Macbeth Diary

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Act 1 Scene 1 Third Witch Upon the marshy ground we met To discuss the fate of Macbeth Set the date and marked the time To which he would commit the crime Soon the bloody war shall end And we shall go, our knowledge to lend Unto the ear of the noble thane And bind his fate to folly's chain And thus forth his destiny weave From the threads of future's eve Forth we go, our familiars call Riding the currents of the squall But we meet again, upon the hill And to Macbeth our secrets spill. Act 1 Scene 2 King Duncan The battle is over, and finally some peace has been restored to Scotland. Although now I must sit through the long and tedious affairs of negotiating a treaty with the King of Norway. And on top of that, I have to see to the execution of the Thane of Cawdor, who's black-hearted greed and betrayal nearly cost us the war. I have made noble Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor for his valiant and courageous actions that finally defeated Norway and his army. They have retreated to Saint Colme's Inch and now we await their tribute to us. No doubt Macbeth and Banquo return soon as well, for there are many proceedings we must attend to upon their arrival.

Act 1 Scene 3 Banquo Such an odd day it has been. After the defeat of Norway and traitorous Cawdor, Macbeth and I marshaled our forces and set out to return to Dunsinane and report to King Duncan. During our journey, we happened upon three strange women, older than imaginable, and less human than I would like to think. They bore a prophecy for Macbeth. They foretold a fanciful future in which Macbeth would soon become king, and my children after him. Then they vanished into thin air. Even more strange, is that the first part of their prophecy came true, when King Duncan made Macbeth the new Thane of Cawdor. I cannot help but entertain a small hope that my children will eventually become king. Act 1 Scene 4 Macbeth Oh rotten fates! Why do you tease me so? Do you seek to torment me with a prophecy of royalty, and then make it unattainable? For now that Malcolm is Prince of Cumberland, I cannot be king. While he lives, I cannot even hope to make a bid for the throne. Soon, the time will come when either I must give up this pursuit of glory, or remove Malcolm. I can see no other way. I make for Glamis, to speak with my wife, and we shall discuss this new development. Perhaps, in her feminine cunning there is an answer to this perplexing riddle. Act 1 Scene 5 Lady Macbeth Tonight shall mark the end of one saga, and the beginning of another. For tonight, a king dies and another is born. Macbeth shall be king by the morn by whatever means necessary. When he arrives I must persuade him into killing Duncan, who shall be his guest tonight. We shall appear the perfect hosts to his Highness, and when the deed is done, we shall be the first to grieve. None shall suspect our guilty hands. I will not allow this opportunity to slip away and be lost. None so opportune has ever presented itself to any before. We shall seize it and make it our own, and build the future upon it tonight. I must go now and greet the King and make merry his final hours.

Act 1 Scene 6 King Duncan Tonight was merry and light. A better hostess than Lady Macbeth cannot be found. Food and drink was plentiful, music was in the air, and mirth was on all faces at the table. Macbeth is as hospitable as he is noble, and he thus deserves my gratitude. I left him with many gifts to keep before the night was over, in light of his accomplishments. Not a better commander I have in my army than he. Not a hint of treachery or deception lies in any fiber of his being. I trust him with my army, my kingdom, and my life. Act 1 Scene 7 Lady Macbeth Finally, I have convinced Macbeth to commit the deed. His noble kindness and mercy have been overcome by my persuasion. It took much effort and consideration on his part to finally give in, but he is now bound by his word. He will go and kill Duncan while he is asleep, and then wipe the blood on the guards who stand by his room. I had a servant drug them so that they will not hear the final hours of their king, nor awake when Macbeth marks them with his blood. My only concern is Macbeth's nature, which is to soft and considerate to be trusted to itself. I pray that his heart will harden to this deed, that we may be successful in our venture. Act 2 Scene 1 Banquo An odd night it has been. The moon has not shown itself tonight, and yet the clock strikes twelve. Midnight is past, and Macbeth has greeted me at the gates. Something is afoot. I can sense it in the air. A wicked spirit is passing about this castle. I know not its intentions, but we shall soon find out before the morning's past. It is appropriate, that in dealing with those foul witches, some ill should befall us, for darkness enjoys the company of darkness, and those who associate with it are often consumed. I only pray that when the time comes, I will see the evil for what it is.

Act 2 Scene 2 Macbeth I am spent. I cannot stomach this foul deed any longer. My hands, they drip with the blood of my innocent king, who now lies in never ending sleep in his bed. For him at least, there is peace, but for me, there can be no peace. My conscience rails at me, and body shakes and trembles, fighting me at every turn. My whole being screams at the injustice, but I must control myself. For if we are found out, then we are undone, and this whole venture shall be for naught. I cannot return to the chamber though. Lady Macbeth must wipe the blood on the guards instead, for I cannot bear to see my deed again. Will nothing cleanse me of this sin? I fear I will go mad before the dawn if I cannot find some form of solace. Act 2 Scene 3 Macduff Such a foul day has naught been seen in history past. Our lord, the King, is dead. Murdered by two traitorous guards. The winds and the earthquake cried out to us in the night, but we paid no attention. Nature itself cries out for vengeance against the murderer of God's anointed. There is an evil presence behind this plot, but who I cannot see, for surely the King has many enemies. It can only be revealed with time who the betrayer is. And when he is undone, he shall surely pay with his life if I must take it from him myself. Act 2 Scene 4 Ross A sad day it is. We now know that the betrayers were none other than Malcolm and Donalbain, who fled this very day from Scotland. They paid the guards to slay their own father and assure their throne. I can't imagine how they planned to share the kingdom though. It matters not. Macbeth is to be crowned king in Scone, and Duncan is laid to rest in Colmekill. His passing is marked with the most abnormal happenings. Horses devour each other in the stables, and the weather itself rages against mankind. And yet, Scotland may have hope, for our trust is laid in noble Macbeth. May he lead us fairly and with sound judgement.

Act 3 Scene 1 Macbeth Today, I secure my rightful place as King. I will remove any threat to my throne from the witches prophecy with one stroke. Banquo goes riding today, out in the country. I have dispatched two men to kill him and his son, Fleance, and thus end his line. No son of Banquo shall sit upon Dunsinane Hill while blood still flows in my veins. The men will do their job or die trying, for they are as much Banquo's enemies as I am. Then I will be able to return to my duties as king. But tonight shall be a night of feasting and merriment, though none shall know the occasion save me. Act 3 Scene 2 Lady Macbeth Macbeth has set in motion a deed that I had no part in, and I am surprised, yet somewhat encouraged by his attitude. He has taken the issue with Banquo into his own hands, and even as I write, Banquo's hour draws near. And yet, I fear that this murder has been to rash, too sudden after Duncan's murder to not seem suspicious. It may be that I am fretting for nothing, but we would not do well to lose our wits in this dangerous gambit. In any case, I must attend to the feast. And Mabeth must be present, so that our guests do not appear concerned. He must forget about Banquo for the time being and focus on his court. Act 3 Scene 3 Fleance Bloody cowards. Scoundrels and swine they are! They have murdered my father and forced me to flee the land. They attacked us in the dark like the cowards they are and took my father by surprise. I rage at my loss, but I must keep my wits. It would not help me to become reckless and die in vain. My father's death must be avenged. But first I must find out who sent those men. My mind races, but for now, I have to sleep. Tomorrow I must fly swiftly to safety.

Act 3 Scene 4 Lennox Something ails the king. It is not like him to ignore his guests at a feast. Usually he and the Lady are the best of hosts. But something is awry. During the feast he began shouting like a madman and trembling from some unseen force. Lady Macbeth assured us that he would be alright, but we fear for his sanity and health. These fits as she calls them surely cannot be indicative of a man in good health. I have resolved to keep a closer eye on the King. Hopefully something will present itself to us to better explain his condition. Act 3 Scene 5 Hecate Treacherous crones. They have defied my will and tampered with the future of a mortal. Macbeth, they call him. I must rectify this conundrum they have created with a little magic of my own. I will create a spell that will deceive Macbeth's reason and wisdom and make him foolish and overconfident. He will fear no man, for he shall think himself invincible. And when he does, he shall fall by his own arrogance. The future shall unfold , and we shall see that it will be set right with Macbeth's death. Act 3 Scene 6 Lennox Macduff has left for England. He seeks aid from the King, and from Malcolm, who is in sanctuary there. Meanwhile, I have met with the other lords, and we have discussed current events, and have decided to put our support behind Macduff. The way things have happened, there can be no doubt that Macbeth has been the cause of Scotland's turmoil. He is the true mastermind. He murdered Duncan, and planted the bloody daggers on the guards. He is also responsible for the death of noble Banquo. We cannot sit by and allow this tyrant to rule Scotland. We shall align ourselves with the true king, and pray to God that the righteous shall be victorious.

Act 4 Scene 1 Macbeth My fears have been confirmed. Macduff has gone to England to conspire against me. He returns with an army to take my throne. But I do not despair. The witches summoned apparitions which told me I could not be harmed by any man born of a woman. On top of that, they told me that I would not need fear until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. Hah! The woods have remained in their place since they first grew. I fear nothing. We will go to battle and defeat Macduff and his army. And I will finally be free from worry. We march in one weeks time. Act 4 Scene 2 Murderer Filthy little swine. Gave me a bruise on my cheek. King Macbeth sent us to eliminate the family of the traitor Macduff. When we arrived at the keep, the little bugger hit me in the face. We sorted him out. He'll never see his poor mummy again. When I stabbed him, his mother ran, the wench. We caught her and took care of her as well. Macduff will be in for a nasty surprise when he gets back from England. Won't he be surprised when he finds out he's got nothin' left to fight for? That'll teach him to betray the king. Act 4 Scene 3 Macduff Lord Malcolm is as wise as he is noble. I ventured to speak to him in England, to persuade him to make war against Macbeth. He began to state why he could never be king. To be honest, I had to agree with him. All the qualities he described were exactly that of Macbeth. I would never allow such madness as replacing one tyrant with a ruler equally as corrupt. When I told him this, he stood up and looked me in the eye. Then he told me he would join me. But, alas, cruel fate darkened my triumph by bringing me the worst of news. My wife and son have been slain, along with those in my castle. Curse the day Macbeth was born. We go to war, and I go to make vengeance with the one who has taken from me everything but my country.

Act 5 Scene 1 Doctor The good Lady Macbeth suffers from a most peculiar ailment as I have ever seen. She seems to be afflicted by some conscience-stricken form of mental agitation. She walks in her sleep, muttering to herself about spots and cleaning her hands. She seems to be ailing from a guilty heart rather than any medical condition. This is beyond my ability to cure. She would be better off seeing a priest than a surgeon such as myself. I can do nothing for a damaged soul, only recommend that she be watched day and night, for these sleepwalks seem benign for the moment, but who knows what might set off a violent reaction that may prove harmful to herself and others? Act 5 Scene 2 Lennox I have taken command of the various lords and their armies that have joined my cause against Macbeth. We make for Birnam Wood to meet with Malcolm and Macduff. We have pledged our support against the tyrant, and we shall fight to the death to free Scotland from Macbeth's crushing grip. No more shall we endure his oppression and mad rule. He shall feel the punishment for all the crimes and murders he has committed. The blood of his victims will rise and drown him as we crush his tyranny once and for all. We go to war. May God favor us all. Act 5 Scene 3 Macbeth Fools and cowards all of them. They come with their rebel armies to fight me? I am invincible. No man can harm me. My armies will ride forth and sweep them from Scotland like a the arm of a great giant, bearing judgment upon their treasonous souls. No man stands before Macbeth and has victory. As long as Birnam Wood stands rooted, I shall be the victor. I don my armor, and prepare for the coming of the traitorous legion. I will strike down all who oppose me. I am king, and as such, I rule by divine right. May God have mercy on those who conspire to overthrow me.

Act 5 Scene 4 Macduff Macbeth stays fortified upon Dunsinane Hill. He expects us to come and besiege the castle. He does not see that his men desert him daily. His forces are waning just as ours become stronger. His men join our side at the slightest opportunity. They have no faith in the tyrant. They do not stand behind him or his rule. We make no judgment of these men. They have been placed in a tough situation. We all must do the best with what we are given. These men have made the right choice and have lived to fight for the just cause. We welcome their aid as much as any other. Act 5 Scene 5 Macbeth The die is cast. The fates have predicted my downfall. I go forth against fate itself then. Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. And my army moves to confront Macduff's. Either I shall be victorious or I will die with my armor on in glorious battle. I cannot escape this destiny. The battle shall come whether I flee or not. I'd rather die fighting than running like a coward. No, no man respects a coward. I shall stand and face my enemy, even in death. But, with God as my witness, I will take as many of these curs with me as I can. No man shall ever forget the name Macbeth. Act 5 Scene 6 Macduff Forward we march. Clothed in the guise of trees. The enemy does not see us, but we are ready to strike. We will charge forth and take them by surprise. There will be much bloodshed today. When the trumpet sounds, we will make the legions of the traitor king pay for their support. And today, Macbeth shall fall in inglorious silence. His cry will not be heard and his plea will not be answered. May God turn his gaze from the mad king and make dark his final hours. He shall die, and I shall see to it. So do I swear. Act 5 Scene 7 Macduff The day is won. The tyrant is overthrown and his reign toppled. His body lies separated from his head, which is paraded around in victory. I am tired, and weary of this conflict. Now that the rightful heir sits upon the throne, I will be content. My vengeance is sated, but I return home to an empty castle. It is now time for me to grieve. I am a man with no purpose other than to serve now. My family and friends have all been killed and avenged. I have nothing left but to give my allegiance fully to my king and to my God. Now, I return home, and I shall sleep.


1. Disbursed Def: To pay out (from a fund) Act 1 Scene 2 Line 61 Till he disbursed at Saint Colme's Inch ten thousand dollars for our general use. 2. Aroint Def: Used in the imperative to express an order of dismissal Act 1 Scene 3 Line 8 Aroint thee witch! 3. Heath Def: An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor. Act 1 Scene 3 Line 78 Say from whence you owe this strange intelligence, or why upon this blasted heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting. 4. Enkindle Def: To incite; arouse Act 1 Scene 3 Line 123 That trusted home might enkindle you unto the crown. 5. Surmise Def: An idea or opinion based on insufficiently conclusive evidence; a conjecture Act 1 Scene 3 Line 144 6. Interim Def: An interval of time between one event, process or period and another. Act 1 Scene 3 Line 161 The interim have weighed it, let us speak our free hearts to each other. 7. Recompense Def: Amends made, as for damage or loss Act 1 Scene 4 Line 18 Thou art so far before that swiftest wing of recompense is slow to overtake thee. 8. Plenteous Def: Copious, abundant Act 1 Scene 4 Line 34 My plenteous joys, wanton in fullness, seek to hide themselves in drops of sorrow. 9. Compunctious Def: A strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt. Act 1 Scene 5 Line 35 Stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between the effect and it! 10. Dun Def: An almost brownish neutral gray to dull grayish brown. Act 1 Scene 5 Line 41 Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry 'Hold, hold!' 11. Martlet Def: An Old World bird (Delichon urbica) having blue-black plumage, white rump and underparts, and a forked tail. Act 1 Scene 6 Line 4 This guest of summer, the temple-haunting martlet, does approve, by his loved mansionry, that the heavens breath smells wooingly here.

12. Purveyor Def: One that furnishes provisions, especially food. Act 1 Scene 6 Line 22 We coursed him at the heels and had a purpose to be his purveyor; but he rides well, and his great love, sharp as his spur, hath holp him to his home before us. 13. Surcease Def: To bring or come to an end, stop. Act 1 Scene 7 Line 4 If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch with his surcease success; that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here, but here, upon this bank and shoal of time, wed jump the life to come. 14. Faculties Def: Inherent powers or abilities Act 1 Scene 7 Line 16 Besides, this Duncan hath born his faculties so meek... 15. Adage Def: A saying that sets forth a general truth and has gained credit through long use. Act 1 Scene 7 Line 45 the poor cat in the adage? 16. Wassail Def: The drink used in toasting, commonly ale or wine spiced with roasted apples and sugar Act 1 Scene 7 Line 64 ...with wine and wassail so convince... 17. Limebeck Def: Fumes from distillation of spirits Act 1 Scene 7 Line 67 That memory, the warder of the brain, shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason a limebeck only. 18. Repose Def: To lay at rest Act 1 Scene 8 Line 9 Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature gives way to in repose. 19. Largesse Def: Liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior; something so given Act 1 Scene 8 Line 13 He hath been in unusual pleasure, and sent for great largess to your offices. 20. Entreat Def: Negotiate Act 1 Scene 8 Line 22 Yet when we can entreat an hour to serve, we would spend some time on that business, if you would grant the time. 21. Cleave Def: To adhere to closely and firmly or loyally and unwaveringly Act 2 Scene 1 Line 24 If you shall cleave to my consent when tis, it shall make honor for you.

22. Franchised Def: Archaic: Free Act 2 Scene 1 Line 28 So I lose none in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear, I shall be counselled. 23. Dudgeon Def: A wood used especially for dagger hilts Act 2 Scene 1 Line 47 I see thee still, and on thy blade and dudgeon gouts of blood, which was not so before. 24. Surfeited Def: To indulge to satiety in a gratification Act 2 Scene 2 Line 7 The doors are open and the surfeited grooms do mock their charge with snores. 25. Incarnadine Def: Having the pinkish color of flesh Act 2 Scene 2 Line 62 No, this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green ones red.

Figurative Language

1. Simile But alls too weak, For brave Macbethwell he deserves that name Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valors minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave; Which ne'er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him, Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements. The words like valor's minion describe Macbeth as one favored by fortune, while the passage briefly describes Macdonwald's luck as a rebel's whore. It makes a great contrast between the two men. By this comparison, we know exactly who the true victor is and why, for Macbeth has fortune on its side, while luck merely toys with Macdonwald. 2. Simile Yes, as sparrows eagles, or the hare the lion. If I say sooth, I must report they were As cannons overcharged with double cracks, So they doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe. Except they meant to bathe in reeking wounds, Or memorize another Golgotha, I cannot tell But I am faint, my gashes cry for help. There are multiple similes in this passage that enrich its meaning. The comparison of of Macbeth and Banquo as mighty animals and their foes as weak creatures paints a picture in the readers mind of how Macbeth and Banquo reacted to King Norway's reinforcements. Next, the description of their attitudes as cannons overcharged with double cracks reinforces the thought that Macbeth and Banquo lept back into the fray with renewed effort. 3. Metaphor From Fife, great king, Where the Norweyan banners flout the sky And fan our people cold. Norway himself, with terrible numbers, Assisted by that most disloyal traitor, The thane of Cawdor, began a dismal conflict, Till that Bellonas bridegroom, lapped in proof, Confronted him with self-comparisons, Point against point, rebellious arm 'gainst arm, Curbing his lavish spirit; and to conclude, The victory fell on us. By describing Macbeth as Bellona's bridegroom, Shakespeare alludes to the Roman goddess of war. By this he means to speak of Macbeth as a mighty warrior dressed in his armor charging out to confront his foe. This furthers the opening scenes' depiction of Macbeth as a mighty and valiant warrior.

4. Personification Who was the thane lives yet, But under heavy judgment bears that life Which he deserves to lose. Whether he was combined With those of Norway, or did line the rebel With hidden help and vantage, or that with both He labored in his countrys wrack, I know not; But treasons capital, confessed and proved, Have overthrown him. Shakespeare uses personification in this instance to drive home the point that the Thane of Cawdor's own actions were the very things that convicted him. By aligning himself with Norway, he sealed his fate. Thus his doings came back, and defeated him, and overthrew all that he had. 5. Metaphor Glamis thou art, and Cawdor; and shalt be What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great, Art not without ambition, but without The illness should attend it. What thou wouldst highly, That wouldst thou holily; wouldst not play false, And yet wouldst wrongly win. Thou'ldst have, great Glamis, Lady Macbeth's description of Macbeth's kindness as milk is an apropos comparison. Milk is a sweet drink that humans enjoy everyday. Therefore, by describing his kindness as milk, Shakespeare links the two together, making kindness sweet and enjoyable. 6. Simile The raven himself is hoarse That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan Under my battlements. By comparing the messenger to a raven, with its hoarse call, Shakespeare brings an ominous mood to Duncan's arrival at Glamis. The crow is a scavenger bird that eats the leftovers from the carcasses of prey that predators leave behind. Thus it is often a sign of death or bad luck. Where there are crows circling, there usually is death. Such is true in this case, because the crow heralds Duncan's arrival and death at the same time. 7. Metaphor Upon my head they placed a fruitless crown And put a barren scepter in my grip, Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand, No son of mine succeeding. Shakepeare illustrates Macbeth's kingship as a fruitless crown and a barren scepter, which symbolize his heirless empire. He uses these symbols to paint a portrait of Macbeth's kingship as meaningless and empty, because it has no purpose. The visual representation that is brought to the readers mind is that of an empty field or a bare tree with no leaves.

8. Metaphor We have scorched the snake, not killed it. Shell close and be herself whilst our poor malice Remains in danger of her former tooth. Macbeth's comparison of the danger that Banquo and Fleance pose is an apt description. While they do not pose an imminent threat to Macbeth, they lie, as a snake, coiled, and could become dangerous at any second. Macbeth could not even kill the snake, because Fleance escaped. Now Macbeth is once again in danger of this snake's fangs. 9. Metaphor Thanks for that. There the grown serpent lies. The worm thats fled Hath nature that in time will venom breed; No teeth for th' present. Once again, Shakespeare uses snakes a symbol for danger. This time though, one snake lies dead. Banquo is Macbeth's greatest threat, for he is the one who sons will inherit the throne. But Fleance is lesser because he has not grown to become a danger to Macbeth yet. But in time, as Macbeth says, he will become more and more dangerous, and grow teeth and breed poison that he will direct at Macbeth. 10. Metaphor But Macbeth is. A good and virtuous nature may recoil In an imperial charge. But I shall crave your pardon. That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose. Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace, Yet grace must still look so. Shakespeare's comparison of Macbeth to an angel like that of Lucifer is another exposition on the fair is foul and foul is fair motif. Though angels are usually viewed as heavenly beings that bring the will of God, it is also true that Lucifer and his demons are angels as well. Macbeth was once a virtuous thane under Duncan, but since then, he has fallen and has become a greater evil than he was good.


1. When the Weird Sisters first tell Macbeth he would be Thane of Cawdor and soon king, he didn't believe them. I know what it is like to hear something that is too good to be true. Just like Macbeth, I trusted the words of someone when I knew that they were going to get me. Kyle recently tricked me into coming over to his truck and looking at a set of new speakers he bought. When I went over though, Nathan popped out of the trunk and sprayed me with a water gun, and then they drove off. Sometimes, when things are too good to be true, I need to trust my instincts. 2. I can relate to the feeling that Duncan's guards must have had right before Macbeth killed them. That feeling of I didn't do anything, why are you mad at me. My brother often leaves the toilet seat up, and he always blames it on me, saying, I didn't do it! Because he always says that first, my mom always blames me and gets mad. I've pretty much learned to just say Yes mom... and wait for her to stop yelling because there is no arguing with her. 3. I hate the feeling that I've done something so wrong that I feel like I'll never be right again. Its a horrible sinking feeling in your stomach that really makes you want to shrivel up and die. Macbeth must have been feeling this way right after he killed Duncan. I felt the same way when I missed a game winning free-throw in the end of the year tournament in eighth grade. I remember feeling like I screwed up so bad, that everyone would hate me until I died. The memory is still there, but I've learned to let my mistakes go, otherwise, I can't move forward. 4. When Macduff leaves to England, he must have been making a really hard decision. He knew that stopping Macbeth was the right thing to do, but it would have been so easy for him to go along with Macbeth's tyranny and remain one of his favorites, but he would know inside that he was doing the wrong thing. So he made the hard decision and did the right thing. Recently, I had to deal with a friend who wanted to go and do drugs with some people he knew from school. I had to tell him, straight up, that I wasn't going to be a part of it, and that if he went, I'd make sure his parents knew. I didn't want to have to give him an ultimatum, but I knew that his well being was more important than how much he hated me at that moment. 5. When you have nothing left to loose, you risk everything in order to do something meaningful. When Macduff lost his wife and son, he had nothing left but vengeance. He threw himself at Macbeth with everything he had because he had nothing to lose, but everything to gain. Football is a lot like that. When you're down and hurting, or getting beat, you have nothing left to lose, because you're already loosing. You just want to bring it back in the other teams face, so you throw yourself at every opponent, hoping that something will happen. And many times, you succeed. The other team will fumble or throw an interception, and suddenly, your team is back in the game. 6. When you hide your guilt, it doesn't go away. It eats away at you from the inside, until it breaks out and you can't control it any longer. Lady Macbeth tried to hide her guilt, and it drove her insane. Somtime ago, back in seventh grade, I lied at a vacation bible school and got a candy bar for it. At the time it was a big deal, but looking back, it was kind of pointless to do something like that. It took me three years to go back to the woman who was handing out the candy and apologize for what I did. All the while, I had to deal with my guilt at being a liar and a thief. Once I finally came clean, it felt like someone had taken a huge weight off my heart.


Sleep Sleep is one of the central motifs in the story of Macbeth. It is a symbol for peace, innocence, and also, vulnerability. Shakespeare develops this theme throughout the play by using it to represent these ideas through the actions of his characters. The most prominent are Duncan, Banquo, and Macbeth. Duncan is a just ruler of Scotland who bears the responsibility of his office with wisdom and fairness that Macbeth cannot hope to match. His sleep at the beginning of the play represents the sleep of the innocent, which Macbeth destroys. As he sleeps, he is also vulnerable, leaving himself in the care of Macbeth, whom he trusts. This vulnerable peace is murdered and thus his sleep becomes the sleep of the innocent dead, which also represents peace. The same applies to Banquo. Once Banquo is murdered, he sleeps where he has fallen, and the murderers say he is at peace. He does not have to deal with the world anymore, while Macbeth must accept all the consequences of his actions. Macbeth has murdered sleep and innocence, thus he has murdered peace. He now is cursed, and he cannot sleep peacefully nor live peacefully because of his guilt and his fear that somehow, his deeds will be punished. Quote 1: Methought I heard a voice cry, Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleepthe innocent sleep, Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of each days life, sore labors bath, Balm of hurt minds, great natures second course, Chief nourisher in lifes feast. Quote 2: Still it cried, Sleep no more! to all the house. Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor Shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more. Quote 3: Duncan is in his grave. After lifes fitful fever he sleeps well. Treason has done his worst; nor steel nor poison, Malice domestic, foreign levy, nothing Can touch him further. Quote 4: When Duncan is asleep Whereto the rather shall his days hard journey Soundly invite himhis two chamberlains Will I with wine and wassail so convince That memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason A limbeck only: when in swinish sleep Their drenchd natures lie as in a death, What cannot you and I perform upon The unguarded Duncan? What not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt Of our great quell?

Quote 5: Not so sick, my lord, As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies That keep her from her rest.
