Mobile UX



A 45 minute presentation I did for Refresh Bellingham on Mobile User Experience.

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Refresh Bellingham

Mobile User ExperienceNick FinckAugust 18, 2010

?Who the f#@k is this dude?

‣ Principal & Director of User Experience

‣ Over 15 years of experience working in the web field

‣ Has worked with Adobe, Boeing, CBS, Cisco, CitiGroup, Comcast, Fandango, FDIC, HP, IBM, and Microsoft

‣ Co-organized and curated more than 10 national and international web conferences & events

‣ Judged the Webby’s and several other web awards

‣ Founder of Digital Web Magazine

‣ Expertise in information architecture, interaction design, and user research

Blue FlavorNick Finck



‣ Google “Nick”

Outline‣ Some bullshit about me

‣ Re-thinking computing

‣ Some technical examples

‣ A deep dive into mobile

‣ Really cool shit

The way we think about computing

A mobile phone is now used more for data than

actual phone calls

New York TimesJenna Worthham May 13, 2010

Photo by Rion Nakaya

The iPad reached more than one million units sold in half the

time it took the iPhone

Yahoo NewsBen Patterson May 3, 2010

We need to change the way we think about the Web

The User Experience of Mobile

The is no One Web

There are many contexts

Mobile should not be first

Lets Get Technical!

Fitts’s Law

In ergonomics, Fitts's law is a model of human movement which predicts the time required to rapidly move to a target area, as a function of the distance to the target and the size of the target.”

Description of Fitts’s LawWikipedia

Not so good

Way better

Optimized Markup

digital-web.comScreen based CSS & Print based CSS

Developing for the Mobile Context

• XHTML✓Well formed✓Semantically correct✓Highly optimized

• CSS✓Handheld media type (sometimes even screen media type)✓Highly optimized

NYTimes.comMinimum 30 Seconds to lo load 796kbplus requests to multiple servers

NY Times on LeafletMaximum of 7 seconds to lo load 30kb

Non-optimized header markup

Highly optimized header markup

Optimized UI

Non-optimized UI

Highly optimized UI

A Deep Dive into Mobile Web


Readability & Page Width

The problem


Must zoom


Text does not fit within screen

Possible solutions


Fits perfectly within screen


Text fits on screen



The problem


Hotspots visible & clickable only after zoomed 10x

Content issomewhere way the fuck up here

Navigationcould havelargerhotspots



Possible solutions

Navigationalong sidethe content

Nice bigand juicy hotspots

Super sizehotspots

Visuallycalled outnavigation

Use largerheadings &visual hints


The problem

The world’ssmallestpagination

A possible solution



The problem

A possible solution

A perfectcase forsearch ahead


The problem

Very typicalweb button

Possible solutions

Big ass buttons!


Designedwith thespecificcontext inmind

Calls to Action

The problem

Calls to action are lost in page

A possible solution

Make calls to actionvery obvious

?What is Next?

LegoAugmented Reality Kiosk

ToyotaAugmented Reality Advertisement

ARhrrrrAugmented Reality Game

InsqribeLocation Based Augmented Reality

Nintendo WiiMotion based gaming

Microsoft SurfaceSurface-based computing

Microsoft’s Project NatalController-less Interface

Minority Report20th Century Fox

Oblong's g-speakSpatial Operating Environment

Sixth SenseWearable Gestural Interface

We have just barely begun to understand

the potential of Mobile

Thank you!


Refresh Bellingham

Mobile User ExperienceNick Fincknick@blueflavor.comBlue Flavor - http://blueflavor.comPersonal -