Mele T4 08




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Name: Mele BroughtonDate: 30/07/08Age: 7.9

Teacher prompts: oI want you to tell me all about this personoCan you tell me moreoWhat else

1. IncompleteSentence.(1 word)The/A bike.

2. Functionally complete.(2 words)There’s a bike.

3. Simple sentence.(and)A girl’s riding a bike.

4. Simple sentence with phrase.A girl’s riding her bike to the park.

5. Full sentence plus conjunction.The girl is riding on her bike and she looks like she’s riding round in circles.

6. Expanded sentence with possible prediction.

Mele is currently working at Stage 6 for Oral Language

Mihi/Pepeha: Tihei mauriora, Tena Koutou ….

Introduction: My speech is about….

Content: Interesting, Humorous, factual, phrased, uses props

Mele presented an informative speech about hangi and how hangi is made.

Tone of voice: Interesting, monotone, confident, clear, articulate

She needs to remember to face the audience when speaking and to speak in a loud, clear voice.

Stance: Makes eye contact, faces audience, uses hand gestures, confident,

She did very well considering she had not long moved into the class from Room 10

Ending: rounds off speech, sums up, uses I statement in conclusion

Ka pai, Mele!

Closing Mihi: No reira tena koutou …

Success Criteria for Processing Information :

This speech should display the following features

I can ….



Balance on 1 leg I enjoyed the beam and the vault

I learned how to jump over the high vault.

I would like to be better at backward rolls

Balance using 2 parts of my body

Support own weight on hands – stationary : handstand – using good technique and posture

Support own weight on hands – moving : cartwheel, walkover, handspring – using good technique and posture

Perform a forward roll using correct technique : crouch, roll, straight legs, into standing position

Perform a backward roll using correct technique : squat, roll back using hands to push up and over, legs together

Use the spring board correctly : with both feet together and timing

Use the vaulting box safely to : side jump, stand up and walk across, forward roll, through jump

Accept advice & guidance re safety

Put together a sequence of movements and perform them

B1 Movement and Skills: Science and Technology

B2 Positive Attitudes, challenges and social and cultural factors

Key Areas of Learning

Body care and Physical Safety

Physical Activity

Understanding the Arts in Context – Dance

L2 Demonstrate an awareness of dance in their own lives and in their communities

Developing Practical Knowledge L2 Identify and explore elements and principles using a variety of materials and techniquesCommunicating and interpretingL2/3 Present their work and describe the ideas communicated by their own and others’ objects andimages.

Personal Health and Physical Development

L2 A 2 Students will maintain regular enjoyable physical activity with an increasing

understanding of its role in self care and well being

Mele is working at Level 2 for Health and Physical Education

My goal for athletics is to run faster

I can achieve this by practicing

I participated in the junior athletics

You can find answers to a lot of your questions here

This is our class page to show what’s happening in our class

My learning goals for home are…

To practice my reading and spelling and maths

November, 2008
