Mark Jayes Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist ... Jayes Stroke study day...


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Mark Jayes Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist

HEE / NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellow

34% medical patients may lack capacity 1

Assessment is subjective, complex 2

Current practice is inadequate 3 , 4

Inaccurate assessment risks excluding people

from decision-making / asking people to make

uninformed decisions

Risks of non-involvement: adherence,

health outcomes, costs 5

Two of four abilities tested in MCA functional assessment involve communication skills

MCA requires adjustments to assessment:

‘A person is not to be treated as unable to make a decision unless all practicable steps

to help him to do so have been taken without success’ (MCA (2005) section1(3))

Staff may not recognise or know how to support communication difficulties 6

To develop a tool to support multidisciplinary

staff to assess mental capacity

To evaluate the tool’s validity, reliability,

usability and acceptability to patients and staff

Two phase, sequential mixed methods design

Phase 1: iterative, user-centred tool design ◦ Literature and case law reviews: current assessment


◦ Focus group study: staff experience of assessment

◦ Literature review: methods for making information more


◦ Iterative prototype development: collaboration with

professionals and service-users

Phase 2: evaluation of validity, reliability,

usability and acceptability

Systematised literature review (updated 04/16):

Review question: How do professionals assess

adults’ ability or mental capacity to make informed

decisions in England and Wales?

Databases: ASSIA, Campbell Library, CINAHL,

Cochrane Library, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychINFO

16 eligible records

All descriptive studies of low/mod quality

Study aims:

i) measure ax against standards

ii) investigate staff’s / service users’

experience of ax

iii) describe introduction of new tool /


Populations: mainly PwLD or mental health


Decisions: interventions, residence, finance,


Assessors: MDT but hierarchical effects

Ax process: reports lack detail

Practice is variable

Formal and informal ax processes

Staff find ax challenging

Practice that is inconsistent with MCA:

◦ Lack of formal ax

◦ Generic ax / global judgements

◦ Judgements based on diagnosis / impairment /


◦ Failure to consider cultural / ethnic / religious


◦ Not providing explicit information about decisions

◦ Inadequate support to understand

◦ Inadequate ax of understanding

Factors that facilitate / improve ax:

◦ Extra time / serial assessments

◦ Calm environment

◦ Familiar assessor

◦ Involving carers (?)

◦ Gathering info pre-ax

◦ Tailored communication strategies

◦ Structure (e.g., a checklist or algorithm) 7, 8

◦ Documentation aids (e.g., a proforma) 9, 10, 11

Search term: “mental capacity assessment”

Databases: Westlaw UK, Lexis Library

Findings (updated 06/15):

5 eligible cases

Cases involved people with PD, LD, TBI, CI, HD

Judge satisfied with assessment in 1 case

Judges overturned findings of incapacity in 2 cases

Specific aspects of practice criticised: Assessors don’t know MCA or don’t know decision options

Generic/ global assessments

Outcome-based judgements

Inadequate information provision

13 acute / intermediate care staff in 2 groups

7 disciplines: Medicine, Nursing, OT, PT,

Psychiatry, Psychology, SLT

Topic guide: ◦ which patients? which decisions? who assesses?

◦ how do you assess?

◦ what about patients with communication difficulties?

◦ how do you find ax?

◦ what support do you need?

Main themes:

Assessment process: information gathering; informal /

formal assessments of decision-making

Barriers: time, knowledge/skills, other people

Facilitators: information, structure, time

Need support to:

identify communication difficulties

support communication needs

check understanding

Main groups: Stroke survivors / Pw cognitive difficulties

Initial specification based on findings from

literature review / focus group data: ◦ Structure

◦ Documentation aid

◦ Ways to identify and support communication needs

◦ Ways to check understanding

◦ Prompts re timing, envt, choice of assessor,

involvement of carers, need for pre-ax information

◦ Quick and easy to use

◦ Portable / easily accessible

Staff reviews to maximise face validity / usability

◦ Specification, existing resources: online survey (n=10)

◦ Prototype iteration 1: online survey / interviews (n=10)

◦ Prototype iteration 2: usability testing workshop (n=4)

◦ Prototype iteration 3: online survey (n=2)

Expert reviews to maximise face and content validity,

usability, acceptability

◦ Iteration 1: interviews, online survey (n=13)

◦ Iteration 2: usability workshop (n=6)

◦ Experts: academics, practitioners, lawyers, people with

communication disability, carers.

3 components

◦ 1. Support tool

◦ 2. Communication screening tool

◦ 3. Resource pack

Paper format….digital coming soon!

Photographs and simplified language

related to discharge / treatment decisions

Ways to test decision-making abilities

Evaluation questions Methods

Are assessments more

compliant with the MCA

(2005) when MCAST


Does the communication

screen give accurate

and reliable outcomes?

Before and after case

note review (n=20)

Case series: data

collection to measure

criterion validity, inter-

rater reliability (n=12)

Evaluation questions Methods

Do staff feel more

confident about capacity

assessment when they

use the MCAST?

Do staff find the toolkit

usable and acceptable?

Do patients find the

MCAST acceptable?

Paper questionnaire


Online survey (n=20)

Interviews with patients /

carers (n=8)

1. Lepping, P., Stanly, T. & Turner, J. (2015) Systematic review on the

prevalence of lack of capacity in medical and psychiatric settings.

Clinical Medicine, 15(4), 337-43.

2. Ripley, S. et al. (2008) Capacity assessments on medical in-

patients referred to social workers for care home placement. The

Psychiatrist, 32, 56-59.

3. Williams, V. et al. (2012) Making Best Interests Decisions: People

and Processes. London, Mental Health Foundation.

4. Care Quality Commission (2013) Monitoring the use of the Mental

Capacity Act Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards in 2012/13.

Available from:

[Accessed 05 October, 2013).

5. Lai, J.M. & Karlawish, J (2008) Assessing the Capacity to Make

Everyday Decisions: A Guide for Clinicians and an Agenda for

Future Research. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 15,


6. Hemsley, B. & Balandin, S. (2014) A Metasynthesis of Patient-

Provider Communication in Hospital for Patients with Severe

Communication Disabilities: Informing New Translational

Research. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 30(4),


7. Oldreive, W. & Waight, M. (2011) Assessment of capacity:

reflections from practice. Learning Disability Practice, 14, 31-6.

8. Skinner, R. (2011) Demystifying the process? A multi disciplinary

approach to assessing capacity for adults with a learning disability.

British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 39, 92-7.

9. Ramasubramanian, L. et al. (2011) Evaluation of a structured

assessment framework to enable adherence to the requirements

of Mental Capacity Act 2005. British Journal of Learning

Disabilities,39, 314-20.

10. Guyver, P. (2010) The Mental Capacity Act 2005: Review of

mental capacity assessment in people with proximal femoral

fracture. The Psychiatrist, 34, 284-286.

11. Emmett, C. et al. (2013) Homeward bound or bound for a home?

Assessing the capacity of dementia patients to make decisions

about hospital discharge: Comparing practice with legal

standards. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36, 73-82.

12. Jayes, M., Palmer, R. & Enderby, P. (2016) An exploration of

mental capacity assessment within acute hospital and

intermediate care settings in England: a focus group study.

Disability and Rehabilitation. Available from: @MCAsupporttool Supervisors: Dr Rebecca Palmer, Professor Pam Enderby This is a summary of independent research funded by Health Education England (HEE)’s and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)’s

Integrated Clinical Academic Programme. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those

of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.
