Magnetic Substances A magnet is an object that can attract other objects containing iron, cobalt,...


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Magnetic Substances A magnet is an object that can attract other

objects containing iron, cobalt, or nickel. Magnetism describes all the phenomena

caused by magnets

Has two opposite poles - North and South

Similar poles repel & opposite poles attract

The magnetic field can be mapped

Ferromagnetic Substances Not a magnet but something that can

become magnetized by hitting, heating, or touching it with a magnet OR by adding an electrical charge (electromagnet)

Is attracted by a magnet

Must contain one of the following: iron, nickel or cobalt

The magnetism can be turned on and off.

Non-magnetic Substance Cannot be magnetized

Glass, plastic, rubber or wood

Work well as insulators for electrical wires

Mapping Magnetic Fields Rules:

The magnetic field lines can never crossAlways flow from North to SouthThe closer the lines, the stronger the



Shape – shown by lines of force which can be straight, curved, or circular

Direction – shown by arrowheads. The direction is ALWAYS from North to South

Strength – shown by how close the lines are to each other. Closer the lines, the stronger the magnetic field


The needle of the compass is magneticRed (or any color) tip of the needle is

considered North and will always be attracted towards its opposite the South


Magnetism describes all the phenemona caused by magnets

Magnetic Field is the area of space in which the magnetic force of a magnet can act on another magnet

Electromagnetism describes all the phenomena resulting from the interaction between electricity and magnetism

Magnetic Live Wire Field

Right hand rule can determine which direction the magnetic field lines are moving (fingers)

What direction the

conventional current is

moving (thumb)
