Minds Alive Breakout Session Three. Cinquain poem Line one ( context) Line two ( 2 words to describe...


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Minds AliveMinds AliveMinds AliveMinds Alive

Breakout Session ThreeBreakout Session Three

Cinquain poem

• Line one ( context)• Line two ( 2 words to describe the context)• Line three ( three words indicating action• Line Four –four words descriptive of feeling• Line 5 one word connecting back to line 1


•“ Beneath words and logic are emotional

connections that largely direct how we use our

words and logic”

Picture Response

• There are approximately 10.6 million refugees in the world today.There are approximately 25.8 million internally displaced people world wide (600,000 were displaced after Hurricane Katrina, 2005).80% of the internally displaced people are women and children.44% of refugees and internally displaced people are under the age of 18.6% of refugees and internally displaced people are 60 years of age or older.

– Most refugees live in Asia and Africa:

– Iran (1,355,000)

– Pakistan (1,219,000)– The Gaza Strip (923,000)

The West Bank (665,000)

– Syria (497,000)

– Tanzania (480,000)

– Thailand (405,000)

The walking of the many"Painting by David Kumcieng, aged 15, Sudanese, Kakuma

Refugee Camp"We wanted to run, but we had to walk because we were tired and so hot and hungry. In my picture the people are wearing clothes, but of course we didn't have any clothes. we saw people dying, it was always the young ones, the

hungry ones and the old ones."

Crossing the River Gillo"Painting by Mac Anyat, aged 17, Sudanese, Kakuma refugee camp"It was terrible. People shouting, screaming: 'Run, swim, go, go!'

Where was my friend? He was taken by the river. Nobody was anybody's friend. How can you be a friend when people are shooting

at you and the river is going whoosh – and you have to go in that river? The bang, bang and whoosh, whoosh made my mind go dead and I don't remember who was there, who died, what happened."

"My village in Sudan"Painting by Bor Alier, aged 17, Sudanese, Kakuma

refugee camp"In my village in Sudan, people would come and take photographs of us and ask about our terrible life. We would tell them how we had lost our cattle, how we

needed help. Then they would go away. Again and again. We thought they would help. Then one day we had to run. We had nothing. Nobody came back to help. Don't ask me

about my problems. You will just go away too."

Walking to Kenya. Painting by Aden Ahmed Mohid, aged 14, Somali, Dagahaley

refugee camp.Painting by Aden Ahmed Mohid, aged 14,

Somali, Dagahaley refugee camp.

Visual Response

The JourneyDrama Response

Communicating Through A Cartoon




Figure On The Wall


Push Pull

Jig Saw Activity

Figure On The Wall

World Bank

• Key Factors• The World Bank sees the five key factors

necessary for economic growth and the creation of an enabling business environment as:

1.Build capacity: 2.Infrastructure creation:3.Development of Financial Systems:4. Combating corruption: Research,5. Consultancy and Training:

The World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C.

data.worldbank.org• Leadership• The President of the Bank, currently Robert B. Zoellick, is responsible

for chairing the meetings of the Boards of Directors and for overall management of the Bank.

• Traditionally, the Bank President has always been a US citizen nominated by the United States, the largest shareholder in the bank. The nominee is subject to confirmation by the Board of Governors, to serve for a five-year, renewable term

• The Executive Directors, representing the Bank's member countries, make up the Board of Directors, usually meeting twice a week to oversee activities such as the approval of loans and guarantees, new policies, the administrative budget, country assistance strategies and borrowing and financing decisions.

• The Vice Presidents of the Bank are its principal managers, in charge of regions, sectors, networks and functions. There are 24 Vice-Presidents, three Senior Vice Presidents and two Executive Vice Presidents.



What's a wiki?

• What's a wiki?• A wiki is a web site that lets any visitor become a

participant:  you can create or edit the actual site contents without any special technical knowledge or tools. All you need is a computer with an Internet connection. A wiki is continuously “under revision.” It is a living collaboration whose purpose is the sharing of the creative process and product by many. One famous example is Wiki-pedia, an online encyclopedia with no “authors” but millions of contributors and editors. The word "wiki" comes from Hawaiian language, meaning "quick" or "fast.

Lotus Diagram

Physical Hazard x Social Vulnerability = Potential


between 1989 and 1999,disasters had adversely

affected more than two million people; 98% of whom

lived in disadvantaged communities and countries

Disaster Equation

Hazard+ Vulnerability=Risk

The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a catastrophic magnitude 7.0 Mw

earthquake, with an epicentre near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km (16 miles) west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti's

capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local

time (21:53 UTC) on Tuesday, 12 January 2010

By 24 January, at least 52 aftershocks measuring 4.5 or greater had been


An estimated three million people were affected by the quake the Haitian

Government reported that an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had

been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless.

They also estimated that 250,000 residences and 30,000 commercial

buildings had collapsed or were severely damaged.

Disaster Equation

Hazard+ Vulnerability=Risk

Media Influence





• NZAID is the New Zealand Government's international aid and development agency within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

• Through NZAID, New Zealand's aid efforts concentrate on activities that contribute to poverty reduction through sustainable economic development; create safe, secure and inclusive societies; fulfil basic needs; and focus on sustainability.

• New Zealand's aid focuses on the Pacific, Asia, Latin America and Southern Africa.

• Empowering people in poverty • To make a difference in the lives of people living in poverty,

NZAID focuses on these key areas: – • economic growth and livelihoods – • governance and leadership – • education – • health – • law and justice – • human rights – • gender equality – • environmental vulnerability – • conflict prevention – • humanitarian support.

• New Zealand's aid in 2009/10 – • In 2009/10 NZAID will spend $500 million on overseas

development assistance (ODA) – • Further funding increases over the next three years commit

New Zealand ODA to reaching a total of $600 million in 2011/12.

Humanitarian and emergency assistance

• NZAID's humanitarian and emergency assistance programmes ensure New Zealand can respond to natural or human-made crises. NZAID provides annual core funding to key international humanitarian agencies, which enables them to respond to humanitarian and emergency situations as they arise, as well as providing additional funds in times of specific need.

Presentation Ideas

First Word/Last Word
