MEASURING TOOLS Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Semester 1 nd Class X Dasar Kompetensi Kejuruan SK-KD 6 TH


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Teknik Kendaraan RinganSemester 1nd Class X

Dasar Kompetensi KejuruanSK-KD 6TH



Teknologi dan Rekayasa

•Dividers are used to scribe circles and arcs, divide lines and circles. The most common type used in engineering is spring divider.

Dividers must have sharp and fine points, with equal lengths and should be adjusted as indicated

Vernier Caliper

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

•The vernier caliper consists of a fixed jaw and a frame or beam along which is engraved and accurately graduated scale. •A sliding jaw fitted with a vernier scale can be moved along the frame. Use the clamping screws to fix it close to the required setting. •Then the sliding jaw may be finely adjusted along the frame by means of a knurled thumb screw. •When you have finished using the vernier, it must be wiped clean, oiled with a suitable protective oil and stored in a protective box

Vernier Scale

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

The main scale is graduated into millimeters, with each tenth millimeter being numbered.

•The vernier scale is made 49 millimeters long and divided into 50 equal parts.•The length of each division is therefore one fiftieth of the total length of 49 millimeters.•1/50 of 49mm = 0.98 of a millimeter


Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Vernier calipers are held and adjusted as shown in Figure

1. Look along rather than at the line. Move into a position where the light strikes from the back of the vernier scale at about the same angles as your line of sight.

2. The advantage of vernier calipers is that they may be read from zero up to the length of the main scale, often 250 millimeters or more.

3. They may also have provision for taking depth readings.

Self-help Questions

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Try these vernier readings; the answers are given below


Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Micrometers are measuring instruments that enable accurate measurements to be taken.

The principal parts of a micrometers are:1. Frame2. Anvil 3. Spindle and Thread 4. Sleeve or Barrel 5. Thimble


Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Outside Micrometer

Inside Micrometer

Depth Micrometer

Reading the Micrometer

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

The sleeve goes from 0 to 0. The last 0 could have a 10 there. It represents a movement of 1 inch (1.000) Each large number is equal to .100. 1= .100, 2= .200, 5= .500 etc. The Lines in between the numbers represent .025 thousands of and you would count them up .025, .050, .075, .100

Reading the Micrometer

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

The Thimble on the side of the sleeve moves as you rotate it. Each mark is = to .001. Each time it moves one full turn it travels a distance of .025.

Reading the Micrometer

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

To read you must take each section and add it together for example,The last large Number is 5 so we have .500we have one line past the 5 so we have .025and the thimble is turned to the 7 so we have .007add it together and we have .532

Reading the Micrometer

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

The last large Number is 1 so we have .100we have 1 line past the 1 so we have .025and the thimble is turned to the 13 so we have .013add it together and we have .138

Reading the Micrometer

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Micrometer SETTING

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Feeler gauge

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

feeler gaugeUse to measuring ………………………..………………………..………………………..


Teknologi dan Rekayasa

dial test indicator reading

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

cylinder bore gauge

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Use to.To measure cyli diameterCorrectness of this measuring instrument until 0,01 mm

This measuring instrument can only be calibrated applies Outside Micrmeter

How to adjust the cylinder bore gaugeSet Out side micrometer as according to measurement standardTurn the lock clam Install the rod into out side micrometerAdjust long dial at zero setting

Measuresment Standard

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Determines rod lengthSelected rod = measuring standard + ( 0,5 ~ 1,0 mm )

cylinder bore gauge

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

To get correct measurement result hence shaking down bar cylinder bore so getting smallest measurement..

Upper measurement is taken 10 – 12 mm from surface to block cylinder

measurement at underside thinks 10 – 12 mm from under block cylinder

Measurement done at 3 overhead position, middle & under

Read taken at farthermost minute hand moved towards right

cylinder bore gauge

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

CARA MEMBACA DIAL Jika jarum panjang bergerak

searah jarum jam, maka besarnya nilai hasil pengukuran adalah = standar pengukuran -- berapa kolom yang ditunjuk jarum panjang

Jika jarum panjang bergerak berlawanan arah jarum jam, nilai pengukuran = standar pengukuran + berapa kolom yang ditunjuk jarum panjang

Teknologi dan Rekayasa


Goodheart- Willcox Grainger KD ToolsToyota Technician

Thanks very much

Presented by Aloysius SudibyoSMK Negeri 1 Magelang
