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Memorial Medical Center

Echocardiography Report

Patient Name: Smith, JohnStudy Date: 3/4/2014Height: 72 inWeight: 276 lbBSA: 2.45 m²InpatientICD9: 401.0

Gender: MBP: 113/72HR: 68

Patient ID: 11111Referring MD: John Martinez, MDTechnologist: Blake Robertson, RDCSDOB, Age: 11/16/1963, 50 yrCPT4: 93306

Indications: Angina-stable, ChemotherapyHistory/Clinical: Abdominal aortic aneurysm, Asthma, Fever, HypertensionProcedure: 2D, Color Flow, 3D TransthorasicQuality: Good

Resting Wall Motion


Mild Hypo





Not VisualNV

Wall MotionScore Index: 1.1


2D MeasurementsParasternal Long AxisLVIDd 5.3 cm (4.3-5.1) * LV Wmn 1.08 cmLVIDs 3.32 cm (2-4) LA Ds 3.55 cm(2.3-3.9)LV%fs 37.4 %(25-46) Ao An 2.44 cm(1.4-2.6)IVSd 1.03 cm Ao Rtd 3.41 cmLVPWd 1.14 cm

Doppler Measurements

AV For Flow/Valve Assess AV pkVel 7300 cm/s (100-170) * AV ET 26250 msec AV mn 5151.43 cm/s AV AC/ET 0.57 AV pkPG 21316 mmHg AV TVI 135225 cm AV mnP 13927 mmHg AVpkA 1176.92 cm/s² AV AC 15000 msec (83-118) *

AV Forward Flow AV pkVel 100 cm/s (100-170)

MV Regurg Flow MV pkVel 3200 cm/s (60-130) * MV mn 2152.41 mmHg MV mn 1765.62 cm/s MV TV 35312.5 cm MV pkPG 4096 mmHg MV FlwI 20000 msec

MV E/A Ratio MV pkE 7300 cm/s (60-130) * MV E/A 1.06 MV pkA 6900 cm/s


Normal StudyNormal left and right ventricular systolic function. Normal wall motion. No pericardial effusion seen.

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Chambers and Structures

LV: LV size is normal. No abnormalities visualized in LV. No LV hypertrophy present. LV function is normal. Estimated EF is 60-65%RV: RV size is normal. No RV hypertrophy present. No abnormalities visualized in the RV. RV function is normal. RV wall motion is

normal. LA: LA size is normal. No abnormalities visualized in the LA. RA: RA size is normal. No abnormalities visualized in the RA. PERI: Pericardium is normal.


AV: No AV abnormalities noted. MV: No MV abnormalities noted. PV: No PV abnormalities noted. TV: No TV abnormalities noted.


Technically adequate 2D, 3D, Doppler and Strain exam performed. Average global longitudinal strain measurement was -17%. 3D measurements revealed 66% EF, 82mL EDV, 28mL ESV and 58mL SV. All measurements within normal limits at baseline prior to chemotherapy. No comparison exam is available. Suggest follow-up echocardiographic study in 2 weeks.

<Electronic Signature> 03/04/2014 01:36 PM_____________________________________Mary Michaels, MD Revised

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Memorial Medical CenterEchocardiography Report

Patient Name: Heart, FaithStudy Date: 3/5/2015Height: 65 inWeight: 150 lbBSA: 1.75 m²Inpatient

Gender: FBP: 150/90HR: 65HCT: 9

Patient ID: 000123Priority: ASAPReferring MD: Charles Ford, MDTechnologist: Sandra Black, RDCSDOB, Age: 1/7/1950, 65 yr

Indications: HF; initial eval with symptomsProcedure: 2D, M-mode, Doppler, Color FlowRisk Factors: CHFClinical Symptoms: Shortness of breathLab Tests: 150/90

2-D MEASUREMENTS(Normals) (Normals)

Left Ventricle Dias Dimen 5 cm (3.6-5.2) Frac Short 20 % (25-46) *Sys Dimen 4 cm (2.3-3.9) *

Left Atrium Dimen 3.51 cm Ventricular Septum Thickness 0.997 cm Sys Thick 0.9 cmDias Thick 1.01 cm

LVPW Dias Thick 0.951 cm Thick Frac 0.747 %Sys Thick 0.959 cm Thickness 0.883 cm

Aorta Root Diam 1.84 cm Ann Diam 1.6 cm (1.4-2.6)Sinus of Val 1.7 cm (2.5-3.3) * Sinotub Junc 2.53 cm (2.3-2.9)

LVOT LVOT Dimen 1.98 cm

Ratios IVS/LVPW 1.06


TV For Flow/Valve AssessPk Vel 180 cm/s Mn Press Grad 9.1 mmHgMn Vel 144 cm/s Time 405 msecPk Press Grad 13 mmHg VTI 58.1 cm


Left ventricular ejection fraction = 20-25%. Global hypokinesis is present.Moderately decreased left ventricular systolic function.


Left Ventricle: The endocardium is adequately visualized. Normal left ventricular chamber size. Moderately decreased left ventricular systolic function. Left ventricular ejection fraction = 20-25%. Global hypokinesis is present.

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Right Ventricle: Normal right ventricular chamber size. Normal right ventricular systolic function.

Atria: The left atrium is borderline dilated. The right atrium is normal in size. The IVC is normal in size and collapses normally with inspiration. The interatrial septum appears intact by color Doppler evaluation.

Mitral Valve: The mitral valve is mildly thickened. There is no mitral valve stenosis. There is trace mitral regurgitation.

Tricuspid Valve: The tricuspid valve appears structurally normal. There is no tricuspid valve stenosis. There is mild tricuspid valve regurgitation.

Aortic Valve: The aortic valve appears structurally normal. There is no hemodynamically significant aortic valve stenosis. There is no aortic valve regurgitation.

Pulmonic Valve: The pulmonic valve is not well visualized. There is no pulmonic valve stenosis. There is no pulmonic valve regurgitation.

Aorta: The aortic root is normal in size.

Pericardium/Pleura: There is no pericardial effusion.

Rhythm: Sinus rhythm.

_____________________________________Jared Franklin, MD

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Memorial Medical Center

Pediatric Echocardiography Report

Patient Name: Braun, MarkStudy Date: 3/18/2014Height: 156 cmWeight: 34 kgBSA: 1.25 m²

Patient ID: 84187Referring MD: William Harrison, MDTechnologist: Helen Hayes, RDCSDOB, Age: 2/20/2003, 11 yr

Indications: Abnormal Physical ExamProcedure: 2D, M-mode, Doppler

2D MeasurementsLV EF 64.7 % RVIDd 1.33 cmLVEDV 85 ml LA Vol 16.3 mlLVESV 30 ml IVSs 0.94 cmLVIDd 3.9 cm IVSd 0.69 cmLVIDs 2.95 cm LVPWd 0.8 cmLV%fs 24.4 % LVPWs 1.35 cmLV Mass 124.45 g LVPWth 68.8 %LVFullAx 7.6 cm IVS|LVPW 0.86

M-Mode MeasurementsLVIDd 4.39 cm (3.27-3.97) * IVSs 1.22 cmLVIDs 2.26 cm IVS%th 8.93 %LV%fs 48.5 %(28-40) * IVS|LVPW 1 LVEDV 85.9 ml LVPWd 1.12 cm(0.49-0.73) *LVESV 17.87 ml LVPWs 1.22 cmLV EF 79.2 % LVPWth 8.2 %IVSd 1.12 cm (0.46-0.7) *

Doppler Measurements

AV Forward Flow AV pkV 113.41 cm/s (120-180) * AV pkPG 5.14 mmHg

Mitral Valve MVCO 440 msec

MV Forward Flow MV pkE 47.08 cm/s MV E/A 1.02 MV pkA 46.02 cm/s MV DeTm 252 msec

TV Forward Flow TV pkE 33.53 cm/s

LVOT LVOTpk 63.01 cm/s LVOTpkP 1.59 mmHg

Pulmonary Veins PVnAtrV 18.42 cm/s PVnEsVe 40.19 cm/s

Basic "normal" diagram. Ventricular septum left open. Artrial septum left open.


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The left ventricle (LV) is normal in size with normal wall thickness and normal systolic function. The aortic valve is structurally and functionally normal. The aortic root, sinuses of Valsalva, sinotubular junction and proximal ascending aorta are normal.


Situs and Cardiac Position: Levocardia with atrial situs solitus, concordant atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial connections and normally related great arteries.

Venous Connections: Normal systemic venous connections. Normal pulmonary venous connections.

Atria: The left atrium (LA) is normal in size. The right atrium (RA) is normal in size.

Atrial Septum: Intact atrial septum with no evidence of atrial level shunting.

Atrioventricular Junction: Structurally and functionally normal mitral valve with normal spectral and color flow Doppler. Structurally and functionally normal tricuspid valve with physiologic regurgitation.

Ventricles: The left ventricle (LV) is normal in size with normal wall thickness and normal systolic function. The right ventricle (RV) is normal in size with normal wall thickness and normal systolic function.

Ventricular Septum: Intact ventricular septum. No evidence of ventricular level shunting.

Outflow tracts: The left ventricular outflow tract is normal in size with unobstructed flow. The right ventricular outflow tract is normal in size with unobstructed flow.

Semilunar Valves: The aortic valve is structurally and functionally normal. Normal antegrade aortic flow; no regurgitation. The pulmonary valve is structurally and functionally normal. Normal antegrade flow; physiologic regurgitation.

Aortic & Pulmonary Root: The aortic root, sinuses of Valsalva, sinotubular junction and proximal ascending aorta are normal. The pulmonary root is normal, without dilation or stenosis.

Thoracic Arteries: The ascending aorta is normal in size. Normal flow in the ascending aorta. Left aortic arch with normal brachiocephalic artery branching. There is no evidence of coarctation of the aorta. No patent ductus arteriosus is seen. The main and branch pulmonary arteries are of normal size with normal flow velocities.

Coronary Arteries: The origin and proximal course of the right and left coronary arteries are normal.

Effusion/Ascites: No pericardial effusion. No pleural effusion seen.

_____________________________________Frank Smith, MD

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Memorial HospitalFetal Echocardiography Report

123 Hospital Drive, Houston, TX 77777Phone: (555) 123-4567 Fax: (555) 765-4321

Patient Name: Fellow, JaneStudy Date: 10/26/2011Height: 163 cmWeight: 123 kgBSA: 2.22 m²Outpatient

Gender: FBP: 126/74

Patient ID: FEJ0826550Referring MD: Maternal FetalTechnologist: James Smith, RN, RDCS, RVTDOB, Age: 8/26/1983, 28 yr

Indications: Fetal Echo to assess CHDHistory/Clinical: Fetal abnormality, suspectedProcedure: Fetal EchoFetus #: SingletonFetal Lie: Breech

2-D MEASUREMENTS(Normals) (Normals)

Biometric Exam

BPD 6.9 cm Cardiothoracic Ratio 0.4FL 4.8 cm Fetal Heart Rate 126 bpmHC 24.2 cm


Cardiac/thoracic Area 0.225 Cardiac/thoracic Circum 0.498


Right Ventricle: RV function is normal. No RV hypertrophy present. No abnormalities visualized in the RV. RV size is normal.

Left Atrium: LA size is normal. No abnormalities visualized in the LA. Right Atrium: RA size is normal. No abnormalities visualized in the RA. Aorta: Aorta is normal. Pericardial Effusion: Pericardium is normal. Aortic Valve: No AV abnormalities noted. Mitral Valve: No MV abnormalities noted. Pulmonic Valve: No PV abnormalities noted. Tricuspid Valve: No TV abnormalities noted.


Maternal SummaryGA: 26 weeks. LMP: 5/26/11. EDD: 2/2/12 by ultrasound. Gravida: 3. Para: 2. SAB: 1.History of maternal diabetes (non insulin dependent).

Fetal Summary

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Fetal #: SingletonFetal Lie: BreechStomach Position: LeftAbdominal Situs solitus.Cardiac Position: Levocardia.

Fetal FindingsFetal Heart rate: 154 bpm. Fetal heart rhythm: normal.Abdominal Situs is normal. Atrial situs solitus with levocardia.Normal relationship of atria, ventricles, and great arteries.Normal systemic venous drainage. Pulmonary veins are not identified to drain in LA.Patent foramen ovale is present with R>L flow by color flow.Ventricular septum has small defect. Normal A-V and semilunar valves without stenosis or regurgitation.Chamber sizes and wall thickness are normal. Normal biventricular function.Main Pulmonary artery is normal in size and gives rise to confluent branches.There is PDA with R>L flow. Ductal arch is patent without stenosis.Aortic arch is widely patent. Coronary arteries are not visualized.No pericarcardial effusion or intracardiac masses.

Study SummarySmall VSD observed.PFO with R>L flow.PDA with R>L flow.Follow-up Fetal Echo advised.

<Electronic Signature> 10/27/2011 05:09 PM_____________________________________Bruce Sherman, MD

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Houston HospitalHouston, Texas 77098

Cardiac Catheterization Report

BSA: 2.15 m²Weight: 195 lb HR: 65

Patient Name: Smith, John Patient ID: 595003214Study Date: 3/28/2011 Sex: M Referring MD: Temperance Brennan, MDHeight: 74 in BP: 138/78 DOB, Age: 6/6/1971, 39 yr


Based on today's cardiac catheterization we recommend: Continue medical management and risk factor modification. Admit to telemetry for 24 hours post procedure observation. Follow up office visit in cardiology clinic in 2 weeks.

Smith, John 03/28/2011 595003214Cath Lab Report Page 1


History: Chest pain, Dizziness

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The circumflex artery has a 75% stenosis in the mid segment.

Clinical Summary


DiagnosticAn informed, witnessed and signed consent was obtained and placed in patient’s chart. The patient received Versed and Fentanyl for conscious sedation and was continuously monitored per hospital protocol. (See Nursing notes for medications administered.) The patient was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. 1% lidocaine was infiltrated into the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the right groin for anesthesia. A 6FR sheath was placed into the femoral artery using modified Seldinger technique. An angled pigtail catheter was advanced to the ascending aorta. After recording ascending aortic pressure, the catheter was advanced across

Ventriculography was performed using power injection of 40 cc contrast agent at 12 cc/second. Standard RAO images were obtained. Post-ventriculography LV pressure was obtained. The catheter was gradually withdrawn into the aorta under continuous pressure monitoring and aortic pressure was recorded.

6FR JL4 & JR4 catheters were used to selectively cannulate the left and right coronary arteries. Multiple angiographic images were obtained in standard projections.

InterventionPCI of the mid circumflex artery. A 6FR JL4 guide catheter was used which provided adequate support. PCI was performed after patient was anticoagulated. (See Nursing notes for medications administered.) The vessel was wired with a 185cm 0.014 Choice PT wire. The lesion was pre dilated to a maximum of 14 ATM using a 2.75 x 15 mm Apex Monorail balloon. Following pre dilation a 3.0 x 20 mm Taxus Liberte Stent RX was deployed at a maximum of 12 ATM. The stent was post-dilated using a 3.0 x 15 mm NC Quantum Apex RX balloon throughout the stented area to a maximum of 10 ATM. This provided a favorable final angiographic result with no significant residual stenosis, dissection, thrombus or spasm. The patient left the cath lab in stable condition with an intact bilateral 2+ dorsalis pedis pulse.

the aortic valve and LV pressure was recorded.

Diagnostic Procedures: Left Heart Cath, LV GramInterventional Procedures: Primary stenting

The patient is a 39 year old male that presented to the emergency room with complaint of dizziness and chest pain. The pain does not radiate and is not exacerbated with phyiscal activity. He denies and family history of heart disease. He is a former two pack a day smoker that quitthree months ago.

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Pre-Procedure PulsesBilateral DP: 2+Bilateral PT: 2+

Medications Administered:Aspirin, 324 mg, PO, Stat. Loading DosePlavix, 600 mg, PO, Stat. Loading DoseHeparin, 10000 Units, IV, Bolus. BolusPercutaneous entry: Femoral arteryClosure Device: Angio-SealComplications: No Complications



LV GramLV Gram: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Diagnostic FindingsCoronary Dominance: This is a co-dominant coronary artery system.LMCA: The left main coronary artery is angiographically normal.LAD: The left anterior descending artery is angiographically normal.Circumflex: The circumflex artery is a large caliber vessel. The circumflex artery has a 75% stenosis in the mid segment.RCA: The right coronary artery is angiographically normal.

Single PlaneLVEDV 88 mlLVESV 35 mlLV SV 53 mlLV EF 60.2 %

HR 75 bpmLV CO 4 l/minLV CI 1.9 l/m/m^2


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StaffCardiac Cath Physician Drake Remoray, MDInterventionalist Drake Remoray, MDScrub Nurse Peggy Martin, RVTCirculating Nurse Betty Joe Smith, RNRadiologic Tech Bill Fredricks, RTRecording Tech Steve Dean, RN

<Electronic Signature> 09/14/2011 12:55 PM_____________________________________Drake Remoray, M.D.

Pressures - Air Rest(mmHg) Sys Dias Mean/EDPLV 135 9 10Aorta 135 88 112Pressures - Post LV gram(mmHg) Sys Dias Mean/EDPLV 136 9 12Aorta 140 88 114

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Coronary Diagram - Diagnostic


Coronary Diagram - Intervention



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Memorial Outpatient Clinic

Lower Extremity Arterial Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/12/2014OutpatientICD9: 440.3

Gender: MPatient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD: Shirley Simmons, MDTechnologist: Karen Allen, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yrCPT4: 93925

Indications: Post - op evaluation of left Fem-Pop bypass graft to include ABI'sHistory/Clinical: Claudication, Hypertension, Peripheral vascular diseaseProcedure: Left LE Arterial, ABIPrevious Study: Date: 01/31/2014

Doppler Right Left (cm/s) PSV EDV PSV EDVEIA 136CFA Prox 128CFA Mid 0CFA Dist 0Profunda 0SFA Prox 0SFA Mid 0SFA Dist 0Pop Prox 0Pop Mid 124Pop Dist 119TP Trunk 126PTA Prox 111PTA Mid 103PTA Dist 88Peroneal Prox 79Peroneal Mid 77Peroneal Dist 74ATA Prox 66ATA Mid 61ATA Dist 55DPA 45

Common Fem TPopliteal TPosterior Tibial BDorsalis Pedis BM = Monophasic B = Biphasic T = Triphasic C = Continoush = Increased i = Decreased = Erase = Spare

Patent BypassAbsent Flow

Known Occlusion

Doppler-Left-Fem-Pop:Peripheral bypassPSV EDVcm/s cm/s

Native Vessel 102Prox Anastomosis 124Prox Graft 122Mid Graft 119Distal Graft 124Dist Anastomosis 136Distal Native 120

Pressures Rt LeftmmHg

Brachial 116 107Ankle PT 65 88Ankle Peroneal 66 84Ankle DP 71 104Great Toe 76 74ABI PT 0.56 0.76ABI Peroneal 0.57 0.72ABI DP 0.61 0.9TBI 0.66 0.64

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Lt Leg: Arterial doppler waveforms of the left lower extremity are triphasic/biphasic, high amplitude. Left Fem - Pop bypass graft is patent. Unable to visualize the left Mid/Dist CFA, DFA, Prox/Mid/Dist SFA, Prox Pop A due to arterial occlusion.

ABI Bilat: Bilateral ABI's are within moderate (0.5 - 0.74) range at rest. TBI's are abnormal (<0.6) at rest.


Technically adequate 2D, Doppler, CW and color-flow exam performed for Left Fem-Pop evaluation including lower extremity ABI's.Left Fem - Pop bypass graft is patent. Ankle-Brachial pressures were measured bilaterally.Right ankle brachial index is 0.56 with a toe index of 0.66 indicating moderate ischemia, claudication. Waveforms suggestive of small vessel disease. Left ankle brachial index is 0.76 with a toe index of 0.64 indicating moderate ischemia, claudication. Waveforms suggestive of small vessel disease.

_____________________________________Tony Oh, MD

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Memorial Medical Center

CIMT Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/16/2014Outpatient

Gender: MBP: 126/88

Patient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD: Shirley Simmons, MDTechnologist: Karen Allen, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yr

Indications: Bilateral bruitsHistory/Clinical: Family history PVD

CIMT Right CIMT Left

Carotid IMT

CIMT is the same as that for an average man aged 50

Thickness <.6 mmThickness .65 mm

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FindingsRt CCA: The right CCA demonstrates no intimal thickening. Lt CCA: The left CCA demonstrates no intimal thickening.


Bilateral smooth intimal lining in the distal common carotid, internal and external carotid artery.

The calculated vascular age is consistent with the patients age.Recommend follow up screening evaluation in 1 year.

_____________________________________Nathan Reed, MD

Donahue, Jack 03/16/2014 12345CIMT Report Page 2

Memorial Medical Center

Abdominal Aorta-Iliac Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/4/2014OutpatientICD9: 440.2

Gender:MPatient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD:Amy Jones, MDTechnologist: Barry Jones, RVTDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yrCPT4: 93978

Indications: Abdominal BruitHistory/Clinical: Obesity, Peripheral vascular disease

Doppler PSV EDV Dimen (cm/s)

AO Prox 136AO Dist 124 1 X 0.9AO Mid 132Right Common Iliac 145 1.1 X 0.7Left Common Iliac 139 0.9 X 0.8



AO: There is no abdominal Aortic aneurysm visualized. No hemodynamically significant stenoses visualized within the abdominal Aorta.

Bilat: The bilateral iliac arteries are well visualized and appears normal. No hemodynamically significant stenoses are visualized within the iliac arteries bilaterally. Homogeneous smooth plaque visualized within the bilateral iliac arteries.


Technically adequate 2D, Doppler and color-flow exam performed. Abdominal vascular examination was performed. The aorta and its major branches are well seen.The aorta is normal in structure and diameter with normal flow dynamics throughout.No areas of significant stenosis are identified.

In conclusion, this is an essentially normal study.

_____________________________________Kenneth Tan, MD

Donahue, Jack 03/04/2014 12345Abd. Aorta-Iliac Report Page 1

SMITH, SARAH 156789 01/22/2014 10:13am

Memorial Medical Center123 Medical DriveHouston, TX 77098

GYN Ultrasound Report

Patient Name:Patient No.LMP:History/Indications:

Study Date:Referring MD:Sonographer:DOB, Age:

Collins, Jennifer98766701/03/2015Pelvic painProlonged period

01/20/2015 3:58pmPaula Markham, MDPatty Smith, RDMS07/07/1983, 31

Uterus: Size: LxHxW 11.5 x 6.5 x 5.9 cm Volume: 230.9 cc Position: Retroverted

Uterine Cavity: Distorted

Cervix: Small nabothian cyst noted.

Endometrium: Thickness: 7.0 mm. Endometrium is abnormally thick with irregular texture.

Fibroids: LxHxW (cm) Location Description1 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.0 Anterior right superior Submucosal2 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.8 Anterior left superior Submucosal3 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.8 Posterior right superior Intramural

Hyperechoic submucousal leiomyomas distorting the endometrial interface was seen.A large, hypoechoic intramural fibroid with degeneration noted.The borders of all leiomyomas were difficult to delineate.

Ovaries: LxHxW (cm) Vol (cc) DescriptionRight 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.2 4.0 Contains a cystLeft 3.3 x 1.6 x 1.3 3.6 Appears normal

Ovarian Morphology: LxHxW (cm) DescriptionR1 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.3 Simple cyst

Sonohysterogram: Inserted intrauterine Insemination catheter with no difficulty. Instilled 5 mL of sterile saline guided by TVS. Patient presented with abnormal bleeding and pelvic pain. SIS revealed multiple submucosal and intramural fibroids documented above.

Clinical Summary

Patient presented with complaint of severe pain, prolonged periods and abnormal bleeding. TVS revealed multiple leiomyomas both submucosal & in the uterine cavity.

Size of leiomyomas and distortion of the uterus suggest surgical resolution. Recommend laparascopic myomectomy to relieve severe pain.

Andrew Beverly, MD

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Memorial Outpatient Clinic

Transcranial Doppler Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/1/2014Outpatient Room 421

Gender:MBP: 146/87

Patient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD:Shirley Simmons, MDTechnologist: Blake Robertson, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yr

Indications: Bruit - right, Carotid diseaseHistory/Clinical: Stroke, Syncope

Doppler Right Left(cm/s) PSV EDV PSV EDVSiphon 79 72MCA 69 68ACA 80 76PCA 77 67Bulb 73 79Basilar 59Vertebral 75 76


Transcranial Doppler

Bilat: The transtemporal approach of the bilateral ACA,MCA,TICA,PCA velocities are normal or non-specifically increased mean velocity <=80 cm/sec.

Basilar: The transforamen approach of the Basilar artery velocity is 155 cm/sec.


Technically adequate 2D, Doppler and color-flow exam performed. No comparison exam is available. Transcranial artery Duplex exam shows no evidence of intracranial arterial occlusive disease.

Diagnostic Criteria:MCA Flow Velocity mean; cm/sec Clinical Consequences

Normal or nonspecifically increased <=80 Should be observed furtherSubcritically accelerated >80-120 Moderate vasospasm; preventive therapy indicatedCritically accelerated >120-140 Severe vasospasm; consequent treatment necessaryHighly critical flow acceleration >140 Severe vasospasm; delayed ischemic deficit highly probable

Modified from Harder A: Neurosurgical Applications of Transcranial Doppler Sonography. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1986 Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography Zwiebel, Pellerito/ Fifth Edition 2005

_____________________________________Nathan Reed, MD

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Memorial Medical Center

Thyroid Head/Neck Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/15/2014OutpatientICD9: 88.71

Gender:MPatient ID: 12345Priority: STATReferring MD:William Harrison, MDTechnologist: Seth Marks, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yrCPT4: 76536

Indications: Follow up USHistory/Clinical: Multinodular GoiterPrevious Study: Date: 01/15/2014

Rt Lobe: The right lobe is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 4.1 cm Height 2.8 cmWidth 3.1 cm

Lt Lobe: The left lobe is diffusely heterogeneous consistent with multi-nodular goiter. The left lobe is heterogeneous in echotexture and enlarged in size. Increased vascularity noted within the left lobe. Solid isoechoic nodule, with no internal blood flow noted, located in the inferior aspect of the left lobe measuring 2.2 cm. Length 5.2 cm Height 3.4 cmWidth 4.1 cm

Isthmus: The isthmus is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. No adjacent enlarged lymph nodes are identified. Thck 1.1 cm


The right lobe appears normal. Unremarkable isthmus.Abnormal left thyroid ultrasound with increased vascularity and a heterogenous solid nodule in the superior aspect of the left lobe measuring 2.2 cm in thelargest dimension. This nodule is unchanged from the prior examination dated 01/15/2014. This appears to be benign in appearance and suggestive of a goiter however, biopsy is recommended for confirmation.

_____________________________________Victor Vattathil, MD

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Soild Homogeneous

2.2 cm

Donahue, Jack 03/15/2014 12345Thyroid Head/Neck Report Page 2

Memorial Outpatient Clinic

Testicular Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/1/2014OutpatientICD9: 88.7

Gender:MPatient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD:Benjamin Shah, MDTechnologist: Seth Marks, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yrCPT4: 76870

Indications: SwellingHistory/Clinical: Acute Scrotal Swelling

Rt Testicle: The right testicle is unremarkable. No focal abnormalities noted. No hydrocele noted. Length 4.1 cm Height 2.8 cmWidth 3.1 cm Vol 35.6 cm³

Rt Epididymis: The right epididymis is heterogeneous and enlarged in size measuring 2.2 cm. Vasculature of the right testicle is within normal limits. No signs of testicular torsion. Increased arterial flow that demonstrates low resistance detected within the right epididymis. Length 3.8 cm

Rt Scrotum: The right scrotum is unremarkable. No focal abnormalities noted. Thck 0.5 cm

Lt Testicle: The left testicle is unremarkable. No focal abnormalities noted. No hydrocele noted.

Lt Epididymis: The left epididymis is unremarkable. No focal abnormalities noted.

Lt Scrotum: The left scrotum is unremarkable. No focal abnormalities noted. Thck 0.4 cm


1. Normal-sized testicles are noted bilaterally.2. Bilaterally no evidence of torsion.3. No evidence of mass or cyst is seen bilaterally.4. The Rt epididymis is enlarged with increased vascularity indicating acute epididymitis.5. Rt appendix testis is noted measuring 1.1 cm.5. There is a moderate Rt hydrocele.

_____________________________________Tyler Phelps, MD

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Memorial Outpatient Clinic

Retroperitoneal Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/9/2014Outpatient

Patient ID: 12345Priority: STATReferring MD:John Martinez, MDTechnologist: Diane Lowes, RDMSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yr

Indications: HemauriaHistory/Clinical: Abnormal lab values

Rt Kidney: The right kidney is normal in echogenicity and normal in size. A single solid nodule is identified within the inferior segment of the right kidney measuring 2.4 x 1.9 x 2.2 cm. cm. Length 9.9 cm Height 4.5 cmWidth 4.6 cm Cortex 1.2 cm

Lt Kidney: The left kidney is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 10.3 cm Height 5.1 cmWidth 4.9 cm Cortex 1.1 cm

Bladder: The urinary bladder is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 7 cm Height 4.4 cmWidth 4.9 cm

Bladder: Pre V Vol 151 ml Post V Vol 3 ml

Aorta: The abdominal aorta is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted.

AO Mid: AP 1.1 cm TRV 0.9 cm

Rt Iliac: The right iliac diameter measures within normal limits. The right iliac waveform is triphasic. AP 0.9 cm TRV 0.7 cm

Lt Iliac: The left iliac diameter measures within normal limits. The left iliac waveform is triphasic. AP 0.8 cm TRV 0.7 cm

IVC: The IVC is unremarkable. No abnormality identified.


Technically adequate 2D and color-flow exam was performed for evaluation of the kidneys and bladder.

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There are no cysts of the left kidney. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis. No identifiable renal stones. Bladder pre void volume is 151 ml. There is no postvoid residual in the urinary bladder.

Solid appearing nodule is identified within the superior pole of the right kidney. Clinical correlation with CT and biopsy is advised.

_____________________________________Barry Reagan, MD

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Solid nodule

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Memorial Medical Center

Abdominal Ultrasound Report

Patient Name: Donahue, JackStudy Date: 3/1/2014Weight: 209 lbOutpatient

Gender:MPatient ID: 12345Priority: ROUTINEReferring MD:Benjamin Shah, MDTechnologist: Seth Marks, RDCSDOB, Age: 10/2/1963, 50 yr

Indications: Abnormal labsHistory/Clinical: R/O Gallstones, Urinary Retnetion, Nausea

Liver: The liver appears unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Liver Vasculature is within normal limits. Length 11.5 cm Height 5.84 cmWidth 6.4 cm Vol 430 cm³

Gallbladder: Solitary mobile stone with shadowing noted within the gallbladder. The gallbladder wall is thickened. The gallbladder appears enlarged. Length 6 cm Wall 2.2 cmCBD 0.5 cm

Pancreas: Head, body and tail are unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. MPD 0.3 cm CBD 0.4 cm

Spleen: The spleen appears unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 9.9 cm Height 4.5 cmWidth 5.2 cm Vol 232 cm³

Rt Kidney: The right kidney is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 9.9 cm Height 4.5 cmWidth 4.6 cm Cortex 1.2 cm

Lt Kidney: The left kidney is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 10.3 cm Height 4.9 cmWidth 4.4 cm Cortex 0.9 cm

Bladder: The urinary bladder is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted. Length 10.2 cm Height 4.6 cmWidth 5.5 cm

Bladder: Pre V Vol 258 ml Post V Vol 20.3 ml

Aorta: The abdominal aorta is unremarkable. No focal abnormality noted.

AO Mid: AP 1 cm TRV 0.7 cm

IVC: The IVC unremarkable. No abnormality noted.

Free Fluid: No abdominal ascites at this time. No pleural fluid seen at this time.

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Abdominal ultrasound reveals normal liver without fatty changes. An abnormal gallbladder with a solitary mobile stone and thickened wall measuring 0.5 cm. Normal common bile duct. Normal sized kidneys are seen bilaterally. Normal spleen is seen. Portions of the Aorta and IVC appear normal. The pancreas is normal. No ascites noted.

Enlarged gallbladder with thickened wall measuring 2.2 cm suggestive of acute cholecystitis. No pericholecystic fluid is identified at this time. Right kidney solid appearing nodule is identified within the superior pole. Clinical correlation with CT and biopsy is advised.

_____________________________________Anna Hong, MD

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Solid nodule

Echogenic, mobile


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