Ministry in Action Announcements -...


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Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with hearing the service.

At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front corner of each worship space.

Prayer Concerns

Anna Avery, Jane Aycock, Anjalie Bhattacharyya, Carol Boykin, Roy Carawan, Willie Cassell, Allen Cowen, Mary Easter, Jack Farmer, Rob Frohlking, Glynn Furr, Tempie Furr, Elton Gupton, Mike Hardy, Dylan Harrell, Eleanor Hennis, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw, Becky Humphrey, Fred Jetter, Beth Laverty, Ernie Miller, George Miller, Ferd Moran, Jane O’Brien, Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick, Carol Remley, Don Remley, Sid Small, Lois Smit, Harlyn Van Sloten, Henry Sofley, Tracey Walden, Ray Warren, Kathy West, Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the Armed Forces

Contact Information: 919-467-9394;;

Today is Methodist Home for Children Sunday. Children come to MHC from empty homes, failing in school, looking for acceptance in all the wrong places. Neglected, abused, and traumatized. MHC sees hope in each one of them. Your gifts help vulnerable children and families reach their full, God-given potential. You received an MHC envelope this morning. Please consider donating today. Every child deserves a chance. ———————————————————————————————— Mark your calendars now for Church on the Street, May 13-19. This year White Plains will sponsor mission and outreach events in and around our church community for the whole week prior to and including Sunday, May 19. If you or your small group have a passion for a particular outreach/mission project, contact Robin Cranfill no later than March 24 at If you or someone you know has need of physical help with yard or home projects, contact Bruce Cranfill no later than March 24 at By April 7, project signups will be available online and in the church lobby. Grab a friend and sign up so you can be a part of CHURCH ON THE STREET 2019. ———————————————————————————————— YOU deserve this--Parents Night Out! March 23 from 5pm to 9 pm. Children of all ages are welcome. Activities include dinner, games, and a movie! Parents can enjoy a date night, or go home and catch up on Netflix, or take a nap, or catch up on household chores and projects. It doesn't matter what you do-YOU WILL BE KID-FREE! This is a free event , BUT all participants must preregister at ———————————————————————————————— The Light of Day Book Club meets February 19 at 3pm in C205 to discuss Them: Why We Hate Each Other — and How to Heal, by Ben Sasse. Find out more at All are welcome. ———————————————————————————————— MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW: ROAR Vacation Bible School will be June 17-21 in the evenings from 5:30 to 8pm. A meeting for interested volunteers will be held on Sunday, February 10, at 3:00pm in room E-9. ———————————————————————————————— Would you like to serve in the church office by greeting our members and guests, answering the phones and helping with other office tasks? We are looking for someone to serve on the first, third, fourth and fifth Tuesdays of every month from 2 to 5pm. If you’d like to serve at any or all of these times, please call or email Debbie at 919-467-9394 or Thank you! ———————————————————————————————— Got denim? The Naomi-Louise circle is collecting new or clean, gently used jeans for homeless men, to be donated to When Grace Happens. All sizes are needed, but especially sizes 30 through 36. Tell your family and friends as well. Drop them in the mission receptacles in the Sanctuary and Christian Life Center lobbies. ————————————————————————————————

Ministry in Action - Announcements

Iglesia Metodista Unida

White Plains

United Methodist Church February 17, 2019

17 de febrero de 2019

The annual Missions Yard Sale is on Saturday, March 30, from 8:00am till noon. Please keep the Missions Yard Sale in mind as you de-clutter! Furniture, books, games, home decor, tools, electronics (no box style TVs) and other items are needed, as well as gently used clothing, kitch-enware, and more! Drop off your items on Friday, March 29, between 10am and 7pm. Questions? Contact Paul Lewis, Chair of Outreach, at 919-395-5501 or ———————————————————————————————— A White Plains international mission team will be going to Peru in August. Contact Kristine Barnes at for more information concerning the Peru trip. ————————————————————————————————

White Plains International Missions: We are sending a team to Furcy, Haiti, from February 24 to March 3. Suzy Drake, Keith Stirewalt, Cathy Jeffries, JD Fish, and Dave DeMaster will be adding roofs, gutters, and cisterns to homes in a small community in the mountains of Haiti, as well as conducting a sewing ministry (using the machines that White Plains sent to Haiti 4 years ago). This location is up in the mountains of Haiti and is a new ministry, distinct from our earlier efforts in the coastal city of Jeremie. ————————————————————————————————

The Sanctuary Flower Calendar for 2019 is posted in the Sanctuary lobby behind the desk. It is available for you to sign up to supply flowers for the altar for the dates requested. ————————————————————————————————


The White Plains family extends its heartfelt sympathy to Dora and Greg Wallace on the death of Dora’s mother, Florence V. Nicklas.

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude Nimrod Sir Edward Elgar

*Call to Worship

*Hymn of Praise For the Healing of the Nations UMH #428

*Passing of the Peace

Time of Prayer

*Affirmation of Faith A Modern Affirmation UMH #885

*Gloria Patri

Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Lesson Luke 10:38-42 NT #67

Anthem Canticle for Peace Joseph Martin Chancel Choir and Credo

Message One Life to Live: Make Peace

Rev. Rob Phillips

Hymn of Response Be Still, My Soul UMH #534 vs 1 & 2

The Offertory The Peace May Be Exchanged (Rubrics) Dan Locklair

Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship.

*Dedication of Gifts, Doxology UMH #94

*Closing Hymn It Is Well with My Soul UMH #377

*Dismissal with Blessing

*Choral Response

Go Now in Peace Don Besig Chancel Choir and Credo

Postlude Processional William Mathias

*Congregation standing Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing

for nursery care at any time during the 8:30 service.

Welcome...We’re Glad You’re Here!

Open Up the Heavens

Old Church Choir

Reckless Love

Prayer & Offertory

Dr. Lee Heathcoat


One Life to Live: Make Peace Rev. Rob Phillips

Scripture Luke 10:38-42

Love on the Line

Response/Final Remarks

We’d love to get to know you, and we’d like for you to get to know us! If you’d like to share your contact info with us, feel free to

sign the pew pad when it is passed your way. Thanks!


Children’s Sunday School meets 9:45-10:45 for the regular Sunday School hour and 11:00-12:00 during the Embrace & Familia services.

Children are welcome to attend one or both sessions.

Bienvenido…Estamos Felices de que Estés Aquí




Oración de Bienvenida

Salmo 145: 1-6

Tiempo de Alabanza y Adoración

Diezmos y Ofrendas

Testimonio y Acción de Gracias.

Lectura: Jeremías 17:5-11

Mensaje: ¿En Quién confías?

Juan Carlos Turcios

Alabanza de Repuesta

Oración de Envió

Canto de Envío


Escuela Dominical 2019 de 9:30-11:00am, domingos en el salón C111-113.

Clases de confirmación para jóvenes de la edad escolar 7 y 8 grado, domingos a las 12:30pm.

Grupo de Jóvenes y JAM (Jesús y Yo) domingos a las 4:30pm.

Taller para parejas “Los 5 Lenguajes del Amor” HOY, domingos a las 4:30pm.

Festival de la Predicación, 2 de marzo a las 6:30pm.

Taller de alabanza y adoración, sábado 9 de marzo. Preguntas a

Emanuel Huamani.
