Metalwork Tools 2 Quiz Cold Chisel Gouge 1.What is the correct name for this tool? Firmer Chisel...


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Metalwork Tools 2 Quiz

Cold Chisel


1. What is the correct name for this tool?

Firmer Chisel

Bevel Edged Chisel

Mortise Chisel

High Carbon Steel

Cast Iron

2. What type of metal is a cold chisel made from?

High Speed Steel

Wrought Iron

Mild Steel

3. What is the correct name for the tool shown below


Rivet Punch

Rivet Set & Snap

Rivet Bar

4. What is a hand countersink used for?

Removing Burrs

Drilling Holes

Centre Punching Holes

5) What is the correct name for this tool?

End Cutters




6. Which of the following tools would be used to cut 6mm Dia steel bar?

A Panel Saw

A Coping Saw A Piercing saw

A Jnr Hacksaw

7. What is another name for Mole Grips?

Long nose Pliers

Engineers Pliers

Self Grip Pliers

Plumbers Wrench


It can grip round objects like pipe

It is easier to use

It has been drop forged

It is cheaper to buy

8. What major advantage does a Stillson Wrench have over an Adjustable Spanner?

9. What is the correct name for this tool?

Jewellers Snips

Tin Snips

Diagonal Cutters

Heavy Duty Snips

10. Which tool is designed to cut rivets?

Engineers Pliers Long Nose Pliers

Diagonal Cutters End Cutters


Water Pump Pliers Long Nose Pliers

11. What is the correct name for this tool?

Engineers Pliers

12. Which tool is designed for working in tight areas and cutting fine wire?

Engineers Pliers Long Nose Pliers

Diagonal Cutters End Cutters

Blocking Hammer

Repousse Hammer

13. What is the correct name for this tool?

Claw Hammer

Planishing Hammer

Cross Pein Hammer

Ball Pein Hammer

Pin Hammer

Centre Punches

Parallel Punches Letter Punches

14. What is the correct name for these tools?

Nail Punches

15. Letter stamps can be used to stamp letters on which of the following?

High Speed Steel




The Toolmakers clamp can be used to hold small pieces of work while it is being brazed

The Toolmakers clamp can be used to hold small pieces of work while working on them

16. What are Toolmakers clamps used for?

The Toolmakers clamp can be used to hold small pieces of work while it is being welded

Repousse Hammer

Pillar Drill

Parallel Punch

Centre Punch

17. Which tool could be used to create this dimpled pattern on the back of this drawer handle?

Cross Pein Hammer

18. Which of the following tools would be used to cut 0.5mm thick Copper Sheet?

A Panel Saw

A Coping Saw Tin Snips

Engineers Pliers

It takes time to adjust the spanner to the correct size.

The adjustable Spanner has a tendency to round the corners of the nut or bolt.

19. What is the main disadvantage to using an adjustable spanner

Adjustable spanners are bigger than ordinary spanners.

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