MASS SCHEDULE | SACRAMENTS · 03-11-2019  · criminal. Tax collectors were notorious for...


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Address: 2700 Dover Avenue - Fairfield, CA 94533 Website:

Parish Office…………………………….....…..…..(707) 422-7767 Gemma Gonzalo, Office Manager Office email address: Office hours: 8 AM - 3 PM, Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 1 PM, Friday Valerie Elser, Admin. Assistant: Faith Formation..........................................................(707) 422-2814 St. Vincent de Paul Society........................................(707) 422-5209 Emergency Sick Calls................................................(707) 422-7767 Confirmation and RCIA.............................................(707) 422-7767 TAG \ High school Youth Ministry………………(707) 422-7767

MASS: Weekend: Saturday Evening, 5PM Vigil Sunday: 8AM, 10AM & 12 Noon Daily: Monday - Saturday, 9AM Holy Days: 9AM, Noon and 7PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 3:30 to 4:30 PM or by appointment Baptisms: 3rd Weekend of the Month. Pre-Baptism Program Required. Visit our website or come by the Parish Office to pick-up an application packet. Marriages: Six months notice required. Anointing of the Sick: Contact the Parish Office.

Contact the Parish Office for all Baptisms & Marriages.

Sunday November 3, 2019 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time


Staff: Fr. David Fontaine, O. Carm. (Pastor) | Fr. Patrick Gavin, O. Carm. (Parochial Vicar) Fr. Mario Lopez, O.Carm. (Retired Priest in Residence) | Deacon Raymond Elias

PRAYER & WORSHIP Mass Intentions | Pray For


MASS INTENTIONS/SCHEDULE Monday 11/04 9:00 am † Nora Melodias

Tuesday 11/05 9:00 am † Dom Orlando / † Mr. & Mrs. Omega

† Manny Dasilva

Wednesday 11/06 9:00 am † Mr. & Mrs. Lee Moh Kit / † Haydee Arnold

Thursday 11/07 9:00 am † Teresita Ramos / † Maria Catarina Salim

Friday 11/08 9:00 am † Charles Elser / † Mr. & Mrs. Limaku

Saturday 11/09 9:00 am Cherry Padilla / † Fransiska Medina Hadi

5:00 pm † Don & † Helen Haug / Sammy & Luz Quilao

8:00 am † Mr. & Mrs. Tjhang / † Primo Bascara

Sunday 11/10

10:00 am NOON

† Ernesto Cordova / † Manny DaSilva † Repose Souls of Legionaries & † Souls in Purgatory

If you would like the faith community of OLMC to join you in prayers for special needs, contact the Parish Office at 422-7767. We do occasionally take some names off of the list in the bulletin. If we have taken a name from the printed list of a person still in need of prayers, please give us a call and we will happily put him or her back on. Please take some time this week to remember the following in your prayers: - For all in our parish family who are suffering serious or terminal illness - For Men and Women in Armed Forces and for

Madison O’Shields Timothy White Ron Scharfen Dolores Highsmith-Cass Dion Newman Shannon Valtierra Jo & Evelyn Nunes Andy Andalajao Dolores Krystek Darwin Rasmussen John & Vivian Donohoe Jeff Anub Laura Labrado Mary Highsmith Aukusitino Iulio Alapati Suisala Silivelia Alkowni Howell Wood III Yollie Wood Mary Sheldon Kai Croker & Family Matt A. Villaber Donna Gaddard Mendez Family Joe Lujan Kelly Gawley Regina Diaz Sarah S. Yarberry David Allard Emanuel P. Caranay Diane Ball Carol Nunes Dolores Sheppard Bessie Zanolini Ian Padilla John & June Kelley David Quilao Sal DiMarco

Bobby Holsworth John Joe White Virgil Jaramillo Therese Keck Pat Murtha Lina Cradduck Leonida Bascara Vivian Blas Roberto, Inday & Robbie Visda Joel Rivera Cathy Arriola Rosario Manalisay Robert Rabaino Renita Manalo Ann Garant Alejo Aranas Sally Fields Anita Santos Domergue Family Remy Calica Annabelle Semira Julie Darling John & Celina Hess Kimo Boone Gloria Lee Anita Brennan Larry &Carolyn Hebert Josephine Iannarelli Su Kuropatkin Romy & Cuca Lopez Crystal Buelna Bernice Jojola MaryEllen McCormick Fr. Hank Ormond, O.Carm. Bob & Carol Howisey Jewel Perez

Eddie & Lou Bartalome Theresa McDermott Elinita VeraCruz-Ulep Masoumeh Kennedy Manny & Laura Labaria Regina Magtoto Rylie West James& Terry Marsch Jose Y. Gomez DaSilva Family Samantha Peregoy Fr. David Fontaine, O.Carm. Sarmiento Family Asianne McClinton Lina Isabelle Que Rebert Gebing Meredith A. Beltran Tom Serrano Lana Graves Larry Shaver Thomas Talley Maria Arreola Jean Hamilton Betty McFadden Salas& SantosFamilies Sammy & Luz Quilao Rojas Family Ryan Bautista Pidz Banasan Linda Sharp Danilda Castor Dean Castro Jean Banks Bob Buendia Angie Bernardo Luis Silveyra Rachel Morgan

Most people wish to

serve God, but only in

an advisory capacity.

Autumn Prayer O God of Creation, you have blessed us With the changing of the seasons. As we embrace these autumn months, may the earlier setting of the sun remind us to take time to rest. May the crunch of the leaves beneath our feet remind us of the brevity of this earthly life. May the steam of our breath in the cool air remind us that it is you who give us your breath of life. May the scurrying of the squirrels and the migration of the birds remind us that you call us to follow your will. We praise you for your goodness forever and ever.




Question: Why do we pray to saints?

Answer: Have you ever heard jokes about Catholics and big families? Well, our family is much, much bigger than most of us can imagine! Our family transcends the here and now. It includes heaven! Your great, great grandmother may have passed away, but does that make her any less your family? Of course not! We have a similar perspective when it comes to our baptized Christian community. We are brothers and sisters in Christ and that extends beyond the grave. The saints are women and men who have led such exemplary lives on earth we can be certain that they’re in heaven. That means their focus is on worshipping God and loving all that God loves, including us. When we pray to saints, we’re actually asking for their prayers. If something challenging was going on in your life, you might consider asking someone close to you for their prayers. When we ask for the intercession of saints, we’re inviting them into our needs and concerns. I hope we’re ready to help a loved one who needs it. The saints are ready to pray for us, so we can grow in relationship with God, love our neighbor, and join them in heaven one day!



Christ loves us first. So much of the Christian life is as simple as that. Today’s Gospel is a prime example! “Now a man there named Zacchaeus, who was a chief tax collector and also a wealthy man … was seeking to see who Jesus was.” We may have gotten used to the story of Zacchaeus, this short, seemingly innocent man who climbs a sycamore tree in his desperate desire to see Jesus. But this colorful, children’s Bible illustration isn’t what the gathering crowd would have seen. They would have seen the white collar criminal. Tax collectors were notorious for extortion. They were collaborators with the oppressive Roman overlords, overcharging for taxes and skimming a cut off the top. And how does Jesus respond to this man? “Come down quickly,” Jesus says, “for today I must stay at your house.” If you had been there, would you have believed it? No doubt there were other disciples in the city or, at the very least, kind, generous, and just people. “Good” people. But those aren’t the people Jesus chooses to share a meal with. Christ loves us first. He chooses Zacchaeus even before the man makes a public profession of his repentance. “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save what was lost.” We may not be tax collectors and extortionists — I hope not! — but we all have elements of our lives that are lost. We have wounds from childhood, unresolved anxieties or attachments, daily fears. No matter how “put together” we are, we all have our lost moments. Some days, it may feel like we can’t see over the ways they crowd our inner life. Today’s Gospel invites us to do something a little strange. Don’t let your flaws, failures, or hang-ups prevent you from seeing Jesus. Take a deep breath. Go climb a tree, because Jesus is passing by. And he wants to stay in your heart today.

Parish Collections Our Weekly Goal: $12,500.00

2019 Envelope Collection

Date: Oct. 27, 2019 $8,128.08

2019 Online Donations

Oct. 20– Oct 26, 2019


Our Parish

has been

using an



system that

is strengthening stewardship as well as

making it easier for members to

support our Church. There are many

benefits for parishioners that choose to

Give Online! Some of the

benefits include: no need to write

checks; you can give even if you are

unable to attend Mass; and your

contribution amount can easily be

adjusted at any time! Please

prayerfully consider making your

offerings Online - your contribution

will support the Operations and

Capital Improvements of our Church.

Sign-up today by:

1) visiting our website:

2) Click-on: GIVE Online!

3) Create and account.

4) Navigate to choose the Fund. Give!

Its that easy! You can give a one-time contribution

or you can specify a reoccurring giving

to any of

the Funds



the year.


SPECIAL COLLECTIONS—WEEKEND OF NOV. 9/10 Next week our Parish will take up the Collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services (AMS). The guiding mission of the AMS is to provide the sacraments—and the re-affirming Word of Christ—to the men and women serving in our armed forces, patients in VA Medical Centers, civilians working for the federal government beyond U.S. borders, and the families of these populations. To provide these services they need your help—the AMS receives no federal funding.

OLMC ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIRE Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Annual Christmas Craft Faire is just around the corner. Stuck for gift ideas? Buy Gift Cards from OLMC Scrip! This is your chance to do your Christmas shopping early! Plan ahead...come by Nov. 23rd from 10am to 7pm and Nov. 24th from 9am to 3pm in the Dome and shop from various vendors to include: handmade crafts, embroidery works, jewelry, photography, wood crafts, personalized gifts, local children’s author, egg art, handmade toys, wreaths, knitted/crocheted/quilted items, Christmas decors, car accessories, and the like.

All proceeds from table rentals and raffle tickets fund the holiday food for families in need through OLMC St. Vincent de Paul Society.

MARRIED COUPLES: Getting ready for the Holidays means lots of time spent plannint. After the Holidays, who not plan to give yourselves some time together? Make a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend! The next Marriage Encounter Weekends include: Feb. 14-16, 2020 in Sacramento, Ca and March 20-22, 2020 in Reno, NV. For more information and / or to register for a Weekend, visit our website at: or contact Terry & Janet at or call (916) 489-3464.

PURIFIED . . . A Life-Changing Event for Families (Ages 13+) Why Purified? The Church teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children. Therefore, the ideal way to transmit the message of

chastity is in and through the family. Unfortunately, parents often don’t know where to begin this discussion, or they’re left out of the conversation altogether. Our goal with Purified is to work with you to bring the parents and teens together in an experience where they can both learn God’s plan for human love, and thus open up an opportunity for them to speak more openly about this issue at home. Also included in the evening is a time of Eucharistic Adoration

with praise and worship, and an opportunity for everyone to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. This format transforms a simple motivational talk into an miniature retreat for the family, allowing them to encounter the source of purity, Jesus Christ.

When: Sunday, March 1, 2020 / Where: St. Patrick’s St. Vincent High School, Benicia Rd., Vallejo, Ca. / Register:

Info: (707) 280-0717 / Cost: $20


Thursdays: 1AM - 2AM 2AM - 3AM 9AM -10AM Saturdays: Noon - 1PM

Team Leaders / Coordinators are also needed!

OLMC’s St. Therese Chapel is open 24-hours, 7-days a week! Our goal is to have two (2) or

more committed Adorers every hour.

For information please call Lynda Sutton 707-330-4858 or the Parish

Office 707-422-7767.

RESPECT LIFE CORNER 40-Days Campain Ends—Thank you for all of your prayers during this 40-Days. Over 296 baby’s lives have been saved. Thank you also parishioners who have adopted a Spiritual Baby during this Respect Life Month. We will conduct a baby shower for allparticipants in July to celebrate saving the life of your babies. Watch for monthly messages about your spiritual baby while you pray daily to Jesus, Mary and Joseph to watch over and guide their growth in the womb. Messages will be sent to all spiritual par-ents soon but if you have not placed your baby’s name on our poster-board, please let us know what it is so that our ministry will pray for them along with you the whole 9 months. Also, the Rachel’s Vineyard Spanish Retreat weekend will be held November 22-24. The event is held in Auburn, north of Sacramento, and is highly recommended for healing deep wounds from abortion. It is for men and women, couples or not. If you are interested, please contact Pearla Cuerdo our program coordinator who will put you in touch with the Project Rachel. Financial assistance is available for those who need it. Registration is required.


Lio Suisala | 688-5592 Thelma Meyer | 372-7889 Delia Tabasa | 631-9577 Gail Dubow-Young | 330-1696 Jean Hamilton | 624-9248 Evelyn Samson | 372-7215 Robert Anthony | 688-889 Woody Carnahan | 208-9465 John Shinstock | 437-4773 Eddie San Pedro | 803-1106 Vince Tydingco, Sec. | 631-5269 Julie Darling, Pres. | 425-3934



Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

November -3- -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9-

10 am Little Church

Funeral (Laguisma)

Faith Formation

5:30pm Legion of Mary

Faith Formation

7 pm RCIA

9am SVdP 10am Bible

Study 7:00pm Knights

of Columbus

9:45 am EADM


6:30 pm Amor Dei Charismatic

9:45am RLM Rosary

9:45 am LLC

10am Choir Practice

12N Baptism (P)

-10- -11- -12- -13- -14- -15- -16-

10 am Little Church

7 pm Parish Council Mtg.

Faith Formation

5:30pm Legion of Mary

Faith Formation

7 pm RCIA

10 am Bible Study

11 am Nativity Committee Mtg

9:45 am EADM

6:30 pm Amor Dei Charismatic

9:45 am LLC

10:30 am Baptism

-17- -18- -19- -20- -21- -22- -23-

10 am Little Church

Faith Formation

5:30pm Legion of Mary

Faith Formation

7 pm RCIA

10 am Bible Study

7pm K of C

7pm Security Mtg.

9:45 am EADM

6:30 pm Amor Dei Charismatic

10am Choir Practice

Craft Faire

-24- -25- -26- -27- -28- -29- -30-

10 am Little Church

1:30 N2Y

Craft Faire

No Faith Formation Classes!

5:30pm Legion of Mary

No Faith Formation Classes!

9AM Mass (only)

Noon Choir Practice

December -1- -2- -3- -4- -5- -6- -7-

10 am Little Church

Faith Formation 1st Reconciliation

5:30pm Legion of Mary

7pm K of C 9:45 am EADM

6:30 pm Amor Dei Charismatic

9:45 am LLC

10am Choir Practice


PARISH COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTED EVENTS Through Dec. 12th - Bible Study: The Prophets Nov. 16th - Baptism Nov. 23rd / 24th - Craft Faire Dec. 2nd - Faith Formation 1st Reconciliation Dec. 9th - OLMC Communal Penance, 7pm (Holy Spirit Communal Penance Dec. 13th at 7pm) Dec. 22nd - 26th - Nativity Display


ADULT EDUCATION - RCIA | Steve & Carlene Pearson, 707-426-2344 Catholics Come Home | Woody Carnahan & Kelly Newman, 208-9465 ALPHA PREGNANCY CLINICS OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | 428-3300. Address: 1044 Empire St., Fairfield, Ca ALTAR & SANCTUARY Lay Carmelites ALTAR SERVERS | Deacon Raymond Elias / 416-4618 AMOR DEI CHARISMATIC COMMUNITY Delia Tabasa / 631-9577 BAPTISM (Baptismal Prep Class held every other month) | Deacon Raymond Elias / 416-4618 / CANCER SUPPORT | Call the Parish Office, 707-422-7767 COUPLES FOR CHRIST Medardo &Mimi Tuazon 707-344-7355 Rey & Milva Lapitan - 707-428-1561 Ray & Lyn Fortaleza 707-208-6679 CURSILLO | Gem Geluz - 386-9142 6

New to the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish? New Parishioner:_____ or Existing with updates:______

Circle: Mr. & Mrs. / Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms. Last Name: _____________________________________________ First Name(s):______________________________________________ Spouse Name: ___________________________________________ Other Family Member(s):_____________________________________ Other Family Members):______________________________________ Other Family Member(s):_____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________________ Zip: _______________ Home #: ___________________ Cell:#____________________ Email: ______________________________________________

Would you like to receive Offertory Envelopes OR do you prefer to give Offerings OnLine through our Website,

“GiveOnline? Circle one GiveONLINE:

Please place completed form in the Offertory Basket (at Mass), mail it or bring it to the Parish Office!

Questions? Call (707) 422-7767



EURHARISTIC APOSTLES OF DIVINE MERCY (EADM) Mindy Zindel 421-0776, Marlon Taasan 688-4880 FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIR | Francis Cruz - 925-683-1311 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Rainer Urbach - 246-4686 LAY CARMELITES | Melody McCloskey 415-377-1139 LEGION OF MARY | Orlie Mangune, 707-880-5602 LORD'S LEAVEN MISSION SOCIETY Marlon & Yvette Taasan - 707-688-4880 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Tom and Elaine Bruno - 707-426-9564 MEMBERS IN MOTION | Betty McFadden - 707-422-4129 MINISTRY OF THE EUCHARIST Julie Darling - 707-425-3934 Pearla Cuerdo - 707-386-3403 MINISTRY OF THE EUCHARIST for THE HOMEBOUND Call the Parish Office - 707-422-7767 MINISTRY OF THE WORD | Don McKenna - 707-718-5239 MISSIONARY FAMILIES OF CHRIST (MFC) | John & Malou Bayquen 707-208-4005 / Eddie & Maria San Pedro, 707-803-1103 MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTOR Mark Middleton 707-688-4157 / OLMC GIFT CARDS | Peggy Sherrod, 707-429-3183 Parish Pastoral COUNCIL Consists of 10 members (See Bulletin) PERPETUAL Eucharistic Adoration Lynda Sutton - 707-330-4858 PRAYER LINE Catharine Scharfen: 707-427-2320 / Pearla Cuerdo, 707-386-3403 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Elaine Bruno or Anna Albericci | 707- 422-2814 RESPECT LIFE & CATHOLIC Media KIOSK | Cathy Omoso 707-688-6551 / Phyllis Kaminska, 707-419-4237 (Alpha Center: 1044 Empire St., Fairfield, Ca.) RETROUVAILLE (Lifeline for troubled marriages) Call the Parish Office. ST. VINCENT de PAUL | 707-422-5209 USHERS / HOSPITALITY | Bunny Dominguez / 707-386-2709 VISITS TO THE SICK and SACRAMENT MINISTRY Parish Office YLI (A Catholic Women's Organization) Margaret Sanders - 707-344-2838 (leave message) or Kathy Marley - 707-422-3588 YOUTH MINISTRY | 707-422-7767