Media evaluation questions 3&4


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In the Planning and Research stages when creating my product, I used a great amount of computer technology. For example, I used YouTube to research various existing music videos, in order to decide which song I wished to use for my music video, as well as look at techniques that I wished to incorporate into my product. I also searched iTunes for various songs produced by Dub-Step artists so that we would have a variety to choose from. I was also able to look at the body language and movements of Azealia Banks when they perform by looking at their previous music videos, so that I could perform in a similar way.

I used Twitter in a way to keep contact with our audience members by uploading behind the scenes footage whilst we where filming our music video and post tweets about the latest info on how we are doing so far with the whole process. We feel that this was very useful in keeping up to date with our process as well as keeping our audience members informed.

Digital technology that was used was Internet search engines such as Google Chrome and Safari to research song lyrics and background information of SBTRKT. iPhones where used to help decide which song we where choosing as we changed our song choice earlier in the course as we felt that Wildfire was more appropriate for what we wanted to convey in our music video. Hotmail was used to contact members of our group as it is a quick and easy way to keep each other informed on when we where filming, the time and the destination. These features where a great help and made the research and planning stage more successful.

Construction| During the filming of the Music Video I used the following equipment:

JVC Camera – We used the Camera to capture our footage in various locations.

Tripod – To stand our JVC on for still shots we filmed. Top Light – Used to make sure our lighting is accurate and fits

with the style of our music video. iPhone – To play the song Wildfire whilst filming and record behind

the scenes footage. Fig Rig – To gather a variety of different shot types that could not

be done on a Tripod and to ensure that it is steady.

I feel that the most important equipment I used during this stage of the production was definitely the JVC Camera. This is due to the fact that we where able to record all our footage on this device

accurately and the two memory cards that we used allowed us to record as much footage as we liked without having to worry

about not having enough space left on the memory.

When focusing on audience feedback I asked not just my target audience for the Dub-step genre but also our wider audience. This included both family and some friends. Getting feedback from a wide audience is very important as I want our music video to reach past our target audience and be entertaining for all. So far for my Music video I have had teacher feedback, family feedback and friends feedback. I’ve learned what our audience members like and feel they can relate to and what they dislike and feel is irrelevant. I edited my music video accordingly linked to the comments/feedback I got so far that where:

Reduce the amount of close ups that focus on the lip scenes only and vary the different base tracks.

Every shot used in our video will actually convey something and have a purpose that is establishing the surrounding area.

Add a form of graphics/effects to create more style to specific base tracks. Use filters to vary the use of colour used in each base track. Add a ‘Trembling’ effect to our music video that links very well with the

base and genre style of our chosen soundtrack.