Merchandising (120 Hours) - Washington State University ... · and ECONS 352 Business Industry...


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The requirements listed below reflect the undergraduate major curricular changes approved by the Catalog Subcommittee since approval of the last Undergraduate Major Change Bulletin. All changes are underlined. Deletions are crossed out. The column to the far right indicates the date each change becomes effective. Department Proposed Effective

Date Apparel, Merchandising, Design & Textiles Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Apparel, Merchandising, and Textiles – Merchandising Option

Merchandising (120 Hours) Merchandising includes courses designed to allow students to develop competence in the planning, buying, and selling of merchandise in either manufacturing or retail organizations. Curriculum includes a focus on marketing. Students often pursue one of the minors in Business. Students wishing to certify in apparel merchandising, design, and textiles must have a minimum 2.50 cumulative gpaGPA. Students must receive a C or better grade in all AMDT courses, MKTG 360, and ECONS 352 Business Industry elective. A course may only be repeated once. Courses required in these programs cannot be taken on a pass, fail basis.

First Year

First Term Hours AMDT 108 3 COM 102 [COMM] or H D 205 [COMM] recommended 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 FINE ART 101 [ARTS] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Quantitative Reasoning [QUAN] 3 Elective 3

Second Term Hours AMDT 208 3 BIOLOGY 140 [BSCI] recommended1 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 Natural Science1 4 SOC 101 [SSCI] or PSYCH 105 [SSCI] recommended 3 STAT 212 [QUAN] recommended 4 Elective 3

Second Year



First Term Hours AMDT 210 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] with lab1 4 Natural Science1 43 Electives2 3

Second Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 AMDT 212 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 Electives2 69 Complete Writing Portfolio

Third Year

First Term Hours AMDT 307 3 AMDT 314 3 AMDT 318 3 AMDT 417 [M] 3 AMDT 488 1 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Electives2 63

Second Term Hours AMDT 307 3 AMDT 314 3 AMDT 420 [M] 3 AMDT 440 3 Business Industry Elective2 3 ECONS 352 3 MKTG 360 3 Electives2 3

Third Term Hours AMDT 490 3

Fourth Year

First Term Hours AMDT 417 [DIVR] 3 AMDT 490 3 MKTG 360 3 Integrative Capstone [CAPS] 3


Electives2 9

Second Term Hours AMDT 413 [M] [CAPS] 3 AMDT 430 3 AMDT 450 3 AMDT 440 3 Electives (300- or 400-level)2 36

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 A maximum of 9 hours of electives may be taken at the 100-200 level. 2 Business Industry Elective: B LAW 210; ECONS 321, 326, 352, 430; MGMT 301, 315;

MIS 250; PHIL 360; WOMEN ST 320 [M].

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Business Administration Plan

Business Administration, Vancouver and Tri-Cities Campuses Only (120 Hours)

The following major is available only to students on the Vancouver and Tri-Cities campuses. Students on the Pullman campus may not certify into this major. Business Administration majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3



Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives(Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4 POL S Elective 4 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours 300-400-level Business / or ECONS Elective35 3 FIN 325 3 MGTOP MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3 Electives(Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 338 3 ENGLISH 402 [M] 3 MGTOP 340 3 MGTOP MGMT 401 [M] 3 Electives(Non-Business)3 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours 400-level Business or ECONS Electives35 36 400-level Business Elective [M]3 3 FIN 425 [M] 3 Electives(Non-Business)3 6 Second Term Hours MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 MKTG 495 [M] 3 300-400-level Business Course5 3 Electives(Non-Business)3 63

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting


the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required business administration courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Accounting Plan

Accounting (120 Hours)

The objectives of the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a major in accounting are to provide knowledge about practical and conceptual accounting, basic accounting information systems, and the use of accounting information for managerial decision-making purposes. This provides preparation for careers in private, governmental, and non-profit accounting. It also provides a foundation to enter the Master of Accounting program for those interested in a professional career in public accounting or consulting. Accounting majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3



Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4 POL S Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours ACCTG 330 3 ACCTG 335 or 338 3 FIN 325 3 MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 331 3 ACCTG 335 or 338 3 MGTOP 340 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 6 Fourth Year First Term Hours 400-level ACCTG course34 3 ACCTG 433 [M] 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 9 Second Term Hours 400-level ACCTG course34 3 ACCTG 438 [M] or ACCTG 439 [M] 3 ENGLISH 402 [M] 4 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 1

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by


advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 400-level Accounting courses: MGMT 401, 485, 487, MGTOP 470, MKTG 379, or 300-400-level MIS or FIN course. May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required accounting courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

4 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Finance Plan

Finance (120 Hours)

Preparation for careers in financial management, investment analysis, financial institutions management, financial services, real estate, or risk management and insurance. Finance majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 B LAW 210 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 Electives(Non-Business)2 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3



COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]23 3 Electives(Non-Business)2 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours FIN 325 3 MGMT 301 3 MGTOP 340 3 MKTG 360 3 POL S Elective 3 Second Term Hours 300-400-level FIN Elective35 3 ACCTG 330 3 FIN 421 3 FIN 425 [M] 3 Electives(Non-Business)2 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours 300-400-level FIN Elective35 3 FIN 427 [M] or FIN 437 [M] 3 Electives(Non-Business)2 9 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective46 3 ENGLISH 402 [M]5 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 Electives(Non-Business)2 4

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 23 Required for the major. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.


35 Finance majors are required to take ACCTG 330, FIN 421, 425 [M], one of FIN 427[M] or FIN 437[M], t Two 300-400-level FIN electives and one 300-400-level College of Business elective which cannot be from the business administration core, the set of required FIN courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

46 Elective course may include ECONS 301 or 305. May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required FIN courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

5 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Entrepreneurship Plan

Entrepreneurship(120 Hours)

The entrepreneurship major has been developed for students interested in venture management, new venture startup and small business and the management of family firms. Entrepreneurship majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalogue for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4



POL S Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective35 3 FIN 325 3 MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective5 3 ENTRP 489 3 300-400-level ENTRP Elective 3 ENTRP 490 [M] 3 300-400-level ENTRP Elective [M] 3 MGTOP 340 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours 300-400-level ENTRP Electives 6 ENTRP 426 3 ENTRP 485 [M] or 496 [M] 3 ENGLISH 402 [M]4 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 6 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective35 (MIS 441 recommended) 3 ENTRP 485, 486 [M], or 496 [M] 3 ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 4

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business


international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required ENTRP courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

4 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Management Information Systems Plan

Management Information Systems (120 Hours)

Preparation for careers in every field of business, using information systems technology to solve business problems. Provides excellent training in systems design, development, networking, and support to meet the demands of this fast-growing occupational area. Management Information System majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3



COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4 MIS 271 or Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours FIN 325 3 MGMT 301 3 MIS 271 or 300-400-level MIS Electives5 3 MIS 322 [M] 3 MIS 325 3 Second Term Hours 300-400-level MIS Elective5 or Electives 3 MGTOP 340 3 MIS 372 [M] 3 MKTG 360 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours 300-400-level Business Electives35 6 ENGLISH 402 [M]4 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Electives 3 POL S Elective 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 7

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 Admissible 300- or 400-level courses may not include courses from the business


administration core, the set of required MIS courses, or any 498 or 499 courses. 4 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or

Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – International Business Plan

International Business(120 Hours)

Preparation for careers with multinational corporations, governmental and intergovernmental agencies both domestic and international. Students must complete 9 credits of foreign study except for students studying at WSU who reside outside the US and who attended at least one year of secondary school in a foreign country. One year of foreign language is required except for non-native speakers of English from outside the US who may substitute satisfactory TOEFL scores. Bilingual Americans may substitute satisfactory ETS scores or certification by a WSU faculty member who is a native speaker of the target language. International Business majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3 Second Year First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 2 Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3



COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 MGTOP 215 4 POL S Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4 Third Year First Term Hours 300-400-level I BUS Elective5,7 3 Foreign Language Elective35 4 Study Abroad4 6 12 9 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Electives8 3 FIN 325 3 I BUS 380 3 MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours Foreign Language Elective35 4 I BUS 415 [M] 3 MGTOP 340 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3 Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Electives8 3 300-400-level I BUS Elective5 6 3 ECONS 327, 427, or I BUS 470 3 ENGLISH 402 [M] 6 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 May be taken as part of study abroad.


46 Study Abroad coursework may also be taken during summer. 5 I BUS Electives are: I BUS 415, I BUS 416 [M], I BUS 435, MIS 441, I BUS 453 [M],

FIN 481 [M], I BUS 482 [M], ENTRP 492, I BUS 496, I BUS 498, I BUS 499; and ECONS 327 or I BUS 470.

7 I BUS Electives are: I BUS 416 [M], 435, 453 [M], 470, ACCTG 420, ECONS 327, 482, 496, ENTRP 492, FIN 481 [M], and MIS 441.

6 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

8 May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required I BUS courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

Business Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration – Marketing Plan

Marketing (120 Hours) Preparation for careers in marketing management, sales, retail management, marketing research, brand management, and promotion.

Marketing majors are required to complete a minimum of 9 upper-division business courses in residence. Students within the College of Business must complete an International Learning Requirement option, see catalog for more information. First Year

First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3

Second Term Hours ECONS 101 or 102 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI]1 4 or 3

Second Year

First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 Diversity [DIVR] 3 SOC [SSCI] or PSYCH [SSCI]2 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3



Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235, or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4

MGTOP 215 4 POL S Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer4

Third Year

First Term Hours FIN 325 3 MGMT 301 3 MGTOP 340 3 MKTG 360 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3

Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Electives35 3 300-400-level MKTG Elective35 3 ENGLISH 402 [M]4, 3 MKTG 407 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 3

Fourth Year

First Term Hours 300-400-level Business Electives35 3 300-400-level MKTG Elective [M]35 3 MKTG 368 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 6

Second Term Hours MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 MKTG 495 [M] 3 Electives (Non-Business)3 7

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Required for the major. 3 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 4 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad


program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

35 May not include courses from the business administration core, the set of required MKTG courses, or any 498 or 499 courses.

4 If approved, ENGLISH 403 may fulfill the UCORE Communication [COMM] or Written Communication [WRTG] requirement.

Design and Construction Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architecture(120 Hours)

Accredited by the Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB), the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) is a professional degree program that provides students with the common body of knowledge related to landscape architecture. The Landscape Architecture Program is based on a concern for human beings and the environment. The program teaches students to create outdoor spaces that support human activities and that positively affect the environment. The BLA curriculum is structured to create unique learning experiences each semester. Broadly speaking, the curriculum emphasizes practical and applied experiential learning, draws from courses across campus, and provides students with opportunities to think critically and integrate diverse bodies of knowledge. The professional course of study is divided into two segments: pre-landscape architecture and the second – fourth year professional landscape architecture program (BLA). Completion of the program leads to the degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture and allows the graduate to enter the profession. At least three additional years of professional experience and successful completion of the landscape architectural license examination are necessary for registration as a licensed landscape architect in most states. Pre-landscape architecture (pre-LA) is a one-year, non-degree course of study that is intended to prepare undergraduate students for the advanced professional curriculum. The pre-LA curriculum concentrates on University Common Requirements (UCORE) and basic professional courses. UCORE courses should be selected with the assistance of a landscape architecture advisor. Transfer students who have not completed the equivalent of the pre-LA course work will be accepted directly into pre-LA. Certification Requirements Students must submit a certification application in the spring



semester of their first year. Application forms and instructions are available in the School of Design and Construction main office and on the web site: Due to limitations of space, faculty, and budget, admission is limited and based on academic performance. Certification requirements include completion of at least 24 semester hours and the pre-LA curriculum. The following three courses (or approved equivalents) must be completed with a grade of C or better: SDC 100, SDC 120 and SDC 140. Additional required courses are HISTORY 105, ENGLISH 101, MATH 105 (or higher), COM 102 or H D 205, and one fine arts course (FINE ART 101, 201 or 202). A minimum 2.5 WSU cumulative gpaGPA is required to apply for certification. Students’ overall WSU gpaGPA and major specific gpaGPA from the courses listed above are considered in the application process. Professional Program Requirements (BLA) Students must earn a C or better grade in all courses required for the landscape architecture professional program. To graduate, at the end of their program of study, all students must submit a digital portfolio of creative works and present their portfolio at an off-campus, program-organized review. Second and fourth-year students will be required to participate in an off-campus study tour during the fall semester. Transfer students who have completed the equivalent of the pre-LA curriculum may apply to the professional program by submitting a portfolio and academic transcripts for consideration. Contact the landscape architecture program for portfolio requirements. All students admitted into the second year will be required to purchase a laptop computer. Details and specifications can be found on the school website: First Year First Term Hours BIOLOGY 120 [BSCI]1 4 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 MATH 105 or higher [QUAN] 3 SDC 100 3 SDC 120 3 Second Term Hours COM 102 [COMM] or H D 105 205 [COMM] 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS]2 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 GEOLOGY 101 [PSCI] 4 SDC 140 3 Apply for Certification


Second Year First Term Hours HORT 231 3 LND ARCH 102 3 LND ARCH 222 1 LND ARCH 262 3 SDC 250 3 Social Sciences [SSCI] 3 Second Term Hours HORT 232 3 LND ARCH 263 3 LND ARCH 365 4 SDC 350 [M] 3 SOIL SCI 201 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Third Year First Term Hours HORT 499 1 LND ARCH 327 3 LND ARCH 362 4 LND ARCH 366 4 LND ARCH 467 4 LND ARCH 499 1 Second Term Hours HORT 331 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 LND ARCH 363 4 LND ARCH 367 3 LND ARCH 3803 3 Fourth Year First Term Hours LND ARCH 450 [M] 3 LND ARCH 470 4 LND ARCH 475 2 SDC 444 1 Electives 2 4 Second Term Hours Diversity [DIVR] 3 Integrative Capstone [CAPS] 3 LND ARCH 480 2 LND ARCH 485 [M] 4


Complete Digital Portfolio

Footnotes 1 If BIOLOGY 120 is not taken in Fall, BIOLOGY 106 can be substituted in the Spring. 2 Choose one: FINE ART 101, 201 or 202. 3 If LND ARCH 380 is not available, may use BIOLOGY 372, 462, NATRS 300, 454, or


Engineering and Computer Science WSU-Vancouver Revise graduation requirements Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering Requirements (Vancouver only) (121 Hours)

Students who have completed at least 30 semester hours of course work and who have completed CHEM 105; CS 251; ECE 214, ECE 234, ECE 260, MATH 273, and PHYSICS 202, or their equivalents, are eligible for certification into the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program. All courses required for certification must be completed with a grade of C or better. Enrollment in many upper-division electrical engineering courses is restricted to certified majors or minors in electrical or mechanical engineering. When it becomes necessary to limit enrollment, the overall gpaGPA as well as the gpaGPA for the prerequisite courses listed will be important factors. Students who have not completed all of the prerequisite courses will be placed in a pre-engineering major. No courses listed in this schedule of studies may be taken on a pass/fail basis. All upper-division electrical engineering courses must be completed with a minimum 2.0 average gpaGPA. First Year First Term Hours CHEM 105 [PSCI] 4 ECE 101 2 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 171 [QUAN] 4 Second Term Hours CS 251 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 MATH 172 4 PHYSICS 201 [PSCI] 4 Second Year First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI] 3 or 4 ECE 214 3 MATH 220 2



MATH 273 2 PHYSICS 202 4 Second Term Hours Diversity [DIVR] 3 ECE 234 3 ECE 260 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 MATH 315 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Third Year First Term Hours ECE 321 3 ECE 325 4 ECE Elective1 3 ENGLISH 402 [WRTG] [M] 3 STAT 360 3 Second Term Hours ECE 341 3 ECE 370 3 ECE Electives1 9 Fourth Year First Term Hours ECE 411 3 ECE 451 2 ECE Electives1 9 Second Term Hours Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 ECE 405 [M] or CS 402 [M] 3 ECE 452 [M] [CAPS] 3 ECE Electives1 6

Footnotes 1 Please see department for an approved list of elective courses. The electives are chosen

from upper-division electrical engineering and related courses and must be pre-approved by a faculty advisor. Electives must be chosen from CS 330, 446, ECE 302, 316, 324, 327, 349, 366, 414, 421, 424, 425, 426, 461, 462, 466, 471, 476, 477, 486, 496, MECH 441, 467, 468, or be pre-approved by a faculty advisor.

Hospitality Business Management Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business

Hospitality Business Management (120 Hours) To be eligible for certification as a major in hospitality business management, students must have earned at least 60 semester hour of credit and completed the following certification courses with a gpaGPA of 2.50 or higher: ACCTG 230, 231; B LAW 210; MGTOP



Management – Hospitality Business Management Plan

215; ECONS 101, 102; ENGLISH 101; MATH 201, MATH 202; MIS 250, and have a WSU cumulative gpaGPA of 2.5. All students must apply for certification on-line. Students will also be ranked based on space availability and academic performance. Students are eligible to petition for consideration of alternative criteria. All students majoring in hospitality business management must complete at least 60 credit hours of their course work outside of the College of Business. MGTOP 215 may be counted as four credits towards this requirement. 1,000 hours of work experience is also required by the School of Hospitality Business Management. In order for hours to count for the requirement, they must meet the following criteria: 1) Hours must be worked after high-school graduation 2) All hours must be documented as paid 3) Hours must be worked at a company whose primary source of revenue is derived from hospitality services 4) The employer evaluation for the hours must reflect an average of 70% across the ratings criteria on the form Residence Requirements: 1) At least 50% of business core and major specialization course requirements must be taken at WSU; 2) At least nine 300-400-level business, economics, or hospitality courses must be taken in residence at WSU; and 3) The last 30 hours of course work must be taken at WSU. Transfer, correspondence, and independent study credit (within university limits on these credits) may count toward the 120 hours required for the degree and/or satisfy requirements other than major courses. Only general elective courses that are not UCOREs, not core/major requirements, and not a course offered by the CBE may be taken pass, fail. An honors senior project is required for Honors students.

First Year

First Term Hours Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]1 3 or 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 201 3 SOC or PSYCH [SSCI] (SOC 101 or 102 preferred) 3


Second Term Hours COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235 [COMM], or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4

ECONS 101 or 102 3 HBM 182 1 HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 Humanities [HUM] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI] 1 4 or 3 Electives (Non-Business)2 3

Second Year

First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Biological Sciences [BSCI] or SCIENCE 101 [SCI]12 3 or 4 COM 102 [COMM] or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4 Diversity [DIVR] 3 HBM 280 3 Electives (Non-Business)2 2 or 3

Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 MGTOP 215 4 MIS 250 3 POL S Elective 3 Complete Writing Portfolio Consider studying abroad this summer3

Third Year

First Term Hours Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 FIN 325 3 HBM 358 3 MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3

Second Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective 3 HBM 381 [M] 3 HBM 491 3 Physical Sciences [PSCI] or SCIENCE 102 [SCI] 1 4 or 3


SOC or PSYCH [SSCI] (SOC 101 or 102 preferred) 3 Electives (Non-Business)2 3

Fourth Year

First Term Hours 300-400-level Business Elective 3 ECONS 305, or 323, or 423 3 HBM 320 1 HBM 494 [M] 3 MGMT 450 3 Electives (Non-Business)1 2

Second Term Hours ENGLISH 402 [M] or 403 [M] 3 HBM 495 [CAPS] 3 Electives (Non-Business)2 7 Complete 1000-hour work experience

Footnotes 1 For a total of 7 units—one Biological Science [BSCI] and one Physical Science [PSCI]

course, including one lab course, or 8 units of SCIENCE 101 [SCI] and 102 [SCI]. 2 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credit hours. 3 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.

Hospitality Business Management Revise graduation requirements for Bachelor of Arts in Hospitality Business Management – Wine Business Management Plan

Wine Business Management (120 Hours) To be eligible for certification as a major in wine business management, students must have earned at least 60 semester hour of credit and completed the following certification courses with a gpaGPA of 2.50 or higher: ACCTG 230, 231; B LAW 210; MGTOP 215; ECONS 101, 102; ENGLISH 101; MATH 201, MATH 202; MIS 250, and have a WSU cumulative gpaGPA of 2.5. All students must apply for certification on-line. Students will also be ranked based on space availability and academic performance. Students are eligible to petition for consideration of alternative criteria. All students majoring in hospitality business management must complete at least 60 credit hours of their course work outside of the College of Business. MGTOP 215 may be counted as four credits



towards this requirement. 1,000 hours of work experience is also required by the School of Hospitality Business Management. In order for hours to count for the requirement, they must meet the following criteria: 1) Hours must be worked after high-school graduation 2) All hours must be documented as paid 3) Hours must be worked at a company whose primary source of revenue is derived from hospitality services 4) The employer evaluation for the hours must reflect an average of 70% across the ratings criteria on the form Residence Requirements: 1) At least 50% of business core and major specialization course requirements must be taken at WSU; 2) At least nine 300-400-level business, economics, or hospitality courses must be taken in residence at WSU; and 3) The last 30 hours of course work must be taken at WSU. Transfer, correspondence, and independent study credit (within university limits on these credits) may count toward the 120 hours required for the degree and/or satisfy requirements other than major courses. Only general elective courses that are not UCOREs, not core/major requirements, and not a course offered by the CBE may be taken pass, fail. An honors senior project is required for Honors students.

First Year

First Term Hours BIOLOGY 120 [BSCI] 4 CHEM 101 [PSCI] 4 ECONS 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3 ENGLISH 101 [WRTG] 3 HBM 182 1

Second Term Hours CHEM 102 4 COM 102 [COMM], COMSOC 235 [COMM], or H D 205 [COMM] 3 or 4

HISTORY 105 [ROOT] 3 MATH 201 3 SOC 101 [SSCI] or 102 [SSCI] 3

Second Year


First Term Hours ACCTG 230 3 Creative & Professional Arts [ARTS] 3 MATH 202 [QUAN] 3 MIS 250 3 VIT ENOL 113 3

Second Term Hours ACCTG 231 3 B LAW 210 3 ECONS 101 or 102 3 HORT 202 4 MGTOP 215 4 Complete Writing Portfolio Domestic/International Hospitality & Wine Internship1,3

Third Year

First Term Hours FIN 325 3 FRENCH 120 [HUM] 3 HBM 358 3 MGMT 301 3 MKTG 360 3

Second Term Hours Diversity [DIVR] 3 HBM 381 3 MGTOP 340 or MGMT 450 3 MKTG 477, COMSTRAT 312, or COMSTRAT 380 3 POL S Elective 3 Domestic/International Hospitality & Wine Internship1,3

Fourth Year

First Term Hours ECONS 305, or 323, or 423 3 HBM 494 [M] 3 I BUS 453 or I BUS 482 3 MKTG 490 3 Electives (Non-Business)2 2

Second Term Hours ENGLISH 402 [M] or 403 [M] 3 FS 422 3


HBM 320 1 HBM 350 3 MGMT 491 [CAPS] or ENTRP 492 [CAPS] 3 Domestic/International Hospitality & Wine Internship1,3

Footnotes 1 The non-credit internships correspond to the 1,000 hours of work experience required by

the School of Hospitality Business Management. 2 Non-Business courses to equal 60 credits. 3 All students must complete an international learning requirement. Options for meeting

the requirement include: 1)earn 6 or more credit hours through the Education Abroad program; 2) complete an additional major or minor in foreign language, global studies or international business; or 3) earn a certificate in a global related field (as approved by advisor). An alternate option for completing the international learning requirement is to complete any 2 of the following requirements: 1) a minimum of 3 semester hours of Education Abroad; 2) International internship (as approved by advisor); 3) any 300-400 level IBUS course (excluding ENTRP 492) or other Carson College of Business international course approved by advisor; 4)non Carson College of Business international course including: ANTH 309, 316; CES 301, 377; COMSOC 321, 421; ECONS 427, 428, 430, 433; HD 350, 403; TCH LRN 480; WOMEN ST 316. Full list of approved courses can be found at the Carson College of Business website.