Media evaluation question 6


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Media Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product?

The technologies I have used:

BloggerBlogger has been one of the most important media platforms because it has allowed me to present my work online as a blog/portfolio and I have learnt a lot from using it. I had never used it before but it is pretty easy to use and to upload my project online so it is easier for the examiner to view my work. It makes my project look more professional and helped me keep on track of posts.

PreziI hadn’t used Prezi before I started my project and at first I found it hard to use but I soon learnt how to use it. I used this media platform to present ideas fro the process of my project. Instead if using just PowerPoint I thought it would be a different way of presenting my work and it made the presentations look more professional.

SlideshareThis media platform was also very useful as it allowed me to upload my presentations then share it with anyone including uploading/embedding it on my blog, which made it more easier and accessible. It also made my project more efficient because I didn’t have to mess around when I wanted to upload a presentation to my blog. I hadn’t used this platform before but it wasn’t hard to use at all. This is how it appears on my blog:

Adobe FireworksI was very confident with using this program because I had used it in my GCSE ICT, because I had experience using it I knew how to use all the tools, so it didn’t take long to edit images such as removing the background which was good for my time management. It has helped me so much throughout the process of my magazine and I am really pleased with the end result.

Samsung Galaxy Camera

For my photo shoot I used this camera but because it was new I didn’t have much experience with it, but once I took a few pictures I managed to get the hang of it. It took high quality images which was very helpful for creating my magazine and it made the images look very professional. I used different effects with the camera but had to take many because I took many pictures of the model doing different poses from different distances and angles to make sure that I got the right images that I needed and that they worked well with my magazine.