Metal Bulletin Zine 17



metal music zine

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Reviews: Malignus (Australia). Nitrous (Estonia)

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Black metallers Mysteria_rch (North Carorina, u.s.) are currentlyworking on their second release. Their debut, Tlle Maiestic the sound of fast and blastin g, raw and grandiose, harshand melodic black metal. This is ruor oaaual,

*weircr, slow and

depressive music associated with some black metal in the u.s.Mysteriarch is headbangers'black metal. That's so good to hear,for a change!

I hnag brrn littrning to The Muj"stt, FulI o lot ,ecrntly. L it .front ,QQuple of yenrs ago? Is there new

- ccl ioning out?

Hails Mauicio! This is Lord Mysteion (oocals, guitnr) EMysteriarch. Yes, the recording sessions for The Majestic Fallactually began Inte 2005 and went on througlt 2006. Trrc nlbum tookylyyolt yn entire year to nix and utns finnlly relensed in Decenfuer of2007 tfuough tlrc underground lnbet ophiucus Records. The nlbuntutns contpletely produced, engineered, nnd nixed by us. We workedaery long and lmrd on this albunt, and feel it zuas utorth the ffirt weput into it. we are currently putting tlrc finishing toucrrcs on seaernlsongs itt preparntion to record our secortd full-length nlbunt, uthiclrzoill be recorded nt n studio in Rnleiglt, NC during trrc next fantnrcnths. This nlbum will represent the best written nnteinl by tts todate. we are definately looking fonuard to tlis relesse!

Tlrc cd shou,s mnturi4r nnd professionalisnt I uould tlink thnt younre pret4t nctiae. utith liae per,fornnnce experience.Yes, that is correct. we fornrcd in 2002 and played our first show irt2005. we hnue been perfornting a lot nrcre shouts recently than utehnae in the pnst. oaer the pnst feut ntonths, lle'zJe had ntore showstlmn bnnd relrcnrsnls. our liue performance is intproaing with eaeryshout ute plny. we nre beconittg nrore confortable on stage nnd hnaerecently ndded sonrc increased aisual effects to our slrcws to inaoke aaery dnrk ttnd culllike ntnrcsphere.

sonrc of tlrc knozon blnck nrctnl nnmes in the intenieruspresent tlrcnrcelaes ns elite. ruho disdnin metnl people for notunderstnnding their "gentus." Hozueuer, your bnnd does not shnrethnt uieu at nll: yott tour nnd nre n ft,nctioilng band. How nre peopkin tlrc u.s. rencting to liae blnck nrctnl like yourselaes? And isn't ittrue tlmt rnetnl people u,nnt to lrcnr blnck nrctal liue?!You nre absolutely correct in thnt stntenrcnt. we do not subscribethose ideologies. we forge our oron pntlrc nnd follow our olun idenls,tltus trnnsfornilng tlrc perceptions of a bounded society. Mnny peoplenre getting bored of lrcnring the snnrc type of nrusic and nre yenrningfor something different. A person udked up to nrc nfter one of ourrecent sltotus and said to nre, " You gttys nre the first renl black ntetulbnnd I lmue euer seen in nry life, nnd I utaied to thank you for thatexpeience". Stntenrcnts like tlmt giue us inspiration to work eaertlnrder, becnuse tlrcre nre people out tlrcre roho renlly apprecinte tlrcI I IL ISIC WC crente and perfornt.

Your lyrics obuiously lmue n.feel of bnttles nntl runrs. For you, is tlrcren personnl corutection bettueen tlrc 4trics nntl your orun personnl aieruson the U.S. goaernrnent unrs in lrnq nnd Afglnnistmt? Do ltou aieuttJour lyrics as n sepnrnte enti4t not renlly nbout tlrc present?I lmte to sny it becnuse nobody likes to lrcttr bsd naus, but a)e aredefinntely in trouble. I ant ryite infornted nbout n lot of tlrc" conspirncy tlrcories", nnd uilnt I knou is aery fucking grint.Houteuer, our lyrics do not renlly pertnin to these issues. To nre

personally, ntusic is ntore of an escnpe front reality. Therefore, I choosenot to draut references to things thnt are going on in this present dayin nge. Yes, sonrc of the lyrics do pertnin to batttes and zu'ar, but ttrcyare ftt more of n tirneless sense. otlrcr lyrical contents by us incluietlrcnrcs of dnrkness, ntysticisnL hidden ntysteries, and thi occult. Theword Mysterinrch nrcans " one presiding oaer ntysteries', .

U.!nt. do y'all har, going on tlrnt's interesting black ntetol-wise i,Chn lottt? Wlrot nbout otlrr, ,rrtnl?Charlotte is n growing city zpith s decent nrctnl scene for airtualhl nlltypes of rttetnl. witlin tlrc pnst yenr or fu,o, I lmae been to ionrcannzing nrctal shauts in Chnrlotte, including Betphegor, Enslaaed,Amon Amarth, nnd Llnleashed to nanrc s few. North Carolinn hns naery good nrctal scene in general. In nty opinion, the capital city ofRaleigh is the best city in North Cnrolina for ntetal. Tlrc iocal crotuclstlrcre nre uery enthusiastic, and considering tlte nunrcrous uenuesthere, it is a grent plnce to book nnd perform srtows. we played a slnruruith Rotting Christ tlrcre n couple E wieks agl.

Horu . do lrou uietu zohnt yotr do musicnlllr?I tuould like to think tlmt zue are n contribution to the metal scen"e ntNorth Carolinn snd nbrond. As I haae alrescht ntentioned, we nredoing nrcre shows thnn ute euer lurce snd nre gctting on slrcws witltnnre reputnble bnnds. we nre trnaeling to Naslrcille, TN nextweekertd to plny s blnck nrctal shuu with Blood stnined Dusk, woe.nnd otlrcrs. Next rnonth, u)e are ptnying a shuu roith septicFlesh (frontGreece) in Spartanburg, SC.

Re.fering to low cd snles nnd the internet sonre speak of tlrc denth oftlrc nLusic industry,. Don't you think that ccr slnles nte loruer nlsobecnuse cds Jnae gotten too expensiae?The obuious reason for the decline in cd snles is free dcnanloscl'ing. yei,sonrc of tlrc inryort cds cnn get quite expensiae. I utill ndnit thnt I oncepaid,$23 for an inryort Lunsr Aurorn cd. Houteaer, n grent uny for nband to sell cds and nrcrchandise is by playing at ntaiy liae shut;s nspossible. Thnt is rtot to sny you cnn't sell cds aia otlrcr nrcnns. For ustlrcu.glq rr)e sell ntost tf our nrcrchandise at our shouts.

Yorrr bnnd has epic-sounding keybonrds sort of ntoaie-souncltrack nsutell acoustic gtitars. what do you imagine tlrc ntnrosphere to be?Tlrc truth is, on The Majestic Fall, we were still kind of in the processof deaelopitlg our sound nnd fbding our niche. A lot of trrc things thatuere done on tlrc nlbum ruere lnore of nn expeinrcnt mtd sonrctiites nrtnccident. our goal utss to just be ourselues and to be oiginal. I thinku)e nmnnged to succeed tn tlmt, becnuse I listen to n lot of black nrctnlbnnds nnd can't tltink of any otlrcr bnnd in particular timt we souncllike.lNo,

CnnI camrot, actually.

you?- editorl

Wlrnt kirrds of jobt do yo, nlL hn , in Clrnrlottr?I utork for a cell phone contpany doing tech support. Melkrnth (drums)utorks in transportntion. Knel (bnss) is n contputer engineer nncl utebdesi gner. snrgotltus (keys) docs constructiortfrcrne renrcdering. cyri c(guitnr) arts out eyebnlts (lrc collects retirtn).

Are you open-nindrd nbout uho listens to ltour nrusic?we encourage eaeryone to giae our nutsic n listen. The question is notwltether people nre ruortlty of listening to our nrusic. The question isratlrcr " are rr)e roorthy enough tf being listened to,, ?

Do !,ou knou, qf nt\, nll-u,onten black nrctnl buds? Do lrou knou, qf

i lty y0tLttg r0oiltctt 70ho are startingup tlrcir orutr blnck ntetol b0ttds?!Tlte only nll-femnle underground nrctnl bnnd I hnuc euer lrcnrd of isMytltic. Dnnn Duffey used to plny in Mythic nnd nnu fronts tlrc bmrdDenrcric Chist. Dentonic Christ runs originnlly fronr Chnrlotte, nnd Iutitnessed quite n fezo of their sltuus back uthen tltey ruere located here.Denrcnic Clvist nt one poittt split-up nnd tlrc rentniuing nrenrbers,rrtirtus Dnna Dtrffey, .fomrcd tlrc bmd DnrkMoott tohorrr relensed nttnlbutt on Music For Nntions. Denronic Christ nnd DnrkMoon nre fupoof the best metnl bnnds euer to lniL frorn Chnrlotte, NC.Any otlrcr trctos, eaents or contnrcnts? !Well, I ruoulrl first like to tlnnk you for contnctirtg rts to cortdtlct tltisintertriero. I'ttr surc you ruork rtcry lnrd pu ttittg togetlrer tltis :ine, mtdpeople renlly apprecinte thnt. For nnyone interested irL trs orrt,tlrcy can uisit our officittl uebsite lt tuzoto. rttysterinrclt. net or ourMySpnce site nt ruutut. nqtspnce. cotrr/rtrltsterinrclt. Copies of ThcMajestic Fall fill-Iettgth crl nrc still nunilnble ntd cmt Lte orrl.creddirectly front our uebsite or tlvouglt our MySpnce site. Wa nlso toouldlike to etrclurLlge nny blnck rrrctnl or uttdergrotuul ntctnl ltmrds utlto nrctortrirrg tlrouglr tlrc Cnrolittns or tlrrorrglt tlrc sor.rtlrcnstern US tocontnct us .for orgmizing shozus. Tlnttks ngnin, Mmtricio. Kccp yourstoord drnunt liglq mul tlty lrcnts rnisad to tlrc csscncc of trueurtdergrouttd ruetnl! TFIE END.

Perish (Sweden) is classic-stylecl thrash metal built on thephilosophy of thrash speed rifforama. From the start to the cnrl,it is pit-friendly speecly souncl, practically marle for the livccnvironment. Chcck out the interview to get an iclca of theirgr:neal ogy an cl their trarjectory. w w w.myspacc. com/ perishswc'

Wlmt's been hsppe ning since your Septenfue r 2008 recordirtg?Since tJrc recording ute Jmae plnyed ft,uo sltouts. We hnue sonrc slrcuts

Ttlmurcd for tlrc uirttcr/sping nnd ruc're gonnn try to get ns nwry aspossible tlis yenr. We zuill nlso racord n ne70 derrro irt cnrly 2009.Our long-tentr gonl ls plttl rtruclt liue nul lmue n lot fttt.

Wlnt is ltour torun or citlt like?Its n sntnll totutr on tlrc sroe rlish rucstcottst, Fnlkenbcrg. Mtybe nroutul20'000 people. Wc nl l nrct nt pnrtys nnd bnrs, yott kttuo i ts nl l obotrtdcohol! lt's n grent plttce to nreet tmu bntd nrcnLbers, if ute'll rrced ntlero one , rue just go, drinking mul nsking pe oTtle!

Horu ditl tle lyrics conrc up.for tlrc sottg "Betrnlted"? Wltnt nborLt" Pnrndes of Su.fferitry" nnd "Enting MltWult Otlt"?l 'n t i lo t surc r.olrnt tt t t bou t !

Dariel: Betrnyetl renlly is nbottt u zunr-ttctcrntL ztilrc gets betrnyed ln1Iris otLttt soltliers in bnttlc. Pnrndc,s of SuJfcring is gencrnlly nbout tlrcpoliticians nnd tlrcir runy of lyittg to tlrc citizens. E nthtg rtry runy ortt isbtsicnlly nbottt being trqtped. Yotr ctut interpret tltnt itt ttttln T.t')ttys.

Horu old nre you nnd hozu did ltou cntch tlrc nrctnl bug?We nre nll bcttueen 20-23Ieslter, drunrc: For nrc it begnn zoitlt Metnllicn tuttl tlrcy ue still n bigitLf luerLce to nrc. Lnter on I discoaercd bnntls l ike Dnrk ArtgcL, Sndrrs,Rnzor nnd tlrc list goes on. Brrt tlnt nrc tlrc ones tlmt reilly ttttule ttte

tlrrnslrTtlnytutttLt toAntir. guitnr: I bagttn uitlt lrcnuy nretnl utd tlrnsl; lron Mnidarr,Slnycr etc. Tlrcn I discoaered blttck nrctnl ttnd tltLtt is n big hfluene onme. Metnllica nre tlrc bmd tlnt rrtnde nrc rLtttrtt to ltlny thrnsh.Dnniel, rtocnls: ! bcgtut zuith Kiss nrd tlrcn it roertt on to lrcnuier shtff.Mctnllicn nnd Hnuntetl ttre big ntetnl/tlr,ttslr itt-fhrcttces for nrc.

Do ltou ttuy ctls? Do ltou duunlond nwsic ntore tlmn btry cds? Do lroLtlisten to nrusic rnostly on things like 1tods or nLp3 plnyers? Or uideogttnrcs? Do you renrl tlrc lltrics nnd clrcck out tlrc nrtutork o.f the cds?Do ltou ltnue records nnd record pk4ters?We nll hnue nbout sonre hundrerl CDs. We alL buy CDs nnd supportthe bnuls. We don't dounload nmch nrusic nt nll, sonrctimes. Yenl4r,oe listert to MP3-plnyers. lt's tice uhen you'rc trnuelling. We tlon'tplny zuere trruclt rtideo ganrcs, bLrt it hnppens. Of course it's nice toclrcck out arftuork nnrl rend lyrics. We nll hnae records.

Hotu did you get the noney to record nt Old Plnnnncy Studio roitltMiknel Mngnusson. Wlto e.lsc lns Mngrrusson roorked roith?We pnid tlrc demo recording orrrselzts (tolmt else?) Most of us nreruorking so 70e hnuc sonre ntoney, it's rrot ertrcnly erpertsiue. It zunsour first tinrc in n studio so it zLtns o ndl cxperiettce, ute lettrrLed n lotnnd lmd rcnlly ftn! Miknel Mngnussort rlid n grent job nnd zue 're rte nJsntis.fied. I tltink lrc is pretty nau itt the business, bttt I knout lrc hnsruorked t.uitlr "wlmt Tomorrou R r i t t o c "" ' ' ' - 6 '

Is lrour bnnd nnnrc inspired blt n nrcuic or clnssic tlrnslu like DnrkAngel's sortg " Perislt in Flttnrcs" ? Who did tlrc logo?Iesper: I cmne u7: roitlt tlre nnnte. First I thouglrt " Perish in Jlnnrcs"like the Dnrk Angel song, brrt thnt sounded to nruch like the bnnd " lrtFInntcs" so roe skipped it. Lnter I cnnrc up ruitlt just " Perislt" nnd ruenll liked it.Atrrir: I did tlrc logo. I rous irtsptired by old nrctttl logos irr genernl.

Wltnt did lrou listut to tud renLly enjoyed ht 2008?Iesper: I renlly enjoyed "Ciltno Bontb - Citizen Brnin". I think it's ortctf tlrc bctter tlrnslt nlbrtnts in ntany yenrs!Dnnicl: "Tlrc Hnuntcd - Versus". l t utns nlso tr icc to see Metnl l icnrcgnitt satte of tlrcir old stylc zuitlt " Dentlt Mngnetir-"

Do ltou plnlr nte tttl until you bleed?Cuess i t toorks, but i t don't seei l t prncticnl. . .Icspcr: Sorrretittres rultut I'ue not plnyed dntnts for nwlilc I begttrt tobleed. Pretfi cool, lmlm.

Lttst tlrut I t ts connttet t ts i okes neuts?

Tltm*s for tlrc itttentieut!

conr/pterishstoeTlrrnslr trrctnl up your nss!!

Cltcck ottt our nryspnce, zr)71)70.Bt ty or r r




lnsurrection (Quebec, Canacia) has a cd callecl Prologue and it's aprofessional, goocl quality recorcling of a bancl that knows howto play cleath mctal with an car for goocl songwriting. Inacldition, the overall souncl is clerrn solid-heavy, with cool songs.The vocalist, St6phane Jornphe is the one answeriug.www.myspace.corn/ insurrectionmetal

Wlnt's slmkirtg in tlrc cntnp of lnsurrectiort?Hey Metnl hLlletin, nrLd hnil to tltose brnuc enough to rend! Rigltt rtoruruith tlrc bnild, zLte're still ruorking lnrd nt finding tlrcse utho'z)e iler)erhenrd of rrc (nnd tlrcre's ryLite n lot of thent) nrd corrchrce thenr ue'rcruortlt tlrcir wlile. We're plnying slmos lrcre nnd tltere, nny tinrc ruecmt. MenrtrLtlile, roe're ruorkhtg ott nelu sotlgs for n nezu recordsonrct i tr te ir t t l rc rrot lTerly distutt f i r tr trc.

Cnn you gmtge hou Prologue is behtg receiued?

So fnr, the rcsportse ltns becn pretty good if you nsk rne. For tlrose o.fyou fnnilLinr ruitlr ltlnltbenttorrtlL tuc'uc bccn told tlmt ottr cnrgo sltortsutcrc too trrctnl, but bcyond tlmt, it's nll Ttositiue. Euery sottg ort thenlhunr seenrs to ltnue fourtd n tnkcr, mul tlrc sound qunlity is top rtotclt,tltnnks to lef Fortin. Wc cuen got n good rcuieut in Itnlinn thnt I'trr stillt ryutg to figure

You go back mtrJ .forth bettocen n gttfurnl dcntlt nrctnl nnd n nrorehlnck nrctnl uoice. Docs using botlt s4tles qf uocnls requirc di,fferentpnrls Io grupl? Wlrnl ki tr t l qf uocnl ctr ' r t ' iscs r lo l tott r lo?WeIl, tlrc higlr Ttitched rtocnls nrc ftirly sittt1tlc to do, but l'nr fnirly wreit cnn irritnte tlrc tlvont, so gottn be cnrcftLl ruitlt tlnt. Stiil, in n liuesctting, it's trrut:lr ensier to lrcnr yotLrsclf usirtg tlrcse thmt tlrc lougruul, so yort'rc ntrrclt lcss toinded nnd such. I like niring itL sorttcCttrcnss-stylc nid-rnngc uocills, nnd o.f course tlrc lou groruls thnt nrctlrc brcnd ntui httter of tlcnth rtretnl. As for etercises, notling rrtucl4ruc don't plny cotuLtless sltouts jrtst yat Likc Neurnxis, htt regulnrityscents to roorkroell. No boozc, rto Inctosc, no plp mui nll tlrc rcgilnrJnzz.

Is it gctting ruorse to .finrl jobs md keclt n butd f urctiottittg? Do ltorltltittk tlnt, sirtcc rtrctnl rccord conrltttrtics nrt. o.f cortrsc. cnltitnlist nndfor-profit business tlmt finrl trurds nnd tlrcn ntilk tltosc trends, thnt tlrcrne tnl bnnds tlmt rcftsc to -follow n ttnrtiuilnr trend uill lnue to corrreto temrs nnd ncceltt tlmt tlrcy ruill lmue to prrt out tlrcir ozwt recordingstutd hc II tcir orprt l trorttolcrs lry plmtit tg l iuc, rtsi t tg I lrc i tr lcntct,I I IUSL)( tCC ztnes erc. IOlt, I ngree rultolelrcmtedly roitlr tltnt. Hnrsh tinres nre nlrcnd, but it'snot necessnrily n bnd tlring pcr se. Tlrc rccorrl Inbels zuill jttst fnll bnckon tried nnd true trenrl-riding, ntul att o.ff etccss. Tltis is zuJrcrc ute'llscc rulrc tlrc renLrunrriors nre. O.f nll tlrc ercess bnnds ortt tltere, the lesscorttthtced ones zuill giue tLp mrd ntnkc nrore roont .for tlrose toith lrcnrt.Titrrc uill telL if rue're pnrt of tltosc or rrct. As for tlrc econonty, Cnrmdnistt't doing tcrrible, despitc rolmt Stephert Hnryer [prirne minister ofCanacla] is trying to s1took tLs ruitlt so lrc cnn poss ntty retnrrled lntu heturrttts. Tlrc biggcr busirrcsses nre being ltit nnrl, ruell, sndly, sontcuorking clnss jobs are lit ns zucll, htt not ns bnd ns it cotLld lutuc bcut.Most of t l rc Inbcls nnd distr ibutors nround lrcrc nrc crnshing or crrt t i trgbttck. But gos price is rlorurt, so nwe slrctus!

Sonrc o.f ltortr songs hsue Iyrics in Frenclr, otlrcrs in EnglislL. Do ltoueuer tryt toruitc lyricsfor n songin Frcnch mtd tlrcn decide tlnt is ttotroorkhtg nnd szuitch to English or aice aersn?I nertcr suitclt I nctunlly rtsunlly rurite tlrc first sortg iden tlmt contcsto rrtirtd, in ruliclrcuer lnngtnge it cnnre to nrind first. lt usunlly stnrtsroith n cool linc, sonrctling cntclry in English, tlnt fits per.fectly ruittttlrc rlrythnL or n concept tlmt .fits the nood of tlrc song, like Mephistois like afnble, kind of like "tlrc deuilwent to Georgin", bttt ns itrrttgcryfor n credit cnrd. Festin d'entrnillcs is nnother .fnble-type sottg tltntdenls ruitlt tlrc bnck of tlrc politicnl scenc, utlrcrc roolues slnre n fcnstruith tlrc zuorst uemtht nnd eueryorrc stnbs ench otlrcr;.fun tinrcs renlly.

Wlmt does Insurrectiort corftributes to nretnl nrusic?I think rulnt rLte offer is n good bnlnnce bettueen technicnlity nndgrloae. Tlrcre's n fine line betueen utntkery nnd tnlent, nlmh. BtttseriousLy, ute like to keep tltings jtrst conrplicnted enough to keeppeople on tlrcir toes ntrd get nntsicinns' interest, nnd just cntclry nndgrooay enough to be n good cxperience thc uery first tinte, uritltotttlnrrirLg to digest the utltole nlbunr be.fore n slror.Lt. lf it's your first tinrcnt nn insurrectiott slrczo, it shoultln't be too lnrd to figtrc ottt tlmt

Itcndbnrgittg pnrt ruitlrctLt lmuiltg to uony nbout mrytlring r:lsc.

Mnrtitt ttrtd Vhtcmt botlr plny guitnrs. Do tlrcy hnue ucry di.f.ferentInstcs i t t t t t t tsic? Wltt t l is t l rcir rolc i t t l l rc hnttd? Solos, r iJfs. trrnrrgitr t ,sot tgur i t i t tg, ctc .?Fttrtrty tling nbout Benuer(Virtcent) is tlmt lrc ttsed to be n lmrdcoraIrtsurrcctiort Fntt. Wnnttny bnck during our first sltorus, lrc runs thcre .As.fnr ns irflunnces go, ycnl4 diffcrent it is. Ott one lmntl, you'll lun,cstutff like Me slmggnh nnd Neaemrlre, on tlrc otlrcr, tlrcre'll be shtfJ likcIrt Flnrtrcs. ArLd ute're rtot euut plnying nnytling like tlrcsc bnnds!

Do yorr tltirtk it is shtltid or inmmture to rurite lyrics of "kill, ntninrntrd dtslroy" or to sitLg nhortt glori . fyi trg uiolencc ir t gcntrnl?Metnl bnnds cmt utrite rohnt tlrry zonnt. I just.find zoriting nbout gorcn Iittlc ortcrrlorrc. lf you zonnnn do it, mtrl cat do itroitlt style, go crnzy,htt ktruu tlrcre nre likc... tlrcusntds of otlrcr bnnds doirtg tlrc snnrctlilng yorr do, so you better gct your nct togetlrcr. Tlrcn ngnitt, yorrcould just forgct nbout tlrc lyrics md bc unirtelligible. lt works .forsontc hmds I gttcss, ttot tny ctLp of tcn.

Wltnt nrt l -rro l l t i t rgs lrorr rui l ly, rcnl ly l tntc thott! l iui trg i t t Cmrmlt?I rcnlly lmte hnttntg to drirtc 5-10 hours to get to n shoru. Bnnds ucnlrendy cxpensirte to nut, nnd tlrcn, uith gns costing 1.50$/L tlmt runsREALLY npnin in the nss. Vmrs nre priccy, atd cnlciutt t md snlt tutdsnoru cntt ent tlrough n tnnk nnd kill tlrc poor netnl-ride bnstnrd irt tt

fezu yenrs. Tlmt nnd nrissirrg ottt orr cool tours. But besides tlmt,Cnnndn's prctty fun! lust like tlrcy snid in the Sinrysons " l'nr frotrtCmndn Tlrcy tlink l'trr slozrt t:lt?"

Tlrc lyrics concept.for "Festin d'erLtrnillts" cmuc from tolnt? Does itnrcan " Fcnst of etttrnils" ? ls it nbotLt tlrc soucnuttent?Like I snirl cnrlicr, Fcstirr d'cntrnilles is indecd n fenst of entrnils. It'stLI nbortt tlrc slrcep (yort, nte md tlrc good folks) being tlrc ntnin cottrsco.f n fcnst rLtlrcre nll tlrc uplic,r clnss is inztitcd, a aery frrry nrcnl ruitlrkniucs .flying loru. Tlrc uLlhre reTtresents tlrc nredin; nhonys tlrcrc totnke n bitc o.ff tlrc aictirtt, tlrc Ttnck of lobbying rnts nnd urolues... yougat t l rc idcn. As for t l rc gor)cnutrctt t . . . ntc cmt't blnnrc t lrc gouenrrtturtnlorrc. it's nll pnrt o.f tlrc wny of life zuc clrcse, ns n society: Conrfbrt.Conr.fort is tolmt utc cltoosc oucr knoutledge, ouer tntth, ouer integrity.It's rrrrrclr cnsier to htrn to nnotlrcr clutnncl tlnt tells you euerytlirtg'sfine tlwt to go nnd find infonrntion nbout ruhnt's renlly lnpTtcttitrg.We're gettittg ftcked irL tlrc nss nnd zue'd rntlrcr learn to like it tlnrtfnce tlrc truth. Tlrc contpnnies we loae to hnte nre just feeding trs zultntr.rte utiltt, nttd noru zue're trnTtpcd itt ottr oTutt contfort. Checrs !

Do yotr tltink tltnt Qrrebec sltould be indepenrlent .from Eltglislt-spenking Cmmdn? WotLkl you sny tltnt ntnjority qf Quebecois thh* itruould be better to be indcpcndent nnd ulry?Alrlt, tlrc trick questiort. l ' l l try to be ns clenr ns Ttossible . I personnllytlink tlmt Quebec shouLd nrannge its outn slit. Quebec lns n uerydifferent utLhtre, Inngungc, bcliefs, zuny of liuirtg, that the rest oJCnnndn. Free lrcnltlrcnre , .free criltcntiort, ruelfnre, nll thnt stuff. We pnytnxes ort tltc .federnl mrd protirtcinl leue[ yet the .fcds hnue lessrespottsibilitics thnn tlrc prottirtcinls, so ntoney's n-utnsting. There'ssonrc rcdttc.cks in tlrc ntore nrrnl plnces of Quebec who jttst unntnotling to rlo zuith "tlrc nnglos", but tlmt's just plnin igtormtcc.Cnruuin's nn lucsonte place ruith ntucsonrc people, we just figurc zuesltould ntn our tlings, just like euery region in Cnnndn should, liketltc nrnritintes, Ontnrio, tlrc prniries nnd the rockies. A bit like stntes.Anytonys. thnt's J u r r nre.

Wlmt is bassist Benoit's "fnuoritc tnouie qf nll tine? WJro is Pltillipe's

.fnrtorite drunmw? Wlmt is the role of your rl4tthm section qf Benoitnnd Phillipe?Ben's fLtuourite noaie... I don't knoru nbout thnt, nhnh, I'll justuenture ntortnl konrbnt for slits nnd giggles! As for plil 'S fnuourite,lrc likes s0 nmny of thent it mnkes us dizzy... he's nlso nlzunys looking

for nerLt stuff to lenrn and lrc's not nfrnid of ndntittirtg lrc still hns n lotto lennt. The rlrytlrn sectiort of the bnnd is jttst going for n hettuy


Amtt l t ins

eueryot'Le cm7

else 7

Well ns for plnns, zle're utorking onutntclt out for pirutes n:nd redlrcnds,THE EI\]D.

nnu stuff, you people ouer tlrcretlrcy're snittky bnsttrds! Cheers

Inquisitia (Serbia) plays ton-heavy, midpaced death/thrashwith emphasized harsh-guttural growling, as well as somcsqueal-yelling. They keep it hcavy and groove-oriented, takingtheir timc to develop their rhythm ancl thc good beat. Bogclan(guitar) reveals a bit about being a metal bancl in Serbia.www. myspa ce. com/ inquisitiar

TIrc 26th nnd 27th of Decenfuer tlrcre utns a nLetsl festianl uhere ltouplnyed. Hout utns thnt .festiuttL, ruhnt is tlrc nnnre o.f it, ltoru nnnltpeople ntterLded, uthnt is tlrc nnne of ci4t?Tlrc festiual zuas o r.r)ilftu-Ltp-pnrty for thc Neru Yenr,

-10 bmds in 2

dnys. Bttt becattse tlrc chrb utns sntnll lmlf of lur supporters r,Ltereorrtside l istening to t . ts, but in t lrc chtb t lrcrc zuns nbout 150 pcople. Tlrc

fcstiunl runs lrcld in otLr lrcttrctozon of Nozri Snd

Hotu ls tlrc nrctnl scene in Nori Snd?It is aery snnl l . . ."but st i l l rentni l ts". I t t fomLar YugosLnrt in, Noui Sndlrcld n stLttus of n rock city, rohere nnny of tlrc bnnds plnyed nnd got

.fnnrcus(in lur country of course), but today nrany btuds orecotrcidered to be sntnnists or to be in sonrc kind of scct nrul irt tlrc cityof 350.000 peoTtle, hnnds cnt only Ttlny in ftuo clubs. So if you Ttlnynretnl tlrcre is no roont for uort. But tlmnx to those kuo cltrbs tltc nrctnlscatrc does die.

Horu did you ttrcet, in sclrcol?No, ute nrcet in n totnlly different zony. I Stlnced mt ndd irt tlrcse ch.tbsnnd in n fant days tlrc bnd wns fornrcd. Firstly ute contncted tlrcsepeople, zLilto utere skepticnl in nrctnl nrusic, brtt tlrcy goae us soilrcrtrrntber to cnll nnd so we cnlled tlrcse n*ntber...mtd tlrc rest is histonl.

Who stnrtcd the bnnd?My friuul Snle nnd nrc. Thnt Loas nil ide n of ours -fronr tlrc first titrre wenrct nnd jmmrcd Metnllicn soIISs toge tlrcr.

Arc uou irt ot lrcr bmtt ls or i t tst i t t l t tquisNo. l'nt stnying Loyttl to ttty troops.

Wlmt rui l l you be doirry in 2009 nnd 2010?In 2009,70e nre plnning to record n nlbunr, nnrl plny (if possible/ if zue

get tlrc reryired nntount of aoiccs) nt MetnlCumpO9 festittnl in

Slouenin. A feu gigs irt Serbin, mtd rue nre looking for chhs in Bovin

mul Crontin to Ttlny tlrcre ns zoelL. Tlrcn in tlrc sattrc yenr 70c (tre

ptlnning to do n nurcic aideo. Btrt i rr 20' l0.. .ulto knuon... t tnybe n



nlburr r? !?

Whnt bnnds ttnd nlbuns did yotL listen to nnd renlly enjoyerl in 2008?Testnnrertt - Tlrc Fornntion of Danmntion , AC/DC - Black lce,Disdnined We AU Reek. . . .

Were tlrcre ntetal bnnds in tlrc 80s irt Yugoslnuin? The 90s?Metnl in tlLe 80s...1 cnn think of one band in the nrcnrcnt. The bnnduns " Osnri Putnik" . But as tlrc 90s Imppened, so did tlrc ntetnl scene.Bnnds like " Ritmn Nereda" , " Krnljeaski Apartnmn" got a stntus of nnrctnl lCOILS

Hozu did you Jirst henr nrctnl nrusic?For nrc it utns n slout start. Firstly I listened to hnrd rock (DeeltPuryle, Led Zeppelin), then tlmtslt (OId Metnllicn, Megadenth), theneuerytlirtg else .

Your bnnd sounds like n combinntion of Denth nnd Pnntern. Weretltose sorne qf tlrc .ftrst bands?Well, yes. Our bnnd erten plnyed coaer songs of Pnntern and Denth iltthe

Wlmt nre sotne interrLntiorml bnnds thnt come to


in Serbin?Metnllicn, MegadentlL Slaye1 Obitunry, Sepulturn, Iron Mniden,Exodtts, Biohnznrd...

By the utalt, ulmt tyfcs of jobs do nll of lrou hnue?Our bnssist mtd duntber nre in college, ritltm guitnrist is n PVCcnrpenter, ztocnlist is n prhtter nnd I nnt n clrcf .

ls it di.ffiarlt to "firtrl uork in Noui Snd or in Serbin in gcnerLtl?Yes,


r t ' s aery

econonuc situntion

) : f c ^ , , t +u u J t L L t L 1 , . .


Catttstropltic. Poaerty nnd crinrinal lre rising caery yeor...

Your lyrics for songs like "Tirrre o.f Nced," "Bunt in Slnttbolic" mtd"Modern lnqrrisitiott" lmue n renl lrcstile nttifutle toutard socie4t..Wlnt inspires your .feelings of hostility?Life itt genernL. Sonretinrcs it cnn be luud, sonrctinrcs 0n easy ride. Weget our inspirntiorts eaerynulrcre: clubs, jobs, fnnily, frietds,girls...eaerydny ti.f, stones

As ltorr krtuu, tlrc Western nLedin like to sny thnt Serbinns nrcintolerant, nntionnlist, rncist and aiolent, etc. lt is n stereoUpe. Doyou Imae relntiaes ulto liue in otlrcr pnrts of tlrc.fomLer Yugoslnain nndAICE

Yenl4 nrcdin cnn nmke you thirtk sonrc slit tlmt isrt't eue true. Tlrcyr,oill nress utlit your nind. Brrt let's get bnck to our question: Yes Ihnue an uncle tud nrrttt thnt liae in Slouerio.

ls it not true thnt Serbs nnd other nntionnlities nctunLly liue ntd hnueIiue d side W side .for decgdes?Yes it's true, nnd it's like tlnt nuu dnys. You lnue sonte snnll torurrcin Serbin tlrnt dort't ktrcut n single ruord h Serbinn..snd but true.Olt yenlq md ht our gig n feu dttys ngo (27tlr Decenfuer 2008.) tlrcrcu)ere sonrc dudes fronr Frnrtce rulro enjoyed tlrc sltuo. Tlrcy zucrelrcntlbnnging nnd fu tlrc nLosh pit. And ute lrcre plensed to lrcnr tlrcywere front Frnnce, rLte er)en gaue them n couple of free CDs. So ylu seeSerbs can get nlong uthit altyone nt nnytutrc.

Lnst t l tougltts. contmants. iokes or nerus?Dt tue Mustn ine sn id i t n l l : " METAL UP YOUR ASS! ! ! "Bt t t

serioLtsly giae us your rote nt ruTlro. trrctllcnnry). cont, go to uoting mtduntler Serbin's bnnds selcct tlrc ztote icort rrctt to otLr trfltrrc nnd click it.We rteed sortrc aotes so lrclp rts otlt. AIso ndd rts to be your frictds ntrmozu.rtt l tspnce.cont ' ,qrt isi t in Stny netnM BogdonblNQUISITlATHE END.

Horrificr (New Jerscy, U.S.) are shrecl-crazy thrasl.rcrs taking itto the streets with thcir thrash-ur-rtil-you-clrop feel to tl-re music.Joe Potash (vocals/guitars) answers questio_ns in which it isrcvealecl that they likc a whole lot metal, shreclding anclthrashing, which all so obvious in their we-are-metal riffing.www.myspacc.corn/ Horri fier

Wltttt is goittg ort irt tlrc ruorld of Horrifier notundnys?Hey Mmtricio, utc sccnt to be bnck in tlrc snddle ngnin nfter undcrgoittgn brief linhrs dtLe to lnck of n dntnrnrcr. I fillerl in for n feto slrczLtsbchind tlrc kit but I mtr ntninLy n guitnrist. Tlrc ncxt thingrue Ttlm todo is cnter tlrc studio to begirL recorrling our dcbut frtl tengtlr LPconsisting of nbout seuerr trncks. The utorking titles of thc nlhmt nre:" Grint Fnte" or " Tlte Ul t i t r rnhrnt"

Sottgs like "Mind Polhrtion" nnri "Altered Stnte" suggest n conccrnruitlt nn innbilitlr to tltink. Is "Hmtnrererl" nlso concerneri zuith thesntrc thittg, like dntgs?Well, Mind PolhLtion is nrnirLly nbout tlrc brnintonsling effect tlrclibcrnl ntedin hLts ott tlrc nrnjority of people in tltis country. Not justpoliticnl/ nezus cltnnnels, but senscLess entartninrrent nefutorks nstocll. Altercd stnte is nbout pcoplc rulrc just listen to otlrers mu1 rlon'tthink for thenrcehtes or do not fomt tlrcir otun opinions nborttinrportmtt issues in socie fu. Yes, Hnnmtered is nbout stfustnrrce nbttscbu t I.S foorscd ot I nlcoltolistt

Horr, .fnr cmt Hornftcr go? On rnyspnce you rrtcrttion tlnt zulmt youplny is not n truul. Are you ok u,ith tlrc idcn of not being signcd?Horrifier can go ort ns .fnr ns I nnd tlrc rest of thc bnnri liac. Tlte bttntjnnd tlrc sotlgs r.oe contpose nre hdeed not n trend. Most of us lmue beenIistening, plnying nnd lizting clnssic rock/ lrcnuy nrctnl since roe zoereytrnctictLly kids.

You nre frorn Nrl.u lersey. So, hout is your cit_v for nrctal concerts?Not uery good nmr4 lm ln. Lls mtd n.feru of other bnnds nre keeping itolittc irtcltding Sncrificinl Blood (but tltcy,rc uding aery soon) andSnunge Skull (from NyC), but not uery nrony renl ntetnl bads efistmlyntore nround lrcre, nt lenst ottr nga. Yes, tlrcre nre n lot of trendynrctnl batds nround this nren... brtt we tcnd to jttst igrrcre thcn.

As tlrc economic situntion gets ruorse sorne pcople like to ,find sinltlesohttions to cornplex problents. For exnnrylc. sonrc lteoltle like to bltmrcintnigrnnts.whnt do yott think? I ntenn, tlrc bnnks, wnrL street nntlu.s. gouenmrcnt nre not controlleri by inntigrnnts roho zuork irtnrcntpncking plnnts or gnrnrcnt .fnctories, nfter nll!I belieue if yort conrc to n nant cowttry ruitlr prncticnlly nothing in yourpocket nnd rnnke sonrcthing of yourself, you descrue n just mrtount ofrcspect. our bnssist, Anndeusz, cantc oaer from polnnd ruith ltisfnrnily utlrcn he wns stiu in elenrcntnry school nnrl tlrcy nlL tuorked nntlstudied their nsses off to get utlrcre the nre todny. Not to ntentiortlenrning English fronL scrntclr as u clild.

Front n nrctnl lterspectiue, zolrnt do you tlink nbout tlrc utrrent nrnior


problenr in tlis country qf people utlrc, utlmt tlrcy slrcuter, tlrcy rrseshnnrpoo but t trore nnd nrorc nre rfrsirtg to use n condit ioncr?Well lrcy nuut, I guess I'rrr one of tltose people but long lnir ishrrportmtt. Hn hn. After nll, zulmt nrc yotr going to do if yotL Ttut ort urccord like Defcndcrs Of Tlrc Fnitlt... lrcnd bnng uith n bnkl hcnd?[Whv not! I)o it!-eclitor]Hrts t lut r hnss l t lnvsr crcr sot f t t t so ( tuqnt t l tn l l rc ct ts 6 Ttui t tk i ts i t tt l 'c s l t t rcc o. [ 9 st 'cotrds rc i t l tor t t nt ty sor l o_f dr i t rk to rots l t f l tat dozut t?!No lrc just sort of drinks/ sttrckes things tJf As ue nlL rlo.Whnt s lmtkl n solo do to nnke n sorLgbettcr?!Do both Ioc Potnsh ntdIoc Horlcr urite nnd ulau solos?Tlrc ptryose of n gtitnr lcnd ilt this bnnd is necessnry enr cnndy. WeIrtrue lots of shrff tlmt lms lots of nrclody nnd ltnmtony, not just sonrctloilsertsc orrt of kay tlrrnsh nrctnl solo. Tlink Hntk SlrcnrtmL nrulMiclrnel Dermcr. I (Potnsl) mrr Slrcrntnn, tlrc shredder yet ntelodic,nnd Hoyer is Dcnnu, tlrc plnnncd ottt ltnrrnonious lend plnyer.

WlLy ,lo you tlink nbout nrltling. lrcre nnd tlrcrc, to ntqrbe n coultle o.fs)tr?S, a dnutt solo?Achmlly Drcro does lnae n dntnr solo nt tlrc uul of Hnnmrcred, brrtDrau is rtot renlly h tltc. bmul prcsuttly... lrc just lrclps tts ot.Lt liuertuu nnd is n lrugc nrctnl lrcnd like thc rest of us. lf notling else ruc'lljttst lmtg ottt, drir* some Smtuel Adnnts, md rnge to sonre ohlExodus.

On tLntionnl tcLeuision Netu Yorkers urc nhunys mnking .firn o.f Nnulcrscy. ls it.funny to lrorr thnt on Snhrrdqr Night Liae they nnke,ftntof Nrl.u lcrscy or do tlink it jrtst strryid nnd tired?It's sort of fttLrty becnuse ue dtunys gct n bnd rnp for tlrc nob residingin Nortlt Jcrsey, hut I nrcnn ute're front cetttrnl NJ, Trcnton to be ernctso yettlt it kinrl o.f nnrrcys rttc utlrcn Ne:.u Yorkers consider ttrc NITtolttt lntiott to nll be tlrc si l t1lc.

Wlrttt roould yott like to tcll ltcople nbout ltour nrusic?Horrifier is nbout pure trnditionnl styled henay nrctnl. lt's rtbotrtstrmrlittg rrp for zulmt yott bcliezte in nnd not giuing n fuck nbout zolmtotlrcr people lutaa to sny nbout yott. I like to consider our sound:poruer / tlraslr ttrctnl roi tlt clnssic roots.

Do yort lmue mrytlrhtg to mettiort tlmt I lnae not nsked nbout?Ycs, tue ruill be sltuorL on MotorbrentltT.V, sorrretinrc fu the next/uuuecks, ulticlL is nired in Brooklyn nnd Queens. Tlrc Ttroducer, Grtce,cmrrc dorutt to n lrcusc slrcnu rue Imd nnd filnrcd it. Clrcck ortt lrcr pugr:ott lur top fricnds: rrtyspnce .cotn/Horrificr Tlnnks Matricio. TRUEMETAL NEyER RUSTS. - loe P.

Meet My Denrcns is thc. albun'r by Eric Vanlandingham(Michigan, U.S.), who plays serious, traditional hea,"y metalwith a somewhat sinistcr, twistecl touch. The rnusic is rocking-melody-centerccl, with gritry, micl-range singing ancl a bit ofprogressivc hooks. www. ericvanlancl ingham

Hello E ric, rulmt's going on utitlt yott?Hi Mmrricio, utrrently I mn pronrcting nry neutest relense "Meet MyDentotrc" rulriclt cnnrc out on Retrospect Records in Decentber 2008.Tlrc CD took nbout fiue yenrs -from concept to pressiLtg, s0 promotingit is nry Ttriority right nuu.

How lmue tlings gone since the relense of your nlbum?! lsn't dL.fficultto plnlr euerything lroursel.f like you hnue done? Do ltou extrn legs nndnmrc to do nll tlrc utork? !The nlbum populnrity is excellent so fnr, I anr extrenrcly lmppy zuithItoru well it is doing. As you nrcntior4 I "did" eaerything nryself justns I didruithrny preuious relense. Fiaeyenrs ngo (or so) I stnrtedruorkon nty honrc studio nnd ulile I built it I nlso utorked on the concept forthis nlbunL rny goal being to recorrl nty best nlbum to date nnd do it irttny oun studio, on n1y uun ternts. As fnr ns ntultiple litnbs...lrch lrch,thnt is whnt is grettt abottt technology todny, I cnn ltttae n studio itr nryItome tlmt is probnbly bctter tlnn nrost pro.fessionnl studios were


yeLtrs ago. Tlmt nrcnns I cnn produce n top qunlity prodtrct nnd tnke nsttuLclt tinrc ns I need witlrcut uorryhry nbout lrcuily rnte, uhich fu ntyopinion has ruslrcd n lot of nrtists into finisling nlbunrs before tlrccrentiaity pnrt rons corrrplete. No extrn Linrbs, just tts nw'Ly ttkes on atrnck ns I feel necessnry.

Does your ntusic pret4t nuch tnke up nll your noney nnd time? Areyou honrcless now? !All-consuming, yes I uouki sny so. It definitely tnkes u1t ntost of yourtinrc to do sonrctlring like tlis, csytecinlly wlrcn otte nrtist is ruritittg,perfonning, rui:r:-ng nnd nLnsterhrg ettery nspect of it. Moncy is rcnllyrtot nn issue becnttse of tlrc teclutology nunilnble todny. For exnntple,ycnrs ago in annlog stttdios, if you needed to do certnh tlings, youutould hnue to go ortt nnd buy lmrdutnre such ns equnlizers, pntclt bnys,gntes, effects, etc. Todny,you necd sonething like tlmt, lrit Google nndtlo n quick senrch for n VST phtgirt, there nre tons of freebies tlnt workruonders, and I don't nind pnying for the better ones if needed.

Wl4r is this n solo project: orrt o.f rLecessity or out of clrcice?I lutue plnyed ruitlt bnnds nll nry life, nnd eaert pttt out n cd or tuLto lrcremul there. I guess nfter tlrcse experiences, I jr.tst grnuitnted torunrtldoing eaerytlting ltt ny orun. It conles nnturnl to ttrc, utlrcn I rurite nsottg, I nnturally plnn out nll tlrc pnrts, not just guitnr or bnss. I don'tlmuc issues plnying ruith otlrcr ntusicinns, I just prefer to nmintnin fullcontrol in n studio enuirorutrcnt uilcss I fcel contfortnble ltmtdi.rtg ouercontrol of sontetling to certnitt people.

Whnt is tlrc nrctnl scene like in yortr nrcn?My nren zoould be Detroit, Flint nntl Snginru.Lt. Tlrc rtrctnl scctrc irtSugintno is pretty lozo key, thttt city seems to lmae nhttttys dorrc betterruitlr cwer bnnds for some reosott. Flint hns tt grent scenc tltm*s to n

club cLtllcd "Tlrc Maclrine Slrcp", originnl rnetnl bttnds nre ttot ottly

ruelconrc but preferred. Detroit is Detroit, it is lnrge enouglt tlnt tlrcre

is nlzoays a scene for euery style of nntsic, nrt, uttertnirmtent. We'rte

got londs of concert uetntes like The PttlLtcc, Tlrc nrenn's douttt torurt,Hnryos nrusic tlrcnter, nnd nuuty otlrcrs. I recently utettt to n club

cnlletl "TIte lrlc" to see tt couple of 'nry long tinrc fnuoritcs "lott

Oliutt"(lOP) utd "Znk SteLtets" (CircLe ll Cirlce), botlt x-Snuntngeuocttlists ruith neu) bnntls, best concert I lutae seen to dnte.

Tlrc lyrics present n picture of despnir nnd insnnitu, ttaong otlrcr

tlrirtgs. Dortou see tlrc Iyrics ns personnl experience or itrct nn nrtistic

representntiort?Being nn nrtist, of course I try to push tlte story line to tlrc extretne;

otlrcnoise it utotildrt't stnnd out front tlrc croutd. Tlis story is bnse d ort

personnl experience, I detrlt zoith utxiety nntl patic disorder for ycnrs

tuuT ntmfted to fumrcrtnlize it in order to fnce it lrcnd ort. Tlrcse

disorticrs nre nrtrch fltore clnmtott mtd nruch more seriorts tlnn people

like to belieae, nnd nrost Tteople ulrc expcriencc it seent to try liding it

ns Llu)ny to pretend it doesn't exist. I clrcse to go tlrc otlrcr route nnrj

bring it out irt tlrc open, clmllenge it to n dunl and thnt seemed to ruork

fo, nrc,

Oztennedicntion conrcs rtp itr your songs. Do you .feel thnt doctorsouemrcdicate people as a utn! to naoid denling utith the problems?Medicnl doctors dort't seen to Inue rnuch of a grnsp on disorders sucltns tltis. Tlrcy ruill test you for diabetes, tltyroid issues, etc etc nnd therttell yott tlrcy do not knout rolmt is zurolrg, go see n slrink. Tlrc nrcntnllrcnlth pro.fessionals certohily see tlis kind of thing all tlrc tinrc and notlrey don't try to blozo you off nnd slrcue drugs doutn your tlront, it isnrore tlrc pntient ruho renlly utants n niracle drug to work instnntly,ruhiclr causes more nnxiety becnuse in truth tlrc patient knouts there isno suclt thing in existence nnd tlrc cure is n nntter of self control, nndotlrcr extrenrcly sluo processes.

Wlrcn did lou "first begin plnying instrunents? Whnt is the nrctnl thntnnde you ronnt to deaote your tinrc to playing nrusic and nnkittgnlbr.ntrs? Who do ltou like uocally nnd gitnrly (it's n nnu utortl:" guitnrly" ! \?Hclt lrclt, I like your nuo utord! I started plnying dnuns first nroundnge 10, I sltould replrnsc tlnt...l started nmking n bunch of noise ottdrunrs nt nge

'10, rrry pttrcnts ruere tlfilled. Eaentually rnouing to bnss

nnd tlrcn gritnr. My.first inJluence ns n kid rltas "Kiss", I jrtst lortedthe ntnkeup nnd eail looking stnge slmus. Gene Sirnntons utas suclt nbnd nss on stnge, I tlink I utns Cene .for Hallouteen ntost of my teenyears. My Intc teens nnd 20's utere filled with bnnds like Snantttge,Metnl Clntrcl4 Truisted Sister, Metnllicn, MegndetlL Grim Renper,Antlrnx, tlrc list goes on nnd on. Vocnlly I lmue nlutnys been n lutge

fm o.f guys like Dnaid Wnyne, utlrc rons tlrc originnl singer of MetnlClrurclL Rob Hnl-ford, Steae Grinrnett fronr Grrm Reaper, Jon Olian,yor.r knrn.u tlrc scrennrcrs! Gttitnrly (lrclt lrch) I ruould hmte to sny tlntonly n feru hnae renlly been nty inJhrcnce on nre, like Andy LnRocryte

fron Kirtg Dinnrond, Dinebng Dnrrell, Goerge Lyncl4 Chris Olirtn,AIex Skolnick, nnd n couple obscure others I suppose.

On tlrc nlbum yort rlo not plny dnrnrs, ltozoeaer. you solaed tlmtproblent snnpling sotrnrls front n rettl drunt set, correct? ! Cnn you snyn l i t t le bit ntore nbout i t?YettlL I use d softtonre " Aclttstico" nt uttLnu.ncottsticn.cont , tlrcsofftunre tlrcy cnll "Bentcrnft" is tlrc druntftrer on "Meet My Dentons",It is rtot renlly n drunt tnncline, hut ntore of nn extension of the usersnnrts tttrd legs, nnd ncaer lnuing t tinring problenr is n phrc too! Idon't like to use tlrc terrn "dnLnr flnchhrc", it sounds so lip hop/rnp-ish. I nnde sure tltnt eacrytlring you lrcnr tJrc 'drunntLer" perfonl orrtltis CD is nchnlly plnynble by n lumtm4 tlrcre are no sirrtultnneorts li-hnt, cynfunl, torrt rolls lmTtpening lrcre, heing n dnutuner rnyself, I tookn lot of cttrn tintc to nrnke sure tlis is ns lruntnn ns possible. There nreno looSts trced eitlrcr, I progrmnnted the drunts, eaery single Iit, thntnlso lrclps nrnke it luurtmt since no lit is n repent of n preaiotrs. I jnn

utitlt sonrc guys from nround ilty nrea md I utent mtd snnryled tlrcdrunmrars 22 piece Tnnm kit, took those utnu sottttds nnd used them inAcottsticn's Bentcrnft to rurite mttl perfonrt tlrc dnnrrc. Once it utnsdorrc, yort sinryly eq, ndtl effects, etc just like you toould n real dntrtrkit.

Wltnt else roouki like to sny? Arryiling coning up in 2009?For 2009 I nnr concentrntirtg on pronrcting tlis CD ns nnrclt ns

possible nnd getting the rigltt people together to go otrt and atpport it

liue nt sonre o.f the lnrger slrcuts. I ruould like to let people knuu tlrcy

cilt go ortt to tprlnp.retrospectrecords.cont nnd grnb tlrc plrysicnl CD

ruith'12 Ttnges o.f nroesune nrhuork (done by Mike Cnse at Clrronmzonc

plrotogrnTtltll or stop by nrtrnzort.cont, iTtntes, eMusic, Rlmpsody,Nnpster, nnrl nrnny otlrcrs i.f tlrcy runnt to gct tlrc dorunlondnblertcrsiort. I nlso e ncor.rraga cr)e ryoile to .friud nte up ntntyspace.corr/ericumilmuliltglumr md clrcck out tlrc press relcnsc for" Mee t My Dctttotts" nt ilLy officinl site ntt t, tptu.c ri ca n t t I il t rl i n sl t n I t t. c or I rTlrnr*s.for tlteintenticzu Mnuricio, erloy tlrc CD! -THE END.

Falgar (Pucrto Rico) plays black rnetal in thc raw, fast anclharsh while also kccping a certain guitar scnsibility for hooks inthc structures. Falgar is fast, basic-recorcling style music, forthose into black me'tal the traditional, destroy-your-instruments

ll rn" sick styl e. ftrl garrpr

Wlmt rlid ltotL rccord IWas Welcorneclb:, Dcath? Hotu lmuc thingsgone.for you since? Hoto oltl nrt, tlrt' sotrgs?" l Wns Welcontcrl by Dcnth" roas rccorded sometinrc nrorntdSeptenfuer tlrough Nouufuer of 2005. TlLe gritnr trncks uilrcrerecorded in one dny in tlrc stnrts of Se1ttenfuer nnd it took n cottplenrontlts to get erterytlting doutrt itt the studio but toith tlree or fouraisits I fitislrcd tlrc recordings. / Things lmue becn going ruell nfter tlrcCD cttnrc out. l'm r)ery prord of nry finnl Ttroduct especinlly nt nryutrrcnt nge of 17 fLnnlly rclensing sonrctlring, but tlthtgs hnae bcengoing better tlmt plmncd I urypose. / Tltc songs ott tlrc CD, "l WnsWelconrcd by De ntlr", ruerc rLtritten nround anrly 2008 rrTt to tltcsLntnncr of tlmt snilrc ye(tr, so tlrcy're not tlrnt okl, tlrcy nrc quite recent-for

You nre on VM Records from the Doninicnn Repthlic,correct? lstlmt n nrctnl lnbel in tlmt cotnftry?! Do you knuu tf tlrcre is n nrctnlatri blnck nctnl sccttc irt tlrc Dominicmt Rcflrblic?Ycs, I nm utrrently zuorkinguitlt VM records, nnd yes, it is n BlnckMatnl lnbel irt tlrc Doninicnn Republic. / I don't renlly knuu tt lotrtbout tlrc Doninicat Rcpublic, httt I do knozo tlrcre is n good nrctnlscetle aspecinlly of Blnck Metnl bnnds. Dorrriticmr ReTnfulic lns goodBlnck Metal bsnds.fronr rulutt I lmac lrcnrd, mttl I nnt lrcnorcd to tLtorkruitlr tlrcnt under tlrc sntne Inbcl.

Whnt is the nretnL scene likc utlrcre you liue ilt Puerto Rico? Mctnlsltuos? Metnl rndio sltotosTwell, tlrc nrctnl scene lrcre irL Puerto Rico use to bc bctter, in tlrc ettrlynine ties dentlt nrctal uns strong, nnd tlrcrc nre still good bnnds snclt nsVorncious, Necronenrcsis nnd ln ht4ttiness, bttt hnrdcore mtd mrosltit lmue pretty nuch tnken ouer os fnr ns !'rtr cottcertrcd. / yes, I'uebeen to matty slrcuts nnd tlrcrc nrc good spots to plny, good Bnrs nndPubs wch ns Soprnnos bnr, lbcns bnr, nnrl SOS, etc, ruhere bmds stillItold slrcuts. Metnl shouts nre goorl hcre, cuen tlnuglt thrry tlon't get ns.filled up ns lue'd likc. / Radio slrctus? Well, tlrcre nrcn't renlly rnrliosltuus here nbout metnl ns fnr ns I knotu. I'ue neuer hcnrtl of nny.

Do uou hnae plnns to plny liuc? Ara you irt contnct r.uith other nrctnlnrusicinns in Puerto Rico?At tlrc nrcnrcnt, I hnue no plans to TtLny liae. For nrc I tuould lmue to

find good nrusicinns zuho nre good in n socinl leuel ns roelt" tts itr ttnrusicnl leaeL nnd tltnt hmte tlrc smtrc irleologies ns I do. I don't thhtkit's n utnste of tine to pln:y liae, it nlzonys tnkes tlrc nmsic to nnothcrlertel I suppose, but I rlon't sce nrysclf plnying liae mty thne soort. lf Ido tnke Fnlgnr liuc, it ruould bc in tlrc Jirhtre , hrt not nuo. / ycs, I nrtt

irL cotttnct witlt otlrcr ntetsl nrrLsicinns nnd I do knoru seucrnl peoTtlc intlrc nrctnl scetrc lrcre. I ttse to bc tlrc dnuunrer of n denth nretnl bnndcnllcd "Mcttstntntor" nntl tltnt's lrczu I tttct otlrcr nrusicinns md renLlygot irtto tlrc lrcnrt of tlrc nrctnl scutc of Puerto Rico. Bttt rnut, I dorr'trcnlly tnlk to tltun ns nntch. I couhl sny I'nt nlorrc in 0 ruly.

Yottr tr ,utre is Etictutt Col, lbe rg. Arc yorrr l trctt ls frorrr Prtcrfo RicoTYes, tltnt is ttry trflitrc. My notlrcr's futily is nll frortr Pucrto Rico, ullborn utd rnisetl lrcre ns fnr ns tlrc fnmily trce gocs duun. My fnther isAtrrcricnn, hut Izons rnised in Puerto Rico rrty ruholc life shrcc I rons nbnby, utd I ruas rnised by nry nrother's fnnilies zolich nre all from hereruitlt nt Amcricnrt .fntlrcr. Brrt I do consider nryself Puerto Ricmt, o.fcourse.

You stnrted conrposing blnck nrctnl sorrgs zolrcn you utere '14

ltcnrs old.Wlmt bnrLdsrucre yort l isturi t tg to nt t l rc t i r trcTAt tlrttt ngc utlrcn I stnrtcd cortt1tosing blnck nrctnl, I utns into bnndssrtclr ns Mnylrun, Morltid, Beltcrit, Bclkctre, Burzwtt, Bntltory, (tlrcold slit), Dcicidc nnd Morbirl Angel, ntnny otlrcrs htr nminly stufJ'likc tltnt. Bttt rtozu, I still listert to nll tlrcse bnnds, Itut l'ue beenc4tmulirtg nty trrt.tsic tnstc ns ruell. l 'rte been listaning to oldcr sht,ffnau, sttclr ns Merciful Fnte, Bulldozer, Snntnel muJ tlrc nrighty Venonrof cottrsc, brLt izte baen listenitry to othcr blnck nrctnL CD's suclt ns Crrlof Silencc, Dodsferd, Grirrilnir, Tlrortc of Kntnrsis, etc. / The stntc o.fBInck nrctnl trczu is obuiotrcly diffcrent, nnd its rrrore ctTterhnentnl, likt:tlrc nnu Entperor tlmt I TtcrsorLnlly dort't likc. But rtoro, Bhck nrctnl isso rttttclt nbout inmgc nnd shit like tlnt. Mnny bnttls lmue forgottcttulmt Blnck nrctnl is md tlrc ntcssage beltinrl it. I tlink its turning tlrc:gcnre irtto n fnslion stntenmrt, rolich is ftcking pntlrctic nnd it's rtot ugood tling nt nIl i tt t ltc genre.

Cnrt yor.t crytlnin the instrunrcntntiott ott tlrc nlburn? Wltntinstrunrcnts do you ltlny? Wlrcrc do yort record?Ott tlrc rccord I jrrst relcnscd, I plny nll tlrc instnnrcnts, gtitnr, brcs,dnmts Ltrul uocnls. I rccord tlmtr scTtnrntcly obuiously. / I rccord ittshtrlio tlrqt n fricnd of ntine Miclu.tcl Nuiiez lms in Gunynnbo, PttcrtoRico. He lms ttticrophones o nircr, nnd n good prlgran, so l'nr hLckyto krtoru lrirrt. lt's u good ltlnce to record for nre, it's n contfortnble plncc.

Wlmt nre tlrc lyricnl cortcepts tltnt you cortaey in your songs?Tlrc conccpts I conrttal nrc ntostly nbout dcnth, Ltnd on huu the lrunLmtrnce lms strnycrl so nnrch front uthnt is rcnl. I tlrink the lummn rnce is nbnstnrd rncc. we lmue strnyerl so rnttch from nnture nnd zue nre lidingbalind nll tlis ntnterinl shit. It's sonrctlilng tlmt gets nrc zuriting IstLpposc. So I utould sny I lutue n nrisaftlropic nppronch on tlrc lyrics. /Irt " Motlrcr of Etcrnnl SlceTt" tlrc lyrics nre nltout denth, it's nbottt lrctpdctttlr is inescnpnble, it's n driuittg forcc tlutt cnuses fenr in nmn, mtddentlr is n driztittg forcc itr nnture thnt nrust be respccted ht nry eyes.TIrc song "Dttngeons of Ailnrcnt" is nnti,society nnd nnti lnmtnn rnce.Tlrc Iyrics nrc nbout lrcn.u atperficinl nnd nnrroru-ninded sociehl is nndtlrc rules sct by society. Misutthropic. / Ott tlrc nryspnce I hnue il sotrgcnlled "Beyond tlrc Fnrling Stnrs". Tlmt song is ncfunlly not netu, tlmtsotlg r1os sttpposed to cortte out on lnst yenr witlt otlrcr old sottgs oftttitrc, ht n CD cnlletT "Front tlrc Ancient Darkness", bttt I neuer got toit. Tlmt sortg is ttctunlly onc of tlrc first I zorote for Fnlgnr. I relensed iton n conTtilntion under VM records, so nt lenst it got sonrc expoutre. /I mn curre rttly roorking on rrnt) nrntcrinl for nry next CD. I hnuc 7 nezusongs for nry rrcxt CD thnt I ltnuen't recorded yet, hi I ruill in tlrcttext corrple of nrcnths in the studio.

Wlmt is t l rc uLrrent econontic si tuntion in Puerto Rico? Arc you ,fbr

Puerto Ricnn independence front tlrc U.S.? More thnn 500 yenrs o!Spnnislt nnd U.S. coloninlisnt nncl hnperinlisnr!!Puerto Rico is not doirtg so utell econonicslly, roe nre in n lot o.f debtnnd hopeftlly tlrc neTr) goaeftror recently elected utill fix tlirrgs upt,becmtse thirtgs aren't going so good. My position is I ttnL proindependence. I utns rnised in n Puerto Ricm fnntily nry zuhole life nndI loue zolrcre I'nt fronr nnd to see Lts ner)er gnining our freedom botlrcrsrne. We lutue been colonized by Spnh4 Englmd (n slrcrt tinrc), multlrcn Spnin ngnin, nnd nuo USA. I think our cuLture is uery di.fferent

front mnny otlrcr uiltures nnd I stnnd Ln1 it. It's not rigltt lmuingAnrericmrc tnlk .for us ulrcn tlrct1 don't knoru n dnnrn shit nbout uhntgoes on lrcre, thc crittre, tltc cttlfure; it's nrLtorkl npnrt.from tlrc USA.

Wlmt do lrou think oLllrc older Nonpeginn bnnds, like Sntyricon ruhoplnlr AC )C-like rock nnrl roll rpith groul uocttls md DnrkTlvone ru|rcplnlt 70s punk rock ruith groutl uocnls?I think tlrcse bnnds nre grcnt bLtnds nnd tlury utlwe nhend of tlrcirtinrc. I like Sntyricon's old stuff, like Dnrk Medieunl Tinrcs, nttrl ofclltrse, Nenrcsis DiainnTt)ns o gre nt record, aery rnu. Dnrktltone lndgood trtttsic bnck in tlrc older dnys o.f BM, lika n Blttze in tlrc NortlrcrnSky nnd Trnnsylanrtimt Hunger mrrl Urtder n Funernl Moon. Tlrcy'restyle noru is crust put* ruitlr growling rtocnls nrtd it's good but its rtotns good ns tlrcir older nnterinl. My nntsic is definitely h{hrcnced byolrl stuff like tlmt, I grau up listening to tlnse records mttl tlrcyin.fluenced nty sotlg uriting. Brrt I don't try to sound like anyone,zolrctt I rurite, I tlink of n ri.ff mtd thnt's thnt, btrt tlrottgh tlrc ycnrs,tlrcse styles nnd bnnds lmuc nnlded nry utritittg.

Is tlrcre sonrctling else ltort zuould like to nrcntion? !Not renlly. Keep yottr cycs penled .for tlrc f tturc record. And keeTt tlrcblnck nretnl Jlmnc burring! THE END.

Barttlesoul (Canada) consicler themselves Celtic thrash. To theseears it is death/black/thrash with folk elcments. Eithcr way, itis impressive, memorable ancl well-written. The quality of theirself-titled recorcling is solirl, which is a clefinite plus. MikeGruncl (guitars) gives an ovcliew of the bancl. I wers imprcsseclwith the songwriting. www.myspace.con/battlesoulmetal

Yortr recordit tg is uc4t t t tcntontblc, cnsy-to-gtt- i t t to sotrgs!! 5ttrcl ! t

tteople ulrc lurue lrcnrd it lnue noticed!Firstly I ruould like to tnke tlis opportunity ort bchnlf of Bnttlesoul totltmrk you trenrcndously .for giuittg us our f rst officinL irtteruintt. We

nre nl luery pleasedzuithhotu the recordir lg cnnrc ortt ort t l rc EP. Ourgritnrist (Tlrcnns) hns tt studio nnd hmullcti tlrc entire recordhtgprlccss. It nndc quite n dffirence utorking uitlt no dendlittes nnd

[adgct Lud I tltit* it's re.flected ott tltc recorditrg. As .for gcttitrgnoticed, it is uery diffiult, especinlLy in a nmrket tlnt is lrcnuily

saturated witlt such incrediblc tnlent, ulrcther in our Setrre or trot. I

feel thnt since ute -first stnrted n little laer a yeor ttgo, ute hnue ntndc

ercellent progress in gettirLg otlr nanlc out tlrcre. Wa'll t:orttitrue to do

sltuus nnd sprend tlrc zuord ain tlrc internet nnd utord of rttorrtlt,

knoroing tlnt snccess istt't sonrctling thnt ruill lnTtpett oueniglrt.

dnnce r i tun l?Vengemtce isn't nbout nn nchutl "tintlce

utord is uscd ns n nrctnplrcr to describeLyricnlly tltis nlhnn lms n looseLy bnsed

concept in nrcdieanl tinrcs nbout n colony thnt is being suppressed nndlrcut one runrior rises nhoae nnd fights for their freedoru.

You hnue n song cnlled "Bnttlesoul." Wns tlmt your.first song?It's the .first song rue utrote ns a group, but Nich (drunrc) nnd l, hadbeen r,oritirtg nenrly 4 nrontlrc pior to it. lt hns becorne somauhnt oJour signnture track. We usunlly like to finislt shuus zuith it since itseetrrc to get n grent resportse lizte. Tltis utns Jon's first crnck nt uritinglyrics nnd rr)e rlere nll uery intpressed ruitlt hout lrc handled it. Theconcept belind it is nbout lmuing tlrc ruill to ftght for honour nnd ulmtyou bclinte, ruhilc of course pttting our o(un Bnttlesoul spitt orrtlings. It's n pret\ genernl nrcssnge I suppose, but I think it's one thnter)eryltrc cnn rclnte to ulrcilter you're fighting a r0or, n fire or yourInrullord.

"Tlrc Coi I Dt'fy," "Disci/ittt irt Blrcflrcnry" nttd "Diuirtity Defiltd"hnue nn nntireLigious nessnge? Does eucrytont in thc bnnd leel tlrcsnnrc zuny? Is it di,fficttlt to tppronclt lltrics like "Diaini! De.fileLl"tui l l tott t cl ichcs? Wlrnt nrc t lr ings ntot iuntirrg your lyr i ts?Our lyrics zuere inspired by nnny tlings roliclt nre prethl typicnl ofntost bmrds like lristory, politics, religion, etc. I think the underlyingnlessnge ue lmac ruitlt tlis EP is.ottce you get pnst tlrc bnttle inrngcry,is tlmt yar nre yortr mr)tt persur. You nre entitled to lmae ylur monbeliefs nnd if you feel strongly nbout sonrcthing nnke n stnnd. Tlrcroorlrl is -full o.f uenk, norrou) ninded people, nnd it's trp to tlrcinrliztirhutl to re nlizc their phce. As for using clichis it's rtot sonrctlringue rcnlly tlrink nbout it. Wc just do zoltnt rttc do nnd if it cornes ocrossLike tlutt tlrett thnt's thc liste ncr's prerogntiae.To us nll feeling the snnrezuny nbottt tlrc anti-religious tttessage tlrroughout tlrc lyrics, thnt is ndiftiuLlt question to mtsrucr ltecnuse there nre four diffcrent opiniotrstlrcre. I cnn orLly spenk.for ttrysel,f atd nt tlrc etd of tlrc dny ute nre orilycortcenrcd ruitlt ruritirtg grcnt sotrgs. We tntst thnt ulneaer is ruritingtlrc lyrics zohctlter it is Jon or I, roe uill nnke thutt tlrc best zue possibLycan.

Wlnt cmt you sny nbout tlrc scene ruhere you liae?Wlrcre u)e ore locnted in Lotulott, OrLtnrio zue lmr,te n populntiott o.fnbout 400,000 1tco7tle. It is locnted 2 hours Sortth of Toronto nnd 3lrcurs Nortlt of Dctroit, so rttttttrnlly being ltnlf wny betrueert botlrrtrnjor cities zue get n lot of tours tlrnt pnss tltrottglt. We'rte hnd ncts likeMatnLlicn, SInyer, Irt Flnnrcs, Hypocrisy, Nigltttuislt, Scorpiorts muleuert Kiss bnck irt tlrc dny, nnrl the list goes otr. We zuere forturntcenouglr to shnrc tlrc stnge uitlt Moonsorrlzu lrcre in London ntLdEltnteitie md Kntnklystrt itr Torortto tlris ycnr. As you cnn see, ns forlocnl shuos we Inac n tretrwtdously strong scene. There nre nbout ttdozert locnl nrctnl bnnds thnt lurue lrclped nmke it grout into zulnt it is.Eueryone is z)ery utpportirte of eueryone eLse zulich hns lrclped unifyour rtrctnl connrrrutity. For mtyotte retdirtg tlis I reconrnrend ttisitirtgzmtnu :ttysp nce. cot n \ondot rcntnrion Letnl to see wln t l'n r tnlkittg nhotr t.

Yott lntte t lrc sottnds o-f Celt ic instntnrcnts i t t !rcur nrusic. Hoto trtr tcl to! t lutt is studio/corrrputer snnrples?On tlrc EP it's entirely snnrpled r.rsirtg conrTtuter soffuunre but sittcc tL,r:hnt,e begtrn roritirtg for our nc70 illbrtnt zLtc lmue dacided to use nstnotty rcnl instntrttents ns rue cmt roitlin tlrc confines of our rrtrtsic.Niclt euctt plnys n rippittg penny rolistle ort rt cottple of tlrc tteu trncksauJ roc'll be usittg bng Ttipes, strings, rttruulolin nnd nrrytling elsc roecnn gct our lmnds ott to ntnke it sotuul ns nutlterLtic ns Ttossible.

olrl 70ere vlu rLtlten ^UoLt stryE4----p!UllU?Tlrc conccpt belind Dnnce ofor ritunl" per se. Ratlrcr tlmtthe nct o.f killing, like nn nrt.


We nll stnrted plnyhtg nt different nges. Personnlly I started plnyirrg

T.ultcLt I 70as around 77-18 tuith n bmttl cnlled Heaaen Ablnzc nnd theycontiturc to stiil go strottg. As for Tlrcntns nd Niclt tlrcy rucrc n bityotulgcr nrotutd 14-'15. I rccnll lrcnrir'tg storics of tltc ttuo of tlrcnr

1:lnying scltool tnlcnt slrcuts mtd suclt itt tlrcir enrlier dnys. Tltontrclntcr plnyed ht sonretltutg like 8 di,fferent bmds Qnninly pwtk nnd mrnrctnl) nnd Nich pln:yed in n tech ructnl ltnnri cnlled Distrot. As for lon,I'd gtess lrc nigltt lmac beut nrounrl "16-17. I hcnr tlnt lrc stnrted off inn ternble pouer nrctnl bnnd tltttt gcts rcfercnced to in a Lot of bnd jokes.We nll lmd different irlluences tlmt ins1:ired us. Genernlly spenking nllof us (cxcept Jott) cut our tceth on Srocdish Denth Metnl. lon zunsinitinlly inJluenced by n lot of blnck netnl I find. I tltink nll of us lmrten gui l ty plcnsure for ortr Mut'O Wnr ud clnssic rnctnl.

The recortl conrpnics, ss grcady cnpitnlist business slrnrks, pronrctc nllsorts o.f trendy sttt.ff. Wlrcre does Bnttlesoul stnnd? !WelI peoTtle lutae snid tlmt tlrc stylc of nutsic rue ore plnying, uliclt

fnlls into tlrc folk nrctnl cntcgory sonrnulmt, is just n trend. I dort'ttlrir* I cnn belieue tlmt zulrcn tlrc gcnrc hns Ttrogressiuely becn orr tlrcupsrohtg the lttst nenrly 20 ye nrs nnd sirtcc it rcccntly exploded ruitlirttlrc lnst feru yenrs. People slnultlrt't gct too crught up in rulnt's in orottt. It's nll n business nnd tlrc cortrpmies nra just trying to nmke nbuck. We nll knotu tltis. Good trrttsic zoill sustnin its self md tlrc

Jlnuour of tlrc ntontlt sht-ff ruill bc forgotten nbout. I don't gct cnuglttrtp in thnt lrype, if I like it I listen, if I don't I ignorc it. I guess if youare plnying ntetnl yott'ue ncccpted tlrc.fnct yort nren't goittg to get riclrWe nre just four dudcs tryhtg to utrite tlrc bcst sltrgs roe cnn. We don'tnppronclt it like n bushrcss nltlrcuglL ute do tnke grent pride in hnuittggrent rrrerchnndise tlmt our fnrrc zoill be proud to utenr. We caerLhtnllyrunnt the tours mtd tlrc record corrtrnct. Wlmt bmd doesn't? Wc'lLcotttintLe to rurite for our fortlrconting nLbunt entitled 'Gmt| mulconthrue plnying slrcuts. Wc ltnuc n nrini-tour in April thnt uill bctnking us tlrouglt Otttnrio nnd into Qtrcbcc roliclt zoill be n first forus. We nre nl l stoked for t l rc.f i t ture nnd to tnkc t l t is to n nezu lcztel

Cmt yott Icl l r ts u, lnt yott. rc n Cntrqdintt, t l r i trk o.f l l rc Ll.S.goaernnrent nnd its nctions nrorutd tlrc ruorld?I rcpresent only nrysclf utitlt tlis opitriort ttttd cnn't spenk on balmlf oftlrc rest of nry fellou Cnndimrc but no, I don't belieue tlrc LI.S.dcfenrls those things nt nll. I belieue tlrc IJ.S. Goaermtrcnt tolmue tlrcirotort rtgutdn. I'rrr rtot goittg to gct irLto specifics becnuse tlis interuiupisn't about tlmt. I jrtst hopc tltnt uitlt tlrc clection of yotLr neruprcsident tltirtgs zoill begin to clmnge for tlrc better.

Wlmt nbout tlrc Cmndinn gouernntufiT Wlmt do you think nbout itsnctions nround tlrc zuorld, Iike in tlrc Middle E.nst? Do ltorL tlthtk itdefends " denrccrncy" nnd "pence" in tlrc roorld?I think witlt tlrc Cnnndinn Gwernntettt, zoe stnnd for tlrings like

rlerrtocrncy utd pence. Huueuer rolrcn it conrcs to our nctiotts rue nre .fnrlcss pozucrfil md zuitlmrt tlte resourccs thnt otlrcr ntnjor cottntriesposcss, tlris behtg utlty ute nrc ntuch less uisiblc on n globnl scnlc utlmrit corrres to nmking ltendlines. I cnn't sny I ngrce zuith cucrything ottrCnnnriinn Couenmrcnt tloes, zue hnttc n Lot of internnl Ttroblenrs, as donrost Coaernnrents. Ort n ruhole I giue our currettt CnnnrlinttCouenmrcnt six nnd n lmlf Thor Hnnrnrers out of ten.II thhk both the U.S. and Canadian govemrncrlt are imperialist warmongeringexploiters! -editor]

Wlmt does your bnnd hnae to offcrTI feel ue nre n aery diaerse bnnd. We coucr nll ends of the sTtectnnn

uocnlly, front gutturnl to clenn sirtgirtg. We hnue n lot of nrclody nndnre technicnl uthen toe need to be. I zuouldn't sny rle nre reinuentingtlrc rulrcel by nny nrcons but roe offer, ruhnt I consider, sontething

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Fcbruarr' 15, 2009[r:ontact: thcoutcas

trrLiLTrtc itt our nrrrsic itt tlmt it lms its ozun idcntity nnd you renLizctlmt rulrcn yort lrcnr it. We loue Ttlnying nrul Ttcrfomting first nnd

foruttost nnd I .feel pttting on n solid sltotu is orte o,f our strengtlrc. Wcnll rumrt tlrc snnrc tlfutg, to tnke tlis bnul to its ftll potentittl ulilccorttinting to zuritc cntclty, epic tunes tlmt people cnn drhtk tutdruirtdttrill to.

Whttt t:lsc zuouLd you like to sttJt? !A big tlrttnks once ngnin to yott MmLricio nntl Mctnl Bulletin .forgitting us tlis opTtorturity. \'oLt nsked n lot of zuell tlrcught questiottsnnd quite frnnkly tlrings I hndtt't renlly tlnuglrt nbout nruclt utttil Ilmd to onsTt)er tlrcnr. As zocll n ltig tlmnks to eaeryone ru\rc took thisoTtStorturtify to rend tlis! Watch out for BnttlesouL fu '09! We zoill bcrelcnsing our first ftll length nd littirtg tlrc ronri hnrd. Visit rLs ntrutoro.nrltspncc.cottt LtnttlcsouhtrctnL nLdzoruru.rrtlrspnce.conr "ccltouscstudios . -Mike Grutttl THE ElnD

REVIEWSMalignus: (demo)TItc tlrree songs by Mnligrnrs (Austrnlin) nre the type of ntusic tlmtrulrcn tlrc bnttnl rlenth nrctnl zenlots lrcnr it liue , tlrcy instnntly stnrtingntoslring, ptrsltirtg ench otlrcr nround nnd genernlly stnrt ntnnittgnror.trtd ttrttil tlrcy get krtockcd dorurt md gct rlp nnd proceed to rrtosltnnd ntn nrorrnd sottte tttore . After tlte song is or)er, they yell to tlrcbtrrtrl, in n ntortstcr/groruL uoice "Arrgglillth!!" nnd tlrc bnnd nrnygrorul sonrctling hnck like, "l rlotuta scc you ntoue!!," rultich is nlldentlt rnctnl Imtgrnge for snying, "l lorte you, dude!!"

So, tlrcn, tltis is urperunhttelligibly guttural urgghdentltr)ocals, toitlt tltose required pig squenls tlroutrt in euery so o.ften. Tlrcrrtttsic is tt bttrrnge o.f blnstbents, .fnst bcnts, chnotic bents. Tlrc gtritussound likc nll sorts of nrnclirrc sholt tools mnking nll sorts of hc:irtg,sntuirtg noises, jtrst rrtnclirring u7t tlrc zohole situntion.

Mnligruts nin't n0 .fitncy propositiort, nrore like n .f,,glyproTtosition pronrising to hohl notliltLg but aiolent, gttthLrnl dcntlrnrctnl itt store for tlrc listurcr. lt's not nrclodic nnd I do rrct rcrrrcnrttertlrc songs nftcr tlrcy stoTt lthyittg nt nll. I only rcnrcnrbcr n nrorrrrtnitt o.fcncoplrcny nssocinte d zoith tlrc bmd MnligLtts.w ww.nryspacc.conr / ma I ignus

Nitrous: Outlaw Racer (Nailboard Records)Nitrous (Estonin) cnll tlrcntseLucs tlrag rnce tlrnsh ntetnl becnuse tlrcirsongs nrc nbout .fnst cnrs, nnd one of tlrc nrcntbers is n professionnldrng rnce drizter. Achnlly, tlrc bnnd often sounds like lrenuy, tlriL:ktlmrslL witlt nrnybc sune agrl-tlrnslt elcnrents, but they nlso somtdlike lrcnay, nggressirte lrcnuy nrctnL, nnd sonrctitttcs tlrcy sound likcrientlr nrctnl, too. Conrc to think of it, the hcnuiness style of tlrc bmrdtrtigltt bc referenced to Pnntern and mnybe Mncline Hend, but nroraunrintiort irt tlrc uocnls, from gritty singing to sonrc grorol or grozul-Iike rtocnls.Nitrotrc rclies on nggressiort nnd energy to get them through, nsoptTtosed to nrclody or cntchy clrcnLs lines. Tlrc soilgs are desigre,l togct n Ttlrysicnl renction fronr tlrc listener, I guess, this nnkes sense fronrtlrc point of uieu of the drng rnce driuer nmftnlity of speed of gettirrgIots of tlrnsling done . At the snnrc time, I don't seett to renrcntbcrruell tlrc songs uthcn the cd stops plnyhtg because it's energy-for-tttonrcrtt nrusic. Liste trcrs roho insist on nggressiort mtd energy nnd nottnelody nnd cntcliness niglt ronnt to lrcnr tfuashers getting tlrcirbntteries clmrge d in tlrc Estoninn drng race bands/ nitrouswww.myspacc.conr /n i trousmeta I