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Role of CommunicationRole of CommunicationHelps us understand:-

What factors are relevant to this situation.

Objective - What do I want to accomplish in this situation.

Approach - Which is the Better way of doing it.

Technique - What specific methods should I use to solve it.

Communication Defined

“Communication is interchange of thoughts , opinions, information, by speech, writing or signs”

- Robert Anderson (Professional Selling)“Purposive interchange, resulting in workable

understanding and agreement between the sender and receiver of a message”

- George Vardman (Effective Communication of Ideas)

Business Communication Defined

“Business communication is any communication used to build partnerships, intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product, service, or an organization – with the objective of creating value for your business.”

Internal and External Communication

Business Communication encompasses a huge body of knowledge both internal and external for any business.

Internal communication includes communication of corporate vision, strategies, plans, corporate culture, shared values and guiding principles, employee motivation etc…

External communication includes branding, marketing, advertising, customer relations, public relations, media relations, business negotiations, etc.

Whatever form it takes, the objective remains the same – to create a business value

Major Classifications:-

Can be classified on basis of..…..A) number of persons/ receivers to whom message is addressed:-i) Intrapersonal:- talking to one’s own self. E.g. Dramatic works.ii) Interpersonal :- exchange of messages between two persons. E.g. conversation, dialogue, an interview, some other cases like…

an author, a letter etc.iii) Group:- Can be among small groups like organization, club, class

rooms where all individuals retain their individual identity.

iv) Mass:- occurs when the message is sent to large groups of people

E.g. news paper, radio, T.V etc.

B) On basis of medium employed…… i) Verbal:- means communicating with words, written or spoken ii) Non verbal :- includes using of pictures signs, gestures and

facial expressions for exchanging information between persons E.g. personal space, touch, eyes, sense of smell and time. iii) Meta communication:- the speaker’s choice of words

unintentionally communicates something more than what the actual words state.

Purpose of communicationWe generally communicate to :Inform – directed by desire to expose, develop,

and explain the subject E.g. A simple statement intending to convey

the information like an ad on face creams etc.

Persuade – the focus is on the receiver and not the message

E.g. Home loans ad by banks.

The purpose of communication is to get your message across to others clearly and unambiguously.

 Involves effort from both the sender of the

message and the receiver.Is a process that can be fraught with error,

with messages often misinterpreted by the recipient.

When not detected, it can cause tremendous confusion, wasted effort and missed opportunity.

Process of communication

The Linear Model:- Involves 5 basic questions – who?, says what?, on which

channel?, to whom?, with what effect?One way processIntended to control and manipulate the receiver.Assumptions that no distortions while the message passes

sender media receiver action

Shannon Weaver Model :-First to point that messages can change or be blockedBrought in the concept of noiseIntroduced feedback as corrective to noise which may again not

be an integral part of communication process Viewed as another act of communication

Two Way Communication Process:-

Concept is more contemporaryReceiver also acts as sender of feedback to complete the two way

flow of communicationAlso known as transactional communication


message transmitter

Communication symbols

Communication channel

Barriers to CommunicationBarriers to Communication

NoiseSelective perceptionsFilteringInformation overloadLoss by transmissionPoor retentionPoor listeningEmotionsLack of planning

Wrong/Unclarified assumptionsSemantic problems

Cultural barriersSocio psychological barriersGoal conflicts Offensive styleTime and distanceAbstractingSlantingInferring

Characteristics of successful Characteristics of successful communicationcommunication


Importance of communication in Importance of communication in managementmanagement

Communication skills constitute an important aspect of effective management.

Some important functions of managing are -

forecasting , planning , organizing, instructing, coordinating, controlling.

Communication is the system by which these operations are led and coordinated and the results fed back

Need for communication in management :- (Advantages)

To increase job performance and effectivenessTo promote employee commitment To effect changes smoothlyInform and persuade employees regarding certain

decisions and reasons behind.To help understand role of an individual in an

organizationTo update employees information about the

developmental activities

Reasons facilitating need for corporate communication:-

Size of an organizationNew developments in ITThe concept of human capitalNeed to learn corporate etiquette - how to greet, shake

hands, dress for success, listen converse with seniors, clients, ladies etc…

Hence the need for man power equipped with these skills are necessary.

Why managers need communication skills

To perform the following roles-Interpersonal roleInformational roleDecisional role

All these functions are performed with the knowledge of human needs

Communication structure in an organizationCommunication structure in an organization

Board of directors

Managing directors

Senior mgmt

Middle mgmt

Senior spvsr

Line managers

Vertical Communication

Horizontal Communication

Geographical location of divisionsFunctional basis of division

Communication can be divided into two types:

I) Formal Formal:

a) Line relationship-

Line of authority sets down the path of communication ( general indication can be “through proper channel” etc..)

b) Functional Relationship-

Occurs when departments inform work and related organizational matters to each other

c) Staff relationship:-Supports line management, marketing, and production. For

e.g. communication relating to personnel, public relations, administration etc.

II) Informal :-

Usually flows through ---- Chat :- Grapevine:- can be attributed to a reliable source

Merits of informal communication:- Uniting forceSpeedCreation of ideasGood personal relations

Limitations:RumorsInadequacy Changing interpretations
