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  • March 08 - Page

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Saint Barbara Catholic church


  • March 08, 2020 - Page 2

    St. Barbara Catholic Church



    8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

    Melisa Kappadakunnel Le Danh Duc † Maria Teresa Alvarez † Joseph Tran Vinh † All Souls †



    6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

    Phaolo Dao Phu † Joesph Tran Vinh † Raymond Nguyen Dang Ky † Ignacio Huu Dang Nguyen † Maria Santos Morales Daminh Pham Hang † Maria Nguyen Ngoc Nga † Mario Hernandez


    8:15 AM 5:30 PM

    Maria Pham Thi Tieng † Anton Tran Dinh Tho †


    8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

    Maria Nguyen Thi Nhung† Gioan Tran Van Canh † Osvaldo Garcia †

    Peter Tran Van Dung †





    March 07, 2020— March 13, 2020

    SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday of Lent; Daylight Saving Time begins; International Women’s Day Monday: St. Frances of Rome; Purim (Jewish observance) begins at sunset Friday: Abstinence

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! Your donations for the weeks of

    Feb 29 - March 01, 2020 : $26,311.00

    Thank you for your continuing support to sustain the ministries and ongoing needs of our parish.

    TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The LORD said to Abram: All the families of the earth shall find blessing in you (Genesis 12:1-4a) Psalm — Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (Psalm 33). Second Reading — God has called us to a holy life, not because of our works but according to grace. (2 Timothy 1:8b-10). Gospel — Atop a high mountain, Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John (Matthew 17:1-9).

    God of Goodness and Mercy,

    Hear our prayers as we begin this Lenten journey with you.

    Let us be honest with ourselves as we look into our heart and soul,

    noticing the times we turn away from you. Guide us as we humbly seek to repent and return to your love.

    May humility guide our efforts to be reconciled with you and live forever in your abundant grace.

    Transform us this Lent, heavenly Father. Give us the strength to commit ourselves to grow closer to you each day. Amen!

    8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM

    Giuse Hoang Phong † Maria Tran Thi Thu Cuc † Jose Cardona †



    Wednesday 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM

    Maria Pham Thi Thu † Anna Pham Thi Quy †


    Thursday 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM

    For Parishioners Giuse Nguyen Van Luy † Joseph Tran Vinh †


  • March 08 - Page 3

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Antonio Martinez, Giuse Vu Dinh Binh, Matt Elliott, Kim Delaney, Greg Malagon, Chris Hardy, Joel Buskirk, Aggie Smith, Robert Smith, Chris Luna, Maria Huynh Thi Thuy, Greg Malagon, Tammy Dawson

    Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sus-tain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

    Giuse Nguyen Van Thong, Maria Pham Thi Van, Phao-lo Cao Xuan Cac, Maria Nguyen Thi Hoa, Raymond Nguyen Tang Ky, Anton Vu Van Tu, Maria Tran Thi Tam, Giuse Tran Duy Mich, Maria Tran Thi Thu Cuc, Bob Murphy, Garvis Thurman, Daminh Trinh So, Fr. Richard Kennedy, Maria Do Thi Kim Thanh, Richard E. Kunz, Corolyn Armsterger, Giuse Pham Gia Duc, Phero Tran Van Quy, Anton Do Dinh Khai, Daminh Do Ngoc Tan, Joseph Nguyen Van Khu, Giuse Cao Chau Phi, David Hung Hoang, Javier Mendez, Dolly Gonzales. God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cry of your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers and sis-ters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of re-demption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    REFLECTION ON THE WORD OF GOD Our readings today describe turning points for those whom God has chosen. In Genesis, God calls Abram to leave his homeland, with the promise of forming a people in a new land. In the Gospel, the disciples see Je-sus literally in a new light, the bright light of Jesus’ transfiguration. They begin to see Jesus, and themselves, in a new way. These are times when God presents a new way forward, providing new purpose and energy. Our lives too have their own turning points, where God is working (usually in less spectacular fashion) to lead us into fuller maturity, and into deeper unity with God and others. The road ahead, as with Abram, Jesus, and the disciples, may be long and difficult. Lent can be a time when we reflect upon these turning points in our past, and consider how God may be stirring something new in us today.

    BLEST TO BE A BLESSING The first eleven chapters of Genesis tell the story of the tragedy of human separation from God. But God has not given up on humanity. God is on a mission to reconcile and heal all of creation. In today’s reading from Genesis 12, we see the beginning of God’s new strategy: to begin with a single person (Abram, later re-named Abraham) and family and form them into a distinct people, so that all peoples may see God’s blessing in them, and share in this blessing. God’s chosen people are not selected simply to receive blessing, but to serve as examples and agents of blessing. God blesses people not only for their own benefit but for all. When we fully thank God, we also ac-cept God’s call to bless others. We the Church receive God’s grace precisely so that we may share grace with others.

    LISTEN TO HIM In today’s Gospel describing Jesus’ transfiguration, we hear of the disciples’ vision of Jesus, Moses, and Eli-jah. Peter, perhaps understandably, responds by trying to enshrine the moment by building tents for them. However, God interrupts and speaks words identical to those spoken at Jesus’ baptism: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” But here God adds, “listen to him.” Listening to God can take various forms. At some moments, as when we receive new insight or are deeply moved, we want to jump into action. Some-times this is appropriate and necessary. But sometimes God interrupts our eagerness, and calls us to further reflec-tion or simply to listen in silence. Reflection and action are of course both essential to our faith journey. Yet we recall that God may often speak through silence. Contemplative practice, rich in tradition within our Catholic faith, reminds us that God invites us to an encounter within silence. In contemplative prayer, we open ourselves and simply wait upon God. We might en-counter a divine Presence beyond words. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

  • March 08, 2020 - Page 4

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


    ANNUAL MEN’S RETREAT It is time for signing-up for our Annual Men’s Retreat at

    MATER DOLOROSA RETREAT CENTER on April 17-19, 2020.

    The presentations are in the English language, but men from every cultural background are invited. The theme for this year is

    “God is Doing Something New in Us” All men of the parish are invited including Confirmed high school age young men and any relatives or friends of parishioners even though they may go to another parish. This is a time for separating one’s self from the usual distractions of life and in setting of beauty and solitude,

    receive God’s blessings for you. For more information, call Matt Mueller at (714) 391-3067 or Tom Mueller at (714) 876-8342. For an advance peak at the

    facility, go to, then click-on, Visit Us, and then the two short video clips.

    Car pooling is available.

    We are called

    Join our faith community -and more than 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States

    -in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s CRS Rice Bowl from faith formation office. During the 40 days of Lent, we will reflect on the challenge of global hunger and how it affects our human family. Hunger in Our World When Jesus fed the 5,000, he said, "Give them some food yourselves." Reflect on the challenge of global hunger. How can you contribute to support the hungry in your com-munity? SECOND WEEK OF LENT Meet Trinh Trinh's family are farmers in Vietnam who have been affect-ed by climate change. What would you do if your source of nutrition was threatened? How can we support those whose livelihoods are vulnerable to weather? Visit for more.

    Morning Prayer During Lent Season In preparation for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, the Neo-Catechumenal English Communities will host a series of Morning Prayer at 2 different times for your convenience : Date : February 26 to April 10, 2020 (Monday to Friday) Time : 5:00 am to 5:45 am Time : 5:45 am to 6:45 am Location : Hall (St Barbara)


  • March 08 - Page 5

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


    Cộng Đoàn St. Barbara có Ngắm Sự Thương Khó Chúa Giêsu hàng tuần trong Mùa Chay

    (trong Nhà Thờ) : * 4 giờ 00 chiều thứ Ba và Đi Đàng Thánh Giá:

    * 4 giờ 45 chiều thứ Sáu

    Nơi thứ 1: Quan Philatô luận giết Đức

    Giêsu. Cầu cho những người bị kỳ thị vì dịch Corona.

    Nơi Thứ 2: Chúa Giêsu

    vác Thánh Giá. Cầu cho các nạn nhân bệnh dịch Corona.

    Nơi thứ 3: Đức Giêsu ngã

    xuống đất lần thứ nhất.

    Cầu cho các linh hồn những người đã chết vì dịch Corona.

    Nơi thứ 4: Đức Mẹ gặp

    Đức Chúa Giêsu vác Thánh giá.

    Cầu cho các nhà khoa học gia tìm ra thuốc chữa trị virút Corona.

    Chặng thứ V: Ông Simon vác đỡ Thánh giá

    Chúa. Cầu cho các bác sĩ, y tá và nhân viên công lực đang chống chọi với tử thần Corona.

    Chặng thứ VI: Bà Veronica lau mặt cho Chúa.

    Cầu cho các nhà lãnh đạo trên thế giới hiệp nhất chống lại dịch Corona và chiến tranh.

    Chặng thứ VII: Đức Giêsu

    ngã xuống đất lần thứ hai.

    Cầu cho chiến tranh tại Trung Đông chấm dứt.

    Chặng thứ VIII: Đức Giêsu

    yên ủi con thành Giêrusalem.

    Cầu cho những nạn nhân chiến tranh.

    Nơi thứ IX: Đức Giêsu

    ngã xuống đất lần thứ ba.

    Cầu cho các nạn nhân của thiên tai.

    Nơi thứ X: Đức Giêsu bị lột áo.

    Cầu cho những người trục lợi thời cơ.

    Chặng thứ XI: Đức Giêsu

    chịu đóng đinh vào Thập giá.

    Cầu cho dịch vô cảm

    Chặng thứ XII: Chúa Giêsu

    chịu chết trên Thập giá.

    Cầu cho dịch ung thư tâm hồn

    Chặng thứ XIII: Hạ xác

    Đức Giêsu khỏi Thập giá.

    Cầu cho thế giới thoát khỏi mọi bệnh dịch và tai ương.

    Chặng thứ XIV: Đức Giêsu

    được mai táng trong mồ.

    Cầu cho nhân loại biết thống hối và quay trở về với Chúa. Trích

  • March 08, 2020 - Page 6

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


    Cuaresma es cambio y cambiar no es fácil. Para poder cambiar debemos dejar algo atrás. Hoy es-cuchamos acerca de un hombre muy viejo que decide responder al lla-mado de Dios. Abram atraviesa por una tre-menda cantidad de cam-bios cuando todo lo deja y lo arriesga por la pro-mesa de Dios. Jesús cambia, se transfigura, justo delante de los ojos de sus discípulos. Las escrituras en Cuaresma nos llaman a cambiar, a ser transfigurados, para

    que también nosotros pronto participemos en la gloria de Dios. ¿Qué nos pide Dios dejar atrás? ¿Estamos dispuestos a arriesgarlo todo por la promesa que Dios hace? Estas son las preguntas centrales en el camino de conversión de la Cuaresma. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

    LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura —Abram partió como se lo había ordenado el Señor (Génesis 12:1-4a). Salmo — Señor, muéstrate bondadoso con nosotros, puesto que en ti hemos confiado (Salmo 33 [32]). Segunda lectura — Comparte conmigo los sufri-mientos por la predicación del Evangelio, sostenido por la fuerza de Dios (2 Timoteo 1:8b-10). Evangelio — “Este es mi Hijo amado, en quien ten-go puestas mis complacencias, escúchenlo” (Mateo 17:1-9).

    LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma; Cambio de Hora; Día Internacional de la Mujer Lunes: Santa Francisca Romana; Purim (festividad judía) comienza al atardecer Viernes: Abstinencia


    Únete a nuestra comunidad de fe - y a más de 14,000 comunidades

    católicas en los Estados Unidos - en una jornada de Cuaresma que cambia vidas con Plato de Arroz de CRS. Consigue el Plato de Arroz de CRS de tu familia en [LUGAR] el [FECHA]. Durante los 40 días de Cuar-esma, reflexionaremos sobre el desafío del hambre mundial y cómo afecta a nuestra familia humana. HAMBRE EN NUESTRO MUNDO Cuando Jesús alimentó a los 5,000, dijo: "Denles algo de comer". Reflexiona sobre el desafío del hambre en el mundo. ¿Cómo puedes contribuir a apoyar a los que sufren de hambre en tu comunidad? SEGUNDA SEMANA DE CUARESMA UN ENCUENTRO CON TRINH La familia de Trinh es agricultora en Vietnam y se han visto afectados por el cambio climático. ¿Qué harías si tu fuente de nutrición estuviera amenazada? ¿Cómo podemos apoyar a aquellos cuyos medios de vida son vulnerables al clima? Visita para más información.

  • March 08 - Page 7

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


  • March 08, 2020 - Page 8

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

  • March 08 - Page 9

    St. Barbara Catholic Church


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  • March 08, 2020 - Page 12

    St. Barbara Catholic Church

    Pastor Rev. Tuan Pham 714-775-7733

    Parochial Vicars Rev. Ramon Cisneros 714-775-7733 Rev. Benjamin Hoang 714-775-7733 Rev. Joseph Danh Trinh 714-775-7733

    Deacon Dcn. Carlos Navarro 714-308-6706 Dcn. Francis Xavier Hao Nguyen 714-775-7733

    Parish Office Theresa Thanh Ta, Eng/Viet 714-775-7733 ext. 221 Kim Bui, Finance 714-775-9420 Eli Ho, Bulletin Editor 714-775-7733 ext. 229

    Faith Formation Deacon Hao Nguyen, Director 714-775-9475 ext. 242 Sr. Teresa Hong Dao, CRE Vietnamese 714-775-9475 ext. 239 Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish 714-775-9475 ext. 236 Sr. Lieu Nguyen, CRE Confirmation Program 714-775-9475 ext. 238 Hang Nguyen, Secretary 714-775-9475 ext. 238

    Carlos Mathus, Youth Ministry 714-775-9475 Adult Education (R.C.I.A.)

    Deacon Hao Nguyen 714-775-9475 ext. 242 Deacon Hao Nguyen—Viet 714-965-0777 Elizabeth Hernandez—Spanish 714-567-1625

    Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Nancy Herrera—English 714-287-4070 Lupita Calvillo—Spanish 714-839-6820 Lien Do—Viet 714-858-3069

    St. Barbara School Melissa Baroldi, Principal 714-775-9477 Jody Rogers, Finances 714-775-9473

    . Baptism Celebrated in Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, and Nov. on Sundays at 2:15PM

    1st Sunday – Vietnamese 2nd Sunday – English 3rd Sunday – Spanish

    Contact the Parish Office . Eucharistic Adoration

    7th day of each month From 9AM—7AM next day

    . Funeral Contact the Parish Office

    . Marriage Contact the Parish Office for an ap-pointment with one of the priests at least six (6) months prior to marriage. . Reconciliation Mon: 8:45 AM – 9:15 AM Eng Tue: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet Fri: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Eng, Spn, Viet . Anointing of the Sick Contact: (657) 345-9245


    Lịch Dâng Lễ

    Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 5:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed 730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467

    Website :— Email:— Viet/English Ads Rep : Mai Nguyen 310-498-1320

    Mass Schedule ***

    Saturday Vigil

    4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Vietnamese

    Neocatechumenal Way

    7:00 PM English (in the Hall) 8:30 PM Spanish (in the Church)

    Sunday 6:30 AM Vietnamese 8:00 AM Vietnamese 9:30 AM English 11:00 AM Vietnamese 12:45 PM Spanish 4:00 PM Vietnamese 5:30 PM English 7:00 PM Spanish

    ** Daily Mass Schedule**

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:15 AM English 5:30 PM Vietnamese Wed, Thu 6:30 AM Vietnamese Tues, Fri 7:00 PM Spanish Saturday 8:00 AM English

    8:00 AM—Fr. 4:00 PM—Fr. 5.30 PM—Fr. 7:00 PM—Fr.

    Tuan Pham Benjamin Hoang Ramon Cisneros Tuan Pham

    6:30 AM— Fr. 8:00 AM— Fr. 9:30 AM— Fr. 11:00AM—Fr. 12:45PM—Fr. 2:30PM-Bapt. 4:00 PM— Fr. 5.30 PM— Fr. 7:00 PM— Fr.

    Benjamin Hoang Tuan Pham Ramon Cisneros Benjamin Hoang Ramon Cisneros Dn Carlos Navarro Tuan Pham Benjamin Hoang Ramon Cisneros

    Saturday, March 14, 2020

    Sunday, March 15, 2020

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