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Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 134214023













Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 134214023









A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis






Student Number: 134214023

Approved by

Dr. Fr.B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A July 12, 2017


Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum. July 17, 2017







Sajak Tentang Doa

Aku meminta kekuatan agar aku mendapat,

Dia memberi kelemahan agar aku taat;

Aku minta kesehatan agar aku bisa mengerjakan yang lebih besar,

Dia memberi anugrah agar aku dapat mengerjakan yang lebih baik;

Aku minta kekayaan agar aku bahagia,

Dia memberi kekurangan agar aku bijaksana;

Aku minta kuasa agar dipuja sesama,

Dia membuat aku lemah agar aku bergantung kepada-Nya;

Aku minta segala sesuatu agar dapat menikmati hidup,

Dia memberi kehidupan agar aku menikmati segala sesuatu.

Aku tak selalu memperoleh apa yang aku minta, namun doaku selalu dijawab-Nya

Hebrew 12: 11

“Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous:

nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them

which are exercised thereby.”

Rome 11: 36

“For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever.




“For of Him and through Him are all things, to

whom be glory forever. Amen.”

- Rome 11: 36




Prima facea, I am grateful to the only God, Jesus Christ as being a vital

necessity of my life. He provides good health, well-being, everything that were

necessary to complete this undergraduate thesis. I am thankful from the deepest

part of my heart, through this undergraduate thesis, I find true salvation and

devotion that lead me to have better and deeper relationship with Him. Through

His overwhelming mercy and unconditional love, also, this undergraduate thesis

was finally finished. May all the things that happened could honour His name.

I would like also to thank my thesis advisor, whom I admire, the one

whom I always look up at Universitas Sanata Dharma, Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd.,

M.A. Since the beginning of the process of writing, he was the one who provided

the topic, books, and resource books to check. I would never feel more blessed for

having him as my thesis advisor. The door to Mr. Alip’s office was always open

whenever I ran into trouble spot or had a question about my research or writing.

He consistently allowed this paper to be my own work, but steered me in the right

direction whenever he thought I needed it. He also patiently, humbly guided me

whenever I felt lost and confused.

I will never forget to thank my co-advisor/reader Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. without her, I am sure I would never be able to finish this undergraduate

thesis completely. She provides everything from the beginning of my writing, she

checks my grammar and everything in details. Thank you for your endless

patience for consistently reminding me any mistakes I have made.



I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents Bima

Nainggolan and Ritawati br. Situmeang, S.Pd., my sister Nova Indah

Paramita, S.Sos, my brother Toga Parjanjiraja Nainggolan, my little angel,

Rafael Noah Ch, my sister in Christ Ertina Kusumwati (Mbak Thia), my sister

next-door Nicken Putri D. B., Feby Ayu Lestari, for providing me with

unfailing support and continuous encouragement through the process of

researching and writing this thesis. This accomplishment would not have been

possible without them.

I also place on record, my sense of gratitude to all my friends, who directly

or indirectly, have lent their hands in this venture: Adhe Kurnia Anugrah, S.T.,

Bungaran Tampubolon, S.T., Jelita Nuraini Ompusunggu, S.E., who deliver

constant love and support through words and prayers. Also for Farras Wardana,

Frischa Kusumasari, S.S., Gede Ardi Wiryantara, S.S., Chindy Christine,

S.S., Franssisca Xaveria, S.S, Fransiska Kusumastuti, S.S., who willingly lend

a hand to fix my format, pages, table of contents, etc. I am thankful to have you

by my side. You know, I do not know I have been so lucky to meet friends and

inspiring figures such Alicia Sandra, Agatha Claudia Pascal, Elisabeth Sylvia

Faradilla Belinda, S.T., Ni Wayan Diana Cahyawati, S.H., Nike Wulandarie,

Olivia Roselin Wiguna, S.Ked., Tika Agasty S, S.E., Florencia Irena Halim,

S.Ked., Golda Meyer Rosumbre, my Sanabe family, to whom I always be

myself. You contribute a lot during this undergraduate thesis making whether the

cocky jokes, unstoppable cursing you have until a contemplation, meditation, and

religious words. I cannot imagine living without you all. These are the names of



my dearest friends who I always forget to distinguish whether you are my friends

or family. Thank you for always be kind and loving. Your names are worth to be

written on this page.

I also want to express my thankfulness to Multimedia Family’s, Christ’s

soldiers, constant support through pray, especially to these names: Arinda Berty

Pakpahan, S.T., Christanto Michael Pandapotan Nainggolan, S.T.,

Christopher Purba, Grestesia Manurung, Novita Panjaitan, Yohana Novi


Litany Nainggolan.




TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ................................................................................................. iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ............................................................................................ iv


STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ....................................................................... vi

MOTTO PAGE ........................................................................................................ vii

DEDICATION PAGE .............................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................. xiv

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................................. xv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................................ 1 B. Problem Formulation ..................................................................................... 3

C. Objectives of the Study .................................................................................. 3

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ....................................................... 5

A. Review of Related Studies ............................................................................. 5

B. Review of Related Theories ........................................................................... 7

a. The Nature of Diary ........................................................................... 7

b. Mental State Process .......................................................................... 8

C. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................. 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 19

A. Object of the Study......................................................................................... 19

B. Approach of the Study ................................................................................... 20

C. Data Collection............................................................................................... 20

D. Data Analysis ................................................................................................. 22

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .............................. 24

A. Dominating Mental State Verbs ..................................................................... 24

B. Revealed Mental States .................................................................................. 26

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ............................................................................... 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 50

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................... 52

Appendix 1: Mental State Process and Clauses in The Diary of a Young Girl .... 52

Appendix 2: Anne Frank’s Life ........................................................................... 59

Appendix 3: The Synopsis of The Diary of a Young Girl .................................... 61




Table 2.1 Summary of Phenomena ....................................................................... 11

Table 2.2 The Summary of Mental State Process ................................................. 14

Table 2.3 The Example of Experience – Process – Phenomenon ......................... 14

Table 2.4 Summary of Phenomena in Mental Process Clauses ............................ 15

Table 4.1 The Summary of Mental State Process in The Diary of a Young Girl .. 23




NAINGGOLAN, LITANY. Mental State Verbs Depicting the Narrator’s

Mental States in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl. Yogyakarta:

Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University,


The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank inspires many readers with her

events and emotions through her diary during Holocaust. Based on that fact, this

recent study examines the verbs that Anne Frank used, such as ‘feel’, ‘expect’,

‘pretend’, which have important role that delivers the speaker’s feeling. In the

other words, the outline is how the diary produces certain effects and are aimed to

evoke amazed response in the reader.

Specifically, this recent study attempts to find out how the mental state

verbs function as expressing the speaker’s emotion. It is also important to pay

attention to how those verbs are distributed so that we understand the correlation

between the distribution and meaning of those verbs.

The verbs were then examined with Systemic Functional Grammar theory

in order to answer the problems that have been formulated. Firstly, those verbs are

classified based on the mental state verbs classification. Secondly, the research

analyzed the mental state verbs by the . Since it is talking about SFG theory, the

approach requires semantics (the meaning of the word) and syntax (the sentence

structure) approaches as part of SFG theory.

This undergraduate thesis concludes with a discussion of the detail

meaning and a framework for the discussion of a literature review. As for the

conclusion of this study, Anne Frank mostly used cognitive verbs, such as believe,

think, and know, and she used those mental verbs to express her anger, fear,

sadness, and acceptance on her diary.

Key words: systemic functional grammar, mental state verbs, Anne Frank




NAINGGOLAN, LITANY. Mental State Verbs Depicting the Narrator’s

Mental States in Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl.Yogyakarta:

Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2017.

The Diary of a Young Girl adalah diari karya Anne Frank yang

menginspirasi banyak pembaca dengan peristiwa-peristiwa serta luapan emosinya

yang dituangkan dalam buku diarinya pada saat Holocaust berlangsung.

Bedasarkan fakta tersebut, maka karya ilmiah ini meneliti kata kerja yang

digunakan oleh Anne Frank, seperti ‘feel’, ‘expect’, ’pretend’, yang memiliki

peran penting dalam mengungkapkan perasaan seseorang. Dengan kata lain, garis

besarnya ialah bagaimana sebuah buku diari dapat membuat para pembaca

tersentuh dan terkesima.

Secara khusus karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu bagaimana

fungsi dari mental state verbs yang sebagaimana bisa mengekspresikan emosi dari

pembicara. Perlu diperhatikan juga bagaimana kata kerja tersebut didistribusikan,

sehingga dapat dipahami korelasi antara pendistribusian kata dengan arti kata


Dengan tujuan ini, maka kata kerja sedemikian diteliti dengan

menggunakan pendekatan-pendektan yaitu Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)

teori untuk menjawab perumusan masalah yang sudah ditetapkan. Pertama, kata

kerja tersebut diklasifikasikan bedasarkan klasifikasi mental state verbs. Kedua,

dengan mengklasifikasi kata kerja tersebut, maka kata kerja tersebut kemudian

diproses dengan pendekatan Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). Sejak karya

ilmiah ini membahas tentang pendekatan SFG, pendekatan tersebut membutuhkan

pendekatan semantika dan pendekatan sintatik (struktur kalimat) sebagai bagian

dari teori SFG.

Karya ilmiah ini kemudian menyimpulkan dan mendiskusi secara detil dan

singkat tentang arti dan batasan untuk diskusi ulasan mengenai literatur yang

terkait. Sebagai hasilnya, disertasi ini menyimpulkan bahwa Anne Frank

menggunakan kata kerja kognitif, seperti believe, think, dan know, dan

menggunakannya sebagai mengkespresikan kemarahan, ketakutan, kesedihan, dan

penerimaan di dalam diarinya.

Kata kunci : gramatika fungsional sistemik, mental state verbs, Anne Frank





A. Background of the Study

In order to provide a good communication, it is not enough to make a

particular action or to know how to pronounce particular sounds which would

have some kind of sense. It is also very important to think, to know what to say

and how to say something. For that reason, a person in a reflect action has to see,

hear or sense something and in his/her mind make some cognitive actions, to think

what to say. Moreover, communicating is not only words which help to send the

message to the listener but also a person has to show some emotions. Some

emotions would help to reveal the meaning of the message. But there is a

difference between the oral communication and the written text though the same

emotion and the same information have to be given for both the listener and the

reader. Based on that background, the researcher has shown an interest in

analyzing the mental verbs of the English language.

Interested in the same field, this research attempts to conduct one of the

verb‟s function, specifically stative verbs. It is important to realize that stative

verbs vary, and one of them is mental-state verbs. It is necessary to examine the

verb‟s function because as psychologist, Papafragou who examines the acquisition

on belief verbs or mental state verbs says, “these items differ in their semantic-

conceptual properties and in their typical learning signatures from most other

words in several ways: they do not refer to perceptually transparent properties of



the reference world” (2006: 133). They are also aware those belief-verbs appear

frequently in child‟s own speech. However, the research that Papapfragou et al. do

is only an observation in psychology matter. Therefore, this recent study is

somehow to develop the deficiency of understanding belief-verbs or what we

mention here as mental-state verbs in linguistic approach.

Furthermore, the reason why this diary is chosen is because the

compatibility that this diary offers. First, this diary provides many kinds of verbs

to examine, especially mental state verbs in this case. Second, the diary uses

simple sentences. Third, this diary whose function is to deliver personal feeling

and emotion. As Haviland and Kramer state, “diaries are, of course, continuous

records usually over a lengthy period of time.… They contain the continuous

reflection by the adolescent on these events…they provide unrivalled information

on naturally occurring changes in cognitive processes and emotional reaction”

(Haviland & Kramer, 1991: 145). Thus, it makes this diary as an appropriate

source of the data.

With this intention, The Diary of a Young Girl is the most suitable

literature of work. It is engaging and applicable for the recent researcher to

examine this historic diary for future understanding. Moreover, examining acutely

how dictions and the way it is written can actually convey her actual feelings

towards her everyday life. Despite concerning verbs, this diary has been

distributed and translated in 70 languages. It is also published around the world

along with the amusement towards Anne Frank about her writing her emotion and

situation during Holocaust, hiding from Nazi, in her secret Annex. Her feelings,



anger with her parents and confusion with her own feelings, were in the original

diary (Larson, 2000: 40). Based on the above, many readers are astonished by

situation and emotion that Anne Frank delivers on her diary. The diary, written by

a thirteen-year-old girl, when started, uses simple sentences yet it succeeds to

reach reader‟s emotions. As the result, Larson stated, “As noted, millions of

American teens, in the 1950s and 1960s, read the book in their English classes or

else saw film or play versions of the diary (2000: 43).” Based on that, this diary is

the most suitable literature work to provide the data without looking to another

complicated sources.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study that mentioned above, the problems

are formulated as follows

1. What mental state verb dominates Anne Frank‟s The Diary of Young Girl?

2. What mental states do those verbs reveal?

C. Objectives of the Study

In this research, there are two objectives that are going to be discussed. In

order to identify the mental state verb‟s function as expressing mental state in The

Diary of a Young Girl, this research has to be aware of the dominant verbs that the

narrator, Anne Frank, uses. Finally, knowing which type of verbs that dominates,

the data could be identified how those mental state verbs reveal the narrator‟s

mental state by analyzing those data as following the procedure in this recent

study will discuss later on.



D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity, it is important to

explain a key term which is mental state verbs.

Mental state verbs, based Morley in Šinušienė (2011), are “the information

that mental process verbs are not only emotion verbs but here also belong some

verbs which have the meaning of thinking or the meaning of having or feeling

some kind of sense (2011: 10).”

Lock (1996) and Downing and Locke (2006), use another terms – which is

mental state process, and state that mental state is understood as the process of

feeling and sensing. The examples taken from the diary (1952) are below.

1. I believe that trust has to crone from both sides; I also think that's the

reason why Father and I have never really grown so close.

2. There is no reason to believe that another truffle will develop in the

same spot.

3. Every day I think what a fascinating and amusing adventure this is!

4. Well, I suppose we do give each other the occasional wink.

5. I desire only that you should be happy.





A. Review of Related Studies

The first review is taken from Šinušienė‟s thesis. In this thesis, her aim is

to analyse the semantics of English mental verbs and to explore the frequency of

the usage of such verbs (Šinušienė, 2011: 3). The similarity that Šinušienė‟s thesis

and this study have is these studies deal with mental state verbs. Thus, this study

helps the writer to analyse the writer‟s formulated problems. However, this recent

study focuses on the narrower notion about mental state verbs. Šinušienė‟s thesis,

on the other hand, copes the mental state verbs and active verbs.

Šinušienė‟s data are taken from literary work Jennie Gerhadt by Dreiser.

She conducts the data by using “CONCORD”, a special computer program. The

selected verbs were calculated and divided into the subgroups of mental verbs as

they were assigned previously. Having calculated the frequency of these mental

verbs, some figures were drawn and provided together with the description (2011:

23). Meanwhile, this recent thesis‟ data is taken from Anne Frank‟s diary, The

Diary of a Young Girl. The data are taken only from the character Anne Frank or

contextually refer to the subject I. The data will be analysed based on the problem

formulation that has been mentioned.

The second review is taken from journal of Kramer and Haviland (1991).

This journal analyses how Anne Frank, the character of the diary, feels trauma

that affects her cognition by the verbs that Anne Frank‟s uses. The difference is,

they just examine one type of verb which is affection verbs. In their study, then,



they compare Anne Frank‟s cognition with another normal adolescences‟

cognitions. The research reaches the result that Anne Frank‟s cognition is

common amongst adolescences (1991: 156). Although this recent study shares the

same source, the approach that both studies use is different. Kramer and

Haviland‟s (1991) focuses on psychology aspects, while this recent study focuses

on the lexicon that Anne Frank uses.

The third review is from Sudarmo‟s thesis. This thesis‟ focus is on the

comparative study between literary works by Ernest Hemingway‟s – In another

Country and The Killer with news reports (Sudarmo, 2007: ix). In order to achieve

the aim, the writer analyses verbs that Hemingway uses in his literary work.

Similarly, this recent research also analyses the same field, which is verbs.

Therefore, problem formulations and methodology that Sudarmo‟s thesis conduct

are similar to this recent study. Sudarmo‟s formulated problem is to find how

those verbs make effects from the use of dynamic and stative verbs of the

narration of Hemingway‟s short stories (Sudarmo, 2007: 4). However, there are

two variables that cause both researches different. First is the source of literary

work. Sudarmo‟s work is taken from Hemingway‟s works. Meanwhile, this recent

research is taken from Frank‟s work, The Diary of a Young Girl. Second, the

scope that Sudarmo‟s thesis achieves is broader than this recent study. Sudarmo‟s

thesis includes dynamic verbs on her research to make comparison with news

report. On the other hand, this recent study, does not include dynamic verbs.



B. Review of Related Theories

1. The Nature of Diary

Diary is one of another related autobiographical work. Similar to journal,

diary contains a daily account of experiences. The difference is diary includes

personal thoughts and feelings. On the other hand, a journal is based more on

facts. A diary can have a person's deepest secrets and desires, as such, and it is

usually not meant to be shared with anyone.

Shmoop editorials explains further about the characteristic of the diary

along with its purpose.

“it is an intimate portrait of an individual‟s daily experiences, not filtered

through any kind of editorial process and often not with the intention of

telling the whole of your life‟s experiences, just those surrounding the time

of the particular entry,” (Shmoop editorials, 2008).

Meaning to say that diary has significant characteristics and purposes

compare to the other literature, such as novel, or journal. It is true with the fact

that published diary makes The Diary of a Young Girl seems become not suitable

with the mentioned characteristics. However, Anne Frank herself mentions on her

diary she wants to be a writer and publish her own writing (Frank, 252). In order

to grant her wish, Otto Frank decides to publish her only writing, The Diary of a

Young Girl.

Speaking of the differences between diary and other literature, O‟Sullivan

mentions, one of the characteristic of diary is silent reading which encourages

solitary reflection and allows individual to perform personal judgement (2005:

55). O‟Sullvian‟s statement is also supported by Tang‟s which highlights the



practice of the writer itself. Tang (2002) states, “The very nature of diary writing

itself requires the writer to think back on events that have taken place and

provides opportunity for expression of personal thoughts.”

A great example is the book The Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was a

real Jewish girl who kept a diary while hiding from the Germans during World

War II. She wrote about her personal thoughts and feelings about what was

happening to her family. Years later, her diary was found and published by Anne's

descendants to showcase the terrors of Nazi Germany.

2. Mental State Process

Generally, mental state means a mental condition, based on,

of an agent. For instances, fear, anger, acceptances, sadness, pains, joy, etc.

Philosophers discover a structured way of observing and describing someone‟s

psychological functioning which is called mental status examination. MSE

observes someone‟s psychology under domains speech, thought process, thought

content, perception, cognition, insight and judgment.

In linguistics, mental state process is a part of Systemic Functional

Grammar theory (SFG). SFG treats the grammar language as a means to convey

people‟s ideas in various ways and purposes. In SFG, there are various ways to

examine how language conveys people‟s meaning. There are theme and rheme

theory, action process theory, or mental state process theory. The examined

objects also vary, such as from its clauses, modality, etc. Meaning to say that

mental state process is one of a tool to examine language in order to have better

understanding of people‟s intended meaning.



Halliday (2004) has further explanation about mental state process. It is

concerned with our experience of the world of our own consciousness (Halliday,

2004: 197). Furthermore, Downing and Locke (2006) explains mental state

processes are those through that we organize our mental contact in the world.

There are four main types of mental state processes, they are perception, affection,

cognition, and volition/desideration. These four types are the processes which are

recognized by verbs which are going to be discussed in the next sub-chapter.

Bloor et al. (1995: 116) add that mental processes also involve “not

material action but phenomena best described as states of mind or psychological

events.” Meaning to say that the important element that mental processes have is

phenomena which function is to complete what it is inside mind. The statement is

also supported by Israel (2008) who mentions the use of mental state verbs related

to conceptual minds.

In order to identify whether or not it is mental process, there are three

elements that we need to pay attention.

a. Elements of ‘mental’ clauses

There are some required elements in order to distinguish „mental‟ process

from other processes. Mental state processes require three elements which are

experiencer (or Senser), process (verbs) and phenomenon.

i. The Nature of Senser

Senser is someone who senses. Halliday (2004: 201) states that Senser is

the one who feels, thinks, want, or perceives or the one who endowed by

consciousness. Meaning to say, the significant feature of the Senser is that being



endowed with consciousness. Senser is the participant that is engaged in the

mental process.

ii. The Nature of Phenomenon

Phenomenon is something that is sensed The following phenomenon is

needed for mental state process. It is semantically incorrect for mental process to

have a sentence, such as, *I desire. It is true that it is syntactically a correct

sentence, because it has a subject and a verb. Since desire is categorized as mental

verbs (Lock, 1996: 109), the verb requires object to describe the state of mind, or

phenomenon. Halliday (2004) explains Phenomenon which is wider than the set of

possible participants. It may not only be a Thing, but also possibly an Act or a

Fact. An Act is a configuration of a process, participants involved in that process

and possibly attendant circumstance.

“A Fact is on a higher level of abstraction than an ordinary thing or an

act. Ordinary things and acts are both material phenomena; they can be

seen, heard and perceived in other ways. Thus while an act is more

complex than an ordinary thing, it still exists in the same material realm.

In contrats, a fact is not a material phenomenon but rather a semiotic one:

semiotic realm, without being brought into existence by somebody saying

it,” (Halliday, 2004: 204).

The status of „fact‟ clause is often signaled by the noun fact itself, as in I

regret the fact that you should have left him out in the cold, or by another „fact‟

noun such as notion, idea, possibility.

In order to have better understanding about Phenonmena, Isti‟anah (2012:

23) explains the classification of Phenomena in table. Table 2.1 below

summarizes the types of Phenomena of mental process.



Table 2.1. Summary of Phenomena

Summary of


Types of


Forms Examples


(2012, 23)

Thing noun: person, creature,

institution, object,

substance or abstraction

I know the city.

Act imperfective noun-finite

clause nominal group

I saw the operation

taking place.

I saw the occurance of

the operation

Fact finite (sometimes with

that or the fact that)

She regretted that they

hadn’t watched the


However, the Phenomenon that follows, still depends on the type of

mental verbs. Before this study explains it further, we have to understand first the

types of mental states processes.

b. The Types of Mental Processes

Linguist Lock (1996: 96) explains there are four sub types of mental

processes. They are perception, affection, cognition, and volition. Before deciding

which verbs that they belong, it is helpful to understand the further explanation

about each process has.

i. Process of Perception

Verbs that belong to this group express the process of sensing something.

They are related to the five human senses: sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing

(Valeika 1998). Downing and Locke (2006) also explain process of perception

and how experiencer or senser is applicable to the process. Meaning to say that,

experiencer or senser has slightly different function with subject.



“…perception is an involuntary state, which does not depend upon the

agency of the perceiver, who in fact receives the visual and auditory

sensations non-volitionally. However, as the term Recipient has been

adopted for the one who receives goods and information in three-

participant processes, we will keep to the terms Experiencer or Senser”

(Downing and Locke, 2006)

Verbs which express the process of perception are the following: feel, find,

listen, look, see, and smell. Usually these verbs tend to be stative but sometimes

they might express a dynamic situation. Dynamic situation means that the

situation requires dynamic verbs. Nordquist on ThoughtCo explains dynamic verb

is a verb that is used primarily to indicate an action, process, or sensation.

Meaning to say that dynamic situation is a situation that showing an action or

process, while mental state verb is supposedly stative verbs which is the opposite

of dynamic verbs. This may especially be shown by the verbs listen and watch.

1. Are you listening to me?

2. I’m just watching television. (Valeika, 1998: 41)

Sentence (1), (2) show that actions are currently happening. Sentence (1) also

indicates that the speaker try to find the hearer‟s attention. On the other hand, the

sentence (2), based on Valeika (1998: 41) indicates that the speaker offer the

information to the hearer about what s/he is doing. S/he does not perform the

mental process.

ii. Process of Affection

The second is process of affection. It includes processes such as liking,

loving, admiring, missing, fearing and hating. Valieka in Šinušienė (1998: 43)

also explains the details the process of affection. Citing Valeika (1998),

“processes of affectivity are realized by such verbs as like, love, enjoy, please,



delight, dislike, distress, hate, detest, want, etc. i.e. all the emotion verbs fall

under this category of processes.” The example from the diary could be seen as


4. I admire him in many ways

5. Sometimes I fear they will, but more often I actually hope they do!

(Frank, 1952)

iii. Process of Cognition

According to Lock (1996), cognition includes processes such as thinking,

believing, knowing, doubting, remembering, and forgetting. Valeika in Šinušienė

(1998: 43) states, “The verbs which belong to this group express the process “of

knowing in the broadest sense.” Nevertheless, there is very little data about the

verbs of the process of cognition. However, some classifications of these verbs

still can be done. The examples of cognition process as follow.

6. I firmly believe that nature can bring comfort to all who suffer.

7. I know that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the


8. I think mom and dad prefer to choose Margot than me. (Frank, 1952)

iv. Process of Volition

Lock (1996) includes processes such as wanting, needing, intending,

desiring, hoping and wishing in the process of Volition. The usage of volition verb

on the diary follows as the example below:

9. I hope that if you live to the end of the war and return to us.

10. Oh, I wish I could have said something to poor Bep.

11. I need someone remind me to clean the house.

12. I just want everybody in this house understand the circumstances. (Frank,




In order to have better understanding, Isti‟anah (2012), on her research,

summarizes the classification of mental state verbs which could be seen below

Table 2.2 The Summary of Mental State Process by Isti’anah (2012,


Type of Mental

State Process

Participants Sample Verbs

Perception Senser – Phenomenon see, hear, notice, feel, taste, smell

Affection Senser – Phenomenon like, love, admire, miss, fear, hate

Cognition Senser – Phenomenon think, believe, know, doubt,

remember, forget

Volition Senser – Phenomenon want, need, intend, desire, hope,


Since this research has already discussed senser, mental state processes,

and phenomenon, we need to know the more detailed explanation. Hence, in order

to understand the experience, process and phenomenon in a sentence/clause, table

2.3 offers four sentences to see the application of experience, process and

phenomenon. The explanation table is taken from Halliday (2004: 210).

Table 2.3 The Example of Experience – Process – Phenomenon (Halliday,

2004: 210)

Table 2.3 explains about the structure that may happen in a sentence. The

first row, consists of two sentences, has experience – process – phenomenon

Experience Process Phenomenon

I – don‟t understand – his motives

Most people – are horrified by – the increase of violence

Phenomenon Process Experience

His motives – elude – me

The increase – horrifies – most people



arrangement. The second row, on the other hand, offers the two sentences which

phenomenon – process – experience occurs.

In the mental process, however, Lock (1996) treats Phenomena more

varied and detailed which depends on mental state processes. In order to have

better understanding about the Phenomena, Lock (1996, 111), has summarized in

the table below.

Table 2.4 Summary of Phenomena in Mental Process Clauses by Lock (1996:


Structure Example Gloss


Noun group I saw them. Thing

V-clause I saw them leave. Event (finished)

V-ing clause I saw them leaving. Event (unfinished)

That clause I saw that they had left. Fact


Noun group I hate them. Thing

Ving clause I hate them leaving. Situation

Relative clause I hate the fact that they are




Noun group I want them. Thing

That clause I believe that they are leaving. Situation

Wh-/if clause I wonder why they are leaving. Thought

Relative clause I recognize the fact that they

are leaving.



Noun group I want them. Thing

to + V clause I want them to leave. Desire

that clause + modal I wish that they would leave. Desire

In table 2.4, the phenomenon that perception process possibly have are

either its structure is noun group, V-ing clause or that clause. The example that

each structure has can be seen on the third column. If the structure belongs to

noun group, therefore the Phenomenon is categorized as a thing. Whenever the



structure is identified as V-clause, then the Phenomenon is a finished event.

However, it is quite different with V-ing clause. V-ing clause belongs to

unfinished event. The last is that clause. If the structure is that clause, then the

phenomenon is categorized as a fact.

It is also applied to the rest of processes. Affection process has a

phenomena which either it is a thing, situation, or fact. It is a thing, when the

structure that follows after verb belongs to noun group. When the structure is V-

ing clause, then the Phenomenon belongs to the situation. It is a fact when the

structure is relative clause.

Cognition process also has its own phenomenon. The phenomenon on

cognition process are thing, situation, thought or fact. Like other processes, it is a

thing when its structure is noun group. When the clause that follows is considered

as that clause, the phenomenon then is a situation. The phenomenon is a thought,

when its clause‟s structure is marked with wh-/if clause. Meanwhile, the

phenomenon is changed into fact, when its structure is considered as a relative

clause. The identification can be seen from the embed word after mental state

verbs, such as, the fact.

The last, volition process has either thing, or desire as its Phenomenon. It

is a thing, when the structure is noun group. Desire, when its structure either to +

V clause or that clause + modal.



C. Theoretical Framework

In this chapter, the writer has mentioned theories that are needed to

analyze the data. The first theory is the theory about diary and its characteristics,

the second theory is theory is about mental state process theory.

The first theory is the theory of diary. It is important to involve this theory

since it is about the basic information about the definition and the characteristics

of diary which are vital necessary to understand the field this research

investigates. Besides helping this research to have suitable data theoretically, the

nature of diary theory also exhibits the relation between the characteristic of the

diary itself and language use in the diary. The theory of diary is applied after the

analysis of second problem formulation is done. It is because the analysis that this

study has mainly applies mental state process theory, which will discuss later. It is

important to help this research to relate the characteristic of diary and language

use in the analysis and to become the analysis plausible.

The second theory is Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). Since this

research talks about the function of a diary related to the language use, the

systemic functional grammar theory is a suitable theory to examine that area. This

is the prior tool to investigate the concrete subject, which is clause. The

metafunctions of systemic functional grammar, as Halliday (2004) states, contain

three functional components of meaning, ideational, interpersonal, and textual.

The clause, then, is related to the metafunctions that have mentioned above in

order to have the result. Since this thesis talks about the character‟s feeling and

experience, SFG provides the theory of human experience in language area.



However, since this research focus in mental process, it also means that the

analysis only focus in just one of metafunctions which is ideational function.

The third theory is the theory about mental state processes. The theory

talks about verb processes. Mental state clauses or process mentions the

participants that are involved in order to make the mental process occurs. These

theories are provided in order to support the answer the formulated problems in

the previous chapter. The problems are to identify the meaning of the verbs in

each group of mental state verbs classification and understand the nature of diary,

is suitable with the verbs which mainly use mental state verbs.

The first and the second problem formulation could be solved by mental

state verb theories. Mental state verbs theory helps on the mental state‟s verb

classification that each verbs has been collected before. The classifications are

cognition, perception, affection, and volition. Then, denoting the meaning and to

group of classification of mental verbs will be useful. Therefore, in order to

complete determining the narrator‟s mental state, the mental state theory is

needed. Mental state theory is a theory about the definition, types of mental states,

and the characteristics each type has, in which it helps this analysis to determine

which mental state that the narrator has for every sentence. The nature of diary,

after all, is applied in order to support and the final result. This theory is

applicable to see the connection between the language and the language user.





A. Object of the Study

The object of this research is Anne Frank‟s The Diary of a Young Girl. It

was published on June 25, 1947. The original diary was written in Dutch. The

English translated version was published on 1952, which this research used.

Based on the diary, the diary started on June 12, 1942 and it ended two years after

on August 1944. The Diary of a Young Girl was a story about Anne Frank herself,

a Jewish girl, who had to go into hiding during World War Two (WWII) to avoid

the Nazis. Together with seven others, she hid in the secret annex on the

Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. After almost 2 years in hiding they were

discovered and deported to concentration camps. Anne‟s father, Otto Frank, was

the only one of the eight people who survived. After her death, Anne became the

world famous person because of the diary that she wrote while in hiding.

This diary was written periodically by Anne Frank. Besides her situation,

and atmosphere while hiding in the Secret Annex, the thought of Anne Frank

herself is inspiring for many people. Concerning in that matter, thus, this

undergraduate thesis decides to conduct the research on how language plays role

to the reader. When it is speaking about her feeling, this research then tries to

analyse how her language reveals her feeling. Besides, the theory about diary has

suitable characteristics with the language use. Based on that reason, this

undergraduate thesis analyses Anne Frank‟s language especially mental state



verbs on her diary. In other words, since most part of her diary uses

subject I – refer to Anne Frank, this thesis analyse with verbs that followed by the

pronoun I because it refer also to the narrator.

B. Approach of the Study

Since the objective of the study is about how the character uses language

to reveal her feeling, syntax and semantics approaches are used. It is true that this

recent study requires SFG theory because SFG is a system making of a meaning.

However, in order to reach the aim, this recent study needs syntax and semantic


The semantic approach is beneficial to identify the verb‟s meaning by

looking on the dictionary. The dictionary that this recent study uses is Longman

Dictionary of Contemporary English (LDOEC). The verb‟s meaning will be

helpful for knowing better reason why Anne Frank uses that kind of verbs by

interpreting her meaning denotatively. For example, it is given the mental state

clause I believe you will be here for me. It has believe word as mental state verb.

Since this undergraduate thesis tries to convey the narrator‟s meaning, then

believe meaning needs to be described. The description is done in order to have

better understand towards clauses.

The syntax approach is helpful to sequence given clauses. Those clauses

which are taken from the diary, will be sequencing of senser, process, and

phenomenon. It is sequenced so because following the SFG theory and

transitivity. To be precise, this paper conducts on the distribution of mental state



verbs in the diary. Hence, syntax and semantics approaches are suitable for this


Some verbs, however, have the tendency ambiguity. Therefore, those

verbs that require more explanation would be analyzed with syntax approach by

seeing the phrase that follows the verb. The verb see, for instance, is ambiguous.

It has two meanings that could confuse the classification. First meaning is the act

of using eyes (process of perception). The second meaning is to understand

(process of cognition).

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

As the source of the data, The Diary of a Young Girl would be analyzed in

this recent study. This recent study decided to be as a sample study. From this

diary, the writer took all the verbs that belong to subject I or the pronoun that refer

to the narrator Anne Frank in the context of the writing as the requirement. It was

because first, Anne Frank was the one who was analyzed in this research so that

the data with subject I was taken. Second, the subject I showed the belief that she

has. In the diary, Anne Frank addresses herself with the pronoun I. Relating to the

one of the nature of diary that as a personal reflective and judgment, it was

suitable to take the data from the pronoun I. This research was also aware

who/what the pronoun I refer to. Relating it to the mental clause theory, Halliday

(2004) also states that, “the speaker addressing herself that is they serve to

construe the speaker‟s own process of consciousness,” (Halliday, 2004: 198).



The verbs, however, were taken from the middle of the book until the end

of her diary. It is because Anne Frank‟s traumatic feeling is mostly revealed there.

As Shmoop claims, “her final diary entry is a cry of despair from someone who

just can‟t take anymore,” (Shmoop Editorial Team, 2008).

The writer would not take merely the verbs, though, for each classification

the writer would display a whole sentence or clause. This intended to identify the

feeling that Anne Frank had. Ravelli (1995) states that it is necessary to always

include the clause to interpret the text. Besides, the research into reading considers

the sentence as the main unit used by readers to process written text. Second, it

intends to have subtle „frame‟ upon the conversational situation (Davis, 1997). In

this undergraduate thesis, the writer also would take at least two sentences for

each classification to represent the explanation.

2. Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data, there were three steps to follow. First, verbs

were collected based on the requirements that have been presented in the previous

section on this paper. Second, having those verbs collected, those verbs would be

classified into which mental verbs categories they belong to. The summary of

mental state‟s classification would be displayed in the table. The table could

support the analysis to determine the number and percentage of each type of

mental state verbs. The total of the verbs from this table would help the writer to

conduct the first and second problem formulation.

This classification would help the writer to formulate the second problem

which is about the distribution. The discussion only displays some random



sentences from the diary to represent of each classification. It is also important to

display sentences which contain a verb that is ambiguous in meaning. Thus, those

sentences would be displayed along with the explanation, though only the mental

state verbs which dominates that requires further explanation. The other

classifications is explained briefly in order to know that those verbs do belong to

the right group.

The explanation for the second problem that this research aims is about

how those verbs express or relate to the message or context of situation. In this

research, the message refers to is the traumatic feeling that Anne Frank (or subject

I) has. It also supports by Ludden (2016), “But mental state verbs are about the

contents of our minds, which we express as sentences, and so their meaning

supports the syntactic process of embedding a sentence in the object position to

form sentences.





In this chapter, the recent study displays the result of the analyzed data.

This part aims to answer the formulated questions previously. Thus, this chapter

presents two sections of the analysis results. The first part is the most frequently

used mental state verbs that the character Anne Frank uses. That part shows the

classification of mental state verbs data in the table, which has been classified.

They are cognition, affection, perception, and volition. Having result with the first

part, the second part is the distribution of mental state verbs. The performance that

this research intends is the distribution of the most frequent used mental state

verbs, which has been discussed on first part.

A. Dominating Mental State Verbs

Based on the sampling data, the mental state process that Anne Frank uses

could be seen as follow:

Table 4.1 The Summary of Mental State Process in The Diary of a

Young Girl

No Types of Mental States Number Percentage

1. Perception 31 20%

2. Affection 5 3%

3. Cognition 105 70%

4. Volition 12 7%

Total 151 100%

Table 4.1 shows the summary of number and percentage of mental state

verb in the diary. The first type, perception, is used by Anne Frank 31 times or

with the percentage 20%. Affection, the second type, is mentioned 5 times or with



the percentage 3%. The cognition verbs is used 70% in her diary which means it is

dominant compared to another classifications with the usage is 105 times. The

last, volition verbs is mentioned 12 times with the percentage 7%. The total of

mental state verbs that Anne Frank mentions are 151 mental state verbs. For

further information about the data, the writer provides it on the appendices page.

As the data above, it shows that the cognition verbs that is used the most

by the character Anne Frank. The verbs that Anne Frank uses in her diary are

mainly: know, believe, and think. The fact that those verbs show personal

judgment is stated by Nussbaum (1993: 127) that in order to have personal

judgment, judgment must be based on certain set of beliefs. Those verbs,

semantically speaking is meant to indicate that the speaker has beliefs. For

example, know means that to have knowledge of something that based on their

own experience. Believe is clearly seen as the indication that the speaker has

certain belief. It is because Anne Frank‟s writing refers to herself. The result is

supported by Lock (1996: 106) “which is in a sense created by the cognitive-type

mental process, in the other words, it is a kind of „saying to oneself‟.” Moreover,

it is also matched with the characteristic of diary that has been mentioned by

O‟Sullivan before: “the diary encourages the solitary reflection which allows the

writer to have personal judgment,” (O‟Sullivan, 2005: 55). Here is clearly seen

that Anne Frank has poured her judgment based on the experience that she has on

her diary. The further explanation which is related with the clause in each process

of mental state (cognition, perception, affection, volition), will be discussed in the

part B.



The least process that the narrator uses is volition process. The volition

process is marked with verbs, such as wish and hope. This result is theoretically as

it should be the narrator‟s least use. As Israel in Yiyoung (2008, 202) on his

research about the usage of mental state verbs and mental space, claims, “volition

process is most of people expect least that hearer fulfill their desire.” He also

adds, in that case, there is still no certain indication that whether or not the speaker

really apprehend the volition process completely.

B. Revealed Mental States

In this part of this undergraduate thesis, the writer shows the answer of the

second problem that this undergraduate thesis has formulated. Meaning to say,

this part explains the distribution that mental process do for each category. It is

important to examine each category distribution since to see the significant

difference that each category has.

1. Cognition Process

Based on the result of the previous problem formulation, the cognition

verbs are mostly used by Anne Frank. Cognition verbs, cited in Lock (1996: 105),

are the processes such as thinking, believing, knowing, doubting, remembering,

and forgetting. The data of cognition verbs which are recited from the diary are as


(1) I firmly believe that nature can bring comfort to all who suffer

(2) I know that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the


(3) I knew that it would be my last night in my own bed.

(4) I think it is stupid of Daddy to have given in

(5) I expect I have thoroughly bored you with my long-winded description of

our dwelling.



(6) I expect we shall be suffocated with smoke.

(7) I expect you will be interested to hear what it feels like to “disappear”.

(8) I wonder how they managed to have such clear brains after that terrifying

parachute trips.

(9) Sometimes I wander by the roadside, or our Secret Annex is on fire, or

they come and take us away at night.

(10) I simply can‟t imagine that the world will ever be normal for us again.

Before discussing the further analysis about the performance of each

category clauses, it is important to know the element‟s function within clauses in

order to avoid the confusion that may happen.

(1) I firmly believe that nature can bring comfort to all who suffer

Senser Process Phenomenon

The diary contains lexical believe, know, wonder, wander, imagine and

think. Based on Isti‟anah (2010: 93), believe, in (1) means to consider something

to be true, honest or real. The subject I, then, makes of the Phenomenon true. The

Phenomenon is identified by that/if word. Thus, according to Halliday in Isti‟anah

(2010: 93) the Phenomenon‟s existence in the sentence is concerned with the

character‟s consciousness of the world. This is also supported by Lock (1996,

108) “a fact, that is, as something which in a sense exist prior to the mental

process.” Thus, the sentence (1) could be paraphrased as, the fact that nature can

bring comfort to all who suffer convinces me. It is also applicable to other

cognition verbs, which is followed by that.

Throughout the analysis, the mental state that Anne Frank reveal is fate.

She compromises herself for her own survival in her condition.

Another data, taken from the diary, is presented in sentence (2). The

element within clause could be seen as below.



(2) I know that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the


Senser Process Phenomenon

The word know means that to have knowledge of something as a result of

personal experience (LDOCE). The word know is followed by the clause

(Phenomenon) that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the

circumstances. Since the Phenomenon‟s clause begins with that, it means that the

Phenomenon is classified as a Fact. Thus, the clause could be paraphrased as, the

fact that there will be solace for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances.

Hence, the Phenomenon, as the result of the Senser personal experience, is the

fact that the Senser has knowledge before. From the analysis, the narrator then

reveals the mental state acceptance. She willingly accepts the circumstances that

happen because she has to survive no matter what. The survival is not only the

physical needs, but also every aspect of her life including her emotions. In order

to do so, acceptance is needed, moreover in the condition that the narrator lives,

There is also another example of cognition process with the word know.

The sentence (3), excerpted from the diary, could be seen below.

(3) I knew that it would be my last night in my own bed

Senser Process Phenomenon

As mentioned above, the word know means that to have knowledge of

something as a result of personal experience (LDOCE). The word know in this

case is followed by the clause (Phenomenon) that it would be my last night in my

own bed. The Phenomenon‟s clause also begins with that in its initial position,

means that the Phenomenon is classified as a Fact. Thus, the clause could be

paraphrased as, the fact that it would be my last night in my own bed. Hence, the



Phenomenon, as the result of the Senser personal experience, is the fact that the

Senser has knowledge before. It is clearly seen that the data (2) and (3) both have

the same verb know. However, the data (3) is past tense form. There is no

significant difference that both data have. It is because in her diary, Anne Frank

writes it in the different time. Meaning to say she retells her yesterday event.

Thus, (3) also shows her acceptance that she has to accept for survival.

The next example, the sentence (4)‟s analysis could be presented as below.

(4) I think it is stupid of Daddy to have given in.

Senser Process Phenomenon

The sentence (4) has the word think. However, the clause that is followed

is different with the other two. In sentence (4), the Phenomenon is a dependent

clause. It could be embedded in a noun group with a head like fact. As the result,

it is presented as a fact. When we try to paraphrase this sentence to be

semantically understood, first we should understand the meaning the word think.

Think, semantically speaking, means that to use your mind to decide about

something or form an opinion about something (LDOCE). Furthermore, we can

paraphrase it as, the fact (that) it is stupid of Daddy to have given in. Therefore,

the Phenomenon, as the result of the Senser‟s mind to decide or form opinion.

Based on the interpretation has been discussed above, the Phenomenon shows that

the narrator expresses anger that she throws upon his Daddy.

Another example of the cognition process verb could be seen on the

sentence (5) which is expect. The analysis of the process with same method is

discussed below:

(5) I expect I have thoroughly bored you with my long-winded



description of our dwelling

Senser Process Phenomenon

Another verb that categorized in cognition process is expect. Finding out

the meaning of its word, it means to agree with a statement that you think is

probably true (LDOCE). The process is followed by the Phenomenon I have

thoroughly bored you with my long-winded description of our dwelling.

Considering the theory to the data, the Phenomenon is considered as a Fact. In

order to have better understanding, it could be paraphrased as, the fact I have

thoroughly bored you with my long-winded description of our dwelling. Although

it is not marked with the word the fact or that on the initial position, the

Phenomenon is finite clause. Besides, it is agreeable that the fact or that word is

omitted. Meaning to say that the Senser agrees and think it is probably true with

the Phenomenon that follows. Understanding the Phenomenon, this research

analyses that the narrator expresses demanding. Although she uses expect as her

choice of word, she does self-blaming and she demands us to be accepted of her


The sentence (6) cognition process‟ explanation about the word expect

could be seen below.

(6) I expect we shall be suffocated with smoke

Senser Process Phenomenon

As it is discussed above, the word expect means that agree with a

statement that you think is probably true (LDOCE). Comparing to the

Phenomenon in sentence (5), this Phenomenon is slightly different when it is



talking about the subject of the Phenomenon on the initial position. However, this

recent study does not discuss about it further.

The Phenomenon, as it is mentioned is we shall be suffocated with smoked.

Based on the clause, structurally it is finite. Since the Phenomenon is finite, then it

is considered as a Fact. Therefore the sentence (6) could be paraphrased as, the

fact (that) we shall be suffocated with smoked. That Phenomenon, thus, is

plausible to be agreed for the Senser. The Senser finds it reasonable enough and

tends to agree with it. In the (6), the narrator reveals mental state fear. Although

(5) and (6) have the same meaning, they both express different intention from the

narrator. The narrator think is probably true and the narrator used to say that even

she no longer is surprised by suffocating with smoke, which is especially

something unpleasant.

It also applies to another example of expect in sentence (7). The analysis

of sentence (7) could be seen as below.

(7) I expect you will be interested to hear what it feels like to


Senser Process Phenomenon

From the interpretation mental state process in (7), it is quite similar to the

interpretation in (6). Both have expect as the process and independent clauses as

the following Phenomenon. Since they are similar in both process and

Phenomenon, then the sentence (6)‟s interpretation also applies in example (7).

Thus, the process could be paraphrased the fact (that) you will be interested to

hear what it feels like to “disappear”. The narrator this time is also express her

certainty that the reader (you) will be interested to hear about the feelings to



disappear. Related to the diary, Anne Frank spends her life in Secret Annex. The

term of “disappear” is understood as the hiding.

Another verb, categorized as cognition process, is found in the diary.

Sentence (8) has wonder to deliver cognition process. The word wonder means to

think about something that you are not sure about and try to guess what is true,

what will happen (LDOCE)

(8) I wonder how they managed to have such clear brains after that

terrifying parachute trips

Senser Process Phenomenon

At the same time, wonder itself is ambiguous. Wonder also means to feel

surprised and unable to believe something. However, when we identify the

Phenomenon, it is considered as the Thought. The Phenomenon is finite clause

that marked with how. This clause, on the other hand, could not normally be

embedded in a noun group with head like fact, and it would be much harder to

paraphrase them using a noun group. It is presented as not as facts but as thoughts

which, as Lock (1996: 109) noted, are in a sense created by the mental process. It

is true that (8) draws to the question. On the other hand, the context is that the

narrator shows her disbelief by questioning it.

Another verb which is categorized in cognition process is wander in (9).

The analysis of its sentence has shown below.

(9) Sometimes I wander by the roadside, or our Secret Annex is on fire,

or they come and take us away at night

Senser Process Phenomenon



Semantically speaking, wander means that no longer pay attention to

something, especially because you are bored or worried (LDOEC). The second

meaning of wander is to walk slowly across or around an area (LDOEC). In here,

the Phenomenon that follows varies or more than one. It is possible that the

meaning of wander is changed, adjusting by the Phenomenon that follows. There

are three Phenomenon that follow. First is by the roadside. This Phenomenon is

prepositional phrase. Based on the LDOEC, wander’s meaning for the first

Phenomenon is suitable with the second meaning. It is because the followed with

prepositional, such as around, by and the place. Hence, the first Phenomenon is

suitable to second meaning of wander. Second is or our Secret Annex is on fire.

Third is or they come and take us away at night. Both second and third have the

same characteristic which are finite clause. Thus, semantically both Phenomenons

refer to the first meaning: related to the thinking. Syntactically, if it related to the

first meaning, hence the verb wander belongs to mental state process. Meaning to

say that the Senser does the process on her consciousness. Then, the sentence

could be paraphrased into the thought that our Secret Annex is on fire or the

thought that they come and take us away at night makes the Senser worry.

Therefore, the Senser does not pay attention to something instead her worry

produces her thinking to be ones.

The last verb that Anne Frank mentions is imagine. The usage of imagine

in her diary is cited as below.

(10) I simply can’t


that the world will ever be normal for us


Senser Process Phenomenon



Imagine means that to form a picture or idea in your mind about what

something could be like (LDOEC). The process imagine is followed by the

Phenomenon that the world will ever be normal for us again. Since the

Phenomenon is marked with that as its initial position, therefore the Phenomenon

is considered as a Fact. Since it is a fact, the Phenomenon could be paraphrased as

the fact that the world will ever be normal for us again. Therefore, the Senser

hardly to form idea in her mind about the fact that the world will ever be normal

for us again. From the analysis, the narrator revealed despair. She has no hope to

have what she mentions “normal world”. It is because the narrator‟s living makes

her be that way.

2. Affection Process

The second type of mental state process that is found in Anne Frank‟s

diary is affection process. The Phenomenon is typically a thing, situation or a fact

(Lock, 1996). The example data, taken from diary, are displayed below.

(11) I never dare to stay long

(12) I adore him so that I didn‟t want to face the truth

(13) I didn‟t like him a bit any more

(14) I didn‟t risk opening a window

(15) I love talking to Peter

The affection process can be seen with the verbs afraid, scared, glad,

thrilled, and love. The Senser, I, means that the subject (Anne Frank) is the one

who feels the process. Then, let us see how those verbs reveal the senser‟s

emotions. The first example, sentence (11) analysis could be seen below.

(11) I never dare to stay long

Senser Process Phenomenon



The Phenomenon in sentence (11) is to stay long. Since the Phenomenon

is marked with the word to and followed by stay (verb clause). Unfortunately, if

following the theory that Lock (1996: 111) offers, the Phenomenon does not suit

to affection process. Based on the analysis that has been done, thus, the mental

state that the narrator has is fear. It is clearly seen with the process that she

chooses and she is unsure about staying any longer. The affection process that the

narrator chooses, highlights that she is persist about not to stay long.

Another example that uses adore is as the sentence (12). The analysis of

the sentence (12) could be seen below.

(12) I adore him so that I didn’t want to face the truth

Senser Process Phenomenon

Comparing with the sentence (11), the example (12)‟s Phenomenon

followed by noun clause him. Adore means used to love someone very much and

feel very proud of them (LDOEC). Meaning to say the Senser feels loved towards

the Phenomenon him. Him in the sentence (12) is categorized as thing. It seems

that the narrator reveals adoration towards the pronoun him. The phenomenon,

though, tells that the narrator does not want to face the truth which it gives the

information that it is a contradiction with the verb‟s meaning. Thus, the narrator

reveals sadness mental state.

(13) I like him a bit any more

Senser Process Phenomenon

The second example of affection process is marked by the verb like. The

process is followed by the noun phrase (NP) him. Looking the Phenomenon‟s

characteristics, it could be concluded that it is categorized as thing. Hence, the



participant really feels the process. It is clearly seen that the narrator reveals

fondness towards the pronoun him.

The original clause (14) is I didn’t risk opening a window. The Senser-

Process-Phenomenon analysis could be seen below.

(14) I

didn’t risk opening a window

Senser Process Phenomenon

Based on the analysis above, the result shows that opening a window is

the Phenomenon of the affection process of risk. Based on the structure that the

Phenomenon (14) has, it is categorised as situation. On the other hand, the process

risk, semantically means frightened or nervous about something. Thus, the Senser

feels the fact that opening window. The mental state that is revealed based on the

analysis that has been conducted is fear.

The other affection process that Anne Frank uses is analysed below: (15)*

(15) I love talking to Peter

Senser Process Phenomenon

Situation that Anne Frank depicts here are slightly different with the other

affection clauses which are written. In the (18), Lock (1996: 111) explains that

with the affection process and followed that form, interpreted as, I enjoy (the

activity of) talking to Peter. While Lock (1996) also explains if the Phenomenon

that follows is to + V form, it will be shading to the volition process. It has closer

meaning to I desire to talk to Peter. The further explanation of volition process

will be discussed later.

3. Perception Process



Another type of mental process that Anne Frank uses is perception

process. In this recent study, the perception process that Anne Frank uses are see,

heard, noticed, and feel. The full sentences of those verbs could be seen below.

(16) I can‟t even see what sort of person is riding on the machine

(17) At last, I saw him coming

(18) But all the same I feel I have some right to be taken seriously too

(19) Suddenly I felt the tears coming back

(20) I noticed the next morning that Peter‟s bed had been slept in

(21) I heard hammering outside on the landing opposite our cupboard door

Having gathered all the perception process data, then we could analyse

how the perception process reveals the narrator‟s emotion. One of the example of

the usage of perception process is shown by the sentence (16) throughout (21).

The analysis will be discussed per each example below.

(16) I can’t even see what sort of person is riding on the machine

Senser Process Phenomenon

Following Phenomenon is what sort of person is riding on the machine.

The Phenomenon plays two important roles. However, before we analyze the

functions of Phenomenon, we have to understand which category that

Phenomenon belongs to by analyzing it syntactically.

First, the Phenomenon is as a determiner of which mental process the verb

belongs to. This case only occurs with ambiguous words, such as see. The verb

see is ambiguous since it has two meanings. First meaning is to understand

(LDOCE). Meaning to say, it could have a slightly difference. The difference,

then, lead to another interpretation which to understand is categorized as cognitive

process. Second meaning is to have power of sight (LDOCE). This meaning leads



to perception process which is shown by the sentence (19). Besides, the

misinterpretation is possibly solved between two processes by paying attention to

the Phenomenon. It could happen when the Phenomenon use that clause. The only

way to solve the problem is to understand the clause‟s context or applying what

Lock‟s theory says. Seeing what word on the initial position of the Phenomenon

clause, thus, it is wh- clause. Lock (1996) explains that, wh- clause often happens

for cognition process rather than perception. Meaning to say, the Phenomenon

and the process, syntactically belong to the cognition process which has been

discussed before. Still, the Lock‟s theory is inadequate.

Hence, the phrase what sort of person is riding on the machine means that

the phrase is a cognition process because it begins with wh- clause, and second, if

we pay attention to the Phenomenon‟s tense, it is progressive tense. Meaning to

say, the process is unfinished. Third, semantically speaking, the word see is to

notice or examine someone or something. Fourth, it is marked with the word sort

of It is occurred when the participant physically know the event that is happening.

Second role is to determine which kind of function is the phrase based on

the categorized process. Since it is talking about perception process in sentence

(16), the Phenomenon, as mentioned, is wh- clause. Meaning to say that the

Phenomenon is a Fact.

Another example of see verb is shown the clause (17). The origin clause is

At last, I saw him coming.

(17) I saw him coming

Senser Process Phenomenon



It is different from the example (16), saw in the (17) above is categorized

as perception process. It is because the Phenomenon that follows the process him

coming. Semantically speaking, him coming means that there is someone who is

doing an action which is coming. It is important to know that the Ving form on the

(17) Phenomenon presents that the process is unfinished. Based on Lock (1996,

107), it is quite relative for perception process. The Phenomenon that occurs on

(17) is an event. Lock (1996, 107) explains the main differences between events

and fact is that the event are directly perceived and the fact are not. Thus, in this

clause, the Senser directly perceived the process of him coming.

The second example of perception process is marked with feel verb.

According to Longman Dictionary, feel means to experience particular physical

feeling or emotion (LDOEC). The Phenomenon that follows is I have some right

to be taken seriously too. The language user, however, omits that word which is

supposed to be between mental process verb and Phenomenon. In order to

understand the function of the sentence, we could see below.

(18) But all the same I feel (that) I have some right to be taken

seriously too

Modifier Senser Process Phenomenon

In (18), therefore, the Senser experiences that she has some right to be

taken serious too hits her consciousness. Thus, the mental state that the narrator

reveal is salience. Salience that this research refers to is about the degree to which

something attract the narrator‟s attention in this context. In this context, the

narrator talks about how she is treated just like a young child who is never taken

seriously, the context is about whether her behavior, thoughts, or opinion.



Another example of feel is shown on the sentence (19). The analysis of the

process is below.

(19) I felt the tears coming back

Senser Process Phenomenon

Similar to (19), the following Phenomenon has Ving form. Meaning to

say, the Phenomenon is directly perceived by the Senser. She physically

experiences the tears coming back. Hence, the narrator reveals sadness. It is

clearly seen from the phenomenon that is displayed.

The other verb that belongs to the perception process is the word noticed.

The example of the word notice from the diary can be seen the analysis below.

(20) I noticed the next morning that Peter’s bed had been slept in

Senser Process Phenomenon

From the (20), it has verb notice. Notice means to realize that something is

exist, especially when you can see, hear, or feel them (LDOEC). The Phenomenon

that follows is considered as a fact, which is that Peter’s bed had been been slept

in. In (20), the narrator‟s mental state is skeptical. There is probably something

wrong with the Peter‟s bed that so far of her understanding, Peter did not sleep on

his bed last night.

The last example of perception process, heard word, is shown in clause

(21). It is analysed below.

(21) I heard hammering outside on the landing opposite our

cupboard door

Senser Process Phenomenon

In the sentence (21), the Phenomenon is followed by heard verb. Before

analysing how heard works, the first thing we have to know is what heard’s



meaning is. Heard means to know that a sound is being made using ears

(LDOCE). Therefore the Senser knows that the hammering outside on the landing

opposite our cupboard. From (21), the narrator reveals Acceptance mental state.

She is just given the information that the fact there is hammering sound outside.

4. Volition Process

The least mental process that Anne frank uses is volition process. The

Phenomenon that might happen can be a thing or a desire. The Phenomenon is

categorized as a thing, when the process followed by noun phrase or non-finite

clause. It is categorized as desire, when the process is followed by the finite

clause. The example of volition process which taken from the diary as follows.

(22) I do wish I didn‟t have to go to school

(23) I wished he wouldn‟t as I don‟t like being pawed by boys

(24) I hope that I shall grow a bit like him without having to go through all


(25) I hope that I am doing that enough.

(26) I shouldn‟t want them hanging around me all the time.

(27) I wanted a friend who‟d help me to put me on the right road.

This research has some data of volition process. The data have verbs that

are wish, hope, and want. Then, the analysis how the volition process works is

discussed below. The first example is wish verb, as it is seen on sentence (22).

Before determining what kind of Phenomenon that each sentence has, it is

crucial to analyze each part within the sentence since it is also an evidence that the

following sentences are mental process. As mentioned before, mental process has

three crucial parts: experiencer/senser, mental process, and phenomenon.

(22) I do wish (that) I didn’t have to go to school

Senser Process Phenomenon



The first example of volition process is marked with wish verb. The

Phenomenon that follows is I didn’t have to go to school. The Phenomenon is a

complete sentence which has a subject and a verb. In the volition process,

however, the Phenomenon can be a thing or a desire. Since the Phenomenon is

marked with finite clause, therefore, the Phenomenon on the sentence (22) is

categorized as a desire. Based on the analysis, the mental state that is revealed is

inconvenience. In the context of the diary, it is understandable that she has an

expectation for not going to school. It is because, during the school life, Germans

really limits their access to school and make them uncomfortable to go.

The second example of volition process, which is sentence (23), is also

marked by wish verb. The verb is followed by the Phenomenon he wouldn’t as I

don’t like being pawed by boys. This sentence‟s Phenomenon, similar to (23), is

also categorized as desire.

(23) I wished he wouldn’t as I don’t like being pawed by boys

Senser Process Phenomenon

That Phenomenon has same function as the first example. This research

shows the that table below is to show the sentence (23) is still categorized as

mental state and the phenomenon is still be analyzed.

(that) he wouldn’t as I don’t like being pawed

by boys

(omitted) that clause + modal

Therefore, from the analysis above, the (23) clause tries to reveal the

narrator‟s irritation or annoyance. Because she put desire to the subject he to not

do something she does not like, as she compare to the action of being pawed by




The full sentence of the clause (24), along with the Phenomenon, could be

seen and analyzed below here.

(24) I hope that I shall grow a bit like him without having to go

through all that

Senser Process Phenomenon

The third example (24) is marked by hope verb. Hope means that to

believe that it is possible or likely (LDOCE). The following phrase, which is also

Phenomenon, is I shall grow a bit like him without having to go through all that

and it is marked with that word. Based on Lock (1996), the Phenomenon that

follows after mental process, is categorized as desire.

That I shall grow a bit like him without

having to go through all that

that clause + modal

From the Senser-Phenomenon, the sentence could be interpreted as the

Senser has desire that she shall grow a bit like him without having to go through

all that. By employing the mental process, the Senser likely to believe her desire

towards the Phenomenon. From the analysis, the narrator reveals acceptance

mental state. It is because related to her condition during that time, she is in

despair to keep safe and sound. Being to compromise herself to accept her

development may help her go through her living.

Another example from volition process as seen clause (25) below.

(25) I hope that I am doing that enough.

Senser Process Phenomenon

Clause (25) has hope as the one of volition process. Semantically, hope

means that to believe that it is possible or likely (LDOCE). The Phenomenon that



follows is that I am doing that enough. Theoretically, the Phenomenon is

categorized as desire which is known that as the marked of the Phenomenon

itself. Like (25), the other analysis of hope could be seen as above.

Another example of volition process is seen as clause (26). The structure

of the clause (26) could be seen as below.

(26) I shouldn’t want them hanging around me all the time.

Senser Process Phenomenon

The clause (26) above has volition process. The Phenomenon that follows

it is them hanging around me all the time. Structurally, based on Lock (1996), the

Phenomenon is categorized as desire because it follows with finite clause. If we

look out want meaning, it is to have a desire for something (LDOCE) Meaning to

say, the Senser puts her desire during the process. However, shouldn’t is a part of

the process itself. It affects the meaning of the clause semantically. Shouldn’t is

from should and not. Should is a modal, meaning to say that the main verb hope is

not inflected and affected in case of the meaning. While the modal should is

followed by not. Not is the negation.From the analysis, the narrator reveals

acceptance. Likewise (24), the narrator compromises her desire. She tries to

accept that she cannot ask them hanging around the narrator all the time.

The last example of volition process is shown in (27). The analysis can be

seen below.

(27) I wanted a friend who’d help me to put me on the right road

Senser Process Phenomenon

The Phenomenon that follows is considered a thing. Since it is marked

with who’d help me to put me on the right road is a complement for a friend. It is



a complement since the sentence becomes illogical because without who’d help

me to put me on the right road, it is incomplete to know what kind of friend that

Anne Frank desire to have specifically.

Thus, based on the data that has been analyzed, Anne Frank cognitively

assesses dejection. The mental state verbs through the analysis of processes and

the participants involved in mental process shows that the main character, Anne

Frank, cognitively reveals dejection emotional states. Dejection or feeling

dejected, is synonymous with unhappy, disappointed, sad, or has lower spirit

(LDOCE). It is known by the example of the explanation from the analyzed data

that has been discussed before.

As the result, her delivery is not about her traumatic feeling explicitly.

However, based on this recent study, Anne Frank uses her traumatic feeling as her

supportive motives to make her delivery of her personal judgment or opinions.

Although cognitive process, affection process, perception process, and volition

process are unity within the scope mental state process, the tendency of the usage

still happens.

First, based on the data that has been shown in the analysis, the rest of the

other types of mental state processes become supportive devices to complement

the intended message that the language user wants; since mental state verbs is

talking about verbs have meanings related to our understanding, deciding,

planning that refer to cognitive state. Though, the choice of the one of process

determines the message of the language user intends to deliver. Second, it is

known by the analysis of the inter-relatedness between Phenomenon of cognitive



process and the meaning that each verb has. The cognition process‟ verbs

semantically links the Phenomenon‟s existence in the sentence. In the other

words, it is concerned with the character‟s consciousness.

Another reason why Anne Frank uses cognition process instead of another

process is probably because the lack of sentence or clause which embed in the

other processes to form more subtle context.





In this chapter, the recent study makes conclusion based on the analysis of

the data which has been showed on the previous chapter. In this research, there are

two problems that have been formulated. Therefore, this recent study then has

drawn two major conclusions.

From the research and through the above discussion, the first conclusion is

that cognitive process is chosen by Anne Frank as the manner to depict her mental

states. It is because there are the constant use of verbs, such as think, believe, and

know. Based on these Phenomena that follow the mental state verbs, they are more

like what Israel says “demands us to change the environment in particular way.”

Meaning to say, the narrator urges the reader or herself to understand her

circumstance. However, what is depicted in these uses is not only an invisible

mental state, but also familiar type of activity that happen in her everyday life.

For the second conclusion, Anne Frank cognitively reveals dejection for

her emotional states. It is displeasure state including anger, fear, Sadness and

depressed. This is known from the interpretation through transitivity which

looking the phenomenon that embed the mental state verbs.

In the present study, the interpersonal function is explored, that of

expressing personal feeling or viewpoint through the diary. As argued above, the

choice of mental state process affects the viewpoint of meaning from the language

user. This present study believes that mental state verbs appears to be a key factor



for the depiction of Anne Frank‟s traumatic feeling. However, the focus of this

recent study is how mental state verbs expresses the interpersonal meaning of the

language user. A number of methods for identifying mental state process have

been reviewed in detail, and a rationale for selecting the method used in the

present study provided. The reasons for analyzing the diary in this manner are that

it allows the researcher and others who are users or readers to understand the way

in which a text is constructed and the role played by the Subject (Anne Frank) and

features other than the Subject in organizing the message.

For the second problem, Anne Frank reveals many mental states. They are

from fate, disbelief, sadness, fear, acceptance, expectation, adoration, until

Acceptance mental states. This is known from the interpretation through the

Phenomenon that embed the mental state verbs and mental state verb itself.

Thus, having the revealed mental states, it is not just on one certain

understanding process, however, it is also from all the processes, which are

cognition process, perception process, affection process,and volition process.

From this research, it is also revealed the beauty of language itself. The variation

on how to express many ways the intended message, in this case, especially the

narrator‟s of The Diary of a Young Girl mental state.

Having done the research‟s conclusion, however, there are some

inadequacy that this research has. Therefore, this recent study suggests to have

further research for researchers who are interested in Systemic Functional

Grammar applying in literature. The first suggestion is that the researcher could

possibly observe the other part of speech that indicate the message in the diary,



such as adverb or adjective. The second suggestion is that the researcher could

observe the different employment of certain processes in Systemic Function

Grammar approach. For instance, there are action process, verbal process,

relational or existential process. The third suggestion is that the researcher may

find out the pragmatics uses in the formula [I think] since the dominant use in the

diary is cognition process. The approach that could be used on this research is that

cognitive approach.




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Appendix 1: Mental State Process and Clauses in The Diary of a Young Girl

Category No Clauses Mental State



I felt that my inventiveness on this subject

was exhausted


2 At last, I saw him coming Relief


Neither Harry nor I felt like sitting stiffly

side by side indefinitely



I noticed the next morning that Peter‟s bed

had been slept in



I heard hammering outside on the landing

opposite our cupboard door



I feel I have some right to be taken

seriously too



The next day, I hear that Anne is just a silly

little goat who doesn‟t know anything at




I can‟t even see what sort of person is

riding on the machine



I heard something about their chat about




But I do really see that I get on better by

shamming a bit



I feel as if I am in stilts and look much

taller than I am



I feel afraid sometimes that from having to

be so serious I‟ll grow a long face and my

mouth will drop at the corners



I see myself alone in a dungeon without

Mummy and Daddy



I have noticed that the word “Mumsie” tells

you everything



I see the naked figure of a woman, such as

Venus, for example



I could see on his face that look of

helplessness and uncertainty



I noticed his shy manner and it made me

feel very gentle


18 I still feel his wonderful eyes in me Happiness


I didn‟t listen for footsteps on the staircase

any longer


20 I heard hammering outside on the landing Fear



opposite our cupboard door.


I heard Mr. Koophuis say, “Open the door,

it‟s only me.”



I can‟t see much difference between this

and the schoolgirl love stories.



But all the same I feel I have some right to

be taken seriously too.



I feel wicked sleeping in a warm bed, while

my dearest friends have been knocked

down or have fallen into a gutter

somewhere out in the cold night.


25 I feel as if I am going to burst Anger


I noticed that Peter kept looking at me all

the time.


27 Suddenly I felt the tears coming back Sadness


On Saturday afternoon I felt in such a whirl,

after hearing a whole lot of sad news that I

went and lay on my divan for a sleep.



I see the world being slowly transformed

into a wilderness



I hear the approaching thunder that, one

day, will destroy us too



I somehow feel that everything will change

for the better, that this cruelty too shall end,

that peace and tranquillity will return once



Affection 32 I never dare to stay long Fear


I adore him so that I didn‟t want to face the



34 I didn‟t like him a bit any more Dislike

35 I love talking to Peter Adoration

36 I didn‟t risk opening a window. Fear


37 I expect you‟ll be rather surprised at the fact

that I should talk of boy-friends at my age


38 I pretend to be insulted and tell them in no

uncertain terms to clear off


39 I expect he will from now on Acceptance

40 I knew that it would be my last night in my

own bed


41 I still don‟t know where our secret hiding

place was to be



I expect I have thoroughly bored you with

my long-winded description of our



43 I think you should know where we have Acceptance




44 I expect you will be interested to hear what

it feels like to “disappear”


45 I don‟t think I shall ever feel really at home

in this house


46 Although I knew nothing of your

disappearance all time


47 I think he must have kept his word Acceptance

48 I think it is lovely Acceptance

49 Up till now, I thought that only children

squabbled and that wore off as you grew up


50 I suppose I should get used to it Acceptance

51 And I don‟t know how long I shall be able

to stifle my rage


52 I don‟t think this was nearly as bad as

having to sit still and not talk the whole day


53 Of course, I thought that someone had

come: you‟ll guess who I mean


54 I think Cissy van Maxverlat is a first-rare



55 I expect we shall be suffocated with



56 I don‟t know how to keep it all to myself Acceptance

57 Neither can I believe that I am always in the



58 Sometimes I believe that God wants to try

me both now and later on


59 I think it‟s stupid of Daddy to have given in Acceptance

60 I think it‟s pretty crazy that he doesn‟t jump

at the proposal – whatever it is


61 I never knew before that neighbors could be

such interesting people


62 I expect he‟ll soon give me a thorough




I wonder how they managed to have such

clear brains after that terrifying parachute



64 I suppose I shall be obliged to give you

your own way



I suppose it‟s their idea of a good

upbringing to always try to set me against

my parents


66 I realize that guns are firing and that I am

still in the room




67 I suppose she thinks about it Acceptance

68 I don‟t think my opinions are stupid and the

others do



Sometimes I wander by the roadside, or our

“Secret Annexe” is on fire, or they come

and take us away at night


70 I simply can‟t imagine that the world will

ever be normal for us again


71 I thought it was grand that the fire should



72 I wonder if she ever thinks of me Acceptance

73 I wonder if Lies has real faith in herself Acceptance

74 I think that in my own case this trouble is

getting much worse lately


75 I sometimes think if all eight of us began to

pity ourselves


76 I know I should cry Sadness

77 Last year, I didn‟t understand the meaning

of this words as well as I do now


78 I believe that Pim talked about it Acceptance

79 I don‟t think Margot has any idea of all Pim

has had to go through



I think what is happening to me is so

wonderful and not only what can be seen on

my body


81 I know I cried for long time Sadness


I remember that once when I slept with a

girlfriend I had a strong desire to kiss her,

and I did do so


83 I shall feel that secret within me again Acceptance

84 I can still remember us walking hand in

hand through the streets together


85 I thought it was fun, felt honored, but was

otherwise quite untouched.


86 I imagined that I had forgotten Peter Fear

87 This morning, I knew that nothing has



88 I can quite understand now that Peter

thought me childish


89 I know that no one else could remain with

me like he does


90 I might know that Peter‟s thoughts are not

with me


91 I always knew that I did understand it Acceptance



92 I know that for me everything would remain

the same anyway



I believe Mummy thinks there could be no

better relationship between parents and

their children


94 I think it‟s all to the good to have learned




I also believe that if I stay here for very

long I shall grow into a dried-up old




I wonder whether you can tell me why it is

that people always try so hard to hide their

real feelings.


97 I know there must be a reason Acceptance


I sometimes think it‟s horrible that you find

you can never really confide in people,

even in those who are nearest to you.



I still do think that half the quarrels could

be avoided if it weren‟t for the fact that

when the conversation gets tricky Mummy

is a bit difficult too.


100 I know exactly what you‟ll say, Kitty Acceptance

101 I always thought the Vann Daans were in

the wrong



I hope that I have acquired a bit of insight

and will use it well when the occasion



103 I remember exactly what my answer was Acceptance

104 I wonder if Peter really does ask his parents



105 I think it is the best place of all Acceptance

106 I think it‟s pretty crazy that he doesn‟t jump

at the proposal – whatever it is.


107 I think it‟s stupid of Daddy to have given



108 I know it‟s dull for you. Anger

109 I know that it would get better with crying. Anger

110 I believe that it‟s spring within me. Acceptance

111 I could really see that he wanted to please



112 Now I understand more why he always

hugs Mouschi.


113 I firmly believe that nature brings solace in

all troubles.




114 I don‟t know quite how long my common

sense will keep this longing under control.


115 I knew that he was sitting in the room next

to ours.


116 I believe he‟d like to say a lot just like I



117 I know quite well that the circle around me

would be much smaller.


118 Now I think seriously about life and what I

have to do.


119 I expect you know the rest of the story Acceptance

120 I know what I want Anger

121 I know that I am a woman Anger

122 And now I know that first and foremost I

shall require courage and cheerfulness


123 I know exactly how I‟d like to be, how I am

too inside.


124 I don‟t think I ought to have allowed. Anger

125 I realized that he could not be a friend for

my understanding.


126 I don‟t think I shall easily bow down before

the blows that inevitably come to everyone.


127 I thought for a long time about the best

answer to give Peter.


128 I know that you‟ll immediately think of



129 I think that my terrible longing for him was



130 I wonder however many her spouse

managed to knock back.


131 I don‟t think I have, so I will begin now. Anger


I don‟t believe that the big men, the

politicians and the capitalists alone, are

guilty of the war.


133 I expect she‟s already in the cat‟s heaven. Sadness

134 I believe that you have good qualities, and

that you‟ll get on in the world.


135 I expect you‟ve gathered that when we‟re

together Peter and I don‟t sit miles apart.


136 I know for certain that I have chosen the

right time.


137 I really believe, Kits, that I‟m slightly bats



138 I know that I am sentimental sometimes. Sadness



139 I wonder if he is going to fall in love with

me after all.


140 I still believe, in spite of everything, that

people are truly good at heart.


Volition 141 I do wish I didn‟t have to go to school Fear

142 I wished he wouldn‟t as I don‟t like being

pawed by boys


143 I wish like anything that one of our

protectors could sleep here at night.


144 In any case, I want to publish a book

entitled Het Achterhuis after the war.


145 I hope that I shall grow a bit like him

without having to go through all that.


146 I hope that I am doing that enough. Acceptance

147 I wanted to look a little further on, Margot

got more and more angry.


148 I wanted to have something to hold than

with an idea of escaping


149 I want something from Daddy that he is not

able to give me.


150 I shouldn‟t want them hanging around me

all the time.


151 I wanted a friend who‟d help me to put me

on the right road.



Appendix 2: Anne Frank’s Life by

Anne Frank and her family, Frank‟s family, have to go into hiding from Nazis

during World War II. Frank‟s Family – consists of eight members including Anne

Frank, hides in a place which is mentioned by Anne Frank on her diary called

Secret Annex at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam.

During their life in German

The economic crisis, Hitler‟s rise to power and growing antisemitism put an end

to the family‟s carefree life. Like other Jews, Frank‟s family decide to leave

Germany. They plan to immigrate to U.S but they fail.

Life in Netherlands

Based on, during their life in Netherlands, the children still go to

school while Otto Franks runs a business in Amsterdam. Their living in

Netherlands is because their attempts to escape to U.S fails. Then, Otto and his

wife decide to go hiding. They do this with Otto‟s Jewish business partner,

Hermann van Pels, with help from his associates Johannes Kleiman and Victor


In hiding

During their hiding, Anne writes that they have to keep quiet and are often

frightened and pass the time together as well as they can. After more than two

years hiding, all the Frank‟s family deported and sent to concentration camps.

Anne‟s mother was died due to starvation. Her sister, Margot also died because

typhus and not long after her sister‟s death, Anne also died, succumbed with

typhus. Her father, that once Anne believed also died, the only member of the

family that survive during that time.

In hiding, the Frank‟s and the other eight other members (the dentist Fritz Preffer,

Johannes Kleiman, Victor Kugler, Miep Gies, Bep Voskujil, Jan Gies) remain in

the secret annex for more than two years. The other eight members, not only help

Franks family to arrange food, clothes and books, they are the group‟s contact

with the outside world, claims.

Arrest and deportation

After more than two years hiding in the secret annex, the Frank‟s along with the

eight helpers are arrested in August 4, 1944. Johannes Kleiman and Victor Kluger

are passed from where they are deported in Auschwitz. Johannes Kleiman is

released shortly after his arrest in six months. After his arrest, Miep Gies and Bep

Voskujil rescue Anne‟s diary and papers that have been left behind in their secret




Otto Frank’s return

Otto Franks is the only survivor from Nazi‟s camp. For more than seven years, he

goes to see Miep and Jan Gies. He hopes his children and wife also survive but it

turns out different. They all die. His wife is dead by famine, Anne and Margot die,

succumb in typhus.

Anne’s Diary

Otto Frank reveals that Anne‟s dream is to release her diary to be a diary. Feeling

uncertain at first, Otto Franks after all grants his daughter‟s wish. After the

publication, so many readers are touched by Anne‟s writing and Otto begins

receiving letters from the readers. Not long after that, the diary is translated

through many languages, adapted into play, and movie.



Appendix 3: The Synopsis of The Diary of a Young Girl (Frank, 1952)

The Diary of a Young Girl is claimed as an autobiography book, written by a

Jewish girl, Anne Frank. The book is basically a text about Anne‟s thought, daily

events, school life, boys, her favourite books, family and everything. She feels

excited and happy to write her diary because she thinks that nobody understands

her and claims that diary is the best thing she has. She states, “paper has more

patience than men” on her diary.

In the beginning of the diary, it is known that her diary was given to Anne for her

thirteen birthday. She started how happy and grateful she was. However, Anne

Frank then tells that they have to move and hide from their current place to what

she calls “Secret Annex”. It is because Franks family has news that Margott,

Anne‟s sister, is about to be sent to concentration camp. The reason because

Frank‟s family is a Jew family that lives in German at that time.

Within in her diary, Anne Frank also reveals so much about her. In June 21, for

instance, we learn that Anne Frank has a good sense of humour because the

teacher calls her a chatterbox because to shame Anne‟s failed submission. The

relationship amongst Frank‟s also is revealed by Anne especially with her. For

example, when Anne Frank has a fight with her mother, she tells to her dad that

she likes her dad more than her mother. She also has a little sister relationship

with Margot. She wants her to share her diary if Margot also shows her too. Anne

Frank also tells her relationship with Peter which then we learn that Peter is

Anne‟s crush. She reveals so much about Peter and her, from her first meeting and

impression towards Peter, until how she cannot imagine living without Peter.

Besides all her characters, we also learn what she feels on certain event that

happen during her hiding. June 24, she wishes she could ride a public transport.

July 1, she is sad because her Dad is so angry when Anne‟s friend, “Hello” returns

Anne from walk at ten minutes after eight night. It is dangerous and illegal for

Jews to be out after eight. July 8, Anne and Margot are told to stay in the house

and not answering any doorbells. July 11, Anne reveals that she is really terrified

that neighbour may hear them hiding in the Secret Annex. She also finds the place

is so silent and it is so oppressive for her. July 12, Anne misses her cat so much.

Even by recalling its name on her head, it makes her cry. Anne Frank‟s cat is left

due to moving to her dad‟s office (Secret Annex). The second part of the diary, in

May 26, 1944, Anne begins to despair. She wonders whether or not her life would

be normal again. This date is important to indicating Anne‟s feeling towards the

Holocaust. She wonders if it is better not to go to hiding and just be dead instead

of suffering right now. She also suffers guilt during her hiding in the secret annex.



She believes it is unfair to be “lucky” while she knows out there the other Jews

suffers or even are sent to the concentration camp.

In her diary, Anne Frank also reveal her inner thoughts, opinions, judgement, and

beliefs on her diary. For example, in July 12 Anne Frank thinks she does not fit in

her family. She thinks that her family always chooses Margot over her. In August

4 of her diary, Anne describes her thinking about another person which is named

Peter or about Mrs. Van Daan which Anne believes she is unbearable to tolerate.

In details, she also gives her opinion towards the diary she read, about her nation

and politics, etc.

Throughout her diary, she has constant contents to be written on. Those things

above are the highlights of the Anne‟s diary.

The diary then stops on August 1, 1944. Based on, on August 4

their family receive calls from German camp and sent to the concentration camp.