Models of Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation_GTI Projects and Institutions, DPRK Withdrawal



The paper describes various models of Northeast Asian economic cooperation.

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  • Greater Tumen Initiative 1

    Greater Tumen InitiativeA regional programme of cooperation in Northeast Asia

    Dr. Nataliya Yacheistova

    Director, Tumen Secretariat / UNDP

    4th Annual Conference Northeast Asia Professors AssociationGreater Tumen Initiative and Local Economic Cooperation in NEA

    17 -- 18 May 2010, Chuncheon, ROK

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 22

    Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia (NEA)

    NEA region, including China, DPRK, Mongolia, ROK, Russia & Japan, possesses comprehensive economic power and enormous potential for investment and job opportunities

    Regional trade and investments were growing rapidly in recent years, driven by easy access to cheap capital and high international consumer demand

    Nevertheless, the development of NEA region remains bounded with many obstacles. It is the only region in the world without internal Free Trade

    Agreements and it doesnt have any proper institutional platform for joint cooperation

    To promote economic growth, closer regional cooperation in NEA is needed, which could be a unique opportunity for NEA countries to improve the business

    environment and to secure sustainable economic development

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 3

    Northeast Asias Share in world GDP


    1980 1990 2000 2008 2010 2014Nominal GDP %Japan 9.1 13.4 14.5 8.1 8.6 7.8China 2.6 1.7 3.7 7.1 8.7 11.1S. Korea 0.6 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.6

    Mongolia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Russia Federation - 0.4 0.8 2.8 2.3 2.8China + S. Korea + Mongolia +Russia Federation - 3.3 6.2 11.4 12.4 15.5

    Japan + China + S. Korea + Mongolia + Russia - 19.4 20.7 19.5 21.0 23.3

    PPP GDP (%)Japan 7.9 9.1 7.6 6.3 5.9 5.4China 2.0 3.6 7.2 11.4 13.2 16.2S. Korea 0.8 1.4 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0Mongolia 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0Russia Federation 4.2 2.7 3.3 3.0 3.0China + S. Korea + Mongolia +Russia Federation - 9.2 11.7 16.6 18.1 21.2

    Japan + China + S. Korea + Mongolia + Russia - 19.2 19.3 22.9 24.1 26.5

    Source : IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2009, Database

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 44

    Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI)

    The Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) is a unique intergovernmental cooperation mechanism in NEA, supported by UNDP, with a membership of four countries:

    China, Republic of Korea, Mongolia and Russia. We sincerely hope that DPRK,

    which withdrew from GTI since 5 Nov. 2009, will return to the cooperation

    program in the near future

    Present geographical scope of GTI is as follows Chinas Northeastern provinces: Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang and Inner Mongolia Eastern ports of the Republic of Korea Eastern provinces (aimags) of Mongolia: Dornod, Khentii and Sukhbaatar

    Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 55

    Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI)

    Since its creation in 1995, the GTI program has served as a catalyst in expanding policy dialogues and strengthening

    fundaments for sustainable developments in the region through

    joint activities and projects

    The main goal of GTI is to promote economic cooperation in Northeast Asia, in particular the Greater Tumen Region, to

    achieve greater growth and sustainable development for the

    people and countries in the region

    The decision-making institution of GTI is the Consulatative Commission, composed of government officials from each

    member countries (one Vice Ministerial level official and three

    other officials). The coordination of GTI activities is undertaken

    by the Tumen Secretariat, following the decisions of the GTI

    Consultative Commission (CC). The annual meetings of the

    Commission provide a unique platform for intergovernmental

    exchanges among the member countries

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 66

    Progress Achieved

    8th meeting of the GTI Consultative Commission(Sept. 2005 - Changchun, China)

    The member governments agreed to extend the 1995 agreements for next 10 years, to transform Tumen River Area Development Programme (TRADP) to the Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI), to expand geographical coverage, to take the full ownership of GTI

    with the continuous support of UNDP

    The meeting adopted the GTI Strategic Action Plan 2006-2015, identifying five priority sectors for joint cooperation: transport, energy, tourism, investment and environment

    Changchun Agreement adopted

    9th meeting of the GTI Consultative Commission(Nov. 2007 - Vladivostok, Russia)

    A shift to a more pragmatic cooperation approach focusing on real sectors of economy. A number of GTI projects were earmarked for joint realization

    The GTI Energy Board, Tourism Board, Environment Board and Business Advisory Council (BAC) were created

    Vladivostok Declaration adopted








  • Greater Tumen Initiative 77

    10th meeting of the GTI Consultative Commission(March 2009 - Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

    The Chinese Vice Minister of Commerce, Mr.Yi Xiaozhun was elected as the Chairperson of the Consultative Commission

    The GTI Transport Board was established in order to develop a proper transport infrastructure and logistical network to support economic cooperation among GTI countries.

    The meeting agreed on the establishment of the Trade Facilitation Committee with the purposes of technical and procedural facilitation of regional trade among the GTI countries.

    The meeting recognized that the promotion of the GTI Projects (approved at the 9th CC Meeting) has been effectively undertaken by the Tumen Secretariat and the governments have agreed on concrete steps for continuing promotion and branding.

    Ulaanbaatar Declaration adopted

    Progress Achieved

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 88

    Organizational Structure of GTI

    Business Advisory

    Council (BAC)

    Decision making - the GTI Consultative Commission

    Coordinating - the Tumen Secretariat (based in Beijing) and National Coordinators

    Institutional Structures - Transport Board, Tourism Board, Energy Board, Environmental Board and BAC

    GTI Consultative Commission

    (Ministerial level)

    Tumen Secretariat










    National Coordinators

    China: Ministry of Commerce

    ROK: Ministry of Strategy and Finance

    Mongolia: Ministry of Finance

    Russia: Ministry of Economic DevelopmentChair: Mr. James Zimmerman

    Co Chair: Mr. Wang Junhao

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 99

    GTI Projects


    1 NEA Ferry Route Border Infrastructure Framework

    2 Modernization of Zarubino Port

    3 Mongolia-China Railway Construction

    4 Resuming Hunchun - Makhalino railway

    5China Road, Harbor Project in the border between

    China and DPRK

    Energy 6 Capacity Building on GTI Energy at regional level

    Tourism 7 Capacity Building on GTI Tourism at regional level

    Investment 8Training Program for Officials from GTI Member




    GTI Environmental Cooperation: Focusing on Trans-

    boundary Environmental Impact Assessment (TEIA)

    in GTR and Environmental Standardization in the

    Northeast Asia

    10 Feasibility Study on Tumen River Water Protection

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 1010

    GTI Main Events in 2010


    APRIL12 - 13 National Coordinators Meeting Beijing, China

    19 - 20 4th BAC Meeting Changchun, China

    MAY21-22 3rd GTI Tourism Board meeting Vladivostok, Russia

    24 Workshop on Promoting GTI and NEA Cooperation Beijing, China

    JUNE3 - tbc GTI Investment Workshop - BAC Manzhouli, China

    24-25 1st Transport Board Meeting& Transport Workshop Pusan, ROK (tbc)


    Beginning of July National Coordinators Meeting Beijing, China

    26-27 (tbc) 1st Environmental Board Meeting Yanji, China (tbc)

    23-31 2010 Tumen River Festival (hosted by Tumen City authorities) Tumen, China

    AUGUST 31 (tbc) 5th BAC Meeting Changchun, China


    1 11th GTI Consultative Commission Meeting Changchun, China

    1 Joint Meeting of BAC - CC Changchun, China

    2 2010 NEA Economic Forum Changchun, China

    2 1st GTI Local Development Forum Changchun, China

    OCTOBER tbc 2nd GTI Energy Board Meeting Beijing, China

    NOVEMBER tbc 1st GTI Trade Facilitation Committee Meeting tbc

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 11

    Business Advisory Council (BAC)

    GTI makes increasing efforts to fully involve the private sector into regional development. TheBusiness Advisory Council (BAC), established at the 9th meeting of the GTI Consultative

    Commission, serves as a public private partnership platform for the active engagementbetween governments and the private sector, BAC helps directly improve the investment

    climate in Northeast Asia by providing advice and feedback to policymakers, resulting in more

    effective economic cooperation and greater opportunities for investors.

    Members of the BAC have the opportunity to provide the investment climate in the region,seeking corresponding changes in economic policies. The unique mechanism of joint sessions

    of the BAC and the Consultative Commission provides the opportunity for direct exchange

    between business and government representatives.


    What is BAC

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 12

    Local Development Forum

    At the 10th meeting of the Consultative Commission held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (March 2009), the member countries agreed to hold the Local Development Forum (LDF) in conjunction with CC meetings on the annual basis.

    The Forum will contribute to bring sustainable development and attention to the local areas, and it finally can help overcome local barriers and challenges of progression on active and demand-driven development.

    The LDF will mainly involve officials from local authorities from GTI member countries. Other participants will be consisted by officials from central governments of GTI member countries, public and private sectors, academics and non-governmental organizations. The total number of participants is expected to be about 70 persons.

    The Local Development Forum will be held on 2 September 2010, at Changchun China.

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 13

    Local Development Forum

    The LDF will be designed to share and exchange dialogues on sustainable development with many

    different public and private sectors; local and national governments, the representatives of academics,

    media and non-governmental organizations

    The Forum is also intended to tailor to suit the different needs of a particular area and focus on the each

    local area, so that the local areas can build up the economic and social capacity to improve its economic

    future and the quality of life.

    In particular, it will contribute to stress the importance of the local level approach. The forum will

    contribute to seek for balancing national development with local one, and for demonstrating effective local

    solutions to economic development.


  • Greater Tumen Initiative 14

    Organizational Framework for GTI Events in

    September in Changchun

    Date 31 August 2010


    1 Sep 2010


    2 Sep 2010


    Morning 10:00 12:00 Preparatory meeting

    for National

    Coordinators (tbc)

    9:30 -12:00

    11th CC meeting

    9:00 - 9:30 (tbc)

    Opening Ceremony of 6th Northeast Asia


    9:30 -10:00 (tbc)

    Visit of exhibition of the 6th Northeast

    Asia Expo

    10:30- 12:00 (tbc)

    High-level Forum on Northeast Asia

    Economic & Trade (organized by

    Chinese Government)

    Afternoon 14:00 15: 30 BAC Executive

    Committee Meeting


    16:00 18:00 BAC meeting (tbc)

    14:00 15:45 continuation of 11th CC meeting

    16:00 17:15 joint session of 11th CC and BAC meeting

    17:15 17:45 finalizing 11th CC meeting

    19:30 21:00 dinner reception, hosted by Chinese

    government (tbc)

    14:00 16:00 Northeast Asia Economic Forum

    -Session 1: Investment and Trade

    -Session 2: Tourism


    Local Development Forum

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 15

    GTI National Coordinators Meeting

    The GTI National Coordinators Meeting was successfully heldon April 12 13, 2010 in Beijing, China. Governmentrepresentatives from the Peoples Republic of China, Mongolia,the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation,

    representatives from UNDP, Tumen Secretariat and the Legal

    Advisor participated this meeting. The meeting was chaired by

    Ms. Nataliya Yacheistova, Director of the GTI Secretariat.

    The Agenda of the meeting included the issues of GTI legaltransition, current activities, preparation of 11th CC meeting etc.

    All participants actively participated in the discussion,

    considering the proposals drawn by the Tumen Secretariat and

    reaching a number of agreements on the pending issues. The

    participants agreed on the further promotion of private-public

    dialogue through GTI BAC.

    The meeting between BAC Chair Mr. James Zimmerman andGTI National Coordinators was held afterwards.


  • Greater Tumen Initiative 1616

    Models of Asia Regional Cooperation

    ASEAN + 3







    Mongolia(+ Central Asia)

    Potential NACO











    ASEAN (+ China,

    ROK, Japan)

    Six Party Talks GTI

    Shanghai Cooperation


    China, ROK,

    Russia, Japan (+ other Asia

    Pacific countries)

    DPRK, ROK, China,

    Japan, Russia, (+USA)

    China, Russia,

    Mongolia, ROK

    China, Russia,

    (+Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

    Tajikistan, Uzbekistan)





    China( + Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao

    People's Democratic

    Republic Thailand, Myanmar)

    DPRK, ROK, China,

    Japan, Russia, Mongolia ( + 47 other countries)

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 1717

    Challenges and Perspectives

    Legal identity - GTI is transforming from the UNDP-supported program to an independent international organization, based on the decision of GTI countries and


    Funding - GTI is funded by the member countries through the GTI Common Fund, but a strong support from international and regional financial institutions is needed

    Leadership & Partnership - the support of UNDP on GTI will remain a critical factor of its successful development. At the same time, the GTI member countries will play

    the leading role in regional cooperation. Moreover, it would be of great use to discuss

    regional cooperation in NEA at a higher political level

    Strengthening regional cooperation - to cooperate closely with main partners in organizing and holding NEA forums and to make them more effective

    How to better institutionalize the GTI multilateral cooperation in NEA?

  • Greater Tumen Initiative 18

    Thank you!

    Dr. Nataliya Yacheistova

    Director of Tumen Secretariat / UNDP

    Beijing, China

