Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic ... · Learning outcomes − In written...


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Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis March 2016

Qualification objectives of the Master’s Programme


A) Subject-specific competences A1) Broadening of knowledge To make sure that all students meet the same academic standards, they will attend fundamental courses from outside their original academic field during their first and second semester. At the end of the second semester, all students have a basic knowledge in the following areas: computer sciences, mathematics, statistics and social-scientific methods. The students will be able to collect, manage and analyse data of different kinds and from various sources, to interpret and communicate the results in order to gain new insights and to support decision making. A2) Deepening of knowledge In the subsequent semesters, the students select advanced modules from the Master’s programmes at the participating departments or they join the GSDS doctoral programme as a “fast-track” option. A data analysis project, which may take the form of an internship, will serve the development of practical skills. The Master’s thesis is then to be written in the student’s field of choice. B) Generic competences The students are in a position to quickly and independently delve into new subjects. They can apply the methods acquired during the Master's programme. The students are able to present their findings in English. They can enter into a critical dialogue with others about the underlying premises and the methods used to derive the findings.

Learning outcomes

− In written exams, students prove that they have an in-depth understanding of the core concepts in social and economic data analysis and that they can apply these concepts to solve simple problems in a short time.

− In tutorials, students show that their knowledge and skills enable them to also solve more complex tasks.

− In tutorials, students work successfully in teams. They present their results to other students, who discuss these results critically.

− In advanced classes, students write short essays that satisfy scientific standards and reveal a detailed knowledge in special areas.

− In seminars, students show that they can grasp the essence of scientific papers and can organize the insights distilled from the literature in a well-structured manner. They communicate these insights to their fellow students and respond adequately to critical questions from the audience. Moreover, they formulate critical questions about other students' presentations.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


− The students write seminar papers on topics of their choice. For this purpose, they draw on the modern scientific literature and relate the findings in a meaningful way. They develop own ideas for small research projects and design approaches to solving these problems.

− In the Master's thesis, students demonstrate their ability to formulate more extensive research questions and to address them with the help of modern tools. They organize the time period of several months for the preparation of the thesis independently and effectively. They are successful in developing a clear and logical structure for an extensive research project. They critically assess the applied methods and premises and derive convincing conclusions.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis



1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4

2 Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 5

2.1 Computer Sciences ........................................................................................................................... 5

Datenbanksysteme .............................................................................................................................. 5

Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen ....................................................................................................... 7

Konzepte der Informatik mit Programmierkurs I ................................................................................. 8

Konzepte der Programmierung mit Programmierkurs II ................................................................... 10

2.2 Mathematics .................................................................................................................................... 12

Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler I ..................................................................................... 12

Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik ....................................................................................... 13

Lineare Algebra I ............................................................................................................................... 14

2.3 Statistics .......................................................................................................................................... 16

Statistik .............................................................................................................................................. 16

Statistics I (Economics) ..................................................................................................................... 17

Statistics I (Psychology) .................................................................................................................... 18

Statistik I ............................................................................................................................................ 19

2.4 Social-scientific Methods ................................................................................................................ 20

Econometrics I ................................................................................................................................... 20

Introduction to Survey Methodology .................................................................................................. 21

Methoden der empirischen Politk- und Verwaltungsforschung ......................................................... 23

Empirie: Quantitative Methoden ........................................................................................................ 24 3 Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis .......................................................................... 25

Probability Theory and Statistical Inference ......................................................................................... 25

Research Design I ................................................................................................................................ 27

Big Data and Scripting .......................................................................................................................... 29

Optional Course .................................................................................................................................... 30

Seminar Module .................................................................................................................................... 31 4 Subject Area 3: Optional compulsory section ....................................................................................... 32

Optional Module .................................................................................................................................... 32

Data Analysis Project ............................................................................................................................ 33 5 Subject Area 4a: PhD Module (Study Track A) .................................................................................... 34

6 Subject Area 4b: Master’s Thesis (Study Track A) ............................................................................... 35

7 Subject Area 4: Master’s Thesis (Study Track B) ................................................................................. 36

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


1 Introduction

This handbook provides outlines of the modules offered for the Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis. Aside from the Master’s thesis, the modules are:

− courses comprising lectures and tutorials − courses comprising lectures − seminars.

The modules are grouped under the subject area to which they belong: 1. Foundations of Data Analysis 2. Advanced Methods of Data Analysis 3. Optional compulsory section 4a. PhD Module (Study Track A)

Each module outline gives the following information: Applicability Specifies the subject area to which the module belongs. Credits Each module has a credit value based on the student’s workload

required to successfully complete the module, in accordance with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). To complete the Master’s programme, 120 credits in total are required and 30 credits per semester should be accumulated. Track A students, aside from the Master’s thesis (15 credits), need to obtain 105 credits in taught modules (courses and seminars). Track B and C students, aside from the Master’s thesis (30 credits), need to obtain 90 credits in taught modules (courses and seminars).

Learning Outcomes Describe what students should be able to do on completing the module. Content of Teaching Describes the topics covered in the module. Teaching Methods / Hours per Week

The type of module (a course comprising lectures, with or without tutorials, or a seminar) and its hours of tuition per week.

Workload The workload indicates the time students typically need to spend to successfully complete the module.

Recommended Background

Indicates whether specific prior knowledge would be beneficial for completing the module.

Language The modules of the Master’s programme are taught in English or German.

Frequency Offered The semester in which the module is taught (winter semester, summer semester or both winter and summer semester).

Recommended Semester

Specifies in which semester it is recommended to take the module.

Compulsory / Optional Informs whether the module must be taken to complete the Master’s programme. This applies, for instance, to Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis. All modules of this subject area must be taken.

Department Specifies at which Department the module is taught. Furthermore, exams must be registered at this Department. It is not coercive that the Lecturer’s Department and the Department at which the module is taught coincide.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


2 Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis

2.1 Computer Sciences



Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Computer Sciences

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Die Veranstaltung vermittelt einen grundlegenden Überblick über Funktionalität, Architektur und Realisierungskonzepte von Datenbanksystemen als Grundlage für computergestützte Informationssysteme. Charakteristisch für Datenbanksysteme ist, dass Informationen gemäß irgendeinem Modell dargestellt, gespeichert und aufbewahrt werden, die mittels Operationen einer geeigneten Sprache abgefragt (wiedergewonnen) und manipuliert werden können. In dieser Veranstaltung werden sowohl die Modellierungs- als auch die Nutzungsaspekte von Datenbanksystemen vermittelt: z.B. Entity-Relationship- und Relationale Datenmodellierung, Relationale Entwurfstheorie und Normalformen, Datenbanksprachen (insbes. Algebra, Kalkül, SQL), ACID-Transaktionen. Die Lehrveranstaltung liefert Grundlage für weiterführende Lehrveranstaltungen aus den Gebieten Datenbanken, Informationssysteme und Information Retrieval.

Content of Teaching

Absolventen des Kurses haben grundlegendes Verständnis über den Aufbau und die Funktionsweise von Datenbanksystemen und deren Nutzung. Sie haben fundiertes Wissen über konzeptionelle Datenmodellierung mit Hilfe des Entity-Relationship-Modells und die Abbildung auf relationale Datenbankschemata. Sie können die grundlegenden Sprachkonstrukte von SQL mittels mathematisch präziser formaler Sprachen (Algebra, Kalkül) analysieren und können SQL-Anfragen und -Änderungsoperationen selbständig formulieren und anwenden. Sie haben die prinzipiellen Realisierungstechniken solcher deklarativer Sprachen kennen gelernt und können bestehende SQL-Anwendungen analysieren und bewerten. Sie sind in der Lage, grundlegende Informationssystem-Funktionalitäten selbständig zu realisieren. Die Funktionsweise und Abstraktionsmechanismen der transaktionsorientierten Verarbeitung sind ihnen bekannt, sie können Synchronisations- und Recovery-Probleme erkennen und grundsätzliche Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufzeigen.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur von 120min Dauer. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

Entsprechend den Modulen Mathematik: Diskrete Strukturen (paralleler Besuch) und Konzepte der Informatik, elementare Programmierkenntnisse.

Language German

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Computer Sciences

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Kenntnis elementarer Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen. Auswahl und Effizienzbeurteilung von alternativen Verfahren und Implementationen in Anwendungsszenarien. Fähigkeit zu deren Anpassung an gegebene Umstände sowie Entwurf neuer Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen.

Content of Teaching

In der Vorlesung werden Standardalgorithmen und grundlegende Datenstrukturen behandelt. Darstellungsformen und Spezifikation von Algorithmen, elementare und höhere Datenstrukturen, Suchbäume, Hash-Tabellen, rekursive Algorithmen, Algorithmen zum Suchen und Sortieren, grundlegende Graphenalgorithmen und Zeichenkettenalgorithmen. In theoretischen Übungen wird der Vorlesungsstoff vertieft, in praktischen Übungen werden Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen in Java implementiert.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

elementare Programmierkenntnisse in der Programmiersprache Java

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Konzepte der Informatik mit Programmierkurs I


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Computer Sciences

Credits 12 Cr Dauer 1 Sem.

Anteil des Moduls an der Gesamtnote 6.67%

Module Grade Klausur von Konzepte der Informatik

Module units − Konzepte der Informatik − Programmierkurs I

Learning Outcomes Absolventen kennen und verstehen die Grundlagen der Informationscodierung, -speicherung und -verarbeitung.

Module unit: Konzepte der Informatik

Content of Teaching − Informationscodierung und - speicherung - Codierung von Zahlen und

Zeichen, Speicherbereiche, elementare Datentypen, Streuspeicherung

− Übersicht über die verschiedenen Programmierparadigmen, ausführlich den Kern imperativer Sprachen und Objektorientierung

− Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen - häufig verwendete Datenstrukturen wie Listen, Arrays, Stapel und Warteschlangen, Bäume und allg. Graphen; Eigenschaften von Algorihmen, insbesondere Algorithmenkomplexität und Korrektheit, sowie die algorithmische Konzepte Iteration und Rekursion, Teile und Herrsche, am Beispiel verschiedener Sortierverfahren

− Theoretische Grundlagen - Einführung in die Automatentheorie sowie formale Sprachen und Grammatiken; Fragen der Berechenbarkeit von Problemen, Komplexität und Korrektheit von Algorithmen

− Einführung in die Informationswissenschaft - Grundlagen, Information Retrieval, Wissensrepräsentation

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 180 Stunden

Credits for this unit 6 Cr

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur von 120min Dauer. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur.

Recommended Background

Konzepte der Informatik kann nur zusammen mit dem Programmierkurs I belegt werden.

Language German

Frequency Offered Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module unit: Programmierkurs I

Content of Teaching − Objektorientierte Programmierung - die in der Vorlesung "Konzepte

der Informatik" vorgestellten Konzepte objektorientierter Programmiersprachen wie Klassen, Vererbung, Polymorphismus, Ausnahmebehandlung oder generische Programmierung werden praktisch mit Java an Hand verschiedenster Beispiele geübt

− Imperative Programmierung - Befehlsorientierte Programmierung mit Methoden, Schleifen und Auswahlbefehle.

− Angewandte Programmierung - Programmqualität, Dokumentation und Testen von Programmen

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (2 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 180 Stunden

Credits for this unit 6 Cr

Type of Assessment − 2 von 3 Programmieraufgaben bestanden

− 50% der Punkte aus dem Programmiertest Recommended Background

Der Programmierkurs I kann nur zusammen mit Konzepte der Informatik belegt werden.

Language German

Frequency Offered Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every single student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Konzepte der Programmierung mit Programmierkurs II


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Computer Sciences

Credits 9 Cr Dauer 1 Sem.

Anteil des Moduls an der Gesamtnote 6.67%

Module Grade Klausur von Konzepte der Programmierung

Module units − Konzepte der Programmierung − Programmierkurs II

Learning Outcomes Absolventen haben ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Programmierparadigmen und von funktionaler Programmierung. Sie sind in der Lage, selbständig kleinere Projekte in Haskell zu definieren und zu implementieren. Konzepte von Programmiersprachen sollen bewusst gemacht werden.

Module unit: Konzepte der Programmierung

Content of Teaching

Kern des Moduls ist eine Einführung in deklarative Programmierung. Im Unterschied zur imperativen Programmierung wird dabei durch den Programmierer idealerweise nur vorgegeben, was berechnet werden soll, aber nicht wie genau die Berechnung durchgeführt wird.

Am Beispiel der funktionalen Programmiersprache Haskell soll dieses Konzept eingeführt werden. Dabei werden Konzepte wie z.B. Seiteneffekte, Typsysteme, Auswertestrategien und Datenstrukturen erläutert, und aus formaler Sicht betrachtet.

Mit einer Einführung in den lambda-Kalkül wird die einfachste formale Grundlage fast aller Programmiersprachen vorgestellt, viele Haskell-Konstrukte lassen sich leicht darauf zurückführen.

Vorlesungsbegleitend gibt der “Programmierkurs 2” eine praktische Einführung in die Programmierung mit Haskell. Da Vorlesung und Programmierkurs inhaltlich sehr eng verzahnt sind, werden die Übungen zu beiden Veranstaltungen zusammengelegt.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 120 Stunden

Credits for this unit 4 Cr

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur von 120min Dauer. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur.

Recommended Background

Konzepte der Programmierung kann nur zusammen mit dem Programmierkurs II belegt werden.

Language German

Frequency Offered Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module unit: Programmierkurs II

Content of Teaching

Kern des Moduls ist eine Einführung in deklarative Programmierung. Im Unterschied zur imperativen Programmierung wird dabei durch den Programmierer idealerweise nur vorgegeben, was berechnet werden soll, aber nicht wie genau die Berechnung durchgeführt wird.

Am Beispiel der funktionalen Programmiersprache Haskell soll dieses Konzept eingeführt werden. Dabei werden Konzepte wie z.B. Seiteneffekte, Typsysteme, Auswertestrategien und Datenstrukturen erläutert, und aus formaler Sicht betrachtet.

Mit einer Einführung in den lambda-Kalkül wird die einfachste formale Grundlage fast aller Programmiersprachen vorgestellt, viele Haskell-Konstrukte lassen sich leicht darauf zurückführen.

Vorlesungsbegleitend gibt der “Programmierkurs 2” eine praktische Einführung in die Programmierung mit Haskell. Da Vorlesung und Programmierkurs inhaltlich sehr eng verzahnt sind, werden die Übungen zu beiden Veranstaltungen zusammengelegt.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (2 SWS)

Workload 150 Stunden

Credits for this unit 5 Cr

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur von 120min Dauer. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur.

Recommended Background

Der Programmierkurs II kann nur zusammen mit Konzepte der Programmierung belegt werden.

Language German

Frequency Offered Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


2.2 Mathematics

Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler I


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Mathematics

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Einführung in die mathematische Denkweise, Beherrschung mathematischer Grundaufgaben, Anwendung der Differential- und Integralrechnung

Content of Teaching

− Grundbegriffe mathematischen Denkens: Mengen, Zahlen, Funktionen, Folgen und Reihen

− Einführung in die Differentialrechnung: Differentiation, Taylor-Entwicklung, Monotonie und Konvexität von Funktionen

− Integralrechnung und Integrationstechniken: Unbestimmte, bestimmte und uneigentliche Integrale, partielle Integration und Integration durch Substitution

− Differentialrechnung in mehreren Veränderlichen: Gradient und Hessematrix, implizite Funktionen, implizites Differenzieren

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment


Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Economics

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Mathematics

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Beherrschung grundlegender Konzepte der Diskreten Mathematik und Logik, wie sie für das Information Engineering vorausgesetzt werden. Die Studierenden lernen vor allem den Umgang mit eindeutiger Notation sowie die Formulierung und den Beweis von Aussagen über formale Sachverhalte. Außerdem die Beherrschung grundlegender Techniken der Analysis und der Linearen Algebra.

Content of Teaching

− Logik (Aussagen, Quantoren, Beweise)

− Mengen (Darstellungen, Operationen, Mengenfamilien)

− Relationen (Funktionen, Äquivalenzrelationen, Ordnungs-relationen, Graphen)

− Induktion (vollständige Induktion, strukturelle Induktion, transitive Hülle, Mächtigkeit von Mengen)

− Analysis (Konvergenz von Folgen und Reihen, oberer und unterer Grenzwert, Potenzreihen, Asymptotik)

− Lineare Algebra (Vektorräume, lineare Abbildungen, Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren)

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur von 120min Dauer. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Lineare Algebra I


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Mathematics

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Die Studierenden

− kennen grundlegende abstrakte mengentheoretische und algebraische Strukturen und Konstruktionen

− erstehen die axiomatische Methode und die Prinzipien der mathematischen Strenge

− sind in der Lage, abstrakte Sätze und Methoden auf konkrete mathematische Probleme anzuwenden

− analysieren lineare geometrische Sachverhalte mit abstrakten algebraischen und konkreten rechnerischen Methoden

− können einfachere Aussagen aus der linearen Algebra selbstständig beweisen

− sind in der Lage, die Richtigkeit komplexerer Aussagen aus der linearen Algebra zu rechtfertigen.

Content of Teaching

− Mengen, Abbildungen, Elemente der Logik

− Grundlegende algebraische Strukturen: Gruppen, Ringe, Körper, Vektorräume, lineare Abbildungen, Matrizen, Koordinaten, lineare Gleichungssysteme

− Polynome, Polynomdivision mit Rest. Determinante, Eigenwerte und Eigenräume, charakteristisches Polynom und Minimalpolynom

− Bilineare und multilineare Abbildungen, quadratische und alternierende

− Formen

− Skalarprodukte, Hilberträume

− Orthogonale und unitäre Abbildungen, adjungierte Abbildung, selbstad- jungierte und normale Abbildungen

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur. Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches Bestehen des Moduls. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


2.3 Statistics

Statistik (Dept. of Politics and Public Administration)


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Statistics

Credits 8 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Das Ziel dieser Vorlesung ist, den Studierenden fundiertes Wissen der Inferenz mittels statistischer Modelle zu vermitteln. Als Etappenziele für das Endziel gilt es, die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie, die Grundlagen der statistischen Modelle und ihre verschiedenen Varianten zu erlernen.

Content of Teaching

Die Veranstaltung umfasst die Grundlagen der beschreibenden Statistik und der schließenden Statistik ebenso wie eine Übersicht über multivariate Verfahren der Datenanalyse. Erläutert werden:

− Kennwerte univariater Häufigkeitsverteilungen

− diskrete Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen

− stetige Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen

− Schätz- und Testtheorie

− Signifikanztests

− Modelle bivariater Zusammenhänge

− Grundlagen der Drittvariablenkontrolle

− multiple Regression und ihre Diagnostik

− multivariate Analyseverfahren

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 240 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur. Die Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Sommer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Politics and Public Administration

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Statistics I (Dept. of Economics)


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Statistics

Credits 6 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

The lecture offers an introduction to statistical analysis.

Content of Teaching

Topics covered include univariate and multivariate descriptive methods, explorative methods, probability, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions. Tutorials complement the lecture and include a discussion of output from the statistical software STATA and R.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (2 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 180 hours

Type of Assessment

Final exam

Recommended Background

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Economics

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Statistics I (Dept. of Psychology)


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Statistics

Credits 6 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Die Studieren lernen grundlegende Verfahren und Begriffe der Statistik kennen. Sie sind in der Lage, Daten deskriptiv darzustellen und mittels statistischer Verfahren grundlegende Analysen durchzuführen. Die Studierenden können Strategien zur Aufgabenlösung entwickeln und anwenden.

Content of Teaching

Es wird ein Überblick über deskriptive statistische Methoden gegeben. Darauf aufbauend werden inferenzstatistische Verfahren vorgestellt und im Zuge der Übungsveranstaltung eingeübt.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (2 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 180 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Schriftliche Klausur

Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Psychology

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Statistik I (Dept. of History and Sociology)


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Statistics

Credits 6 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

In der Vorlesung wird eine Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Statistik anhand von überwiegend soziologischen Anschauungsbeispielen und Übungsaufgaben gegeben.

Content of Teaching

− Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie

− Deskriptive Statistik und Inferenzstatistik

− Univariate, bivariate und multivariate Statistik

− Zusammenhangsmaße für Variablen mit unterschiedlichem Skalenniveau

− Regressionsanalysen: OLS und generalisierte lineare Modelle (Logit) Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (2 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 180 Stunden

Type of Assessment


Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Sommer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every single student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of History and Sociology

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


2.4 Social-scientific Methods

Econometrics I


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Social-scientific Methods

Credits 8 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

− Specify the fundamentals of regression analysis

− Demonstrate an understanding of confronting hypothesis from economic models theory with real world economic data

− Use econometric software to pursue their own empirical research and interpret econometric findings critically.

Content of Teaching

− Multiple Linear Regression Model: LS-Estimation, Tests, Forecasting, Restricted LS-Estimation

− Problems of Model Specification: Autocorrelation, Heteroscedasticity, Functional Form

− Introduction to Dynamic Models

− Quantal Response Models

− Instrumental Variables Estimation

− Computer Tutorials with Gretl

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (3 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 240 hours

Type of Assessment

Final exam, poss. one mid-term exam or homework assignment

Recommended Background

Statistics I and II

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Economics

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Introduction to Survey Methodology


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Statistics

Credits 8 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

This course offers an introduction to survey methodology. Starting from an exposition of the total survey error paradigm as the now dominant conceptual foundation of the field, we will discuss sampling strategies, modes of data collection, nonresponse problems, question wording and measurement issues from a data quality perspective.

The aim of this course is to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to design, conduct, analyze and critically evaluate sample-based surveys. The course is mandatory for B.A. students of Politics & Public Administration with a specialization in Survey Research, but it will also be relevant for all those generally interested in the collection and analysis of quantitative social science data.

The course will be supplemented by a tutorial in which the principles and methods introduced during the lecture will be practiced using simulated and real survey data and the free statistical software package R.

Content of Teaching

- Total survey error paradigm

- Probability sampling, simple random and systematic sampling, stratification

- Cluster and multistage sampling, other probability designs

- Nonresponse types, sources and biases

- Empirical strategies for missing data

- The psychology of the survey response

- Question and questionnaire design

- Classical and modern test theory

- Current developments in survey sampling and measurement

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (2 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 240 hours

Type of Assessment

Final exam

Recommended Background

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is scheduled for every student individually by the admissions committee.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Department Department of Politics and Public Administration

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Methoden der empirischen Politk- und Verwaltungsforschung


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Social-scientific Methods

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Die Studierenden sollen mit den Zielen und dem Ablauf wissenschaftlicher For-schung in den Sozialwissenschaften vertraut gemacht werden. Die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Grundfragen der Wissenschaftstheorie soll die Studie-renden zu einer fundierten Stellungnahme zu Wahrheitsansprüchen für Aussa-gen aller Art befähigen. Ferner sollen sie an die detaillierte methodologische Kritik empirischer Untersuchungen in den Sozialwissenschaften herangeführt werden.

Content of Teaching

Die Lehrveranstaltung gibt eine Einführung in die Planung, Durchführung und Analyse empirischer Forschungsprojekte. Sie behandelt unter anderem Ziel und Ablauf des Forschungsprozesses, Operationalisierung und Messung, unter-schiedliche Untersuchungsformen, Messverfahren, Auswahlverfahren sowie die wichtigsten Techniken der Datenerhebung. Sie umfasst ferner eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Grundfragen der Wissenschaftstheorie (Erkenntnis-theorie, Wahrheitstheorien, Theoriendynamik).

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (4 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 270 Stunden

Type of Assessment

Prüfung: Klausur. Die Teilnahme an den Übungen ist Voraussetzung für die Zulassung zur Klausur. Die Note ergibt sich aus der Klausurnote.

Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of Politics and Public Administration

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Empirie: Quantitative Methoden


Subject Area 1: Foundations of Data Analysis / Social-scientific Methods

Credits 6 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 6.67%

Learning Outcomes

Das Modul vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse im Bereich der Statistik und der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsmethoden. Ziel ist die Vermittlung von wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen, wichtigen Forschungsdesigns, Erhebungs- und Auswertungstechniken der empirischen Sozialforschung (quantitativ und qualitativ). Die Studierenden werden befähigt, grundlegende Methoden auf neue Frage- und Aufgabenstellungen zu übertragen und sie erlernen die Planung empirischer Untersuchungen, die Konstruktion von Erhebungsinstrumenten, die Datenauswertung und die Präsentation der Ergebnisse.

Content of Teaching

In der Veranstaltung werden grundlegende Kenntnisse der quantitativen empirischen Sozialforschung vermittelt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die einzelnen Phasen des Forschungsablaufs von den wissenschaftstheoretischen Grundlagen bis hin zur Datenerhebung und -auswertung. Dabei wird ein Überblick über mögliche Erhebungsmethoden und Forschungsdesigns, wie Befragungen, Beobachtungen oder Experimente gegeben und auf deren Anwendungsbereich eingegangen.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Vorlesung (2 SWS) mit Übung (2 SWS)

Workload 180 Stunden

Type of Assessment


Recommended Background

Language German

Frequency Offered

Sommer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

The selection of courses in Subject Area 1 is individually scheduled for every student by the admissions committee.

Department Department of History and Sociology

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


3 Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Probability Theory and Statistical Inference


Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Credits 8 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade (The exact contribution depends on the weighting according to credits.)


Learning Outcomes

The course covers the major topics from probability theory and statistical inference that lay the grounds for econometric theory. It conveys a proper understanding of the basic theoretical concepts and ideas needed to work in applied and theoretical econometrics.

Content of Teaching

The course gives an introduction to the basic mathematical foundations of probability theory and of statistical inference on a graduate level. The foundations of probability theory part of the course covers the following topics:

− Basics of probability theory: a. events, probability, conditional probability, independence, product

spaces and completeness; b. discrete and continuous random variables, probability distributions; c. expectation, conditional expectation, conditional distributions; d. moment generating and characteristic functions, their applications.

− Basics of asymptotic theory: a. convergence concepts, modes of convergence; b. limit theorems.

The statistical inference part of the course covers the following topics:

1) Random sample, properties; 2) Principles of data reduction, the sufficiency and the likelihood principles; 3) Point estimation, finding and evaluating point estimators; 4) Interval estimation, finding and evaluating interval estimators; 5) Estimation theory for parametric models: regression models and least

squares method. Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (2 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 240 hours

Type of Assessment

Weekly homework assignments, surprise quizzes, mid-term take-home exam, final exam

Recommended Background

Solid mastery of calculus, up to and including series, limits, partial differentiation, and multiple integration. Knowledge of these topics will be assumed and invoked freely. Basic knowledge of statistics is required.

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Compulsory / Optional


Department Department of Economics

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Research Design I


Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Credits 9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade (The exact contribution depends on the weighting according to credits.)


Learning Outcomes

This course offers an advanced treatment of design issues in political research that aims (as it usually does) at causal inference, i.e., at answering cause-and-effect questions of the general form: is X a cause of Y? If so, how large is the causal effect of X on Y? Starting from an exposition of the counterfactual model of causality, the course introduces the assumptions necessary for identifying causal effects, and shows how these assumptions are justified to varying degrees in different experimental and observational research designs. As to observational studies, the course gives an overview of common and new large-N methods for causal inference, such as regression and panel estimators, matching, instrumental variable and control function approaches. The course also discusses how the principles and methods introduced may be put to good use for small-N studies, in particular when it comes to intentional case selection, and how methods frequently dubbed qualitative (such as process tracing) may help identifying the mechanisms underlying causal effect estimates. The course's primary aim is to provide students with the epistemological and methodological tools to critically evaluate existing empirical studies, to identify their inferential weaknesses, and to develop research designs on their own that, to the greatest possible extent, respond to these problems.

Content of Teaching

- Potential outcomes framework, assumptions identifying causal effects, definition of treatment effects

- Randomization, internal and external validity - Noncompliance and attrition - Regression - Panel and diff-in-diff estimators - Regression discontinuity design - Instrumental variables

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (2 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 270 hours

Type of Assessment

Final exam

Recommended Background

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

In the Subject Area 2, students have to take 36 ECTS including two seminars.

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Department Department of Politics and Public Administration

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Big Data and Scripting


Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Credits 8 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade (The exact contribution depends on the weighting according to credits.)


Learning Outcomes


Content of Teaching

The term “big data'' is often used to describe vast collections of semi-structured data in the range of tera- or even petabytes.

Companies like Google and Amazon illustrate that mining and analyzing such collections yields the potential for completely new applications.

The lecture provides an overview of motivations to analyze big data and introduces techniques needed in the process.

This includes introductions to scripting languages, NOSQL databases and Map/Reduce systems which are accompanied by practical exercises.

Teaching Methods Hours per Week

Lecture (6 hours) and tutorial (2 hours)

Workload 240 hours

Type of Assessment

Final exam

Recommended Background

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

In the Subject Area 2, students have to take 36 ECTS including two seminars.

Department Department of Computer and Information Sciences

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Optional Course


Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Credits 6-9 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade (The exact contribution depends on the weighting according to credits.)


Learning Outcomes

Students have the opportunity to select one course upon consultation. The skills depend on the selected module.

Content of Teaching

This course has to be offered by one of the participating departments and has to be in the field of Advanced Methods of Data Analysis.

Workload 180 to 270 hours

Type of Assessment

The type of assessment depends on the selected course

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter or summer semester

Recommended Semester

1 or 2

Compulsory / Optional

In the Subject Area 2, students have to take 36 ECTS including two seminars.

Department All participating Departments

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Seminar Module


Subject Area 2: Advanced Methods of Data Analysis

Credits 12 Cr Duration 1-2 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 10%

Learning Outcomes

Students have the opportunity to select two seminars of the participating departments according to their special interests. The skills depend on the selected seminars.

Content of Teaching

The Seminar Module contains two seminars à 6 ECTS-Credits. These seminars can be selected from Master seminars of the participating departments.

Workload 360 hours

Type of Assessment

Based on an oral presentation and a seminar paper, poss. on participation

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter or summer semester

Recommended Semester

1 or 2

Compulsory / Optional

In the Subject Area 2, students have to take 36 ECTS including two seminars.

Department All participating Departments

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


4 Subject Area 3: Optional compulsory section

Optional Module


Subject Area 3: Optional compulsory section

Credits 20 Cr (A)

25 Cr (B)

Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 18% (A)

22% (B)

Learning Outcomes

Students have the opportunity to select courses of the participating departments according to their special interests. The skills depend on the selected module.

Content of Teaching

The Optional Module contains courses totalling 20 ECTS-Credits (Track A), respectively 25 ECTS-Credits (Track B). These courses can be selected from Master courses of the participating departments.

Workload 600 hours (A); 750 hours (B)

Type of Assessment

The module grade depends on the selected course

Language English

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional


Department All participating Departments

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


Data Analysis Project


Subject Area 3: Optional compulsory section

Credits 5 Cr Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 0%

Learning Outcomes

− An opportunity to use the skills and knowledge gained while studying − Acquire new practical knowledge − Gain practical work experience − Enhance and deepen competences and skills required for studying and

working Content of Teaching

The data analysis project provides students with the opportunity to work through a project from its conceptualization scratch down to its (software) implementation. Co-operations with external partners (firms, governmental and non-governmental organizations) are encouraged. The data analysis project constitutes an innovative teaching format, with a strong focus on applying the statistical and computational methods previously acquired. It is meant to foster cooperation and knowledge transfer between the university and external partners, thereby facilitating the integration of students into the job market early on.

Workload 150 hours

Frequency Offered

Winter semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional


Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


5 Subject Area 4a: PhD Module (Study Track A) Applicability

Subject Area 4a: PhD Module

Credits 20 Cr

Duration 1 Sem.

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 18%

Learning Outcomes

Students of Study Track A have the opportunity to select two courses of the Doctoral Programme in Decision Science and the Doctoral Programme in Quantitative Economics and Finance according to their special interests. The skills depend on the selected module.

Content of Teaching

The PhD Module contains two courses totalling 20 ECTS-Credits. These courses can be selected from courses of the Doctoral Programme in Decision Science.

Workload 600 hours

Type of Assessment

The module grade depends on the selected course

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional

compulsory for Track A; inexistent for Track B

Department All participating Departments

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


6 Subject Area 4b: Master’s Thesis (Study Track A)


Subject Area 4b: Master’s Thesis

Credits 15 Cr

Duration 3 months

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 20%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to: − Develop a research proposal − Synthesise knowledge and skills previously acquired and applied to an

in-depth study − Establish links between theory and methods within their area of study − Present the findings of their research in a coherent and logically argued

piece of writing that demonstrates competence in research and the ability to operate independently.

Content The aim of the Master’s thesis is to demonstrate that the student is in a position to independently analyse and assess a topic from the field of social science data analysis, within a prescribed time period and using scientifically recognised methods. Students select their own topic for the thesis in consultation with their supervisor.

Supervisor Each student selects a supervisor (assessor) for the thesis, who can be a professor or junior professor of the participating departments. A further member of the Department’s faculty has to be selected as the second assessor. At least one assessor has to be Principal Investigator or associated Professor of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences.

Teaching Methods The theoretical and methodological background knowledge for conducting a thesis is acquired through the compulsory and optional subject areas of the Master’s programme. Practise in the completion of research papers is obtained in the seminars of the Master’s programme.

Workload 450 hours

Type of Assessment

The average grade of the two assessments of the Master’s thesis. Number of pages according to the regulations of the first supervisor’s department.

Recommended Background

The relevant courses and seminars of the Master’s programme

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional


Department All participating Departments

Module Handbook Master’s Programme in Social and Economic Data Analysis


7 Subject Area 4: Master’s Thesis (Study Track B)


Subject Area 4: Master’s Thesis

Credits 30 Cr

Duration 4 months

Module Contribution to the Final Grade 30%

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:

− Develop a research proposal − Synthesise knowledge and skills previously acquired and applied to an

in-depth study − Establish links between theory and methods within their area of study − Present the findings of their research in a coherent and logically argued

piece of writing that demonstrates competence in research and the ability to operate independently.

Content The aim of the Master’s thesis is to demonstrate that the student is in a position to independently analyse and assess a topic from the field of social science data analysis, within a prescribed time period and using scientifically recognised methods. Students select their own topic for the thesis in consultation with their supervisor.

Supervisor Each student selects a supervisor (assessor) for the thesis, who can be a professor or junior professor of the participating departments. A further member of the Department’s faculty has to be selected as the second assessor. At least one assessor has to be Principal Investigator or associated Professor of the Graduate School of Decision Sciences.

Teaching Methods The theoretical and methodological background knowledge for conducting a thesis is acquired through the compulsory and optional subject areas of the Master’s programme. Practise in the completion of research papers is obtained in the seminars of the Master’s programme.

Workload 900 hours

Type of Assessment

The average grade of the two assessments of the Master’s thesis. Number of pages according to the regulations of the first supervisor’s department.

Recommended Background

The relevant courses and seminars of the Master’s programme

Language English

Frequency Offered

Summer semester

Recommended Semester


Compulsory / Optional


Department All participating Departments