Mark Ek Kkkkk Kkk Kkkkk Kkkkk




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MARKET SHARE:- Market share is the percentage of a market (defined in terms of either units or revenue) accounted for by a specific entity. The portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.

SEGMENTATION:- Market segmentation is a marketing strategy that involves dividing a broad target market into subsets of consumers who have common needs, And then be designed and implemented to target these specific customer segments, addressing needs or desires that are believed to be common in this segment, using media that is used by the market segment.

BASE:- Marketing Base provides business and market intelligence through its expert searching of thousands of databases, many of which are only available through commercial accounts we maintain especially for the purpose of finding hard-to-find information to meet quick deadlines. As required and requested, we provide executive summaries and reports to synthesize and make information easy for you to use.

FRAGMENT:- A fragmented market is one where there are lots of small to mid size companies and where even the big players have stiff competition. There should be no dominant company. No company should have a double digit percentage of the market or at worst low double digits. This is a critical factor for entrepreneurs.

NEEDS:- A motivating force that compels action for its satisfaction. Needs range from basic survival needs (common to all human beings) satisfied by necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and social needs (varying from place to place and age group to age group) satisfied by necessaries. Needs are finite but, in contrast, wants (which spring from desires or wishes) are boundless.

WANTS:- Unsatisfied human desires that motivate their actions and enhance their fulfillment when met. Many business marketing departments pay close attention to the needs and wants of their target market since both drive consumer purchases. These can be further described as those needs that are based on biological necessities, and those wants that make life more pleasant and which largely depend on psychological factors .

MOTIVATION:- Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.

PERCEPTUAL SCREENS:- The physiological or psychological perceptual filters that messages must pass through.

STIMULUS:- Market stimuli is the marketing environment which consist of the four Ps:•Product•Price•Place•Promotion

HARD CORE LOYALTY:- Brand loyalty is where a person buys products from the same manufacturer repeatedly rather than from other suppliers.

SOFT CORE LOYALTY:- loyal to two or three brands.

SHIFTERS:- moving from one brand to another.

SWITCHERS:- they have no loyality, constantly looking for bargains or vanity prone.

SYNERGISM:- Synergistic Marketing basically refers to how all the components of a company and/or a marketing campaign work together.

MASLOW:- Motivation theory which suggests five interdependent levels of basic human needs (motivators) that must be satisfied in a strict sequence starting with the lowest level. Physiological needs for survival (to stay alive and reproduce) and security (to feel safe) are the most fundamental and most pressing needs.

HERZBERG:- Maintenance: humankind has basic needs (hygiene needs) which, when not met, create dissatisfaction. However, meeting these needs does not make us satisfied, it just stops us from becoming dissatisfied. Herzberg used the analogy of 'hygiene' as it aptly describes something that is necessary, to maintain good health by prevention of sickness - also termed as maintenance needs, e.g. supervision, working conditions and company policies.

PLOG:- Plog bases his theory on personality rather than financial wealth.Allocentrics – high adventure, cultural experiencesPsychocentrics – low/no risk. Like planned activities.

REV-PAR:- The total room revenue for a particular period divided by the average number of rooms available in a hospitality facility.

LEAD TIME:- Number of minutes, hours, or days that must be allowed for the completion of an operation or process, or must elapse before a desired action takes place.

GEOGRAPHIC:- Firm organized into geographical units (regional, national, international) that report to a central headquarter which administers the core functions such as planning and marketing.

DEMOGRAPHIC:- Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender family size, income, occupation, education, religion, race and nationality.

GEODEMOGRAPHIC/DEMOGEOGRAPHIC:- Process of analyzing survey data of a specific geographical area to profile economic and demographic characteristics of population living there. Commonly used in advertising and marketing strategies.

USE OCCASION:- Most businesses and marketers want to improve their marketing response and conversion rates – i.e. the number of responses to a marketing campaign and subsequent conversions to a sale. There are many ways to improve response and conversion rates with research, analysis and targeting including the use ofdemographic and psychographic segmentation, value propositions, irresistible offers, emotional appeal, etc.

HEAVY HALF:- a situation where a small number of customers make up more than half of the total demand for a product.

FAMILY LIFE CYCLE:- Families pass through a series of stages that change them over time. This process historically has been called the family life cycle (FLC). The concept may need to be changed to household life cycle (HLC) or consumer life cycle (CLC) in the future to reflect changes in society. However, we will use the termFLC to show how the life cycle affects consumer behavior.

SOCIAL CLASS:- A status hierarchy in which individuals and groups are classified on the basis of esteem and prestige acquired mainly through economic success and accumulation of wealth. Social class may also refer to any particular level in such a hierarchy.Four common social classes informally recognized in many societies are: (1) Upper class, (2) Middle class, (3) Working class, and the (4) Lower class.

PRIMARY/SECONDARY REFERENCE:- A primary reference group is one with which an individual interacts on a regular basis and whose opinion is of importance to him, family, neighbors, close friends, colleagues and co- workers are examples of primary reference groups. Secondary reference groups are those with which an individual interacts only occasionally and does not consider their opinion very important.

TRADING AREA:- A geographical area containing the customers of a particular firm or group of firms for specific goods or services. 2. (retailing definition) A geo-graphic sector containing potential customers for particular retailer or shopping center.OPINION LEADERS:- Not all individuals in a group or all consumers in a society wield equal personal influence on the attitudes, opinions, and behavior of others. The most influential are termed the opinion leaders; the ones to whom others turn for advice and information.

SOCIAL/COMMERCIAL REFERENCE:- Social marketing uses general marketing principles and techniques to create, communicate, and deliver social messages to consumers. With a rich 30-year history, social marketing seeks to positively influence consumer behavior, not to benefit the marketer. These programs have worked to improve social issues such as education, health, poverty, environment, etc.

ASPIRATIONAL REFERENCE:- A group of individuals to which one desires to belong.

MARKET SHARE:- The proportion of industry sales of a good or service that is controlled by a company.

TENDER:- To offer a product for sale at a specified price, usually in response to a specific request from a potential purchaser. Government procurement, for example, that is not open to international tendering is a form of nontariff barrier.

BUYING PROCESS:- The steps a client organization or a buyer takes in making a purchase for a product or service.

ROUTINE:- A prescribed, detailed course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure.

LIMITED:- Confined or restricted within certain limits: has only limited experience.

EXTENSIVE:- covering or affecting a large area. Large in amount or scale.

CONVENTIONS:- a large gathering of people who share a common interest.

GOVERNMENT:- A government is the system by which a state or community is governed

CORPORATIONS:- A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members.


GOODS/SERVICE MATRIX:- Product isa complex concept that must be carefully defined.As the first of the four marketing mixvariables, itis often where strategic planning begins. Product strategy calls for makingcoordinateddecisions on individual products, product lines, and the product mix. Products and services can bethought ofas occupying three levels: the core product, the actual product, and the augmented product.

