March 2019 - Home - Muswellbrook Public of the many innovative learning spaces within...


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Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019

From the Principal:

Yesterday, the Minister for Education, Rob

Stokes travelled to our school and briefly

met some of the executive staff, as well as

the P & C president and school

captains/vice-captains. He was then

escorted on a short tour of the school where

he observed many students working in

innovative learning spaces, heavily engaged in coding

activities being taught by Ms Andrews and Mrs Martin.

A short presentation on our ‘Engine Room’ Learning and

Support initiative was also delivered by Mrs Scowen to

demonstrate how we wisely use government funding to

cater for all students at MPS, regardless of their level of

academic ability.

We took the opportunity to showcase our library, which is

one of the many innovative learning spaces within the

school. The minister, as well as the Director, Sean

Andrews were most impressed with our school and it is so

rewarding when great work is recognised. Thank you to

everyone for everything you do to make our school a

‘centre of excellence’. I am an extremely proud principal

and it is an honour to lead our wonderful school.

Donation towards technology

I would sincerely like to thank all families who support P

& C fundraisers/events on every occasion. Thanks to your

generosity, the P & C were able to donate $20 000 to the

school, which will be used to purchase further

technological resources. Great things happen when school

and families work together in partnership! Well done


Joan Stephens Principal

SAFE - Lining up Routines - Classroom Expectations

Term 1 Week 7 Tuesday 12th March 2019

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019


Term 1


Power FM School Breakfast Thursday 14th March 2019

Year 6 – Parent Information Session – Lake Keepit Camp – held in 5/6H

Thursday 21st March 2019

Easter Hat Parade Wednesday 10th April

Cross Country Carnival Thursday 11th April 2019


Item Cost Due Date

Voluntary Contributions $30.00 DUE NOW

Math Text Books $22.00 DUE NOW

Year 6 – Lake Keepit – 2nd Instalment $100 27th March 2019


On Tuesday 5th March, MPS held a treat day to

raise money for Orchard Camp.

The day was a huge success with a total of

$1171.35 raised.

Thank you to all the students who supplied the treats, purchased the treats and came out of


Thanks also to the parents/ careers for your



Infants Assembly will be held on Wednesday at


Primary Assembly will be held on

Friday at 2:30pm



All other gates will be locked for the safety of our


Thank you for your understanding.

2018 ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT The 2018 Annual School report is now published and available

on the school website. Please take the time to read it, as it

summarises all the great things that happen at MPS.

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019

1A – Dellecia O – Excellent

presentation on travelling to Perth




KL – Peyton C – Great gumball machine artwork

KB -Alex E – Fantastic artwork of a dinosaur

KM - Audrey P – Wonderful work with sounds

KT - Lila R – Wonderful writing and picture

1M - Cooper V – Excellent artwork

1K - Koah C – Great piece of art depicting a fish

2H – Evelyn B – Amazing creative writing

2W - Cadence E – Wonderful science experiments

2F – Brock E – Fantastic work

in Maths

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019

Harmony Day 2019

As a school we will be celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 21st March, 2019. On this day, students are asked to wear orange clothing or traditional dress. Traditionally, orange signifies social communication and meaningful conversations. It also relates to the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect.

Power FM School’s Breakfast

Power FM is heading to Muswellbrook Public School on Thursday, March 14 for the first School's Brekky for 2019! Join the gang from the Power Brekky Show from 7am as they

broadcast live from MPS for a jam-packed morning and a free, healthy breakfast provided by Kellogg's and Woolworths Muswellbrook.


This Friday is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Students will be

participating in activities to raise awareness of bullying.

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019


Rylan – kb

Brye – kb

Isabella – KB

Brye – kb

Denzel – kl

Isaac – kl

Khi – 1a

Jesslyn – 1m

Jayda – 1m

Isabella – 1m

Stella – 2m




TESSA – 4m




Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019

Road safety around our school Parking restrictions around schools exist to protect the safety of children and to allow for a turnover of vehicles within a

limited area. Illegally parked vehicles can severely increase the risk of an accident or the risk of injury to a child. No

stopping signs are displayed all around the entrances to our school. PLEASE ADHERE TO THEM. Rangers from

Muswellbrook Council are conducting regular patrols.

NO STOPPING You must not stop on a length of road to which a No Stopping Sign Applies.

This is for the safety of other vehicles.

Penalty $ 236.00

Despite multiple reminders, a few parents at our school are ignoring these signs and putting the safety of our children

at risk. Police will now be patrolling the area on a regular basis, as parking in a ‘No Stopping’ zone is a ticketable


Joan Stephens



The Challenge is back!

Is your child up for the Challenge?

The Premier’s Reading Challenge started on the 4th March and will finish on the 30th August 2019. It is a great

way for children to read quality books, which can enrich their lives.

Children who complete the challenge will receive a certificate in Term 4.

The library has many wonderful fiction and non-fiction books to choose from.

K-2 need to read or listen to 25 books. 5 books can be their own choice.

3-4 need to read 15 to 20 books from the 3-4 range and higher if they want to. They can also read 5

books of their own choice.

5-6 need to read 15 to 20 books from the 5-6 range or higher if they want to. They can also read 5 books

of their own choice.

The children just need to let me know in Week 6 that they are up for the challenge and I will get them started.

Mrs Rose Neal

(Teacher Librarian)

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019


Please be reminded that payments for excursions and events need to be paid by the due date.

Payments can be made in cash, cheque, EFTPOS or online through the school website.

No late payments will be accepted. If you are unable to pay by the due date, please contact the school.

YEAR 6 FUNDRAISER Our Year 6 students have brainstormed some great ideas for fundraising to help support our families with the price of our Year 6 senior shirts.

The cost of the shirt has increased and we have only asked our families to pay the same as last year, $40.00.

We discussed fundraising ideas and our Year 6 students came up with the idea of selling ice blocks on the two days that the canteen does not


On Monday and Tuesday, you can find our Year 6 students leading the ice block station near the canteen and each ice block will be 50 cents. Each

Stage 3 class will take turns each week to run the station. This will continue for the remainder of the term.

We will also be running a Thompson Pie Drive. This was the most popular idea from our Year 6 students. A Thompson Pies order form will be

coming home for you to choose your favourites and share with family and friends. Please return the order form by Tuesday 3rd April. I will be

placing the order that afternoon so I cannot accept orders after this date. Delivery will be on Wednesday 10th April. Don’t miss out.

We hope that you are able to support our Year 6 students and their families.

Ms Karla Kelly

Netball News

On Thursday 21st February, some students from MPS travelled to Singleton to take part in the

PSSA Winter Netball Trials.

Congratulations to Isla C, Katie A, Rhianna M, Elka K, Sidney M, Samara C, Mia B, Ella A

and Macey C for their level of sportsmanship displayed. It was a new experience for some of the

girls and they should be very proud of their effort and commitment.

Well done to Ella and Macey for proceeding to the next stage of trials!

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019


Thursday, 21st March is Harmony Day! Our canteen will be selling

some yummy orange treats starting from .50 cents to $2.00 on this

day only. Keep an eye out for the list of treats leading up to this day.

Thank you to Kellie, Bec, Lauren, Heidi, Sandra and Tracey for

volunteering last week.

Friday, 29th March, the canteen will be closed from 12pm, due to

the Muswellbrook Cup half day holiday.

New Products Reminder!

Lemonade Chill J drinks $2.50

Banana Moosies $1.50

Sold at both breaks 1 and 2.


If you are able to volunteer in our canteen, please see our

canteen staff.

P & C NEWS Hello,

Our AGM will be held tonight, Tuesday 12th March. Please join us from 6pm in the Staff room to elect the Executive positions

for 2019.

If you are interested in the role of President, Secretary or Treasurer for 2019, please come along.

Free Babysitting is available.

Haylee Nelson - President


Dear Parents and Carers,

A friendly reminder that children have two weeks to borrow their library books. To re-borrow books, they let the teacher know. A library

bag must be used to take their books to and from school. Years 3-6 can borrow books for class without a library bag, but it is their

responsibility not to lose the books. Any lost or damaged books should be paid for. If your child is certain they have returned their book,

please write me a note and I can check the shelves. If the book isn't there, then the book should be paid for to buy a replacement copy.

If the book returns in good condition, you will receive a refund.

Also feel free to donate any free plastic shopping bags. These will be used by children who accidently forget to bring their library bags.

Reading books can teach children about empathy, which is a wonderful personality trait to possess.

Happy reading!

Mrs Rose Neal

(Teacher Librarian)



Tuesday 8:30am – 9:30am Wednesday 8:30am – 10:30am

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Friday 8:30am – 10:30am

Opening hours are subject to availability of volunteers.

INTERRELATE On Wednesday 7th March 2019, the MPS P & C held a successful

interrelate evening with approximately 60 parents in attendance.

This event provided a wonderful opportunity for our parents to

connect with their children in relation to the “birds and the bees”.

The event would not have been possible without the P & C, a special

mention to Haylee Nelson, who tirelessly worked to ensure the evening

ran smoothly.

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019

Term 1 Week 6 5th March 2019
