Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class


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8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Facing the Challenge of Change

Dedicated to the processof becoming the Best


8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Change Ideas

Change Forces With a Vengeance

 ± By Michael Fullan 2003

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Change Ideas Michael Fullan

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Levers to Change

All levers have their limit

 ± The educational processes are very

complex, can one lever produce the

deep change needed?

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Archimedes said, "Give me a lever long

enough and I can change the world." For 

sustainability, that lever is leadership


Policy as levers

 ± Curriculum

 ± Assessment

 ± Teacher learning

Professional learning communities

External expertise

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Creating New Horizons

Intellectual journey

Large scale

Systemness quality Alter the system

Deep transformation and


8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Moral Purpose










8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Purpose and Passion

What is the intrinsic motivation for 

teaching? Of 6,000 teachers


 ± #1 answer²An experience with

student learning.

Leaders must help teachers revisit

their moral purpose.

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Moral Purpose

Leaders must help teachers revisit

their moral purpose

Moral purpose has traditionallybeen individualized.

Moral purpose will not add up if it is

left at the individual level.

Gap Reduction- is a moral

responsibility of all educators.

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Moral Purpose

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Moral Purpose

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Moral Purpose

Questions for teachers:

1. Why did I become a teacher?

2. What do I stand for as a teacher?

3. What are the gifts I bring to the


4. What do I want my legacy to be?

5. What can I do to remember my ownheart?

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Moral Purpose

M obilizing the untapped moral 

 purpose of the public and of 

ed ucators is one of the greatest 

advances we could make. F ullan

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Purpose and Passion

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free,

in a state of civilization, it expects what

never was and never will be.³ Thomas

Jefferson Next in importance to freedom and justice is

 popular education, without which neither 

freedom nor justice can be permanently

maintained. ±  James A. Garfield, July 12, 1880

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Purpose and Passion

It is the mark of an educated mind to be

able to entertain a thought without

accepting it. Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)

I have never let my schooling interfere

with my education. Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

The very spring and root of honesty

and virtue lie in good education. ± Plutarch, M orals Greek biographer & moralist (46 AD - 120 AD)

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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New Horizons









8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Elevating the Morale purpose is not todown play knowledge.

Teacher learning to improve --- ± Teacher Collaboration

Professional Learning Communities buildconfidence and competency.

 ± High Standards set Nationally

 ± A body of knowledge about what works andwhy.

 ± Efficient use of technology to support bestprofessional practice

Incentives and rewards for excellence

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Becoming the Best

 ± Ideas as capital

 ± Knowledge building

 ± Knowledge sharing

 ± Convert information to purposeful

knowledge use.

 ± relentless focus on what is in the bestinterest of those who use the service.

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8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Change takes relationships

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Relationships are more powerful than

moral purpose.

Resonant leaders create emotional

bonds. Develop real teams.

Provide enabling structure.

Give expert coaching Have purpose beyond self 

Quality relationship and ideas.

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Change the Context

Change the Context ± Lack of organization and connection

between teacher¶s learning and student¶slearning

Two kinds of change ± Technical ± easier changed -literacy

 ± Adaptive -- systems

Adaptive ± Cannot be solve from above

 ± Requires experiments, discoveries, andadjustments from all over the organization.

8/8/2019 Michael Fullan by Todd Stephens, Presented in Dr. Kritsonis PhD Class

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Change the Context

Tipping Point

Broken Window Theory

Create what you want to change ± Name it as a value

 ± Create mechanisms that cause it to


 ± Have low tolerance for those who


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Change the Context

You can¶t get there through bottom-

up strategies.

 ± Paradox ±


 ± Mandated change has poor record

 ± Not much of the bottom moves.

 ± Top matters

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T he f ut ure of an organization is

 perpet ually constr ucted in the

conversational exchanges of its

members. Ralph Stacy 2001

 ± Start with moral purpose, key problems and desirable


 ± Create communities of interaction around ideas.

 ± Ensure quality information infuses interaction. ± Look for and extract promising patterns, build on
