Measuring Bank’s Automated Service Quality : A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach Shimaditya N...


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Measuring Bank’s Automated Service Quality :

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach

Shimaditya N (29009010) Adi Prakoso Utomo (29009011)

Preface of Factor Analysis

Preface of Factor Analysis



Practical Applicability and Future Directions

The instrument thus standardised can be used to measure levels of customer perceived automated service quality for banking institutions

The ASQI values for all of the dimensions will provide a comprehensive picture of the level of automated service quality.

Bank administrators can utilise these indices as reference points, in order to highlight those automated service quality aspects which may need further enhancement

Limitation of The Research

Three limitations related to the sample and the research design were identified in this study

1. It may be that other aspects needed to be Explored and investigated as well

2. Limited number of financial institutions covered by this research.

3. The instrument was validated by collecting data from bank customers, in Queensland, Australia. Technology adoption patterns- Internet banking, telephone banking, and ATMs may differ from country to country

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