Market Behavioral Intelligence™Overview_SOI


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Achieve Wisdom

Market Behavioral Intelligence™: What is it?

Why is it important?

How does it work?

What does it do?

Principle based, systems design approach to aligning organizational strategies to market based behavioral profiles and patterns.

Market Behavior

Set of behavioral profiles

and market patterns

driven by behavioral

intention and change

related models and


Organizational Behavior

Set of analytical metrics

and measurements

focused on the

organization’s direct

interface with the market.

Environmental Factors

and Indicators

Set of data capture,

analytical tools (“Big

Data”) and organizational


© David Sypnieski

Market based profiles and patternsDriven by the fusion of behavioral intention and change


Align organizational processes to market profiles and patterns

Balanced by organizational and economic realities

Enable proactive posture to drive continuous improvement, competitive advantages, accelerated growth, improved control over operational and economic performance

Proactively engage a market in a manner that removes obstacles and resistance to behavioral change and market adoption……

Market Behavior

Set of behavioral profiles and market patterns driven by behavioral intention and change related models and algorithms.

Organizational Behavior

Set of analytical metrics and measurements focused on the organization’s direct interface with the market.

Environmental Factors and Indicators

Set of data capture, analytical tools (“Big Data”) and organizational processes.

© David Sypnieski

Move through the market with intention and purpose, and continually improve the ability to understand and project.

The World Has Evolved…..So Should the Way We Think

Our technological and economic systems have also become dependent on networks of enormous complexity. This has made their behavior increasingly difficult to reason about, and increasingly risky to tinker with. It has made them susceptible to disruptions that spread through the underlying network structures, sometimes turning localized breakdowns into cascading failures or financial crises.

Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning about a Highly Connected World. Pg 1– David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. Cambridge University Press 2010

The world is facing increased turbulence over the next decade and beyond caused by leadership change in emerging markets, major policy shifts by governments, increased armed conflict, interlinked economies, budget cuts by local and national government.

- Global Trends 2025: A Trasformed World released by the National Intelligence Council

V olitile

U uncertain

C omplex

A mbiguous

Organizational InventorySet of analytical metrics designed to establish two primary points:

• Serve as indicators for organization’s strategic and tactical alignment and balance with the market’s behavioral patterns•Performance baseline to measure and correlate strategies to improvements

Market InventoryEstablish the decision and execution processes related to the organization:

• Decision workflow modeling and vested stakeholder ecosystem mapping• Primary market behavioral segments and related ecosystem

Data Capture and AnalysisProcesses designed to establish an improved situational awareness:

• Executed through existing processes in order to minimize disruption to Organizational behavior.•OODA Loop management intended to establish a shared situational awareness.

Market Behavioral ProfilingQuantitative and Qualitative analysis processes:

• Behavioral profiles and market patterns driven by behavioral intention and change models•“Big Data” related analytics to measure profile related environmental factors.

Continual Feedback and RecalibrationContinual improvement through proactive management and continually improved market wisdom:

• Bridging behavioral profiles and market patterns with organizational processes and metrics•Computational market analysis continuously provides updated situational awareness

Modular in nature and flexible enough to be utilized by large, medium and small enterprises with various budget parameters.

Enables an organization’s peripheral and downrange vision

Improves short term activities without compromising long term directives

Supports a multi-organizational, shared value or collective action strategy

Take the blinders off

Expand your vision

Zero Sum Game

“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things, so that all of the small things go in the right direction.”

- Alvin Toffler

Regional Shared Value

Public Policy

Private Support

Agency Support

Academic Support

There is a difference between pushing value from an organizational perspective and………..

Regional Shared Value

Public Policy

Private Support

Agency Support

Academic Support

Collaboratively supporting the shared extraction of value from a market perspective.

Realize patterns between seemingly disparate phenomena

See solutions before others know there is a problem

Inspire with a vision of the future

Engage and turn ideas into action

Compete with intention and confidence in your success

Market Behavioral Intelligence™

Market Behavioral Intelligence™

Go beyond information

Go beyond knowledge

Achieve Wisdom
