Melaleuca 005


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  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 005


    MelaleucaNumber 5: November 2009 Editor: Phillip A. Ellis

    Table of Contents

    Epiphany Susan Adams 3

    compassionate heart Coral Carter 4

    Barbie Doesn't Fart Helen Child 5

    The Moon Spinner Helen Child 8

    Ocean Poem Helen Child 9

    Silky Grrls and Pirates Helen Child 10

    Sunny Afternoon George Fripley 12

    Green Procedure Dam Frederick Hellmons 13Country Boy John McBain 15

    Every Day Is Sunday John McBain 16

    Spirit in the Land John McBain 17

    Contained Flora Smith 18

    Desiderata Flora Smith 19

    Drought 1893 Flora Smith 20

    News item - Hard Yards in the


    Flora Smith 21

    Storm Music Sonata Flora Smith 22

    All works are copyright by their respective creators, 2009; the arrangement of this collection is

    copyright by Phillip A. Ellis, 2009.

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works

    2.5 Australia License .


  • 7/28/2019 Melaleuca 005



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    You tried to stroke me back from the abyss

    scared by the screech of curetted expectation,

    of disbelief and surprise at the lack of permanence

    of our smiles

    as the lights turned from green to dead,to return my lips to the memory of touch closer than skin

    cardamom cake with lime

    you rolled over,

    and just like that it was over,

    we became Aliced in elephant land.

    My epiphany was a sandstone wall

    in a National Park

    so smooth the hands held

    had no hand holds

    the optimism of baby ferns settled in the emptiedgaps of our intentions

    juvenile fronds opening to encouragement

    from the fissured decay of the escarpment.

    The room returned with skidworks

    on ceiling from race around moon,

    half its size from loss of our potential,

    our gifts to each other fractured.

    Street lights strobed

    blind slats for walled zebra patterns

    once a painted lady on my back.

    You close the curtains on this act

    walk me to the door. The silence

    of the souring room becomes a moving carpet

    one way to the car.

    Susan Adams


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    compassionate heart

    at the party

    we all see

    scott is back

    fallen rock star

    lean - silver rootsbetray black hair

    scott is back

    from the dance

    at the edge

    change partners

    and fall over

    one too many times

    scott is back

    no smokes

    no drink

    eyes clearblood opiate free

    with only his motor bike

    helmet as a shield

    alone in the room


    his first lover

    runs her hand over him

    "scott is back

    he's still here"

    takes his palm

    holds it on her breast

    so he can feel the heat

    Coral Carter


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    Barbie Doesn't Fart

    Barbie is a plastic doll

    That girls know very well,

    Designed in 1959,

    By the big wigs

    At Mattel.

    Nothing much

    Has changed with her,

    Bar her colour

    And her race.

    She's infested every continent

    And soon she'll be in space.

    Come buy New Martian Barbie,

    With her one seductive eye!

    She comes with a naf,

    Pink space-ship,Which of course can't fly.

    Cause girly toys are flacid,

    Ineffectual and weak,

    To keep us girlies placid,

    Domesticated sheep.

    They created her

    To show us

    How to look

    When we grow up.

    And if we find this tricky,

    We should have

    A nip'n'tuck.

    Cause Barbie has

    No body hair,

    No pubes

    And no vagina!

    And her face

    Is only painted on

    With a pencil liner.

    Although she has no genitals,

    She dresses like a tart

    And Barbie has no anus,


    She cannot even fart!

    At least,

    If she could do that,

    Girls could fill her bum with gas

    And let rip on their brothers


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    And their teachers

    To be crass.

    But Barbie is so useless

    That she cannot even stand.

    She can not even bend,

    Or hold an objectIn her hand.

    As a child

    I would have loved

    To have an action G.I Jane,

    Who could stand

    And launch a hand-grenade

    Or drive a bullet train.

    Who could scuber-dive

    And absailAnd drive a sherman tank.

    Who came with high explosives,

    So she could rob a bank!

    With a body that was capable,

    muscular and strong

    And lots and lots of amo,

    To help her way along.

    She could be

    A fighter pilot,

    A commando,

    Or a spy!

    And drove

    A high-speed racer,

    That could take off in the sky!

    But lame-arse, bloody Barbie,

    With her lame-arse camper van

    And her lame-arse, bloody poney

    That can barely even stand;She's not my idea

    Of woman-hood.

    Not my idea

    Of grace

    And if she actually

    Tried to walk,

    She'd fall flat on her face!

    Cause her boobs

    Are just enormous!

    And her feet are far too small


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    And her neck's so bloody skinny,

    Her head

    Would topple off

    And fall.

    Barbies' not a woman,

    She's just a plastic dollAnd if you want

    To look like that,

    Then you're a sp....

    Mentally and physically challenged


    Cause Barbie's not a woman,

    She's not even art!!!

    She's an insulting

    Peace of plastic

    That doesn't even fart!Helen Child


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    The Moon Spinner

    Silken spinner

    Lighter than air,

    Spinning through time and space itself,

    Spinning in ecstacy

    To your own rhythmTo your own heart beat

    To a heart that has stopped

    Cold and silent.

    Your tenuous, slender frame

    Spinning and trembling

    Like a rare spider,

    Stone-cold still, forever.

    Your heart that yearned

    To walk on the moon.

    And for all your perceived madness,You gave such joy to the world.

    One soul I could relate to

    In a sea of strange monkeys.

    And i will miss you, Michael

    As a rare, bold creature

    Born out of time and space

    And place

    And never understood.

    Helen Child


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    Ocean Poem

    I long for the lustre

    that glows

    benieth the ocean.

    Swim deep

    into that vast, blue bellyas free as a fish.

    Benieth the saphire sea,

    where bright life

    and light moves,

    Like liquid

    to a samba.

    Seaweed swirls

    like smoke-coiled amber...

    My eternity.

    Free,my brother and me,

    like two silkys


    through an eternity

    of glorious grotos.

    Leaving the human world

    in a swirling blur.

    That world

    holds no charms

    for us, now.

    Only a rank lagoon.

    A dull and dying reef,

    full of zombi fish

    doing lifeless dances in the tide.

    Helen Child


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    Silky Grrls and Pirates

    [ Performed as a wild, bearded pirate, with pirate accent.]

    Tonight, I am a pirate

    In the Mardi Gras Parade!

    I wave me Jolly RodgerrIn the crazy cavalcade.

    With nuns the size of houses!

    And harlotts tall as trees

    And so much bloody glitterr

    That it makes me want to sneeze!

    I have me trusty blunderbuss

    and me captain's hat.

    Me Corsair's dandy finery

    And me squeeky rat.

    I dance a merry gig, I do

    And wenches beckon me,

    With open arms

    And lusty screams

    And kisses all frr me!

    Kisses, warm and silky

    As relentless as the sea.

    I meet a grrl in pirate boots,

    A German maiden, fairr,

    With husky voice

    And velvet skin

    And silky, golden hairr.

    "Zarz a party at my house," she says,

    "A short vey up vee road.

    Come vis me oond party!

    You can shleep at my abode."

    She grabs me by me powder horn

    And hauls me up the road!

    I break from her with all me moight

    And run down cobbled streets,

    Through Mardi Gras procession clowns

    Doing acrobatic feats.

    I race down to the harbour

    With the grrl in hot persuit.

    She is naked in the moonlight

    In her polished, pirate boots!

    I leap aboarrd me vessel


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    And cast off all the ropes.

    Me crew weighs up the anchrrr

    And dashes all her hopes.

    "Vot mistress can bevitch you

    Vis more delights zan me?!"

    I catch me breathAnd call aloud

    "Me mistress is the sea!"

    She whispers to me in the night,

    Her stories, false and true.

    She cradles me and rocks me

    In her arms of silky blue.

    Her world is deep and fathomless,

    Her temperr, volitile

    And when I dive her merky depths,Her treasurrres drive me wild!"

    "Vot lover can bevitch you

    To sail so fast from me?!"

    I climb the mizzen mast and howel

    "Me loverrr is the sea!"

    Helen Child


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    Sunny Afternoon

    Warm and sunny afternoons

    are made for doing nothing,

    absolutely nothing.

    Dont worry about the washing or

    get out and prune the roses,just enjoy the afternoon

    and feel the warmth of sun on skin

    and feel the gentle, cooling breeze

    that rustles through the uncut grass

    that hides the fence's peeling paint

    that frames the weeds between the roses,

    still unpruned.

    George Fripley


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    Green Procedure


    past the gutter; halt

    before cream-coloured

    bars. Machine parked,

    locked + left.Tread black-sprayed

    concrete drive, through mechanised

    (but paused,

    and open)



    with notes in hand

    + hand



    a shut

    but rarely closed

    window, open to Seekers



    glass prevents

    in-sight; but They

    see you. Crystal sharp.

    Latch unlatched, pane

    slid wide. Fitted cap, brim

    twisted. Pock-craters.

    Red rims.

    How many?Barbed-worm grin.

    Index + middle

    indicate intentions.

    Teen-scrawny worm disappears.

    You look into the

    window's mouth, into

    the loungecave:

    couch-bound behemoth,

    neck jellyrolls + no shirt. Jabba

    the glutton slut AKA the

    monkey-brains behind this

    front yard


    Grin at him. Grins at you.


    feeds contempt.

    Spots your Hi-Vis Uniform:

    What can you steal for me?

    Graciously decline the

    however tempting it might be



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    Shrugs, a

    slug, and

    (presumably) yearns

    for deep

    fried chocolate.

    Worm returns. Presents two bags. Asks

    Which one?Incandescent is the




    Funds handed in;

    out come bags.

    Nod; wish well.

    Ink-bled hippo-hand forms

    thumbs-up: not in

    reciprocation, but for the

    joy his

    money promises (late at

    night, alone together).

    Twerm looks past you, past

    the bars, to the road. Un-


    Car pulls to a



    You turn around,

    mb's in hand

    + hand in pocket.

    Walk away, pastthe grill-bar fence. Next

    customer walks towards

    then (with a nod) past

    you, onwards to the window's hole.


    re-enacted, minus

    your presence.

    Purposefully return to your

    mobile-shell. Ignite,

    buckle and leave, certain

    neverto return to this

    wasteland of


    and profiteer-ism.


    Payday. In

    Two days.

    Dam Frederick Hellmons


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    Country Boy

    Yeah I am a country boy

    They reckon I got brains

    Cos I can tell the difference

    T'ween dry and when it rains.

    City people think they smart

    Yet they watch that TV screen

    To find out if its gunna rain

    It's the silliest thing I seen.

    They also all like eatin food

    So they spend money at a shop

    Me, I just grow it in the soil

    Whens their silliness gunna stop?

    But they really not all stupidCos all money comes from land

    Then it goes to them big buildings

    That by city folks are manned.

    Yeah, I am a country man

    I can tell ya when it rains

    Cos my hair gets all wet

    And it stimulates my brains.

    John McBain

    Every Day Is Sun Day

    As I sit on our front verandah

    And watch cars driving to the city

    I think of the needless pollution

    Smothering earth - what a pity.

    The first thing I do in the morning

    Is to slowly open up my 2 eyes

    And I try and measure the brightness

    So I know if we've had sunrise.

    During my sleep earth kept spinning

    So we didn't all just float away

    The sun is the first thing I check

    Thats why each day is "Sunday".

    John McBain


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    Every Day is Sunday

    As I sit on our front verandah

    And watch cars driving to the city

    I think of the needless pollution

    Smothering earth what a pity.

    The first thing I do in the morning

    Is to slowly open up my 2 eyes

    And I try and measure the brightness

    So I know if we've had sunrise.

    During my sleep earth kept spinning

    So we didn't all just float away

    The sun is the first thing I check

    That's why each day is Sunday.

    John McBain


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    Spirit in the Land















    John McBain


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    I wait here, contained;

    my life set down on another riverbank.

    I wait on a jetty, built to replace another

    whose rotting teeth make pedestals for shags,for darters preening with harpoon beaks.

    Wood-ducks come in noisy company, busy

    themselves with something, leave soon.

    The roar of Sunday speed boats

    works at the loose threads of patience.

    Having proven something to themselves,

    they tire of the game. Cyclists,

    changeling children of serpents,

    weave arcane patterns as they whistle past.

    Swans ride reflections.

    Tourist launches sail calmly by.

    Someone waves. I wave in turn.

    Sometimes the gift of dolphin play, and dogs

    smiling in the Zen of their constant present.

    Between these actions and inactions

    I am contained in the self and in the silver evening.

    For now, I am contained.

    Flora Smith


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    My soul-songs are of summer.

    Catlike, I stretch in evenings warmth,

    walk beside an opalescent river.

    I have learned to love winters of wild weather,trees writhing in fantastic dance, the snow of hail.

    I have not yet learned the lessons of the seas.

    Waters always moving always fed

    by rain or river seem calm as a sated lover.

    Such a trick of duality:

    transmuting opposites into a unified whole.

    Flora Smith


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    Drought 1893

    (Response to the painting Hot Wind by Charles Conder)

    His burning woman, seductress of the sands,

    stretches languid in the sere whiteness,

    blows on her brazier, bored and beautiful.

    Gold as a pirates dream, her head-dress

    gleams in the bleached light, a beacon

    for all things bewitched: here is wickedness.

    She purrs to her serpentine companions,

    breathes dust devils over dying paddocks,

    laughs at small sport, summons further evil.

    Alluring as opium, relentless as famine,

    his supine sorceress fans her flames.Familiars crawl in mesmerized obedience.

    Flora Smith


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    News item - Hard Yards in the USA

    These are cars below, new cars, and this small area

    that fills our television screen a smaller part

    of some ten acre lot that General Motors cannot move.

    Each matchbox toy stands for a family that cannot pay

    its way or keep its home, intones voice-over commentary.

    I am torn - I cheer for saving of so much fossil fuel,

    for carbon off-sets, a cleaner world and greener and smaller cars.

    Are my goals so unattainable that if pursued by some of us

    it means the loss of jobs and houses for the rest of us?

    And why on earth cant someone answer my question?

    Flora Smith


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    Storm Music Sonata

    We could not speak

    blown off course beached.

    He half-turned

    slumped shunning meme needing the whole of him

    or landfall alone on any other shore.


    Paused we might summon strength

    find energies to engage again

    joust thrust strike at skin and centre.

    But rest

    is there time now for restand silence in such drowned light

    stealing chill of underwater night?

    Is there safety in shoal-shift

    sailing leeside from seastorm

    from mind-rage?


    A small sleep.

    A surging tide

    threw weed and shell-dross at our feet

    daring us to shift and search for pearls.


    Flora Smith

