Melaleuca 018


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  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 018



    Number 18: December 2010 Editor: Phillip A. Ellis

    Table of Contents

    Forty-Five Lines of Childhood Stuart Barnes 03

    There Is no Such Thing as Accident; it Is Stuart Barnes 04

    Fate Misnamed

    Choking Mike Berger 05

    Lady in Blue Mike Berger 06

    Pleading my Case Mike Berger 07

    The Flame Malobi Sinha 08

    Gifted Malobi Sinha 09

    Smile Malobi Sinha 10

    All works are copyright by their respective creators, 2010; the arrangement of this collection is

    copyright by Phillip A. Ellis, 2010.

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works

    2.5 Australia License .


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    Forty-Five Lines of Childhood

    2/6/89 Dear Diary, today I visited Eagle Hawk

    Neck and took several photos of the Devils

    Kitchen, the Tasman Arch and the Blowhole.

    Then I visited Nubeena and saw the Roaring

    Beach. I then had lunch and visited EagleHawk Neck again to have a lot [sic] at the

    Tesselated [sic] Pavement. I found the trip

    very interesting and saw some wildlife such as

    swans and ducks. 3/6/89 Dear Diary, today

    I went down to the Scout Hall to sort and

    stack the bottles. After that I came home

    and had a hit with my hockey stick. I had

    lunch and for the rest of the afternoon I

    listened to music and drew animals and a

    hot air balloon from the book The Fantastic

    Flying Journey. 4/6/89 Dear Diary, today my

    Dad ran in a 7km fun run out at Lauderdale.

    While I was there I played with some

    friends that I made. While I was down there

    I had lunch and on the way home I finished

    sorting and stacking the bottles at the Scout

    Hall. When I came home I went around my

    street asking for sponsors for the World

    Vision Foodbusters. 5/6/9 Dear Diary, today

    I made a visit to the State Library and borr-

    owed quite a few books to read. When I camehome I had lunch and for the rest of the

    afternoon I drew some birds and read my

    library books. 6/6/89 Dear Diary, today I made

    a visit to town and I had a look at some Tin-

    tin books. After that I walked up to the

    State Library to return and borrow some more

    books. When I came home I had lunch, read

    some books and had a hit with my hockey

    stick. 7/9/89 Dear Diary, today dad and I

    visited the glassworks and we saw how the

    champagne and premium lager bottles were[sic] made. A man took us around the works

    from the start to the finish. The temper-

    ature of the furnace was 1200c. I found

    the whole tour very interesting. 8/6/9 Dear

    Diary, today dad and I went to Risbys to get

    some to build the new wardrobe in mum

    and dads [sic] bedroom. For most of the

    afternoon dad and I built the wardrobe frame.

    Stuart Barnes


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    There Is no Such Thing as Accident; it Is Fate Misnamed*for two dear friends, artists, who, on December 2, 2010,

    survived a three-vehicle pileup; we laud the Moirae

    1. Its all fun and games

    until someone loses an eye, she crows,Nefertiti moulding sweetened hospital pillows;

    but the screws and plates, the pills and bills, the lawyers.

    O wise Osiris, keep her bold as Sawyer!

    This fingered snags tornadoed such unrest.

    What happens next is anybodys guess.

    2. Resentful Perceptions

    They see onlybaby blue plaster

    from toes to knee.

    I see the squeal

    of brakes, listen

    to the highways


    touch the petrols

    thunder, smell

    the passenger

    handles resis-

    tance, taste the

    blood funnelling

    through Ruths

    mouth and nose.

    3. The Wonderful Lack of FlashbackWe feel so blessed; its a turning point in our lives

    says my sister, a filament blown behind one iris.

    I know its only been seven days since the collision,

    but its not the morphine talking Martins the same:

    every time we fall asleep, every time we blink our lids,

    all that flare are illustrations, all that flare are paintings

    Stuart Barnes

    *Napoleon Bonaparte


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    Me and me mate were

    crawlin the pubs.

    We settled next to

    a table of Sheila's.

    They were laughing and eatenchicken and downen suds .

    We eyed them and offered

    to buy them a pint.

    They looked at us and laughed.

    Then one jumped to her feet

    She clutched her throat

    and opened her mouth.

    "HELP", cried a Sheila

    poundin her friend on the back.

    I jumped right in, "Can you

    breath ", I asked

    she shook her head; she

    was turning blue.

    I grabbed her skirt and her

    undies and jerked them to

    her knees. I gave her a lick

    on her left cheek.

    She screamed and that stuck

    chicken came flying out. She gasp.

    Me mate smiled and said, "I've never

    seen the hind-lick maneuver before.

    Mike Berger


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    Lady in Blue

    Lunchtime came, and I went to the

    deli. I ordered a Rubin sandwich

    for lunch. I was immediately taken

    by an attractive lady dressed in blue.

    She wasn't in the traditional gorgeouscreature. She had a round face and

    long blonde hair.

    She was eating alone. I ask if I could

    join her. She nodded yes between bites

    of her salad. I looked into her eyes and

    asked, "What is that perfume; it is


    She smiled at me and asked if I was

    hitting on her. I replied, "I certainly was.""I have a boyfriend," she replied. "How

    big is he?" I asked. She laughed and

    nearly choked on her salad. "You don't

    take no for an answer," she replied.

    "I have reservations for two at the best

    restaurant in town," I told her. She

    smirked and said, "You came prepared."

    "No," I said. "I don't have reservations

    but I will in a moment." I dialed my

    cell phone and made reservations for


    She laughed and seemed pleased; as

    she smiled she showed up one huge

    dimple. I pushed away my sandwich;

    I wasn't interested in tucker I put my

    hand over hers and she didn't move


    "I have to get back to work," she said.She took a slip of paper out of her purse

    and scribbled something on it. She stood

    and walked away. I enjoyed the view.

    I read her note and this is what it said:

    "Nice try; by the way my perfume is opium."

    Mike Berger


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    The Flame

    Ravaging and burning

    The cyclone washes over

    The world at large

    Like a giant plane

    Of fire; I sit in my houseAnd wonder if it

    Will engulf the planet

    As all burns in shame

    Or whether we have enough

    Good left in us all

    To weather the flame

    Malobi Sinha


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    The fire ripped through

    The apartment

    Destroying everything

    In its wake;

    The charred remainsOf the curtains

    That had shut out

    The light for so

    Long lay crumpled

    On the ground; The

    Pieces of silver

    On the mantelpiece still

    Shone as they had

    The day they were

    Gifted on her wedding

    Malobi Sinha


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    When was it, the

    Last time that I saw

    You smile; was it

    When the goblins and the

    Monsters had leftThe last time you

    Smiled; or was it

    When the angels came out

    To play, golden halos

    Shining in the Sun;

    Know this, my dear, that

    The word is indeed a

    Brighter place

    Because of your smile

    Malobi Sinha

