Lucas's poem


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I am the Devil’s helper, Running his fiendish errands. Causing havoc and hassle, To your pathetic kind.

I coat your towns and villages,

Obscuring them from view. I disorientate hikers and walkers, Devouring them in the night.

My breath spreads,

Over your streets and houses, Clogging up your Window panes.

I strike at dawn and dusk, Spreading my wrath over your pitiful world.

Your feeble lights are no match,

For my astonishing powers. They flicker and fade in the dark of night,

Into nothing.

I came from a place you can’t understand, My held high and proud.

I will not give up, You’ll never see the last of me.

I am the nightmare

For drivers, the one they fear the most. You do not fear me as much, As my menacing friends.

But I will strike, You will know, Everyone will,

You’d better be ready.

By Lucas
