Change is awesome. Yes, you’re right, an

interesting case of the contradiction theory. You resented the ‘timeline’

feature at first, but now if you ask yourself about what was before

that, you may need a moment or two. You may hate the corporate

world at first, but after the first month, when you come home and greet

your smiling mother with your first pay-check, you experience heaven

on earth. And over the years, you don’t actually lose friends. You just

lose people masquerading as friends, and you’re better for it. And trust

me, being a guy, I know that even when you’re watching MTV on your

television sets, a folder named ‘Dragon Balls Z – All Episodes’ is present

on your PCs, and that’s what I call the best of both worlds!

So now we understand what ‘the plunging, the moving and the

dancing’ was all about. Mr. Watts, in one sentence, concluded the en-

tirety of how to live your life, because life, my friend, is all about

changes. Changes ranging from a kid from the slums wearing new

shades on Diwali, to a girl raised by her parents like a princess, going

to a stranger family after her marriage. There’s no getting past them.

Life is not always fair, but it is what you make of it. So in future, when

life presents you with a change, that you know will mess up that serene,

composed and perfect world of yours, just stay positive, buckle up and

say – “Bring it on!”

-Belal Ahmad Siddiqui


Volume III, Issue III

Change is Inevitable. Or is it?

SAE-ZHCET participated in Formula Student India-2015 and the team has won the

award “MOST POPULAR FORMULA CAR” of the event. The formula car designed

by them got the maximum number of votes in an online poll conducted on Facebook

by JK Tyre Motorsport. The title award was sponsored by JK Tyres. The car was

also reviewed and appreciated by the internationally recognised Formula Student

Germany Judges. The Formula Car designed and fabricated by the team also se-

cured 19th rank overall in the competition out of 80 FSAE International teams.

Powered By


Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their

minds cannot change anything.

- George Bernard Shaw

Page 2: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Q. Describe about Volvo and its operations in India.

Ans. Volvo is a great organization. It’s a strong Brand and one of

the leading Truck Manufacturer. This Swedish based company pro-

vides a great work life balance and provides women empower-

ment. Volvo represents safety, quality and respect for individual.

This is the basic culture and way of working in Volvo. I am very

proud of all the products and culture in Volvo Group. We are in-

volved in all great range of Volvo products from Volvo FH/FM to

this year’s truck of the year Renault Magnum. Also, we are exten-

sively working with Asian brands like UD and joint ventures like Ei-

cher and Dongfeng.

Q. When did you join Volvo? Any specific reason for joining an

automobile company?

Ans. I joined Volvo in 2007 as GET (graduate engineer Trainee).

The reason being my passion towards engines and powertrain for

automobiles. Since Volvo India was not into that domain during

2007, I joined in CAB Engineering in Volvo.

Q. Enlighten us about your job profile and the work carried out

by you.

Ans. I work as Group Manager for Cab Interior Living in product

development. We basically develop all Cab Living interior parts

like storages, trims, floorcovering, bunks, seats and all other small

parts within cab. We have developed the above mentioned parts

for all the range and brands in Volvo.

Q. About your college life, any special

memories you want to share about Aligarh

Muslim University, or ZHCET? How did it

help in getting you where you are now?

Ans. College life is very special in everyone’s

life. Those 4 years of college are the most

beautiful part of my life. Everything about

college was special; campus, friends, faculty

& teachers. ZHCET helped me in all way to

get me where I am today.

We had Volvo India as campus placement for Aftermarket. And

this is how my resume introduced to product development in Volvo

and had been called for off campus selection afterwards.

Q. Any personal message you want to share with the readers,

based on your experience?

Ans. Firstly, I'd like to pay regards to my College and University.

To all the readers, these 4 years are best time of your life. These

years will never going to comeback in your life and the friends you

make there are for lifetime. Spend them fully living each and every

moment with enjoyment, fun, learning & aspiring towards your goal.

Keep your dreams high and they will take you to height of success

and happiness. All the best and do well.

Chat with Shefali Agarwal

Aamir Qutub’s visit to ZHCET, ‘Career Hack’


1. CPI and marks matter,

2. We should know all the stuff in our

books, &

3. Be obedient and stay in the limits.

He also said that passion, determination

and the will to change is the only hack

code for success and if we want to achieve

something we should strive for it persistent-

ly. Nothing comes easy in life. Sharing

about the life in Australia, he illustrated

that there were times when he had to bat-

tle even for the survival.

Guiding students how to handle the situa-

On 24th January, 2015, AMU Roboclub

organized an interactive session with Mr.

AAMIR QUTUB, GM at ICT, Geelong, Aus-

tralia, founder, Enterprise Monkey Pvt.

Ltd., Australia, founder of AMULive, ex-

secretary AMUSU (2011), and a well-

known alumnus of ZHCET. The venue, As-

sembly Hall, ZHCET, was jam packed with

students. The enthusiasm of students and

team members set the stage

for an interesting, interactive


The program started with

prayer service followed by the

general introduction of Mr.

Qutub, through a presentation

by Roboclub. Soon after that,

the stage was taken over by

the guest himself. Mr. Qutub

stepped down from the stage

and joined the students. He

told them that how he was always consid-

ered as an under performer due to his low

grades. Narrating his story of success and

journey through all the hardships, he also

emphasised on the three biggest miscon-

ceptions of the college life, which were:

tions in the cooperate world, he high-

lighted a very good fact that no compa-

ny or team would notice the student un-

til ,he or she, compels them to, by doing

extraordinary work. The communication

and the management skills matter more

than the engineering ones, as the task

assigned in companies are always for a

team and all the work is carried out in

synchronisation and not indi-


Answering some of the queries

put up by the students for the

preparation for MBA or GRE,

he said that first they have to

choose in what field they are

interested and befitting, than

only they can get a satisfying

carrier ahead. In all, the ses-

sion was inspirational and

awakening for the students.

Also, the official website of AMURo-

boclub www.amuroboclub.in was

launched by the teacher in-charge of the

club, Mr. Ekram Khan. The team of THE

MIRROR congratulates all the members

of AMU Roboclub for their collective ef-

forts to make the event a successful one.

The Mirror team interviewed Shefali Agarwal, an alumnus of batch of 2007 , currently a Group Manager in

Volvo India. Here are the excerpts from the Interview.


Page 3: The Mirror _ Feb Edition


Chat with Mubashshir Ahmad

end of January and even later for

some colleges. Ideally I would rec-

ommend giving the tests in August or

by end of September. This has dual

benefits - first, the college workload

is less during these months giving you

ample time to prepare and second,

you can meet the application dead-

lines of any university which you wish

to apply to. .

Q. Any study material (books or

web resources) that you would rec-


Ans. There is a lot of study material

available in the market as well as on

the internet. All of them are almost

equally good. I myself studied from

Barron’s GRE and found it to be up

to the mark. One can also use Man-

hattan, Kaplan, Magoosh and offi-

cial ETS guide books. The most im-

portant thing from preparation point

of view is the mock tests. One should

try to give as many unofficial mock

tests as possible along with the few

official ones that are available.

Q. How does a good GRE score

and CPI help in securing admis-


Ans. Since I myself haven’t received

any admits or rejects as of yet so I

can’t give a definitive answer to this

question. However a good CPI, GRE

or TOEFL score never hurt anyone.

From what I know, universities scruti-

nize the applications holistically, i.e.

your Statement of Purpose, Letters of

Recommendation, research work and

relevant work experience are as

important or maybe more important

than your scores. I cannot over em-

phasize the importance of research

work and if you have published some

good papers then you are sitting

over a golden egg!

Q. What are your plans after col-


Ans. Honestly, I don’t know and I

don’t really worry about it. Working

hard is in my hands but the results

aren’t. I have done my bit of work

earnestly and now I can only pray

that Almighty Allah does what is best

for me. A reject or an admit cannot

be the be-all and end-all of your

existence. As long as you are satis-

fied with what you have and contin-

ue to work hard, you are good to

go. If I get an admission with a fitting

financial assistance, I will consider it

and if not then I am sure that Allah

will open many new doors for me.

Q. Any final advice that you would

like to give to your college-mates?

Ans. Up until the end of July 2014, I

had never even thought about study-

ing abroad. It was my friend and

senior Shikhar Garg bhai (now stud-

ying in US) who planted this idea in

my head. I would like to share the

same piece of advice that he gave

me, ‘If you are willing to work hard,

never shy away from taking calculat-

ed risks’.

Q. How do you feel after getting

these scores?

Ans. Feeling pretty satisfied. Alham-


Q. Is there any advice you would

like to give to the students regard-

ing preparations for study-

ing abroad?

Ans. There is a world of

opportunities outside of In-

dia which we haven’t yet

explored. A lot of us here at

AMU believe that studying

abroad is a very expensive

affair that cannot be afford-

ed by our lower/middle/

upper-middle class families.

While this may be true a lot

of times but not always. If you are a

good student and willing to take cal-

culated risks, then through sheer hard

work, meticulous planning, talking to

the right people and learning from

the experiences of your seniors, this

dream of yours can become a reali-

ty. And an economical one too!

Q. When is the right time to give


Ans. I gave my TOEFL on 26th of

October and GRE on 1st of Novem-

ber but I wouldn’t recommend any-

one looking to apply to US to wait

this long. For Germany, the applica-

tion process starts much later and

hence you can schedule your tests

accordingly. The deadlines For US

colleges vary from mid-December to










1. Vicinity of IEEE

2. Study attracts no

more, Wifi Signal is the

Only Source

3. TOI not it is, free, fun

and monthly; What is it?

4. Sandwiched b/w Civil

And Chemistry

5. Hangout is the word

we think of

6. Backbone supported

by Applied Mathematics

14. Hardware lab is in

me, quickly guess what

you call me!

15. The ultimate spicy

chaat stall


7. Small libraray in

each department

8. The Ideal classroom

9. F1 Car is what we

can get

10. Placement honcho

11.Computer is on the


12. The only flight


13. A bank W/o Mon-

ey in it

16. Mosque is placed

in my heart

For people who love puzzles, we have designed this college buildings crossword especially for you.

Solve and upload the pic on our FB page.


Page 4: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

In this era where recession,

unemployment or key words

like brain drain has become

a part of our regular vocabu-

lary, the AMU students fra-

ternity in association with

AMU S tuden t s Un i on

(AMUSU) is organizing a Na-

tional level Mega Job Expo/

Fair/Fest. “Recrufest 2015” is

an improvisation under the

guidance of the Training and

Placement Office (General),

AMU to provide the talent of

University its deserved value.

The aim of this recruitment

drive is to build a platform

for the students to interact

with the corporate world. A

number of well known multi-

national companies are ex-

pected to be present at the

job expo and will be vouch-

ing for the talent and abilities

peculiar to the students of our

university. The fest will not

only target the companies

related to the field of en-

gineering but also to the

ones which can be helpful

for the students of different

faculties like arts, law etc.

Recrufest is an amalgama-

t ion of the words

‘recruitment’ and ‘festival’

which involve both staffing

and portrayal of the uni-

versity as brand. It is envi-

sioned as an opportunity to

not only intend to grow the

intellect of students but also

to evolve, inspire and inno-

vate them for the better-

ment of the world.

The organizing team has

already started its work

under the banner entitled

RECRUFEST 2015. Students

who are interested to be

the part of this unique

event can volunteer them-

selves. Benjamin Franklin

stated “That knowing, is bet-

ter than wondering. That

waking is better than

sleeping. And that even the

biggest failure, even the

worst, most intractable mis-

take, is not trying.” The team

strives to make this event a

huge success with your sup-


Proposed Dates: 9-12

march, 2015.

Mr. Mohd Kamil Vakil

Team Leader


Belal Ahmad Siddiqui

Content Writing Coordinator


Interactive Session by ASME

their B.Tech. Apart from sever-

al higher studies options he

also laid emphasis on how to

get better internships? How to

get letter of recommendations?

How to deal with financial is-

sues? And much more. About

200 students irrespective of

their year and branches active-

ly participated in this session .


OPEN. CONTACT—9760686807

In November, ASME ZHCET

Student Section successfully

organized an interactive ses-

sion on Higher Studies. The

session was engaged by Dr


University, Canada). The

main objective of this session

was to provide the best pos-

sible solution to the students

who were confused about

their future and were unable

to decide what to do after

First Prize in Paper Presentation Compe-tition, USCEI - 2014

The 2nd Unmanned Systems Conference

and Exhibition, India, 2014 was orga-

nized between 18-19 November at Del-

hi’s Air Force Auditorium, Subroto Park.

Three students from Zakir Husain College

of Engineering and Technology, Syed

Yusuf Ali (II Year Mechanical), Sameer

Hasan (II Year Mechanical) and Abhinan-

dan Jain (II Year Electronics) participated

in the student paper presentation compe-

tition and were awarded the first prize,

winning a check of Rs 15000 and a word

of appreciation from the judges panel.

The title of the paper presented was ‘A

Proposed Model for a Fully Autonomous

Underwater Vehicle System, by Making

Use of Only Three Thrusters.’

Out of The Box: Explore, Share & Enrich Out of the Box is an initiative started up by two first year B.Tech

students- Aman Agarwal and Mohd. Toaha Umar. The whole idea

of starting up this website cum online magazine is to bring out the

vivid talents, recognizing and displaying them and to provide a

common forum to discuss various trending topics of the world.

The team envisions it to be a collection of work, thoughts, innova-

tion and inspiration. Through the camouflage of young ignited

minds they intend to create a medium of communication of differ-

ent ideas. The main idea is to bring together the people to a

common platform where they can express

and share their innovations. It can be any-

thing, from an idea as small as ‘Holding a

pen differently’ to patenting your own unique


WEBSITE: outofthebox.grn.cc

MAIL: [email protected]

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/outofthebox.grn.cc

Workshop : Autostroke

dynamics including drivetrain illustra-

tion and SolidWorks Design. The work-

shop concluded with a hands on ses-

sion on assembling and disassembling

of car engine. This also included illus-

tration of different systems of car

along with the discussion on exploded

components of the assembly. The

students also participated in a quiz

held at the end of the session. The

winners of the Quiz will represent

ZHCET, AMU at Rendezvous 2015 at

IIT Delhi.

Zakir Hussain College of Engineer-

ing & Technology, AMU hosted a

zonal workshop ‘AUTOSTROKE

2015’ in association with Codex

Design and Rendezvous, IIT Delhi

from 6th to 8th February. This 3 day

national design challenge on Auto-

mobile Design and Analysis fo-

cused on imparting the basics as

well as the finer nuances of Auto-

mobile Engineering. It comprised

discussion of many components

like Design technology, vehicle


Page 5: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Ayushi Bansal (EC)

Mohit Varshney (EC)

Sameerah Desnavi (EC)

Haris Siddiqui (EC)

Surbhi Agrawal (EC)

Deeksha Malhotra (EC)


ZHCETians have proved their mettle yet again and here are the latest placement records:

Moin Mohammad

Farhan Ahmad

Md. Sadab Aslam

Sazzadur Rahman

Saif Ali


Aditya Vashistha

Mukarram Beg

Jazlam Abbas

Ashutosh Mishra

Sparsh Polychem

Aly Shazan (EL)

Aamir Khan (EL)

Charu Dixit (EL)

Ghazi Khan (EL)

Suhani Varshney (EC)

Sehrish Khan (EC)

Mohd Shareef Adil (EC)

Larsen & Toubro

Shashank Saxena

Rajat Garg

Navendu Singh Jadaun

Mohit Singh

Junaid Akhtar

Sehrish Khan

Aakash Educational Services

Areeba Kamal

Usman Ahmad Usmani

Safia Rahmat

Taha Sheikh

Mohd.Umar Khan

Prateek Mishra

Md.Safwan Ahmed

RnF Technologies

Jeetendra Kumar Sharma (CS)

Salman Lari (CS)

Abdul Shamim Khan (MCA)

Ghufran Khan (MCA)

Click Labs

Ayush Gupta (Mechanical)

Akash Gupta (Mechanical)

Secure Meters

Rashid Khan


The Mirror extends its heartiest congratulations to all the selected

candidates and wishes them a shining future ahead...

Pankaj Avtani

Ghazala Arshad



Page 6: The Mirror _ Feb Edition


The Change Within The theme of the current edition is

Change. So what is this change all about?

For some it might be a change of year or

semester, for a little Byronic ones it might

refer to transition to a new phase of life

and for some others it might just refer to

some loose currency (obviously, on a funny

note). But the crucial part is that do we

advocate change just for the sake of

change it-

self? Are

we really

ready to

step in a

newer life?

Let me

make my-

self clear.

We all are


aware of

the fact that the modern world appreci-

ates creativity or innovation to a much

greater deal than it did about twenty

years back and this trend is only ex-

pected to rise in future. So, why do stu-

dents and parents today regard conven-

tional career options as sacrosanct? Why

don’t they encourage their wards to pur-

sue the path of their interest be it paint-

ing, designing etc.? Let’s move on to an-

other example- The Swachh Bharat Ab-

hiyaan is not an alien term to anyone. The

movement definitely turned in a great

tide of awareness regarding hygiene

throughout the nation. But still it’s not a

rare site to see people littering waste on

the roads. This is not because of the fact

that the people who do so are ignorant to

the concept of cleanliness, it is because that

treating the roads as garbage bins has got

so much into their wont that they are una-

ble to take a U-turn from their misconcep-


The bottom line of the whole story is that to

bring about a

change externally,

one has to be pre-

pared to accept the

change internally as

well. Asking for

something that you

do not really want is

not sensible enough.

As budding engi-

neers, all of us

clearly get the rule

that there has to be

a solid reason behind every action! So,

open up your horizons, try to develop a

fresher perspective, figure out a sensible

rationale and only when you have got the

point of that transition clear in your head,

bring it about in the world around you.

-Anushka Chawla

I Yr. Computers

Bring the Change

As we bade goodbye to the year

With memories of past and smiles to bear

Regrets are few with happiness to exchange

Let us bring a good new change

With this New Year, new hopes arise

To start afresh, to shine and rise

Thinking wild, that seems too strange

Let us bring a good new change

Society crave for changes to uplift

Better conditions and mind set to drift

Uproot the problems, cure social evils that


Let us bring a good new change

Learn to act and act to grow together

Let things fall in place and make lives better

Change to live and live to change

Let us bring a good new change.

- Rajat Kant Goel

III Yr. Computers

Change Change, a two syllable word has infinite

c o m p r e h e n s i b l e f o r m s .

Change is the representation of dynamism,

it's like the realisation of the fact that one

cannot step in the same river twice!

Change in place, time, and phase or even

in relations is inevitable. It is customary or

precisely the law of nature.

But, there is something that's in our hand,

i t ' s o u r c o n s c i e n c e .

Speaking biologically, it's our eye that re-

mains the same throughout life; interpreting

it philosophically the way we perceive the

things does not change at all. Some say

that they do comprehend what others say,

yet not accept until observed by them.

Some of us try to conceive things the way

others do. Seeking inspiration from some-

one is acceptable but trying to become

that person losing one’s own identity is

somewhat the act of stupidity. Each creation of

the omnipotent creator is unique in its own way,

with some traits and emotions embedded which

must not be attempted to alter at all.

It would be like taming the ocean and hoping

that it won't destroy the barrier.

It is sometimes wise to carve the stone within

rather than to go for a pearl outside. It may

result to end up with a diamond within!

Perceiving the way you were entitled for is

something original, something true. Trying to

camouflage it would only result in a mis-

matched entity. A true soul can bear every

trouble, every heart-break, every night-

mare and even the shipwrecked situations

but it's unbearable to see a "Stranger in

the Mirror!”.

- Ishan Arora

II Yr. Electrical

Mind Over Matter

Page 7: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Change Is Positive Change - the only entity which is constant in

life. If you ask me, I would concise it as a

“coin term” i.e. it can be viewed optimisti-

cally and pessimistically too.

I would like to choose the optimistic side of

the coin. There are many day to day inci-

dents happening around us, stating a few

general ones:

Change is when you find your 2 year

old picture somewhere in the attic and

then say “Look…How much my cheeks

have sunk in”.

Change is no-

ticed when your

barely talking

classmate shows

up on stage with

a r he tor i ca l

speech and that

time you are left

with bulging eye-

bal l s say ing

“Dude!!! Which magical tonic you had in


Change is when a depressing patient

with his mind flooded with lamented

thoughts starts living a gleeful life, elat-

ed and high spirited.

Change is encountered when you hurt

someone and then ask for pardon as an

act of penance.

Change is when you leave behind your

mom’s nurture and care and step into

hostel and start managing your each

little asset on your own starting from

stapler to bike’s insurance.

Hmm… my ink would drain out but the

list is endless. From the above exam-

ples, it’s been axiomatic that changes

always add value to our lives. Changes

make us more adaptable to the situa-


But do you really think that bringing

such optimistic changes is a cakewalk?

I would bluntly say NO. We keep on

blaming the circumstances, blaming

others, but no

one thinks of

changing him-

self. It is not

an overnight

process that

you sleep as

a person who

can’t even


salt and pep-

per and next morning wake up as

MASTERCHEF INDIA! It comes when you

contemplate about yourself and identi-

fy your misdeeds.

So, take it in all good ways, because

life with no change? Impossible.

-Shivani Agrawal

III Yr. Computers

Mind Over Matter

Change in Thoughts

Change Your Life With Your Thoughts. How

strong a connection exists between our

thoughts and our words? I honestly believe that

this connection is one of the most important

things we can learn in our lives.

So many people's problems are routed in their

way of thinking, which can actually produce a

lot of the problems they experience.

How does this happen? Well, a negative mind

produces negative words and, consequently,

a negative life. Our words can actually be-

come traps that cause us to continue our cycle

of negative thoughts and actions.

To turn our words around, we need to start

thinking about what we're thinking about, and

then make some real changes. Be patient with

yourself. As you change your thinking, your

words will change and so will your life!

-Apoorva Kumar

I Yr. Electronics

Some Changes go Unseen Change is said to be the only constant in

the world. People, places and things keep

on changing and it is change that makes

them dynamic and energetic. It is hard to

believe the changes this college has gone

through since my first year. Back at that

time, mandatory infrastructure changes

were required in the college. The reason I

am writing about the changes in college is

because we don’t comprehend and appre-

ciate the changes around here.

A few days back, we were going to inter-

view the Dean for the Mirror. He specifical-

ly asked to come up with the students’

problem. So me and my teammate started

discussing the problems. The first thought

that came to our minds was of free Wifi as

WiFi follows Roti, Kapda aur Makaan in

necessities. As it turns out, we have already

been allotted 3GB of data each month.

Next thing on the list was canteen as last

year was terrible without one, but we had to

swipe that off the list too. The list continued

with sitting area, smart classes, making the

building accessible to handicapped students

and ultimately each point was scratched out

off that list. It was at that point, we realized

how much we have developed and im-

proved upon in two and a half years.

I am not saying that we don’t have problems

anymore. There is still a lot of room for

improvement. All I am saying is to stop

cribbing about how stagnant this place is

and for a moment appreciate the chang-

es going around the college. A lot of ef-

fort and hard-work goes in to bring even

small noticeable transformation and this

effort and labour is more so amplified in

a government institute. We can still voice

new demands, but first we need to em-

brace the change.

“Be thankful for what you have, you’ll

end up having more. If you concentrate

on what you don’t have, you will nev-

er, ever have enough.”

- Marcus Aurelis

-Tushar Singhal

III Yr. Electronics


Page 8: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

The First Step I think most of you will agree that most of

us spend a lot of time we have on our

hands day dreaming. Now how will you

bring those dreams to life? Not by pro-

crastinating, I will tell you. Sometimes the

amount of time we spend procrastinating is

actually longer than it would take to actu-

ally do the thing we are putting off. Take

the first step. Take it today. Take it now.

Taking the first step is always the most

difficult. It is often why people never do

the things they plan to do all along. But

once you take that first step, every step

that follows will seem so much easier.

Things will start falling in place and you’ll

say to yourself ‘What a fool I was to not

do this before’. The Chinese philosopher

Lao Tzu said “The journey of a thousand

miles begins with a single step”.

A few do’s and don’ts will help with this.

First, don’t wait until the situation is perfect.

The situation is never perfect. Second,

don’t let others tell you what you should

do, when you should do it and how you

should do it. Make your own decisions.

Now for the do’s; always believe in your-

self, it is the only skill that you require. Ex-

pect a hard way ahead, this way you’ll

always be prepared and this way, when

you expect the worst, you’ll actually find

yourself facing something much simpler.

Always take it one step at a time. Don’t

think how you will do it all. Just concern

yourself with the task at hand and then

move on to the next step.

The things mentioned above can apply

to every situation in your life. You have

an idea for a project, take it to a

teacher. You want to do an internship

in the summer, get on your laptops

right now. You want to perform on the

stage, start practising and break a leg.

You are scared of public speaking, get

on a podium right now. You’ve always

wanted to learn to play the guitar, go

to CEC. The point is, do something.

Don’t sit and wait around. Take that

first step.

I think by now I have made my point

clear. Take the first step (I couldn’t re-

peat it enough). Each step will get you

closer to your dream and what was

once invisible, will become visible, and

what once felt impossible, will start to

feel possible. Take the leap of faith.

Walk into the unknown. Take that first

step, and your life will change for the


-Zaid Pervez

III Yr. Electronics

Resolution It can be daunting when your list of New Year’s

Resolutions is as long as your holiday shopping

list. You’ve once again feeling motivated to eat

healthy, loose weight, exercise more, get rid of

old bad habits, improve self and career and to

make any number of positive lifestyle changes

you’ve been telling yourself you want to make.

You might have tried before- probably declar-

ing much success. Making a lifestyle change is

challenging especially when you want to trans-

form many things at once. This time think of it

not as a resolution but as a CHANGE. Once

you are up to bring changes in your life, a

point might come in your life. It may lead to

increase in your anxiety. Well, there’s some-

times a tension between resolutions and out-

comes. Anxiety thrives in the environment. But

we should try to leave the fear in the small cor-

ner and should always remember that minor

missteps when reaching your goal is completely

ok and normal. New year resolutions isn’t mean

to serve as a catalyst for sweeping character

changes. It is a time for people to reflect on

their past year’s behaviour and promise to

make positive lifestyle changes. What accord-

ing to me works is setting small , attainable

goals throughout the year. And at last change

can happen anytime. All you need to have is a

positive attitude.

Change: The only constant in this universe Changes are never easy but in the wise-

beyond-our-years, we have learnt that it’s

an inevitable truth that we all have to go

through, whether we want it or not. And as

much as we look forward to these changes,

we always dislike them, let it be shifting to a

new place or redefining the old one. But call

it bitter, better, sweet or the irony, change

with itself accompanies two different kinds

of fears prevailing in us. The first one, the

most obvious, is that what will happen if the

thing we are familiar with is no more famil-

iar. The known stranger call it is. The second

one i.e. the brighter side of it, we are excit-

ed about it. Whenever we give up an old

nagging habit it feels good to change, the

year after the previous one seems to be

welcoming, the newly made friends starts to

get older and better, etc. But the bigger

question is that, what makes the brighter

side to exist?

For instance, Well, Thanks to the Almighty

we all are blessed with the fresh starts in our

lives. After every single revolution of earth

around the sun, every time we are gifted with

the Date ‘1, January’ in our calendars. Our

reward for surviving the testing times in life

threatening cold, working with swollen fingers

filled with the frozen blood, toiling hard

along with the harshness of weather, is the

very special and refreshing New Year. Bring-

ing on the great tradition of so called NEW

YEAR RESOLUTIONS lightens up the spark in

our overly burdened souls. It’s a chance to put

our past behind us, leaving all the crest and

troughs of artistically designed lives. It’s hard

to resist a change at a new beginning, to

walk over the dead to the life, unleashing

from darkness unto light, unfurling the curtains

of narcissism and benightedness and embrac-

ing the love and care with arms wide open or

to put the problems in a trash.

But think who gets to decide when the OLD

ends marking the onset of the NEW one? Is it

the New Year? Or our Birthday which sym-

bolizes that we have entered in next year of

our lives? No! It’s definitely not any specific

day in our calendars rather than it is AN

EVENT. Some sort of incidence that change us.

Ideally it gives us hope. Hope that this change

will be good and beneficial for us. Hope that

our lives will be back on the right track after

this. It redefines us. Change always gift us the

new chain of thought process, helps us to

adapt a new way of living adjusting more

easily in our given environment. What is im-

portant is that we should never stop believing

that we can have a new beginning. Instead of

fearing it, shrug off and feel good about it.

Changes always have something special

stored for us. There are only two ways, either

change or get left behind. So dear mates let’s

embrace the transitions and blend them with

gold old memories to create a new world,

because changes also change. And changes

are the only constant in this universe.

- Aman Agarwal

I Yr. Computer

-Palak Bansal

II Yr. Computers

Mind Over Matter Mind Over Matter 8

Page 9: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Get Wit 9

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger

Every morning when I sit with a cup of

steaming coffee in my hand, newspaper

in the other, somewhere in my mind the

reel of my life goes into the rewind

mode. I start to think about how people

came into my life and just left. All the

memories flutter like the pale pages of

an old book. Every day we go through

an ocean of feelings and emotions; and

among these only those catches our at-

tention which are connected with a


We all must have gone through that

phase of our lives when our loved ones

drift away from us. Sometimes our best

friends disconnect our calls because they

are busy, on other days our parents

don’t give us enough time. One thing

that we need to burn on the CDs of our

lives is that everything changes, except

God! Most of the changes take place

without our permission. So letting the

changes to upset us won't stop them from

happening. That's how we evolve or the

point is, HOW WE GROW? Some peo-

ple end up growing apart from one an-

other while others grow together and

look outward in a similar direction, try-

ing to minimize the differences between


I accept that it’s not that simple and no

one likes being around difficult people.

When someone is rude to me I feel my

emotions boiling up, struggling to pour

into the vessel of anger and aggres-

sion. But at that point, I realize that I

have to show a red signal to my heart

and put my brain at work. We need to

accept that there are a lot of people in

the world like that today, largely be-

cause of the stressful lives most of us

have. People are trying to do too much

in too little time and have more respon-

sibility than they can realistically han-

dle. Start viewing the world from a

different perspective and every season

will appear beautiful!

As I mentioned earlier, we can’t stop

t he changes a round u s . Bu t

we can choose to adapt. Adapting

doesn't change the circumstances, but it

does help us to live with peace and joy

while undergoing a transition. And as

Robert Frost said ,’The best way out is

always through’ , we need to face all

these challenges thrown towards us by

our lives rather than running away from

them. Experience, realize, accept,

change and move on!

-Madiha Maryam

I Yr. Electronics

The Beginning

Finally, the New Year has begun and so has the

new semester of our lives. We are finally in an

even semester from an odd one and in an odd

year from an even one. The last year’s journey

was indeed quite colourful with ups and downs,

joys and tears, successes and failures. Every

end is a new beginning, and so was the last

semester. It taught us many things - what has

gone is not in our hands, no one can go back

and make a brand new start but anyone can

start from now and make a brand new ending.

Mistakes that we did are a lesson for us. Suc-

cess we achieved will be a part of our resume.

Smart people learn from their mistakes, so it’s

important to reflect on what has passed.

Now that we have come back from the

vacations, it has been an exciting time in the

university, reconnecting with friends, locating

labs and classes, arranging notes, getting things

in order. The New Year, new semester is not the

beginning of a new chapter in your life, it is the

beginning of a new book. The first book is al-

ready closed, ended and tossed into the seas;

this book is newly opened, has just begun, look-

it is the first page! And it is a beautiful one. You

should prepare for December from now only

else you will have to regret.

WHERE IS HAPPINESS? - The ultimate quest. A great philosopher had said, “Necessity

is the mother of invention.”

It has been proved true to life by science.

Almost all of our needs are satisfied by

scientific attempts. Food, shelter and

clothing are the fundamental quests for

our survival. In the modern age of science

we have plenty of these things according

to our capacity and requirement.

But an important question that arises here

is that are these inventions of science lim-

ited only to the outer form of man or

have they gone a long way to touch our

inner selves? The answer is negative.

The fast moving vehicles, productive in-

struments, machines - anything and eve-

rything made out of the blue by man has

done good to provide relief to his physi-

cal existence but the inner part is seen mostly

as empty. Outwardly a happy looking man

seems to be perplexed as if he has lost some-

thing unknowingly. The weak smile and the

cracked voice are the definite signs of the

condition aforesaid.

The lack of soft heartedness exists in man. He

hankers after worldly pleasures and is running

fast after them. He does not know his destina-

tion. He does not know where to go and

where to stay. This rat race has become his

life. He is killing today for a happiness which

yet is unknown. The light on the forehead as

a result of inner satisfaction becomes the

halo around the head of God and the ab-

sence of the same seems to be the darkness

of man’s face.

Light the candles of hope with the spark

within, and make your conscience immortal.

“Weaving the chaplets you have left to gain,

Ah then I feel I have not lived in vain”.

Page 10: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Students’ Voice

Tap here for more info

Somya Agarwal, II Computer

As principal of the college, the very first change I would like to make is the change in the time schedule

of our classes i.e. the classes should be started from 9 instead of 8. Secondly, more seminars on personal-

ity development and vocational training sessions will be scheduled, so that students can stand up to the

standards required by the industries. Also many times students face the problem of the non-availability of

books in the book bank, so I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen anymore.

Belal Ahmad Siddiqui, III Chemical

If I am the principal for one day, I’ll make sure that classes are only held 5 days a week, as we engi-

neering graduates have a lot on our minds, and two days off a week is a must. I’ll encourage the teach-

ers to plan at least two 3-day tours & five plant visits a year. I’ll have the college painted in yellow, as it

should be. Finally, I’ll remove the ‘compulsory attendance’ rule, which will really challenge teachers to

teach better, so as to make students stick around in the classes.

Zainab R. Khan, II Civil

If I got the opportunity to be the principal for a day, first of all, I would open up a Cafeteria, like a real-

ly good one, provided with everything a Foodie would ask for. I would send a message of encourage-

ment to all the assiduous staff for their efforts and asking them to strive for more. There will be lots of

cultural programs and fests organised on a large scale for the enjoyment and entertainment of students

and a break from their hectic and boring schedule. I would want a more practical approach of subjects.

Students will be asked to speak up publicly as to build up their confidence, vocabulary and speaking

skills and in turn giving a boost up to the development of their personalities.

Tabish Imtiaz, IV Electrical

To be frank, our college lacks the "happening" element. But surprisingly people here are quite

"happening" and fun loving. If I am the principal, I will make it compulsory to have a party in the college

premises every month for which attendance will be rewarded. Also I will ensure that a big canteen and a

cafe is established where our beloved nescafe was. Also, a grand fest every year will be organized for

a whole week with full financial support from the administration. A sports complex, only for ZHCETians,

will be constructed with quality sports products. And as far as academics are concerned, I am not at all

concerned. The present system is just fine. It’s the fun part that needs some attention.

Anurag Garg I Computer

Things I’ll do if I’m the principal, hm.. Well first of all I’ll make every classroom as NL-22. ZHCET will be-

come like oxford seriously! I’ll then upgrade the canteen. I mean we don't need a better version of a

school canteen but yes definitely like a college one! And attendance? I’ll get bio-metric systems for teach-

ers as well as students installed. Let's see who leaves more classes! And I can add many more but I will

restrict it to this only. Otherwise the next person to be called in the principal’s office would be me!

Mujtaba Ali Naqvi, II Computer

I feel that the TPO needs a lot of work and more companies should visit the college, so I’ll take steps I

that direction. Zarf needs to be held on a larger scale, so I’ll sanction enough funds to make the event

grand. Using my awesome computer skills, I’ll try to introduce a system, where the quality of teachers in

each department can be checked. I’ll also make sure that scholarships are provided to needy students,

especially those who wish to pursue higher education abroad.

What change will you bring in the college if you were

made The Principal for a day?

Vatsala Sharma, I Electrical

I strongly believe that the road to a student’s brain passes through his stomach. So, if I were made the

principal of the college for a day, I would hire a decoration squad and give our canteen a typical Ro-

man look with impressive seating arrangement and suited-booted waiters. The canteen would serve

world famous delicacies. The atmosphere of the canteen would be so refreshing that it would be a per-

fect place to study, as well as group chats. After all, khayega India tabhi to padhega India.

Page 11: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1915 The Mirror 2015_-—Vol. VI

Disney made a beach robot that draws large-scale art into the sand.

www.beachbot.ch/ 14-JAN-2015

Disney research has partnered with engineers at ETH Zurich to create the Beachbot, a robot that can trundle

around in the sand and construct vast designs without human interaction.

Engineers used a thin but durable aluminium chassis sealed with rubber gaskets to prevent sand from infiltrating the internal machinery. The artistic action takes place at the back of the Beachbot, which is where the mecha-nized rake is mounted. Beachbot can be programmed to create a certain design, or set to free draw mode in-

side a particular area mapped out by the reflective posts.

Facebook Held Potential Investment Talks With Xiaomi:

The Mirror Business News 15-JAN-2015

Reuters reports that Facebook and Xiaomi met to discuss a possible investment and partnership, though for now

nothing seems to have come out of the discussion. Facebook is still banned in China, while Xiaomi appears ready

to spread beyond its home country. But a private dinner between Zuckerberg and Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun failed to

turn into an official deal. It’s possible the phone-maker wants to avoid any possible issues with the local govern-

ment, or it may be worried about what a deal with Zuckerberg could do to its relationship with Google.

Google Leaves 939 Million Android Users Without A Security Patch:

The Mirror Tech 25-JAN-2015

Google’s refusal to patch up a Web View tool seems to be leaving quite a number of Android smartphone us-

ers vulnerable to a malicious attack. Google currently supports WebView in Android 4.4 KitKat and 5.0 Lolli-

pop and states that it will not add a security patch for the older software. It states that manufacturers who use

the old versions of Android on their smartphones can deliver a patch for the same and Google will consider

those. In an ideal situation, OEMs should refresh their handsets with at least Android 4.4 provided they plan to

support it.

Settle Up, the best way to organize Group Expenses:

www.settleup.info/ 13-FEB-2015

Settle Up is an indispensable app for friends and flatmates who need to keep track of shared bills and ex-

penses. It comes in handy when you're planning a group trip or a party and don't want to have it ruined by

constant discussions over "who paid" and "who should pay". This app will help you settle the debts and the

emotions. This can work fully offline and can also be synced with any Android or iOS device or over the web.

Payment logs and reports could be mailed to each individual in the group.

Google Glass app comes to Android and iOS

glass-apps.org/ 5-FEB-2015

This app enables search by taking a picture: point your mobile phone camera at a painting, a famous land-

mark, a barcode or QR code, a product, or a popular image. If Goggles finds it in its database, it will provide

you with useful information. Goggles can read text in English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Rus-

sian, and Turkish, and translate it into other languages. Goggles also works as a barcode / QR code scanner.

CyanogenMod based Yu Yureka sold out in 3 seconds:

The Mirror Tech 10-FEB-2015

Last month, Micromax introduced the Yu Yureka, the first Indian-made smartphone to be based on Cyano-

genMod OS. The handset was released for sale on 13th January, and - surprisingly or not - it went out of

stock in just 3 seconds. While it’s true that only 10,000 units were made available, the handset’s instant suc-

cess is still impressive. And that is simply because of the right combination of hardware and software along

with the awesome price tag of Rs 8,999.

Some unknown facts about Google:

The Mirror Reports 13-FEB-2015

Google word is a mistake. Actually founders of Google wanted to register Googol. But due to spelling mistake,

now its Google. Googol means 1 followed by 100 zeroes. Google processes about 20 petabytes of data dai-

ly. Google Earth has a flight simulator. Type ‘Atari Breakout’ in Google Images. It allows its employees to

spend 20% of their time in their personal project, like Orkut. Currently Google processes millions pages in a


Page 12: The Mirror _ Feb Edition

Under the Guidance of The Principal, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University.

Faculty In-charge: Treasurer

Professor Mohammad Muzammil Professor Athar Ali Moinuddin

Managing Partners Chief Editors

Tushar Singhal Mohammad Saad Baig Belal Ahmad Siddiqui Radhika Goyal


The Mirror team would like to thank ZHCOETIANS’89 for their support and guidance. ZHCOE-

TIANS’89 is a trust formed by Alumni of batch of 1989 to help the students of ZHCET excel in various

fields and domains.


Designed By -

Nitish Singh

I Yr. Architecture

The Mirror@ZHCET