Marvin Aguon



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“Beyond What You See”

“We often think before we actually know.”

By: Marvin Aguon

Table Of Contents1. Letter of Introduction

_____ 2. What’s in a Name?

_____ 3. Personal Alphabet

_____ 4. Likes/Dislikes List

_____ 5. Sensory Experiences

_____ 6. Metaphorical Definitions

_____ 7. A Quality Personality

_____ 8. Color Your World

_____ 9. Room Sweet Room

_____ 10. Personal Metaphors

_____ 11. Extended Metaphors

_____ 12. Symbolic Recipe

_____ 13. Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse

_____ 14. Telling Tales

_____ 15. Unfinished Sentences

_____ 16. Personal Symbol

_____ 17. Map of Life

_____ 18. A Mysterious Place

_____ 19. Synectics

_____ 20. A Day in the Life.

_____ 21. These Words Belong to Me

_____ 22. In Other Words

_____ 23. Flashback

_____ 24. Remembrance of Things Present

_____ 25. As Time Goes Bye-Bye

_____ 26. My Own List of Lists

_____ 27. Cheer Yourself Up!

_____ 28. Metamorphosis

_____ 29. Picture This

_____ 30. Look Who I Look Up To

_____ 31. Remembering the Child

_____ 32. One Medium Suitcase

_____ 33. The Perfect Present

_____ 34. Memorable Event

_____ 35. How to …

_____ 36. Always Say Never

_____ 37. Are You Hungry?

_____ 38. Where I’m From

_____ 39. Deck of 52

_____ 40. The Examined Life

_____ 41. Annual Report

_____ 42. Ekphrasis

_____ 43. Visually Speaking

_____ 44. Lessons I Learned Too Late

_____ 45. The Door

_____ 46. Advice to the Young

_____ 47. Who Am I?

_____ 48. Rewarding Experiences

_____ 49. Valuable Lessons

_____ 50. Futures – Fantasy and Fact

_____ Epilogue



The reason I chose this for my title would be because I’m judged before I can even make people see how I really am. A lot of times people think I’m mean when I’m really the nicest guy you will ever meet. People look at a person and think they know how the person is or would be if they were to talk to them. I can tell you right now that this isn’t true. I’ve learned not to judge until I actually know. People think that if you always have a bad look you’re mean or if you don’t smile all the time you’re not friendly. A lot of these things aren’t true. I have experienced this for myself. I have met someone I used to think would be so messed up and now we’re so much closer because I actually took the time to talk this person. People look at a person and think they know how the person is or would be if they were to talk to them. I can tell you right now that this isn’t true. I’ve learned not to judge until I actually know. There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater,you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent. Judging is preventing us from understanding a new truth. Free yourself from the rules of old judgments and create the space for new understanding. While you judge me by my outward appearance I am silently doing the same to you, even though there's a ninety-percent chance that in both cases our assumptions are wrong. When it comes to judging individuals, I do not like remarks such as 'too good to be true.' They speak as though one is rewarding the nature of evil. Yet, ironically, we still wonder where all the good people have gone. Maybe the reason nothing seems to be 'fixing you' is because you're not broken. Let today be the day you stop living within the confines of how others define or judge you. You have a unique beauty and purpose; live accordingly.


What’s a name?My name isn’t really a unique name. One of the reasons why I got my name is because my family consists of these three letters. At the beginning of each of our names is M,A,R. Starting from my dad Marc following my mom Marlene next my oldest brother Marcos then myself and then my only sister Marlena and finally my youngest brother Marshall.


Personal AlphabetAwkwardBigCarefreeDependableExperiencedFocusedGummy HandsomeInsecureJealousKlutzyLikeableMeatyNaiveObedientPoisedQueasyReliableSillyTalkativeUnderstandingValuableWeirdX-cellent Zealous


Likes/ Dislikes

sports schoolmoney workfamily headacheschips pimplesshoes dirtrice englishwatches plainfriends enemieswater hot teaclothes stains


Sensory Experiences

I remember in 2006 when the Indianapolis Colts played in the Super Bowl against the Chicago Bears. I was only 10 at the time so I didn’t know much about football. I was just starting out as a fan favorite sport , but fell in love after this game. For that day, my family had a get together at my uncles house. We had the best food that day. It was a combination of barbecue and home cooked meals. I remember the sizzling steaks on the grill and thinking how hungry I was. I walk into the living room and hear the roars of my uncles screaming about the game. I decide to join them and they tell me everything about the game. I instantly fell in love. My mom comes around and gives me an ice cold cup of fruit punch that made me so happy. It satisfied my quench from all the yelling that took place. I finally get hungry and go to the table to eat and there beheld the best food I can get. I saw the steaming hot red rice, barbecue that gave off an amazing smell, hot kadu and a bunch of other foods. I eat and enjoy the rest of the game. That was definitely a memorable moment


A Quality Personality 

Panic lingers in the darkness. His best friends are terror and shock. When they get together they love to bully people. They have complete control over them. Terror starts first. He makes the victim vulnerable for the next person which is shock. Shock paralyzes the victim and causes them not to be able to think. Finally panic comes out of the darkness to finish the job. He makes their victim scream, shout, and lose their mind. They don’t know what to do because they can’t think. Panic then seizes the moment of vulnerability to take over the victim physically, mentally, and emotionally. Terror, shock, and panic put together is a recipe for destruction. 


Color Your World

Red is how I felt when I saw you for the first timeRed is how you play the piano Red is the way your eyes shine like the moonRed is the way you describe your favorite booksRed is the voice that you like to hideRed is the way you make me feelRed is how I never want to lose youRed is your radiant smileRed is how you trust me with all your secretsRed is the way you look at him


Room sweet room 

My room is shared between me and my mother. I am a mommy’s boy and I ain’t scared to admit it. I love my mommy. I feel that my room is like heaven. There’s a beautiful air con that makes it the room it is. Then there’s my dresser with all my clothes. The clothes that make me the sexy man I am. Then there’s a bathroom. The bathroom is where I shower my sweating self after a session of playing basketball. Then there’s the bed. The thing that can carry my weight. A 170 pounder. I am a big boy. Then the tv. The tv makes me learn a lot. From what cleans what, to who robbed what store. That’s how helpful a tv is. That’s what is in my room. These are what makes my room a Room Sweet Room. 


Personal Metaphors 

Animal- I am I am a cheetah because I can run pretty fast. Car- I am corolla because I don’t run out of gas fast. Article of clothing- I am a hat because I will protect you from anything that falls.Day of the week- I am Monday because I can and will make your day really bad. Food- I am like crown bakery donuts because I am fresh and hot.Color- I’m the color blue because everyone somewhat likes me. Movie- I am Captain America because if you are down I will be there to save your day. Fragrance- I am the smell of an axe body spray because girls be on me allllllll the time.Type of building- I am like the twin towers because I can be straight with you and I will be friend for a long period of time.Plant- I am like a dandelion because if you blow me away, don’t expect me to come back.Musical Instrument- I am like a drum because if you keep striking, me or hitting me I won’t break down. Geometric shape- I am like a star because people will always look up to me If they need anything. Piece of furniture- I am like a couch because like a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there. Song- The song I am like is Best friend by Jason Chen. I will be the most down person for you and I will be that best friend you longed for.Season of the year- I am like Winter because on bad days, I will leave you cold and tell you things that aren’t supposed to be saidTelevision Character- I am like Sandra bullock because I will inspire you to strive for more. Cartoon Character_ I am like Cosmo and Wanda because I will help you get through tough times in life. Appliance or Machinery- I am like a paper shredder because I cut the BS if there is any. I don’t need to deal with it. Natural Phenomenon- I am like a rain storm because I will wash away all your problems. Word- I am like the Competition because I will compete and compete and compete. 


Extended Metaphors

I am like a Friday because I love Fridays. It’s the end of the week and that means three days of freedom and relaxation. Fridays are when I am the most spirited and outgoing person. The reason why is because every Friday-Sunday there is always an event that is happening, or an adventure to embark on with my best friends. I look forward to the weekends because that’s when it’s my time to just hang out with my brothers and just forget about all the stress and problems in the week. I am like chex mix because I’m a variety of many different qualities. I am not a boring person. I don’t only stick to one thing. I like to go and experience many different things, and I love learning new things and meeting new people. You have to go out and experience the world, and have fun, and when you do that you become a person who’s diverse and unique, not plain like the rest. For as long as I could remember I have been wearing the cologne Clinique Happy. So whenever people smell that they know I am there or they think of me. It’s practically my scent. I love to smell good, cause it makes me feel good too. But what is best about wearing this cologne is that when you walk into a hallway and a gust of wind blows and people get a whiff of you, all they start to say is “whoa, what’s that smell, it smells really good.” I always loved doing that because then they ask what is the name of it, but I won’t tell them. I am like the empire state building because I am so tall. People tend to freak out when they see me, especially people who remember me when I was a little kid and then they see me now, they are just shocked. I am 6 feet tall, and I want to grow a little taller. There are advantages and disadvantages to being tall, but it in the end I’m proud of who I am. Being really tall isn’t always a bad thing, besides, girls tend to go for tall guys. I chose the word “mature” to describe me because I am very mature for my age. I had to grow up faster than I wanted to, and experience things that I should experience 10 years from now. But I don’t regret growing up to fast because now I am better prepared for the future, and now I am a lot wiser than most individuals my age. Everything happens for a reason, and life has a way of changing your plans, but how you react upon it is depends on how you are as a person and how much you can handle. Only a mature person would think like that.]


Symbolic Recipe: 

How to become patience and make patience:1. try to control your temper2. take a breather3. walk away from the situation4. close your eyes and think of a happy place5. pray on itMeasurements:1 person to get mad1 person to help them stay optimistic 10 minute breather30 seconds of praying timeInstructions:Be sure to have a mad person and an optimistic person. Also have someone there getting on their nerves. Have the mad person control his or her temper and take a breather. Tell her to walk away from the situation . Ask them to think of a happy and pray on it. Advice: Be sure to keep them from harmful things


Ultimate All-Purpose Excuse

Mrs.Griffin, I know I am 25 minutes late, but there is a perfectly good reason why I am late. You see, my alarm clock died, and I woke up late because it didn’t go off. So when I woke up and saw the time, I ran into the shower. Then I had realized that they had turned off the water because they were fixing a small leak. So I had to wait even longer to shower and get ready. As soon as I was walking out the door to get into my car, I had realized that my car had a flat tire. So I had to then change my tire before I could leave. I was speeding to head to school when there was major traffic. There was an accident, and traffic was backed up. I couldn’t turn around so all I had to do was wait it out. Finally when I am close to entering the gate to school, an idiot driver was texting and wasn’t looking and hit me. I had to get his insurance information and call the cops, and of course that took time. Now I’m here and I know I am late but I am hoping you can excuse me because of all the bad things that has happened to me today. 


Telling Tales

I believe in God. I do believe in the higher power and all of that things that some people cater no attention to. There’s so many events that have brought me to that belief but I would like to share one told from my own father. At one point in my life, my dad was at the brink of death. He was really sick and it all didn’t look too good for him. He wasn’t on his death bed nor did he experience some miracle that saved his life. The doctors just said it wasn’t looking too good for him. Throughout the night he was on a breathing machine. It’s a machine that pretty much does all your breathing for you because your body can no longer do it for you. That night was one of the worst nights of my life. Imagine seeing your father on a machine that is basically the only thing keeping him alive. Anyways the next morning he responded really well to everything and they took him off. The doctors were shocked at how he even got off it so fast when things weren’t the best at the time. Here comes the best part of this prompt, the story telling time. My dad told my mom that he had a dream that night and he saw my nino, grandpa and a bunch of other people that were deceased. During his dream, they were all telling him “It’s not your time.” and “Don’t go.”. Every important dead person that has been in my family was all telling him to not go. They all told him to stay with your family. I know some people can figure some scientific reasoning for what happened that night. I believe that it was a higher power above that saved my dad. I wouldn’t even consider it “saving” though because they just denied him from even going. That story gives me the chills everytime I think of it.


Unfinished sentences

1. I usually worry about my grades and if i'm doing good. Whether or not i'm gonna graduate. My parents,my syblings and the rest of my family.

2. I feel angry when my plans don't follow through. when i'm lied to or cheated. When i'm rejected.

3. I'm moody when i just wake up. When i'm not feeling good and when i'm hungry.

4. I'm at my happiest when i'm with my girlfriend. when i'm having a good time and when i'm with the people i love.

5. I feel confident when i'm told i look good. When i feel like i'm good at something or .when i have my conceited moments.

6. I feel frustrated when i don't get my way. When I can't beat something or when people make me wait.

7. I feel depressed when a family member dies. When i can't see my girlfriend. When my family or friends are having bad days.

8. I am comftorable when you make me feel welcomed. When i am talked to alot or when i feel like you enjoy being around me.

9. I feel nervous when i have to speak in front of people. when i'm gonna perform or present.

10. I feel sentimental when. I talk about deep things or when i'm apologizing or trying to talk to you about my problems.


Personal Symbol

I have a two dollar bill that was given to me by my friend before he left off island to Vegas for good. I grew up with him, and we went to CCD class since first grade, he’s like a brother to me. Before he left his auntie gave him 3 two dollar bills, but he didn’t want to spend it. So he kept one, and gave the other two to me and my other friend who grew up with us. He gave it to us to always remember him. He’s been gone for a little over 2 years now, and up till this day me and my best friend still have the two dollar bill in our wallets. Sure it may be an old bill, and it may have tears and wrinkles but its still in one piece. To me this symbolizes the bond that we have. Sure we all go through struggles, and rough times, but our scars tell who we are. Are scars tell the stories that you sometimes can’t find the words for. It shows that even though we fall down so many times, we get back up in one piece. This isn’t just a bill, it’s a tangible example of the friendship me and my brothers have. 

17. Map of life


A Mysterious Place

Sea! It is said that sea is the most mysterious, exotic, and fearful place. And I believe in it especially when they said mermaid, big squid, big shark, big octopus, sea monster, and jellyfish with light? Can you imagine being under the deepest part of the sea with this creature it’s not just mysterious, unbelievable, exotic, and fearful it’s crazy, Spongebob and the gang might be there too. Put in a situation like you’re in the ship and the ship crash (hope it won’t happen) blah… blah… blah… and after 2 or 3 hours you wake up, your happy because your still alive but shocked because you got gills and your under the water. Wow! That’s the best and the worst case scenario of your life. Best because you’ll be able to meet and see this creature that make the sea the most

mysterious, exotic, and fearful place. Worst because, you may not go back up in the water alive because, the creature you thought to be friendly will start attacking you. You get unconscious because they hit you, then you’re going to wake up and mermaid man and barnacle boy together with this hot babe mermaid carrying you, damn that’s lucky it’s not exotic and fearful anymore, it’s unbelievably amazing! After a long travel you reach to most unbelievable city you would ever see BIKINI BOTTOM meet Spongebob and try the crabby patty. Laugh with SpongeBob, listen to Squidwerd while playing his Clarinet, taking money with Mr. Crab, checking Sandy’s tree house, have a starring contest with Patrick, and the all-time favorite knowing Plankton’s evil plan. And you will stay at Spongebob house to sleep. Another day you wake up first thing you see dextrose and nurse. What the what, what you doing under the sea nurse? Dream again? You’ll just realize it’s just a dream, but that’s one hell of a dream. Sea a mysterious, exotic, fearful place you can be. Not anymore it is the most interesting, amazing, and mysterious place in the world.



1.) Which is wiser? A pen or a pencil? - I say a pen is wiser because once it is written, it cannot be erased. 2.) Which is more useful? A friend or an enemy?- I say an enemy because it makes you learn from it and it makes you become a better person. 3.) Which has more pride? An entrance or an exit? - An entrance has more pride because it can make bad people or good people enter. It makes them enter the premises even though they shouldn’t be able to be in it. 4.) Which is smarter? A clock or a calendar? 

- A calendar because even though it doesn’t give you the exact time of the day, it gives you the month and year which is more useful. 5.) Which has less charm? A signature or an autograph? - A signature has less charm because it’s just a signature. Even though they are sort of the same, an autograph seems more charming. 6.) Which is more trustworthy? History or literature? - History is more trustworthy because its true facts and statements about an event or a person7.) Which is happier? Music or art? - Music is happier because it relaxes your mind when you are having a bad day, or when you’re stressing. 8.) Which is easier to close a road or a map? - I say a road because all you need to do is put signs saying that the road is closed9.) Which is more fearful? New or old?- The new is more fearful because with our present being all messed up, it’s only going to get worse. 10.) Which is like valentine? The truth or a lie? - The truth is like valentine because no one would like to hear a lie. That’s just like not having that special one as your valentines. 



A day in the life of Marvin Aguon is nothing really special. I just wake up with breakfast on top of the table next to my bad. I sit while my 7 maids are folding my blankets. As soon as i leave my bed they fix my bed and clean my room. I then sit on my floating chair that is automatic. I drive it to the living room where i receive my good morning massage. After all of this i drive my chair to the shower. Where my girlfriend showers me. She then wipes me with a towel and dresses me. I then head to school in a UFO where they drop me straight into my first classroom. I then get taught seperately from the other kids. My teachers teach me the correct way to play ps4 and watch netflix. After school my UFO picks me up and takes me to the mall. Where i buy 50 pairs of new

outfits that i probably will never use. I then go home and go straight to my room to sleep. The life of Marvin Aguon can get tiring but its a great life.


These Words Belong to Me1. God: the creator and ruler of the universe; the source of all moral things; the supreme being- I grew up as a Catholic; God has been a part of my life and my family’s since ever since. I have gone to him in my times of happiness, depression, when I lost someone special to me, and in my times of struggle. I say he’ll always be there for me when no one is.2. Family: all the descendents of a common ancestor; bloodline; blood- My family may not be perfect, but they brought me up and taught me a lot in life. We may disagree at times, but we all love each other even when we say we don’t.3. Love: an intense feeling of deep affection; warmth

- There are many meanings of love. Love can apply to family, friends, an object, or your soulmate/lover. For me, love is family. 4. Marijuana: cannabis, sensimilla, herb- Honestly, I need marijuana in my life. Life can be too much, and it feels good to just get high and have a good trip. People say it’s bad, but I find no harm in it. It makes me happy when I’m stressed. It lifts all the weight off my shoulders.5. Adult: fully grown or developed- I’ll be turning eighteen this July; the “adult age.” Everyone and every single thing that happened in my life made me turn out the way I am today. I’m not fully grown, but I will mature as I grow older. I will become a successful adult.6. Anger: a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility- A lot of times, I’ve gotten angry, very angry. It’s not something I like. No one likes to be angry, but I can’t help it. I’m a really chill guy, but if you piss me off, I will raise hell, no kidding. 7. Conflicted: clash; disagree; contrast- I’ve clashed and disagreed with a lot of people in my life. At times, I learn to let it go; however, there are times when it ends in chaos. Anger takes over again, and I blow up. However, I learned to deal with people’s attitudes or smart remarks. I can only keep that up for so long. 8. Confused: unable to think clearly; bewildered- Decisions. I had to make a lot. Some were good. Some… not so good. I think about what will happen. Sometimes, I know there are consequences, but I risk it anyways. Every choice I made had its own result. I learned from each of them.9. Stress: pressure; tension; strain- Life is all about stress. I learned you can never have a perfect life. You’re going to have problems, and those problems bear a weight on your shoulders. Like right now, I’m stressing over what I’m going to do after graduation. It went from stressing about homework and projects, to stressing about my future. Then again, marijuana is there to help me temporarily.10. Obstacles: barrier; obstruction; block- Everyone has their own problems, some worse than others. I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t have a single problem in their life. Problems involve family, friends, strangers, school. Etc. I pray to my God that I overcome these obstacles and get through it. I did. Family and friends are there to help me if I talk to them. With the love of God, family, and friends, I can overcome anything.



Q1:Thinking will not overcome fear but action will. -W. Clement Stoneactions speak louder than words, you can say you care but you have to show you care to prove it. Q2: You must be the change you wish to see in the world. —Gandhiif people want things to change, they must change first in order for them to become an example.Q3: “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet it!” – Jonathan Wintersif you want things to be done, you have to help yourself get there because not

everything is handed to you.Q4: “In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are.” – Arnold H. GlasgowIf you plan to go somewhere in life you must know what you want and how to get there. Q5: Attitude is everything.- Charles Swindollattitude can determine whether you succeed or fail.Q6: There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.-George Sandeveryone deserves to love and be loved because love is the closest thing we have to magic.Q7: One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.-unknownLife is something that can be easily taken from us, it's up to us to make our lives worth it.Q8: In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.-Robert Frostno matter what happened life will go on, so the best thing to do is get over it. Q9: Failure is success if we learn from it.-Malcolm Forbeseveryone makes mistakes, it's up to us to learn from them.Q10: No great thing is created suddenly. —Epictetusnothing is given to you unless you work for it, and make it great.


FlashbackIf I could relieve one day, it would have to be the day I smoked marijuana, because I would like to see me as a drug free person. I think I would be making a lot of good decisions, and good deeds. I think that, because I know I would be scared to get in trouble, because it makes me feel bad, and I don’t like feeling like that. I like it when I know what I did is good, because without the good in the world, I wouldn’t know what peace is. I would also think that I would be taken advantage of, and getting picked on, but I wouldn’t care, because I would have a brain of Albert Einstein, and I’ll be able to

go to college for free, and be an independent person, but I wouldn’t like that, because I don’t want to be a loner for the rest of my life. 


Remembrance of Things Present

Twenty years from now I want to remember all the things I went through when I was young, because that’s when I had learned the most. All the times that I stumbled and fell and got right back up and kept going strong. I want to remember the motivation I had to not give up when things got a little too much, I want to remember my stubbornness for not letting the worst get the best of me and pushing through. I want to keep my morals and values that I have now. I want to have new friends, but keep the memories of my

oldest friends too. I want to remember what it was like to be in love and fall out of love, because they both taught me a lot. I want to remember how I see life now because I know twenty years from now I’ll see it in a whole different perspective. I don’t want to be stuck in the past, but I don’t want to go too ahead into the future. I want to live in the present and enjoy what the future will bring. The past affects everything, and putting it behind you will help you in many ways possible, because if you’re stuck living in the past, then you aren’t living life to the fullest, and I always believe you should live life to its fullest and without any regrets. I never want to forget that, because it’s who I am, and if you forget yourself, then what do you really have? 


As Time Goes Bye-Bye: Carpe DiemI really want to figure out what my purpose in life is before I die. I think that everyone does and even if my purpose is to just make someone happy or give someone else hope, I’ll be content in knowing. I want to fall in love. Call me corny or cheesy or lame, but I’ve always been fond of the idea. Falling head over heels for someone and letting them in has seemed like an abstract idea to me. I can’t ever imagine trusting someone that much, but I endeavor to find someone that can. 

I want to satisfy my wanderlust needs. I’ve always wanted to go to place like Paris, Barcelona, Rome etc. But I don’t want to go to the tourist places, I want to find small, hidden coffee shops, rooftops you can use to witness the sunset. I want to travel the world before I get too old and can’t really, well travel.



My Own Lists Of Lists:1. People who have influenced me…My mom, my dad, my brother, God, Jesus, and Mary2. Places that make me happy…Guam, BARRIGADA, ASC, Ross, church, and my house3. Places I would like to go…Heaven, Amsterdam, Palau, California, Washington D.C. , and Texas

4. Things in people that I like…Good, happy, respect, clean, funny, and chill5. Things in people which I dislike…Mean, dishonest, messed up, stinky, no respect and gives atan baba’ 6.Things that worry me…Exams, quizzes, tests, homework, seatwork, and projects7. Things I would like to know how to do…Fix cars, Fix airplanes, create a car, drift, drive standard, and how to burnout with a standard8. Things that have moved me…GOD, JESUS, MARY, church, Confirmation, and MEDLER’Z


Cheer Yourself Up• Go up to strangers, and randomly talk to them.• Give random people high fives.• Stare at somebody across the classroom, but when they lock eyes, don’t look away.• Sing the most embarrassing song that pops into your head in front of the one you like.• Walk and talk at high paste.

• Moonwalk through the Mayors office.• Shout something random in a conversation.• Monologue everything you are thinking.• tell everything that you are doing threw interpretive dancing.• During class, walk up to the teacher and ask the most stupid question.


Remembrance of Things Present

I used to be an unfinished puzzle, but now I am putting all the pieces togetherI used to be a picture painted red, but now I am a picture with different colorsI used to be a broken record, but now I am fixed with scratchesI used to be an unfinished piece of work, but now I am completeI used to be a house with only a foundation, but now I have walls and a roof

I used to be a closed book pushed to the side, but now I am open and many people have read meI used to be the sun shining bright, but now I am also the cloudy gray skiesI used to be a lost soul, but now I have been foundI used to be a blank sheet of paper, but now I am many papers filled from top to bottom.


Picture this

Dwyane Wade is a fearless Basketball player who isn’t afraid to go head to head with anybody. In the photo I provided, Dwyane is shown dunking the ball over Kendrick Perkins. The way he went straight into Kendrick’s face shows how he is not afraid of anything. Though he is about 7 inches shorter than Kendrick, Dwyane never backed

down. Lastly, the height of Dwyane’s jump showed the physical dominance he has over opposing players.


Look Who I Look Up To

I admire Jesus, because he died on the cross for everyone to go to Heaven. He is also known as the savior of the world, because of what he did. He also helped people by thing that you wouldn’t think is real, like making a blind person see, and healing a cut

ear from a dagger. He also made the message from God known.I also admire God, because without him I wouldn’t be here. He created the world, and everything in it. He has the power to do anything. I know that he is greater than me, and I will accept that. Some people think he’s not real, but to me he is.The last I admire is Mary, because she helped saved the world. Without her, this world would be in hell. People should think about her more for what she has done, which was giving birth to Jesus. She is also pure from sin, and this is why I admire her.


Remembering the child

When I was a kid I was the naughtiest kid but at the same time the sweetest kid. I was a sour patch kid. My mom used to always talk about how I was in love with keys. I used to

take everyone’s keys and play with them, hide them, and mix them all up. For some reason keys just fascinated me. I would take the futon make it into a little car on the couch, and take the keys and pretend to drive. I was always afraid of the littlest things though. I was scared of the rain when it would rain really hard and it made a really loud sound. I was scared of being in the car alone because I thought the car would roll away or that I would get locked in. My sisters told me about this one day when we went to my mom’s work. At the time she was working at TownHouse at Agana Shopping Center way back then, my sisters had taken me there to go see my mom. I was looking at a toy, and I was completely fascinated by it that I wasn’t focused on what was happening around me, so when I turned around my sisters were gone and I started to cry because I thought I was lost. When I grew up, I later found out that they hid behind a rack of clothes and waited for me to realize they were gone because when they were calling me, I wasn’t listening because I was too fascinated by the toy. I was my big brother’s shadow. I followed him everywhere because I wanted to be like him. He was the greatest, he was cool, he had a lot of girlfriends, he was the big jock at NDHS. I would go to all of his volleyball games and just watch even though I didn’t understand. The one thing I loved about going to his games besides getting to watch my big brother beat the other team, was after every game, he would take me to the court and he’d teach me how to play. That was the best part of my childhood, being with my big brother. 


One Medium SuitcaseI’d focus on the essentials. Basic things such as boxer briefs, shorts, joggers, shirts, and shoes. I’d bring my GoPro and all of my accessories because I love capturing videos on it. I’d also bring a small soccer ball that I can play with when I’m bored. I’d try to fit in my ukulele. I’d bring some of my favorite books for me to escape in. I’d bring my dad’s

laptop and mobile hotspot. I’d pack my itouch and phone so that I can keep in touch with all my friends and family. The last thing that I’d bring would be a picture of my family and friends to keep me grounded. 


The perfect present 

The perfect gift for me would be self-confidence. The reason why this would be the perfect gift is because i need it. Alot of times I'm insecure about alot of things. Alot of times I feel like i look ugly or I'm too fat. I have some confidence but i could use alot

more. I hate walking around feeling like I don't look like my best. i worry if there are stains on my clothes or shoes are dirty. Another reason why i would need self-confidence is when I perform in front of people or give a presentation. I get more then nervous going up there. I don't want people to laugh at me or talk about me because of a mistake i make or if there is something on me. That's why i hate talking in front of a class or big crowds. I've gained alot more confidence due to the fact that i try not to care about what people say or think. At times it may get to me but then there are also times where I just don't care. About what you or anyone has to say. I hate being talked about but go ahead. My confidence has helped through alot. Making it easier for me in school and around new people.


Memorable Event The event that was memorable for me was my senior prom. It was at Nikko hotel and I had a great time with friends dancing, eating, and taking a lot of pictures. This event was special to me, because this is my last prom to attend as a high school student and some of my friends that I went with will no longer be on island after high school. I would

not do this event again, because if I could I would fix everything that I was too afraid to do and maybe change majority of what I did and that would ruin the feelings that I associate with this event. 


How To

How to burn spam:Burning spam is one of the things most Chamorros frown upon. It might be part of ten commandments of Chamorros to not burn spam. “Thou shall not burn spam.” Here I will show you how to be a rebel and burn spam. I know how much you love being a rebel, right? Anyways I’m hungry and I sure am craving some spam. Let me go make some for myself. I get a can of spam and open it. There stands the most beautiful thing in the world. I take it out and cut it into sizeable slices. The next step is to turn up the heat on the stove and put the spam in a pot to fry up. You are halfway there dude so don’t give up just yet. Wait a minute? I HAVE TO DO GRIFFIN’S WORK TODAY BECAUSE IS DUE. I run into my own and grab my laptop. There I go writing and writing and writing about a bunch of different types of prompts. After awhile I am finally done but then I realize something crazy. I FORGOT THE SPAM. I run into the kitchen and there beholds….burnt spam. The Chamorro Gods are now looking down on me with disgust. I have just showed you how to burn spam. You’re welcome dude


Always Say Never- Ride the slingshot- Look at a dictionary 

- Fight with the Humies- Lose my mother - Shop at Kmart- Do ICE!!!- Steal - Own a cat. - Ride in a school bus ever again.- See Ms. Lydia - See Ms. Surf - See Ms. Ruiz


Are you hungry?

One of my favorite meals would be the Supreme Wrap from Mcdonalds. I just love the way it tastes. The wrap is so nice and soft. It has a ton of vegetables that just really go with the wrap. They put a sweet barbeque sauce that has so much flavor. I really recommend trying this delicious meal. You also have more then one option. You can choose whether or not you want bacon or other condiments inside it. It is made only at Mcdonalds. The first time i tried this was just recently. I'm telling this is an amazing meal. It has both quantity and quality. It's very big and can easily satisfy your stomach. I could eat this piece of heaven every day. Eating this with a large fries and a large powerade to wash it all down. I really am hungry right now.


Where I’m FromI am from Dimas Street Mangilao

I am from waking up on Summer days and watching cartoonsI am from going outside to play everyday with my neighborsI am from playing hide and seek in the jungleI am from falling down and getting back up laughing about itI am from scrubbing my grandma’s garage with a broom and soapI am from fruit punch in my bottle when I was a babyI am from kadu and rice with a bowl of finadene on the sideI am from “If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it good.”I am from driving to my grandparents house down in Windward Hills every weekendI am from listening to Chamorro music while we eatI am from playing basketball with all my brothersI am from eating Subway or KFC everyday after elementary schoolI am from collecting coins for gas


Deck of 5252 things that make me happy:Warm bedCold pillowsClean bathroomHot showersNo homeworkFinishing homeworkTeacher forgetting he/she assigned homeworkDoing homework at school and not at homeSleepingNappingHanging with my dogHanging with my girlfriendHanging with my girlfriend and my dog at the same timeMy gas is on full tankGas prices going downMy mom paying for my gasMy friends give me gas moneyMy gas doesn't go down fastWhen I have a lot of moneyGetting paidSleeping more than 8 hoursWhen the bell rings to go homeWhen lunch startsWhen break startsWhen my teachers are absentWhen my teachers get lazy and give no homeworkWhen teachers play movies in classWhen teachers make us chill in classClass potlucksWhen there is spinach rolls at class potlucksSwimmingNot drowning when I swimClean roomWhen Pandora plays good musicWhen Pandora forgets to give me ads so I get 5 straight songsTwitterWhen I get a lot of retweetsInstagramWhen a lot of people like my photosWhen I get new followersMiami Heat

Indianapolis ColtsDwyane WadeAndrew LuckWhen Andrew Luck made a superman TD dive after recovering a fumbleWhen TY Hilton catches touchdownsDrinking cold teaEating Filipino foodEating fried chicken and rice plus kimchi noodles and potato salad from oriental kitchen.


.The Examined LifeBest thing:1. Funny2. Open minded3. Curious4. Forgiving5. High Metabolism6. Caring for friends7. Enjoy meeting new people8. Loud9. Daring10. I don’t put myself before othersFaults:1. Short tempered2. Moody3. Speak before I think4. Unforgiving5. High Metabolism6. Judgmental7. Attitude8. Quiet9. Needing to belong10. Care for others more than myself


Annual ReportLast year, I was that kid who did what he wanted. I was on top of my game, I had good grades coming in, then I would go out a lot. I got a bit chubby too. I had everything I wanted, but I was lonely, there was no amount of alcohol or weed that can make me happy as I am now. My grades weren’t as good as they were last year. I am way buffer than I was last year. I go out more but what I think what makes this year better, is my new friends, the relationship and bonds gotten stronger with some people. And I have a girlfriend haha. This year, I had proven a lot of my qualities, before I would always keep to myself and not do much for meeting new people. This year, I met up with familiar faces and became closer friends that we were before to what we are now. Bottom line, I’m better off how I am now, than how I was last year.


.EkphrasisThe Light Wolf:Once upon a time there were two tribes that loathed each other. During this age magic was a real thing. Each tribe had magic, but their color was very distinct. The Aoi tribe had blue magic, while the Akai tribe had red magic. For generations the tribes fought each other until finally creating spells so powerful it could wipe each other out.Little did they know that a new tribe would be introduced into their territory. The tribes name was Yami, which meant darkness. This tribe also had magic, but itt was dark. It destroyed everything, they even moved form their original territory because the earth had become so dead. When they first arrived both the Aoi and Akai tribe tried to become allies with them. But to no avail they were turned down. The Yami tribe had another idea in mind, to take everything.Once the Aoi and Akai tribe realized this they decided to put their differences away and work together to drive these evil people from the land. When the two tribes conjoined their most powerful spells it created a creature, a hybrid if you would. The form it took was a wolf, at first seeing this wonderful power they fought over it, but the blue and red wolf was self conscious and didn’t want either of them to fight.The wolf decided to help, but only if the two tribes made peace. The tribes decided it was for the best and did just that. The wolf quickly destroyed the Yami tribe and became the guardian to both tribes. Instead of “red wolf” or “blue wolf” they decided on Light Wolf.


Visually SpeakingThe image will not show up here but the collage I put together is a collage filled with all the Miami Heat players and everyone coming together to hoist the NBA championship as the main centerpiece. I chose this because they are my favorite team. I've stuck with them through the good of winning championships right now and the bad of going 15-67 one season. Enjoy


Lessons I Learned After It Was Too Late:Lessons I learned after it was too late were, never get caught in school with marijuana, don’t fight with people, and don’t disrespect people. You should never get caught in school with marijuana, because you can get into big trouble for that. You can get into big trouble by, first getting suspended. Second it goes on you record throughout your whole high school years, but when you turn eighteen every thing is erased, and you start a new record. After this they will decide where to put you, like Sanctuary, Pace, DYA, or somewhere else. You don’t ever fight with people, because it’s not nice. It’s not nice, because how would you like it, if someone hit you. You wouldn’t like it at all, so you shouldn’t do it. If anything, you should just be social with everyone, and learn how to get along with each other. Lastly you should never disrespect people, because every one is the same. We all bleed the same blood, and we are all human. We should all treat each other with respect, but if anything you can joke around, but just don’t get mad, and laugh together, not at each other.


. The DoorWhen I walk out the door, I want to enjoy life. I’m going to do this by doing things I want to do. First, I’m going to get to the moon. Then, I’m going to Jupiter. Lastly, I’m going to Neptune, and I’m staying there.When I walk out that door, I don’t want to do anything that I don’t want to do. I’m going to do this by saying, “I’m not going to do that.” That’s only if I don’t want to do that particular thing. I’m also not going to listen to people who disrespect me. I’m not going to places, that I don’t like. Lastly, I’m not going to pay attention if I don’t want to. 


Advice To The Young:To young people, the advices that I would give to them are, to get good grades in school, like As, and Bs. Don’t get any Cs, Ds, and definitely no Fs. Don’t get a record for fighting, drugs, or anything that the school doesn’t allow, and is bad. Keep your record clean in school. You should also join sports throughout your whole high school years. Getting grades like As, and Bs are good, because you might be able to go to college for free. College is really expensive, so you should try this so that you can get a scholarship, and further your education in whatever you would like to do. You don’t have to pay for it, and you can use that money, for whatever you would like to get instead. You also shouldn’t get a bad record in school, because when you try to apply for a summer job, any job, or request to go to a college, they wouldn’t like that, and probably won’t accept you. So, it would be best to have a clean record throughout your whole high school. You should join sports, because it will help you stay fit, socialize with other peers, and maybe make your name known. Also this could help you get a scholarship to any college, if you are really good at that sport. 


Who Am I? :brother- oldestpool player- improving at the sportgame player- communicating with people around the worldbasketball player- social with people catholic- religious (Believe in Jesus)As a person, my view would be chill.


Rewarding Experiences:#6…..Going to training: Learning how to defend myself #2.....Going to church: Going to Mass#5.....Going to school: Learning about different subjects#1.…Going to CCD: Learning about God#7…..Working at MEDLER’Z: Going to my first job#8…..Meeting people: Getting to know different people#10….Going to the movies: Trying out there food#9….Eating at Shirley’s: Eating their Shirley’s fried rice#4….Chilling with friends: Having a good time with them#3.…Being with family: Having a good time with them


Valuable Lessons#9….. Never go to sleep late, because you will have a hard time waking up in the morning.#10….. Learn to wake up early, because it will help you not to be grumpy in the morning.#8….. Don’t speed on the road, or else you’ll crash.#3….. Don’t cuss in front of old people, because it’s disrespectful.#7….. Be nice to people, because it will make you get to know them more.#4….. Don’t fight with people, because it’s not nice, and you will get into more trouble. #2….. Don’t disrespect anyone, because it’s not nice, and you can also get into trouble.#5….. Share with people, because it’s nice, and they will share with you back.#6….. Care for people, because they will care for you back.#1….. Go to church, because it’s said in the bible


Futures and Fantasy factsTen years from now if all my wishes came true, then I would be engaged to the girl who stole my heart in high school. We would both have jobs that we love. We would be living in a house on Guam, and planning our wedding. Following a little later after getting married, we would plan on starting a family of our own. We would be incredibly happy, because since high school we planned a life together, and all of our dreams would finally become a reality. Ten years from now if things continued the way they are, I wouldn’t know where I would be. I might or might not have a life here on Guam, but in the states. I wouldn’t know who I would be with because as of right now there is only one person I see myself with, and that along with my life, is still unclear and undecided. I’d probably be in U.S. Customs or in the military. If I was to look into my future ten years from now, then I wouldn’t see myself with a family or even engaged. When I look at both views of my life ten years from now, they’re completely different. It seems like the outcome of my life depends on whether or not things work out between me and this girl. I’m not saying that if nothing happens between me and her that my life will be miserable, it’s just right now I want her in my life, and things will be different with her in it. But if things don’t happen between me and her, then I’ll still enjoy my life. All your wishes can’t come true, and I know that reality is better than a fantasy, but sometimes I like living a fairytale life where I believe anything can happen. But no matter what, I got to do what’s best for me, what I want, and I can’t stop living just because it didn’t go the way I wanted to. Things will eventually happen in time, and I just might meet someone who will affect me and my life the way this girl does.


This guy is very interesting. The way he looks at life as well as his way of life. He has a lot of funny stories and seems funny. He doesn’t have the best grammar but he did his work. He waited a while to finish though because some seem rushed. I would say he likes to procrastinate. He rushes near the end. He has a lot of knowledge though. He has a lot of knowledge on life and seems to know what he is talking about. I would say he doesn’t talk much. He talks a lot but only to people he usually talks to. He has little confidence. He doesn’t seem to be confident in some of his work. He works hard and has a lot of humor. Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. Every instinct that is found in any man is in all men. The strength of the emotion may not be so overpowering, the barriers against possession not so insurmountable, the urge to accomplish the desire less keen. With some, inhibitions and urges may be neutralized by other tendencies. But with every being the primal emotions are there. All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.