Macbeth Articles


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  • 8/2/2019 Macbeth Articles


    Macbeth Drafts.

    Dear Gentlewoman,

    Q. I cheated on my wide with one of my housemaids, and felt I loved them both in different ways. I

    became so torn between them, as my lover became more and more demanding that I almost tried to

    get caught... and I did.

    My wife and I are going to see a doctor, and I want our relationship to work, but I can't forget about my

    lover. She had left our house for another, but I see her around the village a few times a week. She only

    looks at me and walks away. I'm afraid I won't be able to resist for long.


    A. Pull yourself together. You can resist if you get real: wanting your marriage to work means making a

    choice and sticking to it. You're not a poor victim who's torn between two women pulling at you; you're

    a mature adult who must have some self control, even to the point of leaving the village, so she's "out of

    sight, out of mind". She looks at yoi ecasue she thinks youre weak and will come back to her. Otherwise,

    she'd avoid you as you should be doing. Man up with some inner strength, if you really hope to stay


    Dear Gentlewoman,

    I keep seeing the ghost of my best friend. We were both Scottish noblemen and valiant defenders of the

    late King Duncan. We went through a rocky road and I felt as he betrayed me, and then he passed away.

    He appeared to me at an open banquet and before I went to bed. I have never believed are seen

    supernatural until yesterday, and I'm not too sure if I'm going insane or if he is trying to tell me

    something. The ghost makes me feel like I no longer know myself, and is starting to make me abandonmy values and conscience.


    What you need to understand and ascertain is that some spirits are ghost, and some spirits do travel

    back and forth from other dimensions and may not know that they are dead and it's easy for them to

    become confused. You are sensitive to the spiritual world and the ghost may have been trying to tell you

    something that he wish he could of told you when he was still alive.

  • 8/2/2019 Macbeth Articles


    Macbeth Beheaded!

    by Michelle Nguyen

    Scotland- Yesterday, King

    Macbeth was murdered in his

    palace on Dunsinane Hill by

    Macduff's hand.

    This served as the conclusion of

    the war between England and

    Scotland. It was obvious that

    Macbeth was not a great king,

    but Macduff had personal issues

    with him. "He killed my wife

    and children, along with all myservants. I needed to be the one

    to kill that monster" (5.7.15-16).

    Macduff associated with

    Malcolm to lead an army

    of___who gave the ___ ten

    thousand soldiers to fight for the

    throne. The battle ended with

    Macduff carrying Macbeth's

    head out to the crowd of

    spectators, announcing his


    In order to ensure their victory

    in the war, Malcolm had come

    up with a plan. The soldiers

    were seen carrying large trees

    from Birnam Wood as they

    approached their castle. The

    trees were used to conceal the

    great number of soldiers that

    were coming, and added an

    aspect of surprise.

    The war was an easy win for

    Macduff and Malcolm, even

    without their clever plan. Many

    of Macbeth's soldiers turned

    against him and began fighting

    for England. "Every minute

    more and more men began to

    rebel against him," Angus

    reported shortly after the battle

    (5.2.18). This fact is not hard to

    believe after hearing the

    shocking reports about

    Macbeth's journey to the throne.

    Review this section!

    Lady Macbeth's previous doctor

    admitted to her problem wutg

    skeeo walking and told of the

    frightening things she had said

    while in such a state. "She

    would wash her hands

    frantically to try and get the'blood' off. We soon figured out

    that this was linked to Duncan's

    death. She also spoke of the

    murder of Banquo, who

    Macbeth had once been best

    friends with. It was very

    distracting to hear" (5.1.34-61)

    include arrogance of macbeth

    A witness also reported hearing

    Macbeth talking to himselfshortly before the battle. "He

    seemed to have realized that all

    the bad things he had done didn't

    get him anywhere. He said that

    there wasn't much point to his

    life anymore" (5.3.22-26).

    Old Siward of England and his

    son also helped in the battle

    against Macbeth. Unfortunately,

    Young Siward died by

    Macbeth's hand in an effort of


    Due to their victory, Malcolm is

    to be our new king. His

    coronation wil take place soon

    in Scone. "I am a good man, and

    I'll be a good king. I've never

    lied, nor am I greedy and will

    not deceive anyone," Malcolm

    promised shortly before the

    battle (4.3.126-132).

    It is certain that peace will be

    restored in Scotland now that

    Macbeth is no more.

  • 8/2/2019 Macbeth Articles


    Malcolm's Upcoming Coronation

    by Michelle Nguyen

    Scotland- Malcolm, son of the former King Duncan, is to be named King and has invited all to watch him

    be crown'd at Scone" and celebrate the start of new and better beginning for Scotland (5.7.104).

    Malcolm returned back to Scotland after fleeing when he saw his father's mangled body Macbeth's

    castle. Once Malcolm had left the country, Macbeth had became King and had situated murderers

    through the path of returning to Scotland to take his place at the throne. So Malcolm sent out "Old

    Siward, with ten thousand warlike men" to fight against Macbeth (4.3.134). In the end, Macduff held the

    head of the "tyrant" (5.7.14).

    Many people are excited and ready for a new start with a superior King, such as Malcolm. He is expected

    to be not only a far superior leader than his precedor, Macbeth, but even greater than his own father.

    Malcolm, unlike his father, knows that you cannot trust everything you hear or everyone. Macuff even

    admitted that before they went against Macbeth, Malcolm had tested him with "false speaking" to see

    how loyal he was to his country and Malcolm, the King (4.3.130).

    Malcolm will also be an excellent King because he speaks nothing but "good truth and honour" (4.3.17),

    as he is already wide known and respected by all of Scotland. "Hail, King of Scotland" and a glorious new

    future for all. (5.7.88).

    include malcolms last speech


    This is the best recipe for the popular cake which is found in tearooms across



    1cup of butter

    1/2 cup of soft brown sugar

    1 tablespoon of molasses

    1 cups of plain flour

    1/2 cup of oatmeal

    1/4 cup of bran

    3 teaspoons of ground ginger

    1 teaspoon of mixed spices

    1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

    2 eggs

  • 8/2/2019 Macbeth Articles


    1/2 cup of milk

    1/2 cup of orange juice


    Preheat the stone oven to 375 F.

    Mix the flour, bran, spices and soda together in a bowl. Put the milk and orange juice

    in another container and lightly beat in the eggs. Put the butter, sugar and molasses

    in pot on a low heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from the heat and

    stir in the dry ingredients and then add the eggs/milk/juice mixture.

    Pour the mixture into a 2lb loaf tin lined with baking parchment and bake for around

    40 minutes. Once golden, take out of oven and let cool for 10 minutes. Enjoy!
