Milk Meat Magazine Volume 2



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Winter 2012 $1.19

Shawndra D. Lawson BSN





Winter 2012 // Vol. 2


WATER: A Necessary Blood Component


A. Poetry in Motion

B. WARP (Word Association, Rhymes, Puns)

C. Words of Wisdom (WOW) Xpress

D. S.T.A.R. (Shawndra’s Thoughts and Responses)

E. Health Tips


Art Designer: Shawndra D. Lawson

Digital Design Creator: Tanganyika Washington

IT Consultant: Tanganyika Washington

WATER: A Necessary Blood Component

There is an old saying that blood is thicker than

water. A statement that means there is a belief that

biological family members have a stronger bond

than those who are not biologically related. How-

ever, did you know scientifically that a large per-

centage of blood is in fact water?

Transporting is one of the main functions of blood

in the body. This includes carrying oxygen and

nutrients to vital tissues and organs in addition to

participating in waste removal constantly through-

out the day. Water is an important component of

blood that helps it work more effectively. Without

enough water, blood becomes thick. As a result of

inadequate movement, vessels become blocked,

systems fail and death eventually occurs.

Family is often defined as a household; kindred;

descendants of a common ancestor; a tribe or line-

age, but I have a different definition. Ancestry is

not important to me. I consider family to be those

who are concerned about my well-being, have my

best interest at heart, dependable and helpful when

I need them most.




An empty corner

Who would have believed

Where are you?

Where did you go?

You don’t care for me

Love is what you show

Abandoned in the dark

No one to assist

One by one

The names get crossed off the list

BEEN down and out

You talk a good game

Everyone needs help

You’ll have yourself to blame

It will come back

You just wait and see

A crisis all alone

Is how it will be

Overwhelmed and tired

You will feel too

I’m stating what’s evident

There’s nothing you can do

That’s the way of the world

That’s the way it goes

When you turn your back on others

Drowning in life’s lows

I hope in the future

You thrive from doing right

Keep a caring attitude

Help those in the dark by being a light

Ex— Tension

Cross Out









MOM Sent

End Exit

Use muscle

Selfishness is the root cause of all

family discord!


RUMASLTI (See answer below)

Clue: This word means the opposite of selfish

Tens (Unit) =

Reduce Pain



Unite MOre Men

Milk of Magnesia

Unlock Bowels


Positive Movement

(Don’t Clam)





“Let’s Stay

As 01

Answer for word scramble: ALTRUISM

Why is it that people on rollercoasters hold on tight when everything is calm

and pleasant, but throw up their hands when the steep dips come?

It’s Apparent

My mother was a foster parent for over 20 years.

In that time she cared for more than 100 children

(toddlers to young adults). She took the most dif-

ficult cases. Children that were mentally ill, sex-

ually and physically abused, mentally chal-

lenged, severely neglected and some with medi-

cal conditions such as diabetes. She also dealt

with children who had scabies, lice, ringworm,

hunger/malnutrition issues and those with behavioral problems such as

tantrums, property destruction, lying and stealing. She often used her

own money to buy clothing, Birthday and Christmas gifts way beyond

their allotment as well as take several on family vacations. She often

prepared feasts of homemade food and desserts because she knew that

many of the children had never had the type of meals she created. She

spent countless hours advocating, advising and encouraging them so

they could envision a better life compared to the one they left. She was

firm and expected the best from all of her children considering their

individual abilities. Even though she was selfless in many ways, the

children's loyalty, commitment, focus and appreciation usually re-

mained with their biological families no matter how they were mistreat-

ed back home. To date approximately 8 have tried to keep in consistent

contact with my mother in an effort to say thanks for caring for them.

Upon reflection of my own life, I have come to realize that we put

too much emphasis on the importance of blood line relatives while we

overlook the impact that non-biological people have in our lives. It’s

time that we accept the truth. Family is and has always been any and

everyone that meet the criteria. The criteria being the one who loves


Love = strong affection


Strong goodwill towards you, That’s Love

Everybody Ready? All set? Action!

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) Facts: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (commonly known as lupus) is

classified as one of the most serious of the autoimmune disorders. Due to

unknown reasons, a person’s immune system starts to fight its own body

as if it were a foreign invader (i.e. bacteria or virus). Antibodies then form

which starts the inflammatory process. Inflammation in various tissues

and organs cause damage and dysfunction. Systems such as the cardio-

vascular, nervous and musculoskeletal are looped together. So if an organ

in one system is no longer functioning properly, then that organ may af-

fect another organ in another system. This could start a domino effect

where many or all systems begin to fail. If failure progresses, lupus can be

fatal. Diagnosis is often difficult especially in the early stages because

there is no specific test that proves you have the disease.

Main Cause: Unknown

Signs/Symptoms: Due to the multisystem involvement, a wide variety of

symptoms can be present. Many often mimic those of other conditions.

The most distinguishing sign is a red “butterfly-shaped” rash that tends to

appear across the cheeks and nose. General symptoms may include fa-

tigue, weakness, fever, muscle and joint pain and stiffness, swelling, hair

loss, skin lesions, and sensitivity to sunlight. Symptoms that are more

critical may include headaches, numbness/tingling, shortness of breath

and chest pain.

Major Risk Factors: Family History, Women (mostly teenage to middle

aged) primarily of African American, Hispanic and Asian descent. Also

the use of certain drugs and infections have been suspected of triggering

the onset.

While there is no cure, there are periods of remission where the disease

activity is minimal or absent. Stress is a major culprit that often leads to

a flare up (an acute increase in symptoms).

Treatment involves using medication to fight inflammation and suppress

the immune system, adequate nutrition (avoiding foods high in fat, salt,

and sugar), the use of a sunscreen, proper rest, smoking cessation and ex-

ercise (supervised by the treating physician).

Remember never make it a practice to try remedies on your own. Always

seek your doctor’s input when treating chronic disorders.
