Malcolm X by Maria Faura



malcom X life BY MARIA FAURA

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  • M A R I A F A U R A P A R D O


  • Introduction2

    First a clarification

    Malcolm Little

  • M I N I S T E R O F T H E N A T I O N O F I S L A M


    Introduction Why is he interesting?

    Why did I choose him?

  • Early life4

  • Detroit Red

    5Early life

    (Key event)

  • Who influenced him?6

    Elijah Muhammad

  • Key concept What does Nation of Islam believe


    The beliefs of the Nation of Islam included the following:

    1. Members had to be non-whites (whites were the enemy)Membership was encouraged no matter what your social status or level of sin 2. That whites were attacking blacks physically and psychologically 3. That whites wanted to keep blacks in an inferior position 4. That blacks would be kept financially inferior by depending on whites for income 5. That whites were undermining black self assurance 6. That whites encouraged blacks to hate themselves by depriving them of knowledge of their own history

    Islam promoted:

    1. Blacks to become educated 2. The rights of blacks to defend themselves 3. Economic development of the black community

  • List major Accomplishments

    1953In December 1953, a little more than a year after he was paroled from prison, Malcolm was named the minister at the NOIs Boston mosque, Temple No. 11. The following year he also became the minister at Temple No. 12 (Philadelphia) and Temple No. 7 (New York).1957Muhammad Speaks, the NOI newspaper, was founded by Malcolm in 1957.1960Beginning in the 1960s, Malcolm was invited to participate in numerous debates, including forums on radio stations (Los Angeles, New York, Washington), television programs (Open Mind, The Mike Wallace News Program) and universities (Harvard Law School, Howard University, Columbia University).1963In 1963, the New York Times reported that Malcolm X was the second most sought after speaker in the United States.On June 29, 1963 Malcolm lead the Unity Rally in Harlem. It was one of the nations largest civil rights events.1964After befriending and ministering to boxer Cassius Clay, the boxer decides to convert to the Muslim religion and join the Nation of Islam. In February 1964, Clay announces he has changed his name to Muhammad Ali.In March 1964, after his split with the NOI, Malcolm forms the Muslim Mosque, Inc. Several months later, he also organizes the Organizations of Afro-American Unity (OAAU).1965Malcolms autobiography, which he worked on for two years with writer Alex Haley, was published in November 1965.



    Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.

    >He felt that just because Black people were different, didnt mean that they should just lay down and take the abuse from white people. He felt that black people shouldnt conform to the ways of white people. They shouldnt change their appearance, they should embrace who they are.

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    "The Chickens Come Home To Roost,"

    "The true brotherhood I had seen had influenced me to recognize that anger can blind human vision," he said. "America is the first country ... that can actually have a bloodless revolution."

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