Mary Elizabeth and the Bellwether Lambs · To order, please visit our Bellwether Bookstore at or...


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Dear friends, family and companions of the Lamb,

A glorious and blessed Easter to you and your loved ones! May your hearts greatly rejoice in

believing that Jesus, the Lamb of God, once slain, has been raised and lives forevermore!

Our loving Savior, Jesus, Who laid down His life upon the Cross for each one of us, is alive, and

He reigns triumphant over sin and death! This holy Easter Season, we pray that you will

experience Jesus more personally, as did His disciples after the Resurrection. May you hear Him

call you by name (Jn 20: 15-17; Jn 21: 15-17), feed you with His Precious Body and Blood (Lk 24:

30-32) and fill you with Hope as He walks beside you (Lk 24:15). May Jesus breathe His Peace

upon you (Jn 20:19-22) and show you His sacred wounds, which reveal His endless mercy and

forgiveness (Jn 20: 27-28).

We, His bride, must respond readily to the longing of Jesus’ Sacred Heart, which calls us deeper

into silence and solitude within, so that we might more closely listen to Him and pick up His

Heartbeat for souls in this critical time in our hurting world. He desires for us all to continue to

perpetuate the Love flowing from His pierced Heart (Jn 19:34-37) so that “all may have Life and

have It in abundance” (Jn 10:10; Rev 7:17) and come to know the infinite Love of the Heavenly


As we celebrate the gift of new Life springing forth in this beautiful Easter Season, may our

Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Light, prepare our hearts

to receive a new Pentecost of the Holy Spirit, that we

may be filled with the Fire of His Love and be

courageous and prayerful witnesses of Jesus, the

Lamb of God!

We hope to see you at our upcoming summer

Workshop, the Lamb’s Triumph, from July 4-7th.

Please be assured that we hold all of you and your

intentions in our hearts and daily intercessory


Joyously in the Resurrected Lamb,

Mary Elizabeth and the Bellwether Lambs

Excerpt from “Powers and Principalities” by our Mother Foundress:

In Cor 2:7-8 Paul talks about a mysterious, hidden wisdom that God planned before all the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age knew it, for if they had, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory. It was not the nails that held Jesus to the Cross, but love for the Father, and for all of us.

Nails will not hold us to the Cross, because we have our free will and can exercise it any time, to come off the Cross. Only Love will keep us on the Cross. Love for God and the salvation of souls. Before He died and while He was in the company of His apostles, Jesus prayed to the Father, “The glory, Father that You have given to Me, I now give to them” (Jn 17:22). God wants us to be full of grace, full of Life, full of His glory. He gave us the gift of Himself, and we continue to receive Him again and again in the Eucharist. He gives us Life in so many ways, and now He asks us to go a step further to become a Life-bearer, a Life-giver for others, in union with Him. He asks us for a deeper commitment to Love, which is of course a commitment to the Cross. It is not a commitment to stand gazing at the Cross or pondering it. What He asks is that we be willing to get on the Cross with Him.

The power of the Cross comes from Agape Love. The apostles and all those in the Upper Room received this Agape Love on the day of Pentecost. When they came out of the Upper Room after Pentecost, they were not the same. They had been transformed by Love, because God's Spirit was alive within them. Love has a power unlike any other. Nothing can come against It and nothing can ever equal It. The greatest Love we have ever seen and will ever see is what happened on the Cross, and our Lord is calling us to do the same. Love is our Armor because nothing can withstand that kind of Love!

From now until Pentecost, receive a free copy of our

Journey of Love CD, a beautiful contemplative meditation on the Stations

of the Cross, with each Bookstore purchase.

To order, please visit our Bellwether Bookstore at or call Monday-

Friday, 2:00 -4:30pm CST at 402-455-0188.

We will be praying a Pentecost Novena from

June 1st - June 9th for you and your loved ones that the Holy Spirit

will increase and renew His gifts

within you!

“So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Cor 5:15)

“The Holy Spirit comes where He is loved,

where He is invited, where He is expected.”

~St. Bonaventure

Please join us in interceding for a new Pentecost for all God’s children and for every

heart to personally know Jesus, the

Lamb of God, and the Power of

His Cross.

We want to thank each of you for your continuous generosity and financial support! The Holy Spirit placed upon our hearts to share with you our ongoing needs, for your prayerful consideration.

Our most urgent need is for a new commercial freezer in time for our summer Workshop! The total cost for a new freezer is approximately $4,500.

Also, our Bethany Retreat House is in need of window well covers to prevent any further water from coming in. The approximate cost is $2,500.

Lastly, we are in need of repairing several large cracks along Br. Rick Road. To fill and seal the cracks and joints will cost approximately $3,400. Within the year, in order to preserve Br. Rick Road, we will also need to seal the entire road, which will cost approximately $10,000.

Thank you for prayerfully considering helping us! To donate, please visit our website at or call 402-453-4380, M-F, 2pm-5pm CST. You may also send checks payable to Intercessors of the Lamb, Inc.
